/comfy/ - A place to relax

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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Are there any types of photos or art that remind you of your past? For me, its photos of lonely roads at night lit by street lamps. Growing up, my family took me on road trips across the U.S. and I've lived in a variety suburban neighborhoods, I've seen plenty of empty streets at night. These scenes make me feel at home.
Replies: >>7506
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>>6759 (OP) 
I try to stay away from photos. The art though... Funny, I've literally just stumbled upon these arts. They've almost made me cry. They touch me, and they do remind me of most pleasant moment of my life somehow.
Here's the full pack: https://dropmefiles.com/akIj8
Replies: >>7509
Comfy 'Nubis.
Replies: >>7514
Even the filenames are comfy, in my opinion. These pictures are just spot on for me.
I love these images. They feel me with a sense of sadness.
Replies: >>7520
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Same. Drives me really close to tears, and I can't even tell the exact reason.
I've updated the fodler earlier today, by the way. Browsed through the site of the artist (Joanna Karpowicz) a bit more, searched for the paintings marked as "unknown"... Overall, it is twice bigger now. Let me know if anyone wants a reupload.
Yes there is something about these images that make you cry
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Photos that I have taken, mainly.
Replies: >>7596 >>7597
>that wooded track tho
My kind of comfy, tbh. Thanks Anon!  :)
Replies: >>7597
Looks like it's covered in foamflower or a relation.
Replies: >>7601
Neat! You're probably right. I never wood have known what it was called otherwise, thanks Anon.  :)
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I always thought of myself as someone who would rather live around mountains, but I recently realized just how nostalgic rolling green cornfields under blue skies make me feel. I know a lot of people think they look boring or ugly, but they remind me of going for drives with my family when I was a little kid.
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I took this photo on a late night walk with my ex a few years back on our trip to Japan. The quiet calmness of the sea combined with the quaintness of the neighborhood with eberryone asleep was so comfy. This photo always brings me back and I can feel the flood of emotions again. Such a shrimple photo can almost bring me to tears. It's beautiful being alive, isn't it? :)
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Maybe a bit of a strange answer, but industrial parks and estates are peak /comfy/ for me. My dad worked in construction and used to let me roam bretty freely while he was on a job. This meant that I spent a lot of my early years wandering around warehouses and tool shops, but nobody wood really take notice of me because I was just an idiot kid. Life took me in a bit more a white collar direction than my old man but sometimes I think it wood be neat to work as a mechanic out a garage built into one of those lots I explored as a child.
Replies: >>10229
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This is the best I can do while browsing google images in such a short amount of time. My mind has more files.....but I'm not sure how much of it is real.....
Replies: >>10229 >>10230

These are nice images. I've never seen these places, but they have that kind of generic feeling that they could be anywhere.
Replies: >>10250
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That first picture takes me back to the wooden playgrounds I remember as a little kid. There was one just down the road from me in my early childhood. I remember feeling a bit uneasy, like I was afraid it wood give me splinters or something. I remember there was at least one wobbly bridge like this one. Then there were the old-fashioned metal playground slides that could burn you on a hot day.

There were also a couple places I remember that didn't necessarily have the wooden playgrounds, but there were had rocketships that you could climb into. I don't know if either have them had a slide like in the pictures, but either way they were something along the lines of what they show. I also think one might have had a section that was more opaque.

I miss all that stuff. Those playgrounds had real character.
Replies: >>10251 >>10272
At the risk of doxxing myself....Aurora, Illinois in the early 90's.

I wish I were a capital 'T' traveler sometimes. Lots of power, and lots of fun!
Replies: >>10272
Yup. Even McDonalds' don't have playgrounds anymore.
Replies: >>10272
>Aurora, Illinois
I'm >>10230, and the playgrounds I was thinking of were in southern Wisconsin.
Looking at the PlayPlaces now they don't look that impressive, but I really liked exploring the tubes as a kid. I'm not surprised they shut them down though. They must have been a nightmare to keep clean considering how grubby and unhygienic kids can be. I think I might have seen an old employee in one cleaning it out once and yelling at some kids for horsing around, although at the time I thought it was someone's grandma.
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