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Keep at it, Anon!

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So up until now, we've had a lot (lol) of off-topic posting, a lot a one-and-done "how do I make game tho" posts in various threads, especially the meta and progress threads. This is now the new dumping ground for those posts. Do try to put some effort into your posts though, you'll get more responses and won't have to face the wrath of jacked Carmack and his dragon dildo sword+2 that way.
Anybody got a good screen recording program for linux? Bonus points if it can be set to only capture a certain window to make editing easier. Editing software too, ffmpeg? I think people are using. How's that? Any other options? Again, for linux.
Replies: >>540
>Anybody got a good screen recording program for linux?
OBS Studio (GUI, main focus is live streaming with offline recording capabilities, most features & community)
SimpleScreenRecorder (GUI, focused on recording, simple to use but the most niche)
FFmpeg (CLI, swiss army knife of video programs, screen capture not a primary focus but lots of documentation and generally useful)
>Editing software too
Olive 0.12 (GUI, hardware accelerated with OpenGL effects, most similar to tools like Adobe Premiere with major rewrite in the works)
Blender VSE (GUI, single threaded, not speedy but solid like you would expect from Blender)
AviSynth+ (DSL, a scripting language for video with multi threading, relies on tools like FFmpeg for playback and rendering)
Melt (CLI/DSL, single threaded library that powers tools like Kdenlive with ability to run scripts, slow and buggy like the editors based on it)
FFmpeg (CLI, capable of doing some editing too, doesn't have the standard features of other editors but can do some basic things)
Replies: >>542 >>544
For editing, I would just add to this Anon's excellent list Shotcut, and Kdenlive.  [1] [2]

Replies: >>544
Bad ass. I'll look into them.
What's the anon-approved, non-woke, won't-randomly-delete-your-shit, code repository these days? Gitlab? Bitbucket? Gitgud? Something else I haven't heard of?
Replies: >>650
I asked myself the same question recently, since I needed to move stuff between pc and notebook. I ended up using random free ftp server and FreeFileSync to keep stuff synchronized.  Even if they delete my shit, I will have 2 copies, but its very unlikely anyway.
I need to make simple gui app, but code:blocks is fucking garbage and wxWidget doesnt want to work at all, including built-in example app, and updated version from their website. Even editor is fucked and barely works. Should I just stop fucking with code:blocks and move to something else?
Its not the first fucking problem I experienced with C::B
Replies: >>775 >>785 >>789
If you're on Linux, I suggest using juci++ as your IDE, and FLTK as your windowing/widget library. Good luck Anon.
Replies: >>787
Have you looked at imgui (Dear ImGui)? ht tps:// Apparently it's pretty popular for doing stuff like internal tooling. If you're having problems with a more traditional GUI framework like WX or QT, I would definitely take a look at it. Or, search for other so-called "immediate mode GUIs". The Raylib guy made one ht tps:// give that a look.

You also shouldn't be dependent on any particular IDE or code editor. I second the other anon's recommendation, especially the linux part. Tell us more about what you're trying to do. What kind of program is the GUI for? What's your OS? Programming language?
Replies: >>787
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Thanks I will look into that. I use windows  c++, I just wanted something working out of the box, without wasting too much time to make it work. I spend 2 hours trying to make c::b do what I want, and I just dont want to waste any more time with it. 
I need to make simple to use tool for tiles, with offsets, palette adjustments, etc.
Replies: >>789
>Should I just stop fucking with code:blocks and move to something else?
Yes. Sounds like VS (for wangblows onry) or VS Code (lol electron) are your speed.
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Should I bother making proper random/hash function with deterministic output, or should I just use premade random string and grab values from it? I just need normalized random for tiles (and I am very lazy), I just need not noticeable pattern over the screen, so it doesnt matter if it repeats every 100 symbols. But I probably need multiple types of random anyway... Picrelated is just random from 128 byte string of random keypresses, seems reasonably non-uniform to me (grass/wood is just perlin). 
So, to rephrase it as a proper question, do you think there is anything wrong with using random string to get fake-random expected output?

And should I bother remaking perlin noise, for my own needs, because I basically repeat almost exact process, right after generating noise itself? Or should I just forget about it, because I would waste a day, to save less than a second of runtime. But I will need a few procedural generators anyway. I need so many things to make. Including the list of things I need to make.
Replies: >>973 >>979
>do you think there is anything wrong with using random string to get fake-random expected output?
That's just a seed right? Games like Minecraft do it so if it works for your needs then go for it.
Replies: >>974
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string a = "hisgohigahioargho;arly67olwe76kw5gho;arghio";
T= a[(x*yj)%25];
I just need to pick one of these tile variations for each point of the map. Perlin does basically the same thing, but it gaussian blur them afterwards, and technically, I can just use the seed-string directly from perlin code, without blur, now that I think about it. I am just really fucking tired from the amount of things which come up, and a lot of them could work better, but its wasted fucking effort, because almost everything is good enough in the most basic implementation anyway. 
But I feel like I am doing something wrong, for not making a proper normalized random.
Replies: >>975
I'll presume you're using C++ Anon. Why not just tap into the Standard Library's <random> ? It has some rather sophisticated features already, including hardware entropy.
Replies: >>976
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I need to always have the same result from the same input. f(x) must be equal to f(x), for proper procedural generation. At current point, my lazy way works, but later, I would need proper normalized output. 
Default random library doesnt have input, as far as I know, and while it gives the same output each time, its only based on number of function calls, which doesnt work for me. 
In reality, I dont need "random random" output, I just need "random looking" output. Or rather normalized output, with hard to recognize pattern. 
So a map would be generated exactly the same way. I guess, I can use sophisticated seeded std::random to generate base set of random data (like 10k integers), and just pull information from it, and if needed, modify it via additional seed.
Replies: >>978 >>979
There's std::srand for seeding the RNG. You can make it deterministic by consuming values from the RNG in a fixed pattern, like always generating map, then enemy placement, then loot, etc before anything determined by gameplay. If you're just using it for map generation, there should be no issues with replication from the same seed.

I did something similar for one of my games where replays just have the seed and from there always consumes values for enemy placement first instead of needing to save all the enemy spawn locations.
Replies: >>979 >>980 >>981
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>>972 muddles up the question a fair bit, but >>976 confirms that what is wanted is a function that maps some arbitrary input to a hard-to-predict point within a fixed output range, i.e. a hash function.

>do you think there is anything wrong with using random string to get fake-random expected output?
Apart from its lumpiness? Wasted effort. The problem's already been solved way beyond your modest needs. Look over the many fast, cheap non-cryptographic hashing functions published in the past 50 years, pick one, and use it with whatever input sequence your heart devises.
Replies: >>980
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>Wasted effort
How could it be wasted effort, if its was the least effort I can put into making simple pseudo-random output?
>just hash
Well, x*y is the easiest hash function, I used it in picrelated, and I doubt anyone could spot a pattern/repeat, even if they know that there are only 25 tiles. 
My main problem, is that I will need proper deterministic pseudo-random functions sooner or later, and I hate how there are whole scientific papers are written on how they work, and I am afraid I will fuck it up, and it will cause problems down the way, and I will not be able to notice them. Also I am lazy. 
Would not work for many reasons.
Replies: >>981 >>983
>Would not work for many reasons
We're going to need details if you want a concrete recommendation. What are you actually using this for if you also have perlin noise? A hashing fn seems to most closely match your specification and unless you have a specific non uniform distribution in mind you're best to just use one off the shelf. >>978 is how prng is typically used in roguelikes and such.
Replies: >>982 >>984
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I use perlin to generate gaussian noise, I use my simple random function to get (deterministic) white-noise. I use my lazy function to pick one tile out of 25 almost identical tiles. Perlin outputs similar values, when given similar coordinates. It will always give outputs similar to  "1122224455543221". I need deterministic outputs, which are not provided by regular random functions, they just expect seed, and I dont know how fast they are. But, other than the way you get data from them, they do have everything I need. I can do some tricks and pass hash of (seed*coordinates), but I am not sure how fast these are, and how they will work on various systems.
I want to have "endless" maps, which will generate right in front of player, so generation should be fast and deterministic, so I could generate same map each time. 

But sooner or later I will need deterministic item generation, and I am afraid that it will fuck things up, since random has a shitload of parameters. As I said, I think I will pre-generate 10k of proper random numbers with standard functions, and use it to generate items. I can make it big enough so it would not "exhaust" itself and start repeating (maybe a couple of safeguards as well). Or just use "random banks" for each map segment, and make them bigger than possible amount of items you can get from a zone... But than I just pre-generating random, which is counter productive, unless I run it from another thread, which would increase complexity for no fucking reason. 
And everything is either faulty or increases complexity or both. I read on random generation, and its really fucking annoying, that you can fuck it up, and never learn about it. And I can (probably) simply alter default random code, and instead of it providing a sequence of outputs, I can bind it to a value, but I really dont want to fuck with default code, from standard library or stuff like perlin.
Replies: >>984 >>990
>Would not work for many reasons.
That's pretty frustratingly dismissive anon, but good luck.
Replies: >>984 >>985
>everything is either faulty or increases complexity or both
Wow, yeah, that all sounds pretty tough. It must be a much bigger problem than it appears to require such difficulties, but nevertheless good luck with it, Anon.

Vague framing produces vague thinking produces vague work, manifest in meandering. Take it as exhortation to keep your fundamentals sharp, if nothing else.
Replies: >>993
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But I explained everything in other posts/parts of the post.
Replies: >>990
I see now. for picking cosmetic tiles from a set I recommend just sampling a white noise texture. that repeats in every direction (very close to what you're already doing). Maybe for item generation break the world into chunks, hash the coordinates per chunk and seed your PRNG with the result. Don't overthink it. Something like a Linear Congruential Generator is super easy to implement and as long as you do the generation in the same order every time and keep the state separate between chunks it's totally deterministic.
Replies: >>992
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Ultimately, it doesnt matter, and the answer is "dont worry about it".
I can wrap values around from an array which is just 1 screen wide, and it will be impossible to notice. Unless someone has extreme form of autism. In picrelated you can see obvious line of repeated tiles, but its only obvious on grass, its fine on rocks. 
But in future I will need proper generators, which will give me outputs I need. Lets say I have 10 types of armor and 10 types of weapons. So 1-10 will be a armor, 11-20 will be a weapon. For simplicity, lets assume I use 5bit wide values, so they can be anything from 1 to 32. If I simply use modulo 20, to "clip" the values, the first 16 items will have double chance to appear, while the leftover 4 will be twice as rare. Not to mention situation, which happened in some monster hunter game. Due to seeded random generators, characters had a pool of unavailable items, which could not be generated for them. On one hand, who gives a shit? Fuck em! But on the other, I have severe autism, and I care. 
I guess, the solution for even distribution is to have binary tree generator. Item ID would be its entire information, and I can use "leftover bits" either as "no item" or "do over, but upgrade" instead. Checking it might seem overcomplicated, but I can just pregenerate whole thing, each time I change number of items/types possible to generate. Or I can just make everything dividable by 2, which is way more annoying.
Whatever you do, you want to do it properly, but its really counter productive in many cases.
>Vague framing produces vague thinking produces vague work, manifest in meandering. Take it as exhortation to keep your fundamentals sharp, if nothing else.
Exellent advice, Anon. Thanks.
would this board be the right place to talk about interactive fiction, specifically interactive fiction? They are "games" but they're more book than game. Currently working on an interactive fiction engine as an leaner alternative to Twine so that I can have my games running on a Kindle that doesn't support JavaScripted EPUB files.
Replies: >>999
I see no reason why not. /tg/ would fit too.
I'm not really tech savvy on this but how do you do that mechanic during the "Manual" mode in the following game?
(it's the third set of "mini game" after the balancing game)
>use your mouse to go in and out (?)
I want to make a simple sprite RPG-ish thing.  I'm using pygame.  The code is already spaghetting and I'm scared to go any further.
Replies: >>1010
Get it working/finished, identity what you did wrong and how to fix it, make a new game using what you learned.
Replies: >>1011
Two very whiny questions:
1 - How do you identify _why_ it's spaghetti-ing out of control?
2 - How do you deal with...when you see a wall of code that you have to look in 10 different places to keep track of what's going on/how to continue and you just get completely goddam overwhelmed?
Replies: >>1012 >>1013 >>1014
I'm just getting started my with game development myself and I'm doing it through Godot so my experience is probably different from yours, but it's about persistence. If I have a problem I'll focus on it until I fix it, if I can't, I feed my code/errors to AI so it can give me some ideas about what the problem could be. Use debugging print statements/breakpoints in the code to check whether the expected code is executing at the right times.
Just realized I didn't answer the whole question lol As for organization, use functions so it's easier to manage your code; that way you're editing do_thing() instead of trying to find an obscure piece of code out of 1000 lines, that can slow you down a lot.
>How do you identify _why_ it's spaghetti-ing out of control?
When your logic is spread across a dozen different functions, each calling to each other in a gorillion different ways that you can no longer keep track of what variable is what value anymore. It should be streamlined from the start. Planning it out in your head/on paper/in pseudocode is also a good idea so you can see where problems may come from.
>How do you deal with...when you see a wall of code that you have to look in 10 different places to keep track of what's going on/how to continue and you just get completely goddam overwhelmed?
Plan it out beforehand so you know exactly what part does what and where each piece of logic goes to.
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I want this to look like a fast and mechanical movement. Is it better to smear into the motion or out of the motion? 
I can't decide which looks better and I couldn't find any good info online.
It's a rough WIP, pls no bully
Replies: >>1059 >>1064
Out looks better.
Replies: >>1065
I agree with anon, out looks better. What's the difference?
Replies: >>1065
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I think what I don't like about the out version is the extra horizontal line that gives it a horizontal movement that doesn't exist. I'm probably going to go with that but without that line. 
The smear frame. In goes from the previous animation, out goes to the next.
Replies: >>1066
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I think this looks good, now I just need the rest of the game.
yeah I can see why this board is dead.
Replies: >>1114
And why is that?
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Anon, I need your gamedev adivice. You see, I'm trying to do my indie  game all by myself  but it seem like the undertaking toll of doing it is just too great, I don't even know if I could even make it.

Currently I'm working out on the pixel animation part. Lets assume that I have round 50-80 type of monsters in the game. Every monsters have atleast 10 frame of battle scene animation. On top of that I have like 8 protag characters, each sums up to 50 frames in battle scene including the alternate outfit when they earn xp up into certain lvl.

When the game goes into story scene, there will be be plenty of bg graphics and some animation scene too.
I haven't even start doing the programming yet. Everything about programming are theoritically in pattern form inside my head. I know which programming language I'll be using. And the music, oh boy that's long way to go before I even touch that.

Apperently, computer broke 5 months ago, I just bought a new one after saving some money. Also, now I have take care of my parent who's currently having cronic illness. Not sure how should I divide my time for gamedev right now.
Replies: >>1180 >>1182 >>1183
First, budget your time to see how much time your project requires.

- each sound asset takes X minutes
- each graphical asset takes Y minutes
- each programming task takes Z minutes

Then add it all up and divide by the number of minutes you can reasonably work on the project each day.  The result of this equation is the number of days it'll take to finish.  If you haven't mastered art, music, and programming, then no matter how long you think it'll take, it's going to take a lot longer.

Fortunately, there are shortcuts you can take: game engines, free assets, etc.  You can also scale your concept down to something you can realistically implement by yourself, and only scale it up as circumstances permit.
Replies: >>1181
I think I could Ace out the art graphic aspect but still, animation is quite time consuming expecially for decent pixel art quality standard. Programming wise, it might not be that complicated for a turnbase rpg 2d game. My weakness is mostly on the music composing aspect. I have a lot idea how the music will be played but tying to arrange the notes in midi is quite a bitch. I really hate doing it.If posible, I would prefer an orginal content without resulted into using free aset.
>You see, I'm trying to do my indie  game all by myself  but it seem like the undertaking toll of doing it is just too great, I don't even know if I could even make it.
>Also, now I have take care of my parent who's currently having cronic illness. Not sure how should I divide my time for gamedev right now.
Obviously not everyone is going to have the free time or financial security to go all-in on amateur game development. I'd say the number of people who are able to do that, and then actually use their time wisely and pull off a completed game, are staggeringly few. Don't beat yourself up if that isn't you.

First of all, let's discuss your reasons/motivation for game dev in the first place and see if it's really what you need in your life or if there aren't any alternatives available to you. Some examples I could think of, may not even apply to you but who knows?
>I want to be creative/make something of my own
There are countless hobbies out there that could be an outlet for that desire, while not requiring the time and skills that gamedev does. For instance, you could do art - pixel art or whatever. You could 3D model, print, and paint miniature figures. You could take up woodcarving. You could write shitty erotic fanfiction short stories/fairy tales/poetry. You could plant a garden. You could learn an instrument or learn to make music on a computer. Gamedev has the unfortunate aspect of being kind of "all or nothing." By that, I mean you either made a game or you didn't, without a whole lot in between. Some people will spend years of their lives working at it and never release anything. If they didn't enjoy or find valuable their time spent they may consider it a waste and become soured on gamedev/other serious hobbies as a result.

>I have a unique gameplay concept/idea that nobody has done before/better and will be totally kick-ass!
OK. Have you run the idea by other people? Did they like it? Have you tested this idea with a prototype? Could it be implemented as a mod for an existing title? Does it need to be a video game? For instance, an RPG itemization idea might be able to be implemented in a tabletop RPG as well, not neccessarily a computer-based one, where you would just need to design and write up the systems, print up some random tables, etc.

>I have a great OC Donut Steel character/unique world that I want others to be able to experience
Could they experience it through art? Through a webcomic? Through written fiction? Again, think outside the box of interactive computer games.

>I want to make it big/get the big bucks
Get a job. If you want to do something rewarding to yourself, work on your art or programming skills to the point where you're employable. 

>I want to work at my own pace/on my own terms
See above. But you're gonna need to be twice as good if you want to dependably freelance. Consider teaming up with others if this isn't a big point with you.

>I like working with computers
Again, do digital art or programming then. Or CAD work even, if you want a respectable career.

A lot of words but what it really comes down to is asking your doctor yourself if Gamedev™ is right for you.
Replies: >>1185
>Also, now I have take care of my parent who's currently having cronic illness.
You should first save up a little money and hire a good caretaker so that you can take some free time without worrying.
Replies: >>1184
I cant afford caretaker, it's too expansive, But I do have plenty of time if I stay late at night, just enough to work on atleast 1-2 frame of pixel art.

>if you want to dependably freelance. Consider teaming up with others.
I kind of want this this to happen but I'm no good at interacting with people. What if I'm the one that progress but the other side of my mate stay idle? Maybe because of he has different skill set which makes me hard to trust him on what he's actually doing? Building chemistry between team mate is not I'm really good at.

>First of all, let's discuss your reasons/motivation
After making pixel art for while with a right and proper technique, this thing just facinates me. I don't feel like applying this drawing skill on other profession really worth my effort. It has to be only gamedev that matters.
Replies: >>1185 >>1188
Every hobby requires a sacrifice. Especially now in this wageslave-loving world.
You should look into doing extremely short projects considering your limited free time, or you should find a way to get more free time. Drawing at a rate of 2 frames a night would mean, assuming you don't make a game with only one second's worth of animation, several months of non-stop work for something that would most likely want you to go back and restart. You need to figure out what you're making because art is the last thing you work on. Is art your only strong point?
Replies: >>1191
>Is art your only strong point?
I could do abit of music compostition, it.Well not much but at least something.

>You need to figure out what you're making because art is the last thing you work on
My game is fairly simple, which emphasizes on story and 2d graphics as its major attractiveness. It's an rpg kind of game like FE. What else of element do you think that is hard to implement? The battle, inventory and leveling system are pretty straight forward isn't it? Of course there's going to be a twist on the gameplay designing part, but it is not much harder than doing the artwork.
Most pre-dev art ends up altered or never used because what you can envision is almost always different from what you can realistically create within the confines of the real world.
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I'm working on music for my game, which version do you think sounds better? 
ao is just compressed, am has slightly more complex mixing.
Replies: >>1352
I don't know anything about music but I hate that thing where audio goes into one ear only, it makes my head hurt, so I'll say "am".
Replies: >>1371
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>I don't know anything about music
I just want it to sound good. 
>I hate that thing where audio goes into one ear only
This one is more mono, which half of the song do you think sounds better?
I was replaying some old need for speed games, and it got me thinking. Those games (along with a bunch of other racing games of that era) had an option to play on a mirrored track. How did they do it?
If the track is mostly straight, you can just mirror along that axis, but most of the tracks are circuits, so that won't work. Maybe they found  the center of each track and mirrored on that point? But that would cause artifacts if the circuit is not a perfect circle.
Maybe they just flipped the image screen-space (and also the left-right input)? But that wouldn't look ok if you spin and end up looking perpendicular at the track, no? It would also cause cars to look mirrored, unless you mirror them too (here just mirroring along the y axis should work I think).
Replies: >>1777 >>1778 >>1789
>If the track is mostly straight, you can just mirror along that axis, but most of the tracks are circuits, so that won't work.
Anon it's time to top up your brain fluids.
Replies: >>1779
for (everything) {
thing.x = -thing.x;
Replies: >>1779
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But there's a road running along the x axis. If I flip it on the y axis (i.e. do what >>1778 said), then drive the road, it won't flip the left and right side of the road. It will be like going reverse, not mirrored. See my shitty drawing.
Replies: >>1782
I guess I shouldn't try gamedev then...
Unless there's text on the road, I don't see what the problem would be.
The easiest solution is often the correct one. They likely simply copied the track in editor, and mirrored it, no need to do anything fancy.
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Are there any good resources on the design of the original sim city games? 
I was thinking of making a spooky sim city clone but I don't know how I would go about balancing or how to style the sprites.
Replies: >>1791
How big do you want your game to be, in terms of how much time you plan to spend on it? How complex you want it to be, do you plan on simulating traffic/trains/actors or just a grid based building part? Flat surface or pseudo3d? How big the map will be? 
If you plan on tiny game, with hand painted sprites 2d is fine. But if you plan on any complexity, such as traffic simulations and elevation differences, its easier to do in lowpoly 3d, especially if you dont care about performance due to small map. I can explain why 2d is worse, but it would take a while and I dont really have energy for full explanation, so you have to take my word for it. 
I think I posted some tutorials on rendering isometric stuff in blender thread. There are not that many guides on rendering 2d sprites, because barely anyone uses them. You probably can dig up a lot of interesting stuff in factorio devlogs, and similar projects. 
So, if its very small game, go 2d. If its somewhat complex, go 3d.
Replies: >>1793 >>1797
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>Flat surface or pseudo3d?
My idea is to make it low res isometric with 2D sprites. Godot/Redot have isometric cameras built in so that part is easy. 
>How complex you want it to be, do you plan on simulating traffic/trains/actors or just a grid based building part?
Mostly just a spreadsheet simulator like 2000. No traffic simulation and roads will be limited to connecting points and maybe checking their length. 
I'm not too sure on the map size or complexity but something on the lower end.
Replies: >>1794 >>1799
As long as the game is grid-based, there's almost no situation where 3D will be easier.
Replies: >>1794
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If you willing to spend at least 10h in blender, you can prerender everything for it. Not difficult at all. The only difficult thing would be, if you want to have damage effects on buildings. 
Or just look up free assets. 
That depends. People use 3d not only because its fancier. You have advantage of skeletal animations and proper view. Changing scale and level of details on a single sprite is easy, but dealing with a thousands becomes cumbersome. Animating a proper model is way easier, than dealing with sprites. And dealing with pseudo 3d, such as elevation is worse than real 3d. 
3d is simply better than 2d, unless its something very primitive, or requires supreme performance. Even if its stylistic choice to use prerendered stuff, its often easier to use 3d, and present them as planes.
Replies: >>1795
>skeletal animations
Wtf are you going to skeletal animate in a sim city clone? Cars need 4 tiny static directional sprites which is easier than making a 3D model (unless you use some minimalistic "low-poly" rectangles style). Humans don't necessarily even need directional sprites.
>proper view
>Changing scale and level of details
That's an added feature advantage, not an "it's easier to make a game" advantage.
Elevation doesn't make it more complicated unless you want very fine granularity in elevation changes because each new elevation requires at least (number_of_floor_tiles * 8) new sprites for the slopes.
>3d is simply better than 2d
The question was about how easy it is to do, not which has advantageous results. If you've never made a game before, you should go for the low difficulty route rather than the quality results route.
Replies: >>1796
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>The question was about how easy it is to do,
No, the question was about good resources on making simcity-like. And the reality is that there aren't that many good 2d guides. Most of them talk about hand painting everything, and assume you are an artist making a game.
2d is mostly easier, because you cant do most things with 2d. 
>Elevation doesn't make it more complicated
It does. 
>Cars need 4 tiny static directional sprites which is easier than making a 3D model
Even artists use 3d software as a reference for everything. 3d is easier, especially for stuff like cars. Car is a bunch of rectangles, one curve and 2 circles. Making tiles in blender is way easier than drawing them, even if you only need a few. 
>you should go for the low difficulty route rather than the quality results route
Its not about quality of the results. You wrongly assume that making everything 2d is easier just because. Main difference is reading different tutorial and learning basics of blender. Odds are you will need to learn it sooner or later. 
How else you going to make sprites? Hand paint them? Its easier to learn new skill, and apply it, than to be stubborn and refuse to use appropriate tools. 
>Wtf are you going to skeletal animate in a sim city clone? 
Actors, like pedestrians. Maybe a monster attacking it, sine he talked about "spooky" version. I used skeletal animation as the example of superiority of 3d, over pure sprite based games.
To quote Toady One, creator of dwarf fortress. Dwarf fortress is technically a 3d game.
Replies: >>1797
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>No. the question was about good resources on making simcity-like
Well I'll quote the post I replied to:
>if you plan on any complexity, such as traffic simulations and elevation differences, its easier to do in lowpoly 3d

>there aren't that many good 2d guides
There aren't that many good 3D guides either.
>How else you going to make sprites? Hand paint them?
Almost all 2D art is made by hand, and there's infinite number of 2D art and pixel art tutorials like these to help you:
>making everything 2d is easier just because.
2D is easier because making a 2D asset is easier and everything programming/math related is easier in 2D. 2D is only more difficult in cases when you need to create so many complex 2D sprites that the cost of modeling and texturing and animating a 3D asset is cheaper, or if you want certain degree of flexibility like rotating/zooming the camera or using dynamic shading. But otherwise old-school Sim City is one of the most ideal kinds of games for 2D because almost none of the objects in it need to be animated or even rotated, and there's no proper characters in it.
Animating walk cycles for pedestrians is waste of effort. They are so tiny that unless you're planning to zoom in to street-level and look at them just for the heck of it, you won't be able to see it. Maybe you can do that in the old sim city games, I don't remember, but pic related will suffice for a pedestrian. Give it a 2-frame bounce if you want to animate it.
Replies: >>1798
>2D is easier because making a 2D asset is easier
>Almost all 2D art is made by hand
>2d art is easier than 3d 
And your source for that information is what exactly? 
>waste of effort unless you're planning to zoom
What an amazing insight, especially as a rebuttal for my points. 
>Actors, like pedestrians. Maybe a monster attacking it, sine he talked about "spooky" version. I used skeletal animation as the example of superiority of 3d, over pure sprite based games.
Can you read, son?
And I can make walking cycle for a pedestrian in 5 minutes in blender, its super fucking easy. 
What is easier, walking or driving? Of course walking, because effort is too hard, and choosing short term convenience, over long term productivity is easy. And never plan ahead, why make it harder on yourself today, if you can make it impossible for yourself tomorrow.
You have no idea what you are talking about. And let me guess, you think he should use assembler, because its the proper way to do it, because its how transport tycoon was made?
Replies: >>1799
Anon was talking about "original sim city games", posted these screenshots >>1792, and said his plan was to make 2D sprites, so I'm operating under the premise that this is his expectation of what the game would be like. The idea that you need to be able to zoom in and see pedestrian walk cycles and whatnot was made up by you.

If he WANTS to make something like Rise of Industry (which, ironically, doesn't have pedestrians), wants to learn 3D, or wants the technical advantages that 3D gives, then this would be an entirely different discussion, but with current information none of those are true.

>I can make walking cycle for a pedestrian in 5 minutes in blender
But you're not him. You need to spend a lot of effort learning 3D programs to be able to quickly create the desired 3D shapes and UV wrapping and texturing and rigging and animating bones, but everyone learns how drawing works when they're 4 years old and getting from there to decent 2D sprites doesn't require much more than copying one of those pixel art tutorials. 3D is more of a skill that you need to acquire than 2D is, and every additional skill you need to acquire increases the barrier of entry to creating a videogame.
Replies: >>1801
>So, if its very small game, go 2d. If its somewhat complex, go 3d.
Replies: >>1802
Dwarf Fortress is a massively complex game but it's much easier to make in 2D. TABS is an arcade meme game but easier to make in 3D. Complexity is unrelated, it's specific features that determine it.
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Merry Christmas /agdg/
May you use this extra time this week to master Blender, and help you're are waifu make The Big Escape(tm)(R)(C)(Pat Pending)(Do not steal) in teh realworld!

>ps. I'm really glad you survived to make here to Trashchan, Bros! Cheers.  :)
Replies: >>1814 >>1817
Merry Christmas to you too, anon!
Merry Christmas, Chobitsu.
Replies: >>1819
You too, brother. Cheers.  :^)
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