/f/ Never Dies
Let's get things rolling. Post all the com/f/y stuff you got!
>>30 Aw, you saved my "Morning Dew" swf. Glad you liked it, then.
>Across the universe Almost every cover I've heard has been good.
Some more pictureless songs from my music collection that I don't know if I shared or not. Probably did. All one band except for the second one in this upload.
One slightly better known band now, but still never a top-100 act. Ween.
How do i save flash animations from this website?
>>11 >the days just fly by.swf They sure do
>>2446 Thanks. I need to upload some myself.
The music in this flash brings me peace at a primordial level.
Hey does anyone have any of the old 2channel era flashes? Especially the Doraemon one?