/f/ - Flash

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I noticed that other boards seem to be getting on with that old soccer event we used to have on 8chan and it got me thinking whether we could have some fun with it somehow. The 4chan guys had a team made in honor of flash animation ( https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//f/ ) which we could just ask the cup guys to use for us, too.

What do you guys think?
Replies: >>2212
>>2198 (OP) 
Sure, as long as we don't have to do much to join it
When will the matches be hosted?
Replies: >>2225
yeah the anon who started this tried to get the 4CC team and they agreed
Due to differences in the rules for ICUP and 4CC, the current team is illegal. It looks beautiful and everything but needs new tactics.
As I see it, the options:
1) Someone here make legal team tactics, even if super basic (choose 1 gold player, 1 silver, 2 bronze, a formation (drawn or using https://www.buildlineup.com/ ), and deciding short/long passes + counter-attack/possession)
2) I can try and benevolently shove their team into our rules and hope it still makes sense.
3) [unlikely but possible] A 4CC /f/ manager could design tactics, despite the different PES version and different league rules.
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