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Keep at it, Anon!

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Is the original 8/agdg/ owner in charge of this board, or was it started by someone else?

Also all-purpose meta thread I guess.
Replies: >>5 >>89
I was the owner of the agdg board on 8chan since the pickle rick spam. Just discovered this place. I now post on smug, vch and chen2 (at least when that thread was around) threads. This place mite b cool too but I have no idea who set it up.
Replies: >>3 >>5
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>I was the owner of the agdg board on 8chan since the pickle rick spam. 
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I'd suggest the BO to make this board have the SFW tag even if it's not. I want to see the board from the sfwoverboard, not a fan of 3d porn.
Replies: >>5
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>>1 (OP) 
I can confirm that I am the current (but not original) owner. I thought I'd get you guys a home for our projects far away from the chen2 autism, also because I find browsing that place a pain in the butt.
Heya, thanks for all your hard work in the past.
Mh, I thought we already were on SFW. I honestly don't want to make people get out of their way to censor their stuff, but for the time being I'll agree to your demand and just ask anyone who wants to post nice anime tiddies to spoiler it.
By the way, please do start populating the place with your projects from vch. Even though /v/ may help us beta testing and whatnot, I fear that many people will not want to associate with Mark's stuff.
Replies: >>6
>I honestly don't want to make people get out of their way to censor their stuff, but for the time being I'll agree to your demand and just ask anyone who wants to post nice anime tiddies to spoiler it. 
It's not just about who posts what though, this board isn't a dedicated porn dump board a la /s/ despite one anon sometimes dumping a folder from time to time, so I didn't see why the NSFW tag was needed
Replies: >>7
Aight, done asking
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Was hoping to post my project here...but the board is fucking dead.
Replies: >>22 >>56
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Maybe if you post your project here it'll help make it less dead.
Exactly, post it and it'll grow the board
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Is it required that everything posted here be directly related to game production? I'm hoping to create a set of Visual Waifus, ala the Shinobu2 project now Viva project. So it's not a game per se, but a robowaifu AI-in-a-box kind of thing.

Also, as a beginner I have to learn lots about building my own helper tools for that process, and even just manage to compile and link 3rd-party libraries haha. 

So, all of these things are not games, but I'd like to have a thread on a comfy board where I can blogpost sharing my learning experience eventually (hopefully) creating a Visual Waifu. Is this agreeable here, BO?
Replies: >>60 >>68
I always wish the word "game" wasn't part of "agdg", because there's all kinds of interesting software projects you could have that aren't strictly videogames.
Replies: >>61 >>68
Good point anon. I wonder if there's an expandable definition of the letter g that can allow for this w/o changing the traditional name?
Replies: >>62
Replies: >>63
kek. first hit:
Replies: >>64 >>66 >>68
>Sign in with Discord

Replies: >>65
Heh, I used to be breddy addicted to AgarIO when it first came out back in the day.
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>Is it required that everything posted here be directly related to game production? I'm hoping to create a set of Visual Waifus, ala the Shinobu2 project now Viva project. So it's not a game per se, but a robowaifu AI-in-a-box kind of thing.
Nah, just tangential relation is good enough. Any digital project is fine but games take top priority.
Amateur General Development General sounds good to ya?
>that awful long list of js
Replies: >>69 >>70 >>71 >>171
OK. Let's have little hello world code-block test and have a look then.
[/code]#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cout << "Hello /agdg/!\n";
Replies: >>70 >>71 >>72
please turn on code blocks BO.
Replies: >>71 >>73
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Also, here's the css I use on my board, but it might not look great here with your theme. Adapt the colors as you see fit. The primary point here is to fix the <br> bug stephen lynx introduced into his code.

code {
  white-space: pre;
  border: 1px double #e60000;
  background: #0d0d0d;
  color:  #00e600;
  font-family: 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace;
  font-size: 105%;
  max-width: 100%;
  overflow: auto;
  padding: .7em 1.1em;
  display: block;
  word-wrap: break-word;

code br {
    display: block;
Replies: >>74
>OK. Let's have little hello world code-block test and have a look then.
[code]#include <iostream>

int main() {
std::cout << "Hello /agdg/!\n";

i just woke up. heh, let's try this again.
aye aye capn
Also what board may that be? I wanna check out how it looks.
Replies: >>75
Replies: >>91
>>1 (OP) 
I just hope all the old devs find this place.
WTF? Cakejew is hiding behind ((( kikeflare ))) now? I'm done with it.
Replies: >>95
Cakejew is turning it on and off because of known spammers raiding the board every once in a while
I still think Demo day should be hosted elsewhere, but /v/ does what /v/ wants
Replies: >>96
>but /v/ does what /v/ wants
meh. cake/v/ can take a hike then. there are other sites than 8coom.
Post-Christmas bump
Replies: >>101
If you know the previous BO for the 8chan/agdg/ board, tell me so I can get in touch
Replies: >>120
They tell me better late than never anon. He's at 9chan, apparently.
Replies: >>126
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>fatchan dies
>the best place for finding /agdg/ anons right now is fucking ((( discord )))
At least we have this bunker for now.
Replies: >>126 >>169
Get them in here, lad
I don't know how many of you guys still care about posting on IBs but I'll do my best to give you a comfy bunker
I'll give it a go but I don't think he'll want to come here now that he has a bunker there.
Thanks anyhow.
Replies: >>128
I assure you, they are aware
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>finding /agdg/ anons right now is discord
Then there's nothing of that much value lost
>Nah, just tangential relation is good enough. Any digital project is fine but games take top priority.
OK, I'll start a thread that will no doubt bore the shit out of Anons, being mostly code describing my adventures trying to create a visual waifu sim. Maybe it can spur some interest here for Anons wanting to create their own systems from scratch too.
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Why are 8cultists such gullable retards?
Why would you even want Epic Games/Tencent/fucking Tim Sweeney related products in your board, like at all?
Godot is libresource, invest in what legally you can alter and own.
Replies: >>183 >>184 >>367
nice reel Anon, thanks!
What are some good engines for both 2D and 3D? Hopefully those that won't take your data and run free with it.
Replies: >>186
godot really. For 2D game, it's the most minimalist and cleanest you'le get. It offer what you need. The 3D engine isn't the best and you can hit a wall really fast. There's always a work aroud tho, but it won't be in the doc. But I had a fun time with the engine neverthless even for a 3D demo. The engine is good at doing UI tho. Making it extremly easy to develop a mobil game or a RPG with sadistic  amount of stat.
Replies: >>187
Well, I was hoping to get a good 3d engine, myself, but I could use a 2d one for something interesting.
Is Godot like Unity in that it wants to load as much stuff as possible when creating even a basic demo?
Replies: >>188 >>194
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Stick with a poison:
There's no such thing as `best,` only pros and cons.
Sort by license.
Replies: >>189
>Sort by license.
I wish they made this simple, near as I can tell you'd have to copypaste the thing into a spreadsheet and hope for the best.
Replies: >>190
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Just enable JS, their CSS <table> sorter is pretty clean.
You can also use sort(1), sed(10, & mawk(1).
Every living person in the planet should have <HTML>v1 parsers, you should have one on your TORBB right now.
Replies: >>191 >>192
aliright thanks for the advice anon.
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OK, got it thanks. I'm only interested in MIT-licensed C++ engines. I think this is the list.
>Well, I was hoping to get a good 3d engine
unless you're reaching for the skies, I doubt you will have an actual game changer struggle with godot. If you're planning on doing a shooter or a 3D platformer, I doubt you'le have any short term problem.

>Is Godot like Unity in that it wants to load as much stuff as possible when creating even a basic demo?
Godot is developer friendly so no. Your project will always start from scratch, so game made in godot, if well made, won't look like one another.
I'm looking forwards to build a "game" once I am done with my current projects (that would be more or less in one year). It actually isn't a game, though: it's more or less sorta-kinda an engine. Imagine RPG Maker.

Problem is, I am not sure which language/library/engine should I use. Some of the requirements my game needs:
>PC, phone and browser compilation targets
Rendering distance is irrelevant because it will mostly be played in an isometric perspective
>Voxel-based environment, so most of the world will be very light on resources
>Real time illumination would be nice but not a requirement
>Networking capabilities
>Decent pathfinding on a grid-based potentially dynamic world
>Character 3D models and skeletons/animations
>Animation and model stitching to swap parts of a model at will (think being able to choose between regular human legs or centaur legs while still having the same animations for the torso, or swapping clothes and hairstyles)

I was thinking to use Godot for this, but an anon on /tg/ told me Godot was absolutely fucking terrible for 3D due to import nightmares and that I should avoid it at all costs. Given I am not going to start the project right now, do you happen to know if there are any possible improvements to this in the roadmap? Which libre alternative could you recommend? I was also considering Haxe or even JS + Three.js, but I would hate to make an Electron application. If possible, I'd like not to use C or C++ to program game.
Replies: >>303
The only argument that I can think of when using godot is that the 3d randering quality they offer are abit too heavy for any potato could handle. If you don't mind using an obscure language like pascal. There's a 3d game engine  for it called castle engine that is less heavy oriented when it comes to 3d randering. Go look for it and tell me what you think.
I want to make a small meme game within a time frame of a few days, up to a week.

Any suggestions?
I'll go with the first idea that's not completely retarded. Although the more retarded the idea, the funnier it could be.
Replies: >>360
Physics-based pinball game that's like a Rube Goldberg machine.
Replies: >>361
> Physics-based pinball game that's like a Rube Goldberg machine.

physics-based pinball sound reasonable enough to implement.
Not sure how the  "Rube Goldberg machine" part could be incorporated in to that, but I'll give it a try.
Replies: >>362
>Not sure how the  "Rube Goldberg machine" part could be incorporated in to that, but I'll give it a try.
Well, here's a basic description of the idea Anon.
>A Rube Goldberg machine, named after American cartoonist Rube Goldberg, is a chain reaction-type machine or contraption intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and overly complicated way. Usually, these machines consist of a series of simple unrelated devices; the action of each triggers the initiation of the next, eventually resulting in achieving a stated goal.

So I'd say it's just a matter of finding some silly, overly-complicated way of achieving a scores. Hitting bumpers or rollovers, say.
Replies: >>363
> So I'd say it's just a matter of finding some silly, overly-complicated way of achieving a scores. Hitting bumpers or rollovers, say.
That I can do. ^ - ^
How do I do this in Godot?
wow this place looks dead
Replies: >>399 >>400
We're a bunch of nodevs here. I really ought to get into hacking some code so that I have an excuse to post my activity here.
I really miss /agdg/. Here's dead, Sleepychan's thread is mostly nodevs arguing in a shit pile, Smug's thread is dead, I daren't think how many agencies are watching 8kun and cuckchan is cuckchan.
Replies: >>401 >>404 >>406
If you want /agdg/ to rise again, then:
1) Post shit
2) Dev shit and post updates here
3) Spread the word that an anonymous channel with free games exists
Replies: >>406
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I don't like posting anything anymore because every place is full of nodevs and annoying shitposters. 4chan has unironically become a better place because it has the same kind of shitty users now, except there's more people there.

I've had an idea for an imageboard for a while now where the only rule is that you can't needlessly bait and harass and annoy and inconvenience other people in the imageboard. I also want to include a board/thread where you can only post if you've posted something you made in the last month (progress or art or whatever). One of these days I'm going to make it and try to get creative/productive people to come in.
Replies: >>406 >>409
Most of the yesdevs left for Discord or Twitter. Hell I've even seen some on cuckchans /agdg/ general. It really reflects the state of the entire board. Even after 8/v/ started to suck 8/agdg/ use to be the oasis in the cesspit Mark created but it's not the case anymore. Eventually you have to wake up and realize you're just sabotaging yourself associating with crabs who want to drag you down with them.

>If I ignore the problem it will go away
Sad to say this isn't true.

>4chan has unironically become a better place because it has the same kind of shitty users now, except there's more people there.
I'm still kicking myself for how long it took me to realize this. There was a tipping point where 8chan as a whole just became flat out worse than parts of 4chan and it kept getting worse over time. I actually learned a lot from some of the older devs on 8/agdg/ but today there is absolutely nothing of value to be gained.
Replies: >>407 >>409
ew. good riddance.

>I actually learned a lot from some of the older devs on 8/agdg/ but today there is absolutely nothing of value to be gained.

go back.
Replies: >>408
I wasn't planning on staying. Just came by to laugh at people like you.
I really like this idea. Keeps lurkers at bay and no devs cannot needlessly taint threads that aren't either off topic or for play testing. How would that work though?
I think the problem is that most imageboards don't give you the same exposure that a bunch of hyperreactive kids and trannies do right now, or you just don't find autistic people who want to cooperate with you anymore.
>If I ignore the problem it will go away
What do you mean by this?
Replies: >>410
>How would that work though?
Use a tripcode-like password (doesn't show up on posts)
Moderator can mark it as a yesdev tripcode
Some threads/boards require a yesdev tripcode to post in

A mod would have to check every month to make sure progress has been posted. Or maybe users can mark their own posts as progress and then a mod just has to make sure they're valid.
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>When people are born they are gentle and soft.
>At death they are hard and stiff.
>When plants are alive they are soft and delicate.
>When they die, they wither and dry up.
>Therefore the hard and stiff are followers of death.
>The gentle and soft are the followers of life.
>Thus, if you are aggressive and stiff, you won't win.
>When a tree is hard enough, it is cut. Therefore
>The hard and big are lesser,
>The gentle and soft are greater.
Ancient chinese wisdom says stop being argumentative cunts set in your ways about languages/engines/artstyles and maybe the board would be more lively. I suspect most the yesdevs left because at least the nodevs on other platforms don't constantly tell them they're doing everything wrong. Would you really go back looking for a community after it imploded if 80% of the users were only there for the shitflinging? The most vocal "one true way" cultists are always the least productive. It's an outlet for nodevs trying to protect their fragile egos where they can never be wrong because they never create anything.

Over negativity wasn't a widespread problem until after yandev got rightfully bullied off the thread. I think a lot of trolls saw that and cultivated a culture of poking and prodding for more lolcows where there really were none. I don't want to speculate too much, but could that be part of why Tetrachromedev lost it? Once they smell lulz in the thread you never get rid of the trolls, and the programming flamewars started will last for years.

Crossposting some progress of mine so I don't get accused of being what I'm railing against. It's not really a game, but I use a game engine (Godot), so fuck it.
STILL waiting for godot 4 to drop, that shit cannot come soon enough!
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Just wanted to mention there's a new /agdg/ outlet:
Replies: >>432
Their CSS is fucking awful.
Replies: >>433
Goddamn it, i took it down for a bunch of months, put it back on yesterday (or 2 days ago) and you got me when lurking the overboard.
It's not the prettiest but nobody came with something unique/a CSS file when inquired, if someone gave one i wouldn't mind a bit to try it and/or leave it there.
...Still it is there if someone wants to use it for anything remotely related.
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Hello everyone. I'd just like to give everyone a heads up that the board is under new management. You can call me Newt if you want, and no, you don't know me from anywhere. 

I've made it my goal to clean this board up, turn it around, and make it the go-to board for game development on the webring (and beyond! ;-)). Couple minor changes in place so far are a removal of post IDs - we're adults here, we don't need them to carry on a discussion; default poster name has also been changed from nodev to yesdev, because we're all gonna make it.

Looking forward to shiteffort posting with you all in the days to come.
Replies: >>479 >>483
Good luck BO, I hope you succeed. I'm in the early stages of my own projects so I hope this place can become somewhere we can all enjoy.
Best luck on getting this place into a state where it's more than a bunker and you could start by posting your game
Replies: >>484
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>posting your game
Don't worry anon, it's Coming Soon™
Joking aside, I am working on getting stuff ready for a dev-blog like, part progress thread, part tutorial thread for it.
So the code blocks on this board look like ass. I'd like to fix that, but I can't into web dev. That's the sort of thing that custom css fixes, right? I'll ask over on the meta board but maybe someone with experience can give me some pointers here. I'd like to have a different background color for the code block to make it more readable.
Replies: >>507
>That's the sort of thing that custom css fixes, right?
Yes. /meta/'s not gonna help you BO, but >>>/server/ has some excellent skills in this area and likes to help out AFAICT. Good luck BO, rooting for you!
Replies: >>514
Thanks. I'll reach out to them then.
Replies: >>517
You can always use the codeblock part of our CSS if you don't find a better solution soon Anon.
>t. /robowaifu/
Replies: >>520
Hi Chobits ;)

Thanks, I gave it a shot. See my post on /server/: >>>/server/1578 I really don't know where to begin with css, I'm gonna have to just keep plugging away at it I guess. At least adding your code rules as "custom.css" didn't seem to fuck anything else up though, so that's good. Will have to see about editing the 'Tomorrow' theme next; that's what I use day-to-day.
Replies: >>522 >>532
Hi Newt, nice to meet you! :^)

Glad to see you taking over /agdg/ it was one of my favorite boards back in the day when I was just starting to learn C++ for real. I like where you're going with the board, please keep it up!

So, here's the full-text of our board's custom.css file, minus the embedded AXIF mascot image:
span.greentext {display: block;}
span.pinktext {display: block;}

.divMessage br {display: block;}

.catalogCell div, .catalogCell p {
    background-color: rgba(238, 242, 255, 0.6);
    backdrop-filter: blur(3px);

.innerPost {
    background-color: rgba(214, 218, 240, 0.8);
    backdrop-filter: blur(3px);

.innerOP .divMessage {
    background-color: rgba(238, 242, 255, 0.85);
    backdrop-filter: blur(3px);

.imgLink {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1;

body {
    background-image: url(;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: right bottom;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-size: 28%;

code {
  white-space: pre-wrap !important;
  border: 1px double #e60000;
  background: #0d0d0d;
  color:  #00e600;
  font-family: 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace;
  font-size: 105%;
  max-width: 100%;
  overflow: auto;
  padding: .7em 1.1em;
  display: block;
  word-wrap: break-word;

code br {
  display:block !important;

code .embedButton { display: none; }

code a { color: inherit; }

Good luck BO.
Replies: >>523
>embedded AVIF*
>Will have to see about editing the 'Tomorrow' theme next; that's what I use day-to-day
You can only edit the board specific CSS, you'd have to contact the admin about modifying the Tomorrow theme.
What you can do however is to copy the Tomorrow CSS into the board specific CSS, then you can edit it and it will display as default
CSS statements that are placed below older statements in the CSS will generally replace them, so any modifications (like the code block edit) you can just paste at the bottom of the CSS and it should display correctly
Replies: >>537
Yeah, I tried copying the contents of tomorrow.css, adding a code section, then re-uploading it as tomorrow.css, but nothing happened. I might try doing what you say, copying the style of tomorrow.css to custom.css and uploading it, but I'd like to get input from the board users first. And as I suspect there's maybe 3 or so active users right now, I'm gonna hold off. So to everyone, for now, if you want to see code blocks a little better, try using 'Board-specific CSS'. Let me know too, if you think the green code text is a little much.
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Hello /agdg/, our board is having a C++ class for beginners open to everyone starting this coming Saturday. Hopefully we'll also have something interesting for experienced devs before all is said and done! Please attend! :)
Replies: >>597
Hey Chobitsu, how's it going? Appreciate the invite.

Any more information on this? Is this a one-shot thing where we'll have a project from zero to finish in a day, or the beginning of a long-running (semester-long?) class? What's the end goal? What's required to participate? (Development environment, libraries, OS, etc.) What's the time zone for most active participation? It's the tail end of golden week so I more likely than not have something going on that day but I'll try to swing it if I can.
>Hey Chobitsu, how's it going? Appreciate the invite.
Fine, Y/W. :^)

>Any more information on this? Is this a one-shot thing where we'll have a project from zero to finish in a day, or the beginning of a long-running (semester-long?) class?
Probably four phases spanning over ~ a year's time. This first phase is planned for about 6 weeks.

>What's the end goal? 
To enable a cadre of capable systems developers to help craft SOTA opensauce robowaifus, what else!? :^)

>What's required to participate? (Development environment, libraries, OS, etc.)
That's up to you. Obvs a C++ compiler + text editor. I suggest what I use all day, erry day:

>What's the time zone for most active participation?
I'm PDT (-7GMT, I think), but anytime during weekends is good. In fact really anytime at all is OK, but the classes are geared around a new one each Saturday.

>It's the tail end of golden week so I more likely than not have something going on that day but I'll try to swing it if I can.
No worries. Of all people, I'm sure you can catch up if you don't wait too long.

Cheers. :^)
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Hi anon, how's your game coming along?

It's been about a month and a half since I took ownership of the board and just wanted to post some thoughts and feelings on how things have been going. Not a lot has changed since then. That's fine; I'd like to see the board grow and succeed in the long run, so no rush. Anyway, things I've done, things I'd like to do, and my recent thoughts in no particular order:

I've decided to keep the old threads around, even though I personally dislike them as most are lazy QTDDTOT's but, I also don't want to be the guy who just comes in and deletes a board. The invitations to participate in Infinity Cup from years ago though, I don't think anyone will miss them. Others, I'd like to move to QTDDTOT (and post a reply if I can answer their question or address their topic, if only for posterity), but only when better threads replace them in the catalog; I don't want to see a catalog with only a handful of threads in it. 

On the topic of threads, I'd like to hear some suggestions. I don't like bad threads. No one likes bad threads. I consider the follow to be bad threads. One, when the OP makes a no or low-effort post. This discourages thoughtful and sincere participation in the thread because no one wants to do his work for him, nor do they believe their contributing will ever amount to anything, since the OP shows no planning or prior effort. Two, when the OP does not take responsibility and curate his thread. By that, I mean replying to people who take the time to reply to his OP or discussion around it, following up with progress, bumping it now and then with updates and new information, etc. If you make a post titled "Engines for 3D Game Dev", and post an example of one in the OP, then disappear and expect everyone else to do the rest of the work for you, that's a bad thread. Post the engine you're using, write a review of the engine you're using, show how to build the engine and write a "Hello Triangle" or whatever in it, research alternative engines and post those. Compare and contrast engine features - languages, supported OSs, feature set, ease of use, etc. etc. Post a new engine and a review of it once a month. Whatever, just take responsibility, contribute, and don't waste your fellow anons' time with a thread going nowhere. 

Not to be negative; I just wanted to get that out there. This is an imageboard, not a forum; Anons are free to post whatever they want. I don't want to discourage anyone from posting and to anyone out there who feels some kind of confusion or trepidation about what or where to post - we have the meta and QTDDTOT threads, ask about whatever concerns you have there. It's a tough spot right now, to be honest. I'd like to see more posting, but I'd also like to see better posting. At the same time, I don't want to intimidate anyone by giving the impression that only game development pros can post here, it's fucking Amateur Game Development General - Board Edition®. There is always going to be a certain degree of the blind leading the blind, it's unavoidable. 

In fact, one of the reasons I decided to take over the board is precisely because of a kind of dissatisfaction I've always had with the /agdg/ threads on various boards over the years - a kind of "hollow center" that exists, a wide gulf of skill and experience between the typical thread posters. By that I mean how you can separate posters into basically two camps: one that knows nothing about gamedev, maybe can't program in any language, and has no real design/modeling/art experience, and the "semi-pros" who post teasers and demos for their games, or are developing 3D engines from scratch or similar. I'd always felt that there was little to no mobility between group one and group two. A total newbie can come in, ask a question, and at best get a sort-of flippant response to "Learn C++. Here's a link to a 500 page C++ bible from 1997.", or "Just use Unity.", or "Start with Pong." None of these are terrible suggestions per-se, but there typically is no follow-up, nor enough effort to understand the asker's circumstances (What do you want to make? What experience do you have? Do you understand how long it's going to take? etc.). In a few years of lurking and occasional posting, I just don't see results manifest. In fact, total posters and completed or even attempted projects decrease. I'm not going to claim to know all the reasons for the decline, real or perceived, but I've always thought the cyclical and ephemeral nature of the /agdg/ thread contributed. Take the "Just learn C++" reply for example. For most of us, it's not that easy. The hardest part can often be just setting up a development environment and getting a basic "Hello World" to compile and run. I imagine no insignificant number of could-have-been devs have given up at this point. With an /agdg/ board, the "Just learn C++" reply can instead direct the questioner to the "C++ thread for beginners", where that information is compiled. Not only that, but you can post about your personal setup, code snippets, the compiler errors you're getting, and the such, without derailing the general game dev discussion. Yes, there are resources out there. Yes, they can always just jewgle it and figure it out for themselves. What's the point, though, in directing posters outside of the site for answers? Instead, take responsibility. Offer mentorship. Have discussions with your fellow anons.

Replies: >>600 >>601 >>605
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I would like to see more topical threads. I could make them myself but, one: this isn't my blog and two: like I mentioned above, I would not be able to "take responsibility" for every thread, and barring them really taking off, would languish in inactivity. Too often, in /agdg/ threads, I've seen anons "talking over" one another. In other words, they're just not on the same page. Anon A may be making a goofy meme platformer, and Anon B may be busting his balls because it's not AAA quality and doesn't employ the latest and greatest code optimization techniques. Anon B is not necessarily an asshole, Anon A may not have explained what he is doing fully - maybe just some character ideas and some "Hello World"-tier beginner code. Bad example but, if Anon A would post in the "2D Platformer Development" thread, other anons would be in a better position to offer advice, having the right expectations and mindset. They could point him to good 2D engines, ask him what he's going to do for collisions, will there be projectiles? power-ups? moving platforms? etc. and everyone would be better served in the end. On the other end of the spectrum, engine devs and experienced developers can hold their own discussions in "Engine Dev General" or whatever the fuck, and be something to be impressed by and aspire to, while not dominating board discussion and intimidating newer, less-skilled posters. Anyway, good thread topics for discussion could be: 2D game engines, 3D game engines, game genre discussion - FPS, platformer, RPG, etc., learning programming, graphics programming, physics and collision, 3D modeling, 2D art, and less technical but a big one that most of us can participate in: design - level design, gameplay systems, and high-level design (character progression, world building, itemization, "level flow", whatever). You could provide a detailed breakdown of a famously good game - analysis of the gameplay and design, what makes it good, interviews with the devs, the tools they used, how to replicate the look and feel of it today, etc. Plenty of things to post about. but, that's really all I have to say on threads for the moment.

For what I'd like to do, I'd like to do monthly game jams - provide a complete and well-documented, but still absolute skeleton of a game in a certain genre and let everyone go nuts with it, see how far they can improve on it and flesh it out in a month's time. Starting from a common code base would let anons collaborate and troubleshoot with one another. New features, assets, and code snippets can be shared in thread. At the end of the month, everyone could release builds and an informal competition held. I think it would be fun, in addition to and in contrast to the usual demo days, where we have to hope and pray that someone has made something for us to play.

I'd like help with banners. Right now all we have is the default one.

And now for somewhat of a sticky topic: the other boards and threads and our coexistence. Honestly, I can't be bothered to really keep up with any of the various /v/'s out there. zzzchan has a semi-active /agdg/ thread, and smug loli has a guy who made a vampire survivors clone. That's about it that I know of. Most all of the other webring /v/'s are dead, like it or not. /kong/ has shown some growth in activity lately, but still too much discussion revolves around outrage porn - what trannies are ruining today and numakes and the like. So they remake a 20 year old game, downgrade the visuals and gameplay, and add "body type A and body type B". Can you really complain, when you've had 20 years to produce a remake yourself (for instance: PC port of console game with increased resolution, widescreen, improved controls, bug fixes, etc.), or, to produce a spiritual successor, and didn't? No. Not gonna knock any of these boards or the people posting there but, complaining really doesn't solve anything. Really. And that's why I've always stuck to the /agdg/ threads since the 8chan days - the only place you'll find general positivity and constructive, goal-oriented discussion. What to do? Do I advertise on these boards? I'd like this board to be a (second?) home for anyone dissatisfied with the way the industry has been trending for a long time, anyone nostalgic for the golden age of gaming, and for anyone who wants to be proactive in turning things around. I don't think it's asking too much to keep the /agdg/ catalog tab open next to your /v/ tab and refresh it every day or two and post a reply if you see a new post you're interested in. Or to take inspiration from a retro game discussion on another board, then come here asking how you'd create a game with the same style or mechanics/specs. How do we reach out to people without inviting drama?

Anyway, I rambled. I have a lot of thoughts on these topics and no one to really share them with at the present. Make of them what you will, and let me know what you think. What brings you here? What do you want out of the board? How can we change things for the better? Thanks for your time.
Replies: >>601 >>605
Hey Newt, having read your thoughts I strongly agree with what you've set out. Watching the progress thread has been really interesting and educational. I hope that eventually I will be able to contribute, having been learning the basics of C for more utilitarian purposes gamedev is something I'm interested in tackling at some point and raylib looks like a nice place to start.
>still too much discussion revolves around outrage porn
That was my take away as well, being next to /cow/ contributes to that I suspect. Broadly speaking I think constant negativity should be the purview of the rest of the internet, imageboards are best when they showcase the collaborative potential of digital communication, there's plenty of creative anons on the webring making cool shit and being a doomer doesn't get things done.
>How do we reach out to people without inviting drama?
That's a difficult question, your average /v/ user probably wouldn't be valuable to the board (in the same way that unmotivated tech illiterate users aren't valuable to those kinds of boards), boards with a diy-attitude are probably better options?
>What brings you here?
OC is what makes a given board interesting to me.
>What do you want out of the board?
Very much what you want it seems.
>How can we change things for the better?
With your ideas and commitment I think this place has a good future ahead.
Replies: >>602
Thanks for dropping by.

>I hope that eventually I will be able to contribute
We all have something we can contribute. Even if you feel you programming skills are not up to snuff or whatever, hopefully there will be a thread that you feel you'd like to engage with up soon.

>... been learning the basics of C for more utilitarian purposes ...
Can I ask what those are? PC utilities? Microcontroller programming?

> ... I think constant negativity should be the purview of the rest of the internet, imageboards are best when they showcase the collaborative potential of digital communication, ...
For how much everyone bitches about reddit and tiktok and discord, they don't notice that the worst features of those platforms have already crept into their sites: the clickbait, outrage porn, dopamine chasing, "ironic" degeneracy, e-celeb/streamer/lolcow drama; It's all so tiresome.

> ... boards with a diy-attitude are probably better options?
Any boards like this that you know of? I've already reached out to /retro/ because games from their era are reasonably within the scope of something an /agdg/ anon could create, and /robowaifu/ at least knows we exist. I am also considering reaching out personally to some of the older /agdg/ posters, I've tracked a few down on their pages and dick swords.

>OC is what makes a given board interesting to me.
I'd like to see some OC one day. I try to contribute what I can, but I'm a programmer first and foremost, not a creative. I'd like to think that my tutorials and code snippets would be considered OC though, if anyone were to find them useful (andything I post is all CC0 btw, and I only use MIT/BSD/Apache licensed external libraries, so do whatever you want with it - it's yours). 

>With your ideas and commitment I think this place has a good future ahead.
I hope so too and I appreciate the kind words.
Replies: >>604
>there will be a thread that you feel you'd like to engage with up soon.
Saw the thread and it sounds good to me, I'll certainly try to make time for that.
>Can I ask what those are? PC utilities? Microcontroller programming?
Initially I'm looking to put together a utility suite for POV-Ray to provide simple ways of converting certain things to scene ready formats (at the moment I have a bunch of very slow Python scripts for that).
>Any boards like this that you know of?
Other than the ones you mentioned there's the various /tech/ boards, art boards like /loomis/ may be interested, basically if it's tech, art, robots etc they may be worth trying.
>I'd like to think that my tutorials and code snippets would be considered OC though
Definitely, OC is a wide spectrum.
Replies: >>610
Excellent, very-thoughtful posts Newt. You sound like you'll be an excellent BO here.

Not sure how you feel about namefagging here BO. We've kind of adopted it for collaboration ease over the years at /robowaifu/ and it's worked well for us overall. I'll be happy to stay strictly as 'yesdev' if that's better here. :)

>anons helping out here
As far as what I have to offer for gaming, it's not really all that much. Most all of my interests today have some sort of IRL robowaifu goal. I suppose the closest thing I have is when I was learning OpenGL with an eye out for eventually creating a robowaifu simulation system to help us devise real ones by doing much of the hard systems development work ahead of time in the simulator (while it's still very cheap). I worked on that off and on for a few months then abandonded it when no one else wanted to participate in development. It's in a quite primitive state, but actually works sort of. Here it is:

Beyond that, I've been dabbling with ideas for a systems framework for robowaifus. This is intended in the end for production robowaifus, but the intent is to integrate development and testing with another, much-better simulator. That's been set aside for a good while now, but it's available in our Sumomo-chan thread if anyone's interested. Please note that that plan is it will undergo significant changes over the years, so do 'go by' it as a real robowaifu system yet. :)

Additionally, as you're already aware I'm attempting my hand at 'teaching'. :^) I know C++ reasonably well, enough to help out novices a good deal at the very least. I'd be happy to try helping out on your board in some similar capacity if someone else takes ownership of such threads.

Otherwise, my apologies, but I really don't have the time needed to give you the support this board deserves. I'm more of a 'sidelines C++ guy' in general today.


I sure hope manage to revitalize the /agdg/ movement in general and this board in particular. Good success OP; based on your posts ITT, you deserve it! :)
Replies: >>606 >>611
>don't 'go by' it as a real robowaifu system yet*
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The "problem" is the fact that for most purposes agdg thread on /v/ is good enough for most anons, so whole board is kind of redundant. The only purpose for it, is to have a blog-like threads and topic specific threads. And dont forget, webring is really small, so even 10 regulars is relatively good enough.
I am against all "contest" like events, since they will discourage more people. "we have a contest and no one showed up". Unless we have more enthusiasm for participation. 
I think, what we need is more general threads, dedicated to specific topics, such as making assets for a game, such as using blender/gimp/etc. Bitching at how much we have specific engines. Share thread, for assets, libraries, and just general links to good sources of information.
Replies: >>613
>Saw the thread and it sounds good to me, I'll certainly try to make time for that.
Are you referring to the game jam thread? If so, awesome, look forward to seeing you there.

>Initially I'm looking to put together a utility suite for POV-Ray
Cool. I might have seen you posting on /retro/. There's a guy there doing POV-Ray stuff.

>Other than the ones you mentioned there's the various /tech/ boards, art boards like /loomis/ may be interested, basically if it's tech, art, robots etc they may be worth trying.
I see. Yeah, I'll definitely try reaching out. One of the reasons for the game jam, actually, is to serve as a bit of advertisement for the board. Sure, I can hop over to some board and say, "come check us out" but just knowing that the board exists (which I'm sure most anons do) isn't going to get anyone posting here. So, in addition to "we exist" and "we're actively managed now", if we can just add "we do shit" too, I think that would be a big plus.
>You sound like you'll be an excellent BO here.
Thanks, I try.

>Not sure how you feel about namefagging here BO.
Just keep it relevant? For instance, if you're talking about your game in development, and you want people in the thread to know it's you. That's fine. Here too, you're letting people know that you're Chobitsu from /robowaifu/. That's fine. It only becomes a problem when it comes off as an unsolicited appeal to authority ("I made X, so I know what I'm talking about and you don't"), or an attempt at intimidation ("I'm the BO so you better not disagree with me or else you get the hammer"), which is against the whole anonymous imageboard ethos. Myself, I only use my role signature for official announcements and the like. If I drop in your thread and say maybe you should try changing X in your code to be more like Y, because Y is generally easier to work with or something, I'm going to post as yesdev. I'm not the expert, and I'll never claim to be. If you get where I'm coming from. I'd prefer if people followed the spirit of the law, rather than the letter, so please use names and such at your own discretion.

As for contributing, if you just want to help people with their C++ code or whatever, that's great. There's also plenty of overlap between real-time control systems for robotics, and especially robotics simulation on the PC, with real-time interactive games, so if any of your people feel like dropping in now and then I'm sure they'll find something relevant to their robotics pursuits. Maybe you could even resurrect your visual waifu thread some day :^)

>I sure hope manage to revitalize the /agdg/ movement in general and this board in particular. Good success OP; based on your posts ITT, you deserve it! :)
Appreciate it.
Replies: >>615
>The "problem" is the fact that for most purposes agdg thread on /v/ is good enough for most anons, so whole board is kind of redundant.
Yes, I've been told this before. It's a chicken and egg problem, really. "/agdg/ posting is so slow, having one thread is plenty." Well, maybe posting wouldn't be so slow if we 1: created/attracted more yesdevs and 2: we had more specialized threads, diversity of discussion topics, aggregated and persistent content, as well as OC and board activities. From your post:
>I think, what we need is more general threads, dedicated to specific topics, such as making assets for a game, such as using blender/gimp/etc. Bitching at how much we have specific engines. Share thread, for assets, libraries, and just general links to good sources of information.
It seems we are in agreement there. I'd love it if you could make one of those threads, maybe something you personally have experience or expertise in.

>I am against all "contest" like events, since they will discourage more people. "we have a contest and no one showed up".
I see. Are you referring to the game jam? Because all the "winner" will likely get is a pat on the back, a poorly photoshopped award and IDK, bragging rights?. I just added that for the hell of it, thinking maybe it would motivate someone to try harder than they normally might. The intent, though, is the opposite of competitive, and cooperation is highly encouraged. No one should be intimidated or discouraged; everything should be easy to get started with and fun to fuck around with.

>Unless we have more enthusiasm for participation.
I hope we do. As the date gets closer and things become more concrete, I will reach out to various boards with invitations and announcements. For right now though, it is still in the earliest planning and development stage.
>There's also plenty of overlap between real-time control systems for robotics, and especially robotics simulation on the PC, with real-time interactive games
Yeah, I'd say that's true in some measure. Ofc people don't generaly die if a vidya kaputs. They just might if their robowaifu does. Ofc this is why we need to do things extensively in simulators + testing exhaustively.

>Maybe you could even resurrect your visual waifu thread some day :^)
Heh. We don't really have the concept of 'necro' on our board, so that (and any other thread) is always fair game for anons to bump at any time.
Replies: >>638
Make my own gamedev blog thread. And more importantly finish design document. 
Make blender  thread. Or general visual asset editors thread.
Someone else must make library/share thread for useful links, books, assets, data, etc. Probably could be used to comment on said subjects too. 
Separate share thread to share assets made by anons for anons. As soon as someone decides to share his stuff.
Replies: >>639 >>640
It would be cool to see you guys get a robowaifu simulator up and running, maybe something like that Shinobu waifu guy did a while back.

Surely you're referring to >>170 right? :^)
Replies: >>641
For sure. What are you working on? You doing the dungeon crawler?

>blender thread
Yeah, we could use one of those. I'm struggling to learn it (again) now to make assets for my isometric ARPG (currently on hold until the game jam, sorry, other ARPGfag).
Replies: >>964
>blender thread
Yes please.
>Surely you're referring to >>170 right? :^)
Lol, sorry I forgot about that thread completely (it obviously garnered no traction to speak of). No, actually I was referring to our own Visual Waifu thread, which does receive the occasional bump.
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I thought /agdg/ might like banner, here is banner.
Replies: >>734 >>1042
Thanks anon, I hate it.
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Like video games? Don't like /v/iggers?
Come to /kong/, the best alternative.
Replies: >>908
Clean up the 
>current year games
outrage porn that takes up half your catalog and I'll think about it.
Please be aware that /retro/ was completely destroyed overnight during a slide attack similar to the one that was attempted on /k/ recently. >>>/retro/3176

Please adjust your board's thread rate limit accordingly BO!
Replies: >>965
Thanks for the head's up. I've had threads per hour set to 1 since to beginning, and I check in every day so I think we'll be alright. Sucks to hear that happened to you guys though.
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I'll miss you. It was short but for a time I did eventually find you all again. Maybe it'll happen again.
Replies: >>1016

No need for this to disappear, Anon. We'll just figure out where to relocate it, that's all.
Well, that sucks, I guess we have to pack everything useful and migrate.
Have you guys decided where you're going to go yet?
Is Newt still around? He hasn't logged in for months apparently but it would be good to get an official statement or something.
Replies: >>1021
If he were, he'd probably have made a post the week the announcement went up. 
If there are enough anons left, I can take up the mantle if need be.
Replies: >>1022 >>1023
I still crave an active /agdg/, so please do anon.
Replies: >>1023
So what do you do, make a ownership transfer request to the Anoncafe Admins, then approach another site as the BO to do a migration?

>t. raw OpenGL learner.
Replies: >>1025
Are you guys okay with trashchan?
Pretty much.
Replies: >>1026 >>1027
Sounds good to me, it's early days yet but Trashchan seems to be a great option for cafe refugees.
>Are you guys okay with trashchan?
Yes, I think that would be lovely.
Okay, I've put in a migration request.
With enough luck, everything will go well.
Replies: >>1030 >>1031
Awesome, I hope things work out!
Trashmin's accepted your board! Now he's just waiting on word from you, sleepy.
I have a feeling that something's missing or undone. What could it be?
Crossposting to brand spanking new /agdg/.
>I don't have the free time to create common codebases like Newt did thanks to my irregular work schedue
Perhaps a interest check before you invest time in something like that? It helps if everyone is doing a specific type of game but if the next jam is more theme based then it may be better to just let anons do what they want. Also keep in mind the next Ludum Dare is mid-April for any anons that may want to take part in that too, but if the next one is a month long again then it probably doesn't matter.
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Welcome back /agdg/ !
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I suppose it'll stay less than active until an event brings everyone together to participate.
Replies: >>1037
/agdg/ has a safe home, and that's whats important rn.

BTW, have you considered making Newt a Vol, when presumably he'll make an appearance and discover is no more?
Replies: >>1038
Yes, I woudn't mind.
I'd even let the original BO (who I presume is now the dead vol on help if he shows up.
How'd they prove their identities if they never had trips, though?
Replies: >>1040
Welcome aboard, guys.
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>How'd they prove their identities if they never had trips, though?
Well, for starters I doubt any particular tripcode would work properly across the different servers (cf. tripcode salts).

I'd say you can conceivably research former Newt posts to check the stylometry against any new posts by the purported Newt when/if he arrives?

Regardless, if you simply install him as Vol then you risk little concerning the safety & welfare of trash/agdg/ -- you still have ownership of the board. Indeed you yourself stepped up to rescue the board. You are it's new owner now. The legit Newt should be sensible enough to recognize & accept that new reality.

> pic-related
Banners, anyone?
Replies: >>1042
Can't neglect the classic >>728 ;^)
Glad to see you guys made it in.
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I appreciate all these warm welcomes.
Replies: >>1049
Modified the css a little. It's frankensteined from rei-zero and iwakura. Let me know what you think.
Replies: >>1047
Honestly, your theme is gorgeous :)
Replies: >>1048
Thanks anon. I think there might be some readability issues though.
>I appreciate all these warm welcomes.
Nprb. /agdg/ is a good board! Cheers.  :)
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>dont even need to copy my infodump posts
Neat. Now I just need to make a game.
Replies: >>1051
Nice to see you're still working on this anon.
Replies: >>1052
Ha ha, what kind of lazy asshole I would be, if I made no progress whatsoever.
Replies: >>1053
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Before I forget, the reason I'm not using the original banner is because I'm not good at editing images to change to trashchan. And also because that'd feel like spitting in the legacy of, which I hold very dear.
As for the other banners, I dislike how cheap and lazy they feel. shuts down today.
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It's still online.
Replies: >>1133
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We were all played for fools.
Replies: >>1133
Not with a bang but with a whimper I guess. :^)
Replies: >>1133
Took longer than expected but now it has finally shut down.
I still can't believe it's gone.
The admin never even said goodbye.
Rest in piss. I may or may not have forgotten for a bit that it's supposed to go down.
Replies: >>1203
Eat your words. I don't know why they chose to close down, but we all owe them a debt of gratitude for all they did for the Internets over the years. In fact -- apart from the exit -- the Admins there were definitely some of the best on the Internets.
Replies: >>1310
I agree. We lucked out with them, especially considering how terrible imageboard admins usually are.
I'm bored out of my mind. What videogames do you normally play while developing?
Replies: >>1320
>while developing
Wut? If you mean as an ADHD distraction, then Solitaire or Noita depending on how hard I want to be distracted.

I don't play a lot of games, and the games I play are usually similar to the project I'm working on at the time (usually the game inspires the project rather than the other way round).
What's our policy for bumplocked threads? The progress general is bumplocked so it no longer appears on the overboard, and I think it doesn't bump /agdg/ in the webring either. Can we create a new thread or do we need to post another 200 times in it while being hidden from the overboard and webring?

Personally I think bumplocking is an outdated concept, it only makes sense as a moderator action to soft-delete a thread, or in 4chan which is much faster so a bumplocked thread gets deleted in an hour.
Replies: >>1594
I could raise bump and post limits but many browsers have trouble with threads beyond 500 posts, especially after the 700 to 1000 mark.
Replies: >>1595
>raise bump and post limits
The numbers aren't important as long as people don't have to post in a bumplocked thread. Just lower the max post limit to be same or within 10-20 posts from the bump lock point, or have an official policy that a new thread can be created as soon as the previous one gets bumplocked.

The way I see it, if you want people to continue discussion then the thread should just work normally until infinity. If you want people to gtfo of a crusty old thread and make a new one, then the thread should get locked. Automatic bumplocking in slower imageboards serves literally no purpose other than to stifle discussion. I just confirmed that even Trashchan's own board list won't update the activity timer if you post in a bumplocked thread.

>trouble with threads beyond 500 posts
I think even 300-400 starts to be annoyingly big and takes too long to load, my browser disables image lazy loading so it has to load all the images every time. Vichan and Lynxchan have a way to view only the 50 latest posts so it's not a big deal, but I don't know if Jschan has that feature. Example:
And it's again not a problem in 4chan because they have 1 image per post limit and pathetic tiny thumbnails.
Replies: >>1596 >>1597 >>1600
Jschan loads large threads worse than Lynx or Vichan because it loads only a few posts at a time instead of loading all the text altogether.
Fair enough, anon. Got a screenshot for a new thread?
Replies: >>1598 >>1602
>a new thread
This. It's traditional simply to bake a new bread for a serial-thread.
It's generally helpful to add a crosslink to the previous threads in the OP as well.
Replies: >>1599
> bake a new bread for a serial-thread once it reaches the board's autosage bump limit.*
>official policy
You're kidding, right?
Replies: >>1601
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If you say "you're allowed to do X", it sounds really weird to call it a "rule".
Replies: >>1606
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I was thinking of using images of the stuff in the thread, but there were so many that I made a collage instead. I didn't go further than 2 years.
Replies: >>1604
Excellent. I think this is a very good OP pic for the new thread.
< Updoot +1  :)
You sound extremely new.
Replies: >>1609
You sound way too autistic. This kind of pointless approved-words-only autism doesn't help anyone and is one of the reasons why imageboards are dying.
Replies: >>1610
Maybe he just means you don't need permission to make a new thread anon.
Replies: >>1611
It's not about getting a permission, it's about what you're allowed to do without mods getting mad and deleting your thread. I've had lots of threads around the webring deleted for not being somehow worthy, or because there's still a bumplocked thread buried somewhere in the catalog. But I have no idea what the standards for this board are, which is why I asked;
<What's our policy for bumplocked threads?
Replies: >>1627
If the thread is autosaging, you can make another.
I've taken your suggestion and set the bump and post limits closer (530/550) than they were before.
Thanks for the cleanup, it's appreciated.
I have no idea if you followed what happened with Godot Engine today but just a heads up.
Replies: >>1727
Apparently some of the community has switched to Redot, a fork.
Replies: >>1728 >>1730 >>1731
Any major differences? I've been using an old version of Godot for my game, willing to switch on my next game if it's gotten pozzed
nvm, looking into it now. ffs godot I'm out too
Does Redot have actual resources behind it or is it likely to fizzle out after a week?
Replies: >>1731
It takes special kind of autism to make and develop something like Godot, there's no way you can just fork it. Proper forking of a project like this can only happen due to some hyper autist wanting to make it their own, not because of angry feeling of betrayal or whatever.
Replies: >>1732 >>1733
There are more than a handful of former godot devs (as in people working on the engine) that were calling for a fork so it might find some steam.
Godot had funding behind it too, didn't it?
Replies: >>1736
Yeah, it's received grants from big companies like Epic and Meta/Facebook. Redot is unlikely to get that kind of investment, especially because of PR risks.
Replies: >>1737 >>1738
As long as a fork actually comes out and it's forked from godot 4 or later, I'm content just staying on one version of Redot forever if I have to, just don't want to be associated with poz
Then the best case scenario for Redot is being downstream forever.
>redot's website is now dead
Replies: >>1756
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it was a kneejerk fork with zero thought put into how it could possibly differentiate itself from godot. every new feature would be ported from the main godot branch anyways, created by the same people they despise so much
so like most forks where the original project is still active, a complete waste of time
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Merry Christmas, Anon!

Thank you for still being here and kicking.
I hope you're already enjoying this >>>/christmas/ event,

Here's to another year with (You).
Replies: >>1816
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Thanks, Anon! I hope everynon on /agdg/ makes lots of games this coming year.  :)

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from the kohi addicts. You lot should come 'round more often to steal from our ideas guys.
I just want to say it's okay even if you haven't achieved your goals yet.
Just keep at it, making progress one day at a time.
Don't stop.
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Whenever I see the Stardew Valley dev post some weird motivational messages, I feel bad about not having made more progress. For some reason I can empathize with the idea of making it big and then wanting to help other struggling devs, the idea that he couldn't reach anyone makes me sad so it makes me want to achieve something great and thank him or the encouragement.
Basically what I need is my personal spiritual encouragement person who makes me feel bad for disappointing them. Maybe that's why religious people achieved so much greatness in the past, because they wanted God to think well of them.
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What's your excuse in 2025, /agdg/ ?  :D
Replies: >>1864
I didn't know there was morse code for backspace.
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