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1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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One thing I loved about the 90's was the overabundance of bootleg merchandise, T-Shirts in particular.

The myriad knock-off shirts with Bart Simpson were so common in the early 90's it even became a meme.

You also had a lot of other common targets of bootlegs such as Sonic, TMNT, Sailor Moon, and as always, the big name rock bands and rappers.

After copyright enforcement got more stringent, you did not see this type of stuff as often, not even at the usual venues like flea markets, gas stations, fairgrounds, and any town with a major tourist  trap nearby.
I remember whole shops in Florida in the late 1980's being full of design your own T-shirt bootleg merch...
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I don't know if any Europeans remember but those fake chink Bulls caps were fucking everywhere in the 90s, often times in the wrong color lol
Replies: >>3808
Late 90s, early 00s, used to go to Chinatown, look at bootleg dvds, and anime merch from the shiftiest vendors. Good times.
Bulls stuff was huge then. I've never followed any form of sportsball, but I think me or my younger brother might have had a Bulls sweatshirt or something when we were kids. It must be because of how big of a deal Michael Jordan was at that time.
Replies: >>3810
Yes, it was Jordan at his peak. However, the Bulls in the 90s were officially discussed as a Dream Team. Only sports news I have seen come close to how the Bulls were dominating in the 90s is Tom Brady and company in football.
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