/comfy/ - A place to relax

Now with more tea :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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What are some activities that you find are good for late at night? I find loneliness hard to keep at bay and thus difficult to relax.
>>4999 (OP) 
listening to podcasts or audiobooks
>>4999 (OP) 
Watch the sun set and nightfall cming, it gives me tranquility. Watching the starry skies and te moon is also comfy. I have seen it for decades but it will always remain comfy for me.
And I am single too.
Replies: >>10017
>>4999 (OP) 
On the contrary I enjoy a lot being alone at night. I listen music, watch movies, read books, play a little vidyas and "day"dream a lot. The night is my own personal kingdom, I cherish it a lot.
bit of a goofy video, but the song itself is nice and right on-topic.
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>>4999 (OP) 
Just an idea for a late activity : >>>/late/125
smoke a joint and listening music or reading a book.
I envy you, anon. Unfortunately I can`t see neither the sunrise or the sundown from my windows.
I have an old radio which I bought on Craigslist awhile ago. Restored it, gave it a cleanup and it works just fine. Sometimes I just turn all my screens off and choose a random station playing calm music... And just listen to it, maybe drinking some coke and slowly smoking some cigarettes. Yes, this does it for me.
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