/retro/ - Y2K

1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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I can feel it in the air, it's going to come back. I can already see rumblings of it.
>big(ish) name jewtubers uploading remixes/parodies of eurodance songs
>more and more people discovering the Y2K/Metalheart aesthetic and making their own versions of it
>gen z realizing that nu-vidya fucking sucks dick and going back to 5th and 6th gen consoles for fun games and seeing artystyles/music that actually stand out instead of minimalism and nigbonics rap
obviously however as we all know they're going to fucking butcher it like they did with 80s shit (dude neon pink and purple and synths and lasers lmao), so enjoy it while you can. once they fuck it up for the next ten years they'll move onto their next artstyle to destroy like the locusts they are. we're too small and non-influential to enact pic related, so your two options are
>do nothing (what you'll probably do)
>make art/music/games that actually pay homage to that time period instead of butchering it (what you should do)
i am working on the latter, learning how to maek gaym in the process and hopefully get something put out in the next couple of years. what about you? how are you preparing for the resurgence?
A few days ago I was looking at Y2K related videos on youtube and it was full of tiktok compilations of teenage girls discovering Y2K fashion.
Also it looks like pixelshit is finally coming to an end, I'm looking forward to more games with PS1 aesthetics, even though they will be completely devoid of soul.
Replies: >>2225 >>2239
>>2221 (OP) 
Y2K aesthetic is definitely on the rise, especially now that the generation who were kids during the 90s/00s are old enough to nostalgiafag over it... Sure, I expect it to be bastardized to high heaven like all other retro aesthetics, but I think the 80s will never truly die. The 80s will keep getting milked for generations to come, even kids nowadays are nostalgiafagging over the decade, believe it or not.
>make art/music/games that actually pay homage to that time period instead of butchering it (what you should do)
Way ahead of you, I already posted some of my OC on this board. There's still much room to explore old aesthetics creatively.
>learning how to maek gaym
Nice, what are you studying at the moment?
>how are you preparing for the resurgence?
I simply don't think about it. I don't watch tv nor jewtube, and I don't have any kind of social media, so I rarely get exposed to such trends.

>I'm looking forward to more games with PS1 aesthetics, even though they will be completely devoid of soul.
What's the matter anon? Don't you like gigabyte-sized walking simulators made in Unity™? :^)

Who got >>2222?
Replies: >>3714
I rather Y2K resurge be low-key like the Neo-70's era of the 00's instead of the homosexualized version of the Neo80's.
Some old stuff is already expensive like frameless sunglasses and old digital cameras. Plus 00's was the last era of hot chicks used as promo material, that kind of stuff will absolutely get butchered in some way or another.

Nothing like the old stuff unless it's made by old hands with no prone to advocating new eyes.
>Nice, what are you studying at the moment?
I was doing Stencyl for the longest time but after seeing how difficult it is to do simple tasks and realizing i was spending more time fighting the engine I've switched to Godot. Don't know the best way to learn GDScript and I'm already encountering issues but I think that once I get going it should go smoothly.
Replies: >>2229
Were you on zzz's /v/agdg/? Either way, I think it helps a lot to have general programming knowledge with a real programming language before attempting to use an engine one. I personally recommend Python as it's an easy language to learn and has simple syntax, anyone can learn it even kids.
Replies: >>2230
I've already taken a basic Python online tutorial and I understand the basics, it's the syntax and how everything works together that's always killed me.
It's a damn shame that Y2K nostalgia is going to play out the same way 90s nostalgia did. All about products and fads, nothing of the way we thought and behaved. Closest we'll get is people saying "member the old internet?" and just posting pictures of old anime fanart and memes, when they could be making a push to bring back messageboards and such. Then again your average tiktok influencer can't feel like a celebrity on messageboards.

And even if there was a demand for forums, there'd be a corporate-made Proboards-esque site with all manner of anti-wrongthink measures. On forums everyone gets an equal chance to be heard because posts are sorted linearly, without follower counts or upboats to give a voice only to popular posts and drown out the rest. A nu-forum would subvert this without a doubt.

>Also it looks like pixelshit is finally coming to an end
I wonder if there'll be a meta-nostalgia period where pixelshit makes a comeback. The 00s were when indie games like Cave Story and VVVVVV started popping up, and they're old enough now to where some people feel nostalgia for them I know I do, so who knows. Or it'll just be like it is now where the only pixelshit that makes it big is from people with pull in the retrogaming cliques.
Replies: >>2260
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yeah, ive been seeing people at bars lately in y2k style (girls with small rectangular glasses) and gay guys in fishnet shirts with blonde hair. 
On a related note, I saw someone in a style that reminded me of y2k but I'm not 100% sure what its called. They weren't asian but its a look I've seen on younger Japanese guys (like younger yakuza guys?) It consisted of blonde hair, small earrings, baseball cap, sporty jacket and ripped pants with sneakers. (pic rel: middle character from A Family (2020)). I consider the classic Yakuza look to be very Y2K IMO, especially in movies where they roll around in early 2000s Lexus/Toyotas
Replies: >>2244 >>2260 >>3852
most of that is coming from some kpop group called BTS, they're hueg in korea and it's leaking over here as well. generally trends tend to resurface in 20 year periods with a new twist, so it's not that surprising.
Replies: >>2245
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It was indeed similar to KPop groups all though this was more closely Japanese with the designs they had (crosses) and overall tackiness of the outfit. 
Here's another example from Outrage (2010)
>>2221 (OP) 
>I can feel it in the air, it's going to come back. I can already see rumblings of it.
I am starting to notice this more lately, and it makes me unhappy.
Replies: >>2257
Wondering how can some fight this off.
Replies: >>2258
Is such a thing even possible?
Replies: >>2260
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>the same way 90s nostalgia did
Has there been a lot of 90s nostalgia?  I know people miss good old video games, but I haven't seen any of the broader 90s cultural touchstones like:
- trenchcoats and sunglasses
- katanas and pistols
- black leather everywhere
Perhaps "school shooter chic" is only cool to me, but I seem to recall an absolute tonne of dudes with trenchcoats and twin pistols in fiction after The Matrix released.

>a style that reminded me of y2k but I'm not 100% sure what its called
It kind of reminds me of skater/extreme sports fashion, which was popular during the early 00s.  Ripped/torn clothing to indicate that you're cool mixed with designer jackets and other expensive things to indicate that you're wealthy.

I genuinely believe in meme magic/the collective unconscious of the human race, so I think it could be done if we had enough esoteric wise men to act as fonts of human psyche, but I think this board is far too small for that, sadly.
Replies: >>2261 >>2656
>Has there been a lot of 90s nostalgia?  I know people miss good old video games, but I haven't seen any of the broader 90s cultural touchstones
I feel the same way. The faux-'90s shit has been a lot more toned down than the nu-'80s equivalents, and yet I've been seeing people mentioning how big stuff from the '90s has been for years now. I have noticed some of the fashion coming back lately, like curtain cuts and baggier fits, but it doesn't seem anywhere near as saturated as the '80s-inspired stuff has been. Maybe it's taking its time, since the '80s thing has been ongoing since the 2000s and ended up really exploding in the 2010s.
>I genuinely believe in meme magic/the collective unconscious of the human race, so I think it could be done if we had enough esoteric wise men to act as fonts of human psyche, but I think this board is far too small for that, sadly.
I actually agree, now that you mention that possibility.
Music wise with electronic music people have suddenly revived all the styles and aesthetics that everybody just abandoned in the 90s due to the extreme evolution that was happening back then. So now Jungle and Trance are back in a big way. People are rediscovereing these vibes and realising it was absurd to just ditch them in the first place but hey that's usually how it goes.
Replies: >>2657
>- trenchcoats and sunglasses
>- katanas and pistols
>- black leather everywhere

That's late-90s in specific, and I don't think that'll make much of a comeback since it evokes memories of the Columbine shooters. Also katanas and trenchcoats reek of that fedora meme that was all over the place last decade.
In England - especially London - it never went away
tell anons does this sound bastardized

Replies: >>2862 >>2879
Sounds alright but not Y2K
What even is y2k retrowave?

I was a baby in 1998 and dont know what particularly stands out from those days other than blocky computer graphics and jungle or emo music
Replies: >>2864
oh and baggy jeans and oversized coats/hoodies
Anons how does it feel that Y2K and others like it will be bastardized?
Replies: >>2871 >>2874
thats why I think we need to make clear what is true retro and what is going to be the obvious throwback tacky retro like

>oohh do you 'member friendship bracelets and windows vista???
Replies: >>2872 >>2878
in other to do that we also need to are homework to know what true retro. Making general tread with a repository of info on what you need etc is good place to start and as well spreading that that info helps as well.
Replies: >>2875
I don't really care about that since everything ends up being bastardized sooner or later. I just focus on the things that I like, whether they be old or new.
True retro is recession caused by oil shortages
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>we need to make clear what is true retro
Is this your first day here or what
Replies: >>2880
I could be wrong, but I don't think that kind of sidechaining on the drums was common until after the Y2K period. If that's the case, then it's not really authentic if that's what you're getting at.
you cant even give me a simple list of retro stuff? faggot
Replies: >>2881 >>2882 >>2899
>you cant even give me a simple list of retro stuff?
Most of human history :^)
Replies: >>2883
What the hell do you need a list for? 5 minutes of lurking here and you can easily tell what you can and can't post on this board.
Replies: >>2883

just fukkin wid yous
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>so did the people in charge of making it.
Good riddance, the /co/ threads where unironically quite enjoyable though.
The way things are going backyard bunkers will probably be popularized again.

>you cant even give me a simple list of retro stuff?
The original Blundstone boot before ((( international ))) corporations, Chinks, and fashion fags put their filthy heathen hands unto them.

Blundstones literally only exist because some autistic German wanted to make something purely utilitarian and comfy and hated the idea of offering any other color other than the natural color of leather.
Add that to your list.

That said I wonder what the best alternative Blund theme boot is? Since the patient ran out very long ago meaning anyone can make the things now. I'd love a well made pair of Blunds made here in the JewSA states such as Idaho or from one of the less retarded South American countries like Paraguay since the days of Hans making them is over.
Replies: >>2904
I just stick to used leather chukkas personally.
>>2221 (OP) 
>>make art/music/games that actually pay homage to that time period instead of butchering it 
That's the issue: Most people that are supposed to make retro-style art/music/games are still using modern era aesthetic and philosophy. Especially to stuff made by ESG-pandering Westernfags or Westernfags that get it wrong what makes a media actually retro-style.
ManlyBadassHero routinely brings out indie horror titles big and small which draw from those days. 

There's even a HOI4  mod called Twilight of the Anthropocene which old msn-style news pages to get across events. Think there was another one in development with similar ideas of presentation.

So it's happening. Any other finds you can see?
>>2221 (OP) 
A "generation" (I hate this whole concept but it can be useful) is generally considered to last 25 years, thus I bet on the resurgence (and bastaridzation) of Y2K on the year 2025
>The 80s will keep getting milked for generations to come, even kids nowadays are nostalgiafagging over the decade, believe it or not.

Sadly, this.

The 1980's are the new 1950's. 

From the early 1970's up until around 2010 or so, the 1950's/early 1960's was the go-to "retro" era for stereotypical normie nostalgia-fagging and now the 1980's is being treated the same way
Do you seriously not remember what visual kei was? Bands like psycho le cemu and malice mizer?
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