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Hi Anon,
I got into Imageboards a only a few years ago, about 2015-ish, and i probably missed out on alot of the "good old times". Still, i feel a deep connection to these types of boards, where even behind the cover of anonymity (or maybe because of it), we can talk freely and exchange our problems, worries but also our happy times. I don't know if you were one of the old 8channers, but if you are, i'm happy to see you again.
>favorite time
that's about 11pm to 4 am, for similar reasons. If i manage to stay awake until 2 am, i am bretty much able to power through the entire night, watching videos, reading through threads, and reminiscing of old times. Sometimes, when i feel like it, i even have a beer in bed, that's peak comfy for me. otherwise, i enjoy the early morning, when eberrything is still asleep, and i can go out and get a little woodworking done (pics related, i got into oil finishes recently, and tried refinishing a wooden axe handle with sunflower oil. The club is carved from last year's christmas tree, now finished with 4 layers of sunflower oil too).