several years ago i worked in a grocery store food court, and there was a strange woman who wood come in and hassle people. she had a berry distinctive high-pitched voice like she was sucking on helium constantly. apparently, the place knew of her and she was actually banned from coming there. she wood show up anyway in various disguises, such as big sunglasses, wigs, scarves, etc. so that she could continue to shop there. this failed miserably because eberryone wood recognize her helium voice. one day she was hassling me about trying a sample of salisbury steak, which we can't really do because if she didn't buy it then i wood have to throw it away. she reassured me that she wood purchase it, she just wanted a sample first. i told her that if she was definitely going to buy it then why did she need to sample it first. she insisted on the sample. at this point a manager came over and told me he wood handle it. this is the moment i actually realized she had been banned, and finally understood her weird costumes. she argued with the manager and claiming that it was actually her identical twin that was the one causing all the trouble, but nonetheless she was escorted out. interestingly enough, turns out she actually DID have an identical twin who also shopped there, but i guess she didn't cause problems, and the disguised lady was trying to throw her under the bus.