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1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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Wanna watch some /retro/ TV? Check out https://www.my00stv.com/



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So, what are some of your favorite memories of the old internet?

Can be websites, memes, events or any other aspect of the days of Web 1.0 and 1.5

For a quick reference, here's what I would define as Web 1.0 and Web 1.5

>Web 1.0: Usenet, Geocities and Angelfire, AOL (1991-2001)
>Web 1.5: Early YouTube, ED, 4chan in its "wild west" days, MySpace, YTMND, Newgrounds and the peak years of dA and Fanfiction.net (2001-2008)

You also had cross-generation stuff like GameFAQs and IMDB which are still around today, although sadly IMDB's infamous message boards are gone
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One of my issues with Neocities is that they don't allow uploading ZIP archives. I fully understand and respect that decision, but it's still annoying having to upload my archives elsewhere. So far I've been uploading my files to Catbox, which is fast and dependable but randomizes file names. I also mirror everything on the Internet Archive, which is slow and unstable. Neither website is ideal...

So I went through the Neocities docs and made an interesting discovery: the website allows EPUB documents. This is interesting because the EPUB format is a subset of the ZIP format, which means EPUB documents are valid ZIP archives. So if I could repackage my ZIP archives as valid EPUB documents then I can upload them directly to Neocities... The only downside is the file extension; visitors will have to manually rename all archives they download. Thankfully there's a fix for that:
With some HTML magic I can create a download link that auto-renames the downloaded file to anything I want, as long as both the link and file are from the same origin. Problem solved!
Replies: >>4541
>they don't allow uploading ZIP archives. I fully understand and respect that decision
>if I could repackage my ZIP archives as valid EPUB documents then I can upload them directly to Neocities
;^) Good find anon, with IA's growing troubles this is a great option to have. I wonder if they actually check mimetypes at all?
Replies: >>4544
>I wonder if they actually check mimetypes at all?
I was curious about this as well so I checked the source, and the answer is yes:
  def self.valid_file_type?(uploaded_file)
    mime_type = Magic.guess_file_mime_type uploaded_file[:tempfile].path
    extname = File.extname uploaded_file[:filename]

    # Possibly needed logic for .dotfiles
    #if extname == ''
    #  extname = uploaded_file[:filename]

    return false unless valid_file_mime_type_and_ext?(mime_type, extname)
Source: https://github.com/neocities/neocities/blob/master/models/site.rb
Maybe it can fit there.
Nah. It went to hell instead of losing to the likes of Lowtax. Its a lame listicle site now. Looks like Funnyjunk won.

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I recently found out about Escargot (https://escargot.log1p.xyz/) which is a MSN Messenger revival project so let's have a thread about other projects to revive old software / games. There's also a really nice one for AIM too.
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>download and build povray
>sudo make install
>can't find it
>can use it via terminal but no GUI
>do more reading
>there is no GUI
>it is all text-based
well there goes the fun I was planning on having. time to get an old PowerPC Mac and that software that Jurgen Ziewe used.
Replies: >>2474 >>2476
I think you might be able to make stuff in Blender and then export it to POV-Ray. That POV-Ray artist in the "Modern /retro/ material that actually does it right" thread says he uses his own script, but there might be other options.  You might want to take a look at that thread again, even if you've read through it before. Maybe it'll help. I love the old Jurgen Ziewe art though.
Replies: >>2476
Hi, there have been GUI programs for POVRay in the past but they're all very outdated IIRC. The SDL (scene description language) may seem intimidating at first but is actually pretty simple and part of the fun personally. It's at least worth giving it a try.
That's right, Blender has the ability to render with POVRay 3 using the included addon, though sticking to the SDL helps keep renders period appropriate in terms of scope IMO. Tutorial anon's script is a simple wrapper that sets the necessary switches for rendering, for scene creation he uses the SDL as in his tutorials.
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I just found out about the Xfire revival project, man I used it all the time to track my games and to find CoD 2 servers, I'm so happy it's back even though I can't stand playing on PC anymore 
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All my AIM friends moved on. It wouldn't be the same without them.

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Post videos that capture what life was like in the 90s and 2000s

e.g. home videos, TV programs, news segments, documentaries etc.
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1992 Anime Expo San Jose, CA Video Footage Convention & Masqarade
This Footage is very rare and was extracted from an old VHS tape. Please enjoy and time stamp and interesting people or events you find while watching!
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I've filmed a little bit of original XBOX gameplay for an unrelated project, hope it fits the aesthetic.
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New York City March 17 2000
Video from St. Patrick's Day March 17, 2000
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Concorde's Take-off over the Neighbourhood
Video from user Maguirerichardson, Heathrow UK, 2003

By now a famous video showing a small glimpse of bri'ish everyday life in big city suburbs, many of the video's visual cues are pure early-00's.
Replies: >>4492
Jesus fuck imagine living there

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Anybody want to talk about the fanfiction scene of the 1990's and 2000's? 

That whole era was a big deal for us fanfic spergs. Before the internet, fanfic was very obscure even for nerd stuff.

The rise of the internet in the latter half of the 90's is when fanfiction started to take off and diversify.

The 2000's was a golden age of fanfiction in my opinion, with the heyday of FFN and things like Deviant Art being seen more as a novelty than a punchline.

Even 2000's badfic was sort of legendary. My Immortal and Christian Humber Reloaded are both mid-2000's time capsules in many ways.

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Is that show any good? I downloaded a torrent of it a while ago but never got around to watching it.
Replies: >>3640 >>3641
Looks wacky and unpleasantly perverse, but with some good points.
Replies: >>3641
One of my favorite shows, if not my #1 favorite. Like >>3640 says you'll either love it or hate it.
I remember watching a few episodes of Lexx as a kid, didn't really gravitate towards it at the time. I remember a few years ago coming across streams on CyTube and thought about actually giving a series a try. Definitely love the link you provided. Going to have to back up my HDD and make space and download some shows from that period, starting with Lexx.
I wonder, is Inuyasha worth trawling for fics?

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One thing I loved about the 90's was the overabundance of bootleg merchandise, T-Shirts in particular.

The myriad knock-off shirts with Bart Simpson were so common in the early 90's it even became a meme.

You also had a lot of other common targets of bootlegs such as Sonic, TMNT, Sailor Moon, and as always, the big name rock bands and rappers.

After copyright enforcement got more stringent, you did not see this type of stuff as often, not even at the usual venues like flea markets, gas stations, fairgrounds, and any town with a major tourist  trap nearby.
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Late 90s, early 00s, used to go to Chinatown, look at bootleg dvds, and anime merch from the shiftiest vendors. Good times.
Bulls stuff was huge then. I've never followed any form of sportsball, but I think me or my younger brother might have had a Bulls sweatshirt or something when we were kids. It must be because of how big of a deal Michael Jordan was at that time.
Replies: >>3810
Yes, it was Jordan at his peak. However, the Bulls in the 90s were officially discussed as a Dream Team. Only sports news I have seen come close to how the Bulls were dominating in the 90s is Tom Brady and company in football.
I got one of those bart simpson gulf war shirts haha
Replies: >>4439
Remember where you bought it?

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Looks like none of the images in the catalog work. Let's get a fresh thread in here, focused on computers!

I don't have pictures at the moment to share, but I got lucky today and picked up a nice big beige computer case. I'm assembling a new personal computer from parts that I got deals on, found in the junk heap, or that I was given by friends.

So, I guess it's not really a /retro/ computer, but it will be in a /retro/ case, and I plan to get an adapter which will let me use a 3.5" floppy disk drive in there. The adapter plugs into the floppy pins, and presents a USB interface to the motherboard. That adapter is under $10 USD.

In fact, I've seen an adapter card that will do the same but for 5.25" floppy disk drives. So, when I have more money, I should be able to have not only a 3.5" FDD, but a 5.25" FDD in my system, running alongside new solid state drives, Blu-Ray disc drives, and of course a few regular hard drives. It should be pretty fun.

Again, no pictures yet but I will share with you guys when I can. For now I'll just post one from my collection.

What have you guys been up to?
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That really shouldn't be hard to believe. Give me a second.
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Here you go. T40 Thinkpad, Pentium M, XP SP3. browser is MyPal. I heard there is a new version of the browser which I'll check out but the one I'm using now mostly works.
Replies: >>4344
Thanks, that really brought me back. My desktop in the earlier years was about as cluttered as yours if not more, but as I grew older I came to prefer a more clean desktop.
By the time I got on Windows 7 my desktop only had the recycle bin icon, which I eventually moved to My Computer, leaving me with a completely empty desktop.
Fun times!
Replies: >>4368
I used to be a clean desktop person, with just one or two icons, and at some point, for some reason, I stopped. It was around the same time I stopped using most applications in fullscreen mode. Now, I normally have a web browser open in windowed mode so I can see my beautiful wallpaper(s) behind it, and I like having a few icons on the desktop. On my main Windows 7 computer, I purposefully left out shortcuts that have icons I just think look nice. It's almost like decoration. In a way I treat the computer desktop in the same way I treat my real desktop, as a workspace that I use, and clean up afterwards, but some things stay on top. 

I have a folder on my desktop that's like a miscellanous drawer into which I occasionally sweep random junk that's accumulated on the desktop. And when I'm working on something on my computer I just dump files on the desktop instead of making a temp folder. And then at the end I delete what I no longer need and file things away. Now that I'm used to the way I do things I don't want to change. My desktop will remain somewhat messy. It's home.
Replies: >>4372
>I have a folder on my desktop that's like a miscellanous drawer into which I occasionally sweep random junk that's accumulated on the desktop
I do that too, although my desktop is also filled with tons of other crap. It's a mess.

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It has come to my attention that we don't have a wallpaper thread. Let's fix that.
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Just use >>536
Replies: >>4267
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Nice selection. A lot of these look really cool.

Nah. This is specifically for high-resolution images that would look good with desktop clutter spread all over them.
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Bliss, from a 600DPI scan of the film. Don't waste your time with 16:9 versions. the WTC wallpaper is one of my personal favorites.

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I know this is gonna sound weird, but you ever feel a sense of nostalgia for hentai you enjoyed from back in the day?

The 90's and 2000's had some good titles, and I'll include a lot of the 80's titles in this as well since most of them didn't get released in the West until the 90's or early 2000's.

IIRC, Legend of the Overfiend came out in 1987 in Japan but did not get a release in the West until 1993.

I think the first three parts of the Urotsukidoji OVA was the first hentai release in America ever.

Central Park Media took the different OVA installments of Urotsukidoji and edited them into four feature-length movies, the first of which got a limited theatrical release in the 90's.

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Replies: >>4250 + 3 earlier
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>>5 (OP) 
>you ever feel a sense of nostalgia for hentai you enjoyed from back in the day?
I'm ambivalent about it. I was growing up in the 00s so even a mediocre internet connection could get a young boy infinite pornography if he knew where to look. When I discovered SadPanda my life changed significantly and not in a good way. If we're just reminiscing about stuff that had strong impacts, then I think Asanagi's Victim Girls 3 defined most of my tastes.

One thing I do recall from my early years exploring erotic illustration is that the Japanese artists I saw tended to be a lot better at creating stuff with actual depth in it. Western comics seemed to be a lot more flat and dull by comparison, and I'm not sure if that was the result of worse art due to comics being mostly dead in the West or just due to different cultural values.
Replies: >>4264 >>4265
>not in a good way
I know that feeling. It's a hard habit to break, but not impossible. Just scoured the tabs from my browser bar a few artbooks and a pair of (non-pornographic) stories. Think I'll keep it that way.
Replies: >>4265
>It's a hard habit to break, but not impossible.
For what it's worth, I did so ~5 years ago, and the raciest thing I ever seek out now is
>a bunch of women with enormous tits running around on a beach
Replies: >>4266 >>4268
Inspirational. Been doing that for a year and a quarter at this point, hope I can manage as long as you have.
Replies: >>4268
I have made progress; when I was in high school and university I was spending at least an hour jerking off every day and these days I can go several days at a time without having much or any desire to do so as long as I keep myself busy. I just wish that I could have enough self-control to stop myself when I get into these deranged benders that take up an entire afternoon.

One thing I have noticed is that my tastes have seemed to become gradually less and less extreme, especially over the last couple of years, and my fantasies are now mostly focused on a single woman or myself and a single woman.

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The 2000's were arguably the last decade when children actually played with toys...
What toys did you have? What toys did you want? Share memories from visiting the big toy aisles, etc.
P.S. The size of the pictures does not indicate the importance/quality of the toys besides Action Man vs Max Steel..'cause Action man is better or you can argue otherwise.
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>Neat! I need to rewatch it too, I loved that show as a kid! I wonder if I would I still like it or find it dumb as an adult. I did began reading the original comic and quite enjoyed it so I imagine, I would like the show too. 
So far I've liked it despite the animation not holding up very well. With how regularly I watched the show when it was part of the Fox Kids lineup, it's definitely a trip down memory lane. I've heard there's a drop in quality after the first season, but I'm not to that point yet.
>I started rewatching a bit, both the 90's and Evolution cartoons and it really pains to me saying it, but X-Men is quite retarded. It truly feels heretic hating on X-Men which is quintessential 90's media piece, but it's so lame and stupid, I'm not even talking about the drama which is quite cringey like Jean, Wolverine and Cyclops are in their 20's and more and act like dumb teenagers, I'm talking about how X-Men characters  that have these OP powers like Storm and such and you don't see corporations and governments trying to abduct and recruit them, no, no, it's just the citizens fearing them and some random idiots forcing them to build something, imagine capturing Storm to build something instead of ,for example, using her power to cause famine in enemy country! Evolution is better than the 90's cartoon in the sense being less stupid with les
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Not sure if this counts, but here's some pics of a canceled Transformers toyline that I felt would've been super early 2000s if it came out. It was supposed to release after Beast Machines and would've continued its plot, but if you know what that was, it of course got scrapped sometime after the first prototypes were made.
Replies: >>4211 >>4212 >>4227
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>after the first prototypes were made
And speaking of, here they are! We got pics of Starscream and Cheetor. I believe Starscream was going to include electronics and as you can see, some of his joints were even going to be made of clear plastic. I'm pretty sure it would eventually degrade like a lot of clear plastic toys, but it does looks cool. Cheetor's pics include the steps for his transformation. Sadly, it's unfinished and we never got a look at his robot mode.
Replies: >>4212 >>4227
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I wonder if the movie designs would've been as polarizing if these had come out first
Replies: >>4227
Cool anon! It's always interesting to see cancelled toys/toy prototypes. 

I really dig Cheetor, he looks like really fun and awesome toy. 

>if this counts
It does, since it was meant to release in 2000's and you can just see the cool sleek 2000's futurism. 
>I wonder if the movie designs would've been as polarizing if these had come out first
Yes, since the movie designs are typical ugly grey greebled CGIshit of *2010's. The designs you post are so much cooler, smooth, sleek, colorful and have defined shapes that don't look like random scrap metal. 

*Yes the first movie was released in '07, but is still closer both in spirit and time to the 2010's.

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Started collecting these recently. I've uploaded everything I've got (160+ skins) to the Internet Archive.
Most skins were retrieved from Microsoft and The Skins Factory through the Wayback Machine, although some were obtained through other means. Enjoy.
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>They all seem to rely on Javascript
That explains some of the fancy widgets, you could probably still maintain most of their essence with recreations for other players though.
Replies: >>4123
>what would be a good GUI toolkit for this.
I would recommend SDL2, it's not exactly a "GUI toolkit" like Qt and GTK but it's probably the best fit for your project. SDL2 lets you create shaped windows and control rendering/input like you would when making a game or multimedia program, plus it's pretty lightweight and supports multiple platforms including Windows XP (!)

How important is the JS when rendering the skins? Just being able to map the play/pause/stop/etc buttons on each skin would be a good first step.
Replies: >>4124
Sounds good, I'll mess with it a bit and see if I can get it just to draw the basic skin at first. It'll just take some time for me to learn it.

>How important is the JS when rendering the skins? Just being able to map the play/pause/stop/etc buttons on each skin would be a good first step.
I don't think it's vital yet, there's specially-defined XML tags for basic playback controls (playbutton, pausebutton, etc) that don't use JS.
Does anyone know if its possible to retrieve the streaming radio list and station infomation from winamp/realplayer/wmp?
I want something like this for VLC. Not too many choices apparent so far.

Lol, google sucks now.

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