/f/ - Flash

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/f/ Never Dies

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Welcome to /f/! Please post any concerns or requests you have in this thread, and I will do my best to satisfy.
Enjoy your stay and remember: I still do it for free™

There aren't many, but they're all there for a reason.
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Last edited by flashmaster
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Happy New Year, /f/ ! Cheers.  :)

Post stupid shit, that you find funny
Replies: >>2400
>>2105 (OP) 
>Post stupid shit, that you find funny
Where is it?
For a while, this flash existed on newgrounds before it was removed. I think I have the last extant copy of this flash.

It's stupid - a grudge against the then-popular anime theater.swf. But it's also proof that the community that created this flash existed, again for a brief period of time.

I like the music.
Rows of faggots

For all the first-era flash good stuff you got.

Inspired by >>2452
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Replies: >>2455 >>2457
>>2453 (OP) 
Thanks for the thread anon!
>>2453 (OP) 
Can't have a Classics thread without JAPAN BREAK KOUGYOU
Replies: >>2458
Found the NBK flash that had that kickass combining mecha made from construction/demolition tools.
Replies: >>2459

Press space to catch the wrecking ball at the correct time, release space to balance yourself. Press N and B repeatedly to power up you throwing it back.

Let's get things rolling. Post all the com/f/y stuff you got!
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Replies: >>2447
Thanks. I need to upload some myself.
The music in this flash brings me peace at a primordial level.
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Hey does anyone have any of the old 2channel era flashes? Especially the Doraemon one?

Hi, welcome to The New New Thread. Same as The Old and Old Old Threads!
This is a thread allegedly for discussing TiTS and other games, I guess. And developing games. And stuff.
Despite this being a TiTS thread in name (for historical purposes), barely anyone here plays TiTS.
For further information on the game, I recommend you go here to ask.
For reasons of how long this thread's existed and how much fen's fucked up everything he's touched, there's a good chance the thread will have barely anything to do with fenoxo and his hugbox at any given point.
>Mobile Builds
Read the readme if you want to use it to edit your save data. Especially read the readme if you use Chrome.
If you would like my custom mobile CoC, or other builds, just ask and I might oblige.
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Yes please migrate. They're still taking boards in over at Trashchan.
Or since flashmaster doesn't seem to have a problem with the board being remade >>2413 maybe one of the anons could take up the mantle and migrate the board to Trashchan in his stead?
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Welcome any /f/ugees!
Please continue to use the board as you did. If any of the regulars or the original BO wants the board I'll make sure you get it.

Yes I know the CSS is broken. I'm confident that someone smarter than me will help me fix it in the coming days or weeks.
Replies: >>2443
The culprit is this line in what appears to be the board custom CSS, judging from how it (and many other things) are fixed when board custom CSS is disabled from the Settings:
color: #dddddd;
Maybe the archiver software mistook the board theme for its custom CSS?
Best of luck.
Replies: >>2444
>Maybe the archiver software mistook the board theme for its custom CSS?
Oh I just opened up the console and saved it directly.
It seems to mostly work on lynxchan but only about a third of it is functioning on jschan.

you guys ever make a flash animation? even something small and dumb?
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Replies: >>2331 >>2399
Just made this.
Not an original idea, I've just copied a video that I recently saw.
>>61 (OP) 
I used to make silly little loops for a bunch of friends back in 2015. Then they went collectively insane on november 4, 2016 and wanted me to make insurrection propaganda. I kinda noped outta there.
Replies: >>2332
I'd expect they're still insane lad. Leaving was the right choice.
>>61 (OP) 

Replies: >>2301
>>2300 (OP) 

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is this the place to ask about animations? I m trying to specify balance and weight in animation as precise as possible or at least sufficient enough of a scene to be considered plausible... 

basically just positioning lines in space..?
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how do u do flash to animate like this? https://youtu.be/8Hn4z1RYlrU

i suppose it is procedural so the limb motion follows the incremental character position itself? but i am not sure myself

is there any tutorials like this?
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how do i fix my art like the helmets back i cant help but feel it is wrong
but not sure how to fix it maybe redraw the back

also looking for flash-like portable animation software under 10 MB? much appreciated
why is my thread moved here, nobody is gonna read this far holy monkeys this is stupid
Good art
Fuck the state of flash animation man. Its against everything that is independently human. Flash has been a format for people to captivate and be unique and lately is for money.
Not actually, money but its commercialised. Rant over

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I noticed that other boards seem to be getting on with that old soccer event we used to have on 8chan and it got me thinking whether we could have some fun with it somehow. The 4chan guys had a team made in honor of flash animation ( https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//f/ ) which we could just ask the cup guys to use for us, too.

What do you guys think?
Replies: >>2212
>>2198 (OP) 
Sure, as long as we don't have to do much to join it
When will the matches be hosted?
Replies: >>2225
yeah the anon who started this tried to get the 4CC team and they agreed
Due to differences in the rules for ICUP and 4CC, the current team is illegal. It looks beautiful and everything but needs new tactics.
As I see it, the options:
1) Someone here make legal team tactics, even if super basic (choose 1 gold player, 1 silver, 2 bronze, a formation (drawn or using https://www.buildlineup.com/ ), and deciding short/long passes + counter-attack/possession)
2) I can try and benevolently shove their team into our rules and hope it still makes sense.
3) [unlikely but possible] A 4CC /f/ manager could design tactics, despite the different PES version and different league rules.

so i'm probably not gonna get much of a reply on a dead board like this but i figured i might as well shoot my shot, even if i don't know much

there some way to get this shit working and loading images on something like jpexs or some shit?
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It needs a .php file to work property. You'd need to either find whatever website this originally came from, see if archive.org saved it and then maybe modify it to work on a local webserver if necessary, or reverse engineer what the swf wants from scratch.

I also took a quick look through JPEXS and I think all it does is add cum stains to a picture? You could easily extract the assets and then put them on the picture yourself if you wanted to.

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