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Keep at it, Anon!

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Is there a free/paid engine preferably unity/godot that allows me to assign assets so they are interactive like this Paris scene from Bioshock infinite ?
My goal is not really a game but an interactive virtual world that are exactly like that scene. 
>NPC greets you
>NPC doing their own things
>First Person View
>Interact with objects
>Sitting, enjoying the slow pace
>Ambient and object sound
>To exit, just needs to enter back the door/go to sleep
Sort of a trip to the past where time was great. Reminiscing the childhood and buildings recreated from photos and scans.
Replies: >>354 >>373
>>353 (OP) 
Couldn't you just script this stuff and assign flags to a "sphere-like" area?
Replies: >>355
I-I'm more like an artist more than the programmer..
It doesn't stop requiring videogame logic just because there's no "gameplay" objective. Even "it's interactive" doesn't have any standard definition, do you interact with it by proximity? How far away? By clicking it? By pressing a hotkey when you're near it? By pulling a lever? Do you need an item or some other prerequisite? Does it cause something else to trigger elsewhere? There's no single solution that accounts for all possibilities, so you have to script it in.

It doesn't sound complicated though, I'm sure those engines have very simple ways to accomplish what you want, but I suspect it requires writing some code anyway. I'm not very familiar with the engines so I can't say exactly what.
Replies: >>357
Is there a specific genre for that? 
I know platformer. Or maybe it's point and click?
>>353 (OP) 
>i-i-is UNITY a good engine to use?
>wha about goDoT?

These unityfags i swear....
Go back to making garbage on your joke of an engine
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