/f/ - Flash

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/f/ Never Dies

Hi, welcome to The New New Thread. Same as The Old and Old Old Threads!
This is a thread allegedly for discussing TiTS and other games, I guess. And developing games. And stuff.
Despite this being a TiTS thread in name (for historical purposes), barely anyone here plays TiTS.
For further information on the game, I recommend you go here to ask.
For reasons of how long this thread's existed and how much fen's fucked up everything he's touched, there's a good chance the thread will have barely anything to do with fenoxo and his hugbox at any given point.
>Mobile Builds
Read the readme if you want to use it to edit your save data. Especially read the readme if you use Chrome.
If you would like my custom mobile CoC, or other builds, just ask and I might oblige.
We don't really have the latest builds first anymore. That said, I make mobile builds and desktop builds from source code when I can (and/or feel like it), and redistribute the premade builds when I can access them. I mirror them here.
I am also, to my knowledge, the only person making iOS builds for TiTS nowadays. 
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They can't keep getting away with it!
Replies: >>1717
>I have two Android devices in my bedroom
It just depends on what you're doing with them. Physically owning a phone isn't a problem (I keep one in a shoebox in the closet and use it as a hotspot). If you carry it with you, it will log your locations and activities. If it's within speaking distance, it can listen to your conversations. If you do things on the phone itself; send emails, browse websites, etc, it monitors everything. If you keep this in mind, you can tailor your usage accordingly.

My only concern is that this may end the golden era of free trading. As recent as 2009, people were debating whether $4.99 per trade was a good deal, and now just about every brokerage is free. But one thing they can do to prevent this issue from recurring is to raise the trade price on high volume stocks. If the trade fee on GME had steadily risen to $200, no one would be buying it, and this situation wouldn't have developed.

>but this place is very /pol/ 
No more or less than ever, we just don't discuss TiTS at all these days, so everyone is free to blogpost. We've also picked up some new anons over the years of that sentiment. Not really a fan of the pointless rage bait that /pol/ has become though, and I would argue that /f/'s political topics resemble /fascist/ more. Unlike /pol/, you can say just about anything, and the worse you'll hear is "No, I disagree." I wish we would spend more time sharing family recipes, but so it goes.

I love it. First they show everyone that elections are shams. Now people get to see how much of a sham Wall St is, and how it is rigged in favor of the elite. What a week for accelerationism.
Just scored a pair of Sanyo eneloop AA's in a busted logitech wireless keyboard someone gave me.
Two people in the IRC channel atm.
>very /pol/ so I will probably not post much, not that I did. Anywho, happy to see you're all alive and well.
I also think it has gotten more /pol/ recently (especially since a couple new people materialised).

Not a huge fan of that, but I still pop in now and then anyway since it's not exclusively that.
Replies: >>1723
Link to the real page; I don't think that article actually exists on vice. Nor an author named seth goldberg.
Replies: >>1723
The funniest one so far has been synthesized Heavy from Team Fortress 2.

BTW, had a miniature Quake (1; netquake version) LAN party with two friends last week. It was really fun.
I don't know if you glance at the Boards listing much, but anon.cafe is basically /pol/, the imageboard. /f/ is the third (and sometimes second) largest board, eclipsed only by /fascist/. It makes sense that pretty much every new person we get from here will be from there.

I have nothing against other perspectives though, and some of my best conversations have been with die hard Marxists (who are basically /pol/ of a different economic mindset). As long as they're not literal neolibs, you're welcome to bring in new people and balance things out a bit.

It's not real, Goldberg was the giveaway.
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Welp, I guess it'll be business as usual for me since I don't do that kind of stuff (though I do love a good dead baby joke).
>I've never really been much for accelerationism, honestly.
That's good, IMO, although I honestly see where "accelerationists" are coming from. Even ones I mostly disagree with politically.
It's sort of the Malcolm X deal; people who feel either that they personally or else society as a whole are in bad situations think a clean break would be for the best, and that their experiences leading to that point have evidenced that just waiting isn't going to work.
I don't necessarily agree with that (and certainly not with Malcolm X) but I understand where the feeling comes from and identify somewhat with it.
As a (soft-)pacifist at heart, though, that takes priority for me.
>Furthermore, I believe that people, by and large, are capable of change. However, they require time to change, not just an epiphany.
Yeah, pretty much. Unfortunately they don't always change for the better, though.
>In this case, it's not so much disillusioned people on the right fleeing, it's just literally everyone.
I blame the legislation, but also tech companies in some parts of the state. They have too much power and their employees too much money to throw around, so much so that they muscle out existing communities.
I remember the FBI used something like that to trace where some old leaked confidential documents (maybe the pentagon papers?) were scanned from, too.
Is the payment code such that I could type it out on a typewriter?

New chinesium laptop battery came in for my X201 tablet; it actually works this time around.

Old gamestop-related post since it's semi-topical right now.
I actually have that picture saved on my HDD, too. Not that it means much with so many images.
Replies: >>1727 >>1728
I can't stand Israel either. Feels like only people with their heads buried in the sand  like it.
>'Multiculturalism'… (has) never bettered a society.
You played Monster Girl Quest, though, right?
Replies: >>1727
>a clean break
It's not so much about a clean break, though that is partially the outcome. It's more about acknowledging that an individual cannot take on the State, and the State will never allow a large enough group to form that could oppose it. But if the State is pushing a ruinous agenda by itself, then furthering that to its natural conclusion is a weapon of its own.

>but also tech companies
In the northern part of the state, absolutely. SoCal doesn't resemble the Bay Area at all though. Honestly, a lot of the issue is just the psychology of the people that live here. Credit cards, financing new cars, expensive apartments, conveniences at monthly costs. If you live like an actual human being though, you're pretty much insulated from most of the rising costs.

>Is the payment code such that I could type it out on a typewriter?
Yes, it's just a handful of digits. Mullvad doesn't use a username/password system, just the payment code. 

I know you're joking, but surely you realize that people opposed to multiculturalism don't dislike it just because some people look differently than others. Blacks could have blond hair and blue eyes, or be monstergirls, but if they were still a recognizable group of people bringing all of the problems that they cause, they would see the same opposition. You hardly hear any complaints about the Korean immigrants for example. They show up, try to learn the language, hold respectable positions and act decently in public. People love to blame economics for blacks' problems, but we have had starving Koreans and Vietnamese refugees arrive by boat while feeling a war that have made more of a life for themselves than blacks that have been free for generations, living in communities of their own people.

The same people that want to tell you that Africa is in shambles because white colonial powers divided the continent without respect for natural cultural or ethnic divisions will tell you that diversity is our greatest strength.
Replies: >>1729
>that post
Kek. That must have been a Golden Era.
Genotype + Environment = Phenotype
Libcucks ignore Genotype "wE'rE aLl dA sAmE."
Cuckservatives ignore Environment "jUsT bOoTsTrApS lOl"

National Socialists understand the equation.

As an aside, Gunship, you're a goddamn treasure.
Replies: >>1730
>Gunship, you're a goddamn treasure.
I'd like to thank my waifu and Soilwork for my tremendous success as a schizophrenic psychopath in the woods.
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Built GIMP 3 (2.99.4) from source code today just to see what to expect from the GTK+3 port, and lo and behold it's a downgrade.

first image is GIMP 2.10, second image is 2.99.4 (basically a 3.0 release candidate)
Replies: >>1732 >>1734
No way to get the "dark" look back, either, unless your GTK+3 theme supports it. In GTK2 it's essentially a built-in skin variant.
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Also the only way I managed to make the icons this small was by copying some files from Gimp 2.10; by default they are larger and there's no slider like there was in 2.10 to make them smaller.

Also check out that horrid kerning.
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Everything gets worse with time. That's why I'm still sitting here with OpenBSD, ksh, xterm, cwm, and Links.
Replies: >>1735
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I also use ksh93, xterm, and I use fvwm (which is older than cwm).
Anyway, mostly made a CSS theme for it.
Now back to 2.10 until it's no longer viable.
/* GIMP 3 theme css file, put in (gimp profile)/themes/your_theme_name_here/gimp.css */

* {
    background-color: #454545;
    color: #d0d0d0;
    border-color: #303030;
    -gtk-icon-style:                   symbolic;
    -GimpDockWindow-default-height:    300;
    -GimpMenuDock-minimal-width:       200;
    -GimpDockWindow-menu-preview-size: button;
    -GimpToolPalette-tool-icon-size:   small-toolbar;
    -GimpToolPalette-button-relief:    none;
    -GimpDockbook-tab-icon-size:       button;
    -GimpColorNotebook-tab-icon-size:  button;
    -GimpDeviceEditor-handle-size:     12;
    -GimpDockable-content-border:      2;
    -GimpEditor-content-spacing:       2;
    -GimpEditor-button-spacing:        2;
    -GimpEditor-button-icon-size:      menu;
    -GimpDataEditor-minimal-height:    96;
    -GtkDialog-content-area-border:    0;
    -GtkDialog-button-spacing:         6;
    -GtkDialog-action-area-border:     12;
    -GimpUnitComboBox-appears-as-list: 0;

*:disabled {
  color: #808080;

overshoot.top, overshoot.bottom, overshoot.left, overshoot.right, overshoot, undershoot.top, undershoot.bottom, undershoot.left, undershoot.right {
  background: none;

menuitem, menuitem > label{
  background-color: #484848;
  border-color:  #484848;

menuitem:hover, menuitem:hover > label {
  background-color: #303030;
  border-color: #303030;

menu menuitem:hover, menu menuitem:hover > label
  background: #303030;
  border-color: #303030;
button,        button > label,        button > box label,        button > box image,        button > image {
  background-color: #454545;
  border-color: #454545;
button:hover,  button:hover > label,  button:hover > box label,  button:hover > box image,  button:hover > image {
  background-color: #555555;
  border-color:     #555555;
button:active, button:active > label, button:active > box label, button:active > box image, button:active > image {
  background-color: #1f1f1f;
  border-color: #151515;
spinbutton {
  border-color: #151515;
  background-color: #1f1f1f;
button:checked *, button:checked {
  background-color: #1f1f1f;
  border-color: #0a0a0a;
treeview {
  background-color: #303030;
treeview *:selected
  background-color: #1f1f1f;
combobox * {
  background-color: #303030;
  border-color: #151515;
combobox:disabled * {
  background-color: #454545;
  border-color: #303030;
separator {
  background-image: none;

GimpToolDialog {
    -GtkDialog-action-area-border: 6;

GimpColorNotebook tab {
    padding: 0 0 0 0;

GimpDock GimpColorNotebook spinbutton,
GimpDock GimpColorNotebook spinbutton entry,
GimpDock GimpColorScales spinbutton,
GimpDock GimpColorScales spinbutton entry {
    min-height: 0;

GimpColorSelection ColorselCmyk {
    padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;

GimpColorHistory button {
    padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;

#gimp-color-tag-box button {
    padding: 4px 6px 4px 6px;

tab GimpFgBgView {
    padding: 6px 6px 6px 6px;

GimpFgBgEditor:active {
    border-width: 2px 2px 2px 2px;

GimpDock {
    font-size: smaller;

GimpDock notebook tab {
    padding: 0 0 0 0;

GimpDock :not(toolbutton) > button,
GimpOverlayDialog button,
GimpToolDialog :not(headerbar) button,
GimpTextStyleEditor button {
    padding: 0px 2px 0px 2px;

GimpToolDialog headerbar {
    min-height: 0;

GimpToolDialog headerbar button {
    padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;

GimpDock frame {
    -GimpFrame-label-bold:       0;
    -GimpFrame-label-spacing:    2;

GimpDisplayShell grid > button {
    min-height: 0;
    min-width: 0;
    padding: 0 0 0 0;

GimpDisplayShell combobox entry {
    font-size: smaller;

GimpDisplayShell combobox button {
    font-size: smaller;

GimpDisplayShell progressbar text {
    font-size: larger;

GimpDisplayShell progressbar trough,
GimpDisplayShell progressbar progress {
    min-height: 1em;

GimpFileDialog progressbar trough,
GimpFileDialog progressbar progress {
    min-width: 1px; /* hack */
    min-height: 1em;

GimpRuler {
    font-size: smaller;

spinbutton entry progress {
    background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
    border-width:     0px;
    border-radius:    3px;

entry.italic {
    font-style: italic;

.grid {
    /* why does this not work */
    color: rgba (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Replies: >>1736
I've tried so many times to like it, particularly because it's the default for OpenBSD, but I just can't get into it. The workflow seems so opposite of mine (without heavy customization at least).
Replies: >>1737
IDK what the defaults are on OpenBSD, but it works nicely for me.

Thomas Adam (main dev) is active on the fvwm IRC channel if you have questions the manual doesn't explain well.
Of course, FVWM 1.3 is a little different than FVWM3 (current version) but I think he might still know something.
I've fallen into the POTS/PSTN autism hole.
How is there not a decent and simple landline/telephony system for linux? We used to take that functionality for granted in the windows 3.1 and 95 days.
As an aside, why not have LTE cards that do data and telephony on a linux system, bypass phonefaggotry entirely?

Also, have any of you guys had luck using symlinks or similar to pipe data from a tty to another interface to be usable by wine?  Supposedly it's possible but it's always failed for me.

It's very strange to me that these extremely basic functionalities have been entirely ignored.
Replies: >>1741 >>1746
>It's very strange to me that these extremely basic functionalities have been entirely ignored.
I'd say this is intentional. Quite apart from the Surveillance-State benefits such lack provides for the elites to keep a good eye on the goyim, it's literally in the device and infrastructure provider's business-interests as well via 'lock-in' and other strong-arm tactics.

They don't want you having simple comms available Anon. Too hard to subvert, and too easy convert into more sophisticated forms resistant to surveillance.
Replies: >>1742
I'm not the sharpest anon, but it seems like something that's almost trivial to do if you have the programming experience.
I'm guessing it falls into the realm of "if you're smart enough to want it, why aren't you smart enough to do it yourself?"
I guess I'll just be stuck with the retards until I git gud.
Replies: >>1743
Ahh, my misunderstanding. I thought your complaint was about a lack of ancient phone service. Hmm. I use the cURL lib as a Swiss army knife for networking, so maybe you can solve it with that?
Replies: >>1744 >>1745
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BTW, this image was too humorously iconic for my point not to go ahead and post it here.
The transition from old fashioned copper for POTS is a huge mistake imo, all the digital shit is just another point of failure.
There's a lot of good in having a parallel system based on entirely different technology.  Infrastructure failsafes don't seem to exist anymore.
Replies: >>1747
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>As an aside, why not have LTE cards that do data and telephony on a linux system, bypass phonefaggotry entirely?
Actually, you can do this. I have two Sierra Wireless cards that allow you to make phone calls (one of them actually has a 2.5mm headset jack), and I assume most other makers do this as well.
I have yet to test them, but I distinctly remember seeing kernel drivers for some of their cards during a Gentoo installation.

If you really wanted to, you could slap a SBC, some batteries, and a baseband modem in a portable case, and have a fully operational pocket-sized computer that can make phone calls. Or you could just use a laptop.
The only caveats are that you're using unverifiable hardware (though, frankly, we're all doing this already), using possibly closed firmware (depending on whether someone made a FOSS version for the particular card), and it can track your location when powered (which is wholly unavoidable when using anything wireless, good OPSEC will mitigate this).
Replies: >>1749 >>1750
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>The transition from old fashioned copper for POTS is a huge mistake imo
While the old analog telephone system had the advantage of simplicity, I can see the the advantage with optical networks as well (assuming a smart implementation).

If you were to set up a purely optical network, with every relay encased in grounded faraday cages, the entire network would be theoretically immune to any form of EMI, environmental, incidental, or from an attack. If the relays and switches are also physically and technically secured (or better yet, all of the relays outside of public utility buildings are dumb relays), the system would be that much more resistent to any form of wiretapping (assuming the ones maintaining the infrastucture are trustworthy. If they aren't, your telecommunications won't be safe no matter what the hardware is).

The only real advantage with the original PSTN system is that it's cheap and easy to build and service. Granted, this is relevant if you live out where the banjos play, or you're just in a poor nation.

As for infrastucture failsafes, the only thing you can really rely on is physical redundancy, and maybe you can compliment that by using mutiple standards if it's prudent to do so (copper, wireless, and optical networking can compliment eachother, but all power lines are the same). Again though, this requires smart implementation, something that the US sorely lacks (I can't imagine most other nations are better off either). It's like a big knotted up ball of old strings: pulling at one may not do anything, but pulling at another could cause half the ball to unravel.
Of course, the main reason for this situation is the fact that we're building off of old infrastructure, because it's cheaper, easier, and less disruptive than tearing everything down once a new version of something comes out. I imagine most anyone could build a better system if they had the resources and the unique opportunity to start out from scratch.
Replies: >>1751 >>1755
>If you really wanted to, you could slap a SBC, some batteries, and a baseband modem in a portable case, and have a fully operational pocket-sized computer that can make phone calls. Or you could just use a laptop.
>The only caveats are that you're using unverifiable hardware (though, frankly, we're all doing this already), using possibly closed firmware (depending on whether someone made a FOSS version for the particular card), and it can track your location when powered (which is wholly unavoidable when using anything wireless, good OPSEC will mitigate this).
This is actually really interesting. Would you think about making a Hackaday (or elsewhere) project to help phone brainlets follow along how, showing us how to do this? I would want to if you did.
Replies: >>1752 >>1764
I've been looking at some mPCI-e boards that seem promising, but the websites where they're sold are very much "lol we're industry, fuck you we won't explain shit" there's not a lot of detail about how data and voice are supported, or what software would be compatible with the boards with a minimum of routing effort.  I've seen some LTE cards which require a second card for the SIM, so you're going the game genie route with an mpci-e card plugging into another mpci-e card plugging into the motherboard, all with no guarantees that it'll work with any particular software.
If I was positive I could put a voice/data sim in an mPCI-e card, then have data as well as a dialer/sms/voicemail setup, I'd never use a phone again.  I don't mind having to route some additional antennae, but it's a lot of money and effort for something that the manufacturers haven't deigned to at least try to explain for end users.
Replies: >>1764
>that Tower of Babel shrouded in smoke and cloud
Kek. All it needs is fire to become Biblical.
I think the market for this would be fairly sizeable.  People are getting sick of walled gardens and Apple/Google bullshit.
Pinephone and Librem5 are both coming out "some time" and I know I'm sick of waiting.
Replies: >>1753
>People are getting sick of walled gardens and Apple/Google bullshit.
This. If Flash actually pulled it off well, he could probably sell kits (or even just plans) for a pretty penny. I'm like Gunship now, and keep my phone turned off and wrapped and inside a box. In the words of dearly departed Terry, "FUCKING CIA NIGGERS! EVERYBODY HATES YOU!" :^)
Replies: >>1754 >>1755
Parler and Telegram getting pulled from the App stores should be the final straw for a lot of people.
Simcom, Huawei, Welink and Telit seem to have a bunch of LTE modules that support voice, but they really don't go into detail regarding drivers or software support.
All the tracking software on phones, active mic all the time etc is getting really fucking annoying.
A USB dongle would probably sell well, but I've never liked dongles when there's an M.2 port waiting to be used.
Sure the NSA and Mossad will still pwn it if you're using jewed hardware, but at least the fucking apple and google jews will get shut out.
Of course, if it gets popular they'll probably try to shut it down.
I've always been bothered that tablets and laptop LTE cards didn't support voice calls from the beginning.
If there's a big enough market, then open source will follow, and we can move entirely away from the big corp garbage. The end result would be only a few modifications away from a cyberpunk "deck" which some people would appreciate.
Replies: >>1755
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If the hotel weren't enough, you can always spot a picture of North Korea by the lack of electricity and cars.

>I'm like Gunship now
Time to lift and install OpenBSD.

>Parler and Telegram getting pulled from the App stores should be the final straw for a lot of people.
The bugmen are thrilled that Parler is dead. The MAGA types that used it are surely pissed, but what are they going to do about it, make a few more means to humorously point out the left's hypocrisy?

Just forget the phones, and the online bullshit.
Replies: >>1756
>Time to lift 
OK, will do. I'll have to start with bodyweight for now though.
>and install OpenBSD
I have a Beaglebone Black I can use to get started with for now. Hopefully that will be enough to go on with. I'll dig it all out this weekend and get it going.

BTW, you should know that at the least, I'm actually running a G*lang program now (https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch), so at least it's a babby-step in that direction.

Also, can anyone here give me any insights about LBRY? I'm currently trying to find a durable way to archive our things.
Replies: >>1757 >>1758
>a durable way to archive ALL THE THINGS.*
>I'll have to start with bodyweight
Please do, no one has any respect for someone that doesn't even respect themselves. I personally can lose about 2lb a week during cutting phases, and that seems to be about average, so you should have no problem. If you're actually underweight, that's even better; a perfect time to start bulking. If you need help with either, do let me know and we can sit down and discuss things.

>Hopefully that will be enough to go on with.
I've always found ARM to be a bit odd, I don't know if I would use that as my baseline experience with a new OS.

For the past few months I have been trending towards a sort of tech apathy to be honest. We can argue the merits of this distro, or that window manager, but at the end of the day who gives a shit? I look at lance (no offense) compiling crap, writing code to adjust the look of Gimp, and I just think to myself, I could be outside right now or researching a new investment, why do I want to be sitting here piddling with trivial crap when I could be getting things done instead? In some ways, life with Fedora was kind of nice because I had no desire to do anything on the computer. I'd turn it on, do what I had to do, and then go clean the garage or something.

>I'm actually running a G*lang program
As much shit as Go gets (from non-programmers on halfchan and the like), it's really a nice language. Nobody wants to sit down and write bullshit in C if they don't have to, but bash scripts will only get you so far. With Go, you don't have to worry about installing 20 different versions of the language, or whether or not some system library is the exact version you need. You hardly ever have to consider the compiler at all. You just write your program and here's a nice a binary.
Replies: >>1759 >>1761 >>1778
>tech apathy
This has become widespread among most anons, in my experience.
Tech was supposed to enhance our lives, but it has become a tool of abuse and oppression instead, socially engineered to be a timesink and mind control system.
There's definitely a malaise.
Ultimately, there's the old gadget vs appliance dichotomy.  Gadgets are time wasters, appliances are time savers.  You have to figure out what you want from it all.
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>If you need help with either, do let me know and we can sit down and discuss things.
Thanks! I'm starting to develop a beer belly from drinking too much alcohol lately, but otherwise I'm kind of middleground, weight-wise. I have the book Convict Conditioning which I've worked through in the past, but I'll try to be more serious about it now.

>I don't know if I would use that as my baseline experience with a new OS.
OK, I dug around and found an old i3 desktop case and an older (but quality) SSD.

Yes, I'll try Golang out. I like the fact it directly supports a tasking in the language. In C++ I'm forced to use Apple's libdispatch (which may just be the world's single greatest tasking system).

Thanks for all the great advice and help, Gunship. I'll plan to keep you all up to date in my new OpenBSD adventures! :^)
Replies: >>1767
Are you part of the Terrorist Right, Anon?
Replies: >>1764 >>1767
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I'm going to try and install one of the cards soon. I'm not planning on going the merchant route and selling anything, but I'd be happy to post a guide once if I get things figured out myself.

>Michael Snyder
I'm getting an Alex Jones lite vibe from this guy.
The article itself seemed a bit obtuse. He stopped well short of naming any particular group not even referring to just Jews, he didn't even name any tech companies as being the driving force behind anything, and the article itself contained no information that anyone with two braincells to rub together didn't figure out already. The few other articles I've seen by him don't seem to be much better.
The books he authored could be better, but I don't feel like spending the money to find out.
Replies: >>1766 >>1767 >>1768
Is there a way to use links over torsocks? I am having difficulty figuring it out, kind of seems like links might not be SOCKS-compatible? I am able to use it over w3m OK.
Replies: >>1767
> but I'd be happy to post a guide once if I get things figured out myself.
Great! Please do.
>I'll plan to keep you all up to date in my new OpenBSD adventures!
I forgot to mention, if you're running OpenBSD on a desktop/laptop, use -current (snapshots) instead of release (6.8). Package management on OpenBSD is different than you're used to. Packages are frozen at release and only receive security updates between release. Any time you need something newer, you have to build the package from ports (honestly no big deal at all). But packages for -current are continually built, so you don't need to worry about that all.

The base system of -current is kept as stable as possible (and I've yet to encouter anything weird with it). With OpenBSD in general though, you always want to be using the base utilities as much as possible. It's not like Arch; it gives you what you need and you use just that.

To use -current, just download today's snapshot from their mirror. '$ doas sysupgrade' to update to the latest snapshot from there.

I love low hanging fruit. Imagine if they said "real nazis aren't sitting around on Discord playing video games all day, go after the people making a conscious separation from the modern world." That'd be something, but no they're just going to interrogate Facebook users.

>He stopped well short of naming any particular group
Just about every group on 'The Right' is going to be controlled opposition. Look at Parler. The CEO was given a ton of money by GOP financers to turn the thing into direct marketing for the republican party. Everyone had to upload a government issued ID (how convenient), certain topics were banned, and the GOP would pick which topics to promote. Gab's CEO recently talked about how declined the same offer from the same people when he started out, and then Parler suddenly emerged.

They'll never allow anything formidable on the right to emerge. Between people like Tucker and Jones, and alt social media, it's all just distractions to keep people angry at the spook of the day.

Not easily, you'd have to setup the routing at the system level. But you really shouldn't be using Tor like that. The Tor browser is setup to shape your traffic in a way that's identical to all of the other Tor browsers. If you're using your personal browser, Brave, or some other crap over a proxy, you stand out like a sore thumb on the Tor network, and it defeats the entire purpose. I would really truly just get a VPN lad, Tor is not doing you any good if you're unfamiliar enough with the internals to ask about running Links over it.

If you go with Mullvad, download a config of your chosing. On OpenBSD:
$ doas pkg_add wireguard-tools
$ wg-quick up /path/to/vpn.conf
That's it.
Replies: >>1769 >>1773
I'm exceedingly interested in how it goes, especially what you eventually use as a dialer/voicemail/sms client.  Even if it's CLI that's more than acceptable as long as it's well written.
Supposedly it's possible to make calls through KDE's kaddressbook, but I haven't checked to see what functionality it actually supports.
I'm extremely tempted to make the jump to OpenBSD based on your posting.  I tried redhat but I found package management to be much less intuitive than simply using apt in debian-based distros.  I'm guessing "doas" is the OpenBSD package manager?
Parler's CEO was fired a day or two ago, but there are competing reasons as to why.
Replies: >>1770 >>1771 >>1783
>I'm guessing "doas" is the OpenBSD package manager?
Not that I know much yet, but I think I can answer that in a basic way. doas is the BSD equivalent of sudo in Linux. AFAICT, pkg_add is the means for installing packages in OpenBSD.

Replies: >>1783
>I'm extremely tempted to make the jump to OpenBSD based on your posting.
It's a lovely OS that I use almost exclusively. But there's many things to keep in mind, as it's not just another distro.

1. Everything is different. Networking, filesystems, the majority of system commands. It takes time to learn, but you'll find that everything OpenBSD does differently is done correctly and far better than Linux. Networking in particular is wonderfully simple. 'doas' is actually OpenBSD's 'sudo' (you can alias this if you have a hard time remembering). Linux binaries will not work on OpenBSD.

2. Unlike basically every Linux distro, you're expected to use what you get out of the box. OpenBSD doesn't cater to the illusion of choice, it gives you what you need. That is basically xterm, ksh, a choice of fvwm or cwm, and xenodm. Obviously, you need to pick a browser, a text editor, and a handful of tools. But the more you deviate from the base, the more likely you are to run into problems. Like, don't sit there with Gnome, zsh, node.js, urxvt, etc and expect not to have any problems. You can try it of course, it's just not what the team puts their effort into. The base is rock solid; you're on your own for everything else. Because of this philosophy, the package selection is small and kept to the essentials (ports is pretty extensive though). It's not a system for people who are excited about tech and trying the latest toy. On the bright side, the installer is the easiest thing in the world.

3. The documentation is fantastic, and everything you need to know is either in the man pages or the FAQ on their website. You can even look up man pages for individual conf files. That said, any other help you need will have to come from their mailing list or IRC channel; you won't find many answers on Google.

4. The default system is very secure, and you'll probably want to disable some of that because it can cause performance issues in desktop uses. Like, even multithreading is disabled by default. The guide below covers most of the limits you'll want to raise.

If you're interested, there's a great guide[0]. Although it's three years old, everything there is unchanged (very typical of OpenBSD), and it will give you a great cwm setup.

[0] https://www.c0ffee.net/blog/openbsd-on-a-laptop/
>a text editor
Forget that, it comes with vi and you will use it. I think I install a grand total of like six packages post-install.
Replies: >>1777
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>To use -current, just download today's snapshot from their mirror. '$ doas sysupgrade' to update to the latest snapshot from there.
Okey dokey, good to go.

I notice when I check that only two cores show up with this i3, but IIRC it showed up as 4 cores under W*ndblows years ago. I probably have to fix something.

>...and it defeats the entire purpose.
Fair enough, and I really appreciate the warnings and advice, and I'll get a VPN as well eventually. ATM, I'm really only concerned with sousveillance by my lefty housemate, and hiding my power level from him and our ISP. I'm not doing anything interesting to state-level adversaries afaik.
Replies: >>1775 >>1783
Found something Debian definitely did right; they're maintaining a fork of an 8-year-old version of udev because upstream has since decided that udev needed to have Mozilla's Javascript interpreter  to read configuration files (which they changed the syntax of).
>2 cores show up here but showed up as 4 in windows
"hyperthreading" maybe. Although I thought i3's didn't usually have that feature.
I bet OpenBSD disables/ignores hyperthreading capabilities due to security issues, sort of like how they don't let 32-bit code run under their 64-bit kernel.
Replies: >>1781
Does it come with emacs, too?
Replies: >>1781
>I look at lance (no offense)
None taken; I know it's a waste of time but it's largely just done under the theory that the more I do of this myself the more experienced I'll become and the more confident I can be in my abilities to solve issues. It's mostly for my own sake rather than because I plan to put it on a resume.
>It's not a system for people who are excited about tech and trying the latest toy.
I am excited about some very narrow applications of technology and cynical of almsot everything else (certainly everything that people talk about a lot).
I decided to try rxvt on a whim around a year ago; lasted around five minutes. They somehow managed to make it perform worse than xterm while also claiming to have removed a lot of bloat (like the other terminal personalities it can emulate). It was an absolute waste of space.
Replies: >>1781
>when I check that only two cores show up
Hyperthreading is disabled for security, add 'hw.smt=1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and reboot if you want to enable it.

Then run 'dmesg | grep "cpu[0-3]:"'
See if CPU 0-3 shows up. If so, you're fine.

>sousveillance by my lefty housemate
Then I would recommend a VPN doubly so. Tor is for state actors (though that is questionable considering they run the exit nodes). A VPN is ideal for everything short of the state, and far better suited for you.


No, trips. Emacs used to give me coredumps on OpenBSD, so I've switched to vi. Though I imagine vim is perfectly solid on the OS.

I tried the whole URXVT + ZSH + Oh-My-ZSH ten or so years ago. What a nightmare.
Replies: >>1786 >>1803
Thanks, that gives me a good starting point.
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Update on progress: There are kernel drivers for Sierra Wireless modems and 3G/LTE modems with a Qualcomm chip, but only some USB-driven models, which I don't have (the card I'm planning on using is Sierra with a Qualcomm 3G chip, but it's mPCI-E. I don't rank the possibility of it working as being fairly high. The other card is CardBus with (I think) a 2G modem, which most carriers no longer support).
This, of course, is beneficial for anyone going the rigged-up SBC route, as anyone doing this will almost certainly want a USB baseband modem. Unfortunately, it's useless for my immediate purposes.

I think you two should be fucking careful if you don't even know what [doas] does.
[doas] literally means "do as". with this command, you can perform another command as any user, not just root (you don't always have to enter "root" if you're doing something as root though; it varies from one OS to the next). It's not specific to the BSDs either, it's also a Linux command.
You would enter something like [doas {user} <command> {shit pertaining to command}] sans notation.

>lefty housemate
My condolences. Is he actually competent with computers?
Either way, full disk encryption should be your first line of defence. No amount of networking wizardry will save you if anyone can just scan through your hard drive.
Replies: >>1785 >>1786 >>1803
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Scratch the above, it seems like the mPCI-E card might be fine with the USB drivers. Apparently a bunch of them just use the USB signals on the mPCI-E bus (I must admit, I didn't even know that was a thing).

In related news, I have come across some reports (I've yet to confirm) that Sierra Wireless actually supplies the Linux kernel developers with the firmware source code (It makes sense, business-wise. It costs them nothing to make the code open-source and doing so gives them a massive advantage in the Linux market segment).

If true, that would make them the recommended go-to for anyone going about this. It would also mean that everything should (hopefully) just snap together without me having to hack around a bunch of bullshit.
Replies: >>1785
Good developments, keep us posted.
mPCIe is my goal, I hate usb dongles ruining the form factor.
I imagine if it's possible to get this working, then there may be nothing to stop a person from having unlimited "phones" in VMs, which could be a nice way to sandbox specific functionalities on the same SIM.

In *nix systems, I've always either su'd into root or sudo'd the specific command. doas isn't a native unix command, from what I can ascertain, and it isn't in coreutils or util-linux either. I'm not even sure which package would offer it; I did a quick apt search and it's not in any of the repositories I'm using. I'm guessing it's more of a BSD command. I actually thought it was an acronym like "Digital Object Archive System" or similar.
I know that I'll for sure have to RTFM to reorient myself in BSD.
Replies: >>1787
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OK, that did it. 
I'd probably not go this route for a server box, but it seems fine for now since I'm shooting eventually for a desktop I can use daily here. I'll spend more time figuring out networking security and safety as well, thanks for the guidance.

>My condolences.
Kek. I'd say he's somewhat competent, but then I may not be well-qualified to assess that really. :^) Certainly I've come to realize he's a real threat to my welfare after reading Uncle Ted. I'm basically good to go for my daily driver, but your post prompted me to review my backup policies and sure enough I have un-encrypted secondary backup disks. I still don't know wtf I'm doing w/ OpenBSD yet, and can nuke/reinstall it in literally 5 minutes for now, so I'll deal with that issue on it later on when I know more.
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>mPCIe is my goal, I hate usb dongles ruining the form factor.
Even better then, the instructions I'm writing will directly apply to you.

Also, something I should note at this stage: 
I can't currently find any GUI utilities for working with baseband hardware, so you're probably going to want to make some space for a small keyboard on the phone.

>unlimited "phones" in VMs, which could be a nice way to sandbox specific functionalities on the same SIM.
If you're saying what I think you're saying, that almost certainly won't work. No matter how you configure the system, you're only going to have one number per SIM.
If you're just trying to sandbox calling, texting, and data into seperate environments, then it could work, but a truly sandboxed environment would be complicated and wasteful on resources, since you'd want to also sandbox the firmware, which (at least in the case of Sierra Wireless cards) is a part of the kernel, so you'd need to have multiple kernels running at the same time either within a VM program (very wasteful on resources) or under a hypervisor (less wasteful, but most SBCs probably won't have hardware support for this, so it'd still be slow).
Keep in mind that you're going to be managing this on a phone-sized screen, and every program you have running is going to weigh on whatever battery you put in there.

I just checked, and sure enough it's not a command on my current desktop.
It must be a thing on one of the distros, but I'm pulling a blank right now.
I certainly didn't pick it up from any of the BSDs, I've only ever used them once.
Replies: >>1788 >>1794
> https://man.openbsd.org/doas
The doas command first appeared in OpenBSD 5.8.

Ted Unangst <‍tedu@openbsd.org>
Coarsair's earnings are coming out tomorrow if anyone wants to get in on CRSR. There's a lot of talk about it going up $5-$10 a share, though I have my doubts. I highly doubt it's going to plummet though, so it's a pretty safe investment.

I'm up 15% today, with similar performance over the last few months. Get out of the computer science meme while you can, $1200 a day trading ain't bad.
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Welp, as predicted, it looks like Fucking CIA Niggers will be pooing in a loo literally shitting up an imageboard near you soon.
Replies: >>1793 >>1807
>he doesn't know about sassycat.jpg Glowniggers have been shilling us for decades.

Replies: >>1795
I was thinking of being able to also use the same cards and techniques in a larger form factor with more horsepower if desired.
I can't think of another way to get 150+mbps mobile unless you have starlink on top of an RV.
Oh shit, everything gunship said is true. I hate it when he's right. :^)
>[h4xX0rZ intensively on OBSD man pages]*
Can one of you anons explain to me how an 'exploit' in a video player in the Tails distro can be used to expose a viewer's IP address?
>On 10 June 2020, Vice Motherboard and other publications reported that Facebook in cooperation with the FBI used a 0-day vulnerability in the video player built into Tails to track and identify a sexual abuser on a social network. A spokesperson for Tails said that the exploit was never explained to them. However, it is believed that the vulnerability was removed, although it had not been identified, in a later release of Tails. The vulnerability was not easily exploited; the FBI tried unsuccessfully to identify the abuser, but he noticed and taunted his hunters. Ultimately the FBI and Facebook contracted a cybersecurity firm, at great expense, to produce a custom hacking tool used to make a booby-trapped video sent by the victim to the criminal.[20]
Replies: >>1798
>An attacker could exploit a security vulnerability in another application in Tails to start an invisible Unsafe Browser and reveal your IP address, even if you are not using the Unsafe Browser.
>Such an attack is very unlikely but could be performed by a strong attacker, such as a government or a hacking firm.
Replies: >>1801
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So it looks like sysupgrade found an update today. However, the signature verification failed repeatedly on most of the snapshot files. Any recommendations? I obviously can just keep trying the downloads, but I don't know what else I might properly do here.
Replies: >>1802 >>1807
I see, thanks. I guess I'm still unclear about the mechanism of activation inside the player (which was my primary interest atm) by playing some corrupted video file?
Replies: >>1804
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Update: It finally worked after maybe 20 attempts at it. I wonder what's going on here? Is it more likely there's an issue with the files themselves, or the network path to the machine is somehow corrupting the data? If that's the case why doesn't everything else on my other machines break when networking/downloading? Glowniggers?
Replies: >>1807
I never tried zsh and still don't plan to.
Bash and especially ksh are quite well suited for my needs.

In Israeli news… Netanyahu just walked out of his own corruption trial.

I have a WAN mini PCIe card from my Thinkpad (X201 tablet) that has linux drivers (with a binary blob). I don't ever use it and don't remember what the model number is, though.

Got photoshop CS6 working in wine just to show a friend it could be done. Then I shredded it of course.
Replies: >>1806
This stuff is beyond me. Opening the video caused the player to execute some code. That code may have opened an invisible Unsafe Browser, which the developers admit is a possibility. That code may have opened a connection within the player itself if it was capable of streaming. Whatever it did, it forced a bare connection to a government server. I'd be set for life if facebook paid me six figures to catch a single mexican pedo.
Replies: >>1805
Thanks, that helps clear things up in my mind a bit. One thing I don't want to do is create bugs that can be exploited like that inside my own code, which is why I was curious about the mechanism. This is a challenging arena afaict.
>Then I shredded it of course.
leld. I actually installed Wine the other day to see if I could get an old vidya working on it. it worked, but now I'm wondering wtf was I thinking doing something like that on my daily driver. :P
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I might be out this weekend, so have an early happy Valentine's Day, /f/. Enjoy your weekend.

This is why you should always walk away from anyone that insists that diversity is a good thing. Not that I'm complaining about the loss of the CIA, but the push for diversity is blatantly and undeniably a push to weaken every institution it touches, from the markets to the military. It would take an irredeemably stupid person to think that creating a divisive workplace of people hired for their identity over their merit would have a positive effect, and they aren't worth your time.

I've yet to have that happen, but would just assume they were doing something with the mirrors at that time, and try again later.
Replies: >>1809 >>1812
A gentle reminder that your window of opportunity is closing fast.
Replies: >>1810 >>1812
Alright, thanks I will and you too. The mirrors seem to be working better for me now. I've installed xfce and I'll see if I can turn this box into a /comfy/ desktop soon. I love the fact that the cores basically stay a 0% load until something is actually being done. I've been dreaming of having a workstation like that for years now.

Anyone else notice the Anoncafe's onion still isn't back up?
Replies: >>1811
Thanks gunship, this is fucking terrifying and awesome at the same time. Their shit is rotten in the bones and will soon crumble, crushing these evildoers into obliteration under the avalanche of their own shame. It's a shame so many will die at their hands before that happens though.
Replies: >>1813
>Anyone else notice the Anoncafe's onion still isn't back up?
nvm it's back too now.
Have a good weekend.

They're going to poison a lot of people and passively kill them in "accidents."
imo, they've learned from the past and they won't outright genocide when they can continually do it in secret completely unopposed.
Replies: >>1813
>and awesome
Not a word I would use to describe leftist revolutionaries like the Khmer Rouge, which killed over a third of the men in the country, and anyone with an education. Their eventual downfall means little when you are dead and your family was raped and murdered.

Everyone likes to pretend that America is different, just because conservatives have guns; forgetting that all of these leftist revolutions successfully disarmed their country's actual military.

>they've learned from the past
I doubt it, Sarajevo and Rwanda happened just recently (well, for me). When it comes to leftist revolutions, the useful idiots that participate in them are never the ones that inherit the results. Naive fools will take to the streets en masse over garbage like healthcare and student loans, but it will be some former spook that takes the reigns of that momentum (and promptly sends the useful idiots to a mass grave, as is tradition). The people in charge today aren't the ones that will be doing the killing tomorrow.
Replies: >>1814
It's a difficult line to predict commonalities of human behavior versus the unique contexts of the United States which would strongly affect outcomes.
Tiktokers want weed and free air jordans, I don't think they're prepared to rail octagon and go beheading, except for a tiny subset.  Look at the most aggressive individuals in the 2020 riots, three jews and an antifa goon.  American nigs are well fed and pacified in comparison to Rwandans.
Think about it in other ways, during sarejevo and rwanda, how many people had trijicon or $1000 glass sitting on 7mm magnums?
AKs and RPGs only reach out so far, and there are fudds sitting on .50 BMG equipment.
Not to mention access to off-road and all terrain vehicles, nightvision equipment, and having the IQ points to effectively use all that tech.
The only racial conflict which would be a good comparison would be the Rhodesians and they absolutely wrecked the opposition, only losing because of ((( international ))) pressure.
The USA is a major food exporter, we have more than enough oil and other resources, and we only have land borders with Mexico and Canada.

What I think is going to happen is that while China believes its cementing its capture of the USA, other countries will be busy subverting that capture.  Russia is already quietly opposing China because of their eastern border encroachments.

It's going to get more fake and gay imo, as the country gets stripmined further by international interests, but a complete collapse and genocide probably won't happen until all decent resources have been taken, and the genocide will be of the leftover useful idiots who sold out our country without securing a place overseas.

On the other hand, maybe China will push for complete genocide of the USA so they can secure our land and resources for the CCP.  We'll see.
Replies: >>1816
Mass Civil Disobedience is Spreading
 This Potato-Anon gets it.
Replies: >>1816
>I don't think they're prepared to rail octagon and go beheading
They don't need to carry out the executions, only a tiny minority of people involved in these revolutions ever do. On a broader scale, the average leftist will be making lists of neighbors to hand over, participating in mob style crowd control, etc. Leftists happily reported family members to the FBI that went anywhere near the capitol last month, they'll turn in their neighbors to virtue signal all the same.

>AKs and RPGs only reach out so far, and there are fudds sitting on .50 BMG equipment.
>Not to mention access to off-road and all terrain vehicles, nightvision equipment,
They will have all of that and more, as they do every time. Everyone from Soros to Zuckerberg is going to fund this shit, and they've already poured over a billion dollars into BLM. You already saw Uhauls filled with weapons, shields, bricks, etc showing up to the riots last summer. When this thing kicks off, the left will have no shortage of gear or funding. They will have the manpower to send a truck of armed niggers to your countryside community at all hours of the day and night.

>The only racial conflict which would be a good comparison would be the Rhodesians
It's not even about a racial conflict. These things start and end the same way, every time. It will be some frenzied feel-good color revolution that starts out with goals of healthcare, ending student loan debt, faggot acceptance, etc. It will grow increasingly aggressive under the left's predictable purity tests, and will lack effective leadership. But by the end of things, another Pol Pot/Zedong/Sung will have taken the reins. Once victory is assured, they'll drop the facade and dispose of their useful idiots.

Our new Secretary of Defense is a nigger that has already ordered a military stand down while they purge 'extremists' (read: conservatives) from the ranks. Firearm confiscations will be here soon. And for all the talk about resistance, the Russians didn't even resist being hauled off to the gulag; people aren't going to resist turning in guns any more than they did wearing masks. Things are gearing up fast, and the conservatives will be saying "Imagine the outcry if the situation was reversed" all the to way to their mass graves.

Absolutely pointless. It's no different from all of the people that applauded Trump for bits and pieces of legislation here and there. None of it addresses the underlying issue, none of those people even know what the problem actually is. The average anti-lockdown person thinks the government is stupid and incompetent, they aren't even aware of the calculated danger they're in. The plan continues unopposed while we celebrate 'disobedience.' When shit hits the fan, they'll be headed to the re-education camps thinking "Wow, who'd have thought this could happen here?"
Replies: >>1817 >>1819
So how do we pray about the matter gunship? I'd rather die in open battle with clear enemies than passively go into a pussified grave at the hands of Bolsheviks. I don't really think God is quite through with the West just yet tbh.
Replies: >>1818
Can any of us claim to truly know what God's intentions are? There is that famous joke about the drowning man in a flood. He turned away all manner of rescuers, claiming that he was praying to God, and God would save him. When he finally drowned, God said, "I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?" If God's plan for the US is a marxist-led genocide, perhaps he has already given you all the information you need to survive it.

In any case, I have meticulously studied foreign affairs longer than most people here have been alive, and I am confident that we are witnessing a textbook example of a far-left revolution. It is well funded, it is encroaching on every facet of life (as it always does), and its ideologues are growing increasingly aggressive. Textbooks from the 1619 Project are already rolling into public schools across the country, which is revisionist nigger-centric and anti-white history. Conservatives and whites will continue to be dehumanized by the left, and the media will ignore growing violence against them while fear mongering about an increasing white supremacist threat. (black on asian crime is skyrocketing right now, but the media isn't going to mention that at all). When a handful of conservatives are lined against the wall in Ohio, people in Arizona will hear nothing about it, and it will grow increasingly common in silence around the country. Just as Sihanouk endorsed the Khmer Rogue, progressive leaders like Obama will endorse the groups responsible without mentioning the violence, and the justice system will only be brought down on the people that defend themselves. It has happened dozens of times in a by-the-numbers fashion, and it will once more here. You saw a bit of that this summer when BLM violence, literally on video, was just a 'conspiracy theory' to every leftist politician.

I have decided to just get out. I am beyond fed up with events in this country, and also the people in it. They will watch football, eat McDonalds, and play video games right up to their demise, and then be surprised when hell itself shows up at their front door. They deserve everything that happens to them. I am going to spend the next month researching a country to move to (many have very lax immigration policies in terms of working/living there permanently). I will spend four hours a day learning the language and studying the country, and will continue to prepare for the worst. My investments continue to grow quite well through trading, and I'd like to leave here with as much capital as possible. At the first predictable sign of revolution (well funded and armed 'organic' far left groups clashing with the right), I will hop in my car and drive down to Mexico, where US citizens can stay without a visa for six months (work visas are easy to acquire there if necessary). During that time I will make my final arrangements and be off to whatever country I've picked should the situation back home not improve. I would like to retire to the countryside somewhere and be among people who have never even seen a nigger or tranny. I'm not going to get all autistic about my options; every country has its problems, but potato farmers in Siberia aren't concerned with Putin's crackdown on the media in Moscow.

If you choose to stay, I highly recommend that you read up on historical leftist revolutions, and know what you're getting into. In particular, ever-increasing purity tests are a defining factor of the far left. Pol Pot eventually went so far as to execute or throw into work camps everyone with an education, though he himself had studied abroad in Paris, because only the farmers were the true proletariat. North Korea has a three generation rule; you could be the most devout non-white marxist around, but if you have family somewhere that's conservative, off you go. You will be outgunned and outmatched by well funded groups, friends and neighbors will turn against you to save their own families, the justice system will be rigged against you in every way. People act like these revolutions just happen one day, but they don't; they have very obvious and predictable buildups, which we are witnessing here.

There are plenty of countries without necrotic economics systems, that aren't in the middle of a color revolution about to go hot. Unless you have a fetish for US soil, there is absolutely nothing to be gained by staying for what's to come. You look at every leftist revolution that's ever happened, and all of the horrors they caused, and the smart people got out first every time. But if you wait to the last second, you'll find the borders more heavily guarded than Trump's wall ever dreamed of being, for your 'protection'. Whenever these leftist revolutions begin, everyone likes to think they're on the right side, that they won't end up in a camp. They'll never understand that the ostensible goals at the start of the revolution are never the end result. Students are always the largest demographic that participates, and the educated are always the first to be executed.
Replies: >>1819 >>1820
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Based, I'm into trading myself and will pursue options after some months of practicing paper trading, clown stock market however is at an ATH and the fed has said they will keep printing and I know this probably won't last forever because they will crash the market bubble to complete the covid fear plandemic that they're using to paralyze, set fear and empoverish the masses with, the numbers are unbelievable. 900K+ Americans just applied for first time unemployment week after week and the market is still ATH and keeps growing every day 70% of small businesses is also eliminated, destroyed. The market is completely disconnected from the economy it's scary and freaky as hell.

If you have a lot of funds in the market I'd advise you to be a bit careful now, if you have enough to live off realize your gains. The months ahead what we're seeing now is the biggest wealth transfer ever in a merger between the new world order and judeocapitalist high finance entities so that they can be the lender and buyers of last resort, they're inflating and buying up everything, the entire debt market, bitcoin, everything, you name it; they're buying it and manipulating it right now. Fed clowns keep printing as people are sitting there with no job and idle hands. And it's only going to be a matter of time before they pull the plug to complete it to create their little dystopian little Jewish feudal society because the way things are going now this market can't last forever the way I see it.
Replies: >>1823
>If God's plan for the US is a marxist-led genocide, perhaps he has already given you all the information you need to survive it.
Maybe you're right--on both counts. I think the fallen Babylon Whore in the Book of Revelations could hardly find a more apt exemplar today than New York City (and by implication most of the  country), so I don't actually expect the US itself to survive. Probably the Chinks will do it would be my first guess. While I'm an American myself my point was about the broader West.

Give me some time to chew this stuff over please.
Replies: >>1823
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Flash game
Replies: >>1822
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More game
The overall health of the market is irrelevant when you daytrade (so long as accurate predictions can still be made). Should the market collapse tomorrow, I would still be able to trade the following day if some stocks began to go up. But yes, it will crash at some point, and you shouldn't be holding on to stocks long-term right now. If the entire economy goes with it, the stock market will be least of our concerns, and all the more reason I would hope to be living in a different country by then.

I have a few rules for trading to minimize my risk. First, I never invest more than 1% of my money into any stock. Second, I don't rely on a margin account, so I keep 50% of my total account in settled funds, meaning only the other half (at most) is ever in play. I setup stop loss orders at 10% for all of my trades. If the market were to collapse across the board, I am only risking 10% of half of my money. Lastly, I setup limit sells at 10% profit, so that I cash out on a breakout long before it inevitably collapses again. Volatility is the enemy of trading; you only have to lose everything once to erase any big gains you might have had in the past. So I use these rules to ensure small but consistent gains with very few risks. Too many people try to get rich overnight on the market, not appreciating how quickly a small consistent gain will grow your account.

>I don't actually expect the US itself to survive.
Correct. And what happens when the US goes; when the market dies and the politicians make their stealthy retreat to Switzerland? What political force will continue to be funded from abroad, as it was in East Asia's turbulent postwar period? What group will get to control shipments of fuel, weapons, etc in the ports? Hopefully I am too busy watering crops on another continent by then to see the answer.
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NGL, this board turning into /pol/ is starting to annoy me

Bur whatever, it's not my place to do anything about it
Replies: >>1826 >>1828 >>1829
Replaced my laptop's palmrest and "keyboard bezel" (according to the HW maintenance guide, that's what it's called). Feels like a new machine again.
I can be on my way if you'd prefer. I've not forgotten that this was originally your board, but I have no interest in discussing video games and other pointless garbage.
Replies: >>1828
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I've been fucking around with my old IBM XTs (one desktop, one luggable), and good fucking god I didn't realize how unrealiable old keyboards can be.
The one on the luggable is fine, but I've had three seperate keyboards fail on me when using the XT, all of them having different broken keys. Each one had just one fucking key that I absolutely needed to start the hard drive low-level formatting program broken.
I can't just use the luggable one either; at least not without making an adapter, as it uses an RJ11 head to connect to the computer.

Also, for some reason it refuses to acknowledge more than one floppy drive at any time, regardless of the jumper settings.

/pol/ content isn't new for /f/, but like all of our discussions, they invariably make way for something else.

I'd rather not lose any of you guys.
To address your point more directly: While the current state of the western world is doubtlessly taking a sharp turn for the worse, and we all will have to find ways to deal with that, we must also not forget to enjoy what we can in life.
I don't blame Lance one bit for wanting to inject some more lighthearted discussion into our board. There are plenty of opportunities to stress over our lives, but so few to refresh ourselves and put that stress on the backburner for just a little while.
Replies: >>1829 >>1830
My apologies Lance. Frankly I'm very concerned about our future, and gunship just seems to have a big store of wisdom. I don't have any idea how old he is, but he's obviously seen a thing or two. I personally don't have anyone in my life right now like that, so I probably got a bit carried away myself. Please forgive me.

I'll chill on it. Besides, I think I've already absorbed plenty to understand better what's actually going on.

In lighter news, I seem to have my dumpy shiny old, beatup new box running OpenBSD working fine. As soon as I finish learning the basics of algebraic processing of text I'm currently digging into, I plan to attempt to set it up as a usable desktop machine. I need to learn to use PF so I can create my own Great Firewall of not-China too, so I can then just dump Linux pretty much completely as far as my own personal stuff goes.
>we must also not forget to enjoy what we can in life.
Certainly, and I'm quite happy with my life. I discuss some very negative things with a couple of anons here, but my lack of posting on other topics isn't indicative of anything personal. /pol/ content is just the only topic that comes up that I have anything to say on. If we started discussing cooking, gardening, bodybuilding, etc I'd have many pleasant things to discuss. But we have a choice of /pol/ and tech, so I mostly just post on the former (I'm not saying that we Should discuss those other things).

>I don't blame Lance one bit for wanting to inject some more lighthearted discussion into our board
Absolutely not, everyone is always welcome to post anything. The point I was making however, is that I personally have neither the time nor desire to discuss those things. So, if we wanted to make /f/ less /pol/, and that is a reasonable request, that would effectively end my participation altogether. Extrapolation isn't everyone here's strong suit, but it is not lost on me that we have picked up many new /pol/ish anons almost entirely because of my ramblings. I can pretty much guarantee that my continued participation will only make this place more /pol/ and never less.
Replies: >>1832 >>1833
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David Hill, the guy who was in charge when thinkpads became junk (stepped down two years ago), fellating the current thinkpad designs and missing the point of them except for as a fashion statement (e.g., forgetting that they are supposed to serve a utilitarian purpose)
Replies: >>1833
I'm fine with some /pol/ stuff, it's kind of to be expected, and I'm not in charge here anyway (and even if I were I wouldn't force it to go away).
Just is a bit bleak after a while without any other stuff getting talked about simultaneously.
Replies: >>1833 >>1834
Bleak stuff is happening irl, ofc it will bleed over into online discussion.
People shouldn't be freezing to death in Texas so politicians can score political points, and we shouldn't have to worry about China and the jews spying on us because they're 24/7 thinking about how to genocide us, but here we are.

A standard utilitarian laptop chassis format really needed to be implemented 10+ years ago. We had mATX boards and standardized cases for all sorts of desktop form factors, but portable solutions were all proprietary.  Not having a standardized portable form factor is a major fuckup.  I'd love to throw in a new mobo into an old thinkpad chassis to get the best of the old and new. It's a goddamn shame.
Replies: >>1834
>Just is a bit bleak
God help you when it shows up on your doorstep, lance.

>People shouldn't be freezing to death in Texas so politicians can score political points
Every time something like this happens, I just shake my head; people absolutely do not get it. Easy access to food, water, shelter, heating, etc is a convenience, and not a natural component of life. When your society starts to fall apart, so too does your safety net. But these people just happily go about their lives as if this were the 1950s and everything was okay.

Anyone that has not made self reliance the cornerstone of their life by now just isn't going to make it. They have no idea what's going on, and are entirely unaware of the danger they're in. And it's going to rapidly get worse.
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At first I thought it was kind of neat that the site provided lyrical context.
Got Jak & Daxter (the first game, for PS2) for $9 today.

It's pretty fun, and pretty impressive technically speaking to my mind.
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>All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.
Replies: >>1838 >>1839
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>That keyboard
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>Playing CoC when AI Dungeon exists
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>/f/ never dies
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If anyone wants to make some money, they're doing it in the postmarket this time. Absolutely brilliant move.
Replies: >>1842 >>1844 >>1849
At the least something's going well for a few of us Anon. Appreciate you keeping us in the loop. Like a breath of fresh air knowing they aren't having it all their own way.
The final stage begins.
Good luck, Anons.
Replies: >>1845 >>1848
God's blessings on you, Anon.
Replies: >>1845
I thought of you and I just wanted to invite you guys to zzz/a/'s movie night later today just in case you might like anime. 
>Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou OVA 1 and 2
>Porco Rosso
Friday February 26th
1pm PST - 3pm CST - 4pm EST
Replies: >>1847 >>1848
>BTW just in case you don't know the first title, it's a very comfy atmospheric piece featuring arguably one of the world's great robowaifus.
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A lot of people aren't going to make it. It's kind of sad, you warn them and they just keep on doing what they're doing. Oh well, so it goes.

At least I can look forward to seeing the retarded leftists pursuing STEM degrees in this environment getting what they deserve real soon. Kids are about to find out the fun way why third world countries don't have a service economy.

>Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
I actually downloaded that a year or so ago, and just never had time to watch it. Still don't, unfortunately, but good choice.
Maybe they should re-brand it as
It seems to be more about drawing in unrepentant, greedy Jews than about games now.
How long until their fellow tribemembers get tired of their shit?
Replies: >>1853
lol wtf
Great news from the EU about the Plandemic Mutant-maker jabs.
Replies: >>1852
All the fake vaccine shot, hollywood syringe stuff was weird as hell.
Meanwhile M1 money supply went vertical, and our entire timeline seems very unstable.
Narratives aren't lasting more than a few days now, evaporating almost as quickly as they're formed.
Remember pangolins?
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They're pretty tired of it, Robinhood froze trading during the initial runup, so people couldn't keep buying the stock. It also came about that Robinhood is owned by the same capital group that owns Melvin. Robinhood is for bugmen, so that doesn't matter at all, but of course that's 90% of the WSB people.

Pump and dump stocks are great for daytrading though, so I'm perfectly happy with their shenanigans. Buy in when it's on the rise, sell when it hits resistance. Let the retards with their 'diamond hands' bullshit hold the bag when it collapses. You've got people using their college funds to buy into GME at like $300 because fucking memes on the internet said it was going to go up, with no technical analysis at all, and then they lose everything. But I can pretty much guarantee you that, between the tax write off on these losses, and the money they made shorting GME's fall from ~$400, the hedge funds are doing just fine after their initial loss.

SNDL is another great one lately. Dump $5k on it every morning during the downtrend, sell it a few hours later when it goes up. TLGT has been less volatile, but more reliable as well. Just keep an eye on the volume.
Replies: >>1854
Thanks! That graph is the first time I've understood the basic correlation between volume, price & timing. Seems fairly straightforward now to my (admittedly) inexperienced eye.
Replies: >>1855
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It's easier to present that data that way in hindsight, but when you're looking at predictions and money is on the line, you want to be using candlesticks. The classic 'mountain' graph is more familiar, but not a good tool for technical analyses.

Volume is a very important factor in stock price. If more people want to buy a stock than sell it, the price is going up. Always keep an eye on the ask/bid spread. Pre/Post market is very volatile (dark shades), but the volume is very low, so corrections usually occur quickly; make money on the corrections.

It's good money that snowballs quickly if you're not retarded. Learning how to turn your money into more money is one of the most useful skills you can have. Half of those idiots bitching about healthcare and the 9-5 grind wouldn't have to if they did something useful with those stimulus checks instead of buying a new Xbox or whatever.
Replies: >>1858
Julian Assange has been in solitary confinement for almost two years now.
"There are delays in legal papers reaching him and the laptop issued by UK authorities for the court case is read-only, it has no text editing programs, and the keys are glued down to prevent him from typing."
Thank you. I'm not sure what 'using candlesticks' means exactly apart from the metaphor, but I can imagine that it's more intense looking forward into the unknown. Know that I realize just how corrupt the Wall Street system is, and how criminally nepotistic it is, I hardly know where I would start if I had sufficient money to get going with it. Robin Hood is obviously 'controlled opposition' so that's out.
Replies: >>1859 >>1860 >>1861
>Now that I realize*
Guys like gunship can probably get you into it, but it's easy to lose your ass day trading if you don't know exactly what you're doing.
Especially now that they're overtly fuck you over by stopping transactions, selling shares for you and stopping trading if you "win" too much.
It's a dirty, rigged game.
Replies: >>1861
>I hardly know where I would start... Robin Hood is obviously 'controlled opposition' so that's out.
I personally use Schwab and Ameritrade. Schwab is arguably the better brokerage with more available options, fantastic customer support, and a great banking experience (checking). Ameritrade however has a much better trading experience. Nothing game changing, just fewer menus, cleaner information, built-in things like alerts, and a better flow. I use Schwab as my personal bank and use it for more advanced trades (or if Ameritrade doesn't have something I want to do), and I use Ameritrade for the day-to-day trades.

If you open an account, always use a cash account, never a margin account.

You can avoid most of the rigging by not trading 'meme' stocks. I can kind of see where they're going with the market manipulation angle. I mean, it's not true manipulation, but it is tens of thousands of people banding together to influence market prices. There's no reason to be involved in that as a new trader anyway though; most of those people are getting into a stock hoping it goes up like 500%. That's gambling, not investing.
Replies: >>1862 >>1863
Thanks for the good advice gunship. I have an account with Fidelity for my 401k, I'll eventually look into the other two you mentioned at a later date.

>but it is tens of thousands of people banding together to influence market prices.
Arguably less fundamentally insidious than just a few snakes kikes people 'banding' together to downright insider trade & short to manipulate market prices. Hardly surprising the average non-insider cries foul at the obvious double-standard going on there.
Replies: >>1864
There are some good underrated dividend stocks out there, but the Fed added 19 trillion to M1 last week.
I'm maneuvering more for durable goods in anticipation of a major fuckup of the global economy.
Replies: >>1864
That's really going to suck when the economy goes. Even recently in 2008, some people lost as much as 50% during that recession. I'd sooner sit through inflation in a savings account than risk that until retirement.

With the way the market's been (especially last month), I just don't leave positions open for more than a day or two if I can help it. I have been considering dividends though, in the context of my impending move to Mexico.

On that note, I have settled on the lovely little beachside town of Playa Del Carmen, which has more white people than Los Angeles. I've been using Google Street View to call up the numbers on rentals and little markets there for prices. Rent is like $350 a month, and it looks like my total expenses would be $850 a month. So, dividends could certainly provide some passive income towards that. Daytrading is more time intensive, but would pay that off within the first week of each month easily.

I have 5-6 people joining my little expat adventure, and you guys are all welcome if you're interested. Should be a nice group of friends. Covid-19's mask cult was a dress rehearsal for the compliance they'll be expecting when the real lockdowns start under Covid-21. People will happily report friends and family for noncompliance, and undesirables (read; whites, conservatives) will be hauled off to 'quarantine camps', where they'll all perish. No reason to end up in a ditch here when you could be eating fish tacos in the Caribbean.
Replies: >>1865 >>1866
The Yucatan is a lovely climate. I spent some time in Belizean jungle and really enjoyed it. The beaches at your new spot sound stupendous. Good luck to everyone.
That's really going to suck when the economy goes.
Yeah, I'll be looking for alternatives before too long is the plan.
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New pixel art WIP
Replies: >>1868
And yeah i know there are a lot of little issues.
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Replies: >>1872 >>1874
sorry, double posted because the post UI said there was an error.
A cute. Nice work Lance.
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Replies: >>1874
Not sure which eyelashes I prefer
Can someone here give me the 411 on IPFS please?
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Checking in so you know I'm not dead

Pic unrelated btw
Replies: >>1879
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Is it just me and you now?
Replies: >>1879
Lol, I figured you all literally unplugged and fucked off the Caribbean with Gunship. Can't say as I'd blame you, wish I could too.

mpv --loop=inf --no-video MommyBot9000_castle_lullaby.webm
Anoncafe has been having a lot of issues with posting lately, trying again with RoboMommy...
Replies: >>1881
Fix your shit Anoncafe! :^) 
w/e, you can hear it from the horse's mouth yourself.
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I very nearly did fuck off (not to the Caribbean) and abandon everything, but I panicked and turned around at the eleventh hour came to the realization that no matter what happens next, I'll be better off here in familiar territory than who knows where.

Years ago, I came to the realization that my life will forever be defined by my own self-inflicted misery, and no change in my corporeal situation will alter this.
Only now has this realization begun to cement itself.

By the way, Lance, your state is flat and boring.
Replies: >>1885 >>1886 >>1887
>and no change in my corporeal situation will alter this.
I get that. But gunship is right, and your 'corporeal situation' (nice one btw) is being plotted out by a bunch of literally demon-infested bad guys. They mean to put all of us in a ditch somewhere -- and then torch the entire lot, no doubt. I'm not so absorbed in this life that I want to cling to it out of mere habit. If I go down, I fancy I'd like to go down fighting same as the next chap. Reality has a way of making a fool me at times, so we'll see. 

At least I'm not going into this gigantic shitstorm ahead of us all with my eyes tightly-closed, head in the sand. I just pray that God preserves us through it all. Ultimately He will of course, so there's a real comfort in that knowledge, come what may.

this site posting crap has gone on long enough at this point (48+ hrs) that is seems apparent Anoncafe is under attack. I'm curious why no word of it in /meta/ from the Admins yet?
Replies: >>1886 >>1887 >>1894
I know it is>>1885
I know it is
The site is shit and has always been shit about posting
If every time that I had trouble posting it was because the site was "under attack" then it'd have never not been under attack since I first came here.
BTW, been feeling a bit lightheaded today and yesterday. I've been drinking a lot of water, so I'm not sure what the deal is, but I suspect I'm a little anemic. Just ate a ton of breakfast cereal with high iron content as well as some meats, and a whole bunch of vegetables and stuff, so we'll see if that helps at all or if I actually have something else wrong with me.

Hope it's not a hemorrhoid or something. That'd suck. Sleeping now.
Replies: >>1892
If I'm feeling any better tomorrow, going to be switching my car back to summer tires and doing some cleaning.
If I'm feeling any better tomorrow, going to be switching my car back to summer tires and doing some cleaning.
I spend very little time on the computer these days. The internet as a whole is a slum crowded by the hedonistic and narcissistic, with little avenue for discussion outside the commodification of self and identity. I have been spending most of my time studying antiquity and theology, and it has been a very pleasant month.

I will by leaving for the Caribbean around the second week of next month. First and foremost, I plan to rent a place and establish a 'base camp' of sorts. From there though, who knows. Having established and furnished a residence by the beach, I could come and go as I pleased while the US declines. A flight to Mexico can be arranged at the drop of a hat, and certainly I am prescient enough to not have to worry about being stuck here 'after hours,' so to speak. A few months up here, many months down there. Absent any real roots now, I might even go see Asia for awhile. Daytrading continues to be profitable, and political/societal concerns have become a distant memory.

As always, all here are welcome to join me. Beach-side housing in Mexico ranges from $130-320 a month, depending on location and size, and your total cost of living is under $500 a month.

One of these days, I wish to organize a mailing list or such of reasonably knowledgeable people. One of the worst aspects of the internet currently is how compartmentalized it has become. Increasingly, you go to one place to discuss politics with a bunch of identical shells of people who have framed their entire identity around such, and then you go over to another site to discuss video games with a yet different set of identical shells of people who have made gaming their identity. If the internet were a building, its parking lot would be filled with SUVs covered in 'proud pitbull mama' bumper stickers; a population whose lives can be grouped neatly solely by that which they consume. But I am rambling.

You would know if it was a hemorrhoid. Internal hemorrhoids are painless, but if it is bleeding enough to make you anemic, there would be quite a bit of blood. Ulcers, gastritis, etc are more likely to cause anemia through bleeding, but most people would recognize the symptoms of those too. Iron supplements work great, but take awhile. Consider also, low blood sugar. Eat well, get plenty of sleep, and spend time out in the sun. Consider a CBC w/diff at your GP if it doesn't clear up soon.

Happy Easter, all.
Replies: >>1893
He is Risen!
There are two important things to keep in mind as you consider the fate of society.

Firstly, you are observing events through a God's-eye perspective. A court case in DC, a troubling event in Boston, idpol insanity in San Francisco. Things appear to move much faster when you consider the state of the entire country at once. But how are things with you, right now? Outside my window it is a beautiful spring afternoon. The scrub jays are squawking, and a nice breeze is finally airing out the house after a very cold winter. The decline of Western civilization is likely not camped out in your back yard. Were this the 19th century, I would probably have never even known about Covid, save for newspaper articles. Politics has never not been a depressing affair, but you live in a unique time where you have the opportunity to consume an entire country's worth of it at any given moment. The writing is on the wall, but the time frame is a very open ended question. From market crashes to tyranny, Preppers have been taking to the woods to avoid such a fate since before you were born, and yet here we still are.

In the prehistory of the 1990's, I was living in Los Angeles, not far from a ghetto (where the Negroes congregated). On a near daily basis, you heard stories about the crime down in the ghetto; the murders, robberies, etc. The talk of the neighborhood was always how the ghetto would someday spread to consume us all. Other naive people thought they could 'clean up' the ghetto and lift those people out of poverty. Well, to this day, that ghetto is still there, and the neighborhood I lived in still worries about it. Historically, neither the most pessimistic nor optimistic of predictions ever happens; what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun.

Secondly, the degree of conspiracy is certainly questionable. One of the most prominent themes of any aristocracy is not how much how they conspired against the working class, but rather, how little attention they paid to it. Politics is not so much a neatly ordered bunch of capitalists smiling down menacingly on everyone else. It is more so a collection of numerous petty cliques fighting among themselves. It's not even an issue of left vs right, nor party vs party. It's just opportunistic neoliberals pursuing ever greater wealth while the country declines materially and spiritually in the background. The amount of cooperation and coordination to arrange some of these conspiracies would just be staggering, and sadly real life is rarely that interesting.

A great example of this can be seen in the media. For decades, people fancied the media to be some syndicate of intelligent operatives, clear-headedly planning out their deceptions in pursuit of some state-sponsored goal. Then Twitter came long. It turns out that journalists and editors are just a petty clique of narcissistic manchildren who went to the same school in New York and interact with the same social circle. All of whom desperately long for in-group status and latch on to whatever grift might take them there. CNN's vendetta against Trump was literally just Jeff Zucker's personal grudge, picked up as a trend by other outlets who noticed the profitability in outrage.

Lastly, it is important to recognize that although individuals are largely powerless to change the direction of society around them, they still have total control over their own happiness. If you live by the capital, you will invariably die by the capital. But as I've always said, there is no reason to take on the debt of a new auto loan or a student loan. You do not need to chase consumerism through constantly buying entertainment. You don't need a house filled with piles of crap. You don't need to hop into the tumultuous lifestyle of a tech career and all that it entails. The less you embrace modern society, the more insulated you will be from it, and the less tied down you will be. Live simply, don't spend money, work honestly. You will want for little, envy few, and find fulfillment easily. You won't be saddled with obligations that tie you to one area and all of its social problems. You could live simply in rural Nebraska or Vietnam with few considerations. "For all that is in the world — the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions — is not from the Father, but is from the world."
Replies: >>1895
Thanks Gunship for that wonderful wisdom. I confess that I've begun moving into the stage where a primary internal dialogue is fast becoming "How will I sell my life dearly, when they come to inject me with their poison by force?"

But you're right -- atm it's a beautiful day outside my window. The Lord's admonition to "Work while it is day..." should be my focus atm. I'm young & healthy & smarter than the average bear. I should be using all that for the greater good while I can, and just trust God that He will carry me through the absolutely demonic trials that are coming. He'll give me the grace to die meaningfully as He sees fit when the time comes, if needs be. 

For now, I (and the rest of us) should just stay the proper course. God bless you, 'Uncle Gunship', Happy Easter! :^)
Replies: >>1896
Honestly, the last couple of months have been fairly optimistic. Not in terms of the direction of the country or society (haha!), but in terms of the state not being able to project the kind of power that could send us to hell in a hand-basket overnight.

On Covid, the state has been wholly unable to enforce anything. Even California has been officially reopening. Locked away in your bedroom, you might read doom and gloom articles on the news or frantic social media posts from the terminally online, but outside your window, no one gives a shit about Covid. Your local Walmart is undoubtedly overflowing with people. I see fewer people wearing masks, even in the neoliberal hellhole of CA. The beaches are packed, people are returning to their offices. Easter marks the first holiday where the government's stance on it hasn't been "whatever your plans, cancel them." For all of the conspiracies of Covid sending us into permanent lockdowns, life is pretty normal once you step away from the internet - where one side cries hysterically about 'trust the science, wear the mask!' and the other side is forecasting the End of Times.

The vaccines are looking to be at worst, a money grab, but the time frame for them to have become some apocalyptic vehicle for genocide is fastly closing. The sheer number of people that would have to be in on that conspiracy is just unfathomable anyway. Aside from the standard severe reactions in a minority of the population, hundreds of millions of people have not dropped dead. And while we may not fully understand the long term effects for a decade, the historical time frame for these issues to emerge is within the first eight weeks. Whatever 'vaccine passport' might come about is going to be a total sham. The door greeter at Walmart can't even check receipts properly, they're not going to chase you through the store to verify your vaccination status before letting you purchase bananas.

Whatever leftish takeover of Congress we might have seen has vanished. The darling children of the left, AOC and Sanders, have caved to neoliberalism and are now tripping over themselves to praise Biden's administration and look past its faults. While Sanders was always a spineless coward, AOC is undeniably an opportunistic grifter. It is politics as always. The retarded MAGA right continues undaunted, however. I remember reading Biden's infrastructure plan the other day; the usual affair of accomplishing little except to make the rich richer. Yet when I checked Breitbart, it was announced under the headline, "Socialism Comes To America." Hilarious.

The future of the country is grim. The Pentagon is itching for a war with China because it predicts that by 2035, it would not be winnable (and China needs a unifying force before the CCP comes undone). Corporatism continues to wreak material havoc on the direction of society, while our government looks for new and profitable ways to bring the War On Terror home. I encourage everyone to leave for greener pastures. But if you do nothing else, get off the fucking internet. You're looking at a culture war fought by people that haven't seen the sun in over a year, and are surrounded only by their piss bottles. Half of the normie internet is dominated by people whose only concern in life is their gender; how they define it and how others may define it. The world outside your front door would be decidedly alien to anyone living off news articles and screenshots of social media posts.

If I might recommend a book on our present time, particularly to you, Anon, it is The City of God, by Augustine of Hippo. Rome had just been sacked by the Visigoths, the Empire was collapsing economically and politically. While the Republic was founded on masculine ideals of duty, honor, and competition, the Roman Empire had been marked by hedonism, consumption, and greed. As the Empire collapsed, people flocked to the bishop for insight on how to handle it, and what to believe in. The bishop, known today as Saint Augustine, wrote The City of God in answer. In it, Augustine lays out the fruitless search for happiness those that immerse themselves in the moral decline and earthly possessions of the City of Man will find, in contrast to the acceptance and peace of the City of God. We are lucky to have been born at a time when we can see our future in our past. As always, nothing new under the sun.
Replies: >>1897
>The City of God, by Augustine of Hippo
Alright, I will. I've found a copy of and I'll begin working my way through it. I'll begin working on your other advice as well. It will be difficult, but I'm sure it will be a positive. Thanks again Gunship.
Replies: >>1898
>I've found a copy of
Here are the sources btw, in case anyone's interested. Includes an amateur audiobook reading of what appears to be the most common English translation.

I already learned that the Visigoths actually spared Romans from slaughter, all who fled to Churches and Christian sanctuaries. Sure isn't the story I've heard before.
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More reason to hate red hat from one of the usual suspects

(red hat employs him still iirc)
Replies: >>1900 >>1902 >>1903
Sorry for taking 1900, I actually was content with 1899 but I thought of something else as usual
Anime profile pictures probably aren't helping them make a case. But they were respectful
Replies: >>1904
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Picked a random pic off my PC
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Red Hat, who's that?
>...you accuse us of controlling people's minds with vaccinations...
Keke. Freudian slip? He seems a bit on edge tbh. :)
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Having had time to read this, it is as always, a case of autists who don't know how to prioritize their efforts.

1: Poettering's stance makes perfect real-world sense; you want a sane default that is reliably backed by heavy infrastructure. Google's DNS server's aren't going anywhere, and this is important in the enterprise world (and this is Red Hat after all, not Arch Linux). Is Google good? No. Would using something like OpenDNS' nameservers go over well with corporate? Absolutely not.

2: The is obviously going to come down to per-distro defaults at installation, and going after systemd for it is just idiotic. Rather than throw a fit with a corporate product run by a known authoritarian, take that energy to a distro's forum, where the community can make meaningful changes to the default DNS server. But of course, no.

What a batshit priority anyway. Gen Z can barely type at a non-phone keyboard, much less install Linux. Google's Android, with all of the privacy issues, is becoming the default in embedded devices where linux once reigned. But the concern of the day for these people is who owns the box serving magic numbers to users of an OS numbering less than 2% of consumers? Living in an absolute cave.

>Anime profile pictures probably aren't helping them make a case. 
Having made the sacrifice of looking up which character that avatar belonged to, it is none other than (hilariously) a Google Chrome mascot. Across every website this lad uses, he rails against Google's DNS servers under a Chrome avatar. I'll bet you all the money in the world that Chrome overrides your OS' DNS servers in favor of Google's.

The lad is also (of course) nineteen, and writes with the starry-eyed naivety of a high schooler that was lied to by a USMC recruiter at the mall, and is now on the bus to MCRD San Diego. In a lengthy post on his blog, pic related is his reasoning as to why Linux has not been adopted. Could it be that the 'masses' come home to veg out in front of social media and streaming sites, and have no idea what Linux even is, much less how to install and use it? Could it be that the average person has zero interest whatsoever in how their computer works? Might the lack of Linux pre-installations at Best Buy be because there is a financial incentive from very large companies to not do that? No, it's because the Linux community is kind of mean sometimes. Some people have heads only to keep the rain out of their neck.

This is unimportant, obviously; this retard wasn't the focus of the original post. I was just checking out that avatar, and was quickly reminded why I don't use the internet much anymore.
Replies: >>1905
For you Gunship, in thanks for revealing who 'Uncle Ted' actually is, versus my previous only dim perception based solely on the corporate-controlled media lies.

I've been very slowly working my way through The City of God. It's been a rather painful experience in some ways. :^)
Replies: >>1911
If I want to de-botnetize myself and stop being underweight, where should I start?

I already began with changing from Firefox to IceCat with a whole bunch of addons once the Jan. 6 letter happened, and I use libreoffice now, but I'm still on Wangblows and all of the garbage that implies - just bandaids for a fucking gunshot wound.
Should I start with getting a laptop with some easy to understand Linux distro or just going balls deep and straight dual booting OpenBSD with zero regard for consequences?
Note that I have precisely no fucking clue, but still want to at least try.
I know I sound stupid, and I know I sound dumb, but I really want to see if it's possible - to make progress on removing the bugman antennae. My family has an old, unused computer that I ditched for a fresh one a while ago and it's sitting in some old room somewhere right now, should I try that?

I've also heard a few things about systemd and all, and I think I should be worried judging from what people have been saying about it, but I just don't think I'm competent enough to go for any of the good distros still remaining, 'cause I haven't even touched Linux yet.

All I want is to be just one person who entered the scene during the post-phone age to consider the option of avoiding insectoiditude.
Replies: >>1907 >>1909 >>1911
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I don't know what your level of computer knowledge is or your general situation, but as a general rule I recommend taking the same route I did, and dumping Windows full-stop for an easy Lunix distro.

Roughly nine years ago, I had to get a new laptop because the one I was using (it had Vista, which I liked) broke. The new laptop had Windows 8, which I hated. At the time, I had heard of Linux, but knew next to nothing about it, and my general computer knowledge was limited to DOS and some general hardware concepts (I never bothered getting into the nitty-gritty of Windows). I decided to go for Mint, because I heard that it's stable and easy to use, and I had virtually no problems aside from the very mild headache of finding some new programs to replace the few I used in Windows that didn't have a Linux version.

Games aside, there are very, very few applications that don't exist on Linux in one form or another. The only ones I can think of are extremely specific to some of the hard sciences (mainly those that involve working with specialized hardware), and even that gap is slowly closing. The gaming situation isn't even bad on Linux anymore either, despite what braindead "gamer" community might tell you. My Steam library has over a hundred games I'll get around to playing them all someday, I swear and virtually all of them work just fine with Linux.

If you really want to switch over, then just fucking do it. Install Mint (or whatever easy-mode distro you want, really) and don't look back. Unless you absolutely have to work with some specialized piece of hardware that needs Windows, then it really is as simple as the installation process. Don't worry about anything else, don't worry about the command line, don't worry about the software, you can get to that if and when you absolutely have to.

Now I use Windows for one thing and one thing only: Zune software, because I want music in my car and I refuse to use the radio or my phone to get it. For that, I just have Vista on a cheap used laptop that I only bother to look at a few times a year.
Replies: >>1908
>Mint as the proper escape route from the MicroStasi Wangblows gulag.
This is correct.
>upboated +1

They also have a very active IRC channel expressly intended to help victims of the evil man, Bill Gates, come in from the code. The Mint Hexchat install has it listed as a built-in channel.
Replies: >>1910
You can deal with removing Systemdicks later, Anon. After all security & privacy is like fruit hanging from a tree -- don't be the low-hanging fruit. For now, just get the fuck off NSA 10. Cold.effin.turkey.

Then gradually, you can find your skill level on Linux and stay as shallow or go as deep dive as you want from there. But first things first, get rid of the botnet OS from your life.
>"the evil man, Bill Gates"
I like the sound of that, it's got a ring to it. All one word ofc -- and roughly speaking, by definition.
The Evil Man, Bill Gates

Vote for The Evil Man, Bill Gates, as President of the World, all you earthlings
Thanks, glad it's been helpful. I would also like to recommend Rubicon by Tom Holland, though not for any grand reason. I first read it fifteen or so years ago, and I remember it filling me with a sense of ambition. I don't quite know why, as it is just a (very well written) narrative history. But I enjoyed it thoroughly, and decided to reread it again last month. Those same productive feelings have returned, and I hope they might benefit others too.

>where should I start?
The computer is the botnet, lad. That's the hardest pill to swallow. I could advise you to spend thousands of hours researching how to administer OpenBSD, set up your own network infrastructure, use PGP, etc, all for the purpose of navigating an increasingly shrinking portion of the internet. But all of that is the wrong answer to the right question. Life passes you by while you stay locked in your bedroom trying to find the 'right' way to interact with big corporate websites and their consumers.

Download and install Fedora, it's solid and no-hassle at all (there are other perfectly acceptable distros as well). Use whatever browser you want (other than Chrome). Use the computer to get things done, and then go  spend the rest of your day living a fulfilling life. Exercise, read Ted, learn a wide set of employable and personal skills, manage your finances well so you can retire early on passive income, help your community, find meaning in life. Allocate a brief period of online leisure in the evening, and then go to bed.

Systemd has no bearing in the real world. You won't spend your final hours in a rest home wishing you had found the right tiling window manager or playing more video games. These are all distractions; an illusion of choice that keeps you miserable and mired in trivialities while unable to grasp the bigger picture. Show me anyone that spends a significant amount of time online, and I will show you a basket-case of depression wallowing in meaninglessness.

>stop being underweight
If you mean physically, that's pretty easy if you're willing to work at it. It will improve your self confidence and you'll feel immensely better about yourself. I would just need to know where we're starting; rough age, how underweight are we talking, what is your diet like, are you a cripple, etc?
Replies: >>1912
>Rubicon by Tom Holland
Thank you, I have it now and look forward to reading it Gunship. Interestingly, I was recently learning what 'Rubicon' even meant (in a different context than ours here). Basically, once you 'cross the Rubicon' you have openly committed to your goals, come what may. And for everyone to see.

Pretty motivating decision I'd say. :^)
Replies: >>1913
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>I was recently learning what 'Rubicon' even meant
It's about a point of no return, more than anything. The Rubicon marked the boundary between Gaul and Italy. Caesar was serving as governor of Gaul at the time, but back home in the senate, there were tensions between him and Pompey. Pompey moved the senate towards ordering Caesar to disband his legions, and he was explicitly forbidden to cross the Rubicon with his army. To do so would be to declare a civil war. Not wanting to surrender, he did exactly that and set in motion a series of events that would see the majority of important figures in Rome killed (himself included), the end of the Republic, and the start of the Roman Empire under Augustus.

But the point being, once he crossed that river, there was no going back; no "oops I didn't really mean to start a war." The most recent comparison would have been the calls for Trump to declare the Insurrection Act, which would have sent radlibs and their politicans into a meltdown of unseen proportions, and would not have calmly died down. It would have been a point of no return where the left would have become absolutely unhinged in their resistance of imaginary 'dictatorship'. But of course, Trump had no ideology, so there was never a snowball's chance in hell of that materializing. Anyway, you get the point.
If anyone recalls that sub I had in December ( >>1413 ), she's dead. 19 years old.

She was one of the most ambitious people I've ever met. From sun up to sun down she was focused on her future, with hardly any time for anything else. Because of this, she also ran into that thing I'm always warning people about. Whether it's the complacent going through life with an "I'll have time for this in the future" attitude, or the overly-serious taking the world on their shoulders and not living in the present, the ride may end much sooner than you think, and you'll wish you had done things differently. At nineteen years old she had no time for herself and dedicated everything to a day she'll never see. What an absolute shame.

Anyway, I'm just devastated and blogposting, carry on.
Doesn't sound very ambitious to me
I'm just passing by, but I'm sorry to hear of your loss. What a tragedy. What happened to her, if you don't mind my asking?
Replies: >>1920
Whoa. I'm so sorry to hear about this Gunship. I'll be praying for you about her. Thanks again for the sober reminder, mate. Will do.
Replies: >>1920
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I just want to encourage you that you and everyone else here have been a help to me along the way. You've already had an important impact in my life BO.
I appreciate it.

I hope you also recognize that what you're describing is very severe clinical depression. Life is suffering, so universally that it's basically a fundamental concept of Christianity. But in that suffering there are so many experiences that make life worth living. I know what you're feeling, I've been there myself. Nothing brings any joy, 'experiences' sound like more effort than they could ever be worth. Depression affects your entire outlook on life in such a way, and your perception of the world around you is no longer accurate. It's not something you can just walk off, but it does resolve with effort. If you ever need anything, you seriously have only to ask. And don't go killing yourself please; I'd sooner fly you out for a month of hookers and soma in the Caribbean than spend another month asking myself if there was something more I could have done.

Thanks. I didn't know yesterday, but I dug up some contact information for one of her friends, and it turns out that she killed herself. Submissiveness is often a symptom of low self-worth, and it brings with it a whole host of other psychological problems (this girl's main fetish was having the shit beaten out of her). I have this psychopathic tendency to surround myself with broken people because they're easiest to get what you want from (if you ever want a subby pet, go find a new e-whore that's struggling to get going and make her feel appreciated in a non-sexual way, and she'll have feeling for you within two weeks). The downside is that sometimes you get attached, and their problems become your problems. I could tell she had issues (anorexia, ADHD, no self confidence, a pathological desire to please), but she was so ambitious that I never really thought she was depressed. Most depressed people have no drive to do anything.

I guess there's a little bit of comfort there. It's one thing to have the ride come to an end before it really gets going. Quite another to decide for yourself that you've had enough and want off. It's just a shame that depressed people rarely understand that their perspective is rooted in circumstance, and that circumstance is far easier to change than most people think.

Thanks, I appreciate it sincerely. Rough day, but this too shall pass in time. I guess.
Replies: >>1923 >>1941
>Quite another to decide for yourself that you've had enough and want off. 
And quite a third to be a victim of coordinated conspiracy carefully calculated to lead said victims into a deep depression. I'm sure she's [was] just one of many millions living on the edge. Just as these demonic fuckers intend ofc. Our own Flash is probably one such victim. I know it's had a very negative effect on myself.

>It's just a shame that depressed people rarely understand that their perspective is rooted in circumstance, and that circumstance is far easier to change than most people think.
That's a great bit of wisdom Gunship. I'll try to change my own circumstances soon.

>Rough day, but this too shall pass in time. I guess.
It's been 3 days now. Joy comes in the morning, brother.
Replies: >>1924
I won't pretend to know what happened, but if I were to a wager a guess, it was because she was getting into that e-whore crap. Always wanting more money for her future plans, she chose the path that so many young women today do, and started selling nudes. But she chose /soc/ of all places to sell them on. Being anorexic, she had a figure that ranked well with them, and was pretty swamped with messages. Everyone would be polite and friendly until she mentioned her prices, then suddenly they were calling her a worthless whore and the like. For someone who already lacked any self worth, I can see it taking its toll; absent any other changes to her lifestyle I was aware of.

The porn industry in its many forms is absolutely devastating to young women, but what can you do? Women are generally like big children; they don't understand these things anymore than a five year old can comprehend why his parents don't let him eat cake and ice cream three times a day. They think they're having fun and making money, and the next thing you know they're either overdosing on something or killing themselves.

The world is full of misery at the hands of a small group of people making money, and this is just one issue among many (something like ~75% of Americans are either overweight or obese). But if you approach these issues with a top-down global perspective, you'll be as miserable and powerless as the leftists crying themselves to sleep every night over climate change woes. Individuals lack the influence to tackle these industries head on, but we do have influence over smaller groups. Work to influence your community, to keep the kids running and the women out of porn. You can't fix the world or save everyone, but you can go to your deathbed one day knowing you changes the lives of the people around you. We live in an interesting time where global connectivity amplifies the scope of our problems. A hundred years ago, someone living in Wyoming could not have cared less if California was a hotbed of transvestism and obesity.

>Joy comes in the morning, brother.
Funny enough, I was bit in the ass by a very unhappy mastiff this morning, and bled all over the car (luckily the seats are leather). Just a lovely week. But my market strategy has been paying off wonderfully, so I have that going for me.
Replies: >>1925 >>1938
Yes, you're right. I suppose I was venting at my displeasure with the situation for her and you. Again, thanks for the perspective and advice!

>Funny enough, I was bit in the ass by a very unhappy mastiff this morning
OUCH! Sonuvabitch that must still hurt. WTF? I love animals, but I'm certainly not above killing vicious ones. What did you do?
Replies: >>1927
One thing that's always bothered me about grief, included by not limited to this particular case, is that I always feel guilty about moving on; as if I'd be doing their memory a disservice by getting over it. I guess part of that stems from the realization that I'd be a bit disappointed if I died tomorrow and friends and family carried on like nothing had happened. But still, it's silly. The things we feel can't always be rationalized, and sometimes we just have to remember that we are in fact animals, and not everything is within our control.

I feel like we don't truly die until we're forgotten; someone like Hitler might as well be alive and well for how often he lives on in memory and topic. But for you and I, being forgotten comes much more quickly, so I guess I feel like grief keeps them alive in memory in some bizarre way. Oh well, this ramble is irrelevant to anything.

>What did you do?
Nothing at all, actually. I was just standing around at the time. I take care of people's horses in the mornings, just to keep active, and this house rescued an adult mastiff last year. At first he was totally fine. I sometimes jog around their dressage court, and the dog used to lay with me when I was resting. But he became rather unfriendly by the second month, and now growls at me every time I see him. I knew this would happen sooner or later, and today it finally did.

Whether or not it becomes a big deal just depends on if it gets infected in the next couple of days. Either it does or it doesn't; I have taken care of it as well as anyone might be expected to.
Replies: >>1928
Interesting point about Adolf Hitler; lots of anons act like is still alive and well in the Antarctic today or the far side of the moon :^).

As a (rather Asperger's so I realize I'm a few standard deviations off the norm) Christian, it's sort of irrelevant to me about that kind of earthly concern in general. I know I won't be forgotten in the afterlife, either by God, the Angels, or other Believers. That's more than sufficient for me, so it feels almost like a non-issue to me. Relationships are all that really matters in the end, the rest is simply dust (including our literal bodies).

But I expect you'll continue to remember this woman for most if not all of the rest of your life. I hope realization helps you move on.

> have taken care of it as well as anyone might be expected to.
Alright, you'll probably get by with just some basic mastiff dog spit infection which should heal up. Sounds like you know how to disinfect and dress a minor injury like that so you'll be fine I imagine. The owners should be made aware of it so they can restrain the little bastard around others. Adult mastiffs are powerful, they could easily kill a child.
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I'm nobody passing by, but I'm sorry to hear you went through that as child. No eleven year old would have been able to solve what you were confronted with, so all in all I think you handled it well, even if it doesn't seem that way. This isn't to say that there's a "successful" way of handling that, only that you did and that you're here now, which sure counts for something.

When part of your brain is broken or misbehaving, all kinds of mischief gets between you and your experiences. Your thoughts grow to fit the environment they find themselves in, like stunted trees trying to grow in a building's permanent shade. We are, alas, affected by the mechanisms of our flesh far more fundamentally than many of us would like. Think of your frontal lobe as an executive whose subordinates are telling him all kinds of different things, who can only issue orders indirectly, and who has to make sense of it all for the company owner (your soul) moment-to-moment and you'll begin to understand why it's not just a matter of "fixing" yourself by pure will alone.

That said, the drive to learn about, bear up under, and try to rid yourself of these things shows that you're stronger than most, which is an unbelievable asset even if it seems like it only prolongs suffering.

>I have no trust in the psychiatric industry, and I refuse to touch any substance other than nicotine and alcohol (the latter only at night). Sure, there's the chance that something like that might help, but it's not a risk I want to take.
I once sought help for some of my own difficulties from someone who presented themselves as a professional. They diagnosed me within ten minutes and then gatekept access I had to medication, forcing a regular consultation fee for no proper service whatsoever. It turned out that they had a growing reputation as a charlatan, had had their licenses revoked long ago, and were acting to funnel me to prescription-mills (probably in return for additional kickbacks). This is not to say that doctors don't help, merely that there are lazies and charlatans out there and one must find someone who is both willing and able to correctly understand your trouble and give you what you need.

I recognize what you say about learning about psychology, how it disillusions you and drives you to despair when it doesn't seem to give you the tools you think you need. For me, this was because my underlying brain-chemical issues hadn't been addressed and the knowledge became more valuable once I could use it. I now look upon my storehouse of knowledge in the field as a hard-won trove that I myself have battle-tested.

Anyway, the medication I had thrust at me did very little, but it did force me to try and figure out what the fuck was going on. What eventually helped me get out of the pit on top of all the other research was three things:
>A supplement stack that hinged on NAC (2000mg split dose), magnesium (400mg night), selenium (200mcg morning), and zinc (50mg night). I later added creatine and glyceine, which have helped a lot with "brain fog" too, but those were specific to my particular side-problems. It sounds kooky but it worked for me.
>A book called "Addicted to Unhappiness" by Martha H. Pieper and William J. Pieper that helped me realise how my mind had adapted to my experiences, how that was necessary at the time, and what I could expect as I tried to re-shape it.
>The realization that what I was experiencing was not a lack of effort or control, but a fundamental fault in my brain chemistry that I could work around but would never be "cured" of. It wasn't my fault, but I also wasn't going to ever be rid of it, so I needed to stop feeling bad about it, find ways to render it irrelevant, and deal with the effects it had had on my mind.

It's hard to explain, but the supplements seemed to give my brain the right fuel so that I could gradually build loops (that often fell apart when I backslid) and deal with things bit by bit. It's like part of me had gradually fallen out of contact and I was slowly bringing it back into the... I don't know, the community of me. Like I'd been hypoxic for a long time and someone was gradually letting the oxygen back in. (Side note: Look up hypoxia training for pilots, what it does to you without you knowing it is wild. Great metaphor.) I became able to concentrate on things again, remember things again, deal with others from a place of power.

One of the nastiest parts of brain problems is that they impose doubt on you: "Is what I'm experiencing real?" With my brain working better, I became able to understand the cruelties that some people reflexively impose on others, to tell mere wounded or lazy from genuinely evil (and mark my words, there is evil in the world), and to make decisions accordingly.

Anyway. What you are experiencing does have an end. It's not an easy or convenient end, but it can be reached, and it is worth it. It doesn't stop the world being a vale of tears, but it does give you back the parts of you that you need to live through it.
Pretty morose story Flash, true. OTOH, you're still here with us. A wonderful boss I had used to regularly say, "Where's there's breath, there's hope." Don't quit now bro. I'd suggest you simply short-circuited during that period to a revelation that eventually everyone faces (perhaps only once at death's door). Namely, you, yourself, are an individual, alone. Only God alone, can know your sorrows and your trials, your joys and your accomplishments.

No other human can actually share any of that intimately with you. A marriage between a man and woman is just about the closest any of us can hope to get in that regard, but it's plainly evident that doesn't work either.

Only God and God alone, can meet you in that place and bring you out 'into the light' so to speak. No other human can, bro.

>Actually, I just want to pass that on to all of you: don't learn any more about human psychology than you absolutely have to, because every new word will break down your faith in others and yourself
Meh, it's just contrivances by blind men in the dark. No one really understands the human soul, it's simply vastly too complex. Stop letting them dictate to you Flash.

I've been praying for you mate.
>How genuine are they when they talk about it?
If someone tells you that they once suffered crippling depression but are now snug as a bug, they're either lying or grossly self unaware. Depression is a symptom of an underlying mental state, and you have no control over the experiences, emotions, and memories that led to it. What you do have control over is your acceptance of them, and the extent that you let them impact your daily life. The fundamentals that caused your depression will always be a scar on your psychology, and you will have occasional setbacks, but you can still live a fulfilling life that brings you happiness.

Imagine a kid being harshly rejected in middle school and resolving to never love again. He didn't deserve that trauma, and it will follow him for life. But he's making the worst of a bad situation, and will needlessly suffer lifelong consequences because of his response to it.

>How high are they?
Psychiatry is misunderstood. I used to be a hypochondriac, and I got fed up sitting around waiting for doctor appointments, so I began studying internal medicine and pharmacology extensively. That's been a big thing of mine for a very long time, and I can speak about it without any armchair conjecturing.

First off, there is no medication that does not have drawbacks. Tylenol is one of the leading causes of liver failure. Advil will absolutely fuck up your stomach. Flonase does wonders for seasonal allergies, but can cause loss of smell, which some claim has been irreversible for them. Psych meds are no different, and doctors are supposed to base their prescribing habits on whether the benefits outweigh the risks. For a manic depressive, the inconvenience of psych meds is perfectly tolerable if the alternative involves them hurting themselves or others during an episode. Someone with social anxiety however should not have to suffer the crippling addiction and potential for dementia of benzodiazepines, where the alternative is something that can be resolved behaviorally. Part of the problem is that most patients don't want to put in any effort towards resolving problems, and doctors know this. They're looking for a quick fix which doctors have become accustomed to providing. It's not necessarily maliciousness, just largely short sightedness. The financial incentives local doctors are presumed to receive for prescribing things is hugely overestimated. These payments are, by law, entirely public. You can see online which pharmaceutical companies have given money to your doctor, and you'll find that 90% of it is a free lunch for attending a seminar on their products, not tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses.

Secondly, mental illnesses are almost never 'fixed', and no good psychiatrist will speak in terms of curing someone. The foundation of psychiatry is management. Someone who is too depressed to get out of bed in the morning is never going to take actionable steps to put his life back on track. A schizophrenic that's prone to hopping in his car and ending up thousands of miles from home has no control over his life. Psych meds bring people to a baseline mental state where they can address their situation accurately and begin moving forward. If you are capable of caring for yourself and have the energy to at least attempt taking little steps towards managing this, then I don't think you would benefit from an SSRI or similar. They are a short term crutch to help people get back on their feet, and that's it.

>I know enough that the earlier something starts, the harder it is to move past it.
I disagree, but can only speak from personal experience on this. As a kid, I was an incredibly shy loner with trust issues that read all day, and masked insecurity and a fear of being emotionally hurt behind a very harsh outward personality. As a fourteen year old, a teacher had nicknamed me 'Mr. Sunshine' and I was known as the kid who sent an eight year old to the hospital with a fractured skull. Yet today I have the physique of a typical 'gym bro', spend most of my free time trying to improve the lives of the people around me and the community we share, and go on dates far more often than I'd prefer to just to help with their self confidence.

But I'm sharing this because this total turnaround did not occur after anything grand, and there wasn't a huge struggle to get here. At some point in my early twenties, I acknowledged that my discontent with life was largely based on the way I carried about, and that I was going to have to put in some effort if I didn't want to spend the next 65 years being miserable. I set about making small incremental changes to my lifestyle every week, and increasingly put myself into situations that made me uncomfortable.
>How the fuck do I do it? How do I be content?
It's a long journey, and it starts with a pen and paper. Sit down and outline every aspect of your life. Your diet, your exercise, your living situation, your relationships, your occupation, your hobbies, how you spend your time, your sleep schedule, etc. For each one, decide what your habits should look like if they are to be healthy (by the standards of society before it began fetishizing weakness). If you weren't depressed, I'd have said to decide what your habits would look like if you were happy. But depressed people aren't of a sound mind, and you'd probably tell me you'd be happy to wake up at 1800 each day and be left alone. So we'll start with healthy habits instead.

Once you have an idea of what you should be doing, don't drop everything next Monday to live a totally different lifestyle, but start making incremental changes in your life. Wake up a little earlier each week, eat a bit healthier, spend less time on bad habits and more time on good habits. Set and accomplish little goals every day, even if it's just 'shower every day' or 'wake up before noon.' The accomplishment of goals is a necessary component of confidence, and keeps you focused on how far you've come, and not how far you still have to go. These are the kind of changes that depressed people need to make to begin their recovery; they can not and will not address the emotional component of their suffering so long as their physical state is neglected.

Your most important change will be in building healthy and supportive relationships with people that you can be emotionally open with. There are ten billion people on this planet, and you only need about a dozen of them; they're out there. Keep in mind the kind of people that you'll meet in certain places; you'll meet a very different kind of person while volunteering at an animal shelter than you would at a liberal college. If you're constantly surrounded by people you despise, put yourself in different positions. One of the most powerful tools in relationship building is being able to recognize how and why other people suffer. From a hug to encouraging words, being acutely aware of others' fears and insecurities gives you a lot of power over how they see you. If you're a psychopath, you'll use this for sex and material gain with broken people. But ideally you are not me.

I didn't pull all of this out of a self help book or some Huffpost article. While everyone's depression is caused by a unique set of circumstances, depression itself is universal. Gather a dozen depressed people in a room and they'll pretty much have the same feelings towards life and happiness. This is the process that has worked for me, and I have helped others with it as well. It is not a unique thing either; ask anyone who's recovered from depression how they did it, and they'll tell you it was a combination of developing a healthy lifestyle and meaningful relationships. I am not so full of myself that I would have spent two hours articulating this if I did not think it would help you as well.

Happiness is love, purpose, and fulfillment. Compassion, kindness, and servitude will definitely push you in that direction. Be selfless (within reason, take care of yourself) and be emotionally open. Open your heart and connect with others. Nurture your relationships. Help others. Anonymous good deeds feel wonderful. You know that feeling when you’re in love? Love is happiness. Love others. Receive love. That’s it.
I'm having that dreading/anxious feeling because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail a class or two this semester, but I think I'll survive somehow.

We'll see what happens next. I doubt the school is going to be merciful like it was the first COVID semester. I guess if they decide to dismiss me, that means time off school before I'm allowed to re-apply again, though, and that might be just what I need.

On a lighter note, even leddit knows Mozilla's trash
Stay with us, you're a cool person.

I'm in a slump right now, too, but it'll work out somehow. Hard to believe sometimes, but try to have faith in that. I've been through some dark/rough patches and there's always a better place around a corner (IMO).
>The porn industry in its many forms is absolutely devastating to young women, but what can you do?
I do my part by just looking at eastern cartoon girls instead; it causes much less of a human trafficking problem that way, too.
My expectations from real women obviously differ when half the stuff in the cartoons is physically impossible (fox ears for instance).
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I had a GIF meme about california, but I can't find it now, so have this instead.
A library in the town over had a copy of Value Line. From April 2020, but since this is still April, I don't know if this year's edition is even in the mail yet. But aside from the twelve month outlook, the rest of the figures are still perfectly accurate, particularly the 3-5 year section.

I took pictures of it all (excluding the multi-thousand page reference on each individual stock), so here you go. There's at least one other anon here making money the easy way, so enjoy. I even included the page on my beloved range-bound stock, AT&T. This binder is $600 a year; don't say I never gave you guys anything.

Replies: >>1942
Oh, shit.
Sorry to hear that…
I have a Vietnamese friend IRL who told me the girl he loved in Vietnam killed herself around a week ago.
I listened to him talk about it, and of course tried to tell him not to blame himself, but it's not really something where there's much I can say.
She was apparently the naïve sort, and he'd kind of assumed a protective role with her when he was still in Vietnam. He wonders if she was being manipulated or abused, too (basically, if there's something he could have done, had he been there).
He felt weird about opening up like that, and said it "wasn't like him," so I basically told him that whatever he does is what defines who he is, and he shouldn't try too hard to disguise himself. 

I myself think I might be a bit depressed, for a variety of reasons, but so far am good enough at "living in the present" that it never really goes beyond a vague feeling of bracing myself and then moving on after the impact. Sure, it sucks at the time, but remembering that my troubles are all temporary (relatively speaking) helps me.

Replies: >>1945
Thanks for sharing.

AT&T is a pretty solid choice; pretty much always was.
Replies: >>1946
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Found the california GIF
Thought of you when I saw it, commie
Replies: >>1944
1. "This is a perfectly fine state."
2. "Wow, some people are MEAN, this calls for assloads of money attempting to alter human nature."
3. "The state has no money and is crumbling, and my taxes are too high. Time to move to that other perfectly fine state."
4. "Wow, some people are MEAN, this calls for assloads of money attempting to alter human nature."

Progressivism is just malignant stupidity. The people in this state would happily drag down the living conditions of entire populations if it meant they could make an insignificant impact on the mental state of their pet identity groups. The left is crippled by a mentality centered around "We have to do Something for Them. This is Something, so we have to do This. And if you don't agree with This, you must hate Them."
>She was apparently the naïve sort
Most women are, lad. The ones who aren't are usually forty year old executives that wish they had gotten married instead. It's no coincidence that the entire advertising industry has spent the last four decades or so gravitating towards women (MLM and all).

>if there's something he could have done
It's somewhat comforting that in the face a friend's suicide, we all seem to have the same worries. Well, if he ever wants to talk to someone going through the same thing, I can always drop an email address here. I'm very sorry for his loss. There's not much you can say to help him, just be there for him if you can. A hug if that's not weird for you.
Replies: >>1949
AT&T is a terrible holding stock (unless you're retiring soon and just want safe dividends). But as a range-bound stock, you can buy and sell it at very predictable points and make money off them regularly without worrying about the stock tanking on you.

If you want to make money on the market, put most of your allocation in Spiders and Diamonds. Keep some money in cash and buy dips through their leveraged ETFs for multiplied rebounds (if Diamonds dips and rebounds 2%, DDM rebounds 2x for 4%. Some are even 3x). Periodically sell half of your positions when things are up, giving you more money to buy dips and keeping risk low. Use a portion of your profit as fun money to invest in individual stocks. That's it, you're making good money forever now. Please pay my advisory fee.
Replies: >>1947
>Please pay my advisory fee.
Lol. I'm no expert Gunship, but it seems to me you could have a rather brisk secondary gig doing just that: getting people to pay you for investment advice.
Replies: >>1948
I manage most of my family's and a good number of friends' personal finances and investments. It is definitely good money (largely because my commission is absurd, but no one cares because they're making free money with someone they trust to do things in their interests). I don't usually charge for advice though.

If you want an individual value stock to buy, look at AM[0]. It tanked terribly last year, but is under new management now and has been growing steadily to the tune of 89% over the last year. During that ascent, it has also been a fantastic range-bound stock, frequently bouncing between highs and lows as the long term uptrend continues (and with a dividend yield of 15% for much of it). Earnings will be out in five days. Either they do well and the stock will get a nice bump to its trend. Or it will dip a bit and continue to bounce around as a range-bound stock. Either way, it's been a lovely stock for the last year.

If there's one thing the right is good at, it's noticing patterns and drawing conclusions from them, even if the conclusions sometimes go off the rails. If your ability to extrapolate is decent, finance is for you. Spend a little less time connecting the rise in transvestism to the collapse of Western civilization, and more time predicting equity prices. Then you can take your millions to Thailand and not give a shit.

[0] https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NYSE-AM/
Replies: >>1962
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>A hug if that's not weird for you.
Maybe a little, but I'd not feel to awkward about just offering one.
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I built FF 88 from sources today (since cubeb, the mozilla audio backend, is built with pulseaudio support only by default since FF 52, I had to build it myself to get plain ALSA). The build took just over an hour and a half (97 minutes) on a four core i5-3470 CPU with 16GiB RAM. For comparison, FF 52 took around 45 minutes on a somewhat slower i5 machine from the same generation.

Took the opportunity to revert a patch that they made which changes the 'view image' context menu option to 'open image in new tab' (which opens in the foreground, ignoring the browser.tabs.loadInBackground setting).
Literally no benefit to them doing this, btw, since ctrl+clicking or middle-clicking on the old 'view image' context menu option would open it in a new tab in exactly the same way. All they did was make it impossible to view the image in the current tab without copying the image location and pasting it in the url bar.

I also discovered they'd removed the legacy XUL/"XHTML" about:config UI sometime between 85 and 88, so I patched that back in, too.

Between that and my ever-growing userChrome.css file, it's been getting harder and harder to make Firefox acceptable, and I know I've whined about this a ton before, but I'm just blogging I guess.

BTW, next version (89) is revamping the UI once again (codename "proton"), and 90 removes the old UI stuff, so I'm just bracing myself for when they throw that wrench & reduce the usability while also taking up more vertical space once again.

I use seamonkey 98% of the time; FF gets used on really horrible/incompatible/heavy-weight sites when I can't reasonably avoid them.

Have a weird little song I stumbled across. Not sure how I feel about it (repeatative), but it's sort of catchy at least.
Oh yeah, and according to the tracker it looks like 85+ have a bug that stops them building with GCC 10.

And they never fixed it.

So I had to use Clang for this build.
Replies: >>1952 >>1954 >>1955
d'oh, tripcode
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Oh yeah, they mdae the find bar huge again so now I have to find out how to shrink it down (again)

Also, pic.
I feel your pain. There isn't a browser worth using anymore. I have so many patches just keeping firefox inline in addition to my userchrome.css and autism config. I keep thinking about trying the FurryFox browser again but it doesn't work with a bunch of websites I need to use. Even the latest version of Firefox is totally broken on a lot of websites now. Google pushes out updates to break sites like youtube everyday. Firefox can't even see the replies to comments anymore. Not sure what they've broken to make that possible but it doesn't work even with a stock compile at the moment.

Every new version adds more compile time. I'm currently forced to compile multiple browser engines a week to keep my Gentoo/KDE machine up to date. For whatever reason there is an update for Rust coming out every few days now. I think I compiled it three times last week. It just keeps getting more and more bloated. The only reason I'm forced to use it at all is Firefox. Rust keeps being forced upon me. I can't remember what recently got re-written in it but it's part of the base system on Gentoo. I have it masked and use an older version but I know that won't be doable for much longer.

I keep flirting with the idea of forking
>Linux kernel
>gtk v2
>some other things recently re-written in Rust
But I'm only one man and I know I don't have the will power to maintain it all. I really want to release a new distro that's focused on being a sane desktop system though. Something that would replicate late 90s/early 2000s KDE/Gnome while still being able to run modern software and games. A base system with a small footprint. Precompiled binaries by default with the option to fall back to source. Something that can run on everything from 486s to modern CPUs. bins for all those archs like Funtoo.
Replies: >>1956
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I feel your pain. There isn't a browser worth using anymore. I have so many patches just keeping firefox inline in addition to my userchrome.css and autism config. I keep thinking about trying the FurryFox browser again but it doesn't work with a bunch of websites I need to use. Even the latest version of Firefox is totally broken on a lot of websites now. Google pushes out updates to break sites like youtube everyday. Firefox can't even see the replies to comments anymore. Not sure what they've broken to make that possible but it doesn't work even with a stock compile at the moment.

Every new version adds more compile time. I'm currently forced to compile multiple browser engines a week to keep my Gentoo/KDE machine up to date. For whatever reason there is an update for Rust coming out every few days now. I think I compiled it three times last week. It just keeps getting more and more bloated. The only reason I'm forced to use it at all is Firefox. Rust keeps being forced upon me. I can't remember what recently got re-written in it but it's part of the base system on Gentoo. I have it masked and use an older version but I know that won't be doable for much longer.

I keep flirting with the idea of forking
>Linux kernel
>gtk v2
>some other things recently re-written in Rust
But I'm only one man and I know I don't have the will power to maintain it all. I really want to release a new distro that's focused on being a sane desktop system though. Something that would replicate late 90s/early 2000s KDE/Gnome while still being able to run modern software and games. A base system with a small footprint. Precompiled binaries by default with the option to fall back to source. Something that can run on everything from 486s to modern CPUs. bins for all those archs like Funtoo.>>1951
Replies: >>1956 >>1960 >>1962
wtf is even going on with the shitty lynxchan software powering this imageboard? It gave me 3 seconds to fill in captcha. Told me I failed. I refresh the page and somehow the post went through twice but managed to eat the image for one of the posts somehow.

Stephen Lynx is truly a nigger.
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>I can barely remember how or even why I eventually convinced myself not to go through with it. I think I still had, and probably still have, this little bit of hope that I can somehow have a happy ending. 
First off: You aren't alone and we're probably of the last generation that really knows what this is like. None of these kids know what loneliness is like anymore with the modern ability to find a community of like minded people online. They can't even fathom what it was like back in those days when you could truly be alone and disconnected. I went though that as well. Like you the teachers couldn't "fix me" and the parents were nowhere to be found.

As sad as this is going to sound the only thing that kept me here was the thought of hell. I didn't even believe in religion back then. Hadn't read any of the books and considered them to be for the weak minded. But suicide just wasn't an option. The thought that I would come back in a worse situation or be forced to spend eternity in some bad place was a gamble I wasn't willing to take. I'm here suffering for a reason. I probably signed up for it.

I don't know what this place is but I do know we're all here suffering together for a greater purpose. Maybe we're just here to build character. Maybe we're being punished for something we did. Maybe it's just the most popular reality TV show in the universe. Whatever the reason we're all here together because we all came here willingly.

What keeps me going is the thought that if I let nature take its course and do the best I can here that I'll eventually be returned to wherever I came from. I think we all end up going to Gensokyo once we're finished growing here as souls. Maybe it isn't exactly the world ZUN created but something similar to it. A carefree place where everyone is in their true form. Be is that of a little girl, a furry, a masculine God-like being, or whatever else you envision yourself as. Perhaps we're all just youkai that got bored and decided to incarnate as humans for awhile. I think that's why so many people on Earth don't feel comfortable in their mortal bodies. Trannys might really be in the wrong bodies. But they're in them by choice and gave up halfway through the experiment. Instead of sticking it out and learning they give up halfway through and become an abomination that will never be able to escape the cycle of reincarnation if they keep repeating the mistake.

I like to imagine that after I die I'll go to some place where there isn't evil. Or where evil isn't in control at least. Maybe the most meek among us here on Earth are actually the strongest beings on the other side. Maybe they asked to be placed into a meek mortal shell so they can better understand those they protect.

At any rate suicide never seemed like a viable answer to any of my problems. No matter how bad things get I couldn't die by my own hand. Whenever I've tried to beat this on a technicality something happens to spoil my plans. For a long time I was attempting to die by riding motorcycles at high speed on public roads. I just ended up becoming a better rider. Every time I got close to being in a fatal crash I would manage to keep the bike under control. I can't kill myself no matter how much I try. The one time I tried to blow my head off with a gun it misfired. I pointed it in another direction and pulled the trigger. Gun went off and has never misfired again.

We go through struggles because it makes us better people in the long run.
Replies: >>1958 >>1980
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The virgin FOSS compiler vs the chad I-don't-give-a-shit-anymore. Actual screenshot of my desktop from this morning, how things have changed! When I have finished my coffee, there will be no issues to troubleshoot, no reason to spend hours tinkering away at trivial things while isolated in this chair. It's a beautiful Spring day out!

>None of these kids know what loneliness is like anymore
It's the exact opposite, kids are lonelier than ever. They have people to talk to, but their relationships are entirely impersonal, void of any meaning. They don't know what it's like to have a shoulder to cry on, to hold hands with someone. Their relationships are shallow and saturated in constant irony and in-group signaling. Dating (when it occurs) has become less the meeting and connecting of two people, and more the marketing of oneself as a dating product to be distributed by computer algorithms on Tinder and the like.

I can't imagine being a kid these days. The kids in rural Nebraska are growing up fine, but in Los Angeles? I am reminded of criticism I read awhile back on a paper written by some young Silicone Valley yuppie: "This man has no friends, only colleagues."
Replies: >>1959
Yeah, yeah, I know.
>Even the latest version of Firefox is totally broken on a lot of websites now.
I must not use those sites, then.
I bet you've changed some settings that Google doesn't want you to change.

Regardless, it'd be wise to stop using google services and expecting anything but chromium/chrome to work properly. Google doesn't care.
The one nice thing I'll say about rust is that it actually does work on big-endian PowerPC 32-bit, which is more than I can say for nodeJS and similar.
>I manage most of my family's and a good number of friends' personal finances and investments.
Ah, makes sense.
>If your ability to extrapolate is decent, finance is for you.
You tempt me. I engaged in intentional poverty mostly b/c I absolutely loathe the effect money tends to have on practically everyone. I can think of very few exceptions to it's corrupting influence, and the two men I can think of both consider themselves strictly engaged in a higher calling for God, and lots of money is simply a tool to use to that end.

Personally however, over the past six 3-4 months, I'm seeing it as a possible escape mechanism from the Western lands entirely for myself (as you suggest). Seems like that might be the superior choice rather than the bad ending alternatives clearly looming for us all at this stage, Gunship.

>Rust keeps being forced upon me
They plan to eventually remove every.single. escape hatch.
>The gay bathhouse of a programming language coming to an OS near you, Anon.
Replies: >>1963
>I absolutely loathe the effect money tends to have on practically everyone.
For every person content with a shot of whiskey, there are many more heading for alcoholism. Despite money, I continue to sleep on the floor at night, a habit begun as an impoverished teenager cooking hotpockets on a coat hanger in an unfurnished apartment. April's spending sans utilities and groceries comes to... $40. Money will not change you as a person. You are either susceptible to voluptuary or you are not.

>the bad ending alternatives clearly looming for us all at this stage
Compared to the last few months, things are terrific right now; don't fret. The economy has rebounded spectacularly. Small business confidence is at 90% and rising. The people that I trust are expecting the markets to continue moving as they have been through the rest of 2021 (Take advantage of this or be stuck in a collapsing middle class). Politics right now is utterly boring, and not a damn thing of significance is going on.

There is even cause for celebration; traditional media is absolutely collapsing financially and is scared shitless. Which is why you're seeing such a dramatic uptick in wokeness, the war on 'misinformation,' and a new 'racially motivated' shooting being reported daily; anything for clicks. Newspaper subscriptions are at their lowest level in a hundred years - when tracking began. Local news media is on the verge of bankruptcy. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC are down almost 40% in viewership this year. Online journalism is in shambles.

There is also good reason to suspect that the culture war is shifting. The vast majority the country does not buy into 'equity' as a social movement. Even California could not get its voters to pass social justice amendments in the last election. Wokeness has cannibalized the film industry, the sports industry (NBA ratings are through the floor), and many corporations' bottom lines. On the political front it has been a disaster, with the very minorities wokeness panders to flocking to the right to escape it. I would give it another year or two before making a firm statement about it, but the tide made be changing; you wouldn't know it by listening to the media though (especially the conservative media).

The media is keenly aware that the pro-black zeitgeist failed to take off, with public opinion changing for the worst last summer amid blacks doing what blacks do best. And so it is suddenly shifting towards Asians. Today Reddit's most popular post was titled "A 61 year old Asian man was put into a medically induced coma after a black man brutally stomped on him." Can you believe that? No tripping over themselves to label it a 'man of dark complexion.' No, a black man, blamed for something, on Reddit. How the times change. Personally, I wouldn't even mind propping up Asians for the next few years. You don't need to take my word for it that blacks running the show would be disastrous - just see every black country in existence. But Asians, one of the most culturally conservative and least individualistic groups of people? The only group of Americans that hate niggers more than I do? Yes, beloved news media industry, maybe we could stand for a bit more of their representation.
Replies: >>1965
>You are either susceptible to voluptuary or you are not.
Seems pretty common to me, seems to go with the territory (of prosperity) for practically everyone I know of. I'll add you to the list of exceptions, heh.

Personally, I've been striving to 'lighten my load' and now literally have all my worldly possessions down to just a bedroom-full + my old motorcycle in the drive, in the rental house I split with a housemate. I'm regularly finding additional things to toss out of my life weekly.

I live very frugally food-wise and elsewise atm. I sleep on a (admittedly high-quality) cot every day, I haven't purchased clothing or many other things besides food & sundries in over a year. 

I plan to pull up stakes this year and leave this region for good.

>Yes, beloved news media industry
Replies: >>1966
Yes, the government programs you from birth to consume as much as possible and to save as little as possible. of course the normies are susceptible
Replies: >>1969
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AI Dungeon has finally begun censorship, as we all knew they would some day do. The light has gone from my eyes, and I can suffer to go no further. So long kitsune waifu, you were too young for this world. Plague be upon Latitude.
Replies: >>1968
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Stay strong, Gunship.
Replies: >>1971
Yes, I think you're right. But I'd guess it's the corporations who pull the government's strings are the main driving force behind that moral corruption.
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Man, it's totally dead. They put out a blog post that just made it all worse. /aidg/ is starting a new AI project, and I decided to hop on that. So maybe it will go somewhere. What a fucking week.

My favorite quote was:
>If content on a user’s account is consistently or frequently flagged, you can be banned but we will likely >reach out< in advance based on context and circumstances.

I can see it now. "Good evening, sir. I'm emailing you to discuss that story you were writing last night. The one with the young kitsune girl..." These people are insane.

Who'd have thought being a bag of meat on a rock orbiting the sun would be so stressful?
Replies: >>1972 >>1986 >>1987
> /aidg/ is starting a new AI project
I see, thanks for the heads up. I'll try to make time to stay abreast.

>Who'd have thought being a bag of meat on a rock orbiting the sun would be so stressful?
I don't consider this in any way lightly, Gunship. It's a sober reminder relating to men and their robowaifus in the future. And also why it's absolutely vital that they be free and unencumbered of the globohomo as is physically possible. 

And it's a race as well.
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Pure Cohencidence I'm sure, but still. Seems a spot of odd timing, to say the least old chaps?
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So, it's quite outrageous what the Injustice Department just did to Mayor Rudy Giuliani. It's obvious to everyone at this stage that in their hubris, the Bolshevik usurpers consider themselves entirely beyond and above US Constitutional laws.

When will they start up the FEMA gulags death camps 'reeducation centers' do you suppose?
cholecalciferol is not the d  
you will get liver failure if you continue
>As sad as this is going to sound the only thing that kept me here was the thought of hell. I didn't even believe in religion back then. Hadn't read any of the books and considered them to be for the weak minded. But suicide just wasn't an option. The thought that I would come back in a worse situation or be forced to spend eternity in some bad place was a gamble I wasn't willing to take. I'm here suffering for a reason. I probably signed up for it.
>I don't know what this place is but I do know we're all here suffering together for a greater purpose. Maybe we're just here to build character. Maybe we're being punished for something we did. Maybe it's just the most popular reality TV show in the universe. Whatever the reason we're all here together because we all came here willingly.
>What keeps me going is the thought that if I let nature take its course and do the best I can here that I'll eventually be returned to wherever I came from. I think we all end up going to Gensokyo once we're finished growing here as souls. Maybe it isn't exactly the world ZUN created but something similar to it. A carefree place where everyone is in their true form. Be is that of a little girl, a furry, a masculine God-like being, or whatever else you envision yourself as. Perhaps we're all just youkai that got bored and decided to incarnate as humans for awhile. I think that's why so many people on Earth don't feel comfortable in their mortal bodies. Trannys might really be in the wrong bodies. But they're in them by choice and gave up halfway through the experiment. Instead of sticking it out and learning they give up halfway through and become an abomination that will never be able to escape the cycle of reincarnation if they keep repeating the mistake.
I'm just someone who stumbled across this board, but that actually fits pretty in well with some of the writings I've read. Earth is said to be essentially a harsh training school that we'll eventually grow out of over the course of many lifetimes. If you commit suicide or die in a negative emotional frame of mind, you're only setting yourself back further and possibly creating an emotional pit of hellish torment to work your way out of if you live your life hurting others.

Supposedly the higher realms (at least what are considered the higher astral realms) are realms of imagination and increasingly effortless creativity and manifestation. As beings of pure consciousness, we don't really have "true" physical selves but are free to take on any appearance we choose (if any at all). What we think of as evil doesn't exist over there, as selfish and malicious people by their very nature are basically trapping themselves in the lower planes until they decide to clean up their acts.

Do you have any real exposure to these ideas, or are you just guessing? It seems like you've hit pretty close to the mark to what some out-of-body travelers and occultists have reported.
>If there's a timeline worse than this, I can't imagine it
Political retaliation is neither new nor unexpected. Indeed the level of corruption is still less than, say, Putin's Russia; yet the Russian people carry on with their lives unmolested. Don't be so passionate about electoral politics, for they are not passionate about you.

>My main problem is actually taking steps to open myself to help in the real world.
A healthy acknowledgement of my mortality has helped significantly. Most anxieties are trivial in the grand scheme of things. The people you open up to can only hurt you if you let them. From your postings over the last five years; I am willing to bet that many of your worries are things that you need not be concerned with at all. I do recommend reading the Meditations.
Replies: >>1985
>you're doing better than me
I flunked all but one of my first online only semester classes, and I passed that one because it was group project based and I didn't want to let my teammates down.
>I do recommend reading the Meditations.
Not him, but I'll add it to my own list Gunship.
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Update: It works again, mostly.
Output quality still suffers a bit, but it isn't nonsensical anymore. The filter has been tuned enough that you can play out a full nsfw story without hitting the filter unless you're writing straight-up toddlercon.

Maybe Latitude is sitting there reading everyone's nsfw stories. But at this point I don't care, I hope they enjoy them. Kitsunes are back, life is well again.
Replies: >>1987
That's good news Gunship, but it seems there are some reservations in your 'voice'. Has the >>1971
> /aidg/ is starting a new AI project, and I decided to hop on that. So maybe it will go somewhere.
project gone anywhere so far? (btw, if it's reasonable to, mind providing a link to the project's thread)
Replies: >>1988
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>it seems there are some reservations in your 'voice'
I'm not optimistic about AI Dungeon. OpenAI has their own filter, which blocks all sexual content, violence, and profanity. They also have a recent hiring position open for someone to monitor the AI for 'misuse' in realtime.
My personal theory is that Latitude knows that this filter would ruin their entire business model, and has worked out some sort of deal with OpenAI to develop their own filter, eliminating the worst content, while still allowing the rest. From the AI Dungeon data leak, something like half of all stories are pure smut; it's kind of hilarious.

But here's the kicker. The CTO at Latitude responsible for this thing used to have a senior position at a company called VidAngel:
"VidAngel is an American streaming video company that allows the user to skip what may be considered distasteful content based on user preferences regarding profanity, nudity, sexual situations, and graphic violence." One line on their blog reads, "Our commitment to filtering is stronger than ever." The company was sued into bankruptcy. So...

The AI was actually fantastic yesterday though. Output quality has been on a decline since 2020, but it was perfectly respectable last night. I have no expectations and am taking it day-by-day.

>Has the project gone anywhere so far?
I actually resigned from the project. It is run by a socially awkward Turkish kid with crippling anxiety that thinks PayPal and SubscribeStar are going to work with a business that actively promotes 'uncensored' lolis (which, to any non-weeb is indistinguishable from actual CP). The leadership in general is just a mess of disorganized Terminally Online types. A bunch of us on the business-end of things sat the lead down and told him that either he confined his role to development or we were done. He refused, so we all left. /aidg/ is pretty fed up with them, so they're mostly just on Reddit these days.

But they're just using GPT-Neo with a frontend wrapper, all of which you can setup locally in five minutes with KoboldAI-Client right now.
Replies: >>1989
>The company was sued into bankruptcy. So...
The kikes' plan doesn't want goys 'skipping past' their degeneracy. Bad for their addiction business. They destroyed VidAngel over "Abuses of artistic integrity & vision'' or some similar bullshit reason, no doubt.

>I have no expectations and am taking it day-by-day.
That's good.

Yup, our guys are aware of that one. We're trying to get some reasonable-ish perf on just a couple of SBCs. Head-in-the-clouds type stuff I'm sure, but the world has always been changed by dreamers, not the status-quo types. Machiavelli was right about that one, at least.

The plain and simple fact of the matter is that the world needs to band together and create non-globohomo AI systems. There are a couple of distributed-computation projects in the works on this topic, ala Folding@Home-style work-units, etc.

Well, I hope you and you're Kitsune Waifus have a happy life together Anon. Thanks for keeping us updated on how that project is going. :^)
>also, that graph
1'000yo lolis, kek
I did another song arrangement on my MT-32. This time it's the opening theme from Phantasy Star III.


It's not quite done being polished (I need to fix the volume levels of a few tracks, maybe change one instrument too).

Experimented a bit with sysex message crafting this time around to avoid dropping notes.

I hate both companies in this case but I guess I should be happy the judge is at least a little critical of one of the asshole CEO's.
Also, I got an 802.11n (draft) dual-band cardbus (PCMCIA, 32-bit) card new-old-stock for my Powerbook G4. It cost around $12.
It's atheros ar5416 based. More specifically, it is a D-Link DWA-645, rev. B.

My wireless speeds (just testing with iperf) approximately quadrupled, going from around 20mbps to around 80mbps (in a highly wirelessly congested area). My thinkpad still delivers better performance (around 130mbps) with its ar9280 (based on the AR5BHB92 card design, mini-PCIe) but I am not sure how much of that is from the superior/newer chip and how much is bus limitations or other hardware issues (maybe I/O constraints; also this is a single-core system). Both are 2x2:2, but I guess antenna quality/size could also be a factor.

Pretty sure there's no atheros driver for PowerPC OS X, but I haven't even got it on here so that doesn't matter.
I bought it after researching to find out which cards had this chip, since it specifically works plug-and-play in Linux distros with ath9k, no firmware blobs needed.
It can work under OpenBSD as well, I think, with the 'athn' driver. I bought this with the plan of trying OpenBSD on here eventually.

I also bought it so I could swap it into my other older machines (Dell Latitudes, mostly) with cardbus slots to improve their wireless performance without having to open them up and give them newer cards internally.
A new internal card isn't even a (viable) option in the powerbook, anyway, since while the original 802.11g BCM4306 card does use a standard PCI bus electrically, it's also got a non-standard pinout, because Apple. And I don't know if anyone has made an adapter or otherwise documented the pinout.

By the way, I'm not entirely sure a single *dual-band* cardbus card for 802.11n even exists with drivers for OS X 10.4/10.5. It would suck to care about that shitty ancient OS with its shitty ancient toolchains.
Replies: >>1997

fucked up, this is a 2.4ghz only card. The 5416 can in fact work fine with 5ghz radios, but this card uses a separate chip for the actual radio-ing, the AR2122, which is 2ghz band only. I needed one with an AR5122 chip. Guh.

Still, better than nothing. I'll check more thoroughly for one that is actually dual-band later.
An AR5133 would also work, of course. I don't see evidence of many AR5122 devices actually existing.
Fuck, I'll have to import from Japan to get one at a reasonable price I think.

And that means shipping from Japan.

Oh well, this is fine. My fault for not checking more thoroughly.
Post 5 or whatever
There is one card on ebay right now that looks to be correct, but it appears it was branded for Fluke test equipment so it's priced at $300.

Apart from that, very few devices using the AR5133/AR5122 even have FCC ID's. Most of them appear to not have been marketed here. In Japan, NEC and Buffalo both sold cardbus cards with the right chips in them.
Good luck with it, Lance.
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What did FRED mean by this?
Replies: >>1999
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Whenever I hear about these concerns, I am reminded of this book from 1993 (by Peter Lynch, no less). From economic collapse, to 'global warming,' to social upheaval, an entire generation has already grown old and died amid endless worrying of things that have simply not come to pass (despite their dire predictions). And today a new generation takes up the mantle of worry, positing that things are somehow different now, despite an absence of actual change.

Live well, worry about only that which is within your control, and spend your limited time wisely.
Replies: >>2000
I agree, but would append that I think that when possible you should attempt to reduce the amount of suffering to others your actions can contribute to.

That basically just amounts to "recycle your bottles if there's a recycle bin nearby."

Broke my powerbook's charger. While awaiting a new one in the mail today I decided to do six years of upgrades to my Pentium M laptop's Debian installation. Now it's working pretty nicely again. Even cross-compiled a new version of Seamonkey for it (since my normal builds I make are 64-bit and the Pentium M is IA32).
Replies: >>2001 >>2002
Hey, 2000. Nice.

Also, been job searching the last few weeks. Think I'll take a break from university and try to get my foot in the door somewhere. Ideally C programming but honestly I'd take nearly anything that I can stomach.
>but would append that I think that when possible you should attempt to reduce the amount of suffering to others your actions can contribute to.

That is well within the philosophy of worrying about only that which is within your control. Yourself, your family, your friends, and your community are all within your circle of influence, and you have the ability to make a difference in all of them. The larger issues that the current generation is fixated with: climate change, concentration camps in China, immigration, birth rates, demographics, issues of human nature like racism and sexism, etc are all totally beyond the control of anyone complaining on Twitter.

The old quote on this is:
“I am, at the Fed level, libertarian;
at the state level, Republican;
at the local level, Democrat;
and at the family and friends level, a socialist.
If that saying doesn’t convince you of the fatuousness of left vs. right labels, nothing will.”
Replies: >>2003
I already knew party labels were dumb and overly broad, yeah.
Another day, another decade-old Mozilla bug that really should have been fixed a decade ago.


Calibrated my screens today. Laptop is noticeably nicer now in programs with color management going, and I'm currently working on adding it into some other graphics-related programs that don't have it now.

The big outlier will be Grafx2, which I don't think I want to try to tackle color management in given its ancient codebase.

Hope you guys aren't all dead.
Replies: >>2007 >>2008 >>2009
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I'm still here.
Not a whole lot going on my end.
I am alive and well. I still check-in now and again, but I go weeks at a time without turning on the computer at all. I suppose I can blogpost for a bit; it's been a while.

I had somewhat of a revelation a couple of months back. It occurred to me that the internet is no longer just a sampling of everyday people, but rather it has become a social underclass of, for lack of a better word, losers. If the internet were a person it would be a loud black woman showing up at Walmart in the middle of the day still wearing her pajamas.

In this frame of thought, the various 'qualities' of internet users start to make much more sense. Of course internet users are going to have strong feelings of entitlement and anti-capitalist sentiments - they are on their phones in the comfort of their parents' house at 1130 on a Wednesday! Of course they are going to obsess over the gays and turn sexual preference into a personality - find me anyone on the internet who isn't a porn addict. It should come as no surprise that people sitting around on a workday might fetishize weakness and spawn movements like 'fat acceptance,' or expect free healthcare.

Seemingly the entire internet is depressed, horribly insecure, and oversocialized. These are not the qualities of everyday people, but of this bizarre underclass of losers that is eager to reject healthy habits and lifestyles, yet can't imagine why they and everyone they interact with is a behavioral mess.

When I talk to people in real life, they are not on a moralistic vaccine (or anti-vaccine) crusade. They are not curled up in a little ball, terrified that climate change is going to turn Alaska into Iraq. They are capable of uttering sentences that aren't dripping in hollow empathy towards various groups or in-group signals ("Yall," said the urban Portlander). Their opinions have nuance, and aren't just the regurgitation of someone else's talking points.

I guess to some extent this is my fault. Were I to walk into a bar, I shouldn't be surprised to find alcoholics, anymore than I should be surprised to find miserable societal rejects on the internet. It is just kind of staggering that the entire platform should be comprised of them. At any rate, I just have nothing in common with the internet anymore; why would I ever want to read the opinions of a 20 year-old whose idea of fun involves watching another person play video games while spamming pictures of faces and frogs into a chat cesspool? Truly he is not the next Seneca, and I can live without his analysis of politics in the Middle East.

So anyway, that's what's going on with me. Life is splendid, and I will check back again. Here's a quick recipe I found some time ago that has gone over surprisingly well with everyone:
Replies: >>2009 >>2013
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Gold Leader /robowaifu/ reportan' in. the commies haven't gotten me yet! We've actually been making some steady progress as a group.

> If the internet were a person it would be a loud black woman showing up at Walmart in the middle of the day still wearing her pajamas.
Kek. I'm stealing that shit. Don't know how yet, but I plan on it.
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Apologies for disturbing you, but I was wondering if one of you could help me with something. I recently attempted to mod TiTS using this likely out of date guide: https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/adventures-in-modding.10145/

I remember it working fine in 2017 when that thread was first made, but now while trying it again I get various problems, shown here. I'm afraid that while I'm quite familiar with CoC and TiTS' source codes on a surface level the actual ins and outs of flash compiling completely elude me. I also occasionally get this "columns may not be nested" error when trying to build, but not always. I'd appreciate if the answers, if any, could be explained to me in the you-are-a-drooling-retard how-do-I-shot-web way I'm sure you are all accustomed to having to stoop to. The final public release of the flash SC was a year or so ago - surely somebody has noticed by now that it doesn't compile properly or easily? Or perhaps it's a mistake on my end.

This might seem like a strange request but I remember Lance being very helpful when I had similar questions four (!!!) years ago, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Replies: >>2013 >>2014
I'm in a sort of similar situation where I'm floating away from here. But coming back occasionally.

Found a true survivor today, an 80's camry in Indiana that hasn't rusted out.
> I had somewhat of a revelation a couple of months back. It occurred to me that the internet is no longer just a sampling of everyday people, but rather it has become a social underclass of, for lack of a better word, losers.
I've thought that for a long time; outside of stuff like facebook that is.
It's sad.
> Seemingly the entire internet is depressed, horribly insecure, and oversocialized. These are not the qualities of everyday people, but of this bizarre underclass of losers that is eager to reject healthy habits and lifestyles, yet can't imagine why they and everyone they interact with is a behavioral mess.
And yeah there's a huge difference between online personalities and IRL convos, usually.
I try my hardest to stay civil with people who disagree with me, as long as they aren't completely idiotic (you are not an idiot by the way). I think that's probably why we've been able to get along.
>Their opinions have nuance, and aren't just the regurgitation of someone else's talking points.
This is the kind of person I have no respect for, although I still try to simply highlight why they're stupid (by dropping a fact) and move on with my day without actually calling them stupid.
>I guess to some extent this is my fault. Were I to walk into a bar, I shouldn't be surprised to find alcoholics
A little? But I think it's also society's fault for being so eager to act like sheep or sockpuppets when it suits them and there are (usually) few consequences.

>why would I ever want to read the opinions of a 20 year-old whose idea of fun involves watching another person play video games while spamming pictures of faces and frogs into a chat cesspool?
I ask myself that every day.
I've said it before, but emoji are retard glyphs.
And I simply do not understand people who watch others playing games. I mean, maybe if they're doing demonstrations on how to do rocket jumping in Quake or something. But most aren't watching that; they're watching people who just make a living recording themselves playing a game, or who make a 2d anime waifu avatar because (I honestly have absolutely no idea what the appeal is here so I'm not going to even try).

I might try the tilapia thing.
1) I don't think anyone here really cares much about the game anyore
2) Yeah I do know something about how to compile it… but while I'll stand by my work, my work is a set of shell scripts for Unix machines, which you do not appear to be running.
3) Java heap space error can be avoided by changing the maximum heap size when invoking the compiler. Edit adt.bat (i think) to add for instance -Xmx4096M. For image pack builds you need even more than that.
4) Are you not using the git repository?
5) Are you sure your sources haven't been edited? Because it builds on my machine.
Note that I am using an older Flex SDK version (18.0.0) on mine.

6) I would need to see the actual context of the sources to even be able to guess.

Do not expect a fast reply.
Replies: >>2014 >>2022
On a personal level, things have been going very well.
After completing my capstone but prior to graduation I was able to land a three month QA internship and then three months later the same employer offered me a six month part contract doing CyberSecurity/IT until the year ends which has been very enjoyable.
Also looking after two kittens.

It seems as if they are attempting to use the GUI version of Flashdevlop.
>Edit adt.bat (i think) to add for instance -Xmx4096M.

Can confirm after reviewing my generation shell script (lines 279 or 290 of generateFile.sh, repo: https://gitgud.io/Blank/BOOBS/).
I would suggest attempting to use Lance's build environment, which should hopefully work with Windows in an ideal world.

I found it very easy to work with and modify as a Unix/Linux user in the before times when my interest in TITS was not at -9,000.

>surely somebody has noticed by now that it doesn't compile properly or easily?
Are you implying that any noticeable amount of fanboi's for Jewoxo's work have the clue slightest about development?

If memory serves, in one of the blog posts Savin mentioned that the public source may be updated once the JS port is completed (which I personally interpret as never ever or not until after the heat death of the universe).
Replies: >>2015 >>2022
>You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
>'get the sapphire newsletter' checked by default on sign up page
>https://gitgud.io/users/sign_in still lists freenode as the support IRC channel, and also puts discord higher on list
Nah. I'll pass.
Replies: >>2021 >>2022
My build environment

And it works in windows under Cygwin, but if I remember correctly only if you edit the xml generation script to use windows-style paths (starting with drive letter, followed by path with escaped backslashes to the files) since Windows Java doesn't like Cygwin-style paths.
Replies: >>2017
Oh and you can get windows paths by runningcygpath -w /full/path/to/convert/to/windows/style/path
Untested, but probably works to post-process the XML files generated by configure.sh (run this from inside the 'obj' directory):cp TiTSFDConfig.xml TiTSFDConfig.xml.backup; grep '<path-element>' TiTSFDConfig.xml | sed 's/ *//g;s!<.\?path-element>!!g'|while read line; do echo "$line"; winepath -w "$line" 2>/dev/null; done | sed 's!^!<path-element>!;s!$!</path-element>!;s!\\!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!g'| (cp TiTSFDConfig.xml tmpxml.xml; while read linea; do read lineb; sed 's!'"$linea"'!'"$lineb"'!' tmpxml.xml > tmpxml2.xml; mv tmpxml2.xml tmpxml.xml; done); if [ -e "tmpxml.xml" ]; then mv tmpxml.xml TiTSFDConfig.xml; fi
I could have made this simpler with sed -i, but that's not posix and this is.
Sorry I left 'winepath' in there; I did a minimal test in wine because it has a tool similar to cygpath.
Fixed:cp TiTSFDConfig.xml TiTSFDConfig.xml.backup; grep '<path-element>' TiTSFDConfig.xml | sed 's/ *//g;s!<.\?path-element>!!g'|while read line; do echo "$line"; cygpath -w "$line"; done | sed 's!^!<path-element>!;s!$!</path-element>!;s!\\!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!g'| (cp TiTSFDConfig.xml tmpxml.xml; while read linea; do read lineb; sed 's!'"$linea"'!'"$lineb"'!' tmpxml.xml > tmpxml2.xml; mv tmpxml2.xml tmpxml.xml; done); if [ -e "tmpxml.xml" ]; then mv tmpxml.xml TiTSFDConfig.xml; fi
After installing cygwin you'll need to add Windows Java to your cygwin path; should be something like PATH="$PATH"':/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/whatever/bin'.
And If you have done that it should all work from there.
That is because the post render does not know how to handle ) after links.
Corrected: https://gitgud.io/Blank/BOOBS/
Happy plane day, everyone!

>This is the kind of person I have no respect for
One of my biggest issues with any sort of serious conversation online is that everything has devolved into a combination of gotchas and binary outlooks. Don't like forced diversity in everything because of the type of people responsible for it? You must hate black people. Believe that killing an unborn child is not morally equatable to having a wisdom tooth removed? Well you just hate letting women make choices. Not attracted to fat people? You're just an 'incel.'

No one wants to talk about the issue at hand, they'd rather look past what the other person is saying to tear down a strawman of their own creation. My favorite is how everything has become a 'basic human right' overnight. Yes lad, the right to have a doctor chop off your dick is definitely up there beside the right to freedom from slavery and torture.

But luckily there is that wonderful world away from the internet, where people aren't obsessed with sex and 'gender,' and aren't absolutely batshit insane.

>And I simply do not understand people who watch others playing games. 
I understand it in the same sense that I understand crap like OnlyFans - parasocial relationships. When you have no friends beyond the shallow interaction of online chat rooms, being a part of a streamer's fan group helps fill the void and provides a sense of community. Still, I have nothing but disdain for such a pathetic person.

I'm unconvinced that streamer drama videos on YouTube aren't a form of psychological torture banned by the Geneva Convention, and I dread to ever meet the man that arrives home only to say to himself, "It's time to watch that three hour video about how So-And-So was problematic on last week's stream."  Please just hit me with a bat instead.

>On a personal level, things have been going very well.
Glad to hear it!

Fun fact, since GitGud is a separate (but linked) entity from Sapphire, you used to (might still be able to) disconnect GitGud from Sapphire in the account options, and it would permanently cripple the GitGud account. If you tried to log into it, you'd reach a blank white page, with no way to log out besides deleting the site's cookies. A long time ago, I used that trick to disable the public accounts of some undesireably projects. :)
Popping in to see if you guys are still alive. Used to lurk here for TiTs builds back on 8ch. Sorry for being a fair weather lurker. Hope you guys are doing alright.
Replies: >>2026 >>2032
It has been years since I last had a properly working email client that could authenticate everywhere.

Finally got it working properly today (embarrassing). Feels good.

Oh yeah my overdrive died though. So I'll be trying to tackle that soon. I have a transmission from another car but will need a lot of time and some equipment to get it moved over.
also hi
Replies: >>2027
The trans on that camry you mentioned? stick or auto?
Replies: >>2028 >>2031
its called a tranny retard
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Lol, so those panasonic laptops I mentioned eyeing ages ago?

Looks like Panasonic is doing some evangelion promotion for them now.

I'm slightly amused but also dying inside because of an overdose cynical commercialism everywhere I look.

At least the keyboard and aspect ratio are still not ruined yet.

Replies: >>2032
It's a volvo.

Uses the same shitty slushbox transmission as a tacoma though.

I have a manual donor, but I need a different drive shaft for it if I want to use it. And I have an auto donor as well.
Replies: >>2033
Good seeing you again. TiTS delenda est!

>an overdose cynical commercialism everywhere I look.
Should we be alarmed to discover the sick at a hospital? Then why should commercialism on the internet be any different? Surround yourself with the world you want to live in, but don't expect it to come to you.

On another note, I liked Evangelion, but can't imagine leaving the house carrying a laptop with Asuka plastered on the back. Almost as bad as a video game tattoo.
Hey a Volvo? Coolest of shitboxes. Manual conversion would be sweet, but getting it back on the road is probably the smart choice.
Spoiler File
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Hello, /f/ossils.

I am writing a comprehensive history of Corruption of Champions's development. It began as a relatively small document I was hoping to write to replace the omission-heavy 'History of /cocg/' article that's often touted as the definitive story of CoC. I only planned on covering 2012 to 2016, from /cocg/'s inception to the moment CoC was 'completed' and buried by its writers. In the process, I realized I could only do my work justice by covering the story in its entirety, starting from Unnamed Text Game's origins in 2010 and going right up the present day, covering how CoC's various shitstorms and demons (no pun intended) have gone on to affect the development of CoCII, too. I have spent the last several days with my nose in the Wayback Machine to pick up what pieces I can of the earlier years and am sitting on nearly 85,000 words of documentation.

I was wondering if any of you had any memories you'd like to share; little-known bits of drama or other controversies that you've kept in your heads over the years that you'd like to be on the final record. This includes any remarks on the games' writers or developers, Trials in Tainted Space's worst atrocities (I don't plan on researching that game's development in nearly as much detail as CoC/CoCII, so speak now or forever hold your peace!), Slablands, etcetera. Any rare images, stories, anecdotes and so on—please share them if you'd be willing.
Replies: >>2035 >>2036
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CoC's development was before my time (I was working with FC Dev on 'Free Cities'), but if you ever want to write about TiTS or (early) CoCII, I had the unfortunate luck of being heavily involved in that here. For a time, I was 'commie anon' on 4chan's /dgg/, responsible for the Rabbi Fennberg fun, and also co-admin of the /d/ Discord before it went full-homosexual. For CoCII, Fen moved away from downloadable builds to prevent a repeat of our fun, and I ended up writing a web scraper to download their online version. But the game was absolutely awful and I abandoned all involvement within a matter of months.

>Trials in Tainted Space's worst atrocities
Since I'm guessing this section will be mostly a footnote to the CoC stuff, I'll just summarize the biggest happenings.

1. I had been dumping backer builds of TiTS on /dgg/, along with my edited changelogs, for some time. Fen eventually got tired of it and added a tracking code to the TiTS build, discovering which account was leaking the builds, and shadow-banning me. Lance here discovered the tracking code, as well as how to remove it, and we were back in business for several more years. From about 2016 - 2020, almost every leaked backer build you could find on the internet had come for this board.

2. For reasons still unknown to us, Fen decided to change Syri's artwork, and the spunky white teen suddenly morphed into Aunt Jemima. This led to a lot of drama, and our creation of 'White Syri Edition' builds, restoring the original art. Fen eventually added more art, which we thoroughly Caucasian'd, and one anon even removed her dick (might have been flashmaster).

3. There's this tranny on Fen's staff, Gedan, whose life is an absolute trainwreck (but I repeat myself). The only time his name even came up was to inform the community of his latest struggle with living. Anyway, he had been responsible for the fabled 'ship update' for like two years, and Fen was constantly letting everyone know that progress was slow but steady. "It's a huge game-changing update, it's not going to materialize overnight!" Well, after about two years, Fen said Gedan no longer had time to work on it, and he was going to do it himself. The work was done, start to finish, in a week. Hmmm.

4. Fen would constantly go weeks at a time without working, blaming some illness or another. It became a running gag that Fen, dating a tranny, probably had GRIDs. My favorite was the time he took a second week off work because an ear infection he had the previous week had supposedly spread to his other ear. This does not happen. Ear infections either start in both ears (or symptoms in the second ear begin soon after), or the infection stays in one ear. An ear infection cannot cross the head without going through the brain - causing potentially fatal meningitis and requiring much more intensive care than a week off work. It was also amusing how often his illnesses coincided with furry conventions in his area, or game releases.

5. Lance wrote a tool that auto-built the backer version of the game from the files on their GitHub repo. This caused Fen to stop updating the public github repo altogether.

6. Lance used to build all of the mobile versions for us, and he drew this adorable app icon for TiTS that has probably been seen by anyone who ran pirated TiTS on their phone.

Much of all this has been lost time, but I dug up a handful of screenshots I made way back when.
Replies: >>2037 >>2041 >>2059
Though it's probably nothing that needs to be in any official history of TiTS, thinking of all this reminded me of some of the fun we had over the years.

1. We had been frequently plagued by absolute retards from F95 for years. Within minutes of Fen releasing his builds, these watermelon sellers would arrive en masse to demand that we get it for them, in broken English. This led to the creation of special 'F95 Editions' for them, including:
- The Richard Stallman Edition, which replaced all character busts with images of Richard Stallman.
- The Pedophile Edition, which changed the browser's tab-text to make it look like the file was sending searches for CP to Pornhub.

2. There was this terminally online loser named Emerald in their community. Like, I have never met a more worthless person in my life, and doubt that I ever will. On the one hand, she would talk about how she only brushed her teeth every few weeks, and how she positively lived in online 'fandoms' and would suffer crippling anxiety just from being away from her computer. But on the other, she was absolutely hated by everyone here because all she ever did was take out her frustrations with life on other people in the community. Nothing could be said by anyone on the forum or Discord without this miserable sack of shit looking for an excuse to chew them out. I ended up throwing up a Discord account and posting this absolutely scathing monologue about Emerald's daddy issues, and her need to discuss her menstrual periods with everyone. She broke down and left the community for like six months over it. It was petty as hell (what of our work here wasn't), but just lovely all the same.
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I would be honored if you would tell me as much as you know or are willing to share about CoCII's missteps, down to the last nitty, seemingly unimportant detail. I don't plan on using all of the information I'll collect, but the task of bridging the gap between CoC1 and the sequel is a daunting one. I hear all sorts of stories that I can't verify because I know next to nothing about CoCII at the moment since I'm still working my way up to it. Inserted OCs capable of killing gods, wholesome superhero daughters added out of spite purely to mock people asking for incest content, inside joke characters written to make fun of CoC1 players who didn't like forced polyamory, the main villain being rewritten from an evil demon to a morally grey 'mommy!!~' figure who actually disagrees with much of the demons' worst acts purely because of player $urvey$ showing that she was a beloved character in the community, and so on.

Do you know much else about Gedan? A source told me that he's now one of the most important members of the FenCo administration along with Savin and Adjatha (whatever you might have on them is welcome too, by the way), but I know next to nothing about him at the moment.
Replies: >>2038
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>CoCII's missteps, down to the last nitty, seemingly unimportant detail.
I'll write out everything I can remember tomorrow, but I don't know how much of it will be useful, since I don't think I ever actually played the damn thing.

>inside joke characters written to make fun of CoC1 players who didn't like forced polyamory
This was one of the big issues with Fen's band of degenerates in general towards the end. Early CoC had its share of issues regarding content submissions, but the vast majority of the content was still aimed at pleasing the players. Fen's community has banned or ostracized everyone that isn't a hyper-progressive, dick-sucking, dog-fucking, Fen fanboy, and the result is that most of the writing became in-jokes and appeals to other staff members rather than fun for the community. Writers were writing more for 'good boy' points from Fen, rather than to move the story along in any meaningful way.

Savin was the lead writer for early CoCII. You'll recall him from earlier smash hits like "I changed my mind: Syri's dick isn't going away in SyriQuest after all" and "I hate when people mod CoC because then The Poors can't tell where my masterpiece ends and some plebeian's fanfiction begins" (horribly ironic considering his literary talents make Young Adult novels look like Homer's Odyssey). Anyway, his primary fetishes are anal and cuckoldry; lovely, I know. Helia's cuck content in CoC1 drew considerable controversy, doubly so in later years, after CoCMod expanded the cucking further. It was always a running joke during TiTS' development that Savin was incapable of writing characters that weren't hellbent on cheating on you. And thus began CoCII with a main character whose religion demanded polyamory. The kindest thing I can say about Savin is that I know nothing of his political views after five years, because he never felt the need to create an entire personality out of smug social media posts.

>Do you know much else about Gedan?
He was Constantly Gone during TiTS' development. Supposedly a dev working on this or that, but also his car was breaking down, he was between residences, etc. Disappeared from the community entirely for many months, and did not re-materialize until early in CoCII's development. He was one of the lead devs working on CoCII (now a javascript game), while Savin was Project Lead and apparently the lead writer. Other than that, Gedan was just one of those Chinese off-brand versions of women.

The worst 'artist' to ever appear before my poor eyeballs. Jesus Tapdancing Christ I hope the lad gets sewn into a sack with venomous snakes one day. You know how most games are played by several different people? And these people all have different likes and dislikes? Long hair or short hair, tall or short, busty or flat, etc? Well, Adjatha never got that concept. His art (exceptionally generous wording here) is entirely the same, and appeals to one type of person.

Adjatha starts his abominations with an animal, we'll call it a rat, and he begins by making it morbidly obese, as if it were buying hair weaves at Walmart. Now, whatever size thighs and tits he's given this rat, it's time to double them. Then the rat receives its absolutely-mandatory latex suit. Next, the rat gets a massive crotch bulge, because women are just icky or something. Lastly, for whatever bizarre reason, he runs the rat's head through some sort of compression algorithm, so that its scrunched up and distorted face resembles a JPG from the 90's that had been copied and pasted a million times through the ages.
Replies: >>2039 >>2040 >>2041
I take back the last step of Adjatha's art process; it was Cheshire that couldn't draw faces to save his life. Adjatha just couldn't draw attractive things.
>The kindest thing I can say about Savin is that I know nothing of his political views after five years, because he never felt the need to create an entire personality out of smug social media posts
We are kindred spirits. That's the one thing I've come to be pleasantly surprised by about him so far as well—no using his grand stage to preach to the masses about politics (though literature is another story), unlike Fen's sorry alleged tendency to keep stopping work due to depression caused by arguing about politics on Twitter.

More stories and information relating to Fenoxo and Savin's forays into trendy progressivism and things like Syri's dedicking and other spites or odd acts of revenge against the community that happened throughout TiTS/CoCII would be much appreciated. I'm fairly certain that my (now novel-length and I've only covered two and a half years, what the fuck am I doing?) work is going to end with a chapter on FenCo's constant attempts to bury CoC because they hate its community and consider much of the game's content too controversial to see the light of day.
Replies: >>2043 >>2045
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I know that I made some edits. I think there were a few others, but these are all I have left in my edit folder.

As I recall, the edits I made consisted of:
A - Thinning nuSyri out, which I did by lowering the horizontal resolution of the image
B - Changing the skin color a bit, which was just me using the bucket tool and doing a whole lot of autistic pixel hunting
C - De-roastifying the vagina, which I did by just erasing the old one and drawing in a new one
D - Further thinning her out by smoothing out or erasing the fat rolls in the original image.
E - Giving her a womb tatoo which marks her as /f/'s property.

I can't speak for any outside forums, but the most popular nickname for Savin here was "Anal Savin".
Replies: >>2042
>but the most popular nickname for Savin here was "Anal Savin".
Funnily enough, that used to be a positive moniker for him. Before Savin came along in the summer of 2012, lots of people were complaining about the dearth of anal content in CoC because Fenoxo had a deep aversion to it and only wrote vaginal scenes. How times change.
I remember exactly one vaguely-political post from Savin, in which he argued against firearm restrictions. Actual marxists tend to be just as in favor of firearms as conservatives, so the stance isn't too revealing of his political views. But it made me think that perhaps he keeps his views to himself because he's not the mindless progressive his community expects.

Fen's Twitter account used to be very centrist, actually. The vast majority of his content was focused on his game and the surrounding community, and his occasional political posts tended to be longer with respectably nuanced (even if disagreeable) positions you would expect of actual human beings. It was around the time that he started his "ExhibitionNoxo" Twitter account (dedicated entirely to pictures of his dick) that he adopted the usual "Nuance is for Nazis" mindset, and his Twitter account quickly filled with infantile progressivism. Now everything he likes is a 'basic human right' and everything he doesn't like is caused by some -ism.

>keep stopping work due to depression caused by arguing about politics on Twitter
Somewhat amusing to hear that's what things have come to. When I last paid attention to any of this, his dereliction of duty was at least limited to supposed medical causes. These people are utterly miserable - unable to even make it through the day so long as someone, somewhere is a victim of something. Yet they look at you like some sort of squid creature when you suggest that they can still live a good life despite world problems, rather than continue their frustrated and entirely impotent social media activism.

>More stories and information relating to Fenoxo and Savin's forays into trendy progressivism
1. Sometime in 2018 or 2019, there was a character in TiTS that you could dominate if you defeated. I don't know the specifics because I never played TiTS beyond early Syri. But, while the player being raped and forcibly changed upon defeat was totally kosher to this community, being on the giving end of such made them feel 'uncomfortable.' Fen toned down the character considerably, under the excuse of 'correcting poor writing.'

2. Fen's sorry excuse for parenting was well followed over the years. As chronicled in CoC's history, leaked chat logs from way back when showed Fen sexting some community member while still married to his wife. He later left her for a tranny, but there was still the matter of his kid. Throughout TiTS' development, Fen would periodically take time off to watch his kid, as a 'favor to his ex.' Time spent with his kid was never about the kid themself, or Fen's role in their life; it was always seen as just a grudging obligation to his ex-wife.  As eager to skip work as Fen was, I don't recall a single instance of that being due to his kid's birthdays or school events. To think how different my perception of Fen would be if, instead of mysterious and fake illnesses, Fen had simply said he needed time off work because his kid was more important.

3. Sort of off-topic, but you're probably well aware that Cyberpunk 2077 was universally seen as the second coming of Christ by a category of people that I despise - Fen included. Anyone who had given CDPR a passing glance since The Witcher could see that they were no longer the same studio, and there was no reason to expect anything from this new game. But not Fen. Like most bugmen, Fen had fallen for the hype and was prepared to lock himself in his room for a week while he vegetated in front of this garbage. To this day, I've had more fun watching a week's worth of palpable disappointment from that detestable group than they had playing the game.

4. My personal opinion regarding Syri's sudden change in melanin was that it was done both for the sake of diversity. Her skin tone had been described as white in-game up til then, likely using the only synonym for 'white' Savin seems to be aware of; alabaster. Her skin tone after the change was very much in a different tax bracket.

But alas, it is Monday. More to come after the markets close.
Coincidentally enough I just came across vg/post/15368028 where an anon suggests that, based on Savin's remarks in Fenchat during a conversation about politics, he was indeed a conservative; at least in 2012. He once claimed that he was a "crazy religious fundamentalist paladin type" in his teens, though, so maybe it wore off.
Replies: >>2045
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One more thing. I found a screenshot I took of TiTS' offbeatr page. The reasoning should be self-explanatory, as none of those promises carried over into actual development.

As I think on it, I realize that I don't remember much of interest regarding CoCII. The entire run up was uneventful to me, culminating in me deciding that the game was terrible and unworthy of the time spent uploading it (I was on a 1mb/s connection at the time, and it took about 45 minutes to upload all of this crap). But I'll share what I remember.

Savin was put in charge of TiTS, and Fen made a big deal about keeping the two games/teams separate. Fen would be working exclusively on TiTS, while Savin and his band of transsexuals (Gedan, and one I can't remember) would be working on CoCII. To access CoCII's dev builds, you had to subscribe to Savin's personal Patreon.

There is/was a public git repo with some work for CoCII. Nothing substantial, but it is of interest because 90% of it was written in TypeScript. I don't know if this was just a dev's brief attempt to write the game in his favorite language, or if the game ended up actually being written in TS. The published result either way would be obfuscated JavaScript, but I found it an interesting note at the time.

We all knew that Savin, with his substantial disdain for modding, would never publish CoCII in a way that was accessible. And this proved to be the case. Originally the game was to have an Online version and a Downloaded version; there was even a Download link at the top of the page. Downloadable copies of CoCII were not made available throughout the entire time I followed the game (I presume they are now). The only way to play CoC early in development was Online - thus heavily restricting piracy.

It was a nice thought, but the game also preloaded all of its assets at the start of the game. So I wrote a quick web scraper to save everything it was loading, and preserve the directory layout. This created an offline downloadable game with full assets, though the actual source code was still obfuscated (you could interact with some of it, but it was a pain in the ass and not worth the hassle). Now that I think of it, the 'F95 Pedophile Edition' was most likely a CoCII build rather than TiTS, since the game ran in a browser window. I spent a few months uploading those CoCII builds here, which were probably the only downloadable copies around, since no one else was going to write a web scraper for such garbage.

Eventually they started adding assets that were not being preloaded at the start, and since I did not play the game, I had the unenviable task of trying to explain to porn addicts how they can use their browser to identify which asset is missing and let me know so that I could download it manually and repackage the build. It got to be such a hassle that I just stopped doing it.

I tried the game once for about five minutes. There was a kitsune in it, so my interest was naturally piqued. I 
skimmed through the introductory content, found the kitsune, began to read the godawful literature attached to it. And then I never re-opened the game. I might be able to answer specific questions, but this is really all that comes to mind about early CoCII for me.

You might try searching for archives of our board on julay.world, back when it was all going on. Fen and some of his staff had even posted there at various times. I remember we had this one guy pop in full of "y'all"s, "yikes", and other buggy buzzwords trying to give us a hard time while also avoiding 'problematic' language in his posts. It turned out to be one of their writers - 'B' or 'Hugs' if I remember correctly. Absolute faggot, whoever it was.

>wholesome superhero daughters added out of spite purely to mock people asking for incest content
Savin would not let anyone write content for Helspawn, even going so far as to hound modders about their work. It was a frequently desired fetish, and Savin was constantly on guard for it.

Savin is also not a furry. It wouldn't surprise me much if he were more conservative than the rest of the team, but I have no idea what that would look like in practice, considering the political makeup of the others. "Well, maybe women should be able to kill their unborn children. But only on Tuesdays!"

Somewhere out there, there's a 'They Live' Savin meme I made, documenting all the buzzwords from Savin's various controversies. If I ever see it again, I'll probably remember more of them. I'm not fond of the man, but Fen's behavior over the years makes Savin look like an upstanding gentleman - such as the controversy of Fen getting the community to pay for his transsexual boyfriend's tit job.
Replies: >>2046 >>2203
As I understand, CoCII is now inundated with kitsunes due to the work of one person, The Observer, also known as Tobs. He refers to them as his "floofs" and I believe there's some convoluted plotline where you have a "floof" daughter who is nothing but heckin' wholesomeness and fights crime or something. The enemies of the kitsunes are furry foxes (how daring. wink-wink, audience) who serve CoC1's fox god, who has also been imported to the second game. Do you know much about The Observer?
Replies: >>2047
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>CoCII is inundated with kitsunes
That's honestly hilarious. I might even have to play it one day just to see if there's anything in there I might like now.

>Do you know much about The Observer
I've spoken to him a few times, years ago. I have no idea what he's like today, but at the time his writing was good and he was a voice of reason in that community of miscreants. It's actually encouraging to hear that he's had an outsized role in the development/writing of CoCII. I do remember him trending towards 'wholesome' crap, but after dealing with Fen for that long, it was nice to see anything other than player-takes-dick-in-his-ass being written.

I don't know him personally, but he was the only writer on that community I liked. I remember writing out some thoughts on him here at one point - likely in the archives at 8ch or Julay.

Skimming through the wiki page, I see that DCL did a lot of art for CoCII; certainly encouraging to see anything other than Jacques or Adjatha. This one kitsune is adorable, and a total breath of fresh air after years of obese rabbits in latex suits.

I have no idea how this game is distributed these days. But if I can run it on Linux, I'll probably take a look to see how it's doing some time.
Replies: >>2048 >>2049
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>I have no idea how this game is distributed these days
It's on Steam, sometimes I'll see it while scrolling through the store there.
Replies: >>2049
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Great. It was worth $10 just to not have to register for F95 or set the damn thing up in Wine.

Follow up: I tried it for half an hour.

Compared to the first few months, this was a significant change. Cait's promiscuity didn't appear to come up at all in the beginning scenario (I saw a button concerning her faith but didn't press it. Otherwise, the subject was never broached). 

Because the intro writing was decent, I have to give Savin credit for progressing through the years. Furthermore, it was light years ahead of anything I read in TiTS. I skimmed the thing in order to get to the kitsune (the gem puzzle was a worthless addition to the game, compounded by the fact that you have to solve it three times). That is when things began to unravel. 

So, the kitsune. The Observer is not great at writing smut. It's as though a blind man is attempting to describe a painting. There is thrusting, squeezing, and so on, but for the majority of people, sex is not primarily a physical affair; sex is, by and large, a psychological and emotional experience (Are you aroused at washing your dick in the shower?). And if you can substitute a warm melon for the woman in your story and still have it read the same way, you've only portrayed a similar experience to masturbating. Some of the writing was just... no. Take for example, "You let go of her ass just long enough to give your fox-wife's ears a fondle. Yes, it really is in her. What's she going to do about it?" Yeah...

On a side note, what is the point of having a kitsune if they are just going to behave like regular humans? Is it even proper kitsune smut if she isn't saying things like "I want to have your pups!" or "A-are you really okay with a fox?" The 'fluffy tail' bit gets old fast, and again we are only focusing on the physical aspect of the kitsune.

The user interface is clumsy. Despite the new JavaScript UI, only a small portion of it is actionable. You would anticipate that when you click on your character's symbol, your appearance or inventory will be displayed, however you must instead click on Journal, followed by Appearance. Messy.

While some of the artwork was acceptable, most of it did not appeal to me. It made me nostalgic for the old sprite art of CoC1, where I could fill in the features in my head, and where slim hips were not entirely verboten.

Overall, I suppose I can't complain at $10, but it'll be a long time before I play it again. Much improved over TiTS, but still not my cup of tea. I've also been extremely spoilt over the last year by AI Dungeon and NovelAI, which provide me with AI-generated kitsune characters that cater to my every whim. In one of my early attempts at bastardizing AI storytelling for smut, I was pursuing this tsundere-ish kitsune, and she snarled at me with "Are you into fucking dogs?!" I couldn't believe that the AI was capable of understanding context well enough to come up with an insult like that. AI-kitsunes have been my go-to ever since.
Just dropping in to let you know I'm still working on the history of CoC (130,000 words now) and that I'm still deeply interested in hearing about little-known drama relating to TiTS/CoCII's development and writers that you guys might have stored away. I just wasn't sure what to say—I came here to dig up dirt from a community I assumed would be more anti-FenCo than any other and ended up making Savin ten dollars. I am not sure how to deal with that.
Replies: >>2055
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There was a time when I'd made being anti-FenCo into a personal crusade of sorts. But today it would be like asking my concerns of the Soviet Union - it's silly and I couldn't care less.

It was fun to reminisce about the old days, and I hope some of the others can share their memories with you as well. But I feel more pity than anger towards anyone still involved in that community after all these years.
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I still drop in now and again.

I just got a working Tek 468 oscilloscope for $25, and a non-working 486DX Compaq portable III clone (like, a clone of the compaq) for $30. Motherboard doesn't show signs of life, but looks really clean. Going to try reseating everything as soon as I have time (and maybe find a PLCC puller).
Even if I don't get it working, I have verified that it's a good PSU and also the hard disk still works. Any number of other components could still be good. And I got a gas plasma display and clicky Alps switch keyboard out of this, So I can't be too mad.

I also got a totally untested but good looking physically Thinkpad 310 for $10.

My friend also went with me, and got a working 8086 Olivetti (AT&T 6300). No hard disk or anything though, and he has no floppies, and he knows next to nothing about old PC's (didn't realize when he bought it he'd need an HDD or boot FDD to actually do anything with it). I told him about the Gotek drives, but omitted that I got an ISA IDE controller with my luggable.

Glad you're figuring things out. Despite my grumping and such, I do still manage to feel like I'll work things out (things will work out in the end). It's good to keep a positive attitude.
Replies: >>2058 >>2067
actually, IDK; that might not be enough for an 8086 clone. I know that for instance there's a separate type of IDE for XT class machines that's 8-bit.
So much about these computers that I've never gotten around to messing with. Hopefully I'll be able to make this board work (and hopefully dump the BIOS before it's too late, if it's not already).

BTW pulling out all the RAM and cards and powering it doesn't make the speaker beep, so it's not even getting that far.
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Hello again. That archivist guy here. I now have the entirety of 2010 and 2011 chronicled and 'finished' and will soon begin the task of mashing together some 180,000 words of /vg/ archiving from 2012 and early 2013 together with Fenoxo's blogs from that time.

The reason I'm blogging this obviously incredibly important update to you all is because it's rapidly becoming apparent to me that I won't be able to stop with just chronicling CoC between 2010 and 2016, sprinkling in pieces of TiTS's development where relevant and then devoting a few chapters to CoCII and how it differs from CoC. What was once a nagging thought has reached a buzzing fever pitch and has become impossible to ignore - if I am putting in this much work to record CoC's history, why on earth would I not do the same with TiTS? Development of the two overlapped for several years, and I am growing increasingly convinced for several reasons (too convoluted to explain in this fat post) that one must understand CoC's history to understand TiTS's. With that said:

I rescind my earlier claim that TiTS is going to be sidelined in my project. It will be no footnote. I do plan on researching the game's development in as much detail as CoC (and, eventually, CoCII.) Any more information (however seemingly unimportant), noteworthy events, landmark moments from any time in the game's development, etc., that you could lay out for me would be incredibly appreciated. Much of my frustration comes from having to essentially pore over the same information three times: first to collect it all, second to see what's important and how it interconnects, and lastly as I'm putting it all together for the final cut. Having someone knowledgable to lay out the major beats in advance would be a big help: which authors are worth paying attention to because of their later relevance, for example. I realize this amounts to "Hey, remember TiTS? Tell me about it! What do you mean you want specifics?" but I thought I'd push my luck here as much as I can. I've asked around in a few other places but it seems as though the majority of TiTS players elsewhere only came in well after the game was up and running circa 2018 or so, and the only remaining CoC players seem to be post-Steam-release tourists who just want to spam mass-produced Discord emojis of their favorite waifus from CoC2 dabbing.
Replies: >>2062 >>2077
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Happy Thanksgiving, all!

I'm still around to a certain extent; I still check in from time to time. As it appears to be that time of year, I am once again 'dating' someone with a troubling age difference. I've come to the realization that I clearly have a 'type,' as this girl is nearly identical to the last one in every manner but hair color, and that I also appear to be this group's 'type' as well. Though it is difficult to imagine a lasting relationship ever forming from these types, I can only hope that this one is not concealing any suicidal tendencies that may surface in the spring. 

I've been following your troubles with a keen interest, despite the fact that it's obviously a highly personal affair with many things left unsaid, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't all a conundrum to me. However, I am overjoyed to hear that progress has been made! 

I'm sure most people have an idea of true love when they're younger; I certainly did at one point. However, as I grew older, I realized that my definition of love was little more than thinly veiled lust, and that true love looked quite different. In my head, there are persons with whom I imagine all of the nuzzling, cuddling, hand-holding, and other physically irresistible components of love. However, there are people in my life that I truly love, whose health keeps me up at night, and for whom I am willing to put up with a variety of hardships. The people I really love present me with far greater difficulties than I anticipated true love to be, and my love for them is far more ‘boring’ than any fantasy. When I was a young man, I believed that love and sex were inextricably linked, but I no longer feel that is the case, and love looks quite differently to me today. I don’t know what true love quite looked like for you, but I'm guessing the majority of people make a similar finding as they mature. 

I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion. While we cannot choose our circumstances, we do have complete power over how we respond to them. Regardless of its countless tragedies, life can be beautiful for those who choose to hold that view. How fortunate we are to have been born human at all, rather than, perhaps, as salmon!
Replies: >>2067
>where two people would share all interests, thoughts, emotions, secrets, and withold nothing
I should recommend a puppy or a young child before a woman! Should I be so honored as to find a perfect woman, our relationship will assuredly be imperfect through my own failings! The fruit of love is compassion, yet the soil commands tears and sweat!

My time with TiTS began in 2015, but I must confess that my only interest (which was to be quickly abandoned) was Syri; I have not even played the game beyond that in all this time. The writing comes from fundamentally incurious people whose creativity cannot transcend "what if this girl had a penis too?" Gladly would I answer what I could, but I paid no attention to the writers, and am more unfamiliar with the story than someone who picked it up for the first time last week!
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Installing OpenBSD for the first time. Didn't take long for me to decide I like it.

(system is a Thinkpad 310 with a Pentium and 32mb RAM)
Replies: >>2064 >>2068
this thing was $10 at a HAMfest; had to rip it down to the motherboard to get to the RTC battery (removing motherboard from the frame).

Apart from that, and needing a valid boot sector on the HDD before it will let me boot a CD-ROM, this computer's been doing well so far. Optical drive works (laser hasn't burned out), which is handy.
Replies: >>2065 >>2069
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forgot pic.

It even supports Cardbus cards, so it has 802.11n now.
Replies: >>2066
Performance is a little lacking under X, especially since they removed the accelerated driver in 2019.
Still, it's working for playing stuff with the OPL chip.
Replies: >>2072
Thanks that's very encouraging Anon.

Pretty clean looking gear there. Nice.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving /f/ ! 

As an amateur astronomer in addition to my other (now more active) interests, I was enthralled tonight going out at about 3AM and seeing a wondrous universe thanks to truly exceptionally good seeing this morning. The heavens truly declare the glory of God!  :^)
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I continue to use OpenBSD exclusively; it's a wonderful system. I have no idea what's been going on in the world of Linux, aside from crossdressing, and I could not care less. Semper idem.
Replies: >>2070 >>2077
Are you actually into amateur radio? If you have a license, it would be kind of fun to try to reach someone that far away.
Replies: >>2077
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Lance, what kind of voodoo bullshit is Debian running off of? I'm installing it on a server in my personal network that uses static addressing, but when I told the installer what interface to use, it immediately sent out a DHCP request, and apparently got a response.

I won't find out if it actually works until it's done installing (the encryption is taking a while), but it's weird that I wasn't even prompted to use static addressing.

>I have no idea what's been going on in the world of Linux, aside from crossdressing, and I could not care less.
Neither could I, but I still use it. Ultimatelly, all of the drama seems to be centered in the IRC circlejerks, and it hasn't affected me one bit.
Replies: >>2077
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Whatever black magic networking Debian did apparently worked, it connected to the nonexistent DHCP server on my bridge computer and was assigned an appropriate address, netmask, gateway, and DNS.

In other computer related news, I'm going to be giving away the Alphaserver to a good home. I just can't justify putting any more effort into a massive anemic computer that I ultimately will get very little use or enjoyment from even if I could get everything working properly. It's a shame to let it go, but I have to be realistic with my own expectations. I'm sure down the line I'll find another fun old server that works a bit better.
Replies: >>2073 >>2077
The man page was removed for OpenBSD 6.6, it exists for 6.5, but the driver appears to still exist in some other operating systems. Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and maybe a few others seem to have it. If you're not dead set on using OpenBSD, there are other options to get the driver.
Replies: >>2077

Does it look similar to this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet static
Replies: >>2074
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Nope, it says:
allow-hotplug eno1
iface eno1 inet dhcp

Again, I don't have DHCP on this network. I do have it on the other side of the bridge, but the two networks use completely different address ranges on two different subnets ( on the internal vs on the external. I don't have that many devices, but this way makes it easier for me to tell everything apart).
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Took the w140 in for a smog check today. I had replaced the ignition control module just yesterday, but I wasn't quite sure if that would fix an issue I was having, so I didn't clear the codes in the computer and still had my check engine light on. It turns out that state regulations won't allow a car with a check engine light to pass smog tests, even if their emissions are well within the limits. So I paid $60 just for it to fail, and have to squeeze in another test somewhere before Wednesday.

But here's the thing. The guy gets into your car, starts it up, and drives it into his garage. Long before he even puts his foot on the gas, he can see the bright red engine light. He knows damn well that he can't pass this vehicle. Would it not be proper customer service to say, "Are you sure you want to go through with this test? I can't pass it with this engine light on." This fucking 300lb kike with a 12 year-old's facial hair doesn't say a word about it; perfectly content to run the doomed test and collect $60 from me.

I confronted him about it, and he was an absolute coward. Insinuated that I might be an undercover agent of the state! That I should know the ins and outs of these silly tests! And as I'm leaving, I swear to god. This nigger wearing women's sweatpants comes flying through the lot in an exhaust-modded Altima, and almost hits me. I wrote the owner of this place the most scathing letter in my life. Wouldn't piss on these people if they were on fire.

Anyway, it was a day.
Replies: >>2076 >>2078
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Damn, that's fucking scummy. I can't honestly say that I relate though, since I run pretty much everything I can't do myself through a reputable place. It's a bit more expensive that way, but I think it's worth not having to worry about leaving my precious chariot to risk. I just go in, open up a book while I wait, and they'll come up to me if they see anything bad. Which reminds me: I need to get my power steering line replaced (it's not leaking yet, but it's just starting to perspire).

Lately, the thought of having to get another car has been looming over my head as well. I'm still on my first (Civic '11, if you don't recall) after seven years, and she's slowly starting to show her age. She's not the best for this state, especially during the winter, but I just can't ever see myself abandoning a car that's seen me through so much, even though I know I'll have to someday. She's a little under 180,000 miles, so I know I can still probably squeeze another three to five years out of her if I play my cards right, but sooner or later something's going to fail that I just can't afford to replace.

I really wish I could just have an immortal car. I know lots of people like to replace their cars every now and again or have multiple cars, but I only want one that'll carry me for life. If I'm extrordinarily lucky, I'd like to make it big on the crypto market instead of just dying inside while the prices keep dipping so I can afford the eventual transmission and engine problems, and the frame, you know, because I live in a cursed state that rots everything within its borders.
Replies: >>2081
Already tried NetBSD. It has some IDE controller driver issue that renders the system unusable.

Modern Linux on a 32MB RAM system? Lol, don't make me laugh. The kernel  alone won't even fit on a floppy anymore.

FreeBSD? Meh. Maybe. I sort of have my doubts.
Oooh. I'd like that alphaserver, if you didn't find a home already.
If you did, though, that's fine. Hope it has a good new owner.
Lance, what kind of voodoo bullshit is Debian running off of? I'm installing it on a server in my personal network that uses static addressing, but when I told the installer what interface to use, it immediately sent out a DHCP request, and apparently got a response.
I don't know, but I manually invoke wpa_supplicant and dhclient on my laptop.

Did you use an "advanced" install? Or the GUI one? I only do netinstalls usually.
>are you actually into amateur radio?
Yeah, but I'm not actually licensed. :\

I have picked up books to try to get myself prepared for licensing some time in the future though. And I do have a basic understanding of the principles of it all.

Not gotten back to fixing up the 486 board yet, but I will do that over the holidays.
Interesting, but having lived through its development I can say honestly that it wasn't really too noteworthy.
The only thing that it might be useful for is if you wanted to avoid a certain character by using an older version of the game.
Oh, is that an honest to goodness teletype? I've wanted one of those for a long time.
I do have a monochrome IBM RS232 video terminal, which I do use. But it's not quite as fun.
Replies: >>2081
That's a story from hell. What an asshole.
An "agent of the state" shouldn't be able to fine someone for saying "hey, just so you know, I can't pass this car with the engine light on." I'd be interested in seeing where the law stipulates that.

The only time my Volvo's check engine light has ever come on was when the crank position sensor failed. And Indiana doesn't do smog tests.
Replies: >>2081
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Oh yeah, one more thing.

I've been given an opportunity to pick this up. I'm really thinking about it.
Everyone should aim for two (or more) cars. There comes a time where even the most well-maintained vehicle requires multi-day maintenance (a new head gasket, for example), and you'll need a backup.

Reliability is my only real concern when buying a car. And on the topic of immortals cars, you're well aware that I favor older Mercedes. But also the various panther platforms (Crown Vic, Town Car, Grand Marquis). I have a 95 S500 and an 01 Town Car. Both are practically indestructible. But I get compliments and questions on the S500 everywhere I go, while no one says a word about the Town Car. I saw a list of cars that had gone a million miles some time ago. About two thirds of them were older Mercedes. Lance will enjoy knowing that several were Volvos.

The Civic is not a bad car at all, but I am hesitant with newer Asian cars in general. While older Camrys would last forever, everything coming out of Asia this century will reliably last about 120k miles and them turn to tatters. I guess that's not too much of an issue out your way, with all the rust.

>Yeah, but I'm not actually licensed. 
Radio licensing is easy. When I tested, I expected to fail, remember the test's contents, and pass a retest, so I hardly studied. But I passed. Most of it is regulatory; what bands fall where. They don't even test Morse on the tech anymore. Nor do they send out physical licenses these days. The ARRL handbook is six volumes, and way more than anyone needs to prepare for the test. But it covers everything you need to know.

That was exactly my thoughts. Were I an undercover agent, I would be checking that the inspection is conducted thoroughly and by the books. "You know you're going to lose $60 on this, right?" isn't the state's concern. I wrote a scathing letter to the guy's boss, criticizing everything from his weight to his unbecoming behavior, and he called to apologize profusely. Actually offered to pick up my, take it for a smog, and return it, all for free. But alas, the test had already been performed elsewhere. Evidently he is just having a hard time finding employees with work ethic; I can't say I'm surprised in this society.
The fear of societal change and collapse ultimately stems from the fear of death. We hardly spare the time to read about regime changes in Asia, or the cultural changes happening right now in Afghanistan. But when it's in our own backyard, we agonize over every detail and possible consequence. Welfare, trannies, fast food, gaming, 'anti-racism', etc - all of it weakens society. And society here will one day collapse. But are these concerns born of a deep-seated social responsibility? No, just our anxieties over how these changes may personally impact us.

My grandfather lived a long life, which he spent in front of political news garbage, frustrated at the way things all over the country were going. He had a good family, outstanding health (considering the way he lived), and few financial concerns. But he was miserable from morning to evening over events he had no control over. Society was here and unpleasant before he was born. It remains here and unpleasant without him. From World War 3 to Communists, not one of the things his generation worried about actually happened. Not one thing that did happen was remotely as bad as his worries made it out to be. Had he taken up fishing instead of TV watching, absolutely nothing would have changed in the world, but he would have lived a much more pleasant life.

But also, it occurred to me at some point that my context of society was needlessly narrow. I could hop on a plane at any time, and find myself in a country and culture that has never even seen a woke person. Why should I be so bent out of shape about what happens in this particular country, any more than I am about what happens in Sierra Leone? We again come back to the point that it is not society itself that we worry about it, but its personal impact. And while we can't change the circumstances we live in, we are capable of reacting to them.

When I was a young lad, Heinlein's Starship Troopers (no resemblance to the film) had an outsize effect on my worldview, and I'd encourage everyone to read it. Duty, personal responsibility, resilience in the face of adversity, and self sacrifice are the cornerstone of that societal essay, thinly disguised as a science fiction rag. The people who recognize the failings of modern society have no place trying to fit into civilian life, any more than a 40 year old belongs in an elementary school. Those that attempt to will always be miserable, and never understand why they seem to be different from everyone else.


For what it's worth, I'm vaccinated. I had Covid awhile back, and my only symptom was that I was tired for a week; but I am in fantastic health. The vaccine made me feel like I had the flu for a couple of days, and that was worse than Covid itself. But you know what? If the vaccine really does turn out to be some genocidal weapon, I don't want to be alone with the kind of people that would be left alive afterwards.
I've been doing some work for a guy lately. Usually he calls me, but I had to call him the other. He answered the phone with, and I swear to God, "Trump for president?" Give me the fucking vaccine please.
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>I think I'm starting to comprehend the metaphysics behind commie's kitsune fetish.
Ha. Well, I appreciate the analysis, but I've spent a good deal of time examining my kitsune fetish on my own, and it's really much more simple.

First and foremost, I just like foxes. Wolves too. The kitsunes in my head aren't immortal, nor are they gods; just girls with fox ears, tails, and pointed canines. Aside from some animalistic mannerisms, I don't even give much consideration to the tail or ears. In most respects she's just a regular girl with more emotional intelligence than anyone her age could reasonably be expected to have. I could have just as well been attracted to bugs or cats, but fox girls are what does it for me.

I think most of it is the hair. I like long hair, and have an almost pathological aversion to short hair. Kitsunes and similar girls almost always get long hair because no artist wants to try to draw the spot on their head where human ears should be. And so I like almost every kitsune I see.

Secondly, there's an aspect of emotional security. Of wanting someone that, in my fantasy, no one else wants and won't be taken away from me. Which is bizarre to me, as my relationships have all been pretty fine and I have the self-confidence not to worry about losing girls. So, while I have no idea why this component exists for me at all, the kitunses in my head belong to the type of world where people give you odd looks on the street and say things like, "What the hell man, you're dating one of those dogs?" Some people like feet; I like unwanted garbage.

I've been fortunate that the untimely demise of AI Dungeon led to several better AI writing tools that I can satisfy my need for cute foxes with. We're not quite at the point of AI waifus yet, but it's pretty good. You haven't lived until some horny AI kitsune is spouting off things like, "A-are you sure you're okay with fox pussy?"
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Got an email from Dell this morning. Many companies have canned emails saying 'Your Order Has Been Delayed.' No big deal; happens all the time. But it was amusing to see that Dell has a canned response ready to go for 'Your Order Has Been Delayed Again.'

>The main difference now is that the steady unraveling of my depression is leaving an emotional vacuum that doesn't really want to be filled.
The same way a recovering smoker reaches for a pack of cigarettes he no longer carries in his pocket. People are creatures of habit, and they long for familiarity. Get busy, exercise a lot, start something new. As you (hopefully) leave depression behind and start experiencing a more fulfilling life, you'll be forming new habits automatically; might as well make them good ones. Soon enough you'll have adapted to filling that vacuum with something new you won't want to let go of.

>I just can't bring myself to even entertain the thought of getting the vax
I have no strong feelings about the vaccine at all. Half the internet have formed a cult around being vaccinated, and the other half have created entire personalities around not getting vaccinated. But in the real world, away from these nightmare boxes, no one really gives a shit what other people are doing with their day.

I was not going to get an experimental vaccine a year ago. But a year has passed, and people aren't dropping like flies from it. Maybe it'll cause cancer some day, but I know enough about pharmacology to have an idea of what can and can't happen years after a drug has left your body.

I still don't particularly care one way or the other, but I work in a lot of places that require either vaccination or frequent testing, and it was getting tiresome. Don't act like you're saving the world if you get vaccinated, and don't pretend to be some sort of freedom fighter for not getting it; that's all I ask. But when people start comparing a 19 year old at Red Lobster asking to see vaccinations cards to some sort of communist border guard, I can't help but laugh. You have my support in whatever decision you make on this stupid thing.

>though my tastes have expanded greatly from this foundation
The only thing that ever changed for me was the attractiveness of various age groups (praise the lord). I vividly remember laying awake at night around 17 or so, thinking that I was going to end up in prison one day for fucking some high school kid. I liked girls my age, and 25 year olds might have been geriatrics as far as I was concerned. My interests never evolved beyond very slim girls with long straight hair, but even 45 year olds can have their appeal for me now.

>Now I only use computers for things I'll either actually enjoy
Splendid! I must say, some of you guys have me worried. So many things change in my life in even the span of a few months. Yet I come here after a month away, and find people still piddling with their boxes as if I'd been gone for an hour. That fine line between "things I'd like to do when I'm older" and "things I wish I had done when I was younger" is less a door to be crossed and more a windshield to be violently propelled through.

>If you think there's a decent option, then I might try it out on my desktop
You can run the stuff on your desktop, but it's not quite the same; partly because you need a pretty beefy GPU if you don't want to wait five minutes between responses. You can look up Kobold AI if you want to try it locally.

I worked briefly with the devs of both major projects in this niche after AI Dungeon went to hell. You have NovelAI and HoloAI; both of which are anon projects, and both make use of client-side encryption. If you're worried about privacy, it's very safe - no big corporations selling or storing anything. Honestly, they're kind of run by retards. I have some stories about that.

Holo lets you test it without an account, if you'd like to give it a shot. Though I've found Holo less autistic than Novel, and harder to wrangle towards the results I'm looking for.
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The overwhelming impression I get from your posts is that you have nothing in life to challenge you and, possibly as a result, far too much free time. That is not criticism; I know people whose heads are running at redline as they attempt to manage inventory at Walmart, and you should be lucky to have capacity for more. And I enjoy your posts. However, time and time again, the message is that nothing is truly going anywhere, like a mouse in its wheel, and that there is an infinite amount of time to sit and reflect. To turn those same stones over once again while ignoring the rest of the forest.

Have you ever met a man who discovered happiness as a result of in-depth examination of people and behavior? Freud followed that road, and as a result, he developed an irascible hatred for people. He lived a sad and unhappy life until he was finally taken by cancer. He was right about a lot of things, and what good did it do him?

I'm aware that I'm painting a broad brushstroke across the life of someone I've never met. There may be (and I hope there is) a great deal more nuance in this than I see. You are not obligated to respond directly to my inquiry, as the facts of your personal life are none of anyone's business, least of all mine. However, you've been stuck in a rut for an extended period of time, and despite realizing that there is actually a light at the end of the tunnel, nothing more than gradual adjustments appear to be taking place.

It is time to turn that ship around, son. You are not going to walk out of that rut by continuing to do the same thing you’ve been doing day in and day out. Which is apparently sitting there thinking.
This all sounds good to me. Unstructured, but I like it. I often imagined you staring at the wall, lost in thought and unwilling to explore life outside of a handful of narrow interests that you seemed increasingly dissatisfied by. I trust that things are fairly well squared away now.
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I have had nearly $25 of a $50 bottle of rye whiskey tonight, so I'll save my pseudo philosophical ramblings for another night and just pray to god that my spellcheck squiggles hold up. I've always liked you, flash. You have a subdued, yet intelligent personality that caught my eye from the first few days I arrived at /f/. I am hard on myself because I expect perfection and endless self improvement from myself, and that leads me to be hard on otherwise ordinary people who could be doing better. Don't think too negatively of it; I have my flaws as well, and all the 0302 bullshit in the world can't fix them.

Anyway, Kobold. It's not that great. It lacks the formatting and special bullshit of Holo/NAI. If you want to have fun, use Novel. The learning curve is insane, and you probably won't like what it produces for you. They actually added Holo's "try before you register" function about 10 minutes ago. If you want to describe a story you'd like to experience, I will spend no less than 15 minutes writing one for you. It won't be the next Stephen King, but it will use all of NAI's proper conventions (there are many), and allow you to see what it can do. Just describe two characters, a setting, and a goal. Don't make it hard for the AI. "My lonely little sister comes to me for advice and we end up fucking." is perfectly good.

You're probably worried about these services. I can understand; you know nothing about them. Without giving too much away, I am intimately familiar with both teams; could literally tell you the first and last name of NAI's lead dev. They're not the smartest people, but they're good anons that aren't out to screw you over. You can trust them with an account tied to some ProtonMail address.
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Ah, so this is what a wine & whiskey combo-hangover feels like. I'm eternally grateful that I'm the kind of person who never gets seriously hung-over (unless I drank some really nasty ultra-processed shit in a can), because I surmise that I could be feeling a lot worse now.

Anyways, I got a bit dramatic last night. The darker shit I talked about doesn't actively haunt me anymore, and I can easily ignore it in my daily life.
Replies: >>2097 >>2115
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I consider you a friend for life as well. It's kind of interesting to think that you're twenty-four. Perfectly reasonable today, but that means you would have been either in or barely out of highschool when I met you. I hadn't quite expected that. I don't think you're difficult to understand at all, though I lack most of the details. You just have to realize that most people are not that self-aware. The average person is fully functional, but they have a limited capacity for abstract thinking and are fundamentally incurious about the world. Ask the people around you why they do the things they do; what they're working towards in life. Most people will have no answer. They get up in the morning, they have a routine, they go to bed. Some people will go sixty years without even asking themselves what they'd like to do with their lives. So it should be no surprise that they can't understand your thoughts on true love (or similar), as it's not a concept they're likely to have given much thought.

The one thing that helped me the most, and it's more of a mindset than a simple acknowledgment of fact, is the understanding that life is short. You have built up barriers to keep yourself from being hurt. Not only are you unlikely to open up to people, but you probably aren't experiencing life to its fullest because of these walls. But suppose for a moment you were laying on your deathbed right now. You could probably confess your dirtiest fantasies to your own mother with a light heart, knowing that you would cease to be within day or two, and that it could never come back to haunt you. That is the mindset you want to bring to all situations in life. Don't beat yourself up for the failings of your past, and don't worry so much about being hurt; all of that will pass. We take so many things for granted that we don't even realize how incredible it is that we're here at all. You can walk outside right now and feel the sun on your skin; and there will come a point in the next 80 or so years that you will never get to experience that again. Your shortcomings? Some gross shit you jerked off to as a kid? You're not going to have that on your mind for the next million years, just a few dozen. I'm going to get up every morning with a smile, have my bowl of eggs, and then probably make a fool of myself.

I don't know if you'll be able to get a full story of healing out of NAI. The thing is, it has a context window of 2048 tokens, and everything outside that is lost forever (unless you summarize it in Memory or turn it into a module). To get the most of AI story-writing, I've found three things that I stick to:

1. Write scenes, not stories. The AI can't handle many locations, characters, or events that well. But if you break it down to a single scene; like you and one other person at a single location, it works great. Change things by starting new chapters.

2. Write in the first person. This is especially important if you have more than two characters. For whatever reason, the AI can handle "me, Lake and Palmer" with no issues at all. But if you write in the third person, with "Emerson, Lake, and Palmer" the AI will instantly lose track of who's doing what.

3. Don't write the way you would for a human reader. It's hard to explain this one, but you'll figure it out on your own. Don't go all Grapes of Wrath on the AI, just write.

One of the really neat things about it is that you can train your own modules. So, if you want the AI to really understand a concept (a type of monstergirl, the general setting and lore of an existing franchise, etc) you can feed it books and stories, and it will be familiar with everything its learned.

It's a great tool, and I can't imagine going back to anything else. Take our thread's namesake for example. All we ever did was complain about how shitty the writing was, and how Syri never lost her dick. How could I possibly want to read that drivel, when I could do literally anything I wanted to with Syri? AI writing is lovely.
Replies: >>2115
I've never been blackout drunk or had a hangover, for whatever reason. Ten years ago I drank almost an entire bottle of whiskey in a night, and I was so unwell the following day that I even had chest pain. But I've never vomited after drinking, been too drunk to talk, or forgotten the things I did. And I've never had a headache the next morning. Weird, I guess.
Just watched episode 4 of Bubblegum Crisis, now I'm sad about robots again.

Feels awfully cruel to give something sentience and then treat it as an object.
That said it is a beautiful series and everything I like about older anime.

Also makes me sad that there are only eight stories.

Also merry christmas.
Oh yeah that's another thing that makes me sad about it.

We'll probably never see new animation and coloring done like that again, especially after Miyazaki dies.
Oops, I meant episode 5.
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Merry Christmas,
Don't forget that you have to die some day.
Replies: >>2106
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Merry Christmas, /f/. God blessings on you this year.
>t. /robowaifu/
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Merry Christmas everyone, here's to hoping that we aren't driven mad by man-made horrors beyond our wildest nightmares before the next one.

I had a good Christmas, all things considered. The whole family was together for this one, which hasn't happened in years.
Don't worry, I don't forget my own mortality.
I'm not especially afraid of it either, even if I'd rather avoid it.

My xmas was also good, and had more family than we've had for a long time. My cousins are growing up and are at a point where even their youngest one was fun to talk to and could hold a good conversation with me when we walked in the woods.
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I leave you with a bit of robowaifu related stuff.
Replies: >>2108 >>2109
I might have said before, but that's one of the three manga I own in print - and one of two that I own the entire set of.
Replies: >>2109
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Thanks, Lance! Those women from CLAMP surely had lots of help from the men around them hit it out of the park with Chobits. Truly a piece ahead of it's time.

>t. /robowaifu/
Replies: >>2111
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>my room whenever I rember /f/ exists tbh
You should watch episode 5 of Bubblegum Crisis, if you haven't ("Moonlight Rambler").

I think you'll like it.
Replies: >>2112
Thanks, I'll check it out Lance! Cheers.
IDK who else is still floating around, but I got a Tek 468 oscilloscope the other day.

Not sure if the ROM's ever got replaced, but it is currently working properly.
Replies: >>2114
Just passing by, but glad you're doing better.
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It seems like every time I stop by, posting isn't working. Anyway, I was late to wish everyone a happy New Year, so here it is.

Also, have you guys seen routers lately? I swear to God, look up routers on Amazon; everything has the stupidest aesthetic I've ever seen.
Replies: >>2117
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Yeah, i got a WRT1900AC a year ago to replace my WRT54G (which I still occasionally use as a 'wlan-to-ethernet adapter' for computers that have wireless cards with binary blobs during installations).

The aesthetic is ugly, and I have the indicators electrical taped over. Also the non-ethernet LED indicators on it have degraded in two years (it was new in box when I got it) to the point of being difficult to see in daylight. So that was a great design choice, Belkin.

But I think all consumer electronics made in the last few years (with the exception of the Panasonic Let's Note and Toughbook) have looked like junk.
Replies: >>2120 >>2191
Oh yeah:
I put OpenBSD on my second X201 (the non-tablet one). It's working nicely. And if you use -current instead of -stable, 40MHz 802.11n even works (on my intel 6000-series AGN card (iwn); not on ath yet).

It should be noted it's still not got support for MIMO, though. Still, I was able to stream Bubblegum Crisis wirelessly from my desktop to it.

It also doesn't seem to get past MCS-5, but I can deal with that. My expectations set by my wrt54g are such that this is still amazing. And everything else on OpenBSD is just as you said, gunship; it really does feel like people actually use it as a daily desktop (unlike FreeBSD), and everything did "just work."

Also, wireless network configuration was an absolute breath of fresh air. The package/ports management seems good, so far. Only annoying thing there was that there was no pre-compiled "athena" (actually Motif widget based) emacs binary package flavor, so I had to do it from the ports tree. But that was a minor setback at best.

This one's also only difficult because I purposely made it so, but I also decided to replace the pdksh-derived ksh clone that OpenBSD comes with (MUCH better choice than the csh that FreeBSD uses, by the way) with AT&T ksh93 for my user, and that caused a couple teething problems since it shares startup files with OpenBSD's default ksh. But now it's working great.
And I still use OpenBSD ksh for root shells. It's quite usable, I'm just quite used to AT&T ksh and had a couple bits of advanced functionality in my ~/.kshrc (copied from debian) that isn't implemented in pdksh. Not a complaint, because ksh93 is huge and complicated and was proprietary for a long time - and the clone is still quite impressive.

I very much appreciated FVWM being the default window manager. I still upgraded to FVWM3, but I feel I could definitely use the one that came with the system comfortably if I chose to take the time to configure it.

TL;DR: I like that OpenBSD uses ksh and FVWM, has easy wlan setup, a good installer, relatively low overhead (disabling the relinking processes would further improve this, if I so desired), and fantastic documentation - to the point where I can often just guess what a man page will be called and be correct.
Replies: >>2120
I still plan to keep debian on my other laptop for the time being, but only really because I have it configured to my liking already. I thoroughly expect to be using OpenBSD frequently in the future. If I get the job I'm looking at, I will donate, too.

If GPU's weren't so crazy right now, I'd probably be looking at a radeon for my desktop to replace my novidia 750 Ti, but that's on hold until either the bubble bursts or I find it impossible to continue using.
When that finally does happen, I might also buy a second, older radeon so I can use OpenBSD with hardware acceleration on my machine without an integrated GPU.
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That router looks perfectly fine. I have the 3200ACM, which uses an identical shell. But look up routers on Amazon and see what's become of the market. Everything has some weird sci-fi crab look to it.

I use -current for my personal laptop, but keep in mind that it can be buggy. Sometimes you'll do a sysupgrade, and the system will just start locking up randomly. Also, always do a sysupgrade before a pkg_add -u.

The main advantage of -current is that ports is constantly rebuilt, so you can use pkg_add to get precompiled binaries of things that you would normally have to use ports for.

Some random tips:
You can speed up Firefox considerably by making ~/.cache a ramdisk. eg, in /etc/fstab:
swap /home/me/.cache mfs rw,nodev,nosuid,async,-s=4096m 0 0
( While you're in there, add "softdep,noatime" to all partitions except swap labels. )

Also set the following to true in about:config on everything newer than an x201:

I recommend reading Absolute OpenBSD. It's fairly older, but the system hasn't changed much.
Replies: >>2121 >>2122 >>2124
>sci-fi crab look
dear god.
That's terrible.
I guess it's a symptom of "gamer hardware marketing." If you want something serious looking you're paying a premium now.

I force enabled acceleration on my X201 and it seems to work alright. Not significantly better though.

the ramdisk idea is a very good one that I should have thought of years ago. I've used them for other things.

ah, so noatime isn't in the default setup. Not a problem really, but interesting on account of the overhead. But then again I have the feeling OpenBSD is more 'quality of life' driven than performance driven.

And yeah, I'm aware it can be buggy. That's why I'm trying to do updates only when I know I have time to revert if something goes wrong.

Also, that TP-Link in your picture looks okay from the thumbnail... except for "works with Alexa," which means I will throw it in the garbage if I can't flash different firmware to it. And I have no idea about its specs either.

Those asus ones all just have some really horrid "design language" that their gaming products all use. Laptops included.
Replies: >>2123 >>2124 >>2135

Oh, wait, the TP-Link has that rectangular slab on top. Ugh.
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>gamer hardware marketing
God I hate gamers. What an absolutely worthless group of people.

>the ramdisk idea
I keep both /tmp and ~/.cache on a ramdisk. You get performance, privacy, and less wear on an SSD that way.

>I have the feeling OpenBSD is more 'quality of life' driven than performance driven.
I wrote a seriously lengthy OpenBSD installation manual for myself. When all is said and done, the system has almost the same performance as Linux. And I imagine the only reason it doesn't is because I can't use Nvidia on OpenBSD, so the integrated GPU is trying to handle everything at 4k.
Don't forget to add hw.smt=1 to /etc/sysctl.conf.
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>certified for humans
What is that certification and what does it have to do with routers?

>gamer hardware marketing
It's the unfortunate state of the tech industry. I have some "gamer hardware", but only because they were the nicest or most cost-effective options. Like the mouse I got years ago, it's a Corsair Scimtar. I got it because it's genuinely the nicest feeling mouse I've ever used, I just turn the gaudy lights off and all is well. One day I'll replace it with a trackball, but the only ones that I like are outlandishly expensive (seriously, look up the prices for nice three-finger trackballs), and I can never find them in recycling.
Replies: >>2125
>What is that certification
It's Amazon's way of labeling products designed for lazy and stupid bugmen. This is the quote on their description page: "There's a lot of cool things I'd like to have that I don't want to set up."

'Certified For Humans' means it 'just works' with Alexa.

I don't think I own any gamer hardware. I use an older IntelliMouse and a Das Keyboard. Perfectly happy with both.
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Glad to hear it Flash. I pray that this job turns out to be a great blessing to you this year! Thanks for the update.
Replies: >>2132
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Being out of the loop today on something you used to be passionate about is an experience that will become even more common the longer you are alive. There's a lot of former sysadmins, myself included, who got out of the job entirely once things like Docker and Cloud Computing started emerging. But you can even apply the same concept to something like video games. I remember when DLCs first came about, and people were longing for the old days of one base game and a couple of expansions. Micro-transactions alienated the next generation. Now you have people scratching their heads, wondering why companies are adding NFTs to their games. It's funny how much of humanity is at the mercy of its generational memory, to experience the same problems every ten or so years, but under new names.

Abandoning the pursuit of an IT-related degree was a smart move. The relative prosperity of the 80's and 90's has come to an end, and we're seeing a reversal of the service economy developed during that period. The country spent a few decades aggressively propping up STEM careers but, from truckers to electricians, there is such a shortage on the production side of the economy that the tide is beginning to turn. As policy pours money into fixing infrastructure and supporting blue collar jobs, the STEM grads are realizing that the country only needs so many coders and engineers. Of course this has college grads from major cities in financial shambles and crying about a dying middle class, as if their little slice of the world was a universal experience, but so it goes.

Congrats on the new job, I hope it works out for you. On the topic of sales pitches, I recommend that old Thirties book: How To Win Friends And Influence People. It helped me immensely as a young lad trying to network and form business contacts, and I attribute much of my continued success to some of the principles I learned from it.
Replies: >>2130 >>2143
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>I remember when DLCs first came about, and people were longing for the old days of one base game and a couple of expansions
People are still longing for those days...
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Cute robot
Replies: >>2141
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You might be interested in the Framework Laptop. The design philosophy is basically that of old Thinkpads: modular, easy to repair, hardware toggles for webcam and microphone. There's a focus on privacy and durability, and they have CPU offerings without Intel AMT. It does use the ultraslim form-factor though, so I'm not expecting x201 levels of solidness.

I configured a DIY model earlier today, and can provide more details about it when it arrives if there is any interest. One thing I liked about them at first glance was that none of them have dedicated GPUs, so their base price starts around $700, versus like $2500 for an XPS 15.

It was recommended to me by an OpenBSD guy, so there should be full compatibility. Just figured I'd mention it to you; they're pretty new.
Replies: >>2142 >>2191
Ooh what's this?
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I'm really sorry to hear about that Flash. I've grown to have a lot of respect for the regulars on this board, and it pains me to know you're having struggles.

All I can really offer in encouragement--such as it is--is that you're not alone. I think all of us here have faced similar struggles. At least I know I have in fact I'm facing a fairly big potential challenge in life, homelessness, coming up very soon. All I know in life is that God is real, and He will help you every.day. if you cry out to Him for it.

But you can actually make it through your struggles with persistence Flash. It's literally one of men's finest traits. That kind of grit your teeth, put your head down, and lean into it determination in life. Some call it sheer bloody-mindedness, but it's what allows us to win at checkers, mowing the lawn, boxing matches, and theater-scale wars. It's the fibre men are fashioned from tbh.

I'm now enjoying some modest success with my long struggles to learn systems programming, but I can assure you it hasn't been easy for me personally. But the struggle has been entirely self-motivated though, much as your love for your own stable of rare computing. That's made all the difference! :^)

I hope you can actually find ways to make more money doing the things you love Anon, and soon. I'm sorry to hear that your family has 'expectations' of you that are painful, and I'm glad you have an acquaintance at the station job to talk to.

Godspeed Flash, I'm praying for you!
Replies: >>2144
As is yours Anon!
>pic status: saved
>the Framework Laptop
Sounds really interesting Gunship. 

BTW, I now believe that OpenBSD is probably the single finest large-scale, open-sauce OS project in the history of forever so far. At least insofar as quality & safety goes. Thanks for helping us get started with it!
Replies: >>2144
>The country spent a few decades aggressively propping up STEM careers but, from truckers to electricians, there is such a shortage on the production side of the economy that the tide is beginning to turn.
>now, truckers
>soon, electricians
The Great Power-blackout'ning when?
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There's no reason to work somewhere you're not happy. But having said that, you should never close one door without opening another. 90% of your success or failure in life will be due to the connections you form with other people, and the opportunities those relationship afford you.

I too started my IT career in a basic tech support job that I hated. But I did well and went to great lengths to make each customer feel appreciated and important. Invariably, some of those customers were small business owners, and I got to know them very well. I would listen to their problems, often offering to solve them for free, and slowly angling myself towards on-site work fixing a printer or whatever at their office. After some repeat business with them, and after becoming more familiar with their operations, I would find myself poised to offer them something that could grant me the work I actually wanted; system administration. I could say something like, "I see that your employees are always emailing important documents to each other. And it becomes quite the inconvenience when you need a particular document, and the employee responsible for it is out sick for the day. Your operations would run much more efficiently if your office made use of a file server instead of all this emailing." Suddenly I am the new owner of an annual sysadmin contract. Soon enough I left that crappy tech support job behind.

Of course, it sounds like you want out of IT altogether, which is perfectly understandable. But the same concept applies. Always leverage your options; two steps forward and one step back is no way to go through life. Open new doors that bring you closer to what you actually want to be doing, and then leave that job behind. But don't leave it for nothing.

In my usual tradition of suggesting further reading, I do highly recommend the books of Jocko Willink and Leif Babin: two SEAL officers who knew how to lead and win.

Very sorry to hear that, Anon. I was there myself at a very young age. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to let me know.

The Framework Laptop has honestly been the best laptop I've ever owned. I could go into a long review about it, but suffice to say that almost everything is pretty much perfect. I have even purchased two of them.

OpenBSD and Alpine Linux are the finest and most efficient operating systems. There has been no reason for me to use anything else in years.
Replies: >>2145
>If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to let me know.
Thank you for that kindly offer Gunship. I could actually use some help tbh. Not least of which is good advice. One of the challenges when things are falling apart around you is keeping a level head. Wise councils can definitely help out.

Do you have recommendations how to communicate so I'm not sharing personal details in public here on /f/?
Replies: >>2146
Happy to help as best as I can. If you're outside the US, my advice will be limited to more general things, since I'm unfamiliar with opportunities available in other countries.

You can email me at MarioSpeedwagon7 [at] protonmail [dot] com, if you'd like. Proton allows you to signup with just a captcha if you need a throwaway email. I don't use any other comms these days, but if you know of something particularly good, I'm open to trying it.
Replies: >>2147
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Thank you. I emailed you a few minutes ago, Gunship.
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>I suppose that's just life, in a sense.
It's really not, flash. I'll spare you the long sermon today and just say that, as a friend, I sincerely hope you figure it out in time. A man sentenced to death can find happiness from his prison cell, yet so many choose to see only unpleasantness in the boundless opportunities of life. Circumstances are what you make of them, and they become what you will of them. It is what it is.
Replies: >>2186
To those it may concern. I just received an email from Latitude.

>Hello fellow adventurer!

>In 2021, we introduced filters into AI Dungeon to try and prevent harmful content from being generated. After talking with many users, it’s clear that this system hurt gameplay and needed to be fixed. Since then, this system has been overhauled to address the issues brought up by users.

>Some features of our new system include:

>No moderation for unpublished single player content
>Targeted boundaries on only the AI
Story encryption & privacy
And more!
>If you’d like to learn more about how our the new system works, please read our help center article about content moderation.

>We hope these changes will encourage you to give AI Dungeon another try!
Replies: >>2186 >>2188
>It's one of the few good decisions I've made.
Haha, I'm sure you've made many other good decisions Flashmaster. You've made better ones than I have been making of late, it seems. :^)

I understand. You really have touched on it though. The internal, autonomous, motivations within are the true ones that will endure through thick and thin. For me, robowaifus represent my highest natural motivation actually, the service & salvations of the men that need them currently. It gets me out of bed, so to speak.

I hope you soon have a way to earn good money with your passions Anon. I'm praying for you.

Good words, thank you Gunship.
Lel, I laughed when I saw that the first time over on /k/, and it's even better now. Men (males) truly are versatile creatures.

Interesting. I wonder how they've implemented their improvements Anon?
Replies: >>2188
Latitude is pretty much dead. They're entire userbase (aside from third-world poors running free plans) abandoned them for Novel AI, and they're desperate for users. Last I heard, Latitude had made two big changes, but they're worthless. First, there is no user-censorship anymore; only AI censorship. You can type whatever you want, but the system will reject certain responses from the AI and force it to retrieve new ones if they contain no-no words. The downside to this is that it invariably means that long, creative responses have a higher chance of being rejected than short and simple ones. So the output suffers considerably. Secondly, Latitude moved away from OpenAI to some Chinese AI model or something, and it just sucks. As far as most of the community is concerned, AI Dungeon is dead.

Novel AI isn't quite at 2020 Dragon levels yet, but it's getting there fast. They've already gone from a model with 6B parameters to 8, then to 13. And now they're about to release 20B. It's an anon project with all of the autism that comes along with that. But I use it regularly and it works great.

I just can't trust Latitude anymore, no matter what they implement. Their censorship solution was literally "We're going to have moderators reading your stories and deciding whether they're appropriate or not." Novel AI is made by a bunch of pedophiles, so of course everything is encrypted out the ass, and you even have the option of keeping your stories in local cache instead of saving them on their servers.

>the service & salvations of the men that need them
None of those people will ever be happy, anon. They cannot grasp the underlying issue, and they are dancing around it with infantile hopes of tech-based solutions. You can see the same mentality in software developers: "I've been in a slump lately, but a new laptop will be much faster, and I'll be much more productive." or "Think of how much more code I'll be able to read if I had a vertical monitor." Then they buy their expensive crap and not a goddamn thing changes. Why? Because they were looking for a product that solves an issue residing in themselves.

A new Mustang won't help the 50 year old man suffering through feelings of a wasted youth. New laptops, keyboards, and monitors won't help the distracted software engineer. And a robotic facsimile of a woman won't help lonely men who've become jaded with the idea of dating yet have never put any effort into becoming worth dating.
Replies: >>2195
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I picked up a 30 year old book you might find interesting. It completely demystifies so much of Xorg's bullshit.
Replies: >>2191
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That does look quite interesting.

Wonder if I can find a copy.

I watched episode 6 of bubblegum crisis today. The structure might have been a little worse than 5, but holy shit did it pull through anyway. Highly recommend episodes 5 and 6.

The framework is a disappointing laptop, except for the screen, from what I can see.
I did a writeup of why it's shit on a forum somewhere, but basically:

It is slightly more modular, but fixes almost none of the other problems that plague modern laptop designs. It also uses a macbook keyboard layout. It's just another USB-C donglebook.

It doesn't even have a fucking ethernet dongle.

I'd like a Panasonic Let's Note still. That's probably the only laptop being made today anywhere in the world that looks good and traditional.

Also, added a fan to my WRT1900ACS ( >>2117 ).
Full writeup of framework from what I can tell about it:

My take:
Too thin/fragile, yet another glossy display, no touchpad buttons (instant dealbreaker), donglebook construction (even if the dongles don't flop out).
Also there's not an ethernet port and there isn't even an ethernet dongle. ExpressCard would have been a nice touch, too, although what they have will be enough.
Also the keyboard is cancer:
The horrid arrow key arrangement, no F* key gaps/clusters, no nav cluster, no 'menu' key (I rebind it to compose, so it's important to me), no way of enabling scroll lock for the unicorn programs that actually uses scroll lock.
Doesn't look like there's even a way to type numpad keys for programs that force the numpad. Thinkpads have a numlock that turns some of the alphabetical keys into numpad keys.
Doesn't look to have particularly high key travel either, but that's a comparative nitpick.
I'm fine with the return key cutout here just because it's obviously a boutique brand compared to the Dell models that do the same thing, though.
Does this thing even let you flash the bios/provide bios source code? I'd hope it uses coreboot/libreboot.
The aspect ratio/screen quality is acceptable though.

Oh and fn/ctrl are in the wrong spots. That's comparatively minor, but annoying, especially if you can't swap in the BIOS.
Replies: >>2193
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I use an ethernet dongle from Anker, but Framework is also releasing one of their own. The extension design is open source, and they will allow third party extensions to be sold on their marketplace.

I mean, the touchpad is a button, and you configure the exact locations/workings through Xorg, like any other touchpad. It doesn't have physically separate buttons like the x201, but it's not button-less.

FN/Ctrl keys are swappable in BIOS. The BIOS is InsydeH2O, but they have plans to switch to an open source BIOS like libreboot. I don't know if that will be applicable to the older batches. They sell like 25 different keyboards on their marketplace, and I'm sure more layouts will come in the future.

The Framework laptop has been perfect to me. The screen is lovely, the keyboard is crisp and pleasant. I love that the housing is almost desktop-like; a few screws remove the entire keyboard panel, and all of the components are just sitting in there. You don't have to remove a dozen pieces of the laptop to do anything (try changing a heatsink on the x201, you basically disassemble the entire laptop). It has little debug LED's on the side that allow you to instantly know what went wrong if a component fails. The build quality is outstanding; all aluminum. And it runs OpenBSD without any quirks at all.

And at less than $800, it's basically an XPS at an Inspiron price. If you want to be weirdly autistic about laptops, that's on you. To me, this is a tool that does a job, and when the job is done, I am free to do non-computer things. The Framework gives me the performance of a modern laptop in pursuit of that job, and meets me more than halfway in the middle on my desire for something repairable and privacy focused (physical webcam/mic disconnects, no vPro CPU, etc). I couldn't be happier.
Replies: >>2204
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>None of those people will ever be happy, anon. They cannot grasp the underlying issue, and they are dancing around it with infantile hopes of tech-based solutions.
With all due respect Gunship, I meant the term in a rather more technical sense. Two senses, actually.
1) The 'salvation' from the utter ruin and horror that those of us suffer who have been robbed of a hope and a future by the wanton and intentional destruction of wholesome womanhood by TPTB, namely the Globohomo Big-Tech/Gov and their entire cabals. I suffer no delusions about the nature of women. I've had several. But the simple fact remains is that Uncle Ted was right, and just like back in the Garden of Eve, Satan has found the woman to be the destruction of humanity. Robowaifu development is simply our response in desperation to our need for female companionship, yet our rejection of the worthless whoredom that basically all young women exhibit today.
2) The literal Salvation of these men. A long-term goal for me is to literally create a Christ-chan robowaifu. First as an AI that can respond to normal, understandable, questions and criticisms of the faith. An Apologetics AI if you will. Then later once real robowaifus become a possibility, transferring that into the physical icon of her. I suffer no delusions that this is somehow a 'real' wholesome woman, but honestly that possibility has been taken away from us all by the evildoers in the Earth.

I hope I'm making sense and spelling this out well enough. To wit
>''Yes, robowaifus don't real, but for literally millions of us, it's the closest we might get in this life to a good woman.

I think those two possible outcomes are well-worth every effort I can direct towards them.

>You can see the same mentality in software developers: "I've been in a slump lately, but a new laptop will be much faster, and I'll be much more productive." or "Think of how much more code I'll be able to read if I had a vertical monitor." Then they buy their expensive crap and not a goddamn thing changes. Why? Because they were looking for a product that solves an issue residing in themselves.
Heh, I certainly can concur. Look at me; I've achieved more advances in my skills as a software engineer over the past year than my entire career before, and I'm still doing my development work on a lousy potato notebook with a Celeron in it! :^)

Isolating myself and getting some focus is what's made all the difference for me.

>A new Mustang won't help the 50 year old man suffering through feelings of a wasted youth. New laptops, keyboards, and monitors won't help the distracted software engineer.
Who could argue?
>And a robotic facsimile of a woman won't help lonely men who've become jaded with the idea of dating yet have never put any effort into becoming worth dating.
Maybe. I say let's at least give it a shot and find out Gunship. Certainly we all have flaws and shortcomings in our natures that require us to man up and do the right things in life. You're right that most of us have infantile delusions about the nature of this life. Most of us are conditioned by Jewish media that we deserve only the best. LOL. What we all deserve is destruction in Hell. The whole lot of us.

Thankfully God looked down in mercy and sent His Son to redeem us out of this miry pit of clay, if we'll only reach up to take His offered hand. In my small way, as a 'mini-creator', I'm trying to do something similar for the world of men desperate for an effective answer to the WQ.

>Semper Idem

P.S. BTW, I know some here like the console best. We're working on a little text-based IB reader currently.
Replies: >>2197 >>2200
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>I don't recall how you got onto this board anymore
From using the overboard back on Julay.

Thanks so much for your encouragements Anon. Greentexts are safely tucked away, and will be waiting for further adventures.

> Every moment you live contains infinite potential for a better future. Neither of us can say where our lives end, only that we are here now, and thus it is our duty to ourselves to keep living regardless.
Beautiful words tbh. Thank you.

>Garden of Eden*
>the woman to be the key to the destruction of humanity*
>a lousy 10-year old potato notebook with a Celeron*

I should probably re-read my message before pressing that 'Post' button heh.
This is the most misguided worldview I've heard since the beginning of "everything is inherently racist: a black woman's insecurities." Much of modern man's frustration with women stems from treating them as equals. Women are basically big children, and societies across the globe coddled and protected them for thousands of years. Women are impulsive, emotional, easily intimidated, and filled with self-doubt. They are a social sex that thrives on conformity and feeling appreciated. The vast majority of them lack the abstract thinking that would allow them to consider the long-term consequences of every action. Many have little interest in anything outside pop culture and entertainment. This is the behavior of children, anon, not Satan. It is only in the last hundred years or so, with the rise of Western Academic Thought, that attitudes regarding women have changed - and you can see the consequences of this. Guide women, love them, and be someone they look up to, and you will have no issue with women. Treat women as you would men - as autonomous companions - and you will find nothing but frustration. The average young man I encounter on the street is hardly a prize to be won by women; their relationship woes come as no surprise to me in the slightest.

You are struggling with a problem that has been universal throughout human history. It is an issue that has been explored and deconstructed for thousands of years. You remain ignorant of those who came before you, and the solutions they found, at your own peril.

Please go outside and meet people. You are fighting through a dystopian landscape that exists only in your head.
Replies: >>2201
>This is the most misguided worldview I've heard since the beginning of "everything is inherently racist: a black woman's insecurities." 
That would be very bad indeed.

>Much of modern man's frustration with women stems from treating them as equals. Women are basically big children, and societies across the globe coddled and protected them for thousands of years. Women are impulsive, emotional, easily intimidated, and filled with self-doubt. They are a social sex that thrives on conformity and feeling appreciated. The vast majority of them lack the abstract thinking that would allow them to consider the long-term consequences of every action. Many have little interest in anything outside pop culture and entertainment. This is the behavior of children, anon, not Satan.
Fully granted Gunship. And I can see that men's problems with women stem from treating them as 'equals'. The major (and demonically insidious) issue here is that in current-year degenerate times, TPTB have snaked and weaseled their evil plots into the minds of the average Western duckling golem to such a degree that they gladly accept the idea that women are men's equals. They all honestly believe this. And that you fully deserve to go to prison for the rest of your life if you don't toe the line and kowtow to the social agenda. They will fight you tooth and nail if you dare question this narrative. Again, the majority of the population today (and practically 100% of the young woman segment, particularly among Whites).

And I'm not calling women Satan--merely his willing tools in the matter. They are 'children wielding machine guns' at the heads of the young men of the world today.

>It is only in the last hundred years or so, with the rise of Western Academic Thought, that attitudes regarding women have changed - and you can see the consequences of this. 
I consider the 'Academics' to be one of the singularly most evil bunch roaming the Earth free today. Practically all the demonic evil being foisted on men today is due these demon-filled """persons"""

>Guide women, love them, and be someone they look up to, and you will have no issue with women.
I agree with you here to large extent, to the degree my experience reaches.

>Treat women as you would men - as autonomous companions - and you will find nothing but frustration. 
As already mentioned that's the law of the land all over the West today. Satan's puppets have seen to that quite well.

>The average young man I encounter on the street is hardly a prize to be won by women; their relationship woes come as no surprise to me in the slightest.
Fair enough, and no surprises. I would suggest the reverse is far more abundantly true as well. It's hard to explain the degree of social destruction that 3rd-wave feminism has wreaked on the modern world of relationships feasible for a young man. In the past, he might have abundant reasons to improve himself and his lot. Today, I'd say there are few tangible motivations. And honestly, very few of us have the iron-will to 'lift ourselves up by our bootstraps (either today, or ever in history really AFAICT)

>You are struggling with a problem that has been universal throughout human history. It is an issue that has been explored and deconstructed for thousands of years. You remain ignorant of those who came before you, and the solutions they found, at your own peril.
No one could argue against either point, particularly the latter one.

>Please go outside and meet people. You are fighting through a dystopian landscape that exists only in your head.
Fair enough about the admonition Gunship. Soon enough. But the WQ is a huge, huge problem for the West today and one I deem impossible to ignore IMO.
Replies: >>2205 >>2207
>Somewhere out there, there's a 'They Live' Savin meme I made, documenting all the buzzwords from Savin's various controversies. If I ever see it again, I'll probably remember more of them. 
Sorry to bother you all again. CoC-archiver-person here. My work continues; if any of you happen to have recalled any controversies from TiTS' past that haven't already been mentioned - memes, screenshots, and so on - I'd still love to read them.
So Pale Moon's resident toxic dumpster fire (Tobin) went full retard and ragequit the project, taking down a bunch of infrastructure with him.

They should have kicked him out half a decade ago.

I never have used pale moon and still don't intend to because the other main developer (apart from being an annoying furry) is also a cunt about licensing and stuff. I've linked to that OpenBSD fiasco before.

In other news, watched Project A-Ko for the first time the other day, and the Tenchi Muyo OVA's as well.

I'm going to do "Dirty Pair" next.

The fn/ctrl keys aren't the issue.

* F1-F4, F5-F8, F9-F12 have no physical separations into quadrants, making finding the right key more annoying.
* the arrow key/home/end/pageup/pagedown/insert/delete cluster is all scrambled.
* The cheap-ass one-size-fits-all '|\'/return key so they don't have to make two cases. Dell does this too and it sucks as much there. 

I have replaced the heatsink in an X201. it took ~20-30 minutes. Not world ending.
I've also replaced every other component except the motherboard, LCD, and underchassis (bottom of case). The lid has been replaced.

Anyway, the LCD looks great, and the price is decent. But I'm still disappointed because a Panasonic Let's Note still looks much more attractive (even at its much higher price point) in terms of the design and the usability. It has all the ports you'll want built in instead of requiring dongles for absolutely everything. Even has an optical drive.

CPU-wise, you still have some hypervisor running in there (probably Minix-based) that you can't touch.

Anyway, that aside, it's better than 90% of the junk out there. It just didn't go far enough in fixing all the other modern laptop crap. It should have jettisoned that style in favor of something less wasteful/more utilitarian than an apple-style aluminum chassis.
>Women are impulsive, emotional, easily intimidated
You've just described me.
Also, saying a lot of women are like that is fine, I even agree with you. But it's not true of all women so I try to give them a chance before looking at them that way.
>The average young man I encounter on the street is hardly a prize to be won by women; their relationship woes come as no surprise to me in the slightest.
This is true.
I am happy to stay a virgin until (and if) the time comes that I meet someone I can bond with intellectually and emotionally.
>Treat women as you would men - as autonomous companions - and you will find nothing but frustration.
That's why I am willing to play the long game and be certain about the nature of the person I'm considering committing to before I even attempt it. If they don't want to play the long game, they aren't the one.
>The vast majority of them lack the abstract thinking that would allow them to consider the long-term consequences of every action. Many have little interest in anything outside pop culture and entertainment. 
I am often saddened by this, but there are *some* nice women out there who I can relate to. Tomboys, mostly.
I will say that for every lengthy discussion I have with a girl, at least three quarters of them feel vapid. I mostly attribute this to upbringing, and parents/teachers/peers who didn't encourage intellectual curiosity in them, rather than "the genetic fact of being a woman." In other words, I think this problem is a result of social norms.

There is a nice (tomboyish) girl I hang out with sometimes. She has told me she explicitly does not want to do dating or anything serious right now on account of her responsibilities to her family and work not really giving her much time to unwind if coupled with relationship drama. I can respect that answer, so I just treat her as a friend and I value that. I can't prove it, but I don't think she is lying about anything.

She has explicitly told me she is not a lesbian and she thinks I'm subjectively attractive, so I think there may be hope there in the future. If it doesn't work out (or she turns out to actually not be interested in me at all), that's fine.
Replies: >>2207
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>I consider the 'Academics' to be one of the singularly most evil bunch roaming the Earth free today. Practically all the demonic evil being foisted on men today is due these demon-filled """persons"""

Hi, I'm a grad student.
I am also a human being with my own thoughts, philosophies, and opinions, because I don't just accept whatever a professor hands to me as gospel.

Oh yeah, I also have pretty strong distaste for academia as a whole, but that's mainly because it (at least now) is a career first for most people instead of being about discovering things and freely sharing ideas. What gets accepted for publication is a joke, and so much of STEM in particular is just a pipeline into Raytheon.
Replies: >>2206 >>2208
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>Hi, I'm a grad student.
Hi again Lance. We've 'spoken' here on several occasions. I know several PhD's AFK, mostly in the hard sciences and aerospace fields. A few MD's as well, all personally. I have the utmost regard for all of them tbh.

>I am also a human being with my own thoughts, philosophies, and opinions, 
Heh, same here. But if I am extremely frank with Gunship, a man I admire and honor to a great degree today, why would you expect anything else of me? Only infants and little girls should be coddled. Speak freely with me as you will -- we are both men.

I myself am very academically inclined, particularly in the hard sciences (all of them) and most engineering fields. I'm particularly well-suited to it by intellect and disposition. If anything, this has allowed me to (eventually) see through the evil ruse of the vast majority of the 'Academics' lies. I firmly stand by my previous assertion that they are:
>one of the singularly most evil bunch roaming the Earth free today

>because I don't just accept whatever a professor hands to me as gospel.
Wise decision tbh. As the Bible repeatedly admonishes us:
>"Test everything; cling to the good."
Academics are generally pretty good with the first part, while almost universally rejecting the second part. I hope you learn to 'cling to the good', Lance.

>Oh yeah, I also have pretty strong distaste for academia as a whole, but that's mainly because it (at least now) is a career first for most people instead of being about discovering things and freely sharing ideas. 
Truth is a non-entity for these """persons""", so it's little surprise to me.

>What gets accepted for publication is a joke, 
Who could argue that today?

>and so much of STEM in particular is just a pipeline into Raytheon.
Fair enough. I personally am choosing a different path by God's help!
Your fixation on The West is incomprehensible to me. There are ten billion people on this planet, anon. And you are eyeball-deep in the social issues of a very small portion of them which, by your own admission, are a degenerate cesspit likely beyond any redemption. Why? If someone dumped spoonfuls of shit into my bowl of pudding, I am certainly not going to sit there trying to remove it and save the pudding; I am going to go get another bowl. Likewise, if Western 'man' has become a lazy hedonist whose downward spiral seems unstoppable, how about you mosey on over to some of the many cultures that are not quite literally killing themselves and live a meaningful life?

I took a trip down to the southern portion of Mexico last year. It's an absolutely beautiful place with cheap housing, wonderful people, and a great climate. Affairs permitting, I expect to set up a base camp of sorts down there in the coming years, and perhaps spend most of my time somewhere in Southeast Asia. Feminism, gender transformers, manufactured identities, the rise of 'science' and his cousin 'experts' as omniscient deities; none of this horseshit will be found in some montagnard village. Why do you insist on spending the few decades you have been allotted in conflict with the zeitgeist?

>In other words, I think this problem is a result of social norms.
Many of the psychological differences with women stem from their lack of physical strength, in a roundabout way. Most women will at some point in their upbringing discover that they are nearly powerless against even the most average male. That is not a statement on the perceived inferiority of women, but simply a harsh reality that permeates many aspects of women's psych. For example, you and I have little reason to fear walking alone at night, mingling with strangers at parties, going on blind dates, or upsetting someone in conversation. A woman's thought process is very different in any of these scenarios. Could you imagine having a 'take on the world' attitude if you found yourself living in a Somali warzone tomorrow? You'd probably do your best to stay out of the way and mind your own business. Life is very different when you feel helpless. A sense of powerlessness breeds low self-confidence, which influences all other aspects of their life. Where you or I might see problems as challenges to be overcome, most women will default to a learned helplessness of looking to others for solutions rather than trying to tackle them themselves.

I don't see the issue as being rooted in a biological difference in women's brains (aside from hormones), but I also don't see it as being entirely that of social norms. They are living a very different reality where ambition and assertiveness often carry risks. You seem to have discovered this yourself; as you mentioned, you relate mostly to tomboys - a type of woman who is rarely cowed into feminine meekness.

I'm glad that you can see her as just a friend though. A lot of young men develop this weird habit of sorting women into categories of 'pussy I am interested in' and 'pussy I am not interested in' and then acting like an absolute retard for one group, and an asshole for the other. Women want authentic guy friends that they can open up to without feeling like they're giving off signals that will be interpreted as sexual interest.
Replies: >>2210 >>2228 >>2229
>Hi, I'm a grad student.
Nobody criticizing academics is talking about computer science majors. Nor are they talking about med school grads, engineers, lawyers, etc. Criticism of 'academics' is leveled at the social sciences: gender studies and the other garbage suitable for the type of person that will never leave college.

>a career first for most people instead of being about discovering things and freely sharing ideas.
As it should be. There is a time and place for Zeno's Painted Stoa, but the majority of college students don't belong anywhere near it. They are children, lance. And if you've ever seen what happens when someone criticizes transvestites in a college setting, you know exactly why the 'free sharing of ideas' is not going to happen among this group.

I would argue that high education actually suffers the exact opposite problem. In the 1950's, college was almost entirely vocational; you went there to study Business Administration, Literature, Engineering, etc and then you got a job. People pursued higher education not as some expensive post-highschool obligation, but as a specific tool to be leveraged towards well thought out goals and ambitions. Barely 12% of the population held a degree in the 1950's, and most of the country recognized that they personally didn't need one. Now we have almost 40% of the population, often times without a clue as to what they want to do with their life, taking out tens of thousands of dollars in student loans for no good reason. Then they throw all of that money into some Queer Theory major and struggle to pay it back while working at a Walmart.

Much of higher education in this country has become an expensive daycare where barely-literate teenagers riding the safety of grade-inflation major in a variety of social sciences that are completely detached from reality. It is beyond parody at this point, and certainly beyond utility.

>a pipeline into Raytheon
I'm guessing you aren't criticizing them for their 401(k) options. Raytheon is an imperfect company necessitated by an imperfect world. Surely you aren't the type of fool who believes we would be able to live in peace and harmony if we only did away with the military-industrial complex?

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms. Ukraine wishes it had a handful of Raytheons right now.
Replies: >>2228
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>Your fixation on The West is incomprehensible to me. There are ten billion people on this planet, anon. And you are eyeball-deep in the social issues of a very small portion of them which, by your own admission, are a degenerate cesspit likely beyond any redemption. Why? 
Maybe you're right Gunship. Maybe it is a fixation on my part. I generally consider it a natural pride in both my civilization and the White men primarily responsible for advancing it -- arguably one of the greatest civilizations in all human history. Ofc it pains me deeply to see it destroyed by the enemies of both my people, my civilization, indeed all humanity.

But demonic pawns gonna demon I suppose. I expect God is actually turning the entire thing over to the enemy due to our collective obstinance in obeying His mandates, indeed even acknowledging His existence as the parlor game so many of our delusionals here today are quite fond of.

I don't know much of anything tbh, but I find it perfectly natural that I would be highly concerned over the destruction of something seemingly so unique, and -- humanly speaking -- so great. OTOH, all great empires die. It just kind of sucks to watch it happening before my very eyes for my own. :/

We certainly had a great ride. But maybe you're right and it's doomed now.

>If someone dumped spoonfuls of shit into my bowl of pudding, I am certainly not going to sit there trying to remove it and save the pudding; I am going to go get another bowl. 
>Likewise, if Western 'man' has become a lazy hedonist whose downward spiral seems unstoppable
LOL. Nice analogy. I care about these men who have been so abused by a system so artificially propped-up by their enemies, and watching those evil bastards actually succeed at their intended destructive outcome causes my blood to boil tbqff.

>how about you mosey on over to some of the many cultures that are not quite literally killing themselves and live a meaningful life?
I've often considered this over the past couple years since Usurper-in-Chief was placed on a stolen throne by these self-same bastards.

TBH, I've become a weeb over the past decade or so, and have often thought about 'escaping' to Weeb-central in Nippon. However it's quite obvious that they are following JewSA's lead today, and are inevitably going to go down the same shitter before much longer. Indeed the flush handle has already been pulled there AFAICT.

>I took a trip down to the southern portion of Mexico last year. It's an absolutely beautiful place with cheap housing, wonderful people, and a great climate. Affairs permitting, I expect to set up a base camp of sorts down there in the coming years,
I mentioned before having spent some time in the jungles on the Guatemalan border. I fell in love with the Indians there, and have more than once longed to return to those simple villages. Really amazing experience for me.

>and perhaps spend most of my time somewhere in Southeast Asia. Feminism, gender transformers, manufactured identities, the rise of 'science' and his cousin 'experts' as omniscient deities; none of this horseshit will be found in some montagnard village. 
Heh, sounds like a charming life actually. :^)

>Why do you insist on spending the few decades you have been allotted in conflict with the zeitgeist?
It's a good question. I've been giving it a lot of thought over the last couple of days since I read your post. I wanted to think about it a little before responding here to you actually.
>obstinance against obeying*
>I generally consider it a natural pride in both my civilization and the White men primarily responsible for advancing it
And how does 'robowaifu' further that advancement? Rather than face the challenges of today head-on and seek to overcome them, you are working towards a cowardly end where young men vegetate in their parents' houses, staring at a facsimile of a woman that keeps them amused and withdrawn until they eventually die. What benefit does that yield? If the accomplishments of your ancestors fill you with pride, then your fight is in your community, working with young men and women. I see robowaifu as nothing more than young men taking the easy way out; of avoiding hard decisions.

Today's youth, as you are aware, are unimaginably entitled and lazy. They pursue nothing except that which entertains them, and they expect society to provide for them despite their inherent worthlessness. They are a generation of insecure people, hooked on psych meds and filled with self doubt. The entirety of Rome woke up every morning not knowing whether they would be stricken with malaria by noon and die shortly after, yet they still pursued a fulfilling life and made the most of their limited time. Today's men are filled with despair and anxiety over the mere thought of 'climate change.'

A person today with even a modicum of ambition and confidence will face no challenges to their advancement so long as this is the group they are up against. Start a movement of self-improvement, instill real values in the young people of your community, and expand outward. Western society was always a small group of people doing well in the broader context of the entire planet; a small group of disciplined young men and women living well while surrounded by hedonism, having children, and instilling these same values in their kids, is essentially a microcosm of Western civilization as a whole.

>I expect God is actually turning the entire thing over to the enemy due to our collective obstinance in obeying His mandates
Contrary to popular belief on social media, Christianity is growing tremendously, while atheism is actually declining. Christianity is growing at a rate of almost 3% annually, while the global atheist population is expected to decline from 16% to 13% over the next two decades. And are leftists ever Christian? Hardly. As usual, you are fixated on a tiny irrelevant minority of people in one place whose actions are beamed directly into your eyeballs through your internet usage, while ignoring the broader context. More people are turning to Christ than are turning away from him.

>I find it perfectly natural that I would be highly concerned over the destruction of something seemingly so unique, and -- humanly speaking -- so great.
I would encourage you to study the battle of Ia Drang. The book, 'We Were Soldiers Once' is an excellent account of the carnage. Bright young and educated men of character were piled from floor to ceiling as mangled corpses before their lives even truly began. Those men courageously fought and died in a hell beyond imagination. And back at home, rather than make the most of opportunities that men like this never had, young people today choose to waste away in their chairs, agonizing over abstract concepts like the fate of Western civilization, climate change, or capitalism. It is a silly mindset of a people who have never been faced with decisions of any importance, and who do not understand the value of their lives. You will be dead some day, and society will continue to do whatever it will whether you like it or not.
Replies: >>2217 >>2218 >>2228
>They pursue nothing except that which entertains them, and they expect society to provide for them despite their inherent worthlessness.

When the rungs of social mobility have been long since removed and its openly known that its not what you know anymore that gets them anywhere, then why should they care?

>A person today with even a modicum of ambition and confidence will face no challenges to their advancement so long as this is the group they are up against. 

There is an insane amount of elitism and open discrimination where they all see each other as nothing more than competition even in non-competitive collaborative settings. Who in their right mind would want to reward those unrepentant traitors who would gladly take everything you've made, keep you out of the loop and then be less than social while they profit off your hard work with anything more than a boot out the door? 

>Bright young and educated men of character were-

Sure, and the legacy created by the hands of those generations was such a great indicator as a part of what laid the groundwork of the current state of things. Its a gross oversimplification, but They only made it so tyranny is but a phone call away now instead of several months by ship or days by horse.

>Ofc it pains me deeply to see it destroyed by the enemies of both my people, my civilization, indeed all humanity.

Nothing is ever truly destroyed. Renaissances happen for a reason.

>have often thought about 'escaping' to Weeb-central in Nippon.

You sorely underestimate how xenophobic Japanese culture is. Place is pretty dead culturally and they worship false idols instead of any of their many kami thanks to that flush handle being pulled decades ago.
Replies: >>2219
Alright thanks Gunship. It's a lot to think about, give me a while to chew things over, and I'll get back to you ITT. With the turn of the month, I've begun working on my own AFK situation we discussed. It may take a while so please be patient. Cheers /f/.
>When the rungs of social mobility have been long since removed
Following World War II, the United States enjoyed a brief golden age that was nothing short of an economic miracle. Half of Europe and Southeast Asia needed to be rebuilt, an effort we largely took on and reaped the benefits of. We established an unrivaled production base in Asia, which increased our manufacturing output while also lowering the cost of goods (a decision that would come back to haunt us later, but that is another story). This entire arrangement revolved around a continent torn apart by war, and was never to last indefinitely. Hearing people talk as if the sky were falling because the economy is no longer what it was under their grandparents sounds as strange to me as a Chinaman yearning for the return of a Golden Age ushered in by The Silk Road. Circumstances have changed; adjust.

I disagree with the current economic pessimism among young people. An electrician earns more than $100,000 a year. Plumbers can earn $85,000 without ever having to step foot on a college campus. Nurses at my local hospital are paid $4,500 each week (!). An ISP near me is in such desperate need of installers that it is offering a weekly incentive of $1,000 in addition to their hourly wage. Last year, I assisted a buddy in finding a home; we had no issue finding something decent for under $40,000. And if my state's prospects dried up, I'd just pack my belongings and relocate. 

But I'm not writing this to brag; I'm merely stating that the opportunities exist for those who are prepared to put up the effort. This is a generation that could have been born among the numerous people who spend their days searching for clean drinking water. Even at the height of our economic downturn, we offer luxuries that 1.4 billion Indians can only dream of. This generation has the luxury of spending their days aimlessly posting on the internet or creating ‘content’ unmolested, yet they have the audacity to ask why society isn't doing more for them. 

>legacy created by the hands of those generations
I am not much concerned with their legacy (and I am certainly not justifying the was in Vietnam), I am merely comparing the response to circumstances among individuals. If I might paint a small scene for you:

Over eighty hours of combat without sleep, without food, and with a canteen of water that had run dry on the first day. Shot in multiple places, dozens of troopers laid motionless in the tall grass for days, covered in ants and playing dead as the Vietnamese calmly walked the battlefield, executing anyone they found alive. These soldiers would have to lay and listen as their buddies – people they had spent every day of the week with for the past two years – were butchered by machetes, as rifle fire would have given away the Vietnamese’s locations.

Now, we all experience unpleasantness in our lives. But what circumstances faced by people today could even compare to such a scene? Somewhere right now, a fat twenty year old that hasn’t had to work a day in his life is losing his shit because someone ‘misgendered’ them on social media. One man’s greatest concern was a mix of blood loss, dehydration, the death of all of his friends, and his own imminent execution. Another’s most pressing concern is the words people use to address him. And the latter does nothing but whine about the circumstances that have given him such a carefree life.

When I face a challenge in my own life – when I encounter an unpleasantness that might ruin my otherwise cheery outlook – I am immediately reminded of Lt. Gen. Moore’s men, and how utterly trivial the worst of my problems are by comparison. I am reminded that the problems I am focusing on are likely not worth my time at all. I recommended that battle to the other anon because I believe the younger generation lacks context for their feelings. If he feels he can take action and save Western civilization, by all means, do it. But to sit there angry or depressed over such silly problems is a wasted life, and a squandered opportunity. We do not control our circumstances, only our response to them. To die bitter and unhappy over something that you never had control over is both a shame, and an insult to those who gave everything they had during their lifetime.

>Renaissances happen for a reason.
Amusingly, the Renaissance we usually speak of occurred following The Black Death. It is speculated that people seeing two thirds of everyone they ever knew suddenly die led to a renewed focus on the present and on earthly life with its inescapable mortality. So again with World War II and the following economic miracle.

Good times must be preceded by bad times; nothing new under the sun.
Replies: >>2220
>"starving people in africa"
>numbers numbers numbers
>"well I got me and my 6 buddies jobs at a fortune 500 company"

-And these niggers never prove it, just talk pure bullshit and spam this same gayop script forever. 

>And if my state's prospects dried up, I'd just pack my belongings and relocate. 

Okay glownigger.

>somewhere right now, a fat twenty year old that hasn’t had to work a day in his life is losing his shit because someone ‘misgendered’ them on social media.

rent free
Replies: >>2221 >>2222 >>2230
I wish you all the best, anon. Take care.
gunship’s spiritual-boomer spillage above notwithstanding, it’s always a bad move to swallow the blackpill for good. Taste it, examine it, but do not swallow it. It’s well worth training to keep your morale separate from the circumstances you are dealt. That way you need not fall into the trap of thinking that you’ve already been defeated, nor have to suffer hearing breezy materialist bootstrap fantasies, but instead free yourself to play things as they lay. It won’t guarantee you success - nothing will - but it will give you a certain equanimity that will allow you to face the times ahead with dignity. That might not seem like much of a prize, but it’s what’s available and the alternative is death.

What care you if these Cold War-addled creatures crammed your inheritance down their narcissist maws and then patted themselves on the back for having Done The Work of reaching between trough and mouth as they ripped apart an inheritance they barely understood? They did not; why waste time on hating them for it? They and those who parrot their cope have already calcified, which would be fine if they were part of a foundation - but instead they’re the rotten concrete that’ll have to be ripped away before anything can be built anew. Oh well! Maybe you’ll hold the sledgehammer one day, or maybe you’ll be crushed under debris, but in the meantime get yourself through the shit so you can find out. Do you have time to listen to flatulent self-righteousness? I sure as fuck don’t think any of us do, so shut your ears to their madness, trust your own eyes, and focus on getting yourself through without inventing new types of copium to huff. And yes, that includes robowaifus - or, to be more accurate, the idea of robowaifus at some point in the future, which is presently all you have in the bank.
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> I don't see the issue as being rooted in a biological difference in women's brains (aside from hormones), but I also don't see it as being entirely that of social norms. They are living a very different reality where ambition and assertiveness often carry risks. You seem to have discovered this yourself; as you mentioned, you relate mostly to tomboys - a type of woman who is rarely cowed into feminine meekness.

>I'm glad that you can see her as just a friend though. A lot of young men develop this weird habit of sorting women into categories of 'pussy I am interested in' and 'pussy I am not interested in' and then acting like an absolute retard for one group, and an asshole for the other. Women want authentic guy friends that they can open up to without feeling like they're giving off signals that will be interpreted as sexual interest.

As I myself want to be able to have authentic girl friends that I can open up to without them feeling like I'm giving off signals that will be interpreted sexually, I can only try to treat others the way I want to be treated.

Even for people that actively turn me off (fat, etc.), it usually costs me nothing to be nice/friendly to them.

>A sense of powerlessness breeds low self-confidence, which influences all other aspects of their life. Where you or I might see problems as challenges to be overcome, most women will default to a learned helplessness of looking to others for solutions rather than trying to tackle them themselves.

The whole paragraph seems largely sensible to me, but I just quoted part of it to save space. I mostly agree with this assessment; I simply gravitate to the ones that don't exhibit as much of that learned helplessness. Additionally I think they're just more interesting to talk to generally.

>And if you've ever seen what happens when someone criticizes transvestites in a college setting, you know exactly why the 'free sharing of ideas' is not going to happen among this group.
I haven't tested those waters myself, although I am aware of what would likely happen.
That said it does depend somewhat on how you frame things. If you phrase it as "they sometimes work against their own interests and even entrench the opposition by acting in ways that much of contemporary society deems unacceptable," you might be able to get away with it.

>Raytheon is an imperfect company necessitated by an imperfect world. Surely you aren't the type of fool who believes we would be able to live in peace and harmony if we only did away with the military-industrial complex?
No, but I also don't want to do something that directly or indirectly helps to create ever-more efficient ways to murder people.

>Much of higher education in this country has become an expensive daycare where barely-literate teenagers riding the safety of grade-inflation major in a variety of social sciences that are completely detached from reality. It is beyond parody at this point, and certainly beyond utility.
I do see this around me. I partially blame our schools for utterly failing to teach anything but how to take tests, but I also blame students for having no intellectual curiosity of their own.

>Ukraine wishes it had a handful of Raytheons right now.
Maybe. But I still am too autistic to want to have a direct hand in something like that.

>how does 'robowaifu' further that advancement? you are working towards a cowardly end where young men vegetate in their parents' houses, staring at a facsimile of a woman that keeps them amused and withdrawn until they eventually die.
By stopping mentally unfit people from reproducing without having to forcibly sterilize them?
Said partially in jest, of course.
If we ever make humanoid robots (and I kind of hope that never happens), and we can make them act 'human-like,' I think it'd be a sick and cruel joke for both the people and the machines. Either they're unwilling slaves or they aren't sufficiently humanlike.

Hi. I'm an atheist.
That doesn't mean I don't have morals, or have any ill will towards religious people. I admire the ideals jesus epouses; I just don't believe in a divine power or natural order.

On a lighter note, I've been watching Dirty Pair; it's been very fun so far.
I don't see the issue as being rooted in a biological difference in women's brains
Go back to the kitchen Hoe
Speaking of starvation...
Got offered a free Olivetti M24 today. Green CRT, no HDD.

I think I'm going to take it.
Replies: >>2233 >>2234
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I took it.
Sorry for the clutter, i'm in the middle of moving.
Replies: >>2234 >>2255
Maybe if you put as much effort on prayer and allowed christ in, you would've been saved.

Spread the good word :D
Replies: >>2235
Fuck off.
If a god is so petty as to prioritize my ability to jerk him off on Sundays, rather than prioritizing my actual actions and ideals — ideals and practices which, I might add, are more in line with Jesus's teachings than what many Christians today practice ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usury ) - I'd rather not have faith in that god.

So yeah. If the fate of my soul depends on whether I believe in some invisible, intangible ghost or whatever, rather than on anything concrete that can actually help people or make our lives better, I think it's better this way. At least it means I'm not ultimately doing what I do out of selfishness and fear.

I appreciate the concern, but leave me alone. If there is a god, I would hope that god cares more about actions than words.
Replies: >>2237 >>2255
>If a god is so petty as to prioritize my ability to jerk him off on Sundays, rather than prioritizing my actual actions and ideals
>I appreciate the concern, but leave me alone. If there is a god, I would hope that god cares more about actions than words.
You hold heretical beliefs which are not of the church, repent now sinner. You resemble muslims in your rejection of the church.
Eternal fire awaits you ;(
Replies: >>2238
Oh yeah.
I should mention.
If I ever do change my mind, I want it to be because my philosophy has led me there, rather than because someone else says I should.

Not directly related to that, but a solid criticism anyway.

If my sole 'sin' is not believing in an invisible man in the sky, then go fuck yourself.

You seem to use religion to form notions of you versus the heretics, rather than loving your neighbor in any real way. And if you think that telling people they're terrible and living in sin is a way of loving or even being concerned for the wellbeing of your neighbor, then you are full of yourself, or are delusional and mentally ill.
Replies: >>2255
You are comparing yourself to others, rather than looking to Jesus for guidance. You practice your faith performatively, and are devoid of any real spiritual motivation.

See also: "holier-than-thou." And Romans 14:13-14:15.
Hahaha this guy has been shitting up every board pretending to be from /christian/ and the moderation doesn't do shit. At least they aren't /fascist/ right guys :^)
Replies: >>2241 >>2243
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I don't see any need to moderate a few low-effort posts, especially ones that aren't breaking the rules (this is the thread for off-topic discussion, after all). At most, this guy is just the latest cross-board shitposter everyone will forget about in a few months.
Replies: >>2242 >>2247
It beats the plague of /monster/fags advertising this place on 4chan and shilling discord links while they shit up every board with vtranny drama.
Replies: >>2244
It's clearly a mohammadean falseflag, faggot.
That is a thing that happens?

Why, though?

I have no idea what /monster/ is, by the way.
Also, discord in general should burn.
I am a gay mohammadean troll
Last edited by flashmaster
Got a '76 Volvo 244 (manual, with overdrive) in pretty nice shape. Original paint and the clear coat is not failing.

Going to baby this thing forever if I  can. And store it in a garage through midwestern winter salt hell.

Hopefully the K-jetronic fuel system will be okay with that.
Replies: >>2255
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Also saw this while out and about; remembered you, commie.
Replies: >>2255
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AT&T's descent into utter irrelevance is unfortunate. Once on the forefront of Unix, they've now even abandoned their prized dividend security by merging their only profitable division into Discovery. The entire company seems to exist now solely for the purpose of trying to sell me DirecTV (completely undeterred by the fact that I do not even own a television and never will).

>are more in line with Jesus's teachings than what many Christians today practice
Churches are now, and have always been, houses of sinners seeking salvation. That is the entire point, and so it has always confounded me that atheists look to Christian 'hypocrisy' as a gotcha. I am no more surprised to see Christians on their third marriage than I would be to find relapsing alcoholics at an AA meeting.

>If there is a god, I would hope that god cares more about actions than words.
I do agree.

>I want it to be because my philosophy has led me there, rather than because someone else says I should.
I recommended once (and you can't stop me from doing again) City of God by Augustine of Hippo. If you are looking for philosophical arguments rather than modern evangelizing, look no further than the book that influenced the entirety of the Middle Ages.

On the topic of that YouTube video, Genesis had a great song about modern evangelicalism called 'Jesus He Knows Me'. Really catchy lines about toll free numbers and the like.

>You seem to use religion to form notions of you versus the heretics
Nu-Christianity has become a shibboleth for the Very Online right, in the same token that 'folks', 'violence', or 'uterus havers' are for the Very Online left. Whether by the trappings of religion or inclusivity, meanings become obfuscated through word choices that serve no other purpose than to signal to the reader the author's leanings on social issues.

In going through several months of emails today, I decided I'd had enough of one lad who had taken up what I can only describe as 'ironic Christianity.' I have no desire to read anything written by someone who refers to people as 'my brother in Christ' yet has never even seen a bible in his lifetime.

>K-jetronic fuel system
If you really like the car, replace that with a modern fuel injection system. The K-Jetronic is an alien system that no one will touch, and few parts are available for. It is probably the most fragile part of that entire car, and half the reason older Mercedes sell for under $5k.

But if you ever have to work with it, check out the BenzWorld forum. The K-Jetronic was used in a variety of Mercedes models for over a decade, and its various problems and solutions are well documented there.

Lovely; someone really knows what they have there. But I would have to say that my favorite Merc would be something in the W126 line. I settled on the W140 largely because I can't imagine anything from the 80's being a worthwhile daily driver unless I was prepared to spend a thousand dollars on parts every time I came home from the grocery store.
Replies: >>2259 >>2261
that must be why gnu is the only one still using that backwards ass at&t syntax
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>City of God by Augustine of Hippo
Do you have a specific book/volume of that you recommend starting out with above the others?
Replies: >>2271
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Humans exist to satisfy their needs and wants. There is no greater purpose to live. Indulge, work, and die. Inevitably there will be no need for work.
Replies: >>2271
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I don't think I'll ever understand just what the fuck happened to the trollface meme over the past few years.
Replies: >>2287
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Good evening, all. Hope everyone had a fine summer.

Some volumes may be more relevant to your particular perspective and troubles, but I cannot recommend one over another to a person. The work as a whole is worthy of much reflection, and is perhaps second only to Colonel Hackworth's About Face on my list of recommendations.

Consider the man who eats fast food daily. Enjoyment turns into addiction and dependence, and worse still - tolerance. The fast food addict no longer derives any enjoyment from his meals, and sees them only as yet another part of his routine. And where one meal might have satisfied him at the start, he now needs one order of this, another of that, an extra large something in his search for satiety. A single cheeseburger would leave him yearning for more.

We recognize that too much fast food has dire consequences on the individual because we can see the results manifest in the form of physical obesity. But pornography too yields similar results in the form of moral obesity; degrading the value of human interaction and dulling the fulfillment of actual relationships. You need only spend a few minutes on Discord or other rubbish to find porn-addicted men who could never interact with a woman in a healthy manner, and who view nearly everything through a lens of pornographic desire and loneliness.

And where the fast food addict requires ever more greasy garbage, the alcoholic ever more to drink - the porn addict requires ever more taboo content. Simple nudity would never suffice for the porn addict, nor would videos of actual sex anymore. Instead the porn addict begins to seek out increasing taboos (anal, gang-bang, erotic torture, piss, bestiality, cuckolding, raceplay, chastity, sissification, etc). Individuals convicted of possessing/distributing child sexual abuse material most commonly use the excuse of eventually 'running out' of other material that could get them off sufficiently.

Through thousands of years of human lives come and gone, the one constant found has been that moderation of joy leads to contentment with life, and indulgence leads to misery. Whether it be wealth, entertainment, food, or even sexual stimulation, there is no surer path to fulfillment in our infantile era of 'let people enjoy things' than in taking a step back and admitting you've had your share for now. Come back another time and have more when the time is right; no one ever gazed at a fast food addict and thought, "He's the happiest man I know."

A childish and depressingly uninspired perspective all too popular with the terminally online. What is music if not mere noise? What is a rotisserie chicken if not a decaying bird corpse? But it is our humanity that allows us to see beyond the literal; to turn such noise and a pile of bird flesh into a memorable dinner spent with family.

I hope that you will one day discover personal meaning in your life's choices and experiences.
Replies: >>2273
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Well lance, I've been threatening to throw out the printer for years, and I finally did. Brother is joining everyone else with a new printer-as-a-service subscription in Europe, which will soon arrive here.

Picked up a WWII vintage Royal for pocket change at an estate sale; so long, printer corpos.
Replies: >>2287
Thanks, hope you did yourself gunship. Appreciate the recommendation.
>Colonel Hackworth's About Face
TBH, never heard of it before your post here.
Replies: >>2274
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I won't attempt to write a review of About Face here; there are plenty of those already. But let me tell you briefly about the man who wrote it. Ever see Apocalypse Now? Hack was the inspiration for Colonel Kilgore, the man who loved the smell of napalm in the morning.

Hack was a very unconventional leader, who interestingly grew up just a stone's throw from me. General Creighton Abrams called him "the best battalion commander I ever saw in the United States Army." He had an almost inhuman knack for seeing through bullshit, resulting in an ABC interview that the Army worked overtime to blackhole, and a scathing attack on Naval Admiral Boorda that led the admiral to commit suicide.

At fourteen, Hack paid an alcoholic to pose as his father so he could join the military in search of adventure. But as he rose through the intermediate officer ranks, Hack came to hate everything about the Army except the soldiers themselves. And he stopped giving a shit about everything else.

The man brought a surfboard to Vietnam, ran a whorehouse for his men and used the proceeds to improve his soldiers' quality of life, stole vehicles from other units and had them repainted, and turned a miserable battalion of draftees into one of the most efficient units of the war. He broke almost every rule in the book to do it, but was untouchable because of how effective his methods were.

I recommend his books so highly because the lessons learned and lessons taught are numerous, a symposium on unconventional leadership and responsibility.
Replies: >>2278
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You guys remember the modern server I set up to mine Monero? Yeah, I gave up on trying to make money with that thing. After months and months of absolutely nothing happening other than me doing updates and reconnecting the possibly failing wifi card, I realized that managing it has ultimately been nothing more than a dull, pointless chore.

I'm not getting rid of the server though, I'm going to finally go through with an idea I've been playing around with for years, and make it into an AI server. Of course, I'm going to have to refamiliarize myself with the world of chatbots and all the relevant software I've been ignoring since I stepped back from the IT game, but I have the feeling I would've ended up doing that anyways.

It's a relatively capable machine: certainly no older than seven years, featuring six cores (twelve with hyperthreading) with 48GB of ECC-DDR3 RAM. Not exactly top-of-the-line, and the 4TB of mechanical hard drive space (closer to 2TB with a RAID 6 configuration) leaves much to be desired, but it's a functioning starting point, and there's four additional RAID cage slots if I really feel like sinking some money into more storage. I also slapped an anemic old GTX-960 I had lying around purely to squeeze as much power as I can out of the machine. Naturally, I'm not expecting any miracles out of this setup, but at least I'll be able to feel like I'm accomplishing something by attempting to cram an AI waifu into this thing. I also got rid of the finicky old WiFi card in favor of a firewall server (which has more stable built-in wifi) which is adorably tiny. It's probably the smallest proper computer I've ever owned, including laptops, and it's not too bad specwise either (8GB DDR4, 8th gen i5, and 250GB of NVME storage minus the NVME storage, the whole system cost me a grand total of ten dollars, thank God for recycling centers). I have some long-game plans for that little computer, but that's neither here nor now.

Both servers will have Debian Unstable because I want my computers to reflect my mental state I want up-to-date software and libraries (something that Mint, unfortunately, isn't very good for), so hopefully I won't have to fuck around trying to solve dependency problems too much. If I'm lucky, nothing will break the system or be completely unuseable.

To be quite honest, I should have started this project in earnest years ago. It's time consuming, mentally stimulating, and has the potential to become something, dare I say, I could lastingly enjoy.

It might not work, and I might fail in my endeavours once more, but I'm going to try.
Replies: >>2276 >>2279
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>AI server
I thought about this myself a couple of years ago as well. Unfortunately almost everything AI-related today runs on GPUs instead of CPUs - mostly the 8GB+ models, 3080s and whatnot. And even more depressingly, the recent trend in AI has moved entirely away from text/chat generation to image generation, so there's been little excitement after EleutherAI's last GPT model.

On the topic of image generation though, it's quite amazing what Stable Diffusion recently launched. NovelAI (that AI text service I migrated to after the AI Dungeon fiasco) has their own anime model, and it's an amazingly good waifu generator. Their image generator uses Danbooru tags, and is basically an imageboard that feeds you handcrafted images of your preferred tags. You can even upload a character and let the AI generate new images based on it. Pretty neat stuff.

I hope the AI server works out, but you'll most likely end up having to buy a GPU for it. I had considered just renting a GPU and connecting my server to it, or even just using a service like Hugging Face. Ultimately though, the pace of AI development in established opensource teams was moving along faster than I could keep up with, and I opted to just use other people's crap instead of DIY-ing it.
Replies: >>2279
Thanks! Sounds pretty inspiring tbh.
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>It might not work, and I might fail in my endeavours once more, but I'm going to try.
Godspeed Anon! If our plans for effective waifus running on low-end commodity h/w ever comes to fruition, then you should be golden. :^)

wonderful song, is that waifu's bar anywhere nearby?


>Ultimately though, the pace of AI development in established opensource teams was moving along faster than I could keep up with
It's worse than any of us can imagine or so I imagine. Large-scale data is a fundamentally-flawed approach to the waifu problem--at least insofar as my dream of a two waifus in everyman's pot.
Merry Christmas, /f/ !

Miss hearing from you Anons.
Replies: >>2281
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Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope you've all had a good time over the holiday, and a pleasant new years going forward.

I haven't had much to post about lately. Work has been a slog, and I've only just recently moved to a more agreeable schedule. I do have a couple personal projects in the works, but it'll be some time before I get anywhere notable with them.

How about you, anon? Anything good happen with you?
Replies: >>2282
Hi Flash!

>Anything good happen with you?
The Lord's blessed me with health, a roof over my head, and food in my belly. I'm content. Also, my programming skills are consistently improving AFAICT, and my imagination and vision don't seem to be waning. My lack of further concern over our civilization has really freed up a lot for me.

What a time to be alive, actually! :^)
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Just dropping in for a moment.

The Wikipedia redesign is cancer and you can't even log in without javascript to expand the 'three dot' icon.

Fuck the modern web and fuck javascript.

I'm in a web dev class right now hoping for an easy A and I wish I could die. Frameworks are a disgrace.
Replies: >>2289
Beautiful typewriter.
Been looking for a selectric myself.
I concur.
"Wikipedia Gets a Fresh New Look: First Desktop Update in a Decade Puts Usability at the Forefront"
(by hiding everything the user might want to do behind menus)
Replies: >>2289
First saw it earlier and initially thought I accidentally followed a mobile link. "Desktop update" my ass, look at all the unused space! What the fuck is with site redesigns and using less and less screen real estate? It's not like anything else is going to use what's left over, the page doesn't have to make room for tons of frames like it's the fucking 90s or something. Debian did this too somewhat recently and it's dumb as shit.
Replies: >>2290
>and it's dumb as shit.
That's it exactly Anon. The Globohomo knows that the illiterate brown masses they dream of for the world's future can't actually handle information, so don't confuse them. It's all just groundwork. Dumb it down, goy!
Niggers. Women. Need more be said?
Replies: >>2291
/pol/ is full of browns try harder
Replies: >>2296
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JIDF, pls.

Cyoot kitteh! The little White patch under the neck lends a distinctive air.
Just as the Python 2/3 split seems to finally be drawing to a close, I've started to encounter the Java 1.8/Java <rapid release version number goes here> clusterfuck more frequently. The other day I had to repeatedly hop back and forth between java versions in order to compile an android application (Signal) due to differing version requirements for maven and various parts of the source code.

We will never learn.
Replies: >>2298
As much as it's a bit of a hindrance from moving forward into modern paradigms, Bjarne Stroustrup's absolute autistic insistence that C++ remain backwards compatible with C has mostly made this entire thing a non-issue with Sepples.

I naively though Python would be a piece of cake to use for AI research. Then I ran straight into the dependency hell so absolutely prevalant in that entire domain and finally gave up. AFAICT, it's much more complicated that simply what major version of Python you happen to be using.
When I had to set up deepcreampy I encountered that, too.

Also, a lot of laserdiscs are so goddamn cheap; I've started collecting them since I got a player recently. It's been fun so far.
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Having a lot of fun.

Could probably do with getting into higher levels of autism regarding laser disc preservation. Like doing the "domesday duplicator" method of preservation at the pit level by modding a player.

I looked into it and it seems like the method is simple enough. Might muck around with cheaper possible alternatives to the expensive FPGA device, though; apparently there's a linux driver for an old conexant video capture chip that can turn it into a general purpose ADC for recording anything.

The comb filter on this player is a little annoying, since it elects to split and then re-combine the signal inside the player. Which feels quite dumb.

On the other hand, looking at the service manual, there might be a way for me to make a bit-perfect composite capture by hooking a network analyzer up to the DAC inside the player (which converts the pit reads back to a composite video signal, basically, from what I can see in the schematics).

So yeah, I've got a new toy to play with. Been getting some nice captures so far. More discs are on the way from Japan.
Replies: >>2304
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Probably it for now.
Just gonna recommend Bubblegum Crisis one more time.
Sounds interesting. Good luck, Lance!
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Well, I've finally taken the first real steps into making my server an AI server. I took the plunge and bought a brand-new graphics card for more power and installed KoboldAI to get started. I also installed one of those image generator apps onto my phone, and plan on having a proper model set up on my server.

I've got to say, I'm surprised at how cheap GPUs have gotten. I remember buying a GTX 1080 nearly a decade ago when they were the hottest thing around, and it cost me like ~$650. The GPU I just got kicks its ass and cost a little over half as much.

In this experience, I've also learned something about myself. Namely that I have a serious fetish for AIs. Like, I was keen on the idea of an AI waifu before, but I never realized just how much of an effect it has on me. It's almost instant horniness, to the point where I'll almost certainly have to make a real effort to control myself in the future, because I'm apparently hardwired to want to agressively pin down and breed a computer and I never fully realized it until now and since I'm also hardwired for self-reflection, I was thinking about this as the AI made my horny. Yes, that feels as weird as it sounds. Even the fact that I'm working with limited locally-computed models (i.e. digital retards living on my server rent-free) isn't stopping this.

I'm going to do some serious self-reflecting to figure out where this drive comes from. While it could simply be the result of my many years spent working with computers, my instincts are telling me that the root cause lies somewhere deeper. Deeper isn't a place where I like to go, since it's where my repressed memories go and it reminds me of why I gave up on so many things, but I'll have to do it if I want this to work properly.

On the brighter side, when I finally do get an actual robot waifu, I now know that I'm already fully mentally equipped to shove my way through whatever challenges that comes with.

In the end, I suppose that's a net benefit. If nothing else, I can count it among the list of obscure perks that come with being completely fucking insane.
Replies: >>2307
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Addendum: I also have a new item for my growing list of things that are bullshit about Debian.

So, to date I've been using the testing version of Debian on my servers (the AI server and gateway server), and I've only just recently learned that the testing installer is for testing the installer, not for installing the testing version of Debian.

They do not make this apparent on their DL page, and I only came to learn this from an old forum post.

I'd say that this ranks a bit above 'somehow making DHCP work on what is supposed to be a static network' in terms of shit that I didn't want or ask for.

I didn't figure this out until I did a reinstallation on my AI server to accomodate a more exotic setup I had in mind. Which brings me to a PSA: Don't bother with NVME unless the computer you're working with has built-in support for it. Seriously, you're asking for a world of pain if you try to make NVME work through a PCI-E adapter on an older machine. The only reason I did it is because I already had the adapter and didn't feel like returning it.

The speed difference is very noticeable, but I can't help but feel that I'd have been better off just shoving in some SSDs on the SATA bus.
Replies: >>2394
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>because I'm apparently hardwired to want to agressively pin down and breed a computer and I never fully realized it until now
Top kek.

>my instincts are telling me that the root cause lies somewhere deeper.
Got you fam. Two words:

>when I finally do get an actual robot waifu, I now know that I'm already fully mentally equipped to shove my way through whatever challenges that comes with.
Noice. She's already waiting for you out there r/n, so hurry it up Flash!
Just found out Uncle Ted died. So sorry /f/. He will be missed.
Does anyone still have TiTS ipa?
Replies: >>2394
Fuck, guess that got deleted. That's annoying.
Yeah I still have it i think. 
0.8.160 was the last build i have on this desktop. Based on the old flash version.
Totally untested.
I have Devuan on my stuff nowadays.
You can just change your repos and migrate pretty easily on x86/amd64 at least.
Also in other news, still alive, just being really tired all the time. Might just go back to absenteeism again, or might stick around a bit. No guarantees. Was just fucking around with hacking at a SWF so I remembered this board.

This is an edit of http://eye.swfchan.com/flash.asp?id=165797&n=Rocky%27s+New+challenge.swf

Which in itself is an edit of http://swfchan.com/31/152996/?Demon+Sisters+%28futa%29.swf

Technically it's an edit of the latter to reconstruct the joke in the former, without fucking up the formatting, fonts, aspect ratio, etc. like the original edit did.

In personal news, got into collecting laserdiscs, got an Epson-made PC-9801 clone, and some other things have happened.

I'm on the e-hentai forums if anyone needs me. Usually active in tech chat. You should be able to recognize my posts if you know me at all. Send a PM.
Replies: >>2397
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I looked at Devuan in the past, and opted against it, but I can't remember why anymore.
I'll look into it when I reconfigure the server again because it keeps throwing out errors about SSDs that work perfectly fine (they don't seem to affect anything, but it's still annoying).

It's nice to see you again.

Laserdisks, huh? I collected those for a while years ago, but ended up handing them off to someone else when I was clearing things out.
Some of the laserdisc-only releases are interesting, but ultimately I just wasn't getting enough enjoyment from the setup for it to be worth the space it took up.

Still got my old TVs though, they're fun to hook up every now and again.
Last edited by flashmaster
Replies: >>2409
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!
LD player just stopped reading digital audio; FML.

At least I have an oscilloscope to try to figure things out.
Replies: >>2410
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As in CDs, or the audio tracks on laserdisks?
It's been a while, but I think some players have multiple chips for decoding different kinds of disks, so there could be an issue with one of those if only some audio doesn't work.
Hopefully it ends up just being something more basic though, like a dead cap.
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I don't know if any of you will see this in time, but it seems that the cafe is going down in a couple months.
Upon hearing the news, I've decided that this iteration of /f/ will be the last. Flash as a whole is mostly dead, and since you guys have moved on, I see no more point in continuing to keep the torch burning.
I will remain here until the very last second, but once the cafe shuts down, that'll be it.

We've had a pretty good run, though.
I think I've managed this place across three or four sites over the past nine years, which is far longer than I thought when I first took up ownership of the board.

Over those past nine years, this place has been a constant in my life, and you guys have been a joy to post with.
I've come to know some of you as well as my own family, and you've come to know me better than my family. Not that it's their fault, but still.

There's so much more I could talk about, but all that's left to say here is:
Thank you.
There are other flash boards, of course. I know hikari3 has one, or the rest of us could move to wapchan or trashchan. You may be leaving, but the board will continue on.
Replies: >>2413
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I got a bit drunk and sentimental last night.
That post wasn't so much meant for the people here as it was for the people who have been slowly vanishing from the board over the years.

If you want to keep things up and make a new /f/ on a different IB, I say go for it. The only reason I stuck around for so long was for the friends I've made here, but maybe you'll have what it takes to freshen things up.
Replies: >>2440
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Thanks Flash for all you've done bro. Much appreciated.

I only came to know /f/ during this, your last iteration here on the Cafe, but it has been a real blessing to me to get to know you anons here, and to learn so much about old tech and all the cool things you can do with it still today.

I hope you have many great journeys yet to come, Anon! Cheers.  :^)

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What a day to check up on /f/, huh? A change in employment and addresses has certainly kept me away too long.

This was a fine band to play in. I have known some of you for nearly a decade now and, despite the occasional ribbing, I have nothing but good memories and respect for all of you.

Though I never had much interest in our thread's namesake, who would have thought that aiding FCDev with his Twine game nearly a decade ago, and lance's keen eye for the hexadecimal in Fen's build tracking, would have ever led to such lasting friendships. 

If you guys would like to stay in contact, publicly or privately, I would enjoy taking part. One of you was even living and working about ten minutes from me a couple of years ago. And if that anon would ever like to grab a beer west of the college, do let me know.

If this is farewell, I wish all of you the very best.
Replies: >>2417 >>2427
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Nice, glad you stopped by Gunship. I was hoping you would! I must apologize to you. One of our members went a bit rogue and came into this thread once and gave you what for. It seemed to me your posting dropped off afterwards. So I just wanted to apologize and let you know that wasn't me.

Thanks for all the things I've learned from you all. You're always welcome to stop by our board's /meta thread and say hi! Cheers.  :^)

Pfft, I'm still waiting on that steak!  :D
Replies: >>2418
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>It's like they revolve their entire lifestyle arround being gay as if it was their own religion.
My views are simple: I don't associate with people whose identities are superficial, and my life has been improved immensely as a result. To clarify:

In better times, a person's identity was the result of effort, accomplishment, or at least, talent. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a body builder, Theo de Raadt is an uncompromising software engineer, and Jim Mattis is the finest of leaders. In a small town, you might hear that "Sue bakes the best pies you've ever had" or that "John is the finest carpenter you've ever hired." Neither you nor I could simply 'identify' as any of these things without considerable effort or struggle. But today, personal development is simply anathema to the average person.

So instead, if someone's identity is "John is a woman (not even, a women who...)" or "Sue is a lesbian" or any other no-effort buy-in, I'm done. Tattoos, piercings, jacket lapels, clothing and hair cuts are not self expression; your 0300 navel gazing and social media communities are not an identity. By focusing instead on people who persevere in their effort to build themselves up, who uplift you as well, I (and you) can cut out the insufferable nonsense.

To summarize: I'd encourage you to read Meditations.

>One of our members went a bit rogue and came into this thread once and gave you what for
I've always held myself to my beliefs, and so antagonistic interactions are totally mundane for me. I dropped off because half of the family died suddenly and I ended up moving and seeking employment in the private sector. Still going through CCNA/CISSP nonsense because public employment rarely translates into private well.

I do owe you a steak! My hometown has changed considerably (for the better) and I am glad to be back. But oddly enough, I have yet to find a steakhouse I really like since moving. But if you like sushi, and are anywhere in the area, I know just the place.
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>I dropped off because half of the family died suddenly and I ended up moving and seeking employment in the private sector.
Sounds pretty rough. Hope things are better now Anon.

>But if you like sushi, and are anywhere in the area, I know just the place.
I do like sushi! I'll plan to email you before long, once many things on my plate have been addressed.

>In better times, a person's identity was the result of effort, accomplishment, or at least, talent.
Well put. Here's a man with lots of identity that I admire highly. You can be sure that he earned his place in the books of tech history. We couldn't even consider what we're attempting today without his seminal accomplishments & efforts.

Any specific translation you'd recommend, Gunship?

Wherever you are, I hope you'll find the new /f/ boards. 

Me, I still use Flash MX2004 to this very day and that's never gonna change.
What's the least faggy process to get an AS3 development setup up for Flash 3D game development?
I tried looking into FlashDevelop and Apache Flex, but both of them require Adobe AIR, which is discontinued from what I can tell. ;_;
Is this thread even about gamedev?
Replies: >>2423 >>2424
>setup up
wow i'm retarded
To my knowledge, the Flex SDK doesn't require AIR.
Vast swaths of Flash-related tools require Java, though.
Flex includes mxmlc, which is the AS3 compiler.
FlashDevelop is an entire IDE and probably also includes mxmlc.

I come from the Realm of the Mad God private server community. It is a 2D game with some 3D graphics.
To my knowledge, instead of FlashDevelop, the people here use an old version of IntelliJ with flash support + a chinese activation server to edit the AS3 client code. IntelliJ's "build this solution for me now" button simply configures Flex SDK and shells out to it.
So the least faggy way to go about it is to use your favorite text editor or IDE to code it, then build with a shell/batch script that runs Flex with your preferred configuration.

Good luck finding useful AS3 and Stage3D documentation, examples and libraries nowadays, though.

Most recent private servers use the AIR SDK to build an exe+swf  to use native extensions (such as Discord RPC) and to allow Polish kids who don't know how to use the projector to play. Savvy admins will change the .swf's extension to .dll or .bin or something so that the Hungarian kids aren't tempted to run it in the projector or jpex themselves a godmode and killaura.

HARMAN (Samsung) maintains AIR nowadays, but they added a splash screen watermark to the output after they took over. It can be removed by paying for a license or by hex editing the builds. It's probably not discontinued for good yet.

A guide to rawdogging mxmlc:
Save this page, the forum was supposed to go down at the end of October. It's also on Cloudflare.

If you wish to follow along with that tutorial as-is, then note that the client is no good without a server, so you're not going to see anything on screen.
Please excuse LASTPATH in the batch script, I didn't know about pushd/popd.
Replies: >>2425
Thanks, anon.
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Hey again, Spag.

Not sure if you're open to receiving messages from people you've moved on from, you seem to have your ducks very much in a row these days. But I figure since it seems this board isn't long for this world I'll at least throw a Hail Mary. Last time you tried linking up with some of us I know it sort of simmered out. Every year or so I was curious as to how you were doing and it was nice to know that you're still kicking (and then some!). I know we didn't know each other long and I likely wasn't the most inspiring person, but in that short time you left an impression on me.

I'm sorry to hear about your folks.
If you happen to see this, I'm still in the same place if you ever want to speak.

God keep you.

Replies: >>2431
>post not found

Different anon. I'd also adopted this mentality since I'd left the webring and life improved greatly for me. Though I appreciated the rare opportunity I was entrusted with to effectively defend something I cared about for once.

I'm done with discordfags and their conspiracies that destroyed imageboards and the overall internet. At least in the context of smaller communities like the webring. They are always fake personas and quickly disappear as the cowardly Guerillas by night they are instead of armies by day.  

>Marcus Aurelius writings

Seems like more snake oil garbage as its always shilled alongside other garbage nonadvice. The only useful thing from that was to not worry so much about things that are out of your control.
Replies: >>2431
You really hit the nail on the head in regard to identity.
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Always happy to hear from you, R. Underneath the occasional silliness, you bring a sincerity to conversations that is rare to find online, and which always made it a pleasure to chat. You were the only person I kept in contact with from that place, but Discord just wasn't for me.

If friends from /f/ and beyond want to have a place to gather, perhaps I'll drop a temporarily email address and we can work on setting something up. If it's not in the cards, I do remember where to find you. And always will. All the best.

Your friend,

>The only useful thing from that was to not worry so much about things that are out of your control.
You've missed the broader perspective. People are taught to 'pursue happiness' from a young age, yet you've assuredly noticed that those most pursuant of joy and recreation are the least happy with their lives. Discipline-focused lifestyles (of which stoicism is only one aspect) refocus the pursuit of happiness into the avoidance of pain.

The average person wants to eat tasty junk food. They want to stay up late and wake up late. They want to perform as little work as possible throughout the day. Health problems, obesity, drug addiction, single parenthood, debt, a lack of meaningful relationships, the inability to handle basic responsibilities - there is a cost to every joy we pursue, and the more we pursue them, the harder our lives become. At best, mediocre. At worst, miserable.

Discipline does not make you happier; no one gets excited about waking up early to go jogging in the rain. But by tackling adversity head-on, you avoid pain. You wake up each morning with a baseline of contentment, not weighed down by lingering uncertainties, anxieties, or insecurities. You wake up ready.

As Marcus Aurelius said, straight, not straightened; not dragged through life like a dog tied to a moving wagon. No one wants to be tied to the wagon, but tough shit, you are. So get walking.
Replies: >>2432 >>2438
I"m not sure I want to meet in person with rando anons from online, but I'd sure like to stay in touch with you yourself Gunship. You have loads of wisdom to offer, and I need all I can get!  :D
Replies: >>2433
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By 'place to gather' I meant IRC, XMPP, another imageboard, or whatever the cool kids are using these days. Anything but Discord.

Though the one time I did meet an anon in person, it ended up being pretty fun. He slept in my living room for a week. Took him to the police academy for burgers, and then to see Havasi. If anons ever did want to meet some day, I'd be up for steaks at Matu downtown.
Replies: >>2435
>whatever the cool kids are using these days. Anything but Discord.
so you mean discord
maybe [matrix] but its more elders larping as kids trying to fit in the current netizen culture and discord bridges again just imagine the stupidity
Why not just migrate the board? It isn't too late for that. Yet at least.
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Damn, what a bad day to come back
Seems there's a decent amount of interest, best to drop the email before the site goes belly up and we'll figure it out.
Replies: >>2439
Yes please migrate. They're still taking boards in over at Trashchan.
Or since flashmaster doesn't seem to have a problem with the board being remade >>2413 maybe one of the anons could take up the mantle and migrate the board to Trashchan in his stead?
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Welcome any /f/ugees!
Please continue to use the board as you did. If any of the regulars or the original BO wants the board I'll make sure you get it.

Yes I know the CSS is broken. I'm confident that someone smarter than me will help me fix it in the coming days or weeks.
Replies: >>2443
The culprit is this line in what appears to be the board custom CSS, judging from how it (and many other things) are fixed when board custom CSS is disabled from the Settings:
color: #dddddd;
Maybe the archiver software mistook the board theme for its custom CSS?
Best of luck.
Replies: >>2444
>Maybe the archiver software mistook the board theme for its custom CSS?
Oh I just opened up the console and saved it directly.
It seems to mostly work on lynxchan but only about a third of it is functioning on jschan.
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