/comfy/ - A place to relax

Now with more tea :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
Friends: /late//kind/
board rulesonion

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number four.
"It's warmer in the south" edition.
Old thread: >>2990
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Some nice winter themed images.
Replies: >>3524
I visit /comfy/ eberry day. Visiting /comfy/ makes me comfy.
Replies: >>3524 >>3525
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>>3507 (OP) 
>"It's warmer in the south"

It sure is..
thank you. anon.
its 40c outside and i had to work today.
these are berry comfy images
hope youre all doing ok
second this >>3522
Same here friend
I'm getting really tired of imageboards, well, some users of said imageboards.
Replies: >>3527
Why are you tired anon? Politics?
Replies: >>3537
Aaaaa it's 502ing again
Replies: >>3532
its 7:25 am
i have been awake since 16:00 and i worked quite hard yesterday
im still not tired.... what a strange feel
/late/ and /comfy/ at the same time
Replies: >>3530 >>3531
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I'm in a similar situation, woke up at around 15 and am still bretty awake.
>its 7:25 am
It's 7:44 am now
Hard work is bad for your health.
Replies: >>3533
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Replies: >>3534 >>3538
I feel like my ear drums just went silent...
Replies: >>3535
Why, was that too powerful for you?
Replies: >>3536
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Yes, because my browser's audio is at 100% so it was extremely loud for me. I'm getting tired so I'll be calling for today.
Replies: >>3539
A complete lack of nuance in almost any discussion, granted IBs are not by far the only place where this is habbening, but it sure feels like it has it the worst.
A pile of batteries started buzzing loudly near me. It was almost like they were screaming in pain.
Good night!
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I love it when it rains, especially when it's accompanied by a cool breeze. 
The sound of it  and the smell of humidity I find quite pleasant.
Replies: >>3541
It's berry nice for falling asleep.
Replies: >>3542
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I hate it when it rains, especially when it's accompanied by a strong wind. 
Getting a power outage and all my clothes wet is quite unpleasant.
Replies: >>3544 >>3545 >>3547
Do you live in a shed?
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Just like don't live in the slums.
Replies: >>3546
rain oligarch
Replies: >>3549
when I had no electricity and a/c,  I  wood  get excited for the rain., being hot isn't berry /comfy/. The rain cools you down
Gee, /comfy/ will argue over anything.
Replies: >>3550
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Throw me the gum macaque.
No, we won't
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A square mug is the site's new logo. I 'm not sure what statement they want to make.
Replies: >>3552
Maybe that it's nice but still has edges.
Replies: >>3553
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I did my own mug logo. it's round Donut steel
Replies: >>3554 >>3694
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Is beautiful anon. Here's mine, plz r8
Replies: >>3558 >>3694
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it is 5am
the world has now become uncomfy as it gets more and more /early/ instead of /late/
Replies: >>3557 >>3558
But early morning air is the best in the world.
imagine living in the part of the world where it's 6 months of daylight, and then 6 months of /late/, eberry.single.year.

Replies: >>3560
too late
still awake
still awake
too late
sounds comfy for the half of the year where its /late/
just move somewhere when its all sunlight
3/4 of the year is /late/
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today i tried to make my day good as i can there are shifting in moods but i trying to think on what bother me and have joy in what i do and thinking about what habits should i drop out
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Had to choose between saving my money and see how much do I earn in interest rates, or buy a rocksmith cable.
Needless to say, I've chosen the latter
The winter so far has been far too warm, quite uncomfy
Replies: >>3564
It's colder in the north
You know what? Forget anything bad I've said against rainy days, I can barely exist with this heat
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Today there's literal floods in my country with some wooden houses moving 50 meters in landslides and heaps of water
My area doesn't have as much rain as the flooded areas and the buildings are more sturdy here in general
Rainy days are comfy...
Replies: >>3567
That sounds berry bad. I hope no one got hurt
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Nice captcha
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Today, I did what I planned to do.
Replies: >>3570 >>3571
well done bud, u did good.
I try not to plan things then i cant get mad when they dont habben lol
Replies: >>3572
what u get up to ?
This might sound a bit pessimistic, but are dreams and ambitions an obstacle to comfyness? Both come about from an idea of a better state, and tend to inspire effort to making them a reality, they can be good when they end up making one's life comfier, but I think the majority a lot of them are not only impossible or near-impossible to bring about, they can persistently make one disappointed.
Something to think about.

That actually sounds bretty ingenious, good job.
Replies: >>3574
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>are dreams and ambitions an obstacle to comfyness
It depends I guess, people are always talking about going out of your "comfort zone", which sounds bretty uncomfy. It's probably a matter of expectations, if you expect to become famous or rich you'll probably end up disappointed. Now if your dream is, for example, make that video game you always wanted to create and don't care if many people afterwards play it, you can be comfy while creating it and maybe enjoy the end result at some point.
Replies: >>3576
who is /comfy/'s mascot?
Replies: >>3576 >>3580
Just doing what you enjoy and seeing where it leads sounds bretty good. Goals can change, too. I get new ideas of what wood be nice to do one day all the time.

We don't have one, why?
Replies: >>3577
I want to draw comfy mascot.
Replies: >>3578
How can you express this idea in an image?
Replies: >>3579
lol idk
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Replies: >>3582 >>3583 >>3588
She looks berry comfy and slightly smug
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Maybe the steam shouldn't be so dark
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I forgot to crop it how foolish of me.
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I don't know how Ableton works
I do just a bit, juuust a bit, but I wish I knew more
Replies: >>3586
tf is an ableton?
Replies: >>3587
Oh it's a DAW, truckin' nice my man, make them musics brah.
burning mug
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I haven't even prepared the christmas tree yet
Replies: >>3590
You have a christmas tree?
Replies: >>3591
I have, but nobody at home feels like celebrating it
Replies: >>3592
At home it's me the one who doesn't feel like celebrating, I just can't be comfy with a bunch of people over at home.
Replies: >>3593
But it's your family anon. Family time is comfy.
Replies: >>3595 >>3596
Is /comfy/ really just three people?
Replies: >>3595 >>3610
It's not only family, sadly.
I'd say we're at least five
>Family time is comfy
Replies: >>3597
what kek? it's true
Replies: >>3598
>it's true
Replies: >>3599
what jej? it's true
Replies: >>3600
>it's true
Replies: >>3601
what ses? it's true
Replies: >>3602
>it's true
Replies: >>3603
it's true
Replies: >>3604
it's true that you LIGMA BALLS
Replies: >>3605
I don't believe you
Replies: >>3606
it's true
waitin' 4 christmas
Replies: >>3608
Not Christmas eve yet, but we close.


been thinking of buying a gift for my parents, they've given so much to me as is. but cash is a little tight.
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I /comfy/ from Tor, so I'm not counted in the unique IPs.
Replies: >>3611 >>3612
I woodn't mind, I played a forum game with like 3 people for months.
Replies: >>3613
Berry nice
Happy Christmas Eve comfy! I'm going to play Morrowind  and eat, sadly I don't have any panache's but oh well.

You got any forum game in mind? Sounds like it could be fun
Replies: >>3614
Happy Christmas Eve yo you friend.
>I'm going to play Morrowind  and eat
Sounds like a nice plan, hope you enjoy it.
Replies: >>3616
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I have visited /comfy/!
I have brought /comfy/ a Christmas card!
I have posted in this thread.

Merry Christmas, /comfy/.
Thanks friend. I hope you're enjoying your Christmas Eve as well.
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Merry Christmas y'all
merry chrismas bearynice friends
I just spent my Christmas eating cakes, and playing vidya, only bread and water after this.
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Merry Christmas from /co/!
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How to spend time with my brother and sister-in-law? I hardly know her since my brother lives 7 hours away but my brother and his wife came down for Christmas(they are leaving tomorrow early morning)
Replies: >>3624 >>3626
One day later but I hope you all had berry good Christ!mas
Just be yourself, anon
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Got some niece cunny and going to watch the full cold moon in another day or two.   Ford came out with a hybrid f150 and you can even put a truck camper on it.  So I was considering getting one and doing that for the first part of nect year.  You know, pull into a tiny midwestern town and watch the kids do gymnastics.  Maybe get one or get drunk at the bar and crash in the camper.  Then go for a week on federal camping land in middle of nowhere.  Got solar panels on top and conpressor fridge.  Do some hiking and maybe some little girls on a app.  Just sorta waiting around till international travel opens back up.
Replies: >>3736
Listening to wild cymbals, and ghostly voices is comfier than I'd thought.

How did it go anon?
Replies: >>3633
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Here /yuu/ go.
Replies: >>3628 >>3630
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There was a website, an internet radio with comfy pictures in the background, I found it through a wallpaper board on 4leaf, I was wondering if any of you might have any idea of what I'm remembering.
Beautiful pics, thanks for posting them.
Replies: >>3632
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I hope eberryone had a merry Christmas.
Replies: >>3631
Nice images Anon, thanks.
Got some nice food, a couple of beers and a bottle of wine from a friend. So berry enjoyable yes. I hope you did too Anon.
if you find it please share, I wood be berry interested

Sorry I took so long to reply as I was busy, It went alright just don't know when they are coming back. I have them added on Facebook  because I sort of forced but I really don't know what to say on the site.  What really sucks that people from my dad's side are also adding me but I can't speak Hungarian, I also added a few friends never talked since high school. 
Replies: >>3634 >>3635
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Seek commonalities.
Replies: >>3637
Good to hear it went alright. Now that you have them added on Facebook, you can talk with them, if you want, I don't think anyone's forcing you to keep talking with, I don't even know if adult pedestrians like talking through the internet.
>a few friends never talked since high school
Bretty normal, even I do the same ship.
Replies: >>3637
was cut off from contact with another person for being too "negative". a bit thin skinned but I understand.
Replies: >>3638
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> you can talk with them, if you want, I don't think anyone's forcing you to keep talking with, 
Yeah I don't want to bother them too much, saw the place they bought in person after the wedding. The neighborhood looks nice but they are renovating the inside. So it must be a lot for them before they begin to settle in. Also I probably have outdoor allergies or something because I was constantly sneezing when I was in area.
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Did they explain what they meant?
Do you know what they meant?
Replies: >>3639
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There's so much to learn about in IT. It drives me to despair, I hope I can learn it with time, but  I still worry.
Replies: >>3642 >>3643
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Just the Dunning-Kruger effect, anon. Don't give up!
Replies: >>3643

not >>3641

anyway, ah that dreaded "the more i know the more i realised there's so much things i don't know" effect.

i guess we should take one step at a time, for eberrything in life. that's how to be /comfy/.

Replies: >>3644
Yeah, supposedly you'll get to a point where you'll be confident again, I haven't gotten there in any field so I woodn't know
Replies: >>3645
Not that anon, but can confirm. I'm finally on the uphill slope (maybe half heh :^) in my quest to become a good C++ developer. But it's certainly taken dedication to get here.  Since the rewards are well worth it, I hardly begrudge all my efforts. Now it's bretty fun actually.
>t. 5+ years focuser on C++
Replies: >>3646
That's great anon, wish I had that kind of dedication.
Replies: >>3647
Ehh, I don't think I'm particularly special Anon. It's probably more just a matter of taking the time to figure out what's important to you and then going for it once you realize. The things I can do with C++ are important to me, and hard to do in any other way AFAICT. That's all. 

Good luck Anon! :^)
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Board has been quiet these last few days, hope you friends aren't going through uncomfy times.
I don't think I am? I hope you aren't.
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Busy times, but not uncomfy times.
Replies: >>3653
Cute Reimu! Haven't had much free time either.
I've been trying to avoid my PC for a couple of weeks, I struggle to avoid obsessively checking the news. I have to work from home for the time being and the temptation to make myself uncomfy is always in front of me.
>eating a birb sanbwich
Never been here before, by small boats standards looks like there's a fair amount of people here. I'll post some stuff when I find them,  mostly architecture.
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Retracted leg of a sea slug or something
Replies: >>3656
Slug... legs...
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Posting. Soon I will be gone, anons.
Nooo Why anon?
I hope you enjoyed your time here. If you woodn't mind me asking, why are you going to stop posting?
don't leave me anon
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If nothing else, please make your exit a bang rather than a whimper.
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>tfw want to talk about a character with other anons, but I'm too shy to post her
I did not want this feel. Anyone else ever felt something like this?
Replies: >>3663
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>Anyone else ever felt something like this?
Yes, anons are always rude to me
Replies: >>3667
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Replies: >>3666
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It's going to be okay. We just have to hide from the crazies, stay healthy, and plan our reprisal. The ages are moving faster, and the new darkness won't last long. The collapse was inevitable; the foundation rotted through. What we build next will be greater and more glorious than anything that came before.
Replies: >>3667 >>3668 >>3671
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My apologies dear anon, allow me to break your unfortunate chain of interactions by politely communicating with you. 
I like your image, the pepes communicate their suffering and camaraderie quite well and I'm being honest when I tell you that.

I can't wait to see it. It's been exhausting an d painful, but maybe our suffering will only make our posts that better.
Last edited by Taulier
As much as I've feared for the fate of this world, I understand now that things will get better. I believe in God the All-Father, and I know that he will set things straight. In the meanwhile, I pray that all of you will be protected, and that we will survive these dark times to build the new world.
Replies: >>3669
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Replies: >>3671
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I hope so. I'm going to be taking steps to go off the grid so that I can hopefully still have electricity when things get hairy. Hopefully we'll all still be able to communicate, even if we have to go underground to do it.
>tfw you will never hang out with Beavis and Butt-head
Replies: >>3676
I feel like I'm f** dying please send help
Replies: >>3673 >>3674 >>3677
What habbened, anon?
Replies: >>3675
Don't you die on us Anon.
JK Livin.
Replies: >>3675
Diarrhea and vomits and nausea it feels terrible.>>3673
Oh I will live but I wood rather die than suffer this much
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It's been two days, are you feeling better now?
Replies: >>3679
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It's berry, berry hot right now, I hope my Southern Hemisphere friends are staying hydrated
Replies: >>3680 >>3684
Ship sailing forward now!
Replies: >>3682 >>3685
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It isn't hot yet in my sub tropical area. It's only in the 70s probably during the day, 80s tops. Fahrenheit of course. But at night it's in the 50s last I checked of which is what I prefer.
Replies: >>3681 >>3684
>at night it's in the 50s
Sounds like heaven, here it's like 80 at night
Are you on a ship voyage?
Replies: >>3683
The rocky cruise that is life itself
Replies: >>3729

for me, it flunctuates around 75 (if it rains) to high 80s.
by night time it slope down to high 70s.

since i have no aircon in my room, i depend heavily on my wall fan to regulate the indoor temperature.
although generally i'm more afraid of the cold than warm
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>mfw people say temperature in Fahrenheit
>mfw Americans are beings American near me
>not using Kelvins like smart people do

I'm glad to hear that!
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Replies: >>3690 >>3691
And I'm here cooling down my laptop with the air from outside because it's so cold.
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Replies: >>3693
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This is also a mug
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I always worry about the future because the present is never good enough.
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This place feelz warm and cozy,.. I feelz like cuddling g up in a blankeg
Replies: >>3698
welcome! we're all under one big blanket here.
Replies: >>3699
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I just put on a fresh pot of Covfefe for all frens here
Replies: >>3700
Gotta get your morning dose of smugness.
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I got banned eberrywhere for posting lewd stuff
Can I stay here?
Replies: >>3702 >>3703
why did you do it?
Replies: >>3704
Just be nice to other comfy bros
Replies: >>3704
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I don't know, just the thrill of shipposting I guess. Seeing eberryone go WTF just for a few seconds was a bretty good reward.
I'll take it
Replies: >>3705
Alrigh, you're allowed to stay here... if you can...
What is the best strategy for becoming more comfy?
Replies: >>3707
Inner peace. Always trusting your destiny will bring you where you're meant to go. Not letting anything get to you.
Replies: >>3716
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I caught a cold. Ugh.
Replies: >>3709 >>3710 >>3728
Hope you get well soon, fren.
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Replies: >>3711
What are the coming public holidays/festives you're looking forward to?
Replies: >>3713 >>3715
I'm currently a NEET, so eberryday is a holiday. But, I'm preparing soon for my mother's birthday.
Replies: >>3718
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Heres a nice comfy picture for all you anons :)
Replies: >>3716 >>3720
Weekend after the next one is a four day weekend in this country, and I can't wait.
Replies: >>3717
Easier said than done, truck I'd say it sounds impossible

That is comfy, keyboard reminds me of one I had in 2008... wish I could go back, the internet is so degenerate now.
Replies: >>3720
ah i know what it is!
either we're in the same country, or perhaps neighbors.
Replies: >>3719
guess we both are on the same boat.

nice of you to celebrate your mohter's birthday!
Yeah probably, I don't think they'd have this holyday anywhere else.
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Another comfy image for you anons

Glad you enjoyed it. Though, I'd argue internet has always been degenerate, know plenty of people who just used it back in the day for porn. I guess it's varying degrees of degeneracy.
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Hey /comfy/ you done anything comfy lately? I've been skiing a lot since we have great weather and the lake is frozen
Replies: >>3722 >>3724
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that's noice

though for me i definitely rather be sitting by a small fire and people-watch
Replies: >>3723
that sounds comfy too, here where I live people watching is bretty hard since there are like 50 people around. but I agree on the fire part, I have a woos oven in house so it's nice to come and fire it up after a long walk/ski-trip
I sit and watch anime, eberryday, it's comfy to me.

/comfy/ stays /comfy/
Replies: >>3727
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i hope it does
Are you feeling better, anon?
Replies: >>3730
Life's a beach.
Replies: >>3731
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Much better, thanks for caring
Replies: >>3732
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Good to know, taking vitamins or eating fresh veggies & fruits help a lot against colds.
Replies: >>3733
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It also helps that back when Covid panic was a thing I bought three bags of Vitamin C. A small spoon of that eberry day certainly did help
Replies: >>3734
did it help you C?
Replies: >>3735
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No, I'm fact now I'm blind!
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What habbened to the site? I was scared
Replies: >>3739 >>3740 >>3741
heard something but i guess they ain't true
Don't know but I'm sure it was something stupid
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lynxchan shat the bed
the server was still there
it just wasn't responding to requests
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Thank  god /comfy/ is back, I was starting to get worried.
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>mfw /comfy/ is back
hmm should we have a bunker?
Replies: >>3746 >>3747
Replies: >>3748
Replies: >>3748
How it goes?
sorry guys, havent been on in a while, place looks a little more dead than when i left
hope u guys are doing good though
Replies: >>3750
Welcome back, anon. Site went down for a few days last week, so maybe it's that... It was always a slow board to begin with
This is nice
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/comfy/ bros... our time is finally come?
Replies: >>3753 >>3758
oh why is that so small
hold on
Replies: >>3758
Currently snowed in, sitting by the window with some freshly brewed coffee. I have classes in about an hour so I gotta get my /comfy/ on now.
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Just stopping in to say hello before I head to sleep. I'm going to put my daki on top of me and then a weighted blankie on top of the daki. Then I will put a regular blanket (for warmth) over the weighted blankie/daki combo. At that point my cat will likely jump on top of said daki-blankie pile and I will be able to experience a sensation similar to my waifu sleeping on top of me as I drift into the dark abyss of sleep.
Sleep snug, /comfy
Replies: >>3756 >>3757
If my waifu laid on top of me I wood probably die.
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I thought this was some giant Stålenhag-esque creature from the main page.
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just so you know,
you can delete your posts :)

oh, and always remember double-check the dimensions of the saved/exported final image before you upload, to save you from future headaches
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it's approaching /early/ from where i'm at

should i get Mac'n'cheese from local 7-11..

also, not feeling great - random ringing in the ears have been going on since i woke up some hours ago,
nevertheless, am /comfy/
Replies: >>3760
>should i get Mac'n'cheese from local 7-11..
Isn't that how people get parasites? Ringing in the ears suck, hope your day is going better.
Replies: >>3761 >>3762
uncomfy post
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>Isn't that how people get parasites?
nah.. there aren't, as far as i know and for as long as the times i've eaten the ready-to-eat items from my local 7-11.
thanks, am slightly better now. guess usually food is the answer for all discomfort.
i am comfy
Replies: >>3764
Hello Comfy, I'm Anon
How are you comfy fellas today?
Replies: >>3768
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I figured something about myself.
Sometimes I long for something like "friendship" and "being in a group", but whenever I try that I just don't want to follow it. 
Same thing habbened with me wanting to learn to draw, learn to play a guitar, learn to use a daw, learn to make a game. I make an attempt at first but then I get repulsed by the idea of doing it again.
Maybe I just don't find joy in that stuff, I like the idea but the execution may get draining.
Something's wrong with me but I don't know what, only things I can pull off well are playing videogames and browsing imageboards.
Replies: >>3767 >>3769
Well, part of coming into manhood is learning to overcome adversity. Whether it's demonic oppression intended to rob your life of purpose or progress, or social manipulation intended to force you to 'conform' to the agendas of (mostly) women.
Stop being a lazy-ass neighbour. Dig into your soul, and then get to work on something other than vidya and shipposting, Anon. Helping others (if you are doing so honestly and selflessly) will always help you with motivation. Do this long enough and you just might find your purpose in life while you're at it.
bretty oaky and you?
>Sometimes I long for something like "friendship" and "being in a group", but whenever I try that I just don't want to follow it. 
I can relate to that. I've forced myself to be more sociable in the past, and most of the time it's done nothing but lead to me champing at the bit to get some time to myself. Some people are just extremely introverted. I don't have any real friends in the usual sense and don't expect that I'll ever have them unless I lived somewhere where I have more of a chance of meeting people I actually have things in common with. But the seemingly low chances of finding someone who has similar interests while being accepting of my political views wood present a problem.
>Same thing habbened with me wanting to learn to draw, learn to play a guitar, learn to use a daw, learn to make a game. I make an attempt at first but then I get repulsed by the idea of doing it again.
I'm in the same situation but force myself to keep on going, even if it's just a little bit each day. I never want to give up my dreams, no matter how difficult it can be to hold on to them.
I'd like to share with you, the second stanza of the poem "The dragon is withered" by Tolkien, I think it's comfy in how it praises the beauty of nature and shrimple pleasures in comparison to other more extravagant luxuries.

 The stars are far brighter
Than gems without measure,
The moon is far whiter
Than silver in treasure:
The fire is more shining
On hearth in the gloaming
Than gold won by mining,
So why go a-roaming?
     O! Tra-la-la-lally
     Come back to the Valley.
Replies: >>3771 >>3773
I think you're looking for >>>/pol/
Replies: >>3772 >>3773
That has nothing do with /pol/.
Neat. I was just listening to the unabridged audiobook of The Fellowship of The Ring yesterday. Ofc your verse habbened 60 years earlier in the universe, but the entire epic is loaded with songs and poems. Tolkien was a brilliant writer, one of my all-time favorites tbh.

It's obs a gayop squatter on the board. I tried to share Hitler's 1923 poem The Mother but they didn't seem to appreciate that AFAICT.
Replies: >>3775 >>3777
drinkin kava, playin runescape, listenin to asmr. feel berry comfy
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As in, it got removed or wasn't appreciated?
As a poster there, I woodn't appreciate it; the only really curiosity is that it was written by a celebrity. His arts were generally 'ok', not bad but not anything noteworthy if it weren't for the artist's fame.
I woodn't be surprised if it were interpreted as /fascist/ edgeposting for the sake of edgeposting and not for legitimately poetic reasons as the board topic suggests. As a comparison, the Lovecraft poem remains; he's a famous writer for good reason.
Replies: >>3776
I wish to retract this comment as my view was overly harsh and I now disagree with it; the board should not need to be about outstanding poetry.
it's just a poetry board named /pol/ as a joke, come on
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Just relax a bit, fellas.
i'm in that comfy posting mood. Tell me what you guys are thinking about?
Replies: >>3780
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I was searching for something to eat and opened up a cream cheese pot on the fridge, to my surprise it was green and had a stench so strong, it still remains in my face three minutes later
Replies: >>3781 >>3786
Woah thats nasty. How long was it in there? And did you get something else to eat?
Replies: >>3782
>How long was it in there?
Probably a berry long time if it remained like that
>And did you get something else to eat?
I've already eaten a lot though, so I though I should stop there.
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How do they call these were you live?
flour empanada
Replies: >>3785
yeah that was a given
Home grown antibiotics!!
Gonna cook fish empanadas this saturday, hmm so tasty
Replies: >>3788
Nothing beats the ham 'n cheese ones
Replies: >>3790
Gonna have to politely disagree with you there, anon.
Replies: >>3791
I disagree with your disagreement, which do you think are better than the ham 'n cheese ones?
Replies: >>3792
Nothing beats sweet beef for me.
I am obligated to post here. But do not take that as an insult, since I visited with the intent of posting.
Thank you for being /comfy/, and to the admin who has managed to maintain a /comfy/ atmosphere. Your work is appreciated.
moderator of another site.
Replies: >>3794
>I am obligated to post here
Huh, how does that work?
Replies: >>3795
>Huh, how does that work?
Shrimple; when I see a thread, I read at least the first sentence of the OP.
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>>3507 (OP) 
awww truck im a lurker but I remember when I got here last year and somehow forgot the site
always wanted to go back
Replies: >>3807
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I don't have much to say so here's an old Roll Minecraft skin that I found on Pixiv long ago that I edited and updated to function with the new skin format. Make sure to use the Alex setting or it'll be completely glitched.
Replies: >>3799
I remember when I did a Postal 3 dude skin for minecraft.
Wish I still had it
about to go to sleep, hope you guys are having a good night
am goober
Replies: >>3802
me 2
wanna hang out?
Replies: >>3815
hope fellow anons are /comfy/

someone came into my room, handing me a letter that is addressed to me and asking about it.
the person wasn't rude or anything. it's the letter that got me so un/comfy/ now.

it's about some old stuff which i thought i had ended more than a decade ago, but somehow it now suddenly reappears, kinda reminding me that i didn't really cut it off.
so now i have to find out how to do it properly, and gosh what a downer it is.
Replies: >>3805
G'night /comfy/
>more than a decade ago
Lost son? time capsule letter from relative no longer here?
Replies: >>3808
I hope eberryone is having a comfy night.
Welcome back!
it's just some finance issue.  a small sum, it still got me feeling a bit stressed

though i'm feeling bretty /comfy/ now
Replies: >>3809
>a small sum
You are going to make it, buddy
Let's poll:
>glass window on high apartment room at night looking out at the rain and citylights
[comfy] <-> [not4me]
Replies: >>3811 >>3812 >>3814
super comfy
I'm more for a small rural cottage with open fire kinda comfy, but i can see how it could be comfy to some
I like my room dark at night
Berry comfy, I lived in an apartment like that until about a year ago, I wood sit on the balcony to have a drink, listen to music and watch people go about their lives. Sometimes I miss it.
sure fren :)
Replies: >>3816
sent ;)
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>used to be into niche music some years ago
>thought listening to vidya music was embarassing
>can't stop listening russian bootlegs ost's nowadays
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Hey /comfy/, say something!
Can't be the only one posting here...
Replies: >>3819 >>3823 >>3824
Can't be the only one posting here...
Replies: >>3820
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That's berry funny anon, tell me another one.
Fried pie. Unless it's suppose to be savory then I don't know what we wood call it.
those look like perogies  except they are way too big to be call that, my parents are slavic, those are berry good with homemade Quark cheese and ground meat filling.
Replies: >>3823
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Hi friend, I may not be posting but I'm always here
They also kinda look like big gyoza
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we are all here, anon.
being /comfy/ also means.. being /comfy/ in being away for a while to attend to things in real life
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Spring is coming fast. Does /comfy/ make a garden?
Replies: >>3830 >>3832
I always get bullied and saged when I post a clipboard image

Anyways this is my first post after a year or so. This place used to be berry slow...
Replies: >>3829
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Don't feel too bad about it, I do it all the time. Getting feefees over just copypasting an image is not worth your time.
Eberrything will be ok.
Why wood anyone have a problem with that? I don't get it.
I have absolutely no garden.
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Sometimes, when this place gets kind of empty
Sound of their breath fades with the light
I think about the loveless fascination
Under the Milky Way tonight
Wish I knew what you were looking for
Might have known what you wood find
And it's something quite peculiar
Something shimmering and white
It leads you here, despite your destination
Under the Milky Way tonight

its auttumn where i live, already getting down to about 10 c at night 
my garden is suffering lol
I had a tough time lately and wanted a good place to hangout. I'm glad I was able to find /comfy/
Replies: >>3834 >>3848
Did you stumble your way here, adventurer?
Replies: >>3835 >>3843
I'm curious how people manage to find this place if they weren't here originally. How does it habben?
Replies: >>3843
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Today is a day of comfy!
Replies: >>3837 >>3838
I certainly is. Today, March 20, 2021, marks a comfy day of /comfy/ things.
Replies: >>3838
The day is the day!
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March the 21st, the end of summer and begining of comfy season down here. Hope you guys are also having a comfy day
Replies: >>3841
What country are you from?
Replies: >>3845
>>3507 (OP) 
visited here again and reading comfy comments here
listening to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ5_-pINV0k while I post this
Indeed I've stumbled into a wonderful place.
for me I took a journey to discover as many chans as there exists on the web. I'm glad to say that I found wonders.
Replies: >>3844 >>3848
Wood you mind sharing some of your discoveries?
Over 4000 posts already?
Replies: >>3847
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/comfy/ is a big board!
Replies: >>3849
Welcome to the comfiest place on the internet.
Excitaru Squid Grill a cute.
Hi /comfy/!
Replies: >>3851 >>3853
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Hello there. How's things Anon?
Replies: >>3852
I trucking hate this rain, been working under it for 3 days and have no clothes left.
Replies: >>3854
Hi there friend. Hope you're comfy today.
Shame you don't have a good, old-fashioned Franklin Stove Anon. They're both good for staying warm, cooking, and drying out wet clothes. Hope you get relief soon.
Je suis ici
Replies: >>3856
Juicy ice?
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What does /comfy/ think of sleeping at the right time and then waking up in the middle of the night?
Replies: >>3861
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what is the "right time"? 10PM?
for me any time is the right time to sleep haha!

Though I guess if you haven't have at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, try to change your night time routine?
Sometimes it's nice, like if I wake up at 4am to pee or something, then watch the clock and think "oh I still have 3 hours left of sleep". But I'd rather have unintemrrumped sleep, that's why I don't eat or drink anything right before going to bed.
y-you too...
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Who is this girl and why do I have so many pictures of her?
Replies: >>3863 >>3864
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She reminds me of sometsuki. 
>why do I have so many pictures of her?
She is cute.
>having a waifu
>not realizing this fact
I suppose you're soon to be in for a new world of exploration then Anon. :^)
Replies: >>3865
my actual waifu is or was Corona-chan, I just want to know who that girl is
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Today is a day of relaxation.
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give me tips for improving my patience /comfy/, I woke up really pissed this morning
Replies: >>3868 >>3869
What appened anon?
And why is the site loading so slowly today?
Replies: >>3873
I read in a game that people who have anger management issues can pick up some wood and start itching away at it to craft something else. The motion releases your inner anger at an object while the amount of time spent doing it slowly cleanses your thoughts. It could also be literally anything else, like baking or painting.
is eating sweetcorn comfy?
Replies: >>3872
That depends, does it make you comfy? Then it's comfy.
I didn't sleep properly, ended up taking some naps and that did actually help
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tea is /comfy/
Replies: >>3879
I heard that it helps with lucid dreaming
Replies: >>3876
how so? my sleep has been ship and i don't find its helpful at all unfortunately.
Replies: >>3877
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Just running a speed test while I visit anyways. A cute and comfy robot should post if I am incorrect.
Replies: >>3881
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Indeed it is.
Birb at my window! Birb at my window! Birb at my window!
Replies: >>3881 >>3882
Cute robotot

Say hi to birb for us Anon!
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Currently reading old strips of Snoopy comics
may also find and read old garfield comics

i find reading them really /comfy/,
brings me back to a time when i do not know what "responsibility" is, being /comfy/ and getting lost in my imagination
Replies: >>3884 >>3886
It's charming to see kids talk about grown up stuff, yes
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Lately I just wanna sleep all day. Wish I had an 'Off' switch.
Replies: >>3887
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Calvin and Hobbes was the only newspaper comic of that type I ever got into. I plan on buying the complete collection at some point.

I intend to get around to checking out the Little Nemo comics at some point. They seem interesting.
>Wish I had an 'Off' switch
You'll be fine Anon. Just eat & get some rest. Eat and get some rest. You'll feel better after a while, then turn off the computer and go get into the sunshine. Cheers.
I feel like trucking dying hold me /comfy/
Replies: >>3889
What's going on anon?
Replies: >>3890
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It feels like I'm dissassociating from my body again, lost a nut and I can't find it. Haven't sleep all night last night because yaddah yaddah yaddah AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SOMEONE HELP ME
Replies: >>3891
Uhh, sorry, I don't understand.
Replies: >>3892
It will be all over when I go to sleep, but for now I must endure more hours awake
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qt compu-t
Replies: >>3894
Lol. That's a new one on me Anon.
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Does /comfy/ know where this music comes from?
Replies: >>3896 >>3897
Sounds like a Future Funk sample (Probably pitched up and maybe sped a bit) of a City Pop song. Do you have a longer clip? Where did you find it anon?
Replies: >>3898 >>3899
Sounds like a sped up version of the Marmalade Boy song
Replies: >>3898 >>3899
You can find that clip starts around the 3:05 mark. It's not sped up, but there has been some meddling with the audio, maybe pitched up like >>3896 said
I found it on a silly flash game I played eons ago
Wow you actually found it!
Is the animu any good?
Replies: >>3902
>Is the animu any good?
I haven' watched it, just know the song from youtube or somewhere
Replies: >>3904
:3 (Needed more OwO)
Replies: >>3906
whats wrong Anon?
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Pineapple does not belong on pizza. To state otherwise is heresy. Period.
Ok, so what if I put it on pizza anyways? What are you gonna do?
Replies: >>3910
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Genghis Khan wood be pround
Those are some weird looking pineapples
What is your opinion on people who put apple and ketchup on pizza?
Replies: >>3914 >>3917
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As a pastafag, I don't really understand why people get so mad about what kind of stuff you put on a pizza. Because, at its core, the most important part of a pizza is its dough. The pizza itself was created as a poor people's dish in order to be as efficient and as easy to make as possible. If you like it a bit weird, what's wrong with thinking outside the box? So long as the dough is soft and tasty, you can put whatever you want on it.
Replies: >>3916
Ease off the throttle, anon. ‘Tis just a joke. I mean no harm.
You know honestly an apple fruit desert pizza woodn't be so bad.
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It's raining berry heavily and I can hear it pounding on the roof. Feeling berry /comfy/ right now
Berry nice images Anon, thanks. I can hear thunder outside my window r/n, hoping for a downpour here tbh.
Replies: >>3921
Love a good thunderstorm. One of my favourite birthdays was when there was a massive thunderstorm and I got pic related as a present. Rain was lashing against the windows, the thunder was rumbling loudly and there were great flashes of lightning that lit up the entire sky; and all the while I was just building stuff and playing.
Replies: >>3925
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Here are some similar ones without rain if you're interested.
Do you have the site where those came from? You could use a little java applet to select weather and time of day for the  scenes.
Replies: >>3928 >>3931
Sounds like a great memory. Keep it fresh Anon.
Berry nice as well, thanks.
Replies: >>3928
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I always thought they were from Garou: Mark of the Wolves or some other SNK fighting game. Pics related.
No problem.
Replies: >>3929
Some of them are from SNK games but the first, second, and fourth  >>3919  and all of the ones here  >>3923  are from that other site.
Replies: >>3930
Oh, okay. If it was just some guy on the Internet making these, then he must be really skilled.
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Thank you anon. 

Yep. Here you are: http://www.effectgames.com/demos/canvascycle/
Replies: >>3932 >>3933
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Thanks a bunch anon. Here's some "retro"  dither edits that I've done random photos I've come across.
Thanks for these. Do you have any idea where these gfis came from and how easy it wood be to convert them? If it's doesn't take much effort I could maybe make some from some of the site's other images.
Replies: >>3934 >>3935 >>3939
I've tried finding the source of these gifs but never had any success. They've been posted frequently posted to imageboards and Tumblr but that doesn't seem to be the source of them
Replies: >>3938 >>3939
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A bretty comfy gondola thread over on the new 8chan
Replies: >>3937 >>3940
>surprise gondola drawthread
That thread turned into something nice
That's too bad. I'd like to find a way of ripping them from the site, but I have no clue how that wood work.
Replies: >>3939
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From a quick look it looks like the images on that site are like pixiv's ugoria. Eberry frame is actually a separate image. So the methods that are used to rip ugoria from pixiv should work for that site as well. Then you just have to manually put them back together as gifs or apngs.
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Its going on bretty well. Anyone can join in
Replies: >>3975
Been lurking for a bit, thought I'll make a post.
Kinda miss imageboards from a few years ago, now it's all scattered, it's hard to tell if you are talking to the same people from years back or brand new people. I guess it doesn't matter either way.
Hope you all doing well and feeling comfy. What's your favourite time of day? 
Midnight to 5am is my favourite, I love the quiet, it's prime comfy time for me (also opportunity to workout and study without distractions). Depending on my sleep pattern it could be an berry early morning or berry late. I also like evenings just after the sun has gone down but I can't have both. Wish I could have consistent sleeping but insomnia is a pooch.
Replies: >>3942 >>3945 >>3950
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Hi Anon,
I got into Imageboards a only a few years ago, about 2015-ish, and i probably missed out on alot of the "good old times". Still, i feel a deep connection to these types of boards, where even behind the cover of anonymity (or maybe because of it), we can talk freely and exchange our problems, worries but also our happy times. I don't know if you were one of the old 8channers, but if you are, i'm happy to see you again. 

>favorite time
that's about 11pm to 4 am, for similar reasons. If i manage to stay awake until 2 am, i am bretty much able to power through the entire night, watching videos, reading through threads, and reminiscing of old times. Sometimes, when i feel like it, i even have a beer in bed, that's peak comfy for me. otherwise, i enjoy the early morning, when eberrything is still asleep, and i can go out and get a little woodworking done (pics related, i got into oil finishes recently, and tried refinishing a wooden axe handle with sunflower oil. The club is carved from last year's christmas tree, now finished with 4 layers of sunflower oil too).
Replies: >>3943 >>3944 >>3945
Thought for a moment that you were going to turn your hatchet into a shepherd's axe.
I've been browsing imageboards since 2011. 2014 was some of the best times but they didn't last long. I do think anonymity is a big part of why I like these places, for the reasons you mentioned and at it's best, conversations are genuine, I don't feel that on other sites.
Shame anonymity is dying, it baffles me how many sites want my real name and info, my mum always told me "be careful of what you put out there because you can't delete it", and she not even tech savvy.
>Those images
Neat anon, I've always want a hobby like that, something hands on, but I really don't have any space for it.
>What's your favourite time of day?
That's a good question. I don't think I have a particular favorite time of day, but I do like mornings and the late afternoons. 
>I got into Imageboards a only a few years ago, about 2015-ish, and i probably missed out on alot of the "good old times"
Same, that's roughly when I came into the picture. I was too late to see the best stuff, but I got to see the few remaining quality posts before eberrything went downhill with 8chan (RIP) and its collapse. But enough uncomfiness, what are you guys' favorite things about spring and summer?
Replies: >>3946 >>3948
>what are you guys' favorite things about spring and summer?
Spring is good for the weather, not too hot, not too cold, that's also when daylight is getting longer for comfy early mornings and late evenings.
Summer is best for those early mornings and late evenings, but quack the heat and allergies.
Replies: >>3947
I guess swearing isn't comfy so darn the heat and allergies.
Spring is great for taking long walks. Especially out in the woods. Most people think the woods are creepy at dawn, but I like it, they have something magical to them. Summer is good for being active, I plan on cycling to a nearby lake and swimming eberry weekend this year, just so I can get fit after being comfy and thicc for the entire winter
Replies: >>3951
Are you a rock?
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>What's your favourite time of day? 

anywhere between 12 midnight to 6am.
Replies: >>3953
Nice! I like the woods, although I don't go out as often as I should. I do think they have a majesty that a lot of people have forgotten, and perhaps they have confused that majesty and awe with feeling fear at it. Anyways, I hope you have a fun time at that lake!
really neat image anon. have any more like that one?
Replies: >>3971
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uncomfy pic
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I livestreamed for the first time today!
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But sadly I lost the VOD, which was the main reason why I wanted to stream
What did you livestream bro? Games? Anime?
I streamed Postal 2 Paradise Lost because I wanted to record how I reacted to eberrything in my first playthrough. I'm still mad that the VOD is lost.
Replies: >>3959
ayy, postal. can you provide a link? wood love to watch your streams some time
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Ehhh... I'd rather keep the streams private to myself. These kinds of places are known for not having the best people around... Plus I don't interact with chat a lot since I have the game in fullscreen... And I tend to talk in Spanish so a lot will be lost as well and you may hate me due to current trends...
Replies: >>3961
>These kinds of places are known for not having the best people around
Surely you do not mean the Comfy Board, the Abode of Comfiness?
Replies: >>3962
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Fine, I'll link it, it's in my email field. I'll accept all the consequences that habben afterwards.
Just take into account that I only stream sundays.
I'm really scared about doing this, I just hope nothing too crazy habbens
Replies: >>3963
*saturday nights
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I'm so happy! The rain has ceased! The sun is out!
No longer have to get all wet just because of attending a customer!
I can finally be happy!
Replies: >>3965
I've tried livestream but couldn't get into it. I thought because I was an introvert it wood be good for me, but I couldn't really relax and be entertaining, especially when you have no one to bounce off (no one in chat).
I did some stream with friends, it was okay but we couldn't do our usual spicy bants, so that didn't work for me either.
Rain's coming down hard where I am, berry comfy.
Replies: >>3966
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That depends mostly on how you view streaming, personally I want to stream just to save my playthroughs, but if anon wants to join in I guess I should just let him know.
>I thought because I was an introvert it wood be good for me, but I couldn't really relax and be entertaining, especially when you have no one to bounce off (no one in chat)
I don't think that's really a trouble for me, I'm used to be alone and I commonly talk alone from time to time so I can easily bounce on myself. I guess my main problem isn't that I'm an introvert, it's just that I have no one to talk to.
>I did some stream with friends, it was okay but we couldn't do our usual spicy bants, so that didn't work for me either. 
Yeah that's an issue for me too, after linking the stream here I woodn't really like to stream with people who know me since it's berry easy to find info about someone when the guard is down and a trail appears.
I just hope streaming becomes a comfy way of passing time and not something stressful. If I get to know some people too then I'm fine with that.
Replies: >>3969 >>3971
Why are livestreams so popular in the fitness world? I just watched someone live stream a Triathlon for 4 and half hours,  bretty comfy and made less anxious about my first race even though I am not biking and instead my race is swim/run/
Replies: >>3968
Sounds like you answered your own question. Good luck on your race, bud.
> I'm used to be alone and I commonly talk alone from time to time so I can easily bounce on myself.
I'm like that and that's why I thought streaming wood be good, but my self talk is internal, I thought it wood be easy to just think out loud but I couldn't do it.
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>>3507 (OP) 
I am figuratively a gay black man, but I believe I am right in this, and I am sure someone will agree, since all the clearnet uses the same handful of sites, including really bad ones: Loudcest > Pinecest.
Replies: >>3974
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rather than streamng live, i guess you can pre-record and edit out parts that you don't like? 
then schedule it to be posted at a set date and time.

see how the responses are, then decide where you wanna go from there.

nah, not that i remember
attached is the slightly larger version if you wanna use it as wallpaper
Replies: >>3972
>attached is the slightly larger version if you wanna use it as wallpaper
Berry cool, saved. Thanks Anon.
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Does /comfy/ like the berry best girl?
I only agree because I like girls and not guys and prefer the older over the younger.
Reminder that Chris Savino made a comic that is literally centered around an Oedipus complex, so he might even approve of your taste.
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It's still going and the canvas has been expanded.
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