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Keep at it, Anon!

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1. Respect the global rules.
2. The board is SFW. Mature content should be spoilered.
3. Avoid shitposting and modernspeak (based, -pilled, etc.). This is a place of creation and should be treated as such.
4. Discussion regarding the board itself should be taken to the meta thread >>1.
5. Have fun.

The board was set up merely a bunker and repository for developers, waiting for 8chan to come back online, but since it's in the process of committing sudoku, this could be your new home.

List of other bunkers:
Last edited by sleepy
Replies: >>287
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>>15 (OP) 
Given the probable loss of another two imageboards in the next few weeks, I will be taking in moderator positions to ensure the safety of this bunker.
If you want to help out, feel free to contact me at and we'll take you into account.
Last edited by AlphabetSoup
Replies: >>288
janny here. This is an interesting turn of events. sent you an email
Last edited by Shodanon
Isn't /agdg/ already living inside a /v/ instead of its own board?
Why are you here?
Replies: >>290 >>291
est. 2014
hurrrrrrrrrrrrr why do you have boards in bunkers when it's been a tradition for years to have a general thread and board coexisting durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Here's a question: why the fuck are YOU here?
Replies: >>291 >>292
Cmon, man, no need to get angry
There are multiple /agdg/ boards. Some prefer one over the other but for the most part is to have redundancy in the event of another sitewide deletion.
Replies: >>292
>redundancy in the event of another sitewide deletion
>Some prefer one over the other
Ah, that's understandable. Thank you
I know what /agdg/ is, what i didn't understand is why there's one in almost every single site i've visited and they all have the same things there. Making one everywhere as a redundancy measure is certainly not a normal thing to do but i can understand it, not malicious either but it does spark the curiosity.
I realize my wording was a bit too direct so i apologize for that although you sound like overcompensating, are you hiding sumthan mister?
Is Fists of Absolution being worked on? 
I'm thinking of adopting the project, or maybe make a cheap knockoff of the concept.
Replies: >>320
not as far as I know, no updates for years
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Why, hello there, people. I'm new here. I, of course, did my fair bit of googling, but I believe that this kind research & collection must have been done many times in the past already. What are the good place to get free assets, such as sprites and sounds, for, say, a 2D pixelated game? Would it not be nice to have a thread dedicated to list resources useful for game-makers?
Replies: >>416
Welcome newfren. Well, I'd guess that a lot of 'free' assets are probably being ripped from commercial games using tools designed for such?
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Where could i find a 3D artist, who can create models, and would be interested in a 50/50 rev share? Most websites and subreddits i know are for people looking for payment upfront.
Where's that link that explains what happened to the agdg community after the exodus? About splitting into groups and whatnot?
I can't find it.
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