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Di Gi Charat music collection

1989年天安门事件 六四
Last edited by dejiko
From vhs or b or both? Sorry
Replies: >>31685
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The latter, thanks.
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>It's a good one, I personally am really fond of Memories of Flame: Tokyo Crisis and The Castle of Cagliostro
I watched Cagliostro but not Tokyo Crisis. Thanks for the recommendation.
>It was Lynch's last big project, it came out in 2017.
Oh it's the called Twin Peaks: The Return?
>S2 is a bit flimsy since Lynch was busy producing and directing the movie, therefore unable to work on some episodes and it shows, it really does.
Well, if S2 ends up being a disappointment at least I can go back to the first one anytime.
>she's pure sex. I can't think of many characters who have such an overly sexual and alluring design.
Makes sense because she was 
(and still is to some point) the eye candy for Kancolle. Still, I'm still adding her (somewhat sister) Amatsukaze because her design is also pure sex to me.
Yeah that's the thing with CGI Lupin that I'm not a fan of, he works better in 2D animation.
>Reminder that tomorrow we are watching the Game Center CX episode about Transformers Convoy no Nazo, a notorious kusoge.
I haven't watched that one but I'm ready for Arino losing hope because of kusoge lol.
Yeah just a bit, it's just missing someone acting like a retard I miss the guy.
No problem with them but Dejiko is right, leave the shithole that is /b/ behind. We don't want those retards in our comfy stream.
>Ichigo Mashimaro had a character who was alway smoking...I don't remember much else but it was a teacher i think.
She was actually the older sister from one of the lolis. Nobue I think she was called.
Replies: >>31690
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Took a long time but here are the screenshots from last week's stream.
Really cool stuff this time around in Nanoha and Popotan as well as a couple of clips from the Lammy episode.
I also included screenshots from the catgirl OVA that I found skimming in.
See you at the stream later tonight.
Replies: >>31690
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Reminder that the stream pre show begins in 20 minutes.
>I watched Cagliostro but not Tokyo Crisis. Thanks for the recommendation.
Yeah, enjoy.
>Oh it's the called Twin Peaks: The Return?
>Well, if S2 ends up being a disappointment at least I can go back to the first one anytime.
Just half of S2 is mediocre
>Makes sense because she was (and still is to some point) the eye candy for Kancolle. Still, I'm still adding her (somewhat sister) Amatsukaze because her design is also pure sex to me.
Appreciated, those are some nice pictures.
>I haven't watched that one but I'm ready for Arino losing hope because of kusoge lol.
I'll be playing two specials since they are shorter than regular episodes.
>She was actually the older sister from one of the lolis. Nobue I think she was called.
Oh, yeah I think you are right.
Thanks mate.
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I discovered this nice artist who goes by gumachan12
Super Ghostbusters II is a really good game, developed by Hal.
Well episode 1 of Rem is almost done...
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Last announcement about the stream I will make today.
If you want to watch you can join, I guess.
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Replies: >>31696
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Dream Hunter Rem 1-3 encodes. For those who missed the pre-show.
These will expire in about a day
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Thanks a lot for the stream as always. Asobi Asobase introduced us to one of the most amazing characters in the show, Nanoha and Fate decided to actually work together for once and Popotan had an episode dedicated to the rural crisis and ghosts.
Also we had Rem who is a Dream Hunter thanks for the links btw, I'll grab them in a moment
Replies: >>31699 >>31702
I gotta stop taking afternoon naps.
Replies: >>31700 >>31702
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On the Arino side of things we had a triple episode extravaganza, featuring one of the most kusoges I've ever seen in a while and a game that had to be cleared (mostly) by his ADs.
Just like last time I might take some time to get some fun stuff out of the main shows (although Rem might be included too), if worst comes to worst I'll link it after next week's stream.
Good night.
Have a timer ready too.
Replies: >>31702
>2 episodes for Atlantis no Nazo and neither had the NAGOYA route
The mystery continues.
Replies: >>31702
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Thanks to everyone who dropped by, both those with and without a screen name during stream.
Thanks for dropping by, I hope you enjoy REM.
I almost slept through the streaming schedule myself lol
I appreciate your screenshots, if you want to single out any for potential emotes, then post them here  separately, I will gladly add them.
Is it like the nagoya shot from invaders?
>Is it like the nagoya shot from invaders?
It's... Moai related. I don't think I should spoil it in case anyone wants to solider through the game themselves.
Replies: >>31710
I suck at Worms.
Replies: >>31710
Hypnospace Outlaw is a good game with a nice vintage internet feel. There is also a good mock classic FPS spinoff for it based off one of the more memorable characters called Slayers X.
Replies: >>31710
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First anime OST I ever bought. Still listen to it frequently.
Replies: >>31710 >>31742
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Someone was saying they don't like hip-hop and only make an exception for Nujabes earlier, and I understand that sentiment, but there is more hip-hop out there that isn't absolute nigger dogshit. This was produced by a very talented White musician known as Lil Ugly Mane/Shawn Kemp and the lyrics of the nigger it was produced for were removed from this version. Also Utena is a decent anime.
Replies: >>31710 >>31750
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Oh moai, you reminded me of how Konami had an obsession with those and even made a moai game called "moai kun"
I am interested in playing Atlantis no Nazo some 
It's okay, me too. I can't do any ninja rope tricks.
I remember this game got a little discussion  here some years ago and I was interested in playing it then but right now I don't know if I could sit through the entire thing. the FPS spin off definitely looks cool though, it really nails the visual flair of the era.
>paying for music
come on now :^)
I agree with what that anon said, it's a nice soundtrack
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I think this might be one of my favorite songs.
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Combing through my backlog and Jeff Beck is pretty fuckin good.
Replies: >>31713 >>31750
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Nice pictures, and nice song. I like that drum intro. Here's (another) song I like.
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Kikes had to write a whole fairy tale about how the mean Egyptians enslaved them and they had to leave a land that they never were a part of to begin with to perpetuate their eternal victimhood complex and yet people seriously doubt that they would have the audacity to lie about any other given group being cartoonishly evil towards them.
Last edited by dejiko
Replies: >>31750
Imagine profiting off "trolling" a sandbox platform where people are just minding their own business but "1942 Germany RP" is somehow going too far so you make such a big stink about it that the creator of the game itself bans the gamemode.
Replies: >>31718
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Someone needs to make a horror movie where the main character is some heavily armed John McClane kind of guy and he beats the crap out of the killer, an anti-slasher film if you will.
I guess that Evil Dead 2 counts? Army of Darkness is more of just an action comedy film without the horror elements of 2 so that one probably doesn't.
But... The Nazis burned smut... That's very evil... In all seriousness, I don't understand why anything that isn't explicitly shitting on NSDAP when referencing it triggers so many retards to this day, especially since most of them aren't even jewish (as far as I can tell) and have no incentive to defend the holohoax industry. 99% of people crying about NSDAP weren't even alive when it was around.
Replies: >>31719
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It's hilarious how even referencing certain topics is enough to trigger these people. Soon enough they will ask for Germany to not be playable in WW2 multiplayer shooters. Reminds me of how much butthurt this picture caused and the artist ended up deleting it.
Replies: >>31720 >>31750
Who got mad about that, mudslimes? Also that video where Bub Games gets audibly butthurt because a brony calls him a nigger and tells him to kill himself is comical. I miss the Bad Guys and Scandinavian Prince. They didn't have any problem being homophobic, misogynistic or racist.
Semi-related, but vanilla WoW had some fun methods for trolling. Whenever I played priest on a PVP server and had to use a boat shared by both factions, I would run out and mind control an enemy player as the boat started to leave and walk them off into the water. Pretty sure if I did it close enough to the loading zone, they would be likely to miss the next boat too due to having to swim and walk back to the docks.
Replies: >>31721
Whatever happened to the bad guys? that was a great channel because they clearly didn't take themselves seriously and weren't afraid of actually roleplaying and getting in character without thinking that they were better than the people they were interacting with, it felt down to earth and it was funny. HEAD LIKE AN EGG
>Semi-related, but vanilla WoW had some fun methods for trolling. Whenever I played priest on a PVP server and had to use a boat shared by both factions, I would run out and mind control an enemy player as the boat started to leave and walk them off into the water. Pretty sure if I did it close enough to the loading zone, they would be likely to miss the next boat too due to having to swim and walk back to the docks.
That sounds amusing but this is going to amuse you even further **I have never played WoW*
Replies: >>31722
Britbong/ManlyTears started striking competitors like Bad Guys and DanielSL hoping to doxx them when they contested the bullshit DMCA. Sucks because I also liked Britbong, but he's an envious lunatic.
WoW is pretty fun, by the way. At least the leveling experience on vanilla (i.e. without expansions) is. There is a "chud" (the admin/developer gets called that because he's a libertarian and doesn't agree with all the tranny bullshit invading the private server community) server with lots of changes opening up in a few months I believe.
Another troll I liked to do involved open-world treasure chests. All the objects you can gather in WoW have set limits on how many are spawned at one time. That includes things like herbs, ores, fish schools, some quest items and treasure chests. What I like to do with treasure chests is loot everything in them except the lowest value item, which is almost always one random piece of food or drink. I often didn't see the fruits of my labor, but I just did it anyway because it made me crack up just knowing I set some other asshole for disappointment. Sometimes I did stick around killing mobs near the chest to see if anyone would come try to "steal" it (common behavior of WoW subhumans is to let other players start fighting mobs near chests so that they can yoink it for themselves) from me and then have another good laugh when they told me all it had inside was a glass of milk or some red-speckled mushrooms when I complained to them.
Don't expect you to ever give it a shot, but I have a lot of fond memories fucking with people on WoW over the years. Leveling on a PVP server, especially in a zone where the same quest objectives are shared by both factions, is the pinnacle of the game experience. Being able to delete half your competition from existence feels amazing. There is one notorious midgame zone called Stranglethorn Vale that is notorious for PVP and basically considered the Vietnam War of WoW. It's also one of the zones connected by that boat I mentioned, so I got a ton of entertainment value out of it over the years.
Replies: >>31723
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How the fuck is Britobong still around? And holy fuck it sucks that he went against The Bad Guys because they were genuinely great to watch and didn't pester an harass people like he does.
Regarding WoW, I think the kind of scummy behavior from players that you are describing is proper from most online games really. I've seen many games with a shared loot system where opportunistic subhumans just stick around you to steal your hard earned drops and then bail.
I never tried WoW and I am honestly unlikely to ever try it but one thing I don't think I ever liked from seeing footage from it is the seeming focus on combat and less so on exploration that it seems to have, I don't know if the vanilla experience is more exploration focused or not. I've only ever played like 2 MMOs in my life and didn't exactl y have much fun with one of those, I would say 3 but PSO is not an MMO.
Replies: >>31724
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Which MMOs have you played? Don't try FFXIV by the way. It's just a shittier WoW. And MMO players can be scummy (I guess my trolling was heh), but WoW does offer a blueprint for some very complex social interactions. Maybe not nowadays on official servers, but you still do kind of get some of the old spirit on private servers on occasion. I would never recommend playing official severs nowadays because they are absolutely botted to high hell and a lot of the real players are tryhard retards. The atmosphere of official servers has been pure cancer for years now.
Replies: >>31725 >>31741
TERA, Flyff (?), Fiesta Online and a private server of Shin Megami Tensei Imagine
I also have The Elder Scrolls Online and Black Desert but I haven't played either one. Oh yeah, I also played OSRS for a single day and got bored real quick
I know it's not an MMO but I consider PSO to be a really fun game in spite of how jank it is and Atlyss very much felt like that.
I don't think I ever had any interest in World of Warcraft, hell the only Blizzard game I ever played was Warcraft 3 and a tiny bit of the Playstation version of Diablo, and then Diablo 3 on 360 later on. I've heard that official WoW has censored a lot of content and quite frankly I don't feel like ever giving Blizzard my money.
Last edited by dejiko
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I've been playing a little bit of New Horizons and I am just baffled by how much they neutered the dialogue in this one. I'm pretty sure that cranky personalities are entirely gone, Resetti is gone, and most of the more personalized or quirky dialogue is gone. Everyone lacks a personality, you raging fathead.
Replies: >>31750
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Replies: >>31730 >>31750
I liked how the residents requested new catchphrases from time to time. Just make them all talk like vulgar Jew Yorkers eventually.
Replies: >>31733
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Also best resident
Replies: >>31733
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I made them all say penis or balls, I was very creative.
Close but no cigar shoutouts to purrl
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Jesus. Kimi to Kanojo gets fucking crazy. The translation for it was horrid in places, but I thought it was interesting overall.
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I'm not even entirely sold on the way they altered the character designs and proportions. There was something more charming about the older models and environments, the game feels a bit more drab now and there's less variety in the proportions of villagers and players, they are rounder and more plush like. The old atmosphere is just gone, New Leaf is where this problem started and what little I played from that game I certainly didn't enjoy nearly as much as City Folk or Wild World.
I don't like how fucking glacial the progression from NH feels, it truly wants you to spend like a fucking week or more before you even get your city hall, Animal Crossing has always been about slow daily progression and playing sporadically each day but this is just ridiculous, and the new obligatory daily tasks to progress and crafting elements which are also quite undercooked because it's still Animal Crossing so you only get like a handful of items which are all dropfed- it all adds up to making me really not feel much at home anymore. 
I am sure that if I play enough and develop the island more, it will feel more like the old days, but really this isn't the old days. And WW came out long enough ago that most of the people who played it are no longer the core audience of the series. Many retards will have NH as their first AC or maybe they played NL and that will be their entire frame of reference for the series. New Horizons is also the highest-selling entry in the series by a LONG shot, it sold four times as much as Wild World.
This is the direction the series will be taking from now on, it's dead and it peaked 20 years ago or so.
Pocket Camp is probably a more enjoyable title than NH is, and I only played PC on release several years ago for about a week or two.
How horrible are we talking here?
Replies: >>31741
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I'm all tuckered out, so I apologize in advance for my barely coherent rambling.
Replies: >>31750
mainly goofy sounding/out-of-character shit like
>Chow time!
>I like to stay woke [...]
If you ever read it, you'll probably see what I mean
Replies: >>31745 >>31750
> sales

New Horizons is not a bad game. I won't defend Big N's decisions with it to death though. It has the last urrah of Amiboos which are now probably dead as a collection catagory.  I am also not totally cool with the softening for the sake of chasing the cozy game trend. It lacks a ton of features. What is also Bullshit? Only one island per account. Seriously? 

I can confirm what you are saying about FF XIV. The grindy crafting doesn't help and the cringe story don't help either. I prefer Guild Wars (which is dead nowadays) and Path of Exile 1 and 2. As good as no bots and the insane map modifiers kill the tryhards for you. In one instance the party leader said after a wipe
> Let's not go after the [Megabosses]. The maps are too insane on itself.
Replies: >>31744 >>31745
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"Oh, looks like I just found out the guy that's in charge of sourcehut is very annoying and unhinged, let me just put a mirror over on codeberg just in case he tries to own the chuds and starts to delete repos. They seem pretty undercover and  low-key—"
This is extremely cute. Good job.
Nice. Saved. I hope you bought physical.
It amuses me that the artist for Super Sonico worked on this.
> https://archive.is/eOtSs
> sigh
Nigger balls


Yes, the actual reason for this is some shitposter spamming nigger balls everywhere.
Replies: >>31746 >>31750
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New Horizons was fun, but I can't go back after losing my save. Had my house completed and almost all bugs and fish donated.
Got the 3 CD set at a secondhand media store when those (besides Goodwill) were still a thing around here.
Replies: >>31746
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This song is fucking awesome.
You've been acting sus this whole time, senpai.
I'm glad amiibos are fucking dead, locking on-disc features behind physical DRM is retarded.
>Codeberg is currently suffering from hate campaigns due to far-right forces, and so are our users. 
Stopped reading there.
Glad I never used that site, not like I have any reason to.
Replies: >>31746 >>31750
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How are you doing frens? I've been very sick...and then busy again...but my schedule is starting to open up once more.
Imagine being so mentally ill that you seethe tremendously at such a low effort troll. But then again these are the same people who threaten to kill themselves if they see the word 'dilate'. 
That's cool how you found something as obscure as that at a media store. Nice find.
That's a cute creeper, I'd bet if I hugged her I'd explode.
Replies: >>31747 >>31750
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New Horizons is pissing me off, I don't think I am touching it again for a while. I can't believe I was consdering a Switch because of this game at one point, lol.
>How are you doing frens?
Mentally overwhelmed, realizing that I have at least some means to self motivate but lacking the will. Also broke and busy.
>I've been very sick...and then busy again...but my schedule is starting to open up once more.
Well maybe you are feeling better now, cheers.
>That's a cute creeper, I'd bet if I hugged her I'd explode.
I know I would explode alright
Replies: >>31749
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Ackshyually, there is one more thing...
Replies: >>31749
>Mentally overwhelmed, realizing that I have at least some means to self motivate but lacking the will. Also broke and busy.
This world pulls all the motivation and money away from you :< 
Were you able to play the Popotan VN op on stream? I like it better than the anime's op.
>Well maybe you are feeling better now, cheers.
Thanks fren. I certainly am though. I hate being sick.
Replies: >>31750 >>31752
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>Thanks for dropping by, I hope you enjoy REM
Will tell you when I get to watch it how it goes but the third one was so-so especially the faggot parts.
> if you want to single out any for potential emotes, then post them here  separately, I will gladly add them.
I think there's one from Arino that I might put as one so appreciated.
Well I don't mind this instrumental but the problem is that the ones that are more popular are just that. That said, if you can find stuff like Nujabes and this thing I'd appreciate it.
Speaking of, I'd be up for watching Champloo on stream.
Nice song and nice Mio shimapans.
Maybe the Egyptians were right in enslaving them.
>Reminds me of how much butthurt this picture caused and the artist ended up deleting it.
I hate the fact that she had to deal with this, she makes very cute Mokou art and those fags had to shit themselves because of two words.
Yeah Nintendo of America have been absolute retards with this for a long time. There was even a Fire Emblem game that had to be retranslated and it got taken down from mainstream modding sites because they're also faggots.
Official or fan translation?
I think I know who made this video. I like his style for Zundamon and her.
Good, first Github and now this. Looks like the best option for making Git repositories is just hosting your own.
>It amuses me that the artist for Super Sonico worked on this.
Holy shit you're right, those faces are very much him.
>all of this over a shitpost
((( Codeberg ))) deserves to go down just for that.
>You've been acting sus this whole time, senpai.
Why must you remind me of that? Cute Creeper though
Honestly I've been lazy. I shouldn't but can't help it.
>I've been very sick...and then busy again...but my schedule is starting to open up once more.
Was it a cold or something else? In any case good to see you back.
>then again these are the same people who threaten to kill themselves if they see the word 'dilate'. 
I'm just waiting for Trump to ban trannies so they disappear forever.
>That's a cute creeper, I'd bet if I hugged her I'd explode.
It's worth it.
>Were you able to play the Popotan VN op on stream?
He played Caramelldansen so close enough :^)

Happy CUNY Tuesday btw.
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I found it, here's the emote taken from the Transformers episode.
I've also included this screenshot that I wasn't able to take in time during the stream.
Replies: >>31752
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We don't get a Mega Man X anime but we get an ugly westoid slop Amazon MM  uncanny valley CG freakshow. Thank you Capcom, fuck you and fuck Monster Hunter Wilds, tranny garbage.
You are wondering why I am ranting about this? Well I was just casually playing Mega Man and I realized that a sizable portion of the top scores for several challenges are blatantly cheated scores. Impossible times and when there's a replay, it usually involves the character repeatedly dying and clearly exceeding the alleged time score. I cannot think of anything more pathetic than cheating in a videogame, even more so in a single player one. Nobody will look at your 0:01 time and think its legit, everyone who isn't functionally retarded can tell you cheated, anyone who plays the game knows that's not possible. You aren't even remotely fooling anyone, just ruining the leaderboards for everyone playing the game legitimately. 
>Were you able to play the Popotan VN op on stream? I like it better than the anime's op.
No, feel free to drop by the stream and play it if you want though.
I would ruin the joke if I explained it, but try reverse searching the picture.
>Maybe the Egyptians were right in enslaving them.
Uh, dude. The whole point about my post was that it never happened. If you didn't know, jews were never in Egypt, even modern jewish historians have said as much, the exodus is a fable meant to justify jewish historical claims and identity bi vilifying ancient Egypt. 
Unless you were aware of that and are just joking around, in which case I apologize for my brief rant.
>Will tell you when I get to watch it
>I hate the fact that she had to deal with this, she makes very cute Mokou art and those fags had to shit themselves because of two words.
I've seen Japanese artists being harassed time and time again by these puritanical zoomer freaks.
>Yeah Nintendo of America have been absolute retards with this for a long time. There was even a Fire Emblem game
Yes that was Engage, I believe. I did play that for a whooping fourty minutes or so before I got extremely bored, it's a cheap ugly game.
Is that a new crop of the same emote?
Replies: >>31758 >>31804
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Also happy meme day
By the way Dr. Maggie Bryson has been accused of "Antisemitism" for pointing out that the exodus is a mere fabrication and there is no recorded history to verify its authenticity.
Replies: >>31758
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>find loli doujinshi
>its good so far
>suddenly sodomy
Replies: >>31756 >>31758
What are your opinions on "Dandadan" (or however you spell it)? From a quick glance it looks like westerner-targeted shit, but I might be wrong.
How would that happen? It wasn't even in the tags?
>What are your opinions on "Dandadan" (or however you spell it)? From a quick glance it looks like westerner-targeted shit, but I might be wrong.
It's made by a studio mostly composed of foreigners that produces subversive slop like Scott Pilgrim Takes Off and the leftist nonsense known as Japan Sinks 2020 (you need to read up on that crap, its super jewish)
It's a studio entirely propped up by kike money from Netflix which funnels foreign "Talent" into Japan to subvert the anime industry.
Dandadan is probably their first hit and what I did watch seemed blatantly subversive, including the main character being some stereotypical scrawny nerd who gets noticed by a whore who just got dumped by her boyfriend, the way this is played out reeks of feminist bullshit.
>How would that happen? It wasn't even in the tags?
I think I just didn't see the tag
Replies: >>31759
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>Good, first Github and now this. Looks like the best option for making Git repositories is just hosting your own.
Nobody you can trust more than yourself, as they say...
>Honestly I've been lazy. I shouldn't but can't help it.
Same here. I need to go on another trip again...maybe hiking somewhere. Being outdoor always energizes a person. Maybe that will help you too.
>Was it a cold or something else? In any case good to see you back.
I have no idea man. The healthcare system in my country isn't the best, so when I 'finally' got some test run they couldn't really find anything and just prescribed me some medication that they 'thought' would help. It may have been kung flu or some other respiratory illness. I think me working so much and not resting made it worse.
>I'm just waiting for Trump to ban trannies so they disappear forever.
Didn't he already remove a bunch of LGTV stuff from the federal website and federal documents? That X thing you burgers had on passports and IDs was really silly, I'm surprised that it actually happened.
>Happy CUNY Tuesday btw.
I hope you and everyone else has an extremely CUNY day.
Columbo reference? Also very cute roll in a fancy dress.
How is denying something antisemit-
Sodomy as in gay or sodomy as in animal or sodomy as in the second hole?
Replies: >>31804
>What are your opinions on "Dandadan" (or however you spell it)?
Nothing personal since I haven't watched or read it, but it seems like poor mans Mob Psycho with light horror elements added to it. I guess normalfags love their shounen, they can't get enough of it.
Anime is mostly pozzed nowadays aside from CGDCT. Even the fantasy lewd stuff is heavily neutered compared to what was available years ago. Western influence and meme-chasing zoomers (yes even in nippon land) ruined it. The interest in anime is growing with normalfags, but only because they are porn-addicted zealots and western entertainment sucks. I know anime has lost its sparkle especially since /a/ threads for anime don't even really sound enthusiastic and they aren't as fun as they used to be. This isn't a post of complaint, just acceptance. I'm discovering a lot of old stuff and enjoying it immensely.
>Japan Sinks 2020
I watched the trailer of this just now and it made me realize how I hate the hollywoodization of anime trailers. The same cliche 'epic' music, the random shots in tune with the 'epic' music, the silence for some 'dramatic' or 'funny' part. It's so nauseatingly boring. Do something new and not contrived please. It's already bad that hollywood has infected every sector of 3dpd 'movie' and 'television' entertainment, don't desecrate my anime too (it's already happening...).
Replies: >>31760
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>Anime is mostly pozzed nowadays aside from CGDCT
Come on you know that's not the case and you damned well know it. Pozzed means inserting woke ideology into shit, not showing less pantyshots. The latter is definitely a symptom of the former but they aren't interchangeable. If you want to see what pozzed looks like then look no further than mainstream American comic books.
>Sodomy as in gay or sodomy as in animal or sodomy as in the second hole?
Guy sticks his dick inside loli's shitting hole, gross!
>Columbo reference? Also very cute roll in a fancy dress.
>I watched the trailer of this just now and it made me realize how I hate the hollywoodization of anime trailers.
You should read a summary on the plot, it's based on a subversive leftist book or something.
As for trailers, well I have nothing to say on that, they have always been shit one way or another, Japan isn't exactly known for their stellar trailers, aside from like some 50s Kurosawa trailer.
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Replies: >>31761
What's a slightly more tamed word for pozzed then? Infected? Tainted? Is that the term most suitable?
>Guy sticks his dick inside loli's shitting hole, gross!
Loli butt is clean and pure unlike the pee and period blood hole.
Replies: >>31762
I would argue that infected or compromised are both more fitting.
>Loli butt is clean and pure unlike the pee and period blood hole.
But she poops from there.
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It's the official one.
Replies: >>31804
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What the fuck is a yuletide, I only know Christmas. God Bless.
Replies: >>31768
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Yes I'll just let whatever this is crawl down my chimney and eat me instead of getting cookies for Santa, brilliant.
Replies: >>31767 >>31772
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He only comes to you if you have been naughty.
Replies: >>31769
Merry Christmas
Replies: >>31769
Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence
>if you are naughty a 7 foot tall literal demon will come to get you
who came up with that
Replies: >>31771 >>31772
>My Father-Mother. My mother is my mother, but she's also my father. Actually she's my father, but also my mother.
I wonder how trannies feel about this episode of Gintama.
Replies: >>31775
The Germans. Do I have to explain the rest of the lore?
Replies: >>31772 >>31775
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DID YUNO THAT Japanese Krampus is also Japanese Santa?
Replies: >>31775
While we're talking about it I know /christmas/ has a small thread about different Christmas gift givers and companions of Santa >>>/.christmas/2366
Took me a few minutes to find it. It's interesting.
Replies: >>31775
Oops >>>/christmas/2366
Replies: >>31775
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There's a lot of uh... "interesting" mods for this game
But is the game itself worth playing or is it tedious shit?
I can't make sense of that
Sure anon, if you want to.
But does he eat KFC and cake or whatever
>Black Pete
Is he going to steal all my presents?
It's a bit tedious from what I recall. I started playing Rune Factory 4 recently and like that it feels pretty condensed and easy to drop when I get bored. I think Rune Factory is the closest comparison to be made to Stardew Valley.
>I can't make sense of that
Some kid recites that to his class. His father used to be a sumo hero, but trooned out and started an okama club when his wife died.
Replies: >>31777 >>31781
Isn't Rune Factory 4 the one that got pozzed by localizers, I think they added shit that wasn't in the JP release.
>Some kid recites that to his class. His father used to be a sumo hero, but trooned out and started an okama club when his wife died.
Oh ok
Replies: >>31778 >>31781
I don't know which it is, dipping my toe into the series. I'm guessing there is homosexual romance, but haven't tried. Was thinking of trying to romance the elf bard. The knight girl is nice, too, but seems like the default romance since she's very useful to take along for fighting monsters. I kept getting destroyed by the first boss (playing on Hell), then beat it when I realized I could take a companion with me.
Replies: >>31779 >>31781
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Youtube keeps recommending me streamers with like 1-10 viewers instead of smaller channels I would actually watch. Half my like history is anime and the other half is gaming and music, what a shit algorithm. 
I know it was one of the games that got ported to PC. My experience with the series boils down to playing the first one on DS about 13 years ago and I can't say I remember much from it.
Replies: >>31780
Caught one of my brothers watching some streamer with all the fixings for a cancerous layout (vtuber avatar, random picture of yukkuris, scene cluttered in general, "playing" some edgy tranny westoid "anime" "game", etc). He was the only viewer.
Replies: >>31783 >>31804
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>Rune Factory 4
I played it too, a while ago. I ended up finishing chapters 1 and 2 without romancing any of the girls because they were all so cute and I couldn't decide who to pick. After days of internal debate, I chose Amber (the green haired loli) only to get bored and drop the game shortly after, before starting chapter 3.
I don't remember seeing anything pozzed in it. Also, check'd.
>homosexual romance
I think they added that starting from 5. It's not possible to do that in 4. Also, you should keep an eye out for elemental fairies, they are the strongest (and cutest) companions in my opinion.
Replies: >>31783 >>31796
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Hey is the Super Slim PS3 a good buy? I've been thinking for a while about getting a PS3 but I'm not sure if I should go with that one or just the regular slim.

>But does he eat KFC and cake or whatever
Namahage is kind of interesting. He scolds naught or lazy people (not just children) and scares the shit out of people by carrying around giant butcher knives but don't actually hurt anyone. They also expect payment of mochi for every house they visit. Newly married couples though they work as a sort of couples therapy and threaten brides to be properly wifely in their duties and also grill both brides and grooms on their sins their first year. In this case they expect a a meal and sake as payment.
They are NOT harmless in Nioh though.
>Black Pete
>Is he going to steal all my presents?
Unfamiliar with him?
Replies: >>31783 >>31786
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I'm playing REmake 2, I fucking hate these dogs. I don't know how but they somehow made dogs more annoying here than in the classic titles. I hate these stupid motherfuckers, these are the worst enemies in the history of videogames, reeeeeeeeeee.
Sounds like dodging a bullet.
>I don't remember seeing anything pozzed in it. Also, check'd.
Then it was probably 5.
>Hey is the Super Slim PS3 a good buy? I've been thinking for a while about getting a PS3 but I'm not sure if I should go with that one or just the regular slim.
Both Slim and Super Slim are good purchases, I'd stay away from the Phat model unless you are willing to open it up, repaste and general internal maintenance since they are getting up there in age and unlike say, the PS2, they aren't really that well made.
You'll lose hardware level PS2 backwards compatibility with Slim models and I don't think they support full-blown CFW (or maybe it's just one of the Slim types that doesn't) but you'll definitely get something that lasts longer than a Phat model.
>Namahage is kind of interesting. He scolds naught or lazy people (not just children) and scares the shit out of people by carrying around giant butcher knives but don't actually hurt anyone. They also expect payment of mochi for every house they visit.
What's up with all these creatures scaring the bejeezus out of people with violence (or violent threats) and what have you, this is why Santa is better, he would never do that.
>Unfamiliar with him?
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I'm pretty sure that USB dongles weren't a thing back in 1998
Replies: >>31804
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>Unfamiliar with him?
He's one of the Krampus type companions of Santa, from the Netherlands this time. The exact origin is obscure. He might have originally been a captured moor servant that Santa is trying to christinize, or he might be derived from Krampus but with all the more demonic elements removed or he might have just been a chimney sweep.

I think my favorite of Santa's companions is Knecht Ruprecht which was a sort of hobo Santa that followed the real Santa around and beat naughty kids with sticks.
Replies: >>31787 >>31788
Wow I managed to forget my flag AND reply to the wrong post all at the same time.
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>The exact origin is obscure. He might have originally been a captured moor servant that Santa is trying to christinize
This Santa lore is surprisingly dark, wow.
>I think my favorite of Santa's companions is Knecht Ruprecht which was a sort of hobo Santa that followed the real Santa around and beat naughty kids with sticks.
He looks rather unhinged, I like him.
Replies: >>31791
You know REmake 2 is strange, the game is surprisingly well optimized but only when you play it in DirectX 11 mode, which for some reason was removed in the latest version of the game after they added DX12 and raytracing support. This effectively made it so anyone who was playing on older GPUs/Windows 7 couldn't play it anymore and even those who could still play it were met with a substantial performance decrease, we are talking 30% worse performance here, also any mods made for DX11 won't work on DX12 builds.
Spoiler File
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The current shittiness of media as a whole cab be blamed on the pandemic. During that period of time normalfags couldn't be out being their usual degenerate hedonist selves so amid their depressive episodes over having to be inside their homes they turned to crap like Netflix, Crunchyroll, Steam and the Nintendo Switch and consumed exorbitant amounts of media.
It was during this period that interest in anime from the West absolutely peaked and where a lot of the damage began to take place, similarly many videogame franchises had their best selling entries during this period, like Animal Crossing New Horizons (shit) and Monster Hunter World (which was the newest one at the time)
So yeah, thank you China, Biden's crackhead son and whoever the fuck else was behind that shit. Fuck all of you.
Replies: >>31791 >>31804
That time period is probably responsible for that absolute abomination of a Castlevania show too.
>This Santa lore is surprisingly dark, wow.
Not even the darkest one. Père Fouettard is the version of Santa's helper from the south of France. His origin is that he kills and dismembers 3 boys to rob them and then Santa comes along resurrects them and Père either directly repents and comes to serve Santa voluntarily or Santa forces him into servitude for his sins and makes him his servant.
Replies: >>31792
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>That time period is probably responsible for that absolute abomination of a Castlevania show too.
I bet it's probably the main reason why it got so many seasons even if it did come out earlier, and I believe it even has some spin offs.
You know how there's a bunch of shitty horror movies about killer Santa? They should take note from these stories instead, this is some Brothers Grimm stuff. Well I wouldn't mind a more artful depiction of these stories either.
Deleted my earlier post because the picture was apparently AI-assisted.
Replies: >>31797 >>31804
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Here is my wholesome chungus post of the day: All niggers worldwide should be shipped back to Africa whether they want it or not, women shouldn't hold any power, all the retards calling everything fascist make me wish for actual fascism so they can be told to shut the fuck up. Japan's isolationist period was the right call, sandniggers should be nuked along with kikes.
Have a nice day.
Last edited by dejiko
Replies: >>31804
Korean action/drama shows sure have a lot of perfect Mary Sue girlboss characters. I haven't seen too many shows, but All of Us Are Dead was the least annoying about it so far. Put this show called Happiness on in the background and I want to smack the female lead in the face with a frying pan. Or whoever wrote the character that way, I guess. Show is overall bad anyway. Supposed to be about zombies, but it's probably 95% mundane talking scenes. Feels like it's lucky to get even one zombie sequence on an episode, which are each an hour long. All of Us Are Dead had a lot of frantic zombie scenes in comparison.
Maybe it's apples to oranges to compare gooks to zipperheads, but I really didn't like One Cut when I watched that several years back. It's more meta than it is about zombies. Haven't seen Train to Busan and of course Netflix leeching off family subscription doesn't have it with all the other gook crap in their catalog.
Well, it's good to hear there is no homosexuality in this one at least. Haven't decided which girl I want to romance still and probably won't for awhile. Kinda thinking I will just develop the friendship of all characters first. The first time Porcoline was shown on the screen, I was really hoping they didn't put fat woman romance in the game. The town introduction cutscene didn't have any dialogue or narration so I assumed the fat character with long hair was a girl. Glad to have found out later it's a guy and he can't be romanced anyway.
Replies: >>31799
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Dinner made, drinks poured, slurs posted. Yep, it's K-On time.
Replies: >>31799
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South Korea had some sort of feminist shadow government last time I checked and it influenced every aspect of their lives including their media which might realistically explain why their television shows are like that.
It also applies to Doremi.
Replies: >>31801
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A sentimental recording meant to elicit a sense of nostalgia on the listener, seems to be aimed at older folk. Here's the thing, it's from 1907, so this is a nostalgic song from 117 years ago.
Replies: >>31802
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I'm sorry for posting that, I guess. Was just trying to say that garbage is gaining traction, unfortunately. I debated spoilering the first image, but thought that would remove the filename and send a more wrong idea.
I know about that, but I just wondered anyway. The Sweet Home adaptation pretty much ended with a bunch of important male characters even if it emphasized (or rather, focused on) females for most of the show (the show is still garbage and unwatchable, not saying otherwise).
What's funny about this Happiness show is that it just feels like women overemphasize communal living situations such as apartment complexes. It's sold as a zombie show, but then it just seems like a Mary Sue self-insert for all the loser women watching it to act like aggressive cavemen to their landlords. Or their building/compound representatives? I haven't lived in a gated community setting even in USA, so I don't know anything about HOA aggression and how it might translate from aggression in communal living setups as seen in places like South Korea.
>It also applies to Doremi
Never saw it before. The name sounds like it's related to music, but thought it was basically just something like Cardcaptor Sakura.
Replies: >>31803 >>31804
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Also old-timey stuff is fun. This isn't same decade as what you posted, though ;(
Replies: >>31803
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Cleared Leon A on RE2 Remake, seems that unlike the original, this game doesn't offer much of a difference between both character's stories on either A or B, I am pretty sure there are no unique bosses this time around. I still enjoyed the game, I'll look at the extra content now, like 4th Survivor or whatever it was called not sure if its unlocked yet
>I'm sorry for posting that, I guess. Was just trying to say that garbage is gaining traction, unfortunately. I debated spoilering the first image, but thought that would remove the filename and send a more wrong idea.
No need to apologize, I am just enforcing the rules, it's nothing personal.
>I know about that, but I just wondered anyway. The Sweet Home adaptation pretty much ended with a bunch of important male characters even if it emphasized (or rather, focused on) females for most of the show (the show is still garbage and unwatchable, not saying otherwise).
Sweet Home as in the movie and classic survival horror game?
>What's funny about this Happiness show is that it just feels like women overemphasize communal living situations such as apartment complexes. It's sold as a zombie show, but then it just seems like a Mary Sue self-insert for all the loser women watching it to act like aggressive cavemen to their landlords. Or their building/compound representatives? I haven't lived in a gated community setting even in USA, so I don't know anything about HOA aggression and how it might translate from aggression in communal living setups as seen in places like South Korea.
It just sounds like a delusional power fantasy for sheltered "empowered" women or something. I can't say I would watch it personally.
>Never saw it before. The name sounds like it's related to music, but thought it was basically just something like Cardcaptor Sakura.
It's an all-ages Mahou Shoujo show not unlike say, CCS. I personally enjoy it and I know for a fact that some other anons really like it, there was a doremi board at one point somewhere.
Close enough, nice song, it would fit well with an old Merry Melodies cartoon.
Replies: >>31804 >>31806
>We don't get a Mega Man X anime but we get an ugly westoid slop Amazon MM  uncanny valley CG freakshow. Thank you Capcom, fuck you and fuck Monster Hunter Wilds, tranny garbage.
Capcom didn't learn the lesson back when they tried to do this the first time. I hope they go down along Ubisoft and the rest.
>Nobody will look at your 0:01 time and think its legit, everyone who isn't functionally retarded can tell you cheated, anyone who plays the game knows that's not possible.
You don't get it, you have to start in second gear! My friends saw me do it so that's good enough!
>Unless you were aware of that and are just joking around, in which case I apologize for my brief rant.
No, that was aa retard moment from me. I thought that story was real. I wish they were actually enslaved though.
>Is that a new crop of the same emote?
It's a different one. The one you had was "This man truly does not learn".
Not interested, looks boring.
>Nobody you can trust more than yourself, as they say...
Yeah, hopefully some people understand this and start doing more decentralizing.
>Being outdoor always energizes a person. Maybe that will help you too.
I tried a couple of days ago and it worked. Thanks. I should really get out a bit more.
>respiratory illness
That sucks.
>Didn't he already remove a bunch of LGTV stuff from the federal website and federal documents? That X thing you burgers had on passports and IDs was really silly, I'm surprised that it actually happened.
It's a good first step. There was also a state that banned tranny operations for kids too but if they finally kill themselves over Trump and Elon that'd be fantastic.
>is the game itself worth playing or is it tedious shit?
I found it boring honestly.
Your brother should be bullied into having a better taste.
I don't think so, I know USB started in 1996 but there were no dongles until the 2000s. Might have to do a little bit of search.
I forgot the name of the guy who said that West Taiwan should've been glassed but I agree with him.
Gelbooru has a tag for it that you can blacklist in case something like this happens again.
Very wholesome post.
Very fun mahou shoujo, probably one of my favorites alongside CCS. You should give it a watch.
>there was a doremi board at one point somewhere
I missed it then and I don't imagine it was archived either.
Replies: >>31805 >>31806
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So Catbox is going full "legitimate business" https://catbox.tech/
It's not like this has been a terrible idea every time it has happened before, look at Crunchyroll, whatever MangaDex is trying, these kind of sites wanting to make a profit always ends up fucking over the original user base, I realize Catbox is not a piracy site explicitly speaking but most people use it to share pirated content if I had to guess, this smells like bad news.
>Capcom didn't learn the lesson back when they tried to do this the first time. I hope they go down along Ubisoft and the rest.
Capcom is truly beyond saving, I don't know what the fuck they are thinking with the new Monhun, they made every character uglier on purpose. Wilds is going to sell really well too if I had to guess, probably not as good as World given that the pandemic bullshit is over and normalfags are busy again, but that might be just wishful thinking.
>You don't get it, you have to start in second gear! My friends saw me do it so that's good enough!
I guess I didn't account for the human element :^)))
>It's a different one. The one you had was "This man truly does not learn".
Alright I'll try to add it, but catbox is spitting errors right now.
>I found it boring honestly.
I remember enjoying Harvest Moon on the PS1 ages ago but that game has a certain charm and simplicity that I strongly doubt a modern indie dev would be able to replicate. I assume that Stardew Valley's GOG release is the full thing and it has mod support? I might have to look into that.
>I don't think so, I know USB started in 1996 but there were no dongles until the 2000s. Might have to do a little bit of search.
I know it's a bit silly to complain about this out of place thing in a game with zombies and other mutated creatures as well but I feel like adding science fiction elements to something is not comparable to adding real items that aren't time period accurate.
>I forgot the name of the guy who said that West Taiwan should've been glassed but I agree with him.
China is flooding the US and other nations with fentanyl and they technically caused the pandemic bullshit that fucked up the world. They are not exactly great.
>Gelbooru has a tag for it that you can blacklist in case something like this happens again.
I'll have to blacklist that, I am getting so tired of that crap being everywhere.
>Very wholesome post.
You know me, I have a penchant for saying nice things.
>I missed it then
It might have a bunker somewhere but I doubt it.
Replies: >>31812
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Was thinking about how Superjail probably wouldn't have been greenlit by adult swim if it were produced in the past several years. This show was crude, but also very well animated in my opinion. Reminded me of the short animations Devin Flynn made for Wonder Showzen.
I'll have to check it out.
>bully your brother
He's in grade school so he doesn't know any better. I did tell him to turn it off, but felt bad after because my parents thought he was watching something vulgar. I'm just worried about my siblings giving away too many personal details and getting groomed by weird internet fuckers, but I can't monitor their activity much of the time.
Replies: >>31807 >>31812
I'm shocked that none of these tumblr types who were obsessing over this show weren't offended by any of the outrageous content there.
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Replies: >>31812
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Japan is waking the fuck up.
Replies: >>31812 >>31815
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Replies: >>31810 >>31812
>Heil Xitler
Replies: >>31812
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Replies: >>31812
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I think I'm going to delay the screenshots from last week because I still need to watch Dream Hunter Rem. Sorry about that, this week has been a pain in the ass.
>Catbox is going full "legitimate business"
I'm not sure what to think about this, this is just asking for trouble not like it was already having issues because normalfags found about it. We'll see what happens but I'm not happy about it.
>I guess I didn't account for the human element :^)))
You didn't, sorry. No worries though, my judge friends will just put you in there anyways :^)
>catbox is spitting errors right now.
Honestly after what happened in the last stream I'd recommend having a backup of those in here:
I think this is where Sakuranon uploaded the emotes for his own stream.
>I feel like adding science fiction elements to something is not comparable to adding real items that aren't time period accurate.
I think it should only be used if the point is to show some anachronism between the two time periods but otherwise you're right.
>I'll have to blacklist that, I am getting so tired of that crap being everywhere.
Please do, I found a good Remilia NSFW pic and it had that stupid tag in there. It's called "ai-assisted".
>I'm just worried about my siblings giving away too many personal details and getting groomed by weird internet fuckers, but I can't monitor their activity much of the time.
Yeah my opinion of parents failing to teach their kids about anything Internet hasn't changed. I'm sorry about that regardless Pikachu anon.
I imagine because Tumblrinas were busy watching Steven Universe or something.
That's good, they really need to start pushing back. Hopefully Trump's victory gives them a bit more of confidence for it.
Reminds me of a case with a Chinese food restaurant in Japan where bugmen would try and attack the place because they were not allowed and the owner just put pics of Tiannanmen Square and Winnie the Pooh in their front door LOL.
Really good Flan you got there.

In the meantime, can anyone identify the characters in Olivia's brother's backpack? I only recognize Not Reisen there (I also was wrong about Kaguya, it's just a nurse).
Replies: >>31814
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Sunday 2/23 Stream Lineup
Pre-show (20:00 UTC)
>Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)
Main Show (22:10 UTC)
>Asobi Asobase
>Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
>Game Center CX
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>We'll see what happens but I'm not happy about it.
I'm not exactly thrilled either, before you realize it Catbox as we know it will be gone and I can't really think of any other pomf type website that is as consistently reliable.
>You didn't, sorry. No worries though, my judge friends will just put you in there anyways :^)
You better do that or I will sue you for defamation, I ==AM= the King of Kong.
>Honestly after what happened in the last stream I'd recommend having a backup of those in here
Thank you very much, I will look into doing this later, there's quite a few emotes after all.
>I think it should only be used if the point is to show some anachronism between the two time periods but otherwise you're right.
Good point.
>Please do, I found a good Remilia NSFW pic and it had that stupid tag in there. It's called "ai-assisted".
It's very tiresome.
>I imagine because Tumblrinas were busy watching Steven Universe or something.
Maybe so, but I do know they were obsessed with Superjail because they think the warden is cute for some fucking reason.
>That's good, they really need to start pushing back. Hopefully Trump's victory gives them a bit more of confidence for it.
Let's hope so.
>In the meantime, can anyone identify the characters in Olivia's brother's backpack? I only recognize Not Reisen there (I also was wrong about Kaguya, it's just a nurse).
Huh, pink one looks like Rumia.
Replies: >>31829
i wish my country would wakt the fuck up, im happy for the japanese, and all, but would love to see that happening here as well
Do you want the stream posted on vhs every week?
Replies: >>31818
Did you watch Sonic 3, dejiko?
Replies: >>31818
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Up to you but please don't post it in other boards.
I did and I posted my thoughts on it here some weeks ago. I thought it was surprisingly enjoyable, far more than 1&2 and it had a consistent amount of action scenes interspersed with comedic relief, there generally was a much larger amount of scenes with Team Sonic and Shadow as well as Eggman and his assistant which were generally far more enjoyable than the previous movies. All the other human characters had their appearances reduced and also less obnoxious which I appreciated. 
I really enjoyed the references and when Live and Learn started playing it was an autistic "oh shit" moment that I really appreciated. Jim Carrey was by far the highlight of the movie and it's not even close.
Also the post credit (mid credits?) scene kicked ass, I really like how they stuck to Metal Sonic's design and Amy looked very cute and I like her robed outfit which I assume is temporary.
Replies: >>31819
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Nice. I really liked it too. It reminded me of a 90s DBZ movie a bit.
I hope they keep the ball rolling with 4. Hopefully they can get Jim Carrey back, which he seems to be up to, and hopefully they don't ruin Amy.
Replies: >>31820
I hope they don't turn Amy into Princess Peach from the SMB movie, they already nailed her design far better than Illumination did with PP.
>90s DBZ movie
Yeah I can see that in the pacing and the villain arc. I thought that animation was legit for a second, is the concept art legit? That looks really awesome. I also wonder if they'll have any other characters in the fouth film or it will just stick to Sonic CD content, I kind of want to see some Sonic Triple Trouble or Sonic The Fighters characters, hell even Team Chaotix (but those are good enough to be a separate film really) and realistically so many others, they certainly have a lot of material to pull from.
Replies: >>31821
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>is the concept art legit?
Yes. I think Jeff Fowler posted it a month ago.
>I also wonder if they'll have any other characters in the fouth film or it will just stick to Sonic CD content
I kind of like that they keep it to 2 new characters per movie. As much as I would've liked seeing Rouge in Sonic 3, I'm glad they didn't, since it probably would've taken screen time from Shadow. 
I just hope it doesn't become too bloated as the movies go on.

Personally, I would like to see a SA1 adaptation after 4, since they already have most of the cast, and a water kaiju final act would be awesome.
Replies: >>31823
>Yes. I think Jeff Fowler posted it a month ago.
That's awesome, those are really good particularly that last one with Knuckles that just looks sick but probably would've been to expensive to produce.
>I kind of like that they keep it to 2 new characters per movie. As much as I would've liked seeing Rouge in Sonic 3, I'm glad they didn't, since it probably would've taken screen time from Shadow. 
I definitely agree, it's just that it worries me that they might lose their momentum and not be able to produce more films so I kind of want to get as much as I can get as well, at least part of me does. 
>I just hope it doesn't become too bloated as the movies go on.
If it keeps going on it might just happen or some characters might just not appear again.
>Personally, I would like to see a SA1 adaptation after 4, since they already have most of the cast, and a water kaiju final act would be awesome.
I just hope they don't hire Seth Rogen to play Big the Cat. Tikal would be cool to see in the big screen too!
Personally, I'd love to see a Sonic Rush or Unleashed movie as well, Blaze has a lot of potential and Marine needs more love. A werehog plot would make for a great film but it might be a bit unappealing to the target audience (kids) to see Sonic being all jacked up and ghoulish.
Replies: >>31824
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>I just hope they don't hire Seth Rogen to play Big the Cat.
They should just bring back Jon St. John lol or hire the current game VA like with Tails. They already have enough big names with Jim Carrey and Keanu.
Replies: >>31825 >>31826
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Also, I wonder if they're planning more shows. There's always rumors floating around, but nothing concrete. It would be a good way to tell some of the smaller stories.
I just hope they make the budget bigger, so they don't end up like the Knuckles show.
Replies: >>31826
One thing I definitely appreciate is that they hired Tails' actual VA instead of hiring some Hollywood talent and similarly Sonic is played by a voice actor or at least an unknown actor. Most films don't even care to hire actual voice actors these days so its refershing, I don't think Jon would refuse the role, nor anyone for that matter, a high profiting animated film is not something anyone in that industry would put down.
KEK, that fucking song.
I didn't watch the Knuckles show because I heard mixed things about it but I might eventually do it if I am bored enough. If we get more standalone shows I would like them to potentially introduce more characters using these shows as an introductory point. Mentioning them again but Team Chaotix would  be great for it.
Replies: >>31827
>I didn't watch the Knuckles show because I heard mixed things about it
Episodes 1 and 2 are alright. ep 4 is a fun rock opera where Wade dresses as Knuckles. The song is quite catchy too.
Episodes 3, 5 and 6 are absolutely terrible. Knuckles learns about the holocaust and Wade's sister is a loud, even more jewish and obnoxious, Adam Sandler.
It would be a good hate watch though. You should put it on the Sunday streams sometime.
>Team Chaotix would  be great for it.
A detective-style Team Chaotix show would be quite fun. They really need to give it a proper budget though.
Replies: >>31828
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>Knuckles learns about the Holocaust
You had my curiosity but now you have my attention, I'll have to spin that one up for the Sunday stream preshow sometime, that would be hilarious.
>A detective-style Team Chaotix show would be quite fun. They really need to give it a proper budget though.
If they aren't willing to give it a proper budget then at the very least they can shorten the length of the show to two or three episodes. I'd be down for that, too bad that Amazon or Paramount or whatever is retarded. There was another Sonic show released recently, I believe it was called Sonic Prime but have heard fuckall about it since, so I am heavily inclined to guess that it probably failed miserably. It can't be better or worse than Boom, depending on whom you ask...
Replies: >>31830
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>before you realize it Catbox as we know it will be gone and I can't really think of any other pomf type website that is as consistently reliable.
Yeah that's going to suck. s3k.ai is good for short videos but for full episodes might not work as well.
Looks like you'll have to use Pixeldrain for those.
You better do that or I will sue you for defamation, I AM the King of Kong.
You sure are in MAME.
>I do know they were obsessed with Superjail because they think the warden is cute for some fucking reason.
I guess it makes sense because they're a bunch of fujoshis too.
>Huh, pink one looks like Rumia.
Maybe, although she looks like a different character that I can't put my finger on.
Replies: >>31831
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>Sonic Prime
That was Netflix. I think it did fine, it even got a toy line, but reception was mixed with fans.
The first two seasons were ok, but the 3rd and last one dragged for way too long.  The show was a bit bland, and made Sonic a goody two-shoes, which is why most people didn't like it. 
The best part were the Amy's counterparts tbh.

I wish they would just make another show like Sonic X, but without Chris.
They finally let Sonic take itself seriously again in the games and movies, so a new animated show should reflect that.
Replies: >>31831
>Yeah that's going to suck. s3k.ai is good for short videos but for full episodes might not work as well.
>Looks like you'll have to use Pixeldrain for those.
The problem with pixel drain for streaming is the transfer speed quota, once you reach a certain amount of data it will slow down unless you pay or wait a few hours. Not ideal.
>I guess it makes sense because they're a bunch of fujoshis too.
All of them are, and they are hypocritical as fuck too. Whine about loli but ship all the South Park boys and draw them in a shotacon art style, lol.
>Maybe, although she looks like a different character that I can't put my finger on.
Yeah it might be somebody else.
>That was Netflix. I think it did fine, it even got a toy line, but reception was mixed with fans.
>The first two seasons were ok, but the 3rd and last one dragged for way too long.  The show was a bit bland, and made Sonic a goody two-shoes, which is why most people didn't like it. 
I wasn't aware that it got so many seasons, that's impressive. Really cool to see some AU (?) Amy designs, I'll have to research that further later. For science.
>I wish they would just make another show like Sonic X, but without Chris.
Chris is the main fucking reason why I couldn't take that show seriously and opted not to watch it anymore after a while in spite of everything else being interesting to me. It also reminds me of how the 90s Sam & Max cartoon had some tacked on random girl for no reason that served no purpose and felt completely out of place.
>They finally let Sonic take itself seriously again in the games and movies, so a new animated show should reflect that.
I wouldn't mind SatAM making a return either, perhaps with a non disgusting art style this time around, but a new X would be ideal. I'm sure there's demand for it, hell there was a freaking Shenmue anime that followed where the games left off or something like that, didn't watch it  but if that was a thing then Sonic can  have another go at it too...
Replies: >>31869
Someone asked you to have a 70-minute pre-pre-show for Mr. Plinkett's Phantom Menace review I think. Probably not a serious request nor one you feel like fulfilling, but I think this video is a compiled version of that: https://youtube.com/watch?v=QgWcNsdmoyE[Embed]
Replies: >>31835 >>31869
Bocchi has the best guitar animation anon, and i love guitar to death
Replies: >>31834
Watched that one some months ago and really liked it, probably more than I like K-On so far (not that I dislike that either). Looking forward to season 2, might read the manga in the meantime.
Replies: >>31835
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Well I am here and about right on time
Sorry, I missed this! 
I randomly stumbled into this picture someone drew of the Gotoh family some days ago. Not really my thing but since its not on gelbooru, I thought i'd post it here.
As for the show itself, I really liked what I watched from it.
Replies: >>31837 >>31869
nevermind its on gelbooru now
I didn't see the post myself until a couple hours ago since that's when I woke up.
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here's the filtering video from earlier, warning, loli peeing.
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Ilulu mentioned
Replies: >>31869
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Replies: >>31842
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There is also a tablecloth pulling game.
Replies: >>31842
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Ah so these are the ones you mentioned, nice. Looks fun, it reminds me of this one I brought up about punching with a glove.
>In March 1995 Taito recalled Sonic Blastman machines after reports of players who sustained injuries by playing the game. A year later, Taito paid a fine of $50,000 (USD) for failing to disclose these injuries.
Taito had to pay a fine and recall units because retards played it without the protective gear that the game tells you to use.
Replies: >>31843
Reminds me of an arcade cabinet consisting of six pads, three left and three right representing upper punches, belly punches and knee kicks. The game was a fighting game and you have to go through a series of fight against thougher guys and you could play with a friend (one for each side of the cabinet).
There was a screen in the middle where you can see in real time the enemy you're fighting.
I remember having a lot of fun playing on this machine and the arcade tenant was so mad because all of the kids punching so hard the pads. I'm sure the poor guy immediately regretted his purchase.
Replies: >>31844
I thought that sounded like the Punch Out cabinet so I looked it up but that one was pretty standard, somehow I've had this arcade boxing title in my mind for years that featured someone's face you had to hit or something, I can't remember much else, but then I also have vague memories of a wireframe man like PO. If I had to guess what I am remembering, it probably was a mixture of different early childhood memories.
>I remember having a lot of fun playing on this machine and the arcade tenant was so mad because all of the kids punching so hard the pads. I'm sure the poor guy immediately regretted his purchase.
I remember this arcade-bowling joint and the poor clerk they had working there was constantly on edge over kids manhandling the cabinets and walking into the alley to cheat for tickets. I got a cool laser pointer from there! Anyway, your story sounds like a fun nostalgic time anon, it resonates with me and some of my own.
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I have the internet at the reach of my fingertips, an endless array of information, and yet all I choose to do with my time is gawk at random art all day completely spaced out. Maybe I should try doing something more with my time, get my neurons rolling, time is finite after all and I already have enough regrets.
Replies: >>31846 >>31847
Have you tried gambling?
Replies: >>31848
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Frankly this one is even better than the other one from the other day.
Replies: >>31848
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Come on anon, I am stupid but not retarded.
I was thinking more along the lines of learning Blender or something like that.
look at my little squishiko, she's so squished.
Replies: >>31849
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>Learning blender.
Are you leaning more towards animation or modeling?
Because funnily enough, if you're learning, blender serves neither end. You'll have a much better time honing the general skills of animation with something like MMM. And for modeling, something like Zbrush or even Metasequoia 4 offer a greater depth of tools and  better UI.
Blender suffers from the "jack of all trades master of none" problem
Replies: >>31850
Well I have no interest in animation at the moment, I was just thinking about modelling. I guess I'll have to pirate either zbrush or the other piece of software you mentioned.
Replies: >>31852
What I do want to know is if zbrush models can be exported to be used with say blender later, because that might be something i'll have to do at one point for some reason.
You can, you export them on the .obj format from one and import it in the other. 
That's what blender does best in fact, it let's you import and export, either natively or through plugins from whatever format.
Replies: >>31853
Excellent, quite truthfully that was my main concern with other software, I am completely ignorant when it comes to 3D software so I just assumed that some proprietary stuff lacked exporting capabilities outside of some proprietary format like how Adobe has .PSD  for PS. I'll look into zbrush later then, excellent even cuz I don't have to put up with Blender's notoriously horrendous interface.
I just remembered I have seen Jar Jar hentai before. There was a picture of him fucking Artoria or a SAO character, can't remember which.
Replies: >>31855
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That's not a mental image that I can say I particularly needed, here's something easier on the eyes.
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Sakura anon, are you around?
Replies: >>31957
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Streamfag are we going to watch Star wars Episode 2 next week?
Replies: >>31858 >>31860
I asked during pre-stream if the plan was to watch the entire prequel and he said "ideally yes" or something to that effect. I also think I should've asked if the plan is to watch episodes 1-6.
Replies: >>31859 >>31860
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Yeah, I'll play it next week. Ideally I want to stream the entire prequel trilogy, where the original trilogy is getting the same treatment is something I'll think about.
Replies: >>31861 >>31862
When I get down to the last several episodes of an anime I really like, I lose interest in finishing it. Just feels bad having to see something conclude forever. I've been dragging my feet on quite a few series at this point. I should've interspersed more Galaxy Express, Gintama and Ranma in-between these other shows to make them last longer.
>the original trilogy is getting the same treatment is something I'll think about
I'm not a big fan so I don't really care, but seems like it would be a good continuation. You said something about a demastered version and another guy mentioned there are HD VHS versions (well, maybe he meant for the prequels, can't recall), but whatever cut is available could be a fun extra 3 weeks of pre-stream. Obviously, cut it off at the end of the OT. At most, watch Clones Wars after or maybe that's better saved for the Saturday monstergirl streams.
Replies: >>31864
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Hello frens, here are some screenshots of the rather amusing event that took place a few weeks ago.
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>When I get down to the last several episodes of an anime I really like, I lose interest in finishing it.
It has happened to me but sometimes I just get the opposite effect where I finish it too quickly. It really depends on my mood.
> but whatever cut is available could be a fun extra 3 weeks of pre-stream. Obviously, cut it off at the end of the OT. At most, watch Clones Wars after or maybe that's better saved for the Saturday monstergirl streams.
Clone Wars might be better suited for the monstergirl stream, I assume anon might've already considered it though.
Yeah if I do the six SW movies then there won't be much Star Wars after that at least for a while, I have some OVAs that I will play eventually as well.
Yesterday or so I had Yushibu on post stream, I had considered it as a replacement for Popotan once thats over but I wasn't convinced it would be for everyone and I was probably correct, it's not a bad show but it's not exactly amazing or original, not that most shows are.
Maybe anons would want more Hilda or Moomin eventually? I would like to know.
Replies: >>31865 >>31869
What's in that download?
I don't remember it too well but I don't think I hated it. Not sure what kind of store they were running, general, grocery or something else? Also more Moomins could be good too. Or maybe that's too much of a baby show, I don't know lol. I think it's good personally.
Replies: >>31869 >>31870
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Why does one of the screenshots have (You)? Also mass accusations of "embedded 'p" seems very suspicious, like these "people" have intimate familiarity with such things.
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>Why does one of the screenshots have (You)
Good question
I saved that from someone who reposted it. I'm not the OP in that picture lol
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>The problem with pixel drain for streaming is the transfer speed quota, once you reach a certain amount of data it will slow down unless you pay or wait a few hours. Not ideal.
Fuck. I need to start investigating a good alternative that doesn't cause issues for the stream.
>All of them are, and they are hypocritical as fuck too. Whine about loli but ship all the South Park boys and draw them in a shotacon art style, lol.
Fujos are a bunch of hypocrites just like furfags can be.
>Unfortunately, it contains several violent/sexist/uncomfortable parts that add nothing to the analysis and detract from the review's overall quality.
What a fag.
Fucking saved.
>Not really my thing
What's wrong with it?
Those are some great tats.
LOL nice, thanks for sharing. Good Flan cunny too.
I still haven't gotten around to it but if you want a show to replace Popotan maybe you can bring back Dr Slump (1997)? I was having fun with it.
>Maybe anons would want more Hilda or Moomin eventually? I would like to know.
Either is fine by me. If you want another recommendation for western animation I'm voting for Primal too.
The whole thing with soyniggers deciding to raid Trashchan and them getting scared of us by sheer cunny force LMAO (still sad that I didn't get to join in).
You better not.
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Alright anon, I'll personally believe you. Would be way too retarded if it were you and you were to post that and forget to remove it. I'll like to believe that.
It generally revolves around retail shenanigans with a magic twist but there's some action too.
As for Moomin, I do realize it's pretty babby in some ways but maybe that's what you need sometimes, Hilda is not much different.
>Fuck. I need to start investigating a good alternative that doesn't cause issues for the stream.
There's an array of pomf clones out there and other sites running similar software, most of them have fairly restrictive size limits however and many of them aren't temporary, which is kind of a drawback.
>Fujos are a bunch of hypocrites just like furfags can be.
>What's wrong with it?
I wish it didn't have the camera watermark
>Those are some great tats.
Sadly this animator doesn't make much good content but that was worth salvaging, if only he drew WHITE skin.
>I still haven't gotten around to it but if you want a show to replace Popotan maybe you can bring back Dr Slump (1997)? I was having fun with it.
Not a bad idea, actually. I like to have variety on the stream, some more lighthearted shows and something with at least a semblance of a plot.
>Either is fine by me. If you want another recommendation for western animation I'm voting for Primal too.
Good call, I'll look into it. I only ever watched the first episode and it was good.
Replies: >>31871 >>31873
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Also since I didn't post it, thanks for the stream yesterday. I'm roughly halfway through the other one so no current ETA on when I will have the screenshots ready for this one.
By the way, because it was mentioned in the Space Channel 5 episode, here's the only thing about the Messe event that's currently subbed: a music video for the song "GCCX MAX".

>I wish it didn't have the camera watermark
I see. Sadly I don't think he has released like a PSD file to remove those layers. I did find a couple of cute and funny drawings that I want to share though.
>Sadly this animator doesn't make much good content but that was worth salvaging, if only he drew WHITE skin.
That pisses me off.
>Not a bad idea, actually. I like to have variety on the stream, some more lighthearted shows and something with at least a semblance of a plot.
Up to you honestly. I'm enjoying Popotan and Nanoha as the plot-heavy shows we're watching on the stream but Nanoha still has a second season to go through so no worries on that part for now.
>Good call, I'll look into it. I only ever watched the first episode and it was good.
Please do, I really enjoy the fact that Tartakovsky made this one. It also speaks volumes of the current state of Western adult animation when this is one of the good things that Adult Swim had for it before cancelling it. I hope those Reddit and Memey seasons were worth it.
Replies: >>31874
OK. I guess it's retarded for me to assume that you did screenshot it yourself without hiding the fact. I'm sorry.
Oh, well damn. I guess a playlist of the entire Plinkett review really would've been superior then. Should've assumed "bad parts" meant "anything that offends Reddit". I never really liked RLM and haven't watched them much, so I made a poor assumption. I've heard RLM has grown more pozzed over the years, but maybe an unabridged Plinkett review is alright? I'll try listening to some of it for a bit.
Replies: >>31873 >>31896
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You're welcome. And here's another Flan.
If you look closely, the date of that post says “2 hours ago” while almost all the others say “1 day ago.” The ones that say 1 day ago are the ones I personally screenshotted. I forgot to save a screen of the OP and when I came back it was already gone, so I saved that particular screenshot from one of the people posting there who had posted it in another thread. I only posted those screenshots because someone asked me during the stream on Sunday. I'm sorry for raising suspicion.
It's okay, it was fair of you to point that out. It's my fault for including that screenshot. I included it to give some context. It didn't occur to me that you might mistake me for the OP in that picture.
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Thanks for the subbed clip, it's cringeworthy in a funny way. Which is very much inline with the rest of the show.
>I see. Sadly I don't think he has released like a PSD file to remove those layers. I did find a couple of cute and funny drawings that I want to share though.
Those are some REALLY good pictures there, thanks for posting them. That first one *chef's kiss*
>That pisses me off.
Many such cases, sad!
>Up to you honestly. I'm enjoying Popotan and Nanoha as the plot-heavy shows we're watching on the stream but Nanoha still has a second season to go through so no worries on that part for now.
Yeah I will play Nanoha's second season for sure. The latter ones are longer though and it would just take too long and get confusing for any newcomers to the stream.
Not the first thing by him they have canned either, sucks.
Yeah I can see what you are saying about the posts anon, no worries.
Replies: >>31896
>they sincerely thinks Trashchan is run by the same guy running /ent/
>also /ent/ is just a little minority of anons using Trashchan
They are literal retards. I hate them so much.
Replies: >>31876
Nah, it was pretty dumb of me in retrospect. You didn't do anything wrong.
Soyjaks and the brown, underage tourists who like them have been a disaster for imageboards.
Replies: >>31880
Okay I don't have the patience to replay REmake 2 and I uninstalled it since I don't want to do the same game twice, unlike the original game, both routes are nearly identical.
I did want to see HUNK again but a Youtube video will do. I've heard that REmake 3 is kind of bad and 8 looks kind of retarded even for this series so I dunno. There's also 7 which feels more like Outlast...
Replies: >>31896
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Brotip: Many of them are groypers and among the groypers is a huge faction of unironic pedos. They made a preggers loli feel over normalfag wifeguys discovering that you can use that feel to post cancer*.

 * term rot to be precise. Its the women in question who are suppose to use it as their avatar when they are posting about themselves
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OK, checked on the screenshots. They are really retarded if they think that we share CHILD PORNOGRAPHY™ in here, because some commercially motivated faggot linking his already deleted garbage hasn't been clapped like immediately. I hate those tourists so much.

> Soyjaks and the brown, underage tourists who like them have been a disaster for imageboards.

I blame term rot and that faggot Fuentes. He claimed a Pepe variant for his gay movement. Before that, Janiteam had done half the work for him by splitting the goddamn community with their moronic decisions. Nobody lurks more anymore. It also doesn't help that recording internet history is such a thankless endeavor.
Replies: >>31882
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what the fuck did I watch lol
Replies: >>31883
There are facebook frog variants? Disgusting...
Replies: >>31883
Yes, I called CHILD PORNOGRAPHY™ garbage since I am not a pedo. This also automatically makes me not so desperate for 3D cunny that I would go for grainy kompromat in 360p sourced from a tape copy of a tape copy. 

One of the best fun splatter movies ever made. Enjoy. Jackson will never ever get that mojo back.

Yes. There are. Pepe, Groyper, Apustus. And they are not even meant for faceberg.  This is why r9k came up with poo-poo pee-pee and making Pepe into the mascot of the altright to begin with
Replies: >>31884
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uhm dude, cut it out with the whole talking about that sort of illegal shit here.
Replies: >>31885
Duly noted. It was just a one of spike trap for soyniggers anyway.
Replies: >>31886
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I complete forgot about 24/24, meh.
Just don't give retards any attention, man, the best repellant is right here.
Replies: >>31896
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hell lets unpack the goods now to make up for it
Replies: >>31896
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Replies: >>31890 >>31896
fug, I put them in the wrong order.
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If you see any normalniggers they might've stumbled into this place because a subhuman poojeet made a video where he mentions a post from another board.
Spoiler File
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Disgusting, fuck the current Japanese government and I hope all indians die in eternal hellfire for being stinking brown invaders.
Replies: >>31896
I think it's mostly calmed down at this point, especially if they see stuff like this lol. The homepage still says "Go away", too, and a lot of that street-shitting monstrosity's viewers are probably too retarded to figure out how to get around it.
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Don't tell me it's still the same poojeet as all the other times.
Replies: >>31894 >>31896
What, did he mention the website again or something?
Replies: >>31896 >>31900
What are black mages from Final Fantasy based on? Galaxy Express has a couple characters that have obscured faces and bright dots for eyes, particularly one that also has a big yellow hat shaped just like the one black mages wear.
Replies: >>31902
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>I've heard RLM has grown more pozzed over the years, but maybe an unabridged Plinkett review is alright?
No idea about the first part because I haven't watched them that much but as for the second one it should be okay (the older ones at least, no idea if the more recent ones have this problem).
>Thanks for the subbed clip, it's cringeworthy in a funny way. Which is very much inline with the rest of the show.
You're welcome. I don't know if I could call that cringeworthy, I find it more charming (and also it has good production values especially Abe singing, holy shit he is great).
>Yeah I will play Nanoha's second season for sure. The latter ones are longer though and it would just take too long and get confusing for any newcomers to the stream.
You mean the ones called ViVid?
>Not the first thing by him they have canned either, sucks.
Oh fuck I forgot about Symbionic Titan. I despise them.
Don't blame you, those ones are just not worthy it also the vampire lady is fucking ugly and I don't know why there people thinking she was hot.
>>31888 (checked)
Oh fuck I forgot about that, I'll get some goodies going.
>If you see any normalniggers they might've stumbled into this place because a subhuman poojeet made a video where he mentions a post from another board.
Yeah, the poojeet went to the /late/ board because it was "deep web" or something retarded like that. Last I checked BO deleted all of that so I imagine they're gone for now at least.
Once again, hoping that Trump winning gives them the confidence to just take them out. If those signs they put to get retarded gaijin streamers is a start then I'll glad if they continue doing it.
Yes, it's the same poojeet that also introduced his retarded audience to the Internet Archive. I want him deported.
Besides that one time, no idea. If it does another thread will probably pop up warning people.
Replies: >>31902
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Thanks for the Flan cunny by the way, especially from that artist. He makes one of the most erotic Flans I've seen.
Replies: >>31900
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Teruki Kuma is amazing.
Replies: >>31902
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I always liked the design of them, but they look weird and it's weird to see something that looks so similar to them in very old anime. Maybe sounds like spoilers, it's not, but this guy is actually a skeleton underneath the clothes. It's revealed within a couple minutes of his introduction.
Replies: >>31902
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As far as I know, he mentioned zzzchan once and he's also the same jeet who made normalniggers discover the internet archive.
She looks so cute with her hair down! And I agree, he draws very good Flans, but the males he draws are too dark skinned, which is really a shame.
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Pan is cute. I tend not to disclose this information when I post content here but the first pic here is an edit that took me quite a bit of work and redrawing so if you like it you should save it because I don't intend to post it anywhere else
>Don't blame you, those ones are just not worthy it also the vampire lady is fucking ugly and I don't know why there people thinking she was hot.
I don't care for the vampire bitch but the fact that people ever considered her attractive is baffling, there's only like one or two attractive females in all of Resident Evil and that was before they switched to a modern realistic style which is not my thing. If I ever play any of those then it'll probably be 7 because its the most different one of the bunch, 8 seems like a desperate attempt to recapture the charm of 4.
>Yeah, the poojeet went to the /late/ board because it was "deep web" or something retarded like that. Last I checked BO deleted all of that so I imagine they're gone for now at least.
There's nothing more despicable when it comes to these types of YT channels than when they purposely go out of their way to seek secluded little corners of the internet that want to be left the fuck alone and they broadcast them for the entire world to see.
I genuinely hate that fat fucking ooga booga curry monkey.
>Once again, hoping that Trump winning gives them the confidence to just take them out. If those signs they put to get retarded gaijin streamers is a start then I'll glad if they continue doing it.
They need a better government first.
Truly, to tier normalfag repellent as well
I don't think they are based on one specific thing. Even He Man had something similar in the West.
Oh he mentioned sleepy as well? Gross, also it's hilarious how this absolute mouthbreather assumes that something having an .onion address somehow qualifies a website as "le spooky deep web", it's such braindead and completely idiotic content at the expense of ruining smaller sites by attracting niggercattle without an inner monologue to those sites.
That Cirno cunny looks magnifique.
Oh yeah, I don't remember her name, but I remember that little disembodied witch thing from He-Man. I don't know just seems like a very consistent design influence, so I figured there must be something older that influenced all these characters.
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That was a different Jewtuber. Still retarded though.
Really good 2hu cunny. Let me see if I can find some for you.
>Pan is cute.
She is (at least in the last three).
Good job on that one.
>They need a better government first.
Yeah sadly they do. The problem is that it's either the LDP or some other retarded party like the Communist Party.
>Truly, to tier normalfag repellent as well
Indeed, I really like the anatomy of his lolis. Him and Aoi Kumiko are really top-tier.
Hi there, I hope you don't mind me replying to you with cunny.
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It is fine iim too drunk to mind much at the moment!
Replies: >>31907
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I missed this part from >>31900: 
>I agree, he draws very good Flans, but the males he draws are too dark skinned, which is really a shame.
Yeah that always annoys me. It's such a shame that one of the only artists who still draws white males also draws furfaggotry. That's how things are at this point.
Anyways, 2hu cunny as promised.
Alright then, just be careful with it.
Replies: >>31908
Spoiler File
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He actually browsed sleepy /k/ for a few moments and even showed the board list. Imagine if he came here on the 24th lol
>That was a different Jewtuber. Still retarded though.
Oh, you're right, I remember now. I got them mixed up.
Very nice!
Replies: >>31910 >>31926
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And here's my last contribution for today
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Hello there>>31905
>Yeah sadly they do. The problem is that it's either the LDP or some other retarded party like the Communist Party.
Things might be kind of fucked then
>Indeed, I really like the anatomy of his lolis. Him and Aoi Kumiko are really top-tier.
Yeah his anatomy is great and so is Aoi Kumiko. Here's an artist I just found.
This is why gatekeeping is good, also would have been hilarious if he had done so while we were already here and like you said, on the 24th
Thanks for the contributions, anon. Nice ferret.
Replies: >>31926
Monolith Productions, AKA the studio behind Blood, No One Lives Forever, Condemned and FEAR is closing down because Warner Brothers forced them to work on some shitty Wonder Woman and that just got canned too. I doubt any of the founding talent was still there anyway but still a shame that its gone.
I never played their Middle Earth games, I wonder if they were any good.
Replies: >>31912 >>31926
shitty Wonder Woman game*
Replies: >>31926
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Oh wew
That Oneyplays AI phone call video is deranged.
>one minute into the video
>"Mario, do you jerk off?"
Replies: >>31916 >>31926
What they said to Sonic is even more fucked up lol.
Replies: >>31917 >>31926
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Is it a good idea to plant dill, fennel, cilantro and parsley around my ornamental plants to attract ladybugs and keep them safe from mealybugs and aphids? I also saw a grasshopper or something earlier and I picked him up and placed him outside.
I'm gonna keep watching, this seems pretty funny so far.
Replies: >>31926
Greyhounds are adorable elongated goofballs, I love them.
Dude the rest of that Oneyplays video had me on the floor
Replies: >>31920 >>31926
Oney talking about removing Sonic's skin and appendages, throwing him into a dumpster full of broken glass and salt then walking into the sunset with all the other Sonic characters. Seemed like the Vegeta bot had memory of a previous interaction with Dave and just hangs up. I don't know why, but specifying that the women were laughing twice as hard at Leon Kennedy being humiliated and tortured was hilarious too.
Replies: >>31921 >>31926
I checked Steam's trending page and I swear I saw FNAF porn and Dinosaur porn.
Spongebob forgetting about his mother bleeding out on the floor because of Super Mario 3D Land on the 3DS was hilarious.
Replies: >>31926 >>31928
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Remember when former Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara who posed himself as a traditionalist conservative in 2010 spearheaded an expansion of the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance Regarding the Healthy Development of Youths known as "Bill 156" which aimed to expand the restrictions to include manga and anime deemed harmful portraying provocative depictions of characters who appeared to look "younger", this bill came after a previous one was vehemently rejected and drew great opposition, 156 was essentially the old rejected bill but slightly reworded to be more vague. It got passed on Decemeber 2010.
Why do I bring up Ishihara's alleged political views? Well because back then a great point of ridicule towards his character and these bills was his own past. During his youth he was a prolific author who wrote extremely explicit books depicting a hedonistic and overly sexual youth engaging in all kinds of debauchery only to later pose as a conservative figure who strongly opposed any media displaying questionable content that could be deemed "harmful"
Here's a satirical take on the subject
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Replies: >>31926
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How do you pronounce this in Japanese?
Replies: >>31925
The whole part with Leon was absolutely hilarious
Replies: >>31928
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Just like the protagonist from Hong Kong 97
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Made a couple of possible emotes out of Yuuno-kun.
And speaking of emotes, here's a full backup of the emotes. Each one has the name that they have on the Cytube channel (with the exception of "hanakosh" which I renamed to "kasumish").

>Imagine if he came here on the 24th lol
On one hand I wish he did because he would have freaked out but on the other I'd rather normalniggers not try to take the site down because they're retarded to think lolis are CP.
>Unagi cunny
Nice find. Appreciate the 2hu cunny as well, good job.
>Here's an artist I just found.
That's some nice anatomy. I wonder how many artists are there drawing lolis and shotas having sex, seems like a tiny niche.
It is sad but that's just what's been happening with AAA gaming in general. In either case I don't think any of the actual devs were there, probably just a bunch of trannies and women.
>it's real
Holy shit LMAO
That actually sounds great, I'll give it a watch. You also reminded me of when Oney asked some AI to write a Nostalgia Critic review for "The Boys in the Striped Pajamas" and said that one of the flaws was that the movie was one-sided.
>I checked Steam's trending page and I swear I saw FNAF porn and Dinosaur porn.
Classic Steam and their double-standard "quality" control. That shit is allowed but don't you dare put some eroge in our store.
I despise that dumb law, although I think it only affected Tokyo.
>because back then a great point of ridicule towards his character and these bills was his own past. During his youth he was a prolific author who wrote extremely explicit books depicting a hedonistic and overly sexual youth engaging in all kinds of debauchery only to later pose as a conservative figure who strongly opposed any media displaying questionable content that could be deemed "harmful"
Yeah so basically hypocrisy much like places like the UN
Thanks for the link to that doujin though. Very funny and informative, although I wish the details portion got translated too.
Reading through it is interesting because there are a couple of politicians now that are otaku (the Love Hina mangaka and I forgot the name of the other guy).
Speaking of, Japan basically told the UN to fuck off and retired their funds from their feminist program because they were demanding a female Emperor.
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>Made a couple of possible emotes out of Yuuno-kun.
They've been added
>And speaking of emotes, here's a full backup of the emotes. Each one has the name that they have on the Cytube channel (with the exception of "hanakosh" which I renamed to "kasumish").
Alright, that mistake has been fixed and thanks for the backup. Would you consider making an account on Cytube so I can give you mod privileges? That way you can freely add your own emotes.
>That's some nice anatomy. I wonder how many artists are there drawing lolis and shotas having sex, seems like a tiny niche.
Not a whole lot.
>It is sad but that's just what's been happening with AAA gaming in general. In either case I don't think any of the actual devs were there, probably just a bunch of trannies and women.
It's past the point of no return for AAA gaming, i'm afraid
>That actually sounds great, I'll give it a watch. You also reminded me of when Oney asked some AI to write a Nostalgia Critic review for "The Boys in the Striped Pajamas" and said that one of the flaws was that the movie was one-sided.
I remember that one, lol.
>Classic Steam and their double-standard "quality" control. That shit is allowed but don't you dare put some eroge in our store.
There's probably some moderator bias there, maybe some retarded tranny faggot only allows what he likes.
>I despise that dumb law, although I think it only affected Tokyo.
In many cases it might deter someone from releasing their work altogether and it affects industries at large working out of Tokyo, which is also a massive hub of commerce.
>Yeah so basically hypocrisy much like places like the UN
Exactly and the most ridiculous part is that the bill was passed the second time around.
>Thanks for the link to that doujin though. Very funny and informative, although I wish the details portion got translated too.
It might be possible to get a rough translation using a service like Ichigo Reader (kinda shit but w/e)
>Reading through it is interesting because there are a couple of politicians now that are otaku (the Love Hina mangaka and I forgot the name of the other guy).
There's no doubt in my mind that these hypocritical draconian laws were one of the catalysts towards getting so many manga involved in politics.
>Speaking of, Japan basically told the UN to fuck off and retired their funds from their feminist program because they were demanding a female Emperor.
They wanted Japan to break off from their millennia of tradition for the sake of feminist bullshit? Woah they can fuck right off.
Replies: >>31928 >>31947
I was saying Robot Chicken sucks recently (I still think it does), but I guess that video kinda felt like Robot Chicken with some thought put into it.
>Oney asked some AI to write a Nostalgia Critic review for "The Boys in the Striped Pajamas" and said that one of the flaws was that the movie was one-sided.
I don't believe I've seen that one, but that sounds very funny. I've been lucky enough not to have seen the actual movie, either, but I know it's some generic hollycaust guilt propaganda flick.
>There's probably some moderator bias there, maybe some retarded tranny faggot only allows what he likes.
I heard a couple of the employees they have for OKing games are women who have strong biases against Japan. Don't know if that's true, but that seems like something that could get them fired if enough of a fuss gets raised. I didn't end up getting that Living with Sister game because apparently you absolutely need to get the patch that restores the omitted content because there are also bugs present in only the steam release. I guess I'm not even sure what kind of H content there is in that game, but I do know they go after loli stuff. They're serious about protecting fictional characters, but have no problem with exploiting real children with gambling via loot crates in CSGO, DotA and TF2? Money can really fuck priorities up.
Replies: >>31947 >>31949
New Pokemon game came out. It's in the Kalos region, the area that's supposed to represent Paris, and from what I've seen from the trailer it is very racially accurate, I'm so proud of Nintendo.
She was supposed to be the next Fuhrer.
The starters are Chikorita, Tepig and Totodile. I'm hoping that, since they're bringing back mega evolution, the starters all get their own mega evolutions too. Gen 2 starters have been ignored since forever and Emboar is the only completely garbage starter left from Gen 5 since Samurott received a new regional form along with a broken signature move in Legends Arceus. Kinda sucks even if those three do get mega forms since all Typhlosion got was a shitty regional form in the previous game.
Replies: >>31932
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They are still making Pokemon games for Nintendo's android tablet? Wasn't the last one a notoriously bad Unity-tier asset flip? Couldn't care less about a franchise by this point in time. 
Alright so I watched a gameplay clip and this genuinely looks terrible.
Replies: >>31932
I'd love to see a Mega for Feraligatr. Also they need to switch out Hydropump with another move for Level 70. 
I was too fixated on the beautiful diversity of the game to notice the gorgeous UI. Wow, such creativity. I love modern game UIs!
Replies: >>31933
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>I was too fixated on the beautiful diversity of the game to notice the gorgeous UI. Wow, such creativity. I love modern game UIs!
This just screams fantasy, doesn't it?
Replies: >>31935
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Well this happened
Replies: >>31935 >>31947
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There's this Sailor Moon /u/ eroge from a doujin circle called AXIS that has really nice art. Can't find too much about the circle on the english web, and there is only one game under their tag on VNDB. Guess I'll have to look further.
Wow Powerful. I love fantasy now.
>Source Code dumps
Sorry, the game is called AXIS, the circle is mermaid. My bad.
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I found this fictional Japanese educational show, it's styled similarly to public  broadcasting children shows from Japan such as Jam the Housnail but it seems to have a sort of dark twist to it, which doesn't necessarily looks like horror though. The lyrics from the song are rather depressing for example, in contrast to the cheery tune.
This looks nice, is there a download for it anywhere or is this a really hard to find one?
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Replies: >>31955 >>31964
Watched this Korean survival game garbage called The 8 Show today. Full of egregious plot holes and dumb twists. Characters are all two-dimensional despite the cast being quite small. Nothing really happened in the first half and it's only eight episodes long. They randomly included the oldest woman getting revenge on one of the men by castrating him.
Replies: >>31939 >>31947
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I keep finding Japanese fanart of PPG, seems like the show was really popular over there at some point and still is to an extent.
There was that one anime adaptation too...
Sounds dreadful, why do you keep torturing yourself with Korean slop? Nevermind, I can't judge you when I watched S1 of Invincible (animated show) and it was pure suffering
Replies: >>31942 >>31947
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Hello hello
Replies: >>31941
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For background noise and to see if there is one good show from Korea that is available on Kikeflix. Probably isn't, but I don't want to throw anime on when I can't give it my full attention.
Is that one of those edgy capeshit series?
Doesn't it kind of seem like a parody of mahou shoujo stuff? Not necessarily a mean-spirited one. There is a decent amount of good jokes in the original series. Haven't seen the anime adaptation or the westoid reboot, but I know one of the jewish writers of the reboot wrote himself into the show as Blossom's love interest.
Replies: >>31943 >>31947
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When I can't give something my full attention I just generally listen to music or something myself, I used to put on Star Trek and similar shows but those require more attention than that. Anime is hard to have on the background, it needs my full attention.
>Is that one of those edgy capeshit series?
Yes and it sucked and they somehow made it even shittier than the source material by race swapping shit and changing other things, not that either one was ever good mind you.
>Doesn't it kind of seem like a parody of mahou shoujo stuff? Not necessarily a mean-spirited one. There is a decent amount of good jokes in the original series. Haven't seen the anime adaptation or the westoid reboot, but I know one of the jewish writers of the reboot wrote himself into the show as Blossom's love interest.
It borrowed elements from mahou shoujo content from the 90s, yes it most certainly did. That reboot was a horrid jewish disgrace though and I'd rather pretend like it never happened, at least the anime adaptation managed to be really cute even if unoriginal and not particularly engaging. Here's some official art.
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Replies: >>31985
Deleted my rant because I don't want politics related sperging here at the moment.
Replies: >>31983
>go to sleep
>have dream i am playing drg with casual guy and minmax tranny
>eventually mission fails
>tranny starts complaining about how it was the worst teamwork he has ever seen
>tell him his voice is annoying and he will never be a woman
>wake up with a bigger headache than i fell asleep with
I need to remember to wear my TF2 shitfoil hat to keep this prick Obama from sending tranny propaganda into my dreams via microwaves emitted by the HAARP Transmitter so I don't join this zombie civilization we got going on.
Replies: >>31947 >>31949
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>They've been added
Thank you.
>Would you consider making an account on Cytube so I can give you mod privileges? That way you can freely add your own emotes.
I'll give it a go today.
>It's past the point of no return for AAA gaming, i'm afraid
I'm aware, the only thing it can do now is go down in flames.
>In many cases it might deter someone from releasing their work altogether and it affects industries at large working out of Tokyo, which is also a massive hub of commerce.
That's fucking retarded, I hope that was worth it.
>There's no doubt in my mind that these hypocritical draconian laws were one of the catalysts towards getting so many manga involved in politics.
I don't doubt it either. The only people willing to defend otakus have to be other otakus.
>They wanted Japan to break off from their millennia of tradition for the sake of feminist bullshit? Woah they can fuck right off.
Remember: the UN says that animanga is hurtful to children, meanwhile they have fucking sandnigger countries there. And let's not forget that there have been people from the UN that have done it too.
>I don't believe I've seen that one, but that sounds very funny.
I've clipped it for you, enjoy.
>I know it's some generic hollycaust guilt propaganda flick.
Haven't seen it either but yeah it makes sense for that to be.
>tranny or woman
Is there any difference at this point on them being hypocrites with what games they pick?
>She was supposed to be the next Fuhrer.
Don't worry, the K-On girls will make the Fourth Reich happen.
That's awesome. I wish more game companies did that (apparently Valve did something similar of sorts with their 2013 SDK where they started accepting community fixes, although  it was only for TF2 I think).
Those are some gorgeous CGs even if I'm not that much into yuri.
>seems like the show was really popular over there at some point and still is to an extent
Yeah, in part thanks to the simplistic character design of the girls, which is charming and cute.
>There was that one anime adaptation too...
Yeah that happened too. I didn't pay attention to it because from what I saw it was boring but the designs are good too.
>gookshit and capeshit
You guys have my condolences for sitting through that garbage.
Also in regards to the reboot, yes, it was fucking terrible they made the girls fucking do one of those nigger dances and that was enough for me to disregard it. I'm just glad that this was enough for CN to drop the idea of reboots of older shows.
>For background noise and to see if there is one good show from Korea that is available on Kikeflix.
You are better off putting on some music, it's just way better.
Are you interested in a manual typewriter?
Replies: >>31949 >>31955
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Reading through AIR for the first time. I really like the art style.
>he would have freaked out
Or maybe not. If you're aware of the retarded drama he got into, you might know that he's watched loli hentai before and didn't seem to have a problem with it at the time. He's pretending to be disgusted by it now for the sake of virtue signaling. Also, funny how normalniggers consider lolis cp when the disgusting jewish porn they consume often features REAL people who look like they are barely legal. But that doesn't seem to be a problem for them, you don't see them going after 3dpd porn sites.
>Nice find. Appreciate the 2hu cunny as well, good job.
Thanks, always a pleasure. Glad you liked them.
oh fug I just noticed wew
Is this yuri?!
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The floating reply window takes up too much space on my screen, this isn't friendly to lower resolutions and resizing makes it hard to use. There seems to be no way to minimize the Password, Files, Flags and Tegaki tabs, or any at all for that matter. Not that I ever see that becoming an option.
Here's a list of games I either want to check out again or check for the first time as soon as I can and I am done with my current game, some of them are still in Early Access. Posting them here to remind myself.
>Thunder Helix (new)
90s EGA style 320x200 custom engine helicopter arcade sim
>Captain Blood (1988)
an open-world-ish space travel game which involves communicating with alien lifeforms and voxel landscapes, very unique amiga title
>Hostile Waters
>Croixleur Sigma
>Nuclear Option (new)
Ace Combat-esque sandbox title with an active development cycle and constant updates
>Sanoba Witch
visual novel about cute witches
A game inspired by Sony's Vib series of games (Vib ribbon, ripple, etc)
>Kokoro Clover Season1
(cute and funny little side scroller with a heavy emphasis on detailed pixel art and character interactions, more of an anime than a game)
I had a nightmare involving the game Demonophobia today and it freaked me the fuck out, that title makes me really uncomfortable to this day.
>I'll give it a go today.
Alright let me know when and if you do, just idle around the channel when you join so I can eventualyl see you if I am not around.
>I don't doubt it either. The only people willing to defend otakus have to be other otakus.
Evidently and this applies pretty much everywhere too, I don't trust anyone who might supposedly be on "my side" if they dislike anime. Someone not liking anime is a huge warning like someone who doesn't like pets.
>Yeah, in part thanks to the simplistic character design of the girls, which is charming and cute.
Certainly, it has a bit of a Sanrio/San-x vibe which is highly marketable.
absolutely disgusting
AIR huh? Is there a modern release or is it an old one? 
I just saw this reply because it completely escaped me, I wouldn't be surprised if their approval team is female but who gives a fuck. Please don't buy censored eroge from Steam ever, I should know after I learned my lesson once.
Replies: >>31964 >>31986
Beyblades are the dumbest shit ever, holy shit did I ate crap as a kid.
Replies: >>31951 >>31986
Replies: >>31986
If you have a Death Note can you write "all of reddit" on it?
Replies: >>31953
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Friendly reminder
haha ((( zelensky ))) btfo
this is horrifying, is this what reddit does to your brain?
Replies: >>31965 >>31986
I have to look for it. But here's the link to an english translation vid on swfchan. I'm spoilering the link because of the stupid machine translation name: http://swfchan.com/2/6286/?Sailor+Moon+hentai+-+Dreams+of+pedophile+about+Minako+Aino+%28Sailor+Venus%29.swf
>Those are some gorgeous CGs even if I'm not that much into yuri.
Me neither but those CGs are top tier like you said.
>Is this yuri?!
No it's forbidden.
Now we have definite proof predditors are missing a part of their brains.
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I used GUNS in Mission 4 so how come Harling was shot anyway? This is ridiculous, it clearly wasn't me who fired a missile at him. I'm sure the plot will explain what actually happened later but this is retarded, I'm being FRAMED by some Erusean bastard!.
A VN translation video in .swf format, wow now that's some ancient content. 
Wew, okay...Thanks though. Appreciated.
Replies: >>31961
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Talk about a downgrade
Replies: >>31961 >>31986
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If Dejiko is here I have made my account and I'm lurking in the Cytube channel now.
Replies: >>31960
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Sorry, was afk for a while. I'm here now.
Man that is awful. Remakes are always a hit or miss (mostly miss)
Replies: >>31963
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Speaking of remakes, did you guys hear of the new Kanon switch port? It's as awful as you expected. I understand that console ports are censored for these games, but this one was tainted because of Western pressure. Even the kiss and romance scenes are censored.
>Sorry, was afk for a while. I'm here now.
Can I talk to you offsite for a sec? 
>Man that is awful. Remakes are always a hit or miss (mostly miss)
Using 3D models for a remake of a 2D game seems like the lowest effort possible, the environments don't even look good. Yumeria for the PS2 looked better and more stylized and that was 23 or so years ago...
>Even the kiss and romance scenes are censored
For what freaking purpose? This is ridiculous, especially when you remember that Nintendo allows shit like this with exposed breasts
and countless others as well as The Witcher 3 which has nudity and sex scenes, just double standards as usual.
Replies: >>31986
>AIR huh? Is there a modern release or is it an old one? 
Hmm, it looks like there is going to be a new release on Steam in a couple of days. Anyway, I'm playing the psp version, so I guess I won't see the h CGs.
I found the game. You can get it from here
There is a multiple males option, but otherwise it's pretty good.
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Rare earth deal gone. Military equiptment delivery gone. You love to see it. 

> this is horrifying, is this what reddit does to your brain?

Not exactly. Literal brain rot is rather the requirement to actually join that hell hole. 

Horrible, just horrible. Thankfully the overpriced Steam version seems not to be censored.
Replies: >>31968 >>31986
>>31964 (Me)
The audio fucking sucks though and all the h scenes are very short.
Replies: >>31967
Thanks for posting. Great job finding it!
Replies: >>31979
>Hmm, it looks like there is going to be a new release on Steam in a couple of days. Anyway, I'm playing the psp version, so I guess I won't see the h CGs.
Ah, how quaint. I played a lot of VNs with my PSP and I really miss those days, I think the last one I played with mine before I lost it was Milky Holmes.
Also thanks for the link, it sucks that it has shitty fetishes there too though...
200 billion and zero gratitude, this is hilarious. I bet people on social media are getting really serious and political over this, im just laughing at the spergery.
Replies: >>31979
My brain after watching too many TV shows whose target audience is girlboss gooks and obese sheboons.
Replies: >>31971 >>31986
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Posting some .ogg files from another pretty sounding fantasy album from canoue. I hope you all enjoy, they are one of my favorite circles.
Wow why does this sound like Zone of the Enders music? I love it man, thanks for sharing.
Nice stuff, first one made me think of .hack//SIGN, think that show used a lot of dramatic chimes and choir.
Erm straightens glasses, like, wrong post number much?
Replies: >>31975
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my bad
Replies: >>31974
Though saying gook-nigger slop sounds like Zone of the Enders and you love it is kinda funny lol
>Zone of the Enders
Never heard of it but I guess I'll check it out. And no problem.
Strange you say that, it gives me .hack//SIGN vibes as well.
Replies: >>31976
cool mech franchise with two great games worth playing and a nice short anime, there's also some gba spin off and a vr port of ZOE2.
I'd recommend playing them both, they are quite short too and if you like Armored Core or Ace Combat style games you will enjoy it.
I guess the Bonnie and Clyde stand-ins in Baccano are kinda fun characters for breaking up the serious, supernatural stuff.
Replies: >>31978
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I liked them, quite memorable.
You're welcome m8
>Milky Holmes
Added to my backlog. I remember playing a lot of Tactics Ogre and Ace Combat instead of VNs, so you could say that I'm trying to catch up now.
>Also thanks for the link, it sucks that it has shitty fetishes there too though...
No problem. And yeah it really sucks but at least it's the only disgusting fetish in the game and it's avoidable. Although I don't really like the whole rape thing either.
Very nice stuff.
Both PSP Ace Combat games are awesome, I also liked this one tanks game called Battletanx or something and Ridge Racer 1&2 (psp)
>No problem. And yeah it really sucks but at least it's the only disgusting fetish in the game and it's avoidable. Although I don't really like the whole rape thing either.
oh, thats not good
Replies: >>31981 >>31982
tank, you only control a singular tank as far as i can remember.
>Both PSP Ace Combat games are awesome
I really like the first one in particular. I think I've cleared it at least a dozen times.
I just had a look at some gameplay footage of it, looks fun.
>oh, thats not good
Now that I think carefully about it, the yuri part might actually be the best part of the game.
Replies: >>31984
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What's wrong with politics sperging if this board keeps bringing up about politics? Why delete it?
Replies: >>31986
>I really like the first one in particular. I think I've cleared it at least a dozen times.
I had a small memory stick at the time so I could only have so many games, that one was a regular mainstay because of its size and replayability
>I just had a look at some gameplay footage of it, looks fun.
My bad, it was actually battlezone for the psp, battletanx does look fun though
>Now that I think carefully about it, the yuri part might actually be the best part of the game.
it might be the only good one
Last edited by dejiko
Replies: >>31999
There's something about the animation of PPGZ that reminds me a bit of Kasumin. And Pompo a bit too.
Replies: >>31994
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Oh so he's just a massive hypocrite. Good to know. I hope he gets sent to India and never comes back.
Normalniggers are a bunch of idiots. And let's not forget that the credit company kikes let a 3DPD site get away with illegal stuff but DLSite is the one they want to punish.
>Is this yuri?!
Oh yes.
I think you should speak to Trashmin about it and see if it can help you.
Also consider bringing back the buttons to go to the top or the bottom of the thread, they disappeared back in the original board and they're not present in here either.
>Here's a list of games I either want to check out again or check for the first time as soon as I can
Thunder Helix, Captain Blood, Sanoba Witch, VIVIDLOPE, and Kokoro Clover sound fun.
>Someone not liking anime is a huge warning like someone who doesn't like pets.
Or someone saying that anime is for pedos who then ends up being arrested for being said pedo. Multiple times in fact.
>absolutely disgusting
Absolutely. The UN should be dissolved at this point.
Might be wrong but didn't GOG sell some eroges? If not the better option would be to open your storefront.
Eh, they're not that bad.
LMAO that explains a lot about ledditors.
I'm watching it now, holy shit the double raping of Vance and Trump on this kike.
If you guys want to watch it: https://nitter.net/CollinRugg/status/1895590525454983416
Who was the retard who decided to call it that?
Absolutely disgusting.
>Nintendo allows shit like this with exposed breasts and countless others as well as The Witcher 3 which has nudity and sex scenes, just double standards as usual
It's that and also the fact that Sony doesn't allow ecchi games anymore. Back in the other thread someone brought an ecchi game being sold in the Nintendo Store and it just reminded me of it.
Thanks for the link.
>There is a multiple males option, but otherwise it's pretty good.
For fucks sake.
Can't wait for him to cry like a bitch in front of a camera like he's been doing all this time.
>Thankfully the overpriced Steam version seems not to be censored.
I don't think you can trust Steam with not having censored eroges unless the developer has a patch.
I'm worried about you Pikachu anon.
Beautiful music, thanks for sharing it.
>yeah it really sucks but at least it's the only disgusting fetish in the game and it's avoidable. Although I don't really like the whole rape thing either.
Yeah I don't think I'm interested in playing it. I'll get at least some of those CGs because they are gorgeous.
Trust me, you don't want a bunch of deranged politispergs. Plus this board isn't /pol/.
The buttons are gone because they would otherwise block the DGC characters. It would be nice if top and bottom links could be added to the navbar, but not sure if that's possible with CSS.
Replies: >>32028
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Trump had just thrown the goof out of the white house and Germany is in crisis ever then. Operation Bagration was 80 years and your grandpa lost. Let it go and become an hero yourself already! I can't even bring myself to care what those assuhurt Muppets gonna discuss in Berlin. 

This is why I bring up my dumbest Path of Exile playthrough so far. This blue thing is supposedly a Witch. I slapped an elementalist build on it and hoped for the best. It some works. It isn't supposed to work. But it does. I can almost use one of the most deadliest areas for grinding. 

> unless the developer has a patch

The developer always has a patch. Why do you think Germany got most eroge on Steam blocked? 14 year old punks could download it and see pixelated pussy ingame instead of see it on some Hentai gallery because parents rather do a backflip from the next highway bridge than restricting access to the internet for their children. 

> Trust me, you don't want a bunch of deranged politispergs.

This is why I won't discuss policy there. Only spectacular happenings. Most of those people are cranks anyway and I am glad that we are not residing on the same website /fascist/ is sitting anymore.
Replies: >>31994 >>32028
It's thoughtful for a tranny game developer to make their side-scrolling shooter game's entire palette blue, pink and white to tell me not to even try it.
Don't reply to concern trolling Trash Boat
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Replies: >>32028
oops forgot my name
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>"wypipo don' season they food"
>proceeds to splurge an entire bottle of corn syrup on chicken
>spreads an entire family-sized bottle of Red No. 3 dyed chili 
>gets turbonigger diabetes and seven other illnesses
>gets put on medicaid life support
Last edited by dejiko
Replies: >>31993 >>32028
Look up Auntie Fee on YouTube for some interesting nigger cuisine. Unsurprisingly, she died of a heart attack several years ago.
Replies: >>31994
It reminds me of Doremi very much so.
>I think you should speak to Trashmin about it and see if it can help you.
It's not something Trashmin can do anything about.
>Also consider bringing back the buttons to go to the top or the bottom of the thread, they disappeared back in the original board and they're not present in here either.
They were removed because they covered the dancing gif in the corner and I don't think they can be placed somewhere else other than just another corner with just CSS
>Thunder Helix, Captain Blood, Sanoba Witch, VIVIDLOPE, and Kokoro Clover sound fun.
They do, I am far more interested in these types of games these days than in AAA nonsense.
>Absolutely. The UN should be dissolved at this point.
It serves no purpose other than aiding war criminals from shithole countries
>I'm watching it now, holy shit the double raping of Vance and Trump on this kike.
It's pretty funny how entitled this man acts after receiving 200 billion in aid from the US, he can't even say thanks. Anyone defending this retard should get sent to die in Ukraine.
>It's that and also the fact that Sony doesn't allow ecchi games anymore. Back in the other thread someone brought an ecchi game being sold in the Nintendo Store and it just reminded me of it.
Nintendo is extremely hypocritical regarding what they allow and what they don't allow as well, some games get arbitrary bans and then you get shit which is clear fetish content getting a pass.
Why would Germany care about what a country on the other side of the ocean is doing?
They really want you to know that they chopped their dick
What is it? Gumbo?
Didn't mean real cuisine. More like combining random shit and grease then baking or frying it.
Replies: >>31996
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Ah, lol. I'll have to witness that horror then, reminds me of this disgusting channel where some dude made food and never even prepared the chicken properly.
Replies: >>31997
You probably mean Cooking with Jack.
Replies: >>31998
Oh yeah that's the guy lmao
Replies: >>32000
I have the physical copy of the game, it's one of my most treasured possessions.
I see, I'll take a look at that later as well.
Yeah it's very helpful.
Replies: >>32001
What about this guy

Replies: >>32003 >>32011
>I have the physical copy of the game, it's one of my most treasured possessions.
Cool. I am currently playing Ace Combat so your posts were a funny coincidence. 
>I see, I'll take a look at that later as well.
It's good.
>What about this guy
Can't say I've ever thought of flushing a fire, then again my toilet has never been on fire.
Replies: >>32002 >>32011
But he's a great chef

Replies: >>32003
Seen that guy before. Seems HowToBasic but not lol xd so randumb.
Six levels before I continue the Atlas for real. Shit's way to deadly to do this at any decent pace. 

> Why would Germany care about what a country on the other side of the ocean is doing?

Because they bummed the entire war against Russia by proxy from America. The industrial base for armaments and the army are practically gone since peace broke out in the 1990s. But those burgerclaps had developed some kind of self-confidence and voted Trump into the white house. 

Now they gonna get forced to throw in the towel. The economy also got ruined over this. So hard that  parliament is discussing removing the debt ceiling right now. Somebody gonna go to jail full of browns for this.
Replies: >>32005
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Don't forget the monster stream starts soon. Not sure if I should link it here or not, but the link and programming schedule can be found on /vhs/. We are watching a restored version of Dark Crystal today.
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>Monster Hunter Wilds has at least one actual tranny character
>voiced by the same tranny faggot who plays a character in the English dub for Dungeon Meshi
Holy shit they raped Monhun really hard
Replies: >>32011 >>32028
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I want to check this one out, since I randomly listened to the OST some time ago. Loved it.

Also, a funny song by PTL Klub.
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I enjoyed those tunes, scomb. I played the second one about 4 times in a row.
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Sunday 3/2 Stream Lineup
Pre-show (20:00 UTC)
>Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
'Main Show (22:00 UTC)
>Asobi Asobase
>Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
>Game Center CX
Ah yes, I remember seeing one of your posts where you mentioned that you were playing the fourth, I think. Are you still playing 4 or have you moved on to another one?
>uncensored hand holding
>I want to check this one out, since I randomly listened to the OST some time ago. Loved it.
Yeah the OST is very good. I haven't gotten far into the story yet but so far it's good.
Replies: >>32012
I'm done with my replay of AC04 and now I am playing 7 for the first time since I previously didn't have a PC good enough to run it decently. I'm currently on mission 6 using a MiG-21b
Replies: >>32014
Does K-On season 2 start on senior year? Feels like I'm missing something. I skipped the season 1 OVAs besides the one that takes place after episode 13, but still. Are those actually important to the plot? Also watched the first episode of Mitsuboshi Colors and didn't expect to see terrorist threats against law enforcement. Cute show.
Replies: >>32015
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I see, I haven't played that one yet. Have fun with it.
Replies: >>32015 >>32016
Worthless answer but I haven't watched K-On in ages so I don't remember shit about it.
It's very fun so far, there's a clear disconnect between pre-rendered cutscenes and mission dialogue and it probably has a lot to do with the game being on development hell for a long time and the script being reworked at one point.
There is no squad command functionality in this entry and your squad members had their shots nerfed so you'd be doing a lot more work this time around, similarly physics are somewhat different and quite frankly I do prefer 04 which I consider the pinnacle of the series, therefore I am constantly comparing it to this while I play but otherwise it's a very good game and far better than Assault Horizon.
Replies: >>32031
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>Milky Holmes
Watch the anime too.
>Who was the retard who decided to call it that?
Uploader-kun. He has down syndrome sadly.
>Beautiful music, thanks for sharing it.
No problem, I'll be posting some more.
I want to hold Kyouko's doggy hands! Also thanks for the music!
I think Assault Horizon is fun if you don't think too hard.
Replies: >>32017 >>32031
>I think Assault Horizon is fun if you don't think too hard.
You could say the same thing about any kusoge :^)
Replies: >>32028
i made the post above
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Posting some more goodies. These two are from a mysterious album known as "ユッカ/鈴の音は蒼い風に乗って / YUCCA PROJECT". Just like the music I posted earlier, these seems to be a work in conjunction with MANYO, who is known for working on gaming/fantasy sounding soundtracks. I couldn't find any link to the full album online, perhaps someone with better searching skills can find it faster than I can. I do know it's available to purchase through used goods and auction sites.

Here is a link to MANYO's ((( wikipedo ))) page by the way: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/MANYO
Replies: >>32021 >>32028
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Additional pic. So the one responsible for the music Is indeed MANYO and the singer is riya, someone whose works I enjoy a lot and will be posting about in my next post. Again, if any of you find anything regarding the entire album, I'd GREATLY appreciate if you'd post about it here.
Replies: >>32028
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I can't tell if this is supposed to be a joke or the writers actually thought this was a good name.
Thanks for the music I am listening to these tracks as I play AC and the first one was oddly fitting for the game, a cursory search reveals that at least one person requested the album at some point in 2005 (?) on some Chinese forum but got no replies. You can additionally purchase a used copy from suruga-ya.
Replies: >>32022
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Some more info about our mysterious YUCCA album. Apparently it is affiliated with some sort of web novel series but unfortunately the website isn't available anymore. When I did some searching on the Japanese web, apparently there was a link to where one would original purchase the album:
But unfortunately it's dead. It's really sad how the old adage, 'Everything stays on the internet' isn't actually true. There are so many things lost to time sadly. This series is from 2003, so it's already over 20 years old.
Anyway, here is a link to a playlist with some of the songs from the series included: 
Apparently, there was more than one CD for the YUCCA Project, and album sleeve that I posted originally was actually for another album that has a different soundtrack (allegedly). Oh, and before I forget, here's the track list:

Here is a song from that soundtrack:
(I tried to download this but apparently ytdlp gave me an error stating that you need an account to download from niconico...which is very annoying but I'll get to it eventually.)
Also, on a tangent note, here is some playlist that a guy made from the random music he found on a computer he purchased. Can you recognize some of the songs?
There is a website listed, but the domain was purchased by another sadly. Are you able to search up www.yucca.jp in internet archive? I tried but it isn't working for me.
Replies: >>32023 >>32028
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I was able to access this website and I managed to download some .mp3 files from there, here take a listen.
>But unfortunately it's dead. It's really sad how the old adage, 'Everything stays on the internet' isn't actually true. There are so many things lost to time sadly. This series is from 2003, so it's already over 20 years old.
I honestly chuckle whenever I hear people saying stuff like "the internet is forever" and then you can't even find Youtube videos uploaded last year because of a copyright claim.
>Apparently, there was more than one CD for the YUCCA Project, and album sleeve that I posted originally was actually for another album that has a different soundtrack (allegedly). Oh, and before I forget, here's the track list
Excellent, i assume this one is just as hard to track down.
>Also, on a tangent note, here is some playlist that a guy made from the random music he found on a computer he purchased. Can you recognize some of the songs?
I'll have to take a listen!
Replies: >>32028
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Replies: >>32026
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R.I.P., David Lynch.

His works influenced many people at Atlus.
Replies: >>32026 >>32028
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One of the most technically impressive achievements on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive would have to be Toy Story by Traveler's Tales as a whole. From it's insane pseudo-3D depth effects in some stages to its Doom-like stages the whole game is impressive but one of the most impressive aspects of this game is that they somehow managed to get Amiga mod files working on the Genesis through sheer wizardry.
You might think this sounds a bit crunchy but the fact that this was possible at all is nothing short of impressive. On that note, this movie turns 30 this year.
Nice song, it has a bit of a post-rock sound to it.
That's a very interesting read, thanks for sharing. I remember reading somewhere else that Twin Peaks was a huge phenomenon in Japan and I do recall Shigesato Itoi quoting it as an influence for MOTHER 3.
Replies: >>32027 >>32028
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If I am somehow mistaken about this audio track please do correct me.
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>can't be placed somewhere else with CSS
Nevermind then, I can always just add the #top or #bottom to the URL. Thanks for the explanation regardless.
>second pic
lel nice
>14 year old punks could download it and see pixelated pussy ingame instead of see it on some Hentai gallery because parents rather do a backflip from the next highway bridge than restricting access to the internet for their children. 
Germany saddens me in their current state.
It's a good option.
My bad, I thought these people left already. I'll be more cautious next time.
>I am far more interested in these types of games these days than in AAA nonsense.
Yeah it seems that those things will start to get more popular as AAA keeps on crashing.
>It's pretty funny how entitled this man acts after receiving 200 billion in aid from the US, he can't even say thanks. Anyone defending this retard should get sent to die in Ukraine.
Zelesnky has that perpetual victim complex sadly. Also we should send more ledditors there if they want to defend Ukraine so much.
>Nintendo is extremely hypocritical regarding what they allow and what they don't allow as well, some games get arbitrary bans and then you get shit which is clear fetish content getting a pass.
I'm not denying it, I just think the fact that it has even those types of games in the first place might have been because Sony shot itself in the foot by censoring their own games (or maybe it would've been filled with those kinds of games in a Playstation Store either way, who knows).
>Why would Germany care about what a country on the other side of the ocean is doing?
Because the EU wants the US to bow to them.
I hope appealing to Westerners was worth it for Crapcom.
Depends, I don't think anyone would have fun with the Transformers kusoge for example.
Thanks for the songs and all the info you found.
Thanks for the tweet. I can really see the influence Lynch had on the games.
I don't think I haven't gotten around Mulholland Drive though, I should watch it if he really thinks it's his best film.
>I remember reading somewhere else that Twin Peaks was a huge phenomenon in Japan and I do recall Shigesato Itoi quoting it as an influence for MOTHER 3.
Yes, Twin Peaks was something that had a huge following in Japan. I think I still have that clip where they talk about it.
As for MOTHER 3, I imagine so considering the sad tone of it.

Speaking of Japanese and Twin Peaks, I found this really cool artist who does a lot of fanart of Twin Peaks and other Lynch stuff. I even found one of the monkey short we watched on stream. Really nice.
Replies: >>32031 >>32087
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I found that clip.
>I do prefer 04 which I consider the pinnacle of the series
I agree, the final stage of 04 is one of the most memorable levels I've ever played in a video game, mainly because of the OST.
>Assault Horizon
I haven't played that either but I might now that I have a PS Triple. I'll probably play it after I finish the games I'm currently playing. I'm sure it can't be that bad, right?
I'm still sad that I missed the Lynch stream. I haven't seen much of his stuff except for Eraserhead many years ago, which I can't remember much about.
Replies: >>32072
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I'll reply to any posts mentioning me in a bit, I am just back from something.
Stream pre-show begins in 25 minutes
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Seeing all these fat "activists" and their mental gymnastics is pretty funny. Being fat is a choice and nothing will change that fact, its not an immutable characteristic of your being, nobody is forcing you to stuff food down your throat 24/7, lay off the fatty foods, porky.
At the very fucking least seriously cut off your caloric intake.
Replies: >>32072
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regular stream has begun
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Some more Kazunari Suzuki storytime.
Replies: >>32038 >>32072
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What was his father known for? I wonder if its anything I might be familiar with
Replies: >>32067
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Thank you very much for the stream. Popotan decided to do some time travelling, Asobi Asobase gave us a two-faced gyaru vicepresident and more witch girls, Nanoha decided to give us the decisive battle between the two girls and a little something that makes me hate Fate's bitch mom even more, and finally Arino was tasked with the mission of saving the Earth from bugs.
I'm going to try and get this week's screenshots ready as soon as possible.
Good night.
Replies: >>32040 >>32042
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(9.4MB, 1280x720, 00:35)
I already hate Preesa for this.
Replies: >>32072
Darn...I missed it.
Replies: >>32042
I was watching a behind the scenes interview with the late Ralph Eggleston, art director for the original Toy Story film where he mentions the color choices for the film and the feeling of warmth they wanted to convey with the movie, his inspirations (some of which actually were hired to work on the film) and some other technical details.
I was also thinking about how the original release of the film was a digital to 35mm conversion and for a while that was the "master print" used to distribute the film, which definitely enhanced the warm, fuzzy feeling of the picture. 
The best way to experience this release of the film would be the Laserdisc release because as far as I am concerned, there have been no full-blown 35mm scans other than for trailers. I managed to find a few Laserdisc rips so thats good.
Good night, happy you enjoyed it.
Oh, well hopefully next time fren.
One of these Laserdisc uploads is 41GB, what the fuck man.
Replies: >>32072
Are any of EDF5 DLC worth buying?
Replies: >>32045
I've never bought any.
Replies: >>32057
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Lots of local Japanese mascot characters.
Replies: >>32072
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This is Hanepyon, the official PR character for Ota City
Replies: >>32072
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Fukkachan, the official mascot of Fukaya City
Replies: >>32072
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Nyacha, an unofficial local mascot for Saitama Prefecture.
Replies: >>32072
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Udora is the official mascot of Tachikawa City, he is a mutated Tachikawa Udo.
Replies: >>32072
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Nowa Yukigami, Nowa-chan is a cat/idol from Sapporo, Hokkaido.
This one gets a decent amount of fan art.
Replies: >>32072
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Matsudo-san, he is the mascot of Matsudo Chuo Lions Club.
A perpetually 49 year old salaryman who likes making people smile and drinking booze.
Replies: >>32072
That's about it for now, I could go on for hours.
I love the fact that this board has its own mascot, thank you to the anon who drew her.
Replies: >>32072
If you really think about it, it was all ((( Watto's ))) fault for instilling lifelong trauma via slavery on Anakin and selling his mother.
I had a dream that I was digging through stuff from childhood and found a penciled portrait of Hermione Granger spliced with a rat, still human size but facial structure closer to a kemono (e.g. visible snout, small rat eyes like that one girl without her makeup on Asobi Asobase, whiskers, details indicating a layer of short hair covering her face). She was being embraced from behind by an older woman, probably either her own mother or Mrs. Weasley since the woman had red hair. I was also sending one of my brothers messages over Steam and he was curt toward me, responding only with things like "dc" (don't care).
Replies: >>32058
Alright. Most of the stuff looked like skins, but there were a couple mission packs so I didn't know if those were worth purchasing.
Replies: >>32058
I pirated the EDF4 (2025) DLC on PS3 years ago, the mission packs were fun but I wouldn't recommend buying them unless you really like the games.
I know she half-transforms into a cat in the second book but a rat is a first.
I had a nice dream today that devolved into a nightmare but I can't remember much about it other than the last part where I was under stress over something.
Replies: >>32061
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A brief addendum to my Toy Story related posts from earlier.
Here's a video comparison between the Laserdisc and DVD (2010) releases of the film. As you can clearly see, LD is a 35mm transfer which grants the film warmer colors and a more contrasted image, which in my opinion definitely falls closer in line with the original vision of the art team.
I believe there might exist at least one  pre-digital transfer DVD or even several, but sparse comments I can find online seem to indicate that these might lack proper color correction and feature a muddy green/brown image.
Furthermore A Bug's Life was the first home release of a movie to ever use a fully digital transfer, I do believe it was around the year 2000 that Disney began to use digital transfers for all of their releases or at least Pixar did.
I've also attached the Eggleston color interview as well as some artwork from some of the artists mentioned in the video, both Joyce and Hawkes worked on the movie as concept artists along with Steve Johnson, Maxfield Parrish was long since deceased and he was a painter, not a illustrator.
Also, I mentioned the credits song from the Genesis Traveler's Tales game as being the sole track from the title to use any sort of sampling but that isn't correct, the title sequence also features a sample heavy rendition of 'Strange Things' which does seem to use many of the same samples as the credits rendition of 'You've Got a Friend in Me'
Sorry for the rant
Last edited by dejiko
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Here's a 35mm scan of the theatrical trailer from 1995, excuse the compression. A potentially lossless version can be found here
Worthy of note is that on this collection you can also find multiple releases of the movie including VHS, Laserdisc and Blu-Ray as well as a CinemaScope release of TS2.
These colors are gorgeous, it's definitely the best way to experience the film and I believe its such a shame that studios aren't concerned with this sort of preservation, all you're going to get these days is a crummy compressed web streaming release based on the re-rendered 2010 (?) version...
Replies: >>32061
I think I recall Ron owning a pet rat, though I'm not saying there is any logic to the dream. Nightmares are such a dumb concept. They're a pointless source of anxiety and often disrupt much-needed rest. The waking world is enough of a nightmare. Shouldn't have to experience something similar while resting.
Everything sorta appears to have a film of dust over it on the DVD side. I wonder how Sid's Frankenstein toys look on laserdisc. Evil little shit lol. I always remember the baby doll head mounted on a mechanical spider body.
Replies: >>32062
Yeah Ron did indeed own a rat named Scabbers which was actually Peter Pettigrew so that might be why you dreamed about that. I'll have to agree with you on nightmares, dumbest sleep disorder out there and sleep paralysis is a thing too, not a fan of that one either.
>Everything sorta appears to have a film of dust over it on the DVD side. I wonder how Sid's Frankenstein toys look on laserdisc. Evil little shit lol. I always remember the baby doll head mounted on a mechanical spider body.
I remember that Sid's toys used to scare the crap outta me as a child, particularly the spider baby which was really ugly. I'll have to check out the LD release later to see how they look on it, I'll just download one of the smaller files because the 41GB stuff is just nonsensical (for me at least)
Laserdiscs are a really cool concept, but I also recall some anon mentioning HD VHS (?) that's something I also want to look into
in the laserdisc one you can feel the autumn glow it doesnt look as sanitary as the dvd version
even the outside looks more like a painting
Replies: >>32068
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Last night's stream was great, though I was kind of in and out during it.
Drew Meme again. Took annoyingly long to finish having been preoccupied with other stuff the past couple weeks.
You drew the first picture? It looks very cute.
Replies: >>32066
Yeah, first one. Thanks!
>What was his father known for?
The "Monster Maker" franchise, and various war-simulation board games.

Replies: >>32068
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It's funny how Ace Combat 7 (an arcade shooter) releases on PC and suddenly a portion of the flight sim community takes notice of the series and begin shitting on it and on the people who enjoy it. You could potentially have new people getting into your genre using AC as a gateway to more realistic titles but instead you choose to prioritize autistic screeching towards others for enjoying a game you don't. Maybe let people enjoy whatever the fuck they want. Do they lose their shit over NFS for not being like Assetto Corsa as well?
That's a good observation, anon. I don't know how much of it was intentional but the film transfer much more closely resembles the painting look that the art director was aiming for and since that was the original intended theatrical experience, I do wonder why it can't be the case for everything afterwards.
Glad you enjoyed the stream. And that's a seriously great drawing, you are seriously improving at a fast pace. I like her pose very much so and the choice of color.
Monster Maker? Wew, no wonder he keeps bringing it up then.
Replies: >>32071 >>32072
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And here's some Kanye West storytime.

(I'm sorry I didn't archive some of these. Hopefully someone else did.)
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I see why some super "serious" spergs hate AC7, it's too cultured.
>I'd like to thank the jews for porn
Replies: >>32072
> I do wonder why it can't be the case for everything afterwards.

Remember Wen-Li's first visit to the capital in Legend of Galactic heroes where everything's fucked, because there is a competence crisis. I imagine the same happened t to all creative industries in the West. 

Kanye West is a whacko who got his brain fried by MK ultra programming that is now failing. Same thing happened to Spears. She shaved her head bald to protect herself from some unseen entity or something.
>I'm still sad that I missed the Lynch stream. I haven't seen much of his stuff except for Eraserhead many years ago, which I can't remember much about.
That sucks, we were watching other things besides shorts, like some commercials he made for the PS2. I think I actually have downloaded some of those, I can look it up if you want to check what we were watching there.
Fat activists are very much Tumblrinas who tried to force everyone to accept their fattiness. It just sickens me.
Hey there Flan anon.
Why is she angry?
Very good. Too bad she's still a nigger :^)
Thanks for the stories. That's a very lovely tribute to his father.
Fate deserves better.
I'm guessing this is the raw video without any codec compression.
I really enjoy these local mascots. That reminds me I still have that link someone posted of a blog about Japanese mascots, I need to find it again.
I wonder if that anon is still around /v/.
Holy shit that comparison, it makes the DVD version look pale.
That's a really good drawing, you are doing great.
>It's funny how Ace Combat 7 (an arcade shooter) releases on PC and suddenly a portion of the flight sim community takes notice of the series and begin shitting on it and on the people who enjoy it.
Are they really that much of a military geek to really disrespect something like AC? Or is it because they enjoy the War of something stuff?
Fucking wew.
LOL, did they seriously forget that Namco made iM@S too? Fucking idiots. No Momoka though.
>Kanye West is a whacko who got his brain fried by MK ultra programming that is now failing. Same thing happened to Spears. She shaved her head bald to protect herself from some unseen entity or something.
I think it's also a side effect of living in LA, it fries your brain.
Replies: >>32080 >>32083
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Happy CUNYM@s Tuesday, I hope realism fags enjoy this :^)
I love sardines, but holy shit are anchovies foul. I imagine this is what unwashed crotch tastes like.
Replies: >>32078 >>32080
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Joyous Tuesday!
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Happy CUNY Tuesday, everyone!
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Been eating fish and shellfish and drinking all day, and binging Rurouni Kenshin again.

captcha: 729ken
Replies: >>32083
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New MMD anon short released today.
Never had anchovies so I can't tell you if they taste like that.
Last pic aside, good choices.
Happy CUNY Tuesday as always, anon.
I can't say for certain if they really do taste like that either. I've only been unfortunate (also fortunate, I guess) enough to smell nasty, unwashed crotch from a distance, but the taste of straight anchovy was the closest sensation to that I've had in a long time. I wanted to finish the tin to avoid wasting it so I put it on some buttered toast like it was marmite, which did make it somewhat tolerable. Think I will stick to sardine and peanut butter on whole wheat anyway.
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Very nice drawing.
>That sucks, we were watching other things besides shorts, like some commercials he made for the PS2. I think I actually have downloaded some of those, I can look it up if you want to check what we were watching there.
Sure, I'd like to, if you don't mind.
I'm a little late, but happy CUNY Tuesday!
I think anchovies are pretty good when cut into small pieces and put in a baguette with olive oil.
>New MMD anon short released today.
Very nice, thanks for sharing it.
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And here's one last screencap I took of Kanye's posts before they all got taken down.
(Once again, my apologies for no archives.)
Replies: >>32083 >>32086
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All these silver backed, knuckle scrapping gorilla monkeys who hated on the prequels caused this. This is your fault obsessed Gen-Xers
Look at this retard
>Remember Wen-Li's first visit to the capital in Legend of Galactic heroes
I don't like LOTGH, so no. Sorry.
>I'm guessing this is the raw video without any codec compression.
I don't know, I don't think MP4 can be uncompressed and that file is an MP4 from what I recall.
>I wonder if that anon is still around /v/.
I hope he is doing well
>Are they really that much of a military geek to really disrespect something like AC? Or is it because they enjoy the War of something stuff?
Joyless spergs who only ever play shit like Euro Truck Simulator 2 and the like are literally incapable of understanding why people would enjoy a story-driven game. It's why some seriously autistic people only indulge non-fiction and choose to read shit like manuals instead.
>LOL, did they seriously forget that Namco made iM@S too? 
I don't know, I was just guessing that this potentially made them upset since World of Tanks has a certain group of fans who hate the GuP collab
I've never watched Rurouni Kenshin
I wonder if this nigger will kill himself soon
Replies: >>32086 >>32094
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I'm extremely late to this but happy belated CUNY Tuesday
Blegh, I really hate being too busy
Replies: >>32086 >>32089
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I played the Steam Next Fest demo for Brickadia, it's essentially virtual Lego but also featuring wires, logic gates, etc. A lot of it is way above me but just placing bricks and making shitty structures is amusing enough.
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That's some great 2hu cunny.
>Sure, I'd like to, if you don't mind.
I'm currently uploading it so I'll post the link soon.
>I think anchovies are pretty good when cut into small pieces and put in a baguette with olive oil.
That sounds delicious.
>Very nice, thanks for sharing it.
You're welcome, I like to visit that thread semiregularly.
How many drugs was he on before he wrote all of this?
>I don't think MP4 can be uncompressed and that file is an MP4 from what I recall.
I was wrong then. Maybe it's because the vibrancy takes a lot of data, who knows.
>I was just guessing that this potentially made them upset since World of Tanks has a certain group of fans who hate the GuP collab
Those autists really hate fun in their military games.
>I wonder if this nigger will kill himself soon
If he does he'll probably do what McAfee did.
I don't blame you, IRL shit is the worst. Thanks for the cunny regardless.
Replies: >>32090
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Here you go Reisen anon:
Here's most of what we watched in the David Lynch stream. There's some clips of him, the PS2 commercials, and inside the shorts folder you have the main shorts (one of those is the one that appears in >>32028 called "What did Jack do?") and some videos from his own Jewtube channel that are experiments.
I forgot to include vid related which was a really good ending to it, feel free to download it if you want to.
Replies: >>32089
Very nice well defined cunny.
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Thank you, I appreciate it! I've already watched most of the commercials and the first two shorts. I'll check out the rest later.
I really like the second and fourth images. Very nice.
Replies: >>32090 >>32092
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>Britain and France working on plans for ‘reassurance force’ to protect Ukraine
Europoors ready to die for a corrupt shithole while muslim hordes invade their land.
>I was wrong then. Maybe it's because the vibrancy takes a lot of data, who knows.
Probably recorded using some encoder meant for streaming or quick conversions like NVENC
>Those autists really hate fun in their military games.
Oh they are the worst, if you ever play shit like Arma or Squad those are the worst kind of servers.
>If he does he'll probably do what McAfee did.
Well they both do have schizophrenia or something similar.
>I don't blame you, IRL shit is the worst. Thanks for the cunny regardless.
No problem
Yeah I think they are very nice
Replies: >>32092
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Who the fuck uses the term comfort character? Is that some emotionally-stunted zoomer shit?
Replies: >>32092
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Hope you like it.
I thought they left the EU, why the fuck are they joining them into this retarded mess? I really don't get yurofags.
>Probably recorded using some encoder meant for streaming or quick conversions like NVENC
Honestly that might be.
>Well they both do have schizophrenia or something similar.
I guess. I meant it more in the way of saying "I didn't kill myself, I got assassinated".
Sounds faggy and retarded so probably. I have no idea what it means either.
Replies: >>32093
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AIR re-release just came out on steam.
Thanks, I like his stuff so far.
Replies: >>32101
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I'm guessing it was the variety I had that was more the problem, which can be eaten from the tin, but are also considered as ingredients for dressings and sauces. This kind wasn't prepared the same way sardines typically are. I'll have to keep an eye out for a tin of anchovies that isn't salt-cured, but not sure if those are sold nearby.
It's not bad. A lot of the character designs are pretty cool. I think it could've been better without all the pacifist babble and pulling punches (e.g. characters momentarily appearing to die, but ultimately surviving), but a lot of series have that issue. It's a mock period piece set during the Meiji Restoration. There isn't much fantasy stuff like in Inuyasha, but it definitely takes a lot of creative liberties with the history of that period.
Replies: >>32095 >>32101
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Kenshin was pretty damn decent but it always stuck me as a kid that it was made in the same measure for both girls and boys, that was a long time before knowing it is called Romance Saga. Takes a wild liberty with the fights, they are way too exaggerated but it is an anime to be fair.
Extremely intimidating i remember, practically designed to look like a grey alien with its slim and tall figure, had a theme song straight out of Street Fighter. Also the series had a great OST, on par with the Dragon Ball score the japanese one for burger readers
Replies: >>32097
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Kazunari Suzuki storytime once again
Replies: >>32098 >>32101
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He really does look like he has translucent skin stretched over an alien frame.
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I fucking hate this video, something about this really pisses me off. It's the braindead chinktok-tier dancing and the obnoxious green character but mostly the dancing, I wanna put all these characters inside a giant blender and push the button. 
I am going to hate read the manga thank you very much, I hope it never gets an adaptation that braindead retarded zoomers will attach themselves to.
>Kanye West is a whacko who got his brain fried by MK ultra programming that is now failing. Same thing happened to Spears. She shaved her head bald to protect herself from some unseen entity or something.
It's not that clear cut.
He clearly isn't well mentally speaking but was far more coherent during his last public appearances over a year ago or so, he was doped up by some kike psychiatrist at some point after that, since many of them were offering him "Treatment" when he began to speak up on jewish media control.
I like those murderous Disney sprites, lol
Replies: >>32160
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Aaaaaaaaaand the green character is a dude. I'm out.
I'm back to playing Ace Combat, fuck this world.
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>habit of hooking up with innocent guys
This is so many layers of gross, how is this shit in some shonen magazine
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Are there any changes that I should be aware of?
>Thanks, I like his stuff so far.
Glad to hear.
>I'm guessing it was the variety I had that was more the problem, which can be eaten from the tin, but are also considered as ingredients for dressings and sauces. This kind wasn't prepared the same way sardines typically are.
I see. I didn't know you had anchovies that were salt-cured, that might have been your problem.
Thanks for the storytime. Those Disney sprites are pretty great honestly. Also is that DnD story true?
Replies: >>32113
Forgot my flag.
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>Star Wars Clone Wars (2003-2005) (18:00 UTC)
>Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (20:00~ UTC)
Main Line Up (22:00~ UTC)
>Asobi Asobase
>Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
>Game Center CX
It's a packed line up, anons requested that I stream the original 2D Clone Wars micro-series before ROTS so that's what I am doing. I might not be all around for Clone Wars but I'll have it queued up, already downloaded the entire show and currently encoding it.
It will be the last episode for Asobi Asobase I believe as well, so be there. Free bacta guaranteed for all attendants.
Last edited by dejiko
Replies: >>32129
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After I am done with AC7 and Thunder Helix, I might replay Shadows of the Empire and finish the novelization. 
Dash Rendar is one of my favorite EU characters (that I know of)
Fun fact, SotE's first stage was the reason why Rogue Squadron even happened, it was the best received segment from the game and it inspired Lucas to get Factor 5 to make RS, which eventually spawned Rogue Squadron II, one of the best SW games IMO.
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Oh yeah btw
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Replies: >>32138
Why did you guys move to Trashchan again? I stopped browsing /digi/ for a while and when i came back, you guys werent there. I just know you faggots would still be around but i didnt know the reason for the changes.
Replies: >>32112
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Aya Nishitani storytime
Replies: >>32112 >>32138
To preface; I apologize if this is unwelcome. I made sure to read the rules, but admittedly I don't plan to stay long so I haven't lurked for long either.

I've been searching through many different IBs lately. I think it's a fun activity to do sometimes, especially in the dreary winter months. I've stumbled across this board just now. I wanted to compliment the theme here. I really love it! The fonts, colours, and layout all look fantastic. It's rare to see such a well-designed board these days.

I wish you all well. Adieu & farewell.
Replies: >>32112
I'm checking those trips and guessing that the difference in IDs is due to Tor. To answer your question, we feel that at this time, trashchan currently fits the culture of our board better. No ill will towards the previous site whatsoever.
Thanks for the compliments about the CSS, its a collaborative effort between users of this board and it has taken a while to  become like this.
So he's a Buddhist? Interesting, I mean I assumed he held some sort of eastern views but I didn't knew the specifics.
Thanks for sharing.
>Are there any changes that I should be aware of?
They do not seem to have changed much, except for the resolution, which has been upscaled from 4:3 to 16:9, causing the CGs to look cropped. I'm not sure about the translation, but I haven't seen any complaints about it yet, so I want to believe it's fine.
Replies: >>32138
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As you may be aware, Kazunari Suzuki is writing a web novel that's a spiritual successor to classic SMT's storyline(s).
By the looks of it, he's been keeping it legally safe until just recently, he flew a bit too close to the Sun. This exploded into some huge back-and-forth between him and Chiaki Ogishima on twitter. I probably won't cover this much further because it's far too long and complicated to rely on machine translation. (Same reason why I don't do it with the novel itself.) But feel free to check it out for yourselves if you're curious.
Replies: >>32115 >>32138
Oh damn that looks heated there and it seems like people are siding with Ogishima.
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Pre show begins in 15 minutes !
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More Aya Nishitani storytime.
Please enjoy.
Replies: >>32119 >>32138
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It's very nice to keep up with Nishitani-sensei and what he has had to say these past few months, every time I read some of his stories it becomes more apparent that he has lived through a lot. Now it turns out he also worked for Toshiba, very interesting actually.
Hello anon. How's it going?
Replies: >>32120 >>32125
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Its going ok how are you
Replies: >>32121
Nice to hear, I am doing relatively fine today since nothing much going on. Also I am enjoying Ace Combat 7 so that's fun, I recommend that game.
Replies: >>32122
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I never played ace combat but i played project wingman it was fun
Replies: >>32123
I've been meaning to check out PW since it's essentially an AC fangame so to speak, it does look fun, certainly more than War Thunder which is P2W.
Replies: >>32126
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Yeah, it's interesting stuff. Nishitani used to do computer work, and in fact he used a Toshiba handheld PC as a model reference for the protagonist's equipment in the Digital Devil Story novels.
(Pic related, old screencap from a few years ago.)
Meant to reply to
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>certainly more than War Thunder which is P2W
More pay to progress than pay to win though its still there a bit
But not really at all in low-mid tier air battles and thats the only good part of the game so it just doesnt matter honestly
Still a good game for a couple hundred hours of prop planes i woudlnt reccomend any other part of it though
Replies: >>32127 >>32128
You can tell he is one of those older folk who were early adopters of computers just by the fact that he is always online to this day. Cool fact though.
Interesting anon, I honestly have been adamant about that game for the longest while because of what players have to say about its monetization system  but I did like WoT Blitz for what little I did play of it (3 hours) but that's just ground vehicles
Anyway, yeah, check out Ace Combat 7 if you ever feel like playing that kind of game.
Cute picture anon.
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Thanks for the long fucking stream.  I missed Clone Wars and most of the last prequel movie but I hope it was worth it.
The last episode of Asobi Asobase had a mafia baby, bras, a shooter gacha and a drawing battle. Nanoha had a good ending where Fate's mother disappeared for good. Can't say the same for Popotan, which decided to throw some emotional stabbing in this episode.
And finally we had Jill Arino having the help of 4 separate Weskers.
Have a good night.
Replies: >>32130
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Good night anon, thanks everyone for dropping by.
Replies: >>32138
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Some more Aya Nishitani storytime!
Replies: >>32133 >>32138
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Most excellent
>Boomer Japanese felt a strong affinity with Arab countries because of anime
Why are Japanese always like this, probably a result of their isolation
Replies: >>32138
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There are so many cute dolls that people post online
Replies: >>32135 >>32138
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but wait there's more
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and here's some more
Replies: >>32138
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an extra few
Replies: >>32138
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I'm going to start working soon on this week's screencaps, starting from GCCX. In the meantime I got the two clips of Arino sleeping whoever requested this from /vhs/ is posted there too and Arino roasting Tanizawa for starters because they're funny.
Thank you for the Nishitani stories. I didn't know he actually worked for Toshiba before.
That sucks. How long did this back-and-forth go for?
Thanks for the link and the pic.
Very nice, where is she from?
Is she going to kill me?
Smug vampire needs correction.
Fine piece of jailbait right there.
>Why are Japanese always like this, probably a result of their isolation
I imagine it's mostly because of the idealization of Arab stories moreso than the actual Arabs also they should be deported because they destroy statues in shrines.
Outside of those two issues I guess they didn't censor anything (although I'd be wary of the translation either way).
Those dolls are so cute.
Replies: >>32141 >>32144
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Don't know if any of this info helps. Don't know much about the program either. I wanted to get into ffmpeg, but I couldn't figure out how to burn subs in batches even with a lot of help and reading. Was going to post this last night, but forgot my cat was on the desk chair and nearly sat on her (lights were off) so that bummed me out and I just went to bed.
Replies: >>32141 >>32156
Some deathfat with low views I watch on occasion started ranting that a group called "LOLCOW" is trying to get him to commit suicide. There is some utility in that culture as some of the people they monitor are dangerous or manipulative, but they gangstalk a lot more harmless idiots it seems. This particular guy claims to have dyslexia, and that's understandable, but he talks about nonsense like giving everyone a trillion dollars so I believe he is mentally impaired. Always hate it when some eccentric vlogger nobody else watches gets picked up by these losers. I wonder if Chris Chan and others would have turned out even half as fucked up without these gremlins whispering in their ears.
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>Thanks for the link and the pic.
No problem
>Very nice, where is she from?
I think it's some vtumor
>Smug vampire needs correction.
I agree, her face is drawn in such a lovely way in that pic.
>I imagine it's mostly because of the idealization of Arab stories moreso than the actual Arabs also they should be deported because they destroy statues in shrines.
Agreed with both statements, Japan is notoriously idealistic about races that they don't usually interact with, and places too like Paris.
>Those dolls are so cute.
They are! Too bad they are so hard to get and most of them are custom made and you need to get all those parts from different sellers each, which yeah it translates to it being a dedicated and expensive hobby.
Thank you anon, this should help as a reminder to not fuck up further streams, hopefully.
I feel like you already know the answer to that. Many of them are also often just as pathetic as the people they harass or even more so as well. 
This entire culture has pretty much killed honesty online and has made it so that anyone who isn't overly autistic is often too afraid of being "cringe", cringe culture as a whole has been disastrous to the internet.
You seemed to be looking for games like Stardew Valley recently. It's another westoidslop game and probably a lot more shallow than Stardew, but I kinda like Spirittea so far. Other than having a couple nigger characters, it doesn't seem too pozzed. The main point of the game is to refurbish and efficiently run a derelict bathhouse that once served spirits. Not sure if you will like it, but it could be worth checking out.
>this should help as a reminder to not fuck up further streams, hopefully
If any of it sounded patronizing, I didn't mean it to be. I've encoded entire series only to play the first couple episodes to find that everything came out fucked up (I ended up learning some about Handbrake through trial and error after encoding El-Hazard at least several times). I legitimately think some of these "features" and default settings of Handbrake are retarded and ruin more encodes than they help. I don't know why that "forced only" checkbox even exists when it seems to override burn-in in practice.
Replies: >>32143 >>32149
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>If any of it sounded patronizing,
The bullying will continue until the encoding improves.
Replies: >>32149
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I'm glad you like them.

Here's some more Aya Nishitani storytime.
Replies: >>32149 >>32156
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i cant stop thinking of oppai loli shorstack aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
my brain is genius
let me tell my 1.3 trillion miles of circuits in my brain all can think of such stories
of such grand stories and scripts and it makes me feel like im missing out for not writing
i even keep drafts and i still feel missing out
the idea for different erotic themes... i have all of this in my tiny brain and i cant care less...
The point is I do not want to be horny or care for all of this stupid crap
bujt oppai lolis must be eradicated burnt
anyway i just wanted to show my frsutrations about how much I'd love to write erotic novels especially azur lane doujin, but sacrifcing it for good.
>incorrect captcha award
Replies: >>32148
Maybe I should watch the pokemon cartoon.
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Happy CUNY Tuesday, everyone!!
Replies: >>32149 >>32156
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>You seemed to be looking for games like Stardew Valley recently. It's another westoidslop game and probably a lot more shallow than Stardew, but I kinda like Spirittea so far. Other than having a couple nigger characters, it doesn't seem too pozzed. The main point of the game is to refurbish and efficiently run a derelict bathhouse that once served spirits. Not sure if you will like it, but it could be worth checking out.
>doesn't focus around brewing rare blends of tea
Missed opportunity, I might check it out though.
>If any of it sounded patronizing, I didn't mean it to be.
It's alright, don't sweat it.
wow rude!
That's a funky looking banjo
Happy CUNY Tuesday
I've been watching Sonic X.
Even though I like the 4kids dub, I'm quite enjoying the jap dub. It makes Chris more tolerable I think.
That and I watch only 1 ep while eating dinner every day instead of binge watching it. 
I'm enjoying it a lot more than last time.
Replies: >>32151 >>32156
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Henry Kissinger is burning in Hell. Now do yourself a favor and listen to John Edmond.
I don't know what it was/is with these cartoon adaptation of videogames and shoehorning original characters often in the form of some annoying twerp who's inexplicably close to the main character.
Replies: >>32156
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Replies: >>32156
>watch a couple of videos with opinions that kikes wouldn't approve of
>youtube beggings shilling blatant leftist "capitalism bad" bullshit to me that i would never fucking watch in my fucking life
>"oy vey looks like you had too much to think goy"
>bunch of soy infused retard takes everywhere cluttering my feed
lol, dude, same.
I watch watching report of the week eating Dominos and some trump vids and got recommended that same "capitalism bad" video.
Replies: >>32155 >>32156
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I would love to see some leaked docs like we had for Xitter showcasing the blatant bias of their algorithm
Replies: >>32156
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Bit late but happy CUNY Tuesday to you too.
That's a good look at it, however I do want to mention a couple of things:
>probably important
It is, I recommend keeping it at that setting so Handbrake doesn't reencode it at a different framerate.
>no clue if this matters
Those are settings from the x264 encoder that just use settings for better quality according to what's being used for. If you want to give it a try feel free to.
That's why I'm not a big fan of the lolcow culture thing and why I stay away from shit like Chris-chan.
That pokegirl is very cute, although I prefer the blonde and the tanned girl from this one.
>I think it's some vtumor
Man that's a waste of good design. I'll look up any NSFW of her still.
>Japan is notoriously idealistic about races that they don't usually interact with, and places too like Paris.
I guess they also suffer from Paris syndrome then.
>cringe culture as a whole has been disastrous to the internet
That's one of the worst things to happen honestly. I remember some loser trying to make fun of a couple guys who were imitating tokusatsu transformations (and luckily everyone else told him to fuck off).
>>32144 (nice dubs)
Appreciate it, man. Keep them coming.
I barely remember that cartoon but I imagine it does sound nicer to the ears.
>Henry Kissinger is burning in Hell
Has been doing it for more than a year and deservingly so. Fuck that horrendous kike.
>Now do yourself a favor and listen to John Edmond
Will do later.
>I don't know what it was/is with these cartoon adaptation of videogames and shoehorning original characters often in the form of some annoying twerp who's inexplicably close to the main character.
It was probably a fad in the 2000s.
I would recommend start using Invidious because it's better to net the algorithm know what you're watching.
If someone breaches it then maybe.
But remember that wypipo are the real monsters and Elon Musk is the devil.
Replies: >>32161
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Also I would advise to use extreme caution on that namefag with the Flan avatar because he's been shitting up a couple of places with his spergery. I want to think he's not coming back after that but if he does then feel free to ban him.
Replies: >>32158
He's a strange one.
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More Aya Nishitani storytime
Replies: >>32161 >>32178
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Today I present to you some articles about how neonazis are basically tha same as some Trekkies; autistic losers. Also nationalism doesn't need them.




The green head is so obviously a trap. I bet at least one /v/irgin is fapping to him right now. 

>  but they gangstalk a lot more harmless idiots it seems. This particular guy claims to have dyslexia, and that's understandable, but he talks about nonsense like giving everyone a trillion dollars so I believe he is mentally impaired.

That is a typical problem /cow/ also suffers from. Sometimes the observed person cringes so hard, that they simply disappear. Then its either anyone at least one poster doesn't like (sometimes despite the fact that they are boring as hell or even make money by getting flamed on social media.) or the user base itself. Foxdicks also has the problem that it is about almost nothing but speds like Jahans or  pamperchu which will inevitably drive you crazy.

Here, use this:


I blocked all corporate and public TV news and propaganda videos with this. Now my recommendations are bullshit free.
Replies: >>32161
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>That pokegirl is very cute, although I prefer the blonde and the tanned girl from this one.
Hey, nice art and yes there might be some cuter pokegirls out there but Lana is still probably top ten material.
>Man that's a waste of good design. I'll look up any NSFW of her still.
You can say that about any vtuber
>I guess they also suffer from Paris syndrome then.
Wasn't it coined because of Japanese tourists?
>That's one of the worst things to happen honestly. I remember some loser trying to make fun of a couple guys who were imitating tokusatsu transformations (and luckily everyone else told him to fuck off).
It's insecure people attacking others and often projecting their own insecurities onto said others
>I would recommend start using Invidious because it's better to net the algorithm know what you're watching.
It's hard to find an invidious instance that doesn't buffer like crazy
Holy shit NIshitani almost got killed by some arab in Israel, that's insane.
>Today I present to you some articles about how neonazis are basically tha same as some Trekkies; autistic losers. Also nationalism doesn't need them.
I always assumed and I am probably correct in the assumption that neo-nazis are a boogieman created by Hollywood and anyone who actually identifies as such is generally either a retarded teenager groomed by feds or a fed.
>The green head is so obviously a trap. I bet at least one /v/irgin is fapping to him right now. 
Is it that obvious? I assumed it was a girl.
>Here, use this:
Thank you, I am installing them.
Replies: >>32163 >>32178
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>  always assumed and I am probably correct in the assumption

Yep. It goes for most fascist movements on the planet. There are even groups out there that are designed to entrap right wingers who are stupid enough to join them. 

There was a movement during the COVID 19™ PANDEMIC that reeked of grift and even acted like one I knew from the American right. They now made a party that tries to turn Federal Republic into a direct democracy. Its also cool how so many people try to grift. No, not like books from publishing houses. Actual everyday products. I am sorry, but Zionist razor blades and based Coffee doesn't make the illegals and perverts disappear.

> Is it that obvious? I assumed it was a girl.

Yes. First there is the chest that flatter than most preteen girls. Its also the most obvious give away that he is a guy. Then there are the square ass and also the choice of some kind of yoga pants and leggings that rather appeals to guys who like to sodomize traps rather than lolicons. Trust me, my home board was the gayest one 8chan besides the faggot board.
Replies: >>32170
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I've been starving myself for nearly 3 weeks now, to reduce the last of my fat, after 2+ years of building muscle.
Combined with college and work stress, I'm quite miserable right now.
Give me some encouragement words pls, before I jump off the nearest bridge.

Oh, also. Dejiko. Did you try Unleashed Recomp? It's so good.
Replies: >>32166 >>32170
Just finished that Breakwater Diary show. That Handicrafts Club scene in the last episode was a pretty funny contrast to the rest of the show. My only complaint is that the series is so short. Does anyone know of other shows like this besides Yuru Camp and Non Non Biyori? Preferably not egregious with fan service. Non-CGDCT suggestions are fine, too. Just like seeing shows about autistic obsessions or having fun in nature. I'm probably going to watch Mitsuboshi Colors next since I watched one or two episodes of that already.

Do you think captcha needs to remain on? Been awhile since any retards raided. I apologize if you end up turning it off and some losers coincidentally show up soon after. Not a big deal if it stays on I guess.
Replies: >>32172
Starving as having eaten absolutely nothing for the past 3 weeks? Because you should be careful doing something that extreme even if you have a lot of remaining fat. I've heard fasting can do some pretty serious organ damage if you do it for too long. I used to fast for 19 days around this time of year when I was practicing religion, didn't have anything except liquids and vitamins in evening/morning hours. If you aren't eating at all, you should consider at least taking vitamins to avoid depleting your body of vital nutrients, but maybe also fast for shorter periods (like only a few days at a time).
Replies: >>32168
Starving as in having*
Hehe, no. I'm just eating less. I have a small loaf of bread with 3 hard boiled eggs, and a few small sausages for breakfast, and a bit of rice with a single chicken leg for dinner.
It sounds like a lot, but I still feel quite hungry throughout the day, and fortunately, I have lost quite a bit of fat during that time.

I'm not strong enough to do the Rikiishi Toru diet lol.
Replies: >>32169
Maybe your water intake is a little low. Obviously it'll make you piss more frequently, but drinking more water can help you feel fuller. I can't remember the exact daily amount of water you should drink, but I think it is around a gallon. Vitamins could also still be good supplements to have with your meals, though eggs are pretty nutritious on their own.
Replies: >>32171
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You mean spats? I thought spats were a common trope in manga.
Just eat some apples if you feel the need to eat something, or have some tea. That works.
>Oh, also. Dejiko. Did you try Unleashed Recomp? It's so good.
I've been meaning to try it out but I am similarly interested in this offshoot project 
Which would make it possible to natively (?) run Ace Combat 6 and some others on PC.
I drink lots of water. I always have 3 full glasses on my desk.
Maybe I'll snack on some green grapes.
Replies: >>32173
Glad you enjoyed my suggestion. I am currently watching MS Igloo, nice CG Gundam mini series.
I could stream it some time.
Replies: >>32173
I don't know how to help you feel less hungry then, friend. I'm sorry. Maybe fiber tablets? I never tried those myself, so I'm not hard-recommending them.

You could stream it, yeah. You could also stream the fishing show too, I wouldn't mind watching it again, though it doesn't really have any fan service. I also just finished Baccano just now. Decent show, but wish it was a little more historically accurate.
Replies: >>32174
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Main reason to watch the jap dub.
I think green grapes have some fiber. I'll try those.
Reminds me of this greentext.
Replies: >>32175 >>32177
Well, I don't mean to imply that you should overdose on fiber tablets.
Replies: >>32176
I'll give them a try. I completely forgot about fiber.
Replies: >>32179
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Ah she melted my heart, Cream is so cute.
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Holy shit that first story. I'm happy that he was able to get out alive at least. Goes to show you that you can't trust sandniggers, even if they are "Christians".
As for the second story, I appreciate that he's still posting on Xitter instead of just moving to Bluesky. Sucks about his LINE account though.
>Hey, nice art
>yes there might be some cuter pokegirls out there but Lana is still probably top ten material.
Not denying it, she's still top tier but I just have a bigger preference towards those two.
>You can say that about any vtuber
That's true, although some designs are still not that good for me the one called Pippa for example.
>Wasn't it coined because of Japanese tourists?
I looked it up and yes, it was mainly because of them.
>It's hard to find an invidious instance that doesn't buffer like crazy
It's because Jewgle is really fucking them by rate-limiting. At the very least I still have a couple of alternatives but it's still really annoying.
If it makes it possible to do that then I welcome it (and once again, I hope people mirror this project because ((( Github )))).
Replies: >>32180 >>32181
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Some of you sound horny for Lana, Lillie and Mallow. There is also Acerola. I only remember the girls from playing regular SunMoon and USUM. I'm not keen on the anime series, but you can probably start finding the girls with SM001. I would assume at least Lillie debuts pretty early on since she's the companion in the gen 7 games. I don't imagine that the SunMoon anime is too entertaining.
Be careful, bud. I don't claim to be a doctor. If you buy fiber tablets, maybe start by breaking one down and swallowing part of it around lunchtime.
Replies: >>32180 >>32191
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Former Sega employee Tez Okano is working on THE GIRL FROM GUNMA, it looks pretty awesome. Check it out.
>That's true, although some designs are still not that good for me 
Understandable, especially when you consider the creature attached to it, hahaha. Maybe not as bad as the other ones though, pretend personality wise.
>It's because Jewgle is really fucking them by rate-limiting. At the very least I still have a couple of alternatives but it's still really annoying.
It's very annoying as I do not wish to have a limited amount of resolution options.
>If it makes it possible to do that then I welcome it (and once again, I hope people mirror this project because (((  Github  )))).
It technically allows for any 360 game to be recompiled to run natively on PC. I just hope that someone who can figure it out can actually do something with it, I want to play Ace Combat 6, Chrome Hounds and Armored Core V on PC natively, among others.
I haven't watched the Pokemon show in a long while, I think I tried watching some episodes of some of the newer ones but quickly gave up and prior to that I had stopped by the time they reached fourth gen content. Most of my memories hail from the first seasons where the female designs weren't as good on average.
Replies: >>32191
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> I thought spats were a common trope in manga.

For traps and tomboys. 

> It's because Jewgle is really fucking them by rate-limiting. At the very least I still have a couple of alternatives but it's still really annoying.

The problem of every invidous instance ever. Its also very annoying how you can't circumvent age restriction anymore. Age restricting critical video is a very popular censorship tactic with tyrannical governments. 

Hate to say it, but we need multiple video streaming hosts. Thankfully first m00t and then the cripple got the webm revolution going 10 years ago.
Replies: >>32191
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I watched The Maxx, it would have been much better if Sam Kieth would have kept his liberal retardation out of it. I heard they are making a Hollywood movie out of this, I can't see why, the show is a 1:1 adaptation of the comic, basically every panel brought to life. Then again who cares.
No, I don't recommend it.
On a tangential note, you can find entire VCR recordings of old television broadcasts on the Internet Archive.
Replies: >>32183 >>32191
Well, the show covers about half the comic or something.
So what Firefox fork do I gotta jump to now that Librewolf went full tranny?
Replies: >>32185 >>32186
I use Waterfox. Don't know anything about the developer's politics.
Replies: >>32187 >>32191
Pelmun if you don't care about up to date Software and the fact that its initiator is a Swedish furry. 

Another one I have just spotted is Mercury. It was made by the guy who created Thorium. Its focus is on speed. For some reason, the guy seems to think that the world needs a new Voyager 2000 for 2020s. 

The better alternative would be biting the bullet and follow Eich, the guy whose absence made Firefox shit to begin with,  to Brave. I fared well with Brave and the only reason some stuff doesn't work is frankly my own retardation with some of the plugins.
Replies: >>32187 >>32191
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I'm looking into it, seems good.
Pale Moon had similarly retarded people behind it and I recall some extension was blocked because some retard simply didn't like it.
>Another one I have just spotted is Mercury. It was made by the guy who created Thorium. Its focus is on speed. For some reason, the guy seems to think that the world needs a new Voyager 2000 for 2020s. 
USS Voyager?
>The better alternative would be biting the bullet and follow Eich, the guy whose absence made Firefox shit to begin with,  to Brave. I fared well with Brave and the only reason some stuff doesn't work is frankly my own retardation with some of the plugins.
That's the thing, I refuse to use Chromium based anything for my daily browsing needs. I will look into Mercury and compare it to Waterfox, see how it fares.
Thanks anons.
Replies: >>32188 >>32191
> USS Voyager?

More like "1H5 M1´-83N15-15-//3121´-816".  Sadly, that thing has been forgotten and all traces are gone. Except the magazines I have lying around here. That was a meme anyway.
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Replies: >>32191
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Now Unreal 5 games aren't just horribly optimized but also full of trannies by default.
Replies: >>32191
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Finished watching Lost Highway and I see the news about Librewolf becoming full tranny. I fucking despise them, wish they would disappear from this planet forever.

That looks really good. I especially like her full portrait, very cute.
>Understandable, especially when you consider the creature attached to it, hahaha. Maybe not as bad as the other ones though, pretend personality wise.
No idea honestly and I can't be bothered to check her "personality".
>It's very annoying as I do not wish to have a limited amount of resolution options.
I think there's an option in most Invidious instances where it allows you to change the resolution.
>It technically allows for any 360 game to be recompiled to run natively on PC. I just hope that someone who can figure it out can actually do something with it,
Well if the Sonic Unleashed one is a good sign then there's hope. My only worry is in terms of "will this get slapped with a C&D?"
>check her
Nice, she's cute too.
>we need multiple video streaming hosts
There are sites like Odysee and Rumble but I prefer if something like Peertube would take off (or at least use it as a repository).
>you can find entire VCR recordings of old television broadcasts on the Internet Archive
That's really cool. There's also a private tracker full of those too.
I used it a while back before but I stopped because apparently the dev sold it to an advertising company IIRC. No idea if there's been any change about it.
I might check on Mercury then.
That browser never interested me, even if it's made by a former Mozilla dev. And also what Dejiko said, it's basically Chromium.
Nice pic.
Not bad.
That's why besides trannies I want the AAA industry to crash maybe Epic should release the source code to the Unreal games before it, at the very least there'd be some good source ports.
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Some more Aya Nishitani storytime!!
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