/comfy/ - A place to relax

Pleasant things... And jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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Post your comfiest webms, mp4s and others.
OCs welcome.
Replies: >>7507 >>7796
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From leaving my apartment a month back
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Replies: >>6388 >>7101
>probably the single-coolest beetle on Earth
I Love Lighting Bugs!

That's a good sign that field is healthy, Anon. Lightning bugs are a great 'canary in the coal mine' of sorts for ecosystem poisoning.
Replies: >>6391
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Where I live I never seen the flying ones, and even the crawling specimens, I haven't seen a lot. I heard there a good indicator of environment quality yes.
It's always a good moment when nightwalking in summer to see these little folks in the nature.
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Hope eberryone's having a good night
Replies: >>7095 >>7096
Thanks Anon. Yes, and hope you are too! Cheers.
Clearly not enough sleep and now I'm at work for the entire sunday.
But comfy I remain :)
I love fireflies but have only ever seen them once where I live. I'm guessing  they're not as common here as they used to be. I have seen them in other places a few hours away that are more prairie-like though.
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>>5022 (OP) 
>OCs welcome.
I've actually made a couple... I suck at webms though, and I runa YouTube channel, so I hope you'll pardon me a YT link.
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Happy Thanksgiving (for those here who celebrate it)
Here's a little Gondola OC.
Replies: >>7728 >>7729 >>7736
That's perfect anon. Thank you.
>Here's a little Gondola OC.
I didn't know there was a Thanksgiving special (but I don't watch much telly).
>ywn a meal cooked by Snoopy

Happy belated Thanksgiving, Anon.  :)
Not an American, still want to know; what orange triangles are traditionally eaten and washed down with strawberry milkshakes for thanksgiving dinner?
Replies: >>7768 >>7770
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>what orange triangles are traditionally eaten and washed down with strawberry milkshakes for thanksgiving dinner?
I think they're suppose to be folded napkins anon.
Replies: >>7769
Are they? Do people normally put napkins on their plates like that?
Burger here. Orange triangles refer to the pie made from pumpkins, and we don't drink strawberry milkshakes but high alcohol egg nog.
Replies: >>7771
I don't get it. Are they standing the pie slices up? And why do they look folded over?
Replies: >>7781
We used to call Orange Triangles Black Triangles, sir.
Orange = the new Black
It depends on how the pie is prepared.
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>>5022 (OP) 
Checkin' in.
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feeding the birds on break at work even though I'm probably not supposed to. they sure appreciate it though. same time eberry morning, and I do the same whistle eberry time. they all come out and start searching before I even already the crackers haha
Replies: >>7807 >>7818
omg woops! thought I was posting on bus stop! welp
Replies: >>7819
Thanks for being kind to the birbs, Anon!  :)
When I was working in Paris, I used to go for a snack in the Tuileries Gardens.
There was a whole group of sparrows there, who got to know me well and wood come and accompany me. I used to share my bread with them, and that always made me happy. I'd put a few crumbs in the palm of my hand and they'd land on my fingers to peck at them.
There were also some pigeons that wanted to take advantage of this and bothered the sparrows, but as they are regulated and it is (probably) forbidden to feed them, I gently chased them away.
I miss my little sparrowfrens in the Jardin des Tuileries.
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Bus Stop is certified comfy.
Replies: >>7822 >>7823
It definitely is. I haven't been there in quite some time. Maybe I should.
Replies: >>7823
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Sadly, it's not as comfy as it was. For about a year now, a bunch of kids found Bus-Stop and hang out there. Most of the posts are now either venting/self-loathing, or just random phrases. Some of them have been asking for other boards, and someone mentioned /comfy/ to them...
Replies: >>7828
I pay a visit to Bus Stop from time to time and never felt uncomfyness. Sure some posts are not top quality or blogposting but nothing that can dispense me from coming back.
I have seen /comfy/ mentioned here and there on generally little boards, it's not a problem as long as it don't attract goobers. I know some users crave for places like /comfy/ when you see the average level of IBs today that tend to become cacaty /b/ clones.
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Here's some holiday Gondolas I have
Hope eberryone here has a berry merry Christmas.
Replies: >>7941 >>7961
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Lovely Gondolas, Anon. Thanks & Merry Christmas to you!  :)
Replies: >>7961
Nice gondos anon, thanks.
Christmas was nice, spending time with the loved ones over some good meals.
The pleasure was short-lived as I had to get back to work last night.

How was your Chrsitmas ?

I know it's a coon one but it reminds me of the comfiest looking part of the dog : the dog's nose :)

Merry Christmas /pro/ !
Replies: >>7970
My dog likes being rubbed on the velvety part above his nose.
Replies: >>7971
My mother's dog loves it too. I gently stroke her nose and then take my hand away, so she crawls towards me and gives me little nudges with her nose to keep me going.
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Happy Tuesday!
Replies: >>8950
>that Halo vid
Pretty creepfy tbh
Replies: >>8951
I found it is rather beautiful. I feel like it somehow really captures the feeling of slipping through life and time.  To me it's like a calming warm acceptance of that inevitably.  Sorry if it wasn't comfy
Replies: >>8952
I understand, despite feeling a bit weird there is a strong dreamy vibe in this video.
>Sorry if it wasn't comfy
It is ! Just that delicate creepy comfy vibe like being lost in a weird dream. Also the Ballad of Fallen Angels really fits it.
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Replies: >>9000 >>9001
berry nice
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