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Keep at it, Anon!

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I was planning on making a small, clearnet IB containing several Self Improvement boards, including this one. How interested would you be in moving there?
any new place to host agdg is good and should the board prove to be good it might become out main board, who knows
Replies: >>138
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Sounds like a good idea. /sig/ was the only thread on /pol/ I visited, and /agdg/ was the only thread on /v/ I visited. Right now we're trying to figure out our board situation. It seems most people are opting for just cross-posting their progress across multiple boards, so it's likely there will be at least some traffic.
Replies: >>138
I was planning on making an aggydaggy-only site using jschan, myself. No other boards that could get us suspended, and any "bad content" posted is automatically excempt from obscenity laws since it's for games and games are art, just ask any journalist. It could also host the wiki using better software.
That said I'm still working on figuring how to host anything properly, anonymously.
Replies: >>138
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Oh no, I'm mainly saying this to relieve the current IBs of some dead weight boards. I do not mean to replace anyone as much as provide a service to other anons who just want to work on their projects anonymously AND in peace.
I'd like to give some stability to hobbyists. My thought process is that places like /v/ or /b/ or /pol/ or /d/ can just pop up anywhere and as long as they get to discuss whatever they want they'll be happy. But people who are working on projects long term need stability and the knowledge that wherever they go won't just drop dead a week later because some absolute madman posted a 6 year old SS officer who hates the Chinese Communist Party and LGBT+ rights.
I would support you if you went ahead with it. Still wondering about the costs though. I don't really want to go full on opennic because even though changing DNS should be standard procedure, I would still want to attract fresh blood.
Besides, I had a couple of fun ideas on how to implement plausible deniability when it comes to lolis or extremism to fuck over journalists (if they ever come, though, because why the hell would they fuck with someone when they gain nothing from it), but I'll have to write a couple of lines of code. If it works, you'll now it and have a laugh.
Replies: >>139 >>142 >>146
>they go won't just drop dead a week later because some absolute madman posted a 6 year old SS officer who hates the Chinese Communist Party and LGBT+ rights.

good luck agdg, your topic is my favorite v-oriented subject.
hey btw, teh julay/v/agdg thread seems to be picking up a little steam. maybe the new site can manage a loose affiliation with them similar to the way the old 8ch/v/agdg thread was? Robi has /v/ on his 'keepers' list, so it should be a stable-ish situation for now.
Replies: >>142
>I don't really want to go full on opennic because even though changing DNS should be standard procedure, I would still want to attract fresh blood.
Oh same, but a normal registrar is a few bucks a year. OpenNIC will be used as a backup, and Tor as a second backup.
Also, one idea I had is routinely backing up the post database and making it publically available as a torrent or something, so if something happens to me another anon can just set up a new iteration of the board without having to start from scratch. I'm not sure why fat's owner didn't do something similar, he seemingly doesn't believe hosting imageboards is worth it anymore himself and just wants to develop his software, but other people clearly want to take up the banner.

Yeah that's the thread I've been using most myself for now. Really, we should keep a friendly relationship with any /v/ on the webring, and use them for demo days if they allow it. But for /agdg/ as a whole it'd probably be better if we manage to congregate in one place. From what I saw, on 8kunt most people used the /v/ threads for discussion and the board was almost exclusively for archival, but a few people used the board exclusively. Perhaps reversing that trend would be good for us in the long run.
>But for /agdg/ as a whole it'd probably be better if we manage to congregate in one place.
Absolutely agree. We're small enough as a community even with that. There's an /agdg/ on 9chan as well btw. Maybe they could be encouraged to migrate as well if a dedicated site was up?
Replies: >>144 >>146
One suggestion was thrown out there to post progress across all the bunkers. Maybe even have a bot crosspost posts and replies between the bunkers.
Replies: >>145
>Maybe even have a bot crosspost posts and replies between the bunkers.
i've given this some serious thought, and vaguely followed robi's final solution/multiscraper, with this exact notion in mind. it will take collaboration to make it work correctly, but it's entirely feasible technically-speaking.

i'm currently re-writing my bump crawler, and intend to kind of facilitate multiscraper into it. it could easily be extended from there into a final solution 'multi-bot' i imagine.
Replies: >>146
I rally like the idea tbh, the bot would need some criteria to stop it from spamming or reposting language/engine shittery though.
We could just have 'bot spam' threads on every /agdg/ board, where it would aggregate discussion from other board progress generals and /v/ threads. but what about captcha
I'm currently crossposting away.

there's a wiki link leading to a list of bunkers in the welcome sticky on every agdg iteration I know of. Check it out.

>Perhaps reversing that trend would be good for us in the long run
that would be a return to 2014-15 state of things for sure. But there's one thing I keep saying: agdg threads on /v/ need to exist, if not solely as a recruiting mechanism. 
Should a single board be elected as king of aggydaggy, we can just put a link to it on the thread template to get people in.
Replies: >>148
>Oh same, but a normal registrar is a few bucks a year. 
I don't think cost is the primary concern, deplatforming is. Also, there's the general issue of anonymity as well.

>bot spam
Yes, I figured some type of specified containment thread would probably be the best approach, at least until Admins got more comfortable with the general idea of federation in the first place. 
Devising some sort of authentication process whereby it can be circumvented entirely for authorized accounts would seem best. Probably a difficult sell for a couple of reasons at least. Barring that, seems that having a human in the loop will be a requirement, at least as far as my work goes. I'm not in the business of devising captcha crackers heh. I do know a guy who just integrated the Indian mechanical-turk services into his utility to bypass 4cucks tedium. I suppose someone could devise something similar for Final Solution services.

>Should a single board be elected as king of aggydaggy, we can just put a link to it on the thread template to get people in.
fair idea.
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