/p/ - Photography

Resources & discussion regarding the heliographic practice

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A place for all things meta regarding our small dark room. Suggestions, banners, board exposure plans, they go here. 
Be not afraid to comment.
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Oh I'm glad you saw the post. I was worried that it had been so long since I responded that you would give up on me.
>Have been hoarding pics for photo threads, planning to make two to three more, two for topic references (one general, one very specific) and probably another one related to something i saw time ago which is kinda focused more on hardcore photojournalism and story time. Also a couple of references for the photog thread.
Sounds interesting. I'll be looking forward to them.

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Let's look into some of the famous, and not so famous, photographers' works to get some inspiration, ideas or entertainment by looking at some of their pictures in small dumps.
Also serves as a way to force myself into enjoying this hobby without a camera.
Anything goes as long as you like it enough to expose it, in my case i will post some of them once in a while in a constant format.
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This leads to something that did shock me a bit, the man went on to pass to another realm almost on his birthday in 2015 funnily enough on the 70th anniversary of the Nagasaki Holocaust which was significant for the guy and one of his past students, co-editors and current friends, Kenichi Komatsu, registered Akira's last days and post-mortem ordeal in raw, hard photodocumentary detail, going from Ken's companionship to the christian funeral ceremony, registering as a small side note how the presidents of the most important photographer associations in Japan were some of Tanno's early students and in one case also assistant at some point.

This usually seems out of touch and even disrespectful in normal western circumstances but in this case it was the way of Komatsu to mourn what probably was quite the close friend and teacher via their own trade and also it is to note Akira did seem to work on that thin line of privacy and documentation, after all he was a freelancing hobby photojournalist, and ironically enough the only recent photo i saw related to him in the form of consultant editor for a photobook made by Sumie Namiki, second pic related here entitled Tears is made in a similar fashion act as Kenichi pulled on him. 
This photo does have a specific author's caption in her photoblog courtesy of zoggle translator much like Ken's photoblog, except this one is from 
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Post pictures that you've taken to share them with other anons. Talk about the things you like to take pics of and what camera you use. 
I'll start. I use a Lumix FZ48, and I like to take pictures of nature, and I want to get into more Urbex pictures.
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Then the sun came out too bright and I had to get a little ghetto.
I got one "good" picture but I ended up with several with some interesting effects.

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Dreaded but necessary, this is the spot for discussion towards the hardware and perhaps some of the software.
Lenses, cameras, tripods, belts, grub, you name it.
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So after a couple of days of updating myself i find that there's an actual fucking global shutter full frame camera and that it came before Sigma releasing their Foveon FF, also that Sony released it before Nikon did despite the rumors stating otherwise although that doesn't surprise me due to the sensors being Sony-made.
That means my economic objective will point towards the possible Nikon global shutter camera rather than the Z9 which i had doubts due to it not featuring high-res mode, i wanted to wait on a possible Z9 II but now i am looking both ways. Also torn between the 24-200mm or the 28-400mm Nikon Z superzooms.

Also Bentacks released a monochrome APS-C and Foodgee a new hipster faggot bait X100 model, plus Nikon with legit nostalgia bait in the Zf. So much GAS and i still haven't bought anything other than the 50mm here >>384 but with the japanese chassis aka all metal and multi-coated, ironically cheaper than the plastic version and in an american antique shop. 

Still don't know what to buy to record video despite the mission being getting money for that, perhaps not even a fucking hybrid camera but a full-blown stabilized thing like the Ronin 4D shit i keep seeing but know nothing about. Also no flashes in hindsight, should've sold drugs tbh.

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Why is it so comfy?

Inspired by this video:
Alternate Link: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=77zxJ0xMd-Y
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Not OP (zoom zoom guy here) but I think it helps to realize that some of the street photography "greats" actually staged much of their stuff. That said I despise most street.

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What's your guys' favorite film stock?
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I think it's either a very minor sort of light leak, or, more likely, surge marks around the sprocket holes from the lab. This was on 35mm film.

I don't think it's a light leak because the area is darker there which would indicate less light. But I'm also not entirely sure how this would happen at the lab. It might have something to do with my scanner. Still pretty happy with how it turned out.

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For the betterment of our users we shall proclaim a small library of resources like PDFs and videos. This is the place to share personal ways, known names, discovered channels, own documents and particular files that can enhance our abilities in this hobby. 
But due to concerns regarding the hosting size made clear to me by our admin we should upload them externally via media share sites or, in the case of videos, refer to a site or quick way to get them. Pretty simple activity but i do recommend using trusted filehosts, obscuring names, using passwords and other assorted privacy measures to avoid bots or crawlers from taking content down. I mean we are not sharing anything illegal and we sure are not pirating anything either but it's best to be reserved :^)

From my part i just finished organizing and uploading a bunch of stuff you guys might find helpful. I will make a post for each theme and probably recommend one or two documents from that batch, i haven't read much other than the stuff i bought but i will try to make the best bet from what i've gathered in the many previews i did, otherwise you can check the list and see what you fancy as there's probably the high chance i might've missed a golden standard or just very good document.
I still have many files left in reserve and will post the topic names if anyone is curious or needs some, honestly those didn't get up because i got tired and rushed to gather essentials.
Last edited by Lensman
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How many GB are we talking about?

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Hello there buddies and welcome to /p/, the board dedicated to all things related to the visual time machine. 
I want to mention i'm going to try my best to be as off-hands as i can be regarding discussion to exert the max comfiness possible, but we are still bound to follow our hosts' rules plus some comments of mine:

1. Follow the global rules, which are based on the Romani 2012 Criminal Code. They can be found at our Home page but in short they state that we should:
	a) Avoid posting or requesting information that might harm something or someone, these include social security and/or financial card numbers, registration plates, an asshole's physical direction, comprehensive government structures' layouts, etc.
	b) Avoid posting sexually suggestive images of individuals from the genus Homo that were under 18 years old, or might appear under said age without ID confirmation, when the images were taken. 
		b.i) In this segment images of "juveniles simulating sexual behavior in a credible manner" are also included, meaning realistic 3D renders are prohibited. Such are the drac laws.
	- Because of what constitutes "suggestive" is a subjective matter, the "Bas" Dost test can be performed by a judge (in this case the BO or A.C's administration). 
	- It contains 6 questions or factors that constitute if the poster is guilty or not, the number of positives to give such judgement is where the controversy begins but to keep it simply i'm going to state that:
	If it is suspicious that's a spoiler, if it turns me or a G-Vol on that's a delete, if it is highly arousing to any man then that's a ban
	- The difference between Grigori Galitsin and Garry Gross is the legal team, you might back that up under U.S. law but this site is based on gypsy land, so we reiterate an urgent appeal to avoid these images.
2. Spoiler gore or NSFW content because Canadians and Australians might bug and harass our host's administration if otherwise. We are currently classified as NSFW but the eternal leaf still doesn't care.
3. Do not spam gore/porn/nude oeuvre made to incit a normal sexual reaction due to the aforementioned reason. 
	- I will consider "spam" the action of posting more than 5 times something tertiary to the topic at hand or from the reply chain.
	- If the topic IS nudes or something very related (the oeuvre of a specific photographer specialized in that, for example) then this rule does not apply, but Rule 2 still does.
Last edited by Lensman
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Maid Cosplay

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Touch us
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