/retro/ - Y2K

1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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Wanna watch some /retro/ TV? Check out https://www.my00stv.com/



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Which ones are your favorites?

Pic related
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I've been rewatching Malcolm in the Middle over the last couple months and it's aged like wine. Not only is the whole vibe and aesthetic completely bang on for the late 90s/early 00s Y2K era, the cultural foundations of what good and bad were had yet to completely rot away. Malcolm is a gifted kid who hates his family but also wants to escape them because they act like idiots, his older brother Reese beats him up and wears too much hair gel, and his parents are both working shitty jobs just to make ends meet.

Francis, the oldest son who caused the most trouble, starts the series in military school, then hitchhikes to Alaska, then gets married to an Inuit woman, gets rich from a land buyout and drives down to somewhere in the desert and finds an eccentric German man who owns a dude ranch, gets hired as foreman with zero experience, and goes from being an immature whiny bitch ranting into a phone receiver to a man with a job who has real responsibilities. His character arc is incredible, funny, and genuine - and he's not even the main character.

I'm six seasons in now and there genuinely hasn't been a single bad episode, which is more than I can say for many other long-running series. One thing I'd forgotten about the show is how cartoony and out-of-left-field a lot of the jokes and story beats could be. You get a good mix of wordplay, visual gags, and dramatic irony in almost every episode.
Replies: >>4613 >>4614
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The subtle background continuity for each of the characters had great payoffs in later seasons.
- Malcolm goes from middle school to high school to considering college and potentially getting into foreign exchange programs.
- Reese discovers he's an incredibly gifted cook, but has more fun beating up nerds so he squanders his potential.
- Dewey gets put into a class for emotionally stunted kids and turns to music in order to have some kind of emotional vent.
- Hal's company gets investigated for CEO embezzlement and everyone conspires to pin the blame on him, but because he's been such a bad employee over the years he physically couldn't have done what he's been accused of.

I think the only real exception to this is Lois getting pregnant and having another kid, although I suspect that was due to Jane Kaczmarek having a kid IRL.
Replies: >>4614
The webms only have background music and sound effects, no speech... Are they supposed to be like that?
Replies: >>4617
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Must be a browser issue on your end. They played fine on my machine in MPV.net and the opera.webm is working on LibreWolf when I play it here. 

joke.mp4 and eggs.mp4 don't load for me, either inline or when viewing the source. Perhaps these webms will work.
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They're all playing for me now.

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Merry Christmas. I'm an anon from 8chan, and we are organizing our inter-board Christmas event. This project aims to gather around anons from different imageboard and anonymous communities from all around internet during a weekend and celebrate Christmas together. The planned date is December 14 and 15 and it's going to be here [redacted] you can make your "embassy" thread talking about your IB, its history and local memes.

I hope to see you there. If you have any other questions please make me know, I'll be more than grateful to answer.
Last edited by goat

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Fuck that place just go to >>>/christmas/

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Does anyone want to do this? I'm ambivalent about interboard events.

We're a bunch of 30-50-year-old guys who remember when the world used to be better and the internet used to have cool stuff on it. We used to be hosted on anon.cafe but came here when that place decided to shut down.

Anything you have kicking around in your reaction image folder from 20+ years ago should do it.
Replies: >>4610
Mods are asslickers
That Christmas board is stolen from the original organizers and is being run in bad faith. Original organizers are on 8moe.
Replies: >>4608
>is being run in bad faith
>says the markchan shill from a literal honeypot 
That's cute. Now fuck off.
Replies: >>4610
The guy is not wrong. I hosted the /christmas/ event back on 2022, I moved it to 8moe last year because it would get more visibility there and it would be easier to set things in motion among other reasons. The current owner of trashchan's /christmas/ is just one guy who took over the board last minute and later moved it here, which is not wrong, that's totally fine by me, what I do think it's not okay is that he pretends his board is the only legitimate continuation and steering shit to any other alternatives and the same time, pretending I'm the one taking over a project last minute when in reality it's the other way around. Therefore it's run in bad faith.
That being said, I don't have any personal grudges against that guy, I'm just making things clear.
It's fine, the point of the event is to set aside our differences for a couple of hours and have fun, imageboard communities trend to be too hermetic IMO, therefore I think it's a great idea to set something like this in the spirit of Christmas, just for a couple of hours every year, that doesn't sound like a lot, does it?

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A thread for artwork and content of anthropomorphic animals characters (or "furries") from the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Sources are encouraged.

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I don't have time to go into too much detail, but Atlyss released a few weeks ago into Early Access on Steam. It's a one man dev project making a game taking a lot of cues from 6th gen game aesthetics, MMO worlds, and kemono/anime aesthetics with solo offline and multiplayer online play. The character creator is really robust and you have five playable races (dog people, kobolds, bird people, rat people, and midna imps) with a lot of customization including boob, ass, and even belly sliders. There are jiggle physics where you'd expect, but they go beyond simple fetish fuel since your characters' ears and tails will actually be affected by the armor and items you equip. Also, there's a /taunt emote where your character slaps their ass.

The dev is a NSFW artist who initially started the project as your typical furry ERP vaporware, but he shifted to a suggestive-but-SFW style partway through development. It seems to have worked out for him. My only real problem with the game is how literal it is about MMO style world and quest design, for although it can be a lot of fun to explore these vast empty worlds filled with cartoony enemies, the questing leaves a lot to be desired. I'm a former WoW addict and I can say confidently this game reminds me of the numbing brain fuzz I felt while I played WoW.

>accept quest from quest giver in hub area
>teleport to dungeon
>get gear checked and die
>try dungeon on lower difficulty
>goal: collect 10 skeleton bones, kill 5 ghosts, acquire 15 mushrooms
>reality: 8 skeleton bones, 4 ghosts killed, 13 mushrooms
>run dungeon again, getting different layout
>finally finish quest and turn it in
>immediately presented with the same quest again; flavor text is "well, those undead are quite a nuisance, aren't they? seems you may have to clear them out some more..."
>desire to play game deflates

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Replies: >>4602 >>4604
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Your link was busted, fuzzball.
That aside, making into a straight game was probably a better idea. Balancing the porn with gameplay is a rough task, and honestly far from necessary.
Replies: >>4605
So use a different invidious instance like inv.nadeko.net or something, or use yt-dlp to download the video. I don't post direct links to YouTube. Fuck YouTube.

>balancing the porn with gameplay
Yeah, by having gameplay first in the same way that old (actual) games did, the dev clearly demonstrates that he wants people to take it seriously instead of just being a pandering porn game. Furries making porn games have a tendency to make things hypersexual but not titillating, and Atlyss accomplishes the opposite by being incredibly horny but not explicit.

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My grandfather introduced me to "All in the Family" the other day, and I started binge watching it out of a sense of...how edgy it was.  Like this is something that would not come out today.
Some time ago, I was reading some old Usenet posts and thought, "Holy cow, how did this not get banned/deleted?"  Post/users like that would just immediately get scrubbed now.
I recently saw "Freddie Got Fingered" and was kind of amazed that that was in theaters.

Was the 90s more tolerant than today?  Was everything really this edgy?  Or is this some sort of weird survival bias?  The only thing today that I can think of that comes anywhere close is Southpark, but I'm not sure that counts because Southpark came out in the 90s.
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Replies: >>4581 + 2 earlier
Bold to assume that degree of sex-positivity will be permitted in public debauchery.
Replies: >>4548
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Yeah, ahead of its time
Replies: >>4581
Yes. We actually live in really prude times now and people don't seem to be aware of it. The 80s and 90s were sexually a lot more open. The pearl clutching started in the late 90s and accelerated in the 00s.
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>>4516 (OP) 
Browsing Negrogrounds and what the fuck happened? Since when it was fine to accept the crayon eating tards at Deviantart with open arms? Both sites were the opposite of each other and now they're the same shit?

You forced faggotry onto others, they'll snap, it's an endless cycle of the weak destroying shit and future generations will redo their shit until hey get burned out.
Replies: >>4583
Newgrounds was losing relevance after the death of flash, so when Deviantart and Tumblr went to shit NG pivoted to being the "alternative" art website. Come to think of it NG was always full of degenerates so I'm not too worried about them, I would only worry about the censorship culture that permeated DA/Tumblr seeping into NG.

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I recently found out about Escargot (https://escargot.log1p.xyz/) which is a MSN Messenger revival project so let's have a thread about other projects to revive old software / games. There's also a really nice one for AIM too.
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>download and build povray
>sudo make install
>can't find it
>can use it via terminal but no GUI
>do more reading
>there is no GUI
>it is all text-based
well there goes the fun I was planning on having. time to get an old PowerPC Mac and that software that Jurgen Ziewe used.
Replies: >>2474 >>2476
I think you might be able to make stuff in Blender and then export it to POV-Ray. That POV-Ray artist in the "Modern /retro/ material that actually does it right" thread says he uses his own script, but there might be other options.  You might want to take a look at that thread again, even if you've read through it before. Maybe it'll help. I love the old Jurgen Ziewe art though.
Replies: >>2476
Hi, there have been GUI programs for POVRay in the past but they're all very outdated IIRC. The SDL (scene description language) may seem intimidating at first but is actually pretty simple and part of the fun personally. It's at least worth giving it a try.
That's right, Blender has the ability to render with POVRay 3 using the included addon, though sticking to the SDL helps keep renders period appropriate in terms of scope IMO. Tutorial anon's script is a simple wrapper that sets the necessary switches for rendering, for scene creation he uses the SDL as in his tutorials.
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I just found out about the Xfire revival project, man I used it all the time to track my games and to find CoD 2 servers, I'm so happy it's back even though I can't stand playing on PC anymore 
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All my AIM friends moved on. It wouldn't be the same without them.

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Anybody want to talk about the fanfiction scene of the 1990's and 2000's? 

That whole era was a big deal for us fanfic spergs. Before the internet, fanfic was very obscure even for nerd stuff.

The rise of the internet in the latter half of the 90's is when fanfiction started to take off and diversify.

The 2000's was a golden age of fanfiction in my opinion, with the heyday of FFN and things like Deviant Art being seen more as a novelty than a punchline.

Even 2000's badfic was sort of legendary. My Immortal and Christian Humber Reloaded are both mid-2000's time capsules in many ways.

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Is that show any good? I downloaded a torrent of it a while ago but never got around to watching it.
Replies: >>3640 >>3641
Looks wacky and unpleasantly perverse, but with some good points.
Replies: >>3641
One of my favorite shows, if not my #1 favorite. Like >>3640 says you'll either love it or hate it.
I remember watching a few episodes of Lexx as a kid, didn't really gravitate towards it at the time. I remember a few years ago coming across streams on CyTube and thought about actually giving a series a try. Definitely love the link you provided. Going to have to back up my HDD and make space and download some shows from that period, starting with Lexx.
I wonder, is Inuyasha worth trawling for fics?

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One thing I loved about the 90's was the overabundance of bootleg merchandise, T-Shirts in particular.

The myriad knock-off shirts with Bart Simpson were so common in the early 90's it even became a meme.

You also had a lot of other common targets of bootlegs such as Sonic, TMNT, Sailor Moon, and as always, the big name rock bands and rappers.

After copyright enforcement got more stringent, you did not see this type of stuff as often, not even at the usual venues like flea markets, gas stations, fairgrounds, and any town with a major tourist  trap nearby.
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Late 90s, early 00s, used to go to Chinatown, look at bootleg dvds, and anime merch from the shiftiest vendors. Good times.
Bulls stuff was huge then. I've never followed any form of sportsball, but I think me or my younger brother might have had a Bulls sweatshirt or something when we were kids. It must be because of how big of a deal Michael Jordan was at that time.
Replies: >>3810
Yes, it was Jordan at his peak. However, the Bulls in the 90s were officially discussed as a Dream Team. Only sports news I have seen come close to how the Bulls were dominating in the 90s is Tom Brady and company in football.
I got one of those bart simpson gulf war shirts haha
Replies: >>4439
Remember where you bought it?

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Looks like none of the images in the catalog work. Let's get a fresh thread in here, focused on computers!

I don't have pictures at the moment to share, but I got lucky today and picked up a nice big beige computer case. I'm assembling a new personal computer from parts that I got deals on, found in the junk heap, or that I was given by friends.

So, I guess it's not really a /retro/ computer, but it will be in a /retro/ case, and I plan to get an adapter which will let me use a 3.5" floppy disk drive in there. The adapter plugs into the floppy pins, and presents a USB interface to the motherboard. That adapter is under $10 USD.

In fact, I've seen an adapter card that will do the same but for 5.25" floppy disk drives. So, when I have more money, I should be able to have not only a 3.5" FDD, but a 5.25" FDD in my system, running alongside new solid state drives, Blu-Ray disc drives, and of course a few regular hard drives. It should be pretty fun.

Again, no pictures yet but I will share with you guys when I can. For now I'll just post one from my collection.

What have you guys been up to?
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That really shouldn't be hard to believe. Give me a second.
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Here you go. T40 Thinkpad, Pentium M, XP SP3. browser is MyPal. I heard there is a new version of the browser which I'll check out but the one I'm using now mostly works.
Replies: >>4344
Thanks, that really brought me back. My desktop in the earlier years was about as cluttered as yours if not more, but as I grew older I came to prefer a more clean desktop.
By the time I got on Windows 7 my desktop only had the recycle bin icon, which I eventually moved to My Computer, leaving me with a completely empty desktop.
Fun times!
Replies: >>4368
I used to be a clean desktop person, with just one or two icons, and at some point, for some reason, I stopped. It was around the same time I stopped using most applications in fullscreen mode. Now, I normally have a web browser open in windowed mode so I can see my beautiful wallpaper(s) behind it, and I like having a few icons on the desktop. On my main Windows 7 computer, I purposefully left out shortcuts that have icons I just think look nice. It's almost like decoration. In a way I treat the computer desktop in the same way I treat my real desktop, as a workspace that I use, and clean up afterwards, but some things stay on top. 

I have a folder on my desktop that's like a miscellanous drawer into which I occasionally sweep random junk that's accumulated on the desktop. And when I'm working on something on my computer I just dump files on the desktop instead of making a temp folder. And then at the end I delete what I no longer need and file things away. Now that I'm used to the way I do things I don't want to change. My desktop will remain somewhat messy. It's home.
Replies: >>4372
>I have a folder on my desktop that's like a miscellanous drawer into which I occasionally sweep random junk that's accumulated on the desktop
I do that too, although my desktop is also filled with tons of other crap. It's a mess.

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It has come to my attention that we don't have a wallpaper thread. Let's fix that.
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Just use >>536
Replies: >>4267
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Nice selection. A lot of these look really cool.

Nah. This is specifically for high-resolution images that would look good with desktop clutter spread all over them.
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Bliss, from a 600DPI scan of the film. Don't waste your time with 16:9 versions. the WTC wallpaper is one of my personal favorites.

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I know this is gonna sound weird, but you ever feel a sense of nostalgia for hentai you enjoyed from back in the day?

The 90's and 2000's had some good titles, and I'll include a lot of the 80's titles in this as well since most of them didn't get released in the West until the 90's or early 2000's.

IIRC, Legend of the Overfiend came out in 1987 in Japan but did not get a release in the West until 1993.

I think the first three parts of the Urotsukidoji OVA was the first hentai release in America ever.

Central Park Media took the different OVA installments of Urotsukidoji and edited them into four feature-length movies, the first of which got a limited theatrical release in the 90's.

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Replies: >>4250 + 3 earlier
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>>5 (OP) 
>you ever feel a sense of nostalgia for hentai you enjoyed from back in the day?
I'm ambivalent about it. I was growing up in the 00s so even a mediocre internet connection could get a young boy infinite pornography if he knew where to look. When I discovered SadPanda my life changed significantly and not in a good way. If we're just reminiscing about stuff that had strong impacts, then I think Asanagi's Victim Girls 3 defined most of my tastes.

One thing I do recall from my early years exploring erotic illustration is that the Japanese artists I saw tended to be a lot better at creating stuff with actual depth in it. Western comics seemed to be a lot more flat and dull by comparison, and I'm not sure if that was the result of worse art due to comics being mostly dead in the West or just due to different cultural values.
Replies: >>4264 >>4265
>not in a good way
I know that feeling. It's a hard habit to break, but not impossible. Just scoured the tabs from my browser bar a few artbooks and a pair of (non-pornographic) stories. Think I'll keep it that way.
Replies: >>4265
>It's a hard habit to break, but not impossible.
For what it's worth, I did so ~5 years ago, and the raciest thing I ever seek out now is
>a bunch of women with enormous tits running around on a beach
Replies: >>4266 >>4268
Inspirational. Been doing that for a year and a quarter at this point, hope I can manage as long as you have.
Replies: >>4268
I have made progress; when I was in high school and university I was spending at least an hour jerking off every day and these days I can go several days at a time without having much or any desire to do so as long as I keep myself busy. I just wish that I could have enough self-control to stop myself when I get into these deranged benders that take up an entire afternoon.

One thing I have noticed is that my tastes have seemed to become gradually less and less extreme, especially over the last couple of years, and my fantasies are now mostly focused on a single woman or myself and a single woman.

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