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1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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Wanna watch some /retro/ TV? Check out https://www.my00stv.com/



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You're invited,
Come on over for drinks, snaxxs, and shitposting
See you there!

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This is copied and pasted from another forum, but, I'd like to start off with it.
Here's a timeline of the beginning of the death of retro internet until now:
2004: DARPA's Lifelog project was "cancelled." Facebook came into being soon after.
2004-2012: NSA picked up DARPA's project under the "Total Informational Awareness" project. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/23/opinion/whos-watching-the-nsa-watchers.html 
2012: Smith-Mundt Modernization Act gives the U.S. government full legal authority to use propaganda against its own populace. Undoing rules put into place after Operation Mockingbird's discovery and the Church Committee. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/23/opinion/whos-watching-the-nsa-watchers.html 
2012-2016: Shittons of DARPA/NSA contracts were given to Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc..
2016: Leaked memos dating back to 2016 (found in 2018) of Google's Selfish Ledger project. https://invidio.us/watch?v=LUSZfEBTwRc 
2016: Google released a bunch of neural-linguistic machine learning programs in 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Neural_Machine_Translation 
2017: deepfake leaks start to become released.
2018: confirmed that for decades now, Reddit/Youtube/etc. vote and view counts are fake and completely manipulated. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/12/how-much-of-the-internet-is-fake.html 
In short, the U.S. government is engaging in an artificial intelligence powered gaslighting of the entire world population.
/end copypasta
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No need for the full /tech/ autism experience. A user can learn general security and privacy measures without migrating to linux if he chooses not to, and remember that a truly knowledgeable user can operate any OS without compromises.

Using windows is fine as long as you disable telemetry and other spyware by following any of the guides online, and try to avoid using windows 10, any earlier version would be miles better. Install a good firewall and antivirus, buy or pirate a sandbox program like Sandboxie for running suspicious programs in isolation, and opt for using open source programs whenever you can. A good alternative to a sandbox program is a virtualization program such as VirtualBox, you can install a separate Windows version in it, disconnect it from the internet, and use it for running programs.

Avoid using Google or any of its services (Gmail, Drive, Youtube...etc), at least not directly. There are multiple good alternatives to Drive such as MEGA and the Pomf clones, as for Youtube you can access it in a privacy-respecting manner using a service like invidio.us, which delivers Youtube videos but without tracking or ads. You can also use Google search in a similar method through startpage.com. Use temporary email addresses to register on websites that require registration, such as temp-mail.org and 10minutemail.com. Disable cookies in your b
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I moved the site to an onion address, gave it an upgrade, incorporated all the other webrings I was running, etc.:
Clearnet, simpler version of just the directory over here:
Replies: >>311 >>313 >>316
Well done anon, would have appreciated a more accessible design though... A light theme and visible scrollbar would be real nice and maybe a way to disable the custom cursor
Very nice, I instantly bookmarked this.
Thank you Anon for reminding me that the mod archive still exist.

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Holy fuck, nice find,

Been reading Zizek since the early 2000's. Interesting takes, a lot of his comments on marxism and communism I disagree with but his more biological/ethno-technical stuff is awesome.

Missing post | No.562 | 03/15/2020 02:41:56
Replies: >>3760
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Missing post | No.563 | 03/15/2020 10:28:15

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Figured since it's that time of year, we might as well have a thread.

Discuss your favorite spooky things from the 1990's and 2000's. Can be horror movies,  music, games, or Halloween stuff like costumes that were popular at the time or personal nostalgia.
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I don't remember horror films that well, but horror games especially late 90s to the mid 00s were fantastic. Resident Evil, Silent Hill were the two big ones, with a bunch of smaller titles like Haunting Ground, Forbidden Siren, and Eternal Darkness. Even the late 00s had a few worthwhile spooks like Deadly Premonition, Dead Space, or even STALKER.
It seems back then horror games remembered to have gameplay. I liked Penumbra when it first came out, but Frictional then made Amnesia which is barely a game. And then Outlast came and people just did it to chase the streamer bandwagon.

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