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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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There is nothing more comfy than midnight coffee with a light snack during some nightly watching or playing. I prefer quick sandwiches so it's usually honeyed and buttered toast, PB&J/PB&H, or bean toast.
Replies: >>814 >>817 >>860
>>813 (OP) 
I habben to enjoy hot fries or pork rinds from time to time. Generally for snacks I'll just cut a small hole into an avocado and spoon it out, or I'll slice up a little bit of salami, maybe with some cheese & crackers if I'm feeling extra indulgent. Salami is god's work.

For drinks, the best "snacking" drink is probably green tea, or red bush "tea" if I'm avoiding caffeine. Lemon-Lavender isn't bad either.
Replies: >>815 >>816
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I've been wanting to get into tea, but the sheer variety is impressive. One of the these days I'll go through /a/ and /ck/'s tea resources and start from there.
Replies: >>833 >>866 >>4792
>red bush “tea”
Rooibos is lovely. When your body is looking for a caffeine fix it just tastes bland but once you kick the habit it’s a great little drink when you want something warm and soothing.
>>813 (OP) 
My snack preferences change based upon what I'm up to. If I'm watching something then sliced apple, crackers, cheese, and maybe salami is good. Popcorn is also really satisfying. If I'm playing something or reading a physical book then tea and cookies or biscuits is my go-to. White or green tea if it's by itself. Black tea if pairing it with something else. I just don't like having to constantly clean my hands so I don't mess up the pages of a book.
Replies: >>4840
bought some panama coffee beans from a local boutique roaster
ground with a porlex and filter through metal filter
top notch coffee
The official midnight snack will always be grated cheese from the bag.
someone often sleeps on the couch so I dont have midnight snack for fear of waking them. maybe i can sneak packets into my room
>Midnight Drink 
Water never hurts but I also enjoy a glass of pulpy orange juice since that texture just goes down so amazingly well. 
>Midnight Snack 
A guilty pleasure wood be chocolate covered raisins & mixing them with roasted peanuts still having the skins on them.
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No better snack than a good piece of bread
Replies: >>823 >>827
At least put some butter on it anon.
Replies: >>824
No, bread alone is just fine
Replies: >>825
But it's so dry
Replies: >>826
Make it sourdough with olives in the bread and then youre talking
Replies: >>828 >>841
No, bread alone is just fine. It's easy to pick up, doesn't require any preparation, and it's spongy and crunchy enough to feel great to eat.
My favorite is bismark donuts or chocolate cheesecake with almond milk.
brb midnight crisps
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Donuts and milk are tasty.
Replies: >>832
They surely are. Don't eat too many of them though.
Replies: >>9672
Try Yorkshire tea, it's the only stuff I drink. With milk to taste, of course.
Replies: >>835 >>993
i enjoy a nice muffit of tea, usually with some crackers or something to dip in it 

whats yorkshire tea like? never had it. earl grey is just right. a little bit of brightness from the tangerine, with the overpowering bitterness from the black tea ive also never put milk in tea, just not something we do where i live. maybe i should try it
Replies: >>836
It's a deep, stronger tasting tea with a somewhat bitter aftertaste. I suppose you could drink it black, though I've never seen anyone do so. Personally I like mine with extra milk to mellow out the bitterness.
Replies: >>837
turns out mangos are really good for midnight snacks. highly recommend it 

sounds great, guess ill have to try it out, and some tea wilk milk as well.
Pickles and pickle juice is nice. and I just looked it up and surprisingly the pickle juice has a few small health benefits (esp. the dill).
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Ginger snaps are pretty comfy with a cup (or mug) of tea or coffee.
Some cheese on a crispbread slice or some plain yoghurt when we have it, or just plain small portion of oatmeal when nothing else is around.
I have a small cup of coffee with evaporated(not sweetened condensed) milk as I settle in front of my desk, if I intend to stay up for at least a couple hours. The evaporated milk has a distinct flavor I like in coffee. If I don't want that then Jasmine tea if I still want caffeine, or Rooibos if I don't. I prefer savory snacks and always keep a good variety of cheeses, pickled vegetables(stuffed olives, cucumbers, bean salads, beets, jalapeno slices, etc...), crackers/crispbreads, dried and fresh fruits, nuts, and cured meats. I pick a selection of what I feel like. To me, sweets are treats. I don't eat/drink anything sugary berry often and am quite sensitive to sweetness. Crisp apple with a quality aged cheddar is my most reliable and berry shrimple go-to snack. It reminds me of hiking with my grandparents when I was young, something we wood always sit and eat in silence together with the landscape. I should revisit some of the places we went and post pictures in an appropriate thread. 

Olive sourdough anon has the right idea.
i just made black tea with condesned milk, its so so good, really rich and sweet, i can recommend
Replies: >>843
Sounds great anon, I'm about to make some tea myself
Replies: >>844
what kind of tea anon?
I usually have breakfast at 12am due to me being on a cut cycle in terms of weightlifting and starving most of the day beyond that but I enjoy honey bunches of oats cereal fused with crunched up chips ahoy cookies inside the cereal. It's probably the only sweetness/"bad food "I get in my diet the rest is just extremely healthy and bland things or protein for the rest of the day. Oh, and I usually watch anime while eating it.
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Peanuts. In the shell. From the freezer. Ice-cold peanuts are excellent.
Replies: >>847
>Ice-cold peanuts
nteresting. Never had, sounds good tbh
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>midnight snacks make way for the unmatched champion
Replies: >>851 >>854
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>unmatched champion
Yessuh! The only thing to argue from here is WHICH flavor of champion: Mexican/Taco is my pick.
Replies: >>852
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>Taco cheese 
>Taco flavored 
>Mexican style cheese taco 
Are these actually mexican? i raise dry plums with peanuts.
>found flavored corn chips that are actually reasonably low amount of salt 
Time to finally stop being thin!
Plain mozzarella is underrated.
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Since my parents may lock the door without me knowing I have a stock of ramen in my wardrobe It's the most miserable food ever, but it works if they don't cook anything
Replies: >>856 >>864
What? Which door? Do your parents lock you in somewhere, Anon?
Replies: >>859
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I don't know what you call these in America but they're my favorite snack, although they're not berry good for you, so I don't eat too much.
Replies: >>861
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I was a bit of a rabble rouser with my family so they decided to make a room apart from the house. It's in it, but not connected to the dining room.
Replies: >>862 >>864
>>813 (OP) 
For me its kompot with whatever i find in kitchen, it can be bread with cheese, mayo, onion chips, or bread sticks. Winters in eastern europe are getting comfy.
I think they're called "beer nuts" for some reason.
Replies: >>863
Replies: >>865
I guess people eat them with beer, regular salty peanuts go better with beer imo
Anon, yours is a curious case. Tell us more?
Replies: >>865
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I'd rather not, it's a berry complicated thing that even I cannot describe. I'll just say that eberryone seems happier thanks to it.
Replies: >>922
spent a lot of money on tea
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It's not even midnight but preparing some hot tea with red poppy and clary sage before working on some thread restoration.
Before that I need to tweak some config things on my 'puter but count me in for tonight.
You are lucky to have your parents, they found a way to make you happier while keeping care of you.
yorkshire tea is my favourite make of black tea, really great.
theres this really comfy place in galway ireland that has my favorite in the world, its called secret garden and you can order it online. look under the infusions category on their website for the good stuff
Replies: >>4793
Thanks for the tip anon.
If eberrything is right I'll be making myself hot crispy buns stuffed with veggies tonight. Should be fun
Replies: >>4797
It was bretty good. I'll have some left overs to eat tomorrow too
What is white tea?
Replies: >>4841
I think it's berry immature green tea.
Replies: >>4856
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Does it taste any good, I like black coffee and black tea, wood you suggest I try it?
looking for a good but fairly cheap whiskey/scotch, i really like chivas but im not comfortable with spending $40+ a bottle that won't last a week. elijah craig is really good but local liquor store doesn't have it
Replies: >>9641

If you are looking for a 1.75L bottle for less than $40, I would sugest Cutty Sark or any of the widely available cheap bourbons like Jim Beam.  I don't iamagine anything in theat price range is going to be great.  I've probably become too snobbish in my whiskey taste over the years.  What sort of flavor are you seeking in a whiskey?
I usually have two or three at once.
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having some wine and peanuts
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