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Keep at it, Anon!

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Alright, that's enough dilly-dallying (Happy Valentine's day, Anon!)
This thread was meant to go up at the start of february, but instead got delayed until now.
Now, as I mentioned before, I can't create common codebases for anyone to pick up and work with, as I simply haven't the time. What I do have is an updated collection of resources which will probably go up later in another thread for anyone to use.
Demo day is still planned for 8/8, but now I'm having trouble placing this jam now that I know Ludum Dare is also planned for april. What should it be? March? May? Would you really do two jams in a row?

Let's make it a month-long event. From 3/3 to 4/4 it is.
Here's what's expected: It should be 2D. Preferably with some gameplay.
If you'd like to suggest themes, source codes for cannibalizing, genres, or complain, feel free.
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>Just need to make a game around using a turret again.
There's no point in a "3D" game if you can't move in 3D.
You haven't played asteroids.
Surprised noone responded to this post - this is actually pretty impressive. Care to share the code?

Also, are you the guy who did Super Don't Give Up!! in the last jam? You got the same pixel art/pixel font thing going on. Would be to cool to hear you were still around.
Replies: >>1189
Yep, I did SDGU!! last jam. I'll try and find time to post the code with bit of an explanation.
Replies: >>1190
Nice. Glad to hear you weren't lost in the move.

Alright faggots, as I mentioned in the meta thread recently, I would like to start doing board game jams on a regular basis. Unlike other jams that just give you a theme and a ridiculously short deadline and then you're on your own, the game jams here will come with a ready-to-go, runs out-of-the-box codebase so that any participant will have a working, playable game from day one (however bare-bones and exactly like everyone else's it is). You may choose to use the provided code base if you want, but you're free to bring your own as well. Think the code is ass? Does something you don't want or need? Rewrite it then, I don't care. The provided code is simply to bring as many people up to speed as quickly as possible, as well as to provide a common ground for collaborating with and assisting one another.

The first /agdg/ Game Jam game will be making 2D platformers - no theme or gimmick restriction, it can be whatever. The provided game skeleton will use Raylib for graphics, sound, and input, and be written in an easy-to-grasp subset of C++ (nothing fancy or hyper-efficient). The Jam will officially start on June 6th, 2023 (6/6) and run until July 7th, 2023 (7/7), one month. By start, I mean a thread will be created and the code base, along with building instructions will be provided on that day. You are free to do whatever prep you like in the meantime, of course. 7/7 will be a "demo day" of sorts, where everyone uploads their games for others to play, and an informal competit
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It's a fucking jam, quit overanalyzing and being a faggot.
Replies: >>864
>>Its a good genre to learn the ropes from
Now you're starting to understand.

Guy's salty about something, I just wish he'd make a point sooner or later. I'll let him air his greivances or whatever for now and bust out the dustpan and broom and clean up after him if I have to later. Maybe he's got something to contribute, who knows. We are going to have a post-mortem discussion after the jam - what went well, what didn't, what people would like to see for next time, etc.. Maybe in the meantime our guy can get some chill and think about what to post for that.
Any plans for a second jam yet?
Replies: >>1018
The first jam was poggers I can't wait until the next one!
It really was.

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used to make a lot of maps in hamme but never published any of them. i think i only have two of the VMFs left.

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This is my first ever finished videogame, and I think it's worth sharing here too. It was originally supposed to be just a little joke, but when another artist joined the team the project really kicked off until it escalated into a real full-size game.

Give it a try and me what you think:
Replies: >>726
Can you cut off their feet and put them in a microwave after you insemenate them??
Replies: >>473 >>1006
phenomenal post
>>297 (OP) 
I'm sure OP is long gone, and the subject matter isn't really my thing, but honestly I've seen worse renpy games out there. The art is consistent, the decisions had well foreshadowed outcomes instead of some of the COYA crap where by trying to improve a situation you worsen it or vice versa, and while the game is short I think that fits with its scope. In the end, you completed a game, and that's more than a lot of people can say. I hope you learned from the project and can go on to improve your dev skills for the future.
Replies: >>1006
In this game, you play AS a fluffy. XD

Thanks! I really wanted to avoid all the usual pitfalls of dating sims like fake choices and stretched out scenes, as well as break the curse of fluffy games by setting the scale to something I could realistically finish. I'm always glad to hear people enjoying it, because I practically live on the feedback I get for my works!

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Here is the first a playable demo for the V2 of 3DChan:

>What is 3DChan?
For those who don’t know what 3DChan is, it’s an hybrid between the imageboard culture and Second Life.

>Concept of the V2 (more on my blog post)
This version won’t be online, not exactly. You will be able to post files and build level in local before sharing it via bittorrent. It’s pretty close to the concept of Decentraland, but without the virtual estate agent thing.

BTW, is this channel linked to the 8chan's /agdg ? I used to post here.
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performance on Firefox 108.0.2 (64-bit) was very poor anon
Replies: >>471
thank for your feedback I'll try to improve it
oekaki  over other peoples posts when?
this project is very nice IDEA.
people dont know what they want until they do not see it
I don't know how to post as it always pop up a message saying duplicates or something like that.

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There are few layers to learning Blender, but before learning, the Main Principle is to do as little as possible to get best possible result, by using tools which blender provides. You dont draw textures on everything by hand, you use procedural textures. You dont make rigs for generic humanoids(and some animals), you use rigging addon. Also, I would say that 12+16 gb ram is required for comfortable usage of blender. You can live with 4 gb, sure, but it will not be comfortable at all, and you might never be able to use sculpting(or using displacement in textures) or make proper renders. Also, nvidia cards work better, and if you have older radeon card, its not supported by newer blender, and 2.93 is the last blender version you can use. 
First one, is learning how to do anything, learning interface, hotkeys, etc. Most of it is very simple, and the more you use it, the faster you will do everything. At this point you should just watch a bunch of videos on youtube, I can recommend a few channels, which mention every single button press they do. And its pretty much the only way to learn it. I would say, you need to know how to do simple modelling, adding random primitives, installing generic must-have addons, such as node wrangler, basic understanding how to render something, and basic understanding of shading, aka materials in blender, how to use hdri and basic unwrapping. Additionally, for simple modelling you need to understand why you should use quad topology. At this point 
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Yeah, it's ass. Nothing you can't do with hap-hazard loop cuts and face extrusions on boxes in Blender. Can also get proper cylinders/torii and shit if you were trying to do something like that bike or another vehicle.
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Simple setup for pixelized image, if anyone needs it. The lower "value" on the left is, the heavier pixelization becomes. Its just multiplication+ rounding+ dividing each directional vector.
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I try to post here while we have that backupgate over there.

So I checked out this tutorial:
One thing this guy does is that he selects a random face, Shift-D, RMB, P to make a duplicate into a separate object and work from there. But this way he ends up with a bunch of (partly) duplicate faces, and he only deletes a few of them. Isn't that a bad idea?
(Also the first time I made the building it was too low, normally I'd just go to edit mode, Alt-Z, box select the upper part, G Z and make it taller, but since this model was composed of 8 or so objects I couldn't do that (I don't think I can be in edit mode for more than one object at a time), so in the end I just scaled the whole shit along the z axis.)

Also, in the meantime I modelled a door. Baby steps. And I've managed to produce the worst looking procedural wood texture, I'll try to do something about that tomorrow. But my real question is, I want that door to look old and not exactly in a good shape. It should have paint, but that came off at various places (that's why I need the wood texture) (something like this, but with wood instead of metal, and probably without texture painting: I'll play around with my materials, bu
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Replies: >>1002
>One thing this guy does is that he selects a random face, Shift-D, RMB, P to make a duplicate into a separate object and work from there. But this way he ends up with a bunch of (partly) duplicate faces, and he only deletes a few of them. Isn't that a bad idea?
It just how he does things, I suppose. Its possible he just extrudes them afterwards, so its not duplicate faces, but multiple fully complete objects. And adding them together is quite easy. Its also possible that he does it because its fast for demonstrational purposes.
>(Also the first time I made the building it was too low, normally I'd just go to edit mode, Alt-Z, box select the upper part, G Z and make it taller, but since this model was composed of 8 or so objects I couldn't do that (I don't think I can be in edit mode for more than one object at a time), so in the end I just scaled the whole shit along the z axis.)
You can edit multiple objects at the same time, just select all needed objects and move them. You can also do parenting, it all depends on what feels easier/faster to do. 
>painting texture
I would just use noise texture or noise + geometry>pointiness / AO texture as a mask. 
The problem with your wood material is values of various modifiers of texture. Most obvious is bump node, you need to lower its value. And it needs ramp nod
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Greetings and salutations, faggots. I'm currently working on a 2D, isometric-perspective action RPG. The goal is a Diablo-like, minus the Skinner-box loot pinata bullshit and adding a party system with simple but configurable AI party members - think Seiken Densetsu 2, 3 and Final Fantasy XII. I'm using C++ with Raylib as my primary graphics/input/output library, no "game engine" to speak of as yet. As I'm going through a bit of a refactor, I thought I would re-organize the project from scratch and document it here in the form of a tutorial slash dev blog. I'd like to use it to dump progress updates and code snippets, as well as for it to be a place to discuss Raylib and general RPG development. If you follow along, you should be able to build a similar game without too much difficulty. Disclaimer though - I am not a pro (game developer, I do a different kind of engineering for my day job), and am new to C++, so don't expect perfect code, best design practices, or anything like that.

Stay tuned for an intro to Raylib, my project/build system, and design document.
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>lol don't kill my thread.
Heh my mistake Anon. Clearly you have more to contribute, please proceed. :)
Replies: >>904
Was joke, comrade :^). And nah, I'll stop shitting up the thread. Maybe somewhere else, some other time.
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>license drama (of which I am the most guilty) should be its own thread, something like "gamedev legal/ethics/financial"
If we do end up with one, I am going to use it to yell about shitbirds who pretend to offer assets under Creative Commons licenses but then add restrictive "gotcha" supplemental terms that Creative Commons specifically disallow under their trademark policy.

>you can have this under CC-BY (unless your game's sales exceed $X) hurr durr now we come up in CC license search results make sure you read the Free* license terms! :)
>GPL did not bring out the desired goal, that is, advancing 3D games and the FPS genre
Well that's not so easy to measure, since the lessons developers have learned from Id's codebases aren't necessarily so explicitly stated, as a learning resource the Doom 1-3 & Quake 1-3 sources have been invaluable to many game devs.
>"mod community" banging on 30 year old tech because that's all that's "free"
Seems more like a problem with the culture of game development, getting the sources for 20+ year old games if the planets align shouldn't be the norm but it is. Also the things people accomplish with those very old engines are very often more experimental and innovative than what you generally get from the modern industry, you have to at least appreciate the dedication involved.
>I'm pretty sure there was a Doom 2, Quake 2, Q3A...
Well yeah, but Doom 1+2 and Quake 1 have the most popularity in large part due to what the community does with them, which gets spread around various places and gets people outside those communities interested in playing these new mods and total conversions.
>Are you saying Id is making money off of Doom and Quake today?
Yep, for Id it's a very low maintenance deal: By providing the games on Steam and other stores (generally just the original DOS versions wrapped with DOSBox) players buy the games, then take the data files and play them with source ports and mods developed completely by outside devs, Id doesn't need to get involved at all and can just let the money come in.
>Presumes source port developers would keep their changes to themselves
I base that on observations of other scenes where sharing your work isn't a requirement.
>which is fine too, as it actually introduces diversity and competition
Personally I don't think so, in those scenarios you often get certain projects having lots of control over the community, where what they say goes and people have much less power to mitigate the damage in the event of a lead dev with bad intentions.
>you would have to play the original versions instead because the superior source ports didn't all release their code?
That's fair, I didn't think that completely through. My concern was more about the issue of continuous maintenance when developers inevitably stop working on their port and that project is closed source, such that eventually you end up needing a jenga tower of fixes for fixes of ports as operating systems and hardware move on.
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I did not mess with it a whole lot, mostly played through the default game, tried mods, modded a little.
Demo game: worked nicely.
Simple ruleset and simple resource modding (adding a new ability, etc): was indeed trivial.
Variety between styles of the existing resource sets: good. From Diablo-like (Flare-game) to jRPG style (Polymorphable).

The possible downside:
Rummaging through assets of Flare-game shows that for all this fancy equipment in hands to look so nice the sprites require not only a set of standard angles, but fuckery with split layers, which does not look trivial.
Not unexpected (FreedroidRPG data/graphics/tux_motion_parts/ is not for the faint of heart either, that’s just how sprite based engines do it).
Probably… maybe… hopefully there’s something in documentation on how to do this efficiently.

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Hi everyone and welcome to the first /AGDG/ game jam (please clap). 

>what is this?
This game jam is an opportunity for anons to learn and practice their programming/game dev skills in a more structured environment than just "read this programming book and then make pong or something." We (and by that I mean individually) will be making games in the "2D platformer/side-scroller" style of which I am sure you are all familiar - Mario, Sonic, Metroid, Kirby, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Slug, Contra, the list goes on and on. I pulled that out of my ass thought long and hard about what would be a good first jam game, the sweet spot between trivial "hello world"-like and overly complicated, and came up with platformer. In general, at the least, it's got a player character, a 2-dimensional map, obstacles/hazards, and enemies. Controlling the player character requires being able to take in and process input from either a keyboard/mouse setup or a USB gamepad and apply that to the current character state. A map, of any significant size and complexity, will require an external editor, as well as code to convert the exported map data to something your game can understand. Obstacles/hazards will need to checked for collision with the character, and the character to react appropriately upon contact (take damage, power-down/de-level, get knocked back, die, etc.). Enemies require graphics, sound, and a way to update and man
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Great post, weird it's not getting a lot more response. Answer the man, ya faggots.

>What were you trying to accomplish?
My situation was a little different. I wanted to create more engagement with the board and tried to draw lurkers out and get them dev'ing. I made the little platformer with luigi and the frog enemy and shit to show people that a beginner could, in fact, make a little game in a month if they just put their mind to it, with the help of a cool library (raylib) that handles the lowest level window-creation/rendering/input handling/etc. code, while still leaving it up to you to implement all of the "game" code - state machines, collisions, character controller, level format, enemy "AI", game state handling, etc. etc. Some fag in the planning thread called me lazy like I had it done already and just rehashed it or something for the jam but the truth is my experience with both raylib and C++ were extremely limited, and work on the platformer demo started after announcing the jam - I had never done platformer development before. Another goal was, of course, to learn just like everyone else - what I ended up making was actually my most "complete" game I've made up until now. I am by no means a professional dev or anything but I do believe in leading by example. So if I'm gonna be the BO of this board, I don't want to be the faggot that says "come on you guys, just li
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>Seems strange to me. What sets the Y velocity? Is it fixed?
Yep, there's a JUMP_SPEED constant that the player shape's Y velocity is set to on jump. Each frame gravity is added to give the jump its arc. By modifying the Y velocity on release (x0.5 in this case but you could go lower for snappier control or higher for less control) you give the impression of "hold to jump higher" without the fiddly logic or extra velocities. Here's a snip for the entire bit.

>How did you come up with that solution?
I'm sure I saw it somewhere before but I don't recall now. There was some frog platformer I took a lot of inspiration from years ago that had wall jumping that felt good, I might've gotten it from that.

>What were you trying to accomplish?
A teeth gnashing platformer. I didn't have a strong idea in my head after I shelved the tower survival idea so I ended up just throwing some different mechanics together and tried to make them work.

>Where did you hit or miss your objectives?
I probably over succeeded in the teeth gnashing aspect. While some anons were kind and commented they liked the level design, that was the most rushed aspect (about one day) and I committed on it too soon. I did have a few friends play test and saw there were some early difficulty spikes but at that point I felt like I wouldn't hit the polish I wanted burning a day or two more. When it came down to concessions made in the remaining time I opted for effects and things instead of level design which in hindsight is a bit of a failure. As one café patron put it 'it's a well put together game but really frustrating'. In general I need to do a better job of either setting expectations or being more serious about interpreting how friends trying it feel. Not to sound like I'm after a pity party or anything! Overall I'm happy with what I got done in the time and it gave me things to think about for next projects.

>What caused your results?
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>What were you trying to accomplish?
My aim by joining the jam was to both try something I hadn't before and to get my feet wet with C(++). I decided to keep the scope simple to make sure things were achievable with my lack of experience.
>Where did you hit or miss your objectives?
The game is fundamentally as I imagined it, all my specific targets were met. Of course there are things that I want to resolve and improve in the future. Certain implementation details and bugs weren't fixed, the falling platforms and boss battles are the most janky in that respect. I also didn't get the difficulty curve completely right, with some big spikes in there that can easily turn into slaughter houses. Providing more configuration options, preferably in-game is something worth doing also. Finally it would've been better if the sprites were integer scaled, uneven scaling definitely hurts the game's appearance.
>What caused your results?
Leading up to the jam I went through some surface level C & C++ tutorials, this allowed me to get straight to work without being obstructed by unfamiliar syntax. Using Newt's template provided the jumping off point I needed as a beginner and allowed me to make fast progress, though in the future I want to try working from scratch. My simple scope meant that I didn't have to refocus my eff
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>What were you trying to accomplish?
Just, like... make game. Seriously though, what we wanted was to make and release a game. You discover things, both good and bad, by going through a complete release cycle that you wouldn't be able to discover any other way.

More specifically, what we aimed for as outlined in >>712 was:
>a fast-traversal platformer
>where you have to escape a pursuer
>with some original character sprites and
>at least one piece of original music

So this now brings up the question of what a "game" is. I'll sidestep all the tangly stuff that can come with answering that question by simply saying what we wanted was to have a game that
>worked on a "toy" level by being satisfying to control
>had a win and loss condition
>had characters
>had a story of some kind, however thin
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Replies: >>963
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>Strange to think
Strange to think that character animation would seem easier than background tiles, but that was just how we thought of it.

>weird Godot shit
One place where we were unfair to Godot: The segfaulting in the Linux export was the result of using an older machine where Vulkan was way behind. Narrowed the problem down to a particular GPU particle spawning and somehow crashing lavapipe/llvmpipe, which the program fell back to in absence of a Vulkan-compatible 3D card. Testing the Linux build on Ubuntu 22.04 with Godot 4.1 instead worked fine, likewise a macOS build taken from that version.

Godot is great in many ways, provided you don't stumble into one of its skull-splittingly horrible long-standing-yet-utterly-neglected bugs or under-/mis-documentation... which, given enough time, you absolutely will. Again, no other game engine experience to compare it to, but it didn't live up to its own hype in many ways.

Still, discovering that the Linux problem was the VM's fault and that the macOS build worked went a long way towards our not ditching it for future projects.

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Alright, I said I'd stop shitting up the progress thread so here it is. I'm beginning to plan to prepare to lay the preliminary groundwork for an old-school 3D MMORPG in the vein of Everquest, Meridian 59, Ultima Online, and others. I'm pretty much rolling it from scratch, using Raylib for a lot of the input/rendering/sound/etc. functionality plus a few more libraries for XML handling, UDP networking, serialization, and that's about it. You can see some project background and the progress up to this point in the progress thread starting from here: >>755

Spent some time yesterday working on the character controller. Getting capsule -> mesh collisions working wasn't too bad, but getting proper FPS style movement out of it was a fucking nightmare. I ended up raising up and shortening the capsule so it wasn't colliding with everything and anything, using a raycast from the center down to handle different surfaces and steps and the like, while using the capsule to collide with walls/ceilings/very steep slopes. Played with the swimming a bit too, still some funkiness with getting in and out of water. Some shots showing part of the setup for developing the movement metrics - slopes to test walking up and down steps without skipping and bumping, as well as test walking into slopes too steep to traverse. Also got some steps to test what heights the player should be able to automatically step up onto without jumping. TODO:
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Tested with a 22 x 22 x 22 grid of evenly spaced AABBs (total of 10648). I was a little worried at first when I saw 4.5-5 ms time to cull, but then I remembered I was building with debug flags and no optimization. Rebuilt with -O2 and got ~1000us. Culls 10648 down to about 1400-1500 visible by the way. Seems to work well enough for now. Time to actually get some complex terrain and entities in here.
From the looks of it, you gotta generate collision mesh either way. Or you can have "minimal" height, which probably look better. If player character Z position stays within minimal range, it doesnt visibly change. Ideally you will have torso stay within range, and legs will bend when needed. Not sure how it would look with small ramps tho, but you can figure it out. Also, benefit of collision mesh is loading what player will be able to see from it. 
Also, easier solution, is to not give small objects collision.
Replies: >>953
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Octree implemented. Got to thinking and came to the conclusion that you can't really get around using one. Got the idea of how to implement properly from thinking about how I would bin each mesh triangle into its respective "chunk" without duplicates or gaps, when I split the zone terrain mesh(es) for rendering/loading. I start by loading all of the models/meshes/whatever. Then, I get an AABB that encompasses them all exactly, which is easy enough, you just find the smallest and largest mesh x point, smallest and largest mesh y point, etc. Then, if I'm encompassing more than 8 meshes in that AABB, I split that AABB into 8 dividing by the length, width, and height. That gives me 8 new AABBs, which I bin the meshes into according to their AABB center point (again, simple to calculate). Then, I recurse, which of course, means for each child AABB, I resize to properly enclose the mesh AABBs, then see how many their are, if more than 8... and so on. I use some flags to indicate empty/leaf node/etc. too. Memory management handled with shared_ptr, as in each Octree has "std::shared_ptr<Octree> nodes[8];" which are instantiated as needed. No malloc/realloc bullshit. 

The idea for mesh chunking is basically the same except splitting in on a regular 3-dimensional grid, then sorting and re-meshing the tris in each according to originating mesh/mesh material. Those smaller meshes, of which there may be thousands, can then be view culled with an octree. Next thing I have to think a
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Replies: >>955
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There is a collision mesh. Or do you mean a simplified, collision-only mesh? I have no plans for any kind of inverse kinematics and I don't really want the feet clipping into the ground any more than they do now (which I spent a long time getting right). I made this pic to show exactly what I'm dealing with. The top half shows some of the problems encountered with a "naive" capsule collider implementation. On flat ground it behaves ok. However, on stairs it's all sorts of fucked. You can get stuck in a floaty halfway-between-stairs state, plus you can't ever really approach the side of the step. On slopes too, you will always be floating a bit off of the ground and it gets worse as the angle increases. Not to mention the way you fly and bounce going down a slope. My approach is the bottom half. I use a capsule for normal wall/ceiling collision, and a ray for ground collision/detection. Raising the capsule lets you get right up to the edge of steps, then "pops" you up to the next one immediately with no "in-between" state - you're either on one step or the other. On slopes, too, it places your origin position exactly on the z-axis value of the slope at that point. I also use a longer ray when moving horizontally or downwards, to detect and "clamp" the player to the slope so you don't bounce down it. 

The only "bug" I've encountered so far has been falling down into small gaps that the player shouldn't normally 
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Thought it would be cool to show the frustum so I gave it a try.

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instruction manual →


r18+ nudity , drugs and course language. Guide Billy in his life searching for love. go to school, interact with the residents of the village, and find love! maybe.. Your choices will affect later events. Working time clock 1 sec is 1 min. game ends on the 5th day. the usual game flow goes like this: go to school in the morning, wait for it to get dark outside, then go to sleep in the bed, repeat until day 5.

Controls: Arroy keys to move. z is accept/interact. x is menu/cancel.

Bugs:-flying the airship over doors will get u stuck.
-dont press any directions during scripted events like the intro, u will get stuck.

update 2023:
-fixed skipping school bug.
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Moved to progress thread >>749
Will lock this one and let it slide down the board for now. Let's keep these sorts of update posts to the progress thread. If someone wants to make a "showcase" thread for people to shill their completed projects, that would help. If not, I'll make one.

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