/p/ - Photography

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Post pictures that you've taken to share them with other anons. Talk about the things you like to take pics of and what camera you use. 
I'll start. I use a Lumix FZ48, and I like to take pictures of nature, and I want to get into more Urbex pictures.
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Right now i'm a complete scrub trying to study photog in my free mental time, which isn't much due to college anxiety but we are trying.
Have a sizeable backlog but i want to polish the post-processing skills enough to start fixing all of them, still here's some i took years ago.

First one is with a Sony Cybershot DSCW120, second one is a Samsung WB150 and the other two are early edits from a Canon 1300D. I was a deutsch angle junkie but mainly because i wanted to leave out things from the frame, didn't really understand the concept of the technique.
I like most genres but landscape, cityscape/architecture and most things with crooked perspective/the Deutsch are my main attractions. Also night time stuff but i don't have technique for it.
Replies: >>13
>Right now i'm a complete scrub trying to study photog in my free mental time
same here man, most of my photography time comes when I'm out of town and have some time in nature. Your pictures look great man, my favorites have to be the 2nd and 4th ones.
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I've been out of the photography game for years but am looking to get an enlarger for some old 120 film negatives I have. What should I look for in an enlarger? I'd like one where I can adjust the color balance of the picture to warm up cold-looking photos and that can make big prints but don't remember much about this stuff anymore (if I ever knew it). Any suggestions?
Replies: >>73
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Hey i think i remember you. These are yours? 5 years ago it seems, welcome in any case.
>I'd like one where I can adjust the color balance of the picture to warm up cold-looking photos
Last time i saw an enlarger was a decade ago, the only thing i remember that kinda does that are colour filter slide compartment, but honestly i don't remember very well. They are quite big and if you are buying used double check it works for colour film as many cheeky fellas like to use "general use" for some of them due to their lenses but omit they are just B&W.
In terms of film stuff (which is quite rare in my town) i've found talking with portrait shop owners (the places you take a picture for official documents) usually have equipment gathering dust, if you show coin or strike a conversation you might get some info or even service for cheap.
Wish i could help more but i am honestly a DigiBabby
Replies: >>74
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Yup, those are mine all right! The second one was from when I was still taking digital pictures and editing the crap out of them. Here are a couple more that I don't think I ever posted. I've been sitting on my thumbs all these years, and it's been bothering me that I've done nothing with my negatives yet.

There is a photography place in my town. I think they even work with film, so it might be worth a try to call them up and see if they can help.
Replies: >>75
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Really like the style, mid-to-late 00's electronica. It has its charm although i would say it even predates those years.
I remember your work because i did a backup of everything i liked from the old /p/ board after it went kaput and wanted to make a PDF showcasing it as some kind of time capsule, but never really went for it, perhaps one day. Also i didn't know we could upload a bit more than 20MBs seeing that you uploaded 20.3, those are just as cool.
Yeah try moving those film dudes, sometimes if they are old ones they might be enthusiastic but from my part they are always bitter and busy so i just stop after the first small chat.
Replies: >>76
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>Really like the style, mid-to-late 00's electronica. It has its charm although i would say it even predates those years.
I've always leaned toward heavily edited images when it comes to color digital photography, but I ended up finding a tutorial that showed how to use gradients to make images that look like chillwave album covers. From there I just played with things like RGB noise, VHS filters, and color curves. The third picture here is the second oldest color edit I have, and the .tiff file only dates back to 2012. Nostalgic musical aesthetics were a big influence on me both then and now (even if I kind of gave up on photography).
>I remember your work because i did a backup of everything i liked from the old /p/ board after it went kaput and wanted to make a PDF showcasing it as some kind of time capsule, but never really went for it, perhaps one day. Also i didn't know we could upload a bit more than 20MBs seeing that you uploaded 20.3, those are just as cool.
It's hard to believe that those film pictures I posted are like five years old already.
>Yeah try moving those film dudes, sometimes if they are old ones they might be enthusiastic but from my part they are always bitter and busy so i just stop after the first small chat.
You'd think they'd be friendlier seeing as how that kind of stuff is much more niche than it used to be and so their business would be more limited when it comes to film.
Replies: >>77 >>152
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It's kind of a digital/scanline pictorial, honestly it's pretty nice. Seeing my notepads from the amateur backup, it says here under "Lo-Fi Man" you used "an old Powershot and did a ton of post-processing in GIMP", didn't know it was that useful, i just used GIMP for drawing and conversions.
>hard to believe that those pictures are five years old already
Film photography is ruthless in terms of time, even when it's as rewarding when pulled out. A friend of mine went for it and ended up becoming a videographer more quickly than a photographer (and that was years later), he's still a good shot but film resources and processes take their toll on anybody.
It does justifies certain aesthetics popular these days with the lomography scene but it's demanding, i would fall back into a small thrift store point n shooter while trying to get them negatives enlarged, your stuff is pleasant to view and maybe a cheap compact package might get you warmed up, although it also says here film was more closer/better for the motive you wanted.
Replies: >>78
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> you used "an old Powershot and did a ton of post-processing in GIMP", didn't know it was that useful, i just used GIMP for drawing and conversions.
Yeah, I used GIMP for absolutely everything. Photoshop might be what the pros use, but I only ever used that in school. I've always stuck with GIMP just because I'm used to using it and it's free.
>It does justifies certain aesthetics popular these days with the lomography scene but it's demanding, i would fall back into a small thrift store point n shooter while trying to get them negatives enlarged, your stuff is pleasant to view and maybe a cheap compact package might get you warmed up, although it also says here film was more closer/better for the motive you wanted.
Film might be a lot more of a hassle, but it can also get imperfect images right out of the camera that I'm (mostly) satisfied with.  With digital it was more of a matter of taking pictures and editing them until I liked them.

A lot of times I'd get things like blown-out skies shooting digitally, too. While the Holga images I shot were blurry (maybe a bit more than I'd like), they also didn't have that problem. There was even a short period when I tried to compromise and shoot on a Nikon camera with a Holga lens, but then I just realized I should stop going halfway with the things I want to do and just try shooting on film.

Also, judging from his first record, Ulrich Schnauss has done some great stuff. I only discovered him a few years ago. He might sound a bit clinical in production compared to something like Boards of Canada, but his compositions were nice and really capture that early 2000s feeling for me.

Here are a few second-tier images I shot. I'm actually pretty happy with the way the second one turned out after editing, even if it's more of a textural piece than anything.
Replies: >>79 >>80
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>Here are a few second-tier images I shot. I'm actually pretty happy with the way the second one turned out after editing, even if it's more of a textural piece than anything.
I mean the first one Might as well add a few higher-resolution versions of those images you posted while I'm at it.
Replies: >>80
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If you liked Schnauss i recommend Manual's efforts, they are mostly guitar-based but does use cold drum machines once in a while along with echoing synths.
Dude has an excellent Psychedelic Rock outfit on the side too.

Thanks for the pictures, they are nice references and eye candy. Right now i'm watching some compositional stuff from mainstream jewtubers, then i will likely jump on a book or two then i will organize my backlog of pictures to start editing, and i will definitely try my luck with your mojo in some of my pictures. Would've used Holga lenses (very especially that colored turret one) but for some reason they are expensive in my country, oh well.
Replies: >>81
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>If you liked Schnauss i recommend Manual's efforts, they are mostly guitar-based but does use cold drum machines once in a while along with echoing synths.
I'll have to give one of Manual's albums a listen.
>Thanks for the pictures, they are nice references and eye candy. Right now i'm watching some compositional stuff from mainstream jewtubers, then i will likely jump on a book or two then i will organize my backlog of pictures to start editing, and i will definitely try my luck with your mojo in some of my pictures. Would've used Holga lenses (very especially that colored turret one) but for some reason they are expensive in my country, oh well.
Good luck. Once you get a grasp of the basic tricks, it can become really easy as long as the base image is good enough (in regard to composition, I personally am no pro and just rely on the rule of thirds and not much more). The editing process for me is the most enjoyable part of photography.

 It also helps to do several different edits of an image and compare which one you prefer (pic related was an alternate I had and spiced up a bit just now). What software are you using? If you're going to try GIMP, then I can give you a few pointers.
Replies: >>152
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After playing around for many hours i found your style to be very tricky, the images are processed over the top yet i suspect there's a very specific set of moves you created that is tough to replicate and give a delicate edge.
I tried with some old JPEGs i had and some Photoshop + Luminar, honestly i don't know much about processing, even used some AI-aided software at the end and i still couldn't figure out some steps. I interpreted that you did those edits for small-time fun yet i finally realize you had a relatively complex way of doing it.
Here's the eye-sore tests: First one used a base image that i probably should've not used, too many busy lines and the original uncropped was worse, i made the scanlines too small and they cannot be easily seen until too close. Second one i thought i had it nailed but when i downloaded my favorite image >>76 i realized it also had scanlines and texturing, i tried to add that but even so there's still something that makes the image very eerie/pictorial. I reverted and just added grain, i should've probably burned the blue out in Photoshop before to make the skies glowing white; you used a RAW image there? if not then i need to up my game hard and/or you took a very, very pretty image from the get-go, which is what i suspect.
>then I can give you a few pointers.
Somehow i never read this part of the post, that would be pretty cool, hope you didn't get eaten by the anon candlejack.
Replies: >>153
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>I interpreted that you did those edits for small-time fun yet i finally realize you had a relatively complex way of doing it.
Yeah, probably after doing it so many times.
>I reverted and just added grain, i should've probably burned the blue out in Photoshop before to make the skies glowing white; you used a RAW image there? if not then i need to up my game hard and/or you took a very, very pretty image from the get-go, which is what i suspect.
No, I don't even think the camera I used had a RAW option.
>Somehow i never read this part of the post, that would be pretty cool, hope you didn't get eaten by the anon candlejack.
I'm trying to retrace my own footsteps here for the order I usually do things, but it went like this:
>apply an image gradient
You're going to want warm colors here. One of my tricks is to almost always shoot on bright, sunny days to make everything pop out more. Warm colors like pink look really nice blended in with a bright blue sky. The  opacity should be pretty subtle.

You can also apply more than one gradient if you want.
>Adjust brightness and contrast
Contrast is the important thing here. You shouldn't necessarily go crazy with it. A little can go a long way in bringing out the colors of the gradient (as well as the ones that were inherent to the image itself).
>Increase saturation
This should again be pretty subtle.
>Apply ripple and shift effects
The ripple effect isn't all that necessary, but it's shift that creates that melting-pixel effect you see when you look at the image close up.
>Apply video effect
Stripe and wide stripes are the ones I usually use.

That's basically it. All these assume you're using GIMP or have access to equivalent effects (I'm not very familiar with what Photoshop has beyond the basic things like being able to adjust brightness and saturation).

I made pic related trying to remember how I usually did things. It's not very good (probably due to the crappy gradient I was using and the fact that I'm obviously out of practice and not used to newer versions of GIMP), but it looks roughly within the same ballpark.

I hope that helps given that my example edit turned out so badly.
Replies: >>154 >>155
In fact, I don't even know if that image was worth including it looks so bad.
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Wrote a big reply some days ago but it was deleted in a browser crash and then Gimp also did, here goes again but i forgot some points

Downloaded GIMP after many years and i'm surprised to see it's almost like Photoshop now, back then opening it would pull up 3 or 4 small separate windows and it was mostly drawfag centric. Wonder if it can be reversed to that old form, i bet those old cartoonist liked this change.
>I don't even think the camera I used had a RAW option.
Then it was a good shot there, genuinely like it perhaps because there's no forests in my town. Curious to see the original.
Also thanks for writing that guide, it makes sense now.
>but it's shift that creates that melting-pixel effect you see when you look at the image close up.
I thought you had to download the template or make it by hand, and then select it, invert it and move the selection on the original image to shift the lines manually, like 3 or 4 times, while moving the opacity of the scanline template to not make it look harsh. Now that's how i did originally, it seems GIMP does all the job with that shift filter; not underestimating your effort tho.
I would also say you added a Canvas filter at some point, GIMP one is good but i think Photoshop's more refined, i used the latter but reverted it because saving the image in .gif adds texture enough.

Here's my venture into it, this one from my first time i went out with a DSLR i shot this one with the backup point n shoot because i didn't know how to use the reflex camera, screwing the best day i've seen that beach look
It does add a ton of character although my edit looks more like a vaporwave cover rather than your ambient shoegaze albums.

>this image looks so bad.
Funny, it's the first time i've seen the lenticular effect done right in a digital image, and it was done without an automatic app. You probably didn't want to go for that but mistakes into miracles™
How did it go with your film negatives?
Replies: >>156
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>Then it was a good shot there, genuinely like it perhaps because there's no forests in my town. 
Yeah, I think it turned out decent enough. I feel like my camera did most of the work though.

I kind of actually  dislike pine forests but also kind of find white pines interesting. The place I used to live didn't have them (at least not many), and so they always stood out to me as being kind of unusual from what I was used to.
>Curious to see the original.
Here's a small image of it.
>Also thanks for writing that guide, it makes sense now.
No problem.
>I would also say you added a Canvas filter at some point, GIMP one is good but i think Photoshop's more refined, i used the latter but reverted it because saving the image in .gif adds texture enough.
I don't think I've ever actually tried one of those.
>Here's my venture into it, this one from my first time i went out with a DSLR i shot this one with the backup point n shoot because i didn't know how to use the reflex camera, screwing the best day i've seen that beach look It does add a ton of character although my edit looks more like a vaporwave cover rather than your ambient shoegaze albums.
I think it looks a bit too sharp, rather than soft. I do like how the mountains in the background turned out. It makes me think of a background layer from an old video game.
>How did it go with your film negatives?
I haven't gotten around to that yet. I realized that the place in my town probably doesn't do 120 film and that I should just send the negatives off elsewhere to be scanned in higher resolution. I'd prefer to do things 100% analog, but I don't even know that that it's possible to get the images like I'd want them to look without a ton of work. I may go that way eventually though. Right now I'm holding off on doing anything until all this rioting and unrest cools down, since I'm paranoid about having my negatives traveling through a crappy area and getting destroyed (even though nothing's realistically going to happen).
I don't mean to do a double post, but have you been doing more edits lately?
Replies: >>158
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Hey there, i don't think anyone will trouble you for "double posting"
>doing more edits lately?
College got a hold on me completely, sorry about not replying back. i did toy around some more and i discovered the obvious fault that shift effect cannot be scaled so i rescale the images down and apply the effect, with the con that they are not really wallpaper potential. Also saving in .gif gives an extra touch but the color depth and the dithering varies wildly, no general number recipe there other than sliding until satisfaction.

I did make one more and redid the palm squad but i could never replicate your lovely yellow-tinted forests without using absurd amounts of filters in Lumion, with Gimp i tried but never with real intention. After that i went to book reading but had to ditch them to read the ones i need for the damn grade papers. I would've done more in the free time but i actually don't have that many images in the backlog that might exploit the advantages of this style, i wanted to shoot some but never got to it due to lockdown.

As a side note I plan on selling my DSLR because i want the full frame meme but there's no money income and i want a 1400+ USD one, so to scratch the itch i will buy a premium point n shoot while i save for the big one. Guess i'll also use my older cameras too for this kind of edits and we have great sun yawns around here so it's a matter of going out, i'm kinda bored already of cloudbusting and shooting pigeons from my windows.
Also awful quiet around here, guess we have the same curse as the old 8/p/.
Replies: >>159
>College got a hold on me completely, sorry about not replying back.
It's fine. Things happen.
>i did toy around some more and i discovered the obvious fault that shift effect cannot be scaled so i rescale the images down and apply the effect, with the con that they are not really wallpaper potential. Also saving in .gif gives an extra touch but the color depth and the dithering varies wildly, no general number recipe there other than sliding until satisfaction. 
I actually found that the number of options in the newest version of GIMP seemed  kind of overwhelming. In the older versions, you couldn't even select the amount of opacity you  for things like the CRT filter or the amount of RGB  noise you wanted and just had to settle if I remember right. Maybe I should just go back to an older version. It seemed easier that way. Sometimes it's nicer to have simplicity than more options.
>Guess i'll also use my older cameras too for this kind of edits and we have great sun yawns around here so it's a matter of going out, i'm kinda bored already of cloudbusting and shooting pigeons from my windows.
Yeah, you don't need great cameras for these. As far as going out is concerned, I really have to push myself to get anything taken.
>Also awful quiet around here, guess we have the same curse as the old 8/p/.
Yeah, it's sad to see. Imageboards seem to be dying.
Replies: >>160
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>Imageboards seem to be dying.
Anons with the specific culture to be around here are disappearing but photography boards have always been low in numbers, 8 had the famous post per month thing going while the older 4 place i never visited, months ago i did to peak what were they like and it's a perpetual food fight with photography skills or methods being the last subject approached, a total shitfest.

The old forums in the big websites are also filled with camera war threads and the odd 60yo actually taking photos for once but not "training" to be better, just bragging about going to Hawaii. The "social" websites are to the brim with girls whoring out with softcore shots and wedding photographers promoting their trade, the ones who do take photos as a hobby only take images of trashcan bins in public streets and random pedestrians minding their own business, none are composed particularly well and are just candid potshots. Rarely will there be an interesting or highly skilled photog but they usually drown in irrelevance because people either look at something else.

Even if one finds the sweet spot in a kinda big social site, like the chinese scam 500px, it feels like there's not much going on in terms of community: It's a "like" mechanic, a small chat where people only say "nice" and if you do anything other than asking where did you take the shot, the machine will ban you for being mean or promoting ideologies. No conversations or debates like it would happen on an imageboard, and the sad thing is that all of these applies in most hobbies other than video games, anime and porn, and even then in the case of games there's tons of user in-fighting due to controversial figures roaming the communities, and in terms of anime the draconian moderators in most sites.
I just wanted to talk about taking pictures.
Replies: >>161 >>162
>I just wanted to talk about taking pictures.
Ironic. You're condemning offhand the one thing that can reign the abuse in, namely moderation. I suppose you consider the slightest moderation in the most basic way 'Draconian'? Pick a side Anon.
Replies: >>163
>No conversations or debates like it would happen on an imageboard, and the sad thing is that all of these applies in most hobbies other than video games, anime and porn, and even then in the case of games there's tons of user in-fighting due to controversial figures roaming the communities, and in terms of anime the draconian moderators in most sites.
Traditional forums feel neutered compared to imageboards, and even then traditional forums are being killed off by things like Reddit and Discord.
Replies: >>163
>You're condemning offhand
What, where
>you consider the slightest moderation in the most basic way 'Draconian'?
Why would you imply that? 
"I just want about taking pictures" as in i want to talk with some people about a basic topic while in other parts of the board they might want talk about gear, economic conditions of the trade, film vs digital and so on, one does not refute the other. 
And if anything i'm in favor of moderation in healthy amounts, and by my definition of that is elimination of spam and war bait (heh pills, iron pills, senseless raid requests, etc) and reorganization of probable benevolent actions that might appear as spam (controversial topic which spawns several duplicate threads, gear threads). 
Moderation doesn't mean prison camp, it means home keeping, by "Draconian" i mean auto-bans for diminutive incorrect grammar faults that don't affect the quality of the message and the de-facto prohibition of discussing anything older than a year or non-illegal "x" things that the mods don't like.
Are you implying i should pick a side between eternal free-for-all shit flinging or iron guard punishment sessions? I think we should be reasonable.

Yes, in the big photography web sites the forums became either technical support or brand loyalty reassurance talks, they are alive but ideas don't really flow aside from knowledgeable individuals spanking someone in a purely technical aspect of the camera. They might as well be dead on the water as they are more for official camera discussions rather than hobbyist photography talk.
I still think there will be a renaissance of imageboards at some point, but that will come years later because there's a generation right now who have never talked freely about something in a public chat and might be very attracted to this concept, yet they are still very young to explore options. At this point they might be between 8 to 15yo.
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Here be a pictar, took it some years ago with a (currently) $40EUR camera honestly thought it would be cheaper nowadays it was winter and i think i was waddling around after eating a plate of beef head in the early morning, there was our brand of rare eerie desert mist in the air and i saw this fellow wholesomely reading his newspaper at a corner he just walked in. 
I don't know if he lived near or was just a hobo but i liked the scene and just shot it & stored it, after checking it casually recently i thought the mist combined with the haze didn't help that much and started toying with it, trying to see what could i squeeze. Surprisingly i could push it way more than i imagined; love going out when that morning glow happens but here i just took it out.

I don't know why i wrote all that, didn't want to be pretentious, just wanted to post these as a friendly reminder we all can make somewhat presentable and contemporary-looking images with cheap cameras, that is if you have the right tools in your computer. 
They are relatively easy to use these days and free if you know where to look so no big deal.
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Got a couple new cameras, a big pro one and a pair of brother small casual ones, both oldish/cheapish. Been experimenting with them in this pandemic without going out and seeing the shameful gear path to grow the main system with lenses, filters and accessories. Not really cheap but most grow-up hobbies aren't, long way to go but the camera and my traveler's pick, a 28-200mm zoom, have been performing above expectations.

Here's a few of the many test shots i did but edited with my outdated high-contrast sensitives and, BEHOLD, a pretentious IG edit i did for fun (white borders, saturated colors, mundane subject)  but ended up exploiting what i liked about the image in the first place: Deep Blue with Perfect Whites. The 2003's Stylus 300 still has it with its 3+ megapixel CCD sensor and 20 dollar price tag.
The other ones are with the big guy, a Nikon D700. A sunset from a front window and the last one the first meaningful shot i did to test it, an away view to a back window.
Replies: >>184
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I have a tendency to convert all my edited photos into B&W to compare and it's usually normal that i like it better than the original.
Text books say one should never have two versions of the same image but i cannot help it, and it's not the first time i have backtracked on the color version to post the grayscale later.
A constant battle between tones & forms vs. light & textures.
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College got in the way but now i am finally free to edit shit and read books.
Because i am a pussy i haven't really outed my FF camera because i want to read "enough" books to feel confident but because practice is necessary, even without much training, i went out a couple of times with an "old" cheap Olympus PnS to make a thematic "set".
I guess i overdid it a bit because it's 16-24 images, hope to finish somewhat soon and i've been checking old photos too from my full-on beginner days and looking in horror it seems i've regressed in terms of composition, that or i got tons of lucky shots.
Also been thinking of making a Neocities site with fun exports done in 8/16/32-bits, it has that late 90's dial-in quality that might fit the bill.
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Finally, here's a set of pictures i took when doing civil duties in my area some months ago.
I used the repeatedly aforementioned 2002-03's Olympus Stylus 300 due to it being my only compact camera with an easy enough way to get the pictures back unlike my Sony Cybershot with proprietary card AND cable.
The place where i roamed around was a elementary and kindergarten school that had been closed for a year at that point due to the pandemic, besides them there's two on-going construction projects that were also stalled and ultimately stopped indefinitely until some weeks ago. 

One janitor went to the schools once in a while to clean a little but didn't stop the sun from scorching some structures and from the wind to place new vegetation around, it looks abandoned but not messed up due to his moderate cleaning. In my first visit the jannie had kicked out most of the debris but overgrown was still very visible along with tons of branches laying around from the tree cutting works due to them reaching tricky places, one of them to the point of resting and busting one of the corrugated steel roofings. Funny how nature suddenly starts eating away structures quickly despite rarely doing so when people still roam around.
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The camera performs admirably for its age and lack of megapixels but it features two significant flaws, the first is the usual eyesore digital sharpness from small sensors that particularly affects foliage which is usually soft, this trait at least does have its upper hand when rendering detailed irregular textures like masonry and other stonework.

The second flaw, in my opinion a fatal one that also made me appreciate the overlooked aspect of color gradient precision in certain sensors, is the bad continuous color rendering which places numerous blocky and blotchy artifacts when the camera captures big planes of a single color. This Oly renders detailed scenes very well but drops all its spaghetti when a clear blue sky appears, the white balance is also a bit over the place and doesn't help that i processed these pictures at different points which, apart from not having a lot of color consistency, were also from different days with different depths of blue skies at different hours, something that gets us results like this set with distinctively 4 different skies; maybe some user error there heh.
Definitely not a landscape camera lol but not because of its low resolution.
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In terms of handling the Stylus feels very solid and for a consumer compact that's almost 20 years old i think it's a testament on the famous Olympus quality control that its few users keep bragging about, but there's one problem with this particular body and it's the light front lid which functions as both lens cap AND power switch, something that sounds nice until you realize it has no locking mechanism AND the switch threshold is only a few millimeters (i checked, i think i posted the measure somewhere around here but it's less than 5mm).

This makes the thing turn off all the time when handling it and the power up time is somewhat long too, it takes 4 to 5 seconds for it to get ready, this shit will happen a lot because due to its small size you have to place either the ring or middle finger as grip and any movement to the left will fuck your photo up. I tried a more unorthodox grip, the up and down plates hold but in turn this made me open the battery door case once in a while which might sooner or later glitch the camera, something i'm more scared about so i bid my time with the front lid; Thank God they changed this design in the next camera but instead of placing a lock mechanism they just got away with it, which in turn makes the newer models more prone to malfunction due to flimsy mechanical lens caps.
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The lens itself is actually pretty damn good in terms of sharpness and chromatic/flare corrections but it does possess the spherical veiling madness and it is quite slow, a trait that makes shooting this thing in low-light a real challenge with shutter speeds easily rolling into the seconds zone. While my moderate Photoshop-LuminarF-Nik workflow can and does usually (over)correct most issues like contrast and sharpness i have to say it is a hard hitting fact that nothing can fix blurriness and trying to optimize sharpness will invariably make the razor-to-the-eyes digital foliage become even more sore-inducing.

Talking about the so-called magical qualities like "microcontrast" or "CCD colors", this lens is too much piece for the sensor which cannot render soft transitions between colors so in terms of mystical contrast in the tiny details: Who knows if the lens can pull it as the sensor isn't technologically there, and in terms of the so-called CCD magic (aka quality/thickness of the color filter array): Can't seem to find or see any particular quality to it other than the images appear with cooler temperatures even if the sunset had the sun exploding and the clouds burning, something which in turn makes metals, reflective surfaces and white clouds have a very "cool" rendering. This latter aspect is a trait of the Olympus look as the japanese market likes cooler color balances unlike the west which leans more into warmer tones, if only this little sensor could get its bearings together when a blue sky with different tones appeared.
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The camera only throws you with JPGs, measuring 2048x1536 pixels which is respectable for internet bragging, and from a previous test i found the "HQ" quality ranging from 550 to 750kb to be more mesmerizing than its artifact-bound "Super HQ" quality of 1mb sizes. There's a macro mode i haven't tried and i think some filters which i need to try to get around what the original Stylus guy did if he actually used them and not more powerful post-processes in another program or website.
The movie mode i also haven't tried but i can't imagine it being very good, someday i will post one for the kicks but i suspect it's pixelated motion-picture files at 240p. One thing to note is the internal battery that saves the time and dates along with the settings, much like old consoles, they leak or simply stop working but in this camera it didn't seem to affect its functions unlike other machines so props to the designer i guess.

All in all a good experience in fast-shooting/snapping in an interesting and ultimately ephemeral place of these summer days as the school got some revamping for re-aperture along with the construction sites resuming their work, most of the vegetation got snipped, walls got painted, some floors and items replaced and the material yards at the sites got re-shuffled so no more coke glass bottles, improvised engineer's work desks or white-flowered long vines growing everlarge in full concrete areas.

Despite shooting only 3 days and for 15 minutes or less each time in a range of 250 meters, i got the cops called on me twice with a guard also getting butthurt along the way
I recently entered most of these pictures edited in japanese-style black & white to a state competition, forgot to write it was with an old P&S so no hipster points; waiting for the results
The spiritual sequel to this camera, the Stylus Verve, is apparently britbong-only and subject to Y2K collecting

Just take some picshures.
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Replies: >>241
Seems that camera doesn't snap focus very well but the colors are pretty good, pretty rare to get an eagle on a small branch, and a bald one to boot.
>3rd pic
Is that a sasquatch refuge
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Just screwing around with medium high contrast on some pics from the Stylus 300.
Those deep skies get so blocky when shooting anything but full blue i need to add harsh grain to hide it.
Replies: >>243
Oh nice, you're alive BO lol.
I'm Vivitar anon, I fucked up a modernization of a Sigma lens (ruined the flex when doing the rechip) and have been trying to figure out how to repair it without much success (but to be fair didn't do too many tries either). I need to find some motivation to get myself shooting again because last stuff I shot was a family reunion lol. Really boring life lately in terms of photo opportunities.
Replies: >>244
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How you doin' man, glad to see you are still around as i didn't identify your ways anywhere until recently
>I fucked up a modernization of a Sigma lens
>the flex when doing the rechip
The flex? a zoom with in-lens AF motor? that's major words, rechip i guess to communicate with another mount? that's some balls and with a Sigma lens i also suppose it's an old because the newer ones are pretty pricey,
Guess you got stuck with the world famous Sigma body construction quality lol, hope at least you can use that thing, i recently read about modding some old Nikkor lenses but the thought of having to move the little spring that moves the aperture makes me sick, i think i would rather experiment with the helicoid than to deal with that little devil again.

>I need to find some motivation to get myself shooting again
>Really boring life lately in terms of photo opportunities
Same here man but things might change soon, we got told this week we had to get back to college and all the previous and recently made plans to continue virtually were scrapped, also it seems da vaxx is mandatory so i am against the wall, i might infiltrate for a bit and for little time just to give face to some professors because i don't intend to go without buying Iver in bulk, they will check for papers soon so my days are counted and i will shoot like crazy all locations i haven't experimented in. Shit sucks because apart from my area being invaded overnight with commie groups i also haven't bought a wide angle lens so many ideas i had are vaporized.
Not a lot of money either so no rentals for more than a couple of days, will have to do with my telephotos or the 28mm in my superzoom.
Bought some stuff since the last time i saw you and made a small project, all telephoto or point and shoots tho as you can see in these threads. Money has been scarce so i will probably get a job after they suspend me but everything for the glory of photography man. 

By the way did you recently ask for someone with a pyramid preset?
didn't realize we were so many shamefur crossposters back there, and that's for a small board, i lurked rarely but i saw the Stylus anon post on IG some old stuff so i checked the place and he was there predictably on the spot, so i asked some questions and threw some photos you can see here
funny that the quickest way to pacify/kill a thread there is to post more than 5 photos, i've done so with other material but not my own time ago and it just works
Photo just to upload something because the board is in the chopping board of the admins supposedly my 7th photo ever after getting my hands on what was the family's new camera.
Replies: >>246 >>247
Finally managed to repair the flex, basically DIY'd a new one.
>The flex? a zoom with in-lens AF motor?
AF yes, but it's a prime. It uses a flex for miniaturization.
>rechip i guess to communicate with another mount? 
It's just an add-on chip that piggybacks and translates the old EF protocol to the new one. Canon pulled a bait and switch with third party lenses some years ago so in stock form Sigma lenses from many years ago only fully work on film bodies (they don't stop down or even let the camera take pictures at any aperture other than wide open). Sigma did a conversion at some point but they have long stopped since, as it's 90s glass at best.
>that's some balls and with a Sigma lens i also suppose it's an old because the newer ones are pretty pricey,
It is a Sigma indeed. I had more balls than brains so I didn't get the flux to do the desoldering, leading to disastrous results. But I've managed to fix it since, luckily.
>Guess you got stuck with the world famous Sigma body construction quality lol, hope at least you can use that thing
lol, indeed. It's a hefty fucker for being a tiny 28mm, metal barrel. 
>i recently read about modding some old Nikkor lenses but the thought of having to move the little spring that moves the aperture makes me sick, i think i would rather experiment with the helicoid than to deal with that little devil again.
Declicking or something?
>Shit sucks because apart from my area being invaded overnight with commie groups i also haven't bought a wide angle lens so many ideas i had are vaporized.
Can I recommend two cheap decent wides? Sigma Super Wide II 24mm f/2.8 (mine, but the Nikon version takes no modification to work) and Vivitar 24mm f/2.
I'm not sure it works, to be fair. I got vaxx'd myself, mostly as a way to avoid getting Pfizer in the future and to get people to stop busting my balls with the vax insistence. Got an inactivated virus one. They were pushing for a booster shot with Pfizer but as you can imagine I'm not falling for that. 
Indeed I did ask lol. In that thread I was attempting to bring some new blood to /tv/. The whole "is this a raid" thing was a thinly veiled advert. The average cuckchanner sucks, but most of those anons there seemed cool, so after I derailed the thread into /tv/ territory with my Tarantino bait that they gleefully took it only made sense to try to pull them in.
>Photo just to upload something 
That's beautiful, is that Baja? Not bad for such an early photo of yours.
Also why is this board on their chopping list? Are they running out of space? It's not like we're a liability.
Replies: >>258
Also this is the same lens I have but for Nikon:
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How the hell didn't i see this, now i understand your issue with that Sigma, apologies for not checking this thread sooner.
>Declicking or something?
Changing the mounts, i still am in a position where i don't know if i want to go Pentax or stay Nikon. The K1 is by a good distance the best DSLR i've seen for my non-sports needs but the old vintage lenses (read: the things i can afford) are more expensive and not as good as the Nikkor catalogue bare some exceptions (Rikenon 55mm f1.4, Takumar 50mm f4 Macro) so i entertained the thought of changing the mounts of Nikkor lenses to fit into the PK-mount.
It can be done "easily" but i still remember fucking around with that spring devil due to "adapting" a lens i got (i butchered it), the guys selling the F-to-PK mounts give you a spring handler for free so no more trying to use sewing needles to catch-rodeo them into position but still. I will buy more lenses and later decide, some of my objectives are screwdriver AF ones and i would have to use the K1 for only manual stuff which is starting to bore me (Pentax catch-focus shooting is a nice mode that might help me), and no Nikon camera features pixel shift and all the other good software stuff Pentax has.
It's all fucked, and when i get a video camera (Z6 II or Z9 :^)) i rather use the native mounts in the old stuff for commodity reasons. Nik better step up their game soon man.
>Vivitar 24mm f/2
I remember checking that one, sadly no F-mount version. I also saw a soviet 21mm but for some reason hipsters got their effeminate hands onto it and it went high in price, not that much but still.
>Sigma Super Wide II 24mm f/2.8
I don't recall seeing that, it looks nice and basically a cheaper version of the AF-D version, if i don't get my money quick i will buy that one as emergency. My objective right now is the 20-35mm f2.8 Nikkor but it went up in price for some reason, who knows who shilled it but some old AF-D stuff is getting scalped recently; it's 4 lenses in one and strangely has as many elements as the prime designs (12 or something).

>I'm not sure it works
So far two people known in my family have died while being vackzed and another one was "illegally" treated with Iver while in hospital, survived after being tubed to a machine which perplexed the doctors. In my circle we are not rabidly defending Iver but there's a certain smugness about using it, arabs use it a lot after their experience using it in their MERS epidemic (Iver was originally created to combat parasites and rota-virus) and they are the least affected region in the world so something must be up. Whole thing sucks, jews are a menace to humanity.
>Indeed I did ask lol
Cheeky bugger, honestly there's a few good elements down there but they are addicted to the numbers, i've never come out with a strategy to invite the good ones but i will try something: Recently i used the cancer that is IG to train myself in disappointment, i upload stuff and expect to get little thumps up to condition myself not to expect anything but i thought i could follow/get followed by some denizens from there and then later talk and mention this shack. I cherry-pick and make no one notice in the shit board so it's a hypothetical win-win, so far i got a few dudes from the IG threads that i recognize in other threads but now i need to come out with a good reason to comment or message them. Also discern who's a commie and who's an old head, thankfully they out themselves often with the whole BLM/Commie protests shenanigans.

>That's beautiful, is that Baja?
Close, it's South Arizona, a hotel bar in North Tucson to be specific. Very nice city, shame it got filled with foreigners and commiefornians in the Obama years so it's not as safe or tightly-knit as it was back in the day but still you can get a kick out of being there if you are in a frontiersmen or white-only neighborhoods.
>Not bad for such an early photo of yours.
It boggles me the amount of actual decent pictures i had in the first 500 shots i did, nowadays despite having a lot more experience i can hardly get 5 or 6 pictures every 500 pics.
Fuck that is cheap, i will strongly consider it if i can't sell my old Canon APS-C soon.
>Also why is this board on their chopping list? Are they running out of space?
Somewhat yes, no space and we didn't catch many posters but with the recent influx of posts i think we are in the safe but who knows. Here's a pic just to pretend we are active :^) a leftover pic but the vibrant tree and dramatic shadows made me salvage it, should've shot in a lower position rather than at eye-height and capturing more of the fence.
Replies: >>263
>How the hell didn't i see this, now i understand your issue with that Sigma, apologies for not checking this thread sooner.
No problem. Also update, it's dead for good. I have to tape the contacts off to make it work at all, in full manual mode and with no reliable exposure simulation (let alone metering or using it in modes other than M). I'll be selling it for parts or something down the road.

>Changing the mounts
There's an alternative solution to that: changing the mount on the camera itself. It has the disadvantage of destroying the weather sealing (no space for O-rings) but it enables the use of other lenses.
Here's it: https://adaptist.weebly.com/pentax-k-multi-mount-wr-version.html
Sadly they have discontinued it. I ignore if it can still be sourced.
You can use Nikon, Olympus OM, Contax/Yashica, Konica and Four Thirds lenses with that. I think it also messes with the lens locking (so you have to pay attention to not drop it), but don't quite remember the details.

>I remember checking that one, sadly no F-mount version. I also saw a soviet 21mm but for some reason hipsters got their effeminate hands onto it and it went high in price, not that much but still.
Another one is the Tamron Adaptall 24mm f/2.5, pretty good too.

>I don't recall seeing that, it looks nice and basically a cheaper version of the AF-D version, if i don't get my money quick i will buy that one as emergency. My objective right now is the 20-35mm f2.8 Nikkor but it went up in price for some reason, who knows who shilled it but some old AF-D stuff is getting scalped recently; it's 4 lenses in one and strangely has as many elements as the prime designs (12 or something).
It's well built and feels sturdy, you can see a sample pic in ghe gear thread. I was going to post full res but it kept failing to post, file too big I presume.

>So far two people known in my family have died while being vackzed and another one was "illegally" treated with Iver while in hospital, survived after being tubed to a machine which perplexed the doctors. In my circle we are not rabidly defending Iver but there's a certain smugness about using it, arabs use it a lot after their experience using it in their MERS epidemic (Iver was originally created to combat parasites and rota-virus) and they are the least affected region in the world so something must be up. Whole thing sucks, jews are a menace to humanity.
My cousin got it and her family took iver and didn't catch it from her, I don't know if it was luck or it works. Didn't know about the MERS thing although I knew about its anti-parasite use.

>I cherry-pick and make no one notice in the shit board so it's a hypothetical win-win, so far i got a few dudes from the IG threads that i recognize in other threads but now i need to come out with a good reason to comment or message them.
In part it's what I was doing on /vid/, I saw some thoughtful posts after I derailed it with Tarantino shitposting and thought I'd accuse them of being raiders from ogrechan to see if they'd check the site out. Didn't work sadly.

About insta, according to a friend the key is to avoid following accounts with more than 800 followers to get genuine stuff. He says there's a lot of good photography around if you keep yourself to that kind of account, that it's how you discover worthy stuff.

>Close, it's South Arizona, a hotel bar in North Tucson to be specific. Very nice city, shame it got filled with foreigners and commiefornians in the Obama years so it's not as safe or tightly-knit as it was back in the day but still you can get a kick out of being there if you are in a frontiersmen or white-only neighborhoods.
Not bad, not bad. Do you think maybe you could use some of those vacations to get yourself new stuff without customs screwing you over?

>It boggles me the amount of actual decent pictures i had in the first 500 shots i did, nowadays despite having a lot more experience i can hardly get 5 or 6 pictures every 500 pics.
I can relate, lol. But I'm also a lot more trigger-happy nowadays because I finally got a camera I don't plan to flip.

>Fuck that is cheap, i will strongly consider it if i can't sell my old Canon APS-C soon.
It is, and it gets even cheaper sometimes. At least in EF mount.

>Somewhat yes, no space and we didn't catch many posters but with the recent influx of posts i think we are in the safe but who knows. Here's a pic just to pretend we are active :^) a leftover pic but the vibrant tree and dramatic shadows made me salvage it, should've shot in a lower position rather than at eye-height and capturing more of the fence.
Just saw the /meta/ thread, hopefully my posts help a bit too. I posted a pic taken with the 24mm on the gear thread.
Replies: >>264 >>265
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>it's dead for good
Time for a new one as you said, or a 1.4 one for nighttime video :^)
>There's an alternative solution to that: changing the mount on the camera itself
I remember reading some dude at PentaxF (and getting bullied) who did with DIY stuff but 
>messes with the lens locking
Was the same problem he had, which is probably a deal breaker for me because F-mount bayonets the other way around most companies, so it's even looser and moving the focus ring might be a bit tougher due to it. 
Fucking Pentax, why do they have the best sensor system in a DSLR. Add to it that i am a gaudy fucker and i like their wacky designs, shame about no leather rubber in the K1 J.
Fuck it, when i get money i will buy a cheap K-mount APS-C and experiment with it. Aaaand i spend two hours after writing this to get a K1 photo sample and then i felt down into the mkI vs. mkII hole because the J version is a mkII. Pentax are silly folks, they added a microship into the second iteration for better SOOCs but the "fixes" are baked into the RAWs too, the base ISO images have better colour rendition but it's noticeable less sharp at 100% and shit gets fucked at +1600 ISO. It's fully retarded but oh well, pixel shift supposedly overrides this and supposedly some updates "fixed" it... problem is Adobe forgets Pentax exists and shit gets even more fucked if you use PS/LR due to lack of camera profile that muddies the shadows when pushing files. 
There's a rumor Sony likes Adobe to only focus on their cameras and i partially believe it, after all some jewtubers do mention comparing other cameras favorably to Sony makes the algorithm demonetize their videos. If that Nikon Z9 has pixel shift then this is all moot and i will denbts myself for a couple of years to shoot that thing.

>file too big I presume.
Seems to be a thumbnailer error according to the meta board, there's some tricks here to avoid files preserving our personal data but it also busts some uploads, supposedly tvch also has the same deal but few posts big enough files there. It is an error more constant here.
>Didn't know about the MERS thing 
When they got that MERS epidemic they practically threw all the shit they had at the wall to see what stuck and it seems Iver was effective, so they used it more and in 4-6 months concluded it could be used as serious treatment. MERS only lasted hard for less than a year while the chinky variation, SARS, took almost 3 years to disperse and still had some outbreaks later. I think Iver is considered basic needs medicine back there while around here in the west it's considered more a specialized product against butt parasites, not even used for Rotavirus for some reason despite the creators winning the Nobel for inventing it against that in the first place. Modern Medicine is a jew racket after all.
>the key is to avoid following accounts with more than 800 followers
Agreed, there's really some decent shooters out there, most of my following clicks are from you-know-where fags although oddly none american, the ruskies and the aussies are the ones i like the most, and the very few who have clicked me other than the follow-back thing are italians and asians, not even my locals. Strange indeed and i've used several different upload times. Still i use it to bang myself in the head that numbers don't matter, kind of a masochistic venture to see my preferred photos getting no likes  as to condition myself.
Replies: >>265 >>268
>Do you think maybe you could use some of those vacations to get yourself new stuff without customs screwing you over?
I could but i got "serious" into spending money on photography just some months before the pandemic, and americans are famously known for their inconsistent migration conditions. The border is still closed after almost two years, the border towns who made their living selling cheap high-quality stuff to economic tourists/goods smugglers went bankrupt and moved out, some of those places even had their population diminish to move into the bigger cities up north.
And those cities need either a paid permit to go, apart from your papers, and those places also had a bunch of their physical stores closed. Before this mess i went there multiple times to buy games and a car to resell, could only get the car because my two preferred stores closed, i remember a physical camera store but seeing some Noggle Maps images it seems they are no longer in business. Pawn shops and old stuff stores are still there so hypothetically i could've gotten stuff there.
Renting P.O. Boxes there is also cost prohibitive, when the border is open again i will probably just ask for local services who have addresses there to get the thing mailed to them and they "smuggle" it here while charging me a much smaller percentage than fucking double-rate taxes.

I said inconsistent migration conditions because tourist permits, or The Visa, in the border regions now demand da vaxx after you get stripped naked in their offices, blood tests and some writings that you will not smuggle fruits and stuff to avoid plagues and things yet the "seasonal" workers (aka not-that-illegal immigrants) get not one demand at all (not even rabbies/tb/at-birth vaccinations) other than the signing of some papers regarding being banned for life if you pass the limit date and the word of a company henchman that they will work picking things rather than doing tech stuff or something that could steal jobs from the pajeet programmer work field.
It's harder and more expensive to get a permit to buy a TV or a camera in a border town for 45 days max. as a middle-class man than to be an elementary school drop-out manual labor worker going to a midwest state to pick lettuces for 3 months. Those worker permits are hand-given in ghettos not even from my area (or border areas) by suspicious dudes so i won't probably get one to cheat the system and buy muh vintage lenses.
>Was the same problem he had, which is probably a deal breaker for me because F-mount bayonets the other way around most companies, so it's even looser and moving the focus ring might be a bit tougher due to it. 
Yeah I saw it can be DIY'd. You could probably get a second camera that's busted just to use the ring from it without altering the original one so the mod is completely reversible.

>mk2 chip
There's more to the Mk1 vs Mk2 thing: because it's just electronics, you could ship your Mk1 and have it converted for a while for much less money than buying a new one. I love Pentax lol, no other company goes that far for their customers. Canon would probably fire anyone in their teams who came up with an idea like that.

>problem is Adobe forgets Pentax exists and shit gets even more fucked if you use PS/LR due to lack of camera profile that muddies the shadows when pushing files. 
You could always use a third party calibration profile, for example if using RNI presets you use their profile instead of whatever Adobe provides.

>Seems to be a thumbnailer error according to the meta board, there's some tricks here to avoid files preserving our personal data but it also busts some uploads, supposedly tvch also has the same deal but few posts big enough files there. It is an error more constant here.
There's probably an upload size limitation on the server/IB software rather than some metadata stripping tool messing it up. Problem is the post itself still goes through and you get that error and then you have multiple posts from the retries lol.

>When they got that MERS epidemic they practically threw all the shit they had at the wall to see what stuck and it seems Iver was effective, so they used it more and in 4-6 months concluded it could be used as serious treatment. MERS only lasted hard for less than a year while the chinky variation, SARS, took almost 3 years to disperse and still had some outbreaks later. I think Iver is considered basic needs medicine back there while around here in the west it's considered more a specialized product against butt parasites, not even used for Rotavirus for some reason despite the creators winning the Nobel for inventing it against that in the first place. Modern Medicine is a jew racket after all.
Just amazing.

>when the border is open again i will probably just ask for local services who have addresses there to get the thing mailed to them and they "smuggle" it here while charging me a much smaller percentage than fucking double-rate taxes.
Definitely the best deal. Or ordering to some hotel if you stay there again.

>other than the signing of some papers regarding being banned for life if you pass the limit date and the word of a company henchman that they will work picking things rather than doing tech stuff or something that could steal jobs from the pajeet programmer work field.
kek, worst part is that you're probably right. They're protecting the H1-Bs rather than their actual citizens.

>Those worker permits are hand-given in ghettos not even from my area (or border areas) by suspicious dudes so i won't probably get one to cheat the system and buy muh vintage lenses.
Just bizarre lol.
Replies: >>279
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>You could probably get a second camera that's busted just to use the ring from it without altering the original one so the mod is completely reversible.
Was thinking about using funky teleconverters and getting their rings, because it's all manual anyways i guess i don't need the electronic pinholes. Fuck me, i really wish Pentax had a tiny bit less flange, i would not even think twice about spending hard money if i could adapt Nikkor without the lens dancing inside the bayonet.
>no other company goes that far for their customers
They really are top notch, i also share their hatred for reviewers but that's where they often get flack in the photo world due to not bowing their heads with free gear and pre-release shit/bribes. Pentax users also have very bad fame but in recent times i've realized they are few of the actual hardcore digital shooters, they are even the only brand users who made their own forums with archives and everything. They won't convince me that for a barebones budget shooter their vintage glass is better than Nikon's lol, nowadays their glass and tube construction is purportedly great but for the old money Canon and Nikon are so cheaper it's not even funny, like the 180mm/200mm f2.8 (350 vs. 600) or manual 135mm f2.8 (50 vs. 200) not to mention Nikkor do have their reputation of being ahead often, not in wide angles back then that's for sure.

>Or ordering to some hotel if you stay there again.
Illegal lol, a cousing tried it and didn't fare well, you get an extra hefty fee if a mailman delivers at the front desk. Border was recently opened again but lots of business broke months ago in the border cities so one has to drive for longer to reach the bigger cities so no more flea market store hunting in cheeky illegal crossings for me, also you need the 2 jabs (and only U.S. sanctioned ones so no cheap ones) and in Commiefornia 3. Got a good laugh that in the consulate here they mention if you got the juice from non-sanctioned vaxx you could always sting yourself again with the approved ones so some people are unironically thinking of being 4-jab warriors and will probably be the ones who will cause further mutations if they catch the real deal.
The real deal is hard to get tho, i believe it's real but very few catch it, what people register is either shitty false positives as always or a strong flu from Asia but the legit military jew flu kills people in a matter of few days, those who survive have constant headaches and all their muscle eaten when they were bedridden.

>They're protecting the H1-Bs rather than their actual citizens.
Don't doubt it at all bud, americans are only loyal to their individual selfs, even the rural ones. Sad because there really are some top-tier nice people there, amidst all the niggers the governor and Rothschild mayor imported from the devil's butt and set free in the shopping malls. And some Afghanis are supposedly coming to Arizona so goodbye churches in small neighborhoods.

And speaking of good ol' Arizona, here's a pic from one of their towns; kind and relaxed people despite being flooded by criminal nomads everyday.
Food sucks tho, still cannot comprehend how someone can forget how to fry an egg after walking a few steps from the border line. Let's add a B&W bonus one, this is where we can see an example of a Narahara boundary erasing thing with the white sky and white walls.
Replies: >>281
>Was thinking about using funky teleconverters and getting their rings, because it's all manual anyways i guess i don't need the electronic pinholes. Fuck me, i really wish Pentax had a tiny bit less flange, i would not even think twice about spending hard money if i could adapt Nikkor without the lens dancing inside the bayonet.
The hard part I believe is getting the thickness and the screw holes right.

>Pentax users also have very bad fame but in recent times i've realized they are few of the actual hardcore digital shooters, they are even the only brand users who made their own forums with archives and everything.
There's also EOSHD but it's more video-oriented and a much worse resource when it comes to vintage glass. Pentaxforums is my go-to place for that stuff.

>They won't convince me that for a barebones budget shooter their vintage glass is better than Nikon's lol, nowadays their glass and tube construction is purportedly great but for the old money Canon and Nikon are so cheaper it's not even funny, like the 180mm/200mm f2.8 (350 vs. 600) or manual 135mm f2.8 (50 vs. 200) not to mention Nikkor do have their reputation of being ahead often, not in wide angles back then that's for sure.
There's some interesting Pentax glass (vintage 135mm primes come to mind) but you're probably right in the grand scheme of things. There's also a catch with Canon, the cheap old stuff is FD meaning you can't use it on more modern cameras because of the short flange. Now if you have a mirrorless one, it can be done. But who wants to look at a screen instead of through a prism?

>Illegal lol, a cousing tried it and didn't fare well, you get an extra hefty fee if a mailman delivers at the front desk. 
Wew, do they have people at hotels reporting to them or something? Also what about a cheap AirBNB?

>Narahara boundary erasing
I think I get what you mean but not quite lol. You mean how the wall and the sky appear to be the same thing on the right part?
Replies: >>285
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I checked the Adaptist ring more and it does have its caveats, particularly with Nikkor glass. The Bentacks forums had the creator as one of its denizens and some users also reviewed the thing good enough, it is limiting in the sense of the thing not falling off from the mount.
Perhaps i will do the unthinkable man, getting a cheapo Pentax body and buy the dreaded F to K ring adapter with the infinity focus converter glass. It famously wrecks the image quality but after all very few have reviewed it so maybe it's so bad nobody gets it or simply not that many are Pentax users who also are budgetmen and have to pick vintage Nikon glass.
Metallic blue APS-C bentaks K30 incoming, someday maybe

>But who wants to look at a screen instead of through a prism?
I have a confession to make, this dreaded gearfagging has got to me and i checked more options along with realizing i am getting old for this shit, i delivered some work and got paid but honestly at this point i don't think i can buy two bodies for photo and video with my wages in the future even at peak performance, especially when the camera is a hobby rather than an active moneymaker.
I think i will get a body with both the video and photo features and save some coin long run, so options got even slimmer and DSLR's practically scrapped due to lack of really tough video capabilities. Recalling options i stumbled upon an old name i took early, the Panasonic S1H and turns out i didn't know it had a pixel shift mode from its high-res sibling the S1R, it can pull out 96mp images with normal 24mp and video features are silly high with an external device. Body is touted to be a negative because it's heavy, sturdy and some buttons remodeled after Nikon out of all manufacturers... which means soyboys handled it and that it's good for man hands.

I don't know man, i am tempted hard despite being an EVIL camera electronic viewfinder-interchangable lens camera, that high-res mode changes things considerably, i had no idea and seems to work similar as Pentax if you scale it down as it eliminates lots of fake colour and moire, if not then it's a giant combined picture which means big clear pix with low-res soft glass. Autofocus is also deemed shitty but same thing, it was reviewed by modern homos who focused on autovideo but i am more towards static framing or having me and my cinema buddies as grips and focus pullers plus i single-point focus the majority of the time in photo so any camera is decent for me and i will not be using its native glass due to costs/don't like them.
That lack of any AF lenses by personal choice does seem heavy if in leisure, hope Nikon gets that pixel-shift update in the Z9/Z6III in two years because i will starve-save mad money after i buy three or four more lenses. FUCK.

>do they have people at hotels reporting to them or something?
Something like that, in hotels some people are considered high-priority or massively suspicious in terms of attention, among them it's the emergency providers (cops, paramedics, firefighters) who get all the help they can be given by law and government agents (postal/mailmen, IRS tax goons, child maintenance workers, etc) who are hosted if they request it and you get charged for it. They are also obligated to report to the front desk, if you have a mailman sneaking into a hotel then he was to wear civilian clothing or he gets mugged with questions by workers and cleaning ladies who have the power to bill you up.
One would think in smaller hotels or motels that doesn't happen but guess again, those are the places where they charge you even the ice cubes. Americans are very profit-driven, to say it kindly, and in the US most mailmen are defacto gov agents with some explicitly who report and update to authorities about certain routes or houses of interest. 
That's why Fedex was banned or not renewed in some countries for illicit activities, they are the type of guys who will definitely ask where's the front desk to get your bill buttfucked even if you received the package in the backside already.

>You mean how the wall and the sky appear to be the same thing on the right part?
Yes, pretty corny but drives me mad if i don't do it. I need to restart that thread soon. 
Here's another example just to post a personal pic, done with the Stylus 300 and with the unintentional effect happening in the window/table due to old sensor. A vintage 600mm f/11 version of the Canon RF one :^)
Replies: >>289
I knew the EVIL acronym, I use it every now and then lol. In Spain they still use it to this day, it really took off. Probably related to Spaniards having a tendency to not be very multilingual. There's even a site called camaras-evil where they review them. 

Autofocus is bad on Panasonics because they lack phase detect. Don't expect DSLR tier performance, you need phase detect for that. They do some contrast detection stuff. If I had to go EVIL then I would probably pick the S1H too (or not because of the expensive glass, but the body itself is one of the best out there for cinefags).

>i will not be using its native glass due to costs/don't like them.
lol, we're on the same page at least about costs. It's probably really good stuff though, being Leica mount. How that translates to character is another question and I haven't researched it. Partially because of my aversion to mirrorless.

>Something like that, in hotels some people are considered high-priority or massively suspicious in terms of attention, among them it's the emergency providers (cops, paramedics, firefighters) who get all the help they can be given by law and government agents (postal/mailmen, IRS tax goons, child maintenance workers, etc) who are hosted if they request it and you get charged for it. They are also obligated to report to the front desk, if you have a mailman sneaking into a hotel then he was to wear civilian clothing or he gets mugged with questions by workers and cleaning ladies who have the power to bill you up.
Damn, that's fucked up. There's one thing I don't get though, do they report the "crime" to the Mexican authorities or do the Americans charge you with something? I don't get how a tourist buying stuff for himself would be doing anything wrong in the American's eyes and I know people get stuff delivered to hotels all the time, but I don't know about those places near the borders. I presume maybe they suspect drug-related stuff happens but still don't get the charge lol.

>Here's another example just to post a personal pic, done with the Stylus 300 and with the unintentional effect happening in the window/table due to old sensor. 
Looks great.  I think the ones with the houses could probably use some creative dodge and burn to intensify the effect.

>A vintage 600mm f/11 version of the Canon RF one :^)
Replies: >>295 >>296
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>In Spain they still use it to this day
I saw time ago but thought it was a misspelling, in this part of the realm they are usually called "without mirror" but most people are dumb/ignorant and don't know why or why is that special, there's this conception in some places mine included due to remote location where cameras rarely had the prism, in my town people still shoot medium format with the little flash lamps and steel square on top to frame until the 70's, then a couple of dudes bought some SLRs and practically monopolized the photojournalism work in the state, people rarely saw them either and just knew and used old rangefinders for hobby until the digital point and shoots boom came around in the late 90's which are mirrorless too. 
SLRs were a rare fancy sight, many are still surprised that in the US the usual student camera Rebel/D3X00 and a couple of prosumer ones are so common. Spain was also a rangefinder loyalist market AFAIK.

>How that translates to character is another question and I haven't researched it
The few lenses i've seen are Leica which are great but no way am i going to spend 3k for a standard zoom, and the used market for Leica is also subject of speculation with its prices. The other option is Sigma which has some good stuff but i really don't like their rendering, it's not bad but images come out baked already in contrast sharpness and colour, it's for people to skip the sliding part in post but sometimes some stuff gets screwed, like the infamous microcontrast which in big prints is an actual thing or the DoF gradient but i digress lol.
Pana glass i heard is not bad, i don't recall who does it but still it's rare items, used market is no good for it. The bodies themselves, in terms of RAW processing, seem like the best deal too unless muh Nikon pulls out something in January, some chink engineers already said a couple months ago the Z9 (and thus the new processor) is capable of piling images to make a high-res composite so it's in theory a matter of waiting because in video it seems Nikon can do decent stuff via external recorder, at least for a projected ProRes amateur like me.
Replies: >>297
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>do they report the "crime"
Oh no, those things i mentioned are focused against american citizens, if you are a foreigner with some criminal charges they don't ask first, they knock the door down and then ask questions if they didn't catch you at customs which is rare but then again the IRS doesn't meddle with tourists, paramedics don't ask who someone is but these guys are the first to request your credit. They also don't check for crimes from somewhere else specifically, only migration status.
In terms of minor things like mailmen adventures they just charge your bill for special services, it's like asking for someone to iron your suit or food room service by phone except it costs more as a penalty. When you check out instead of leaving the cards and going away they hand you another paper and ask you to sign it, it's just the recount for additional costs to dissuade shady dealings, then they hand you the goods.

>I don't get how a tourist buying stuff for himself would be doing anything wrong in the American's eyes and I know people get stuff delivered to hotels all the time
They work in mysterious ways, one does not know if they just charge for breathing or if they are actually tactics to stop crazy stuff. I mean you can ask for something to be received for you, one calls down and says they can expect certain package and store it in the guests' P.O. Box, they just charge you 40 or 50 bucks to do it if they have such service, motels i don't think have. And that doesn't include local customs finding it in your car and asking either to declare it (2 hours waiting and 16% tax) or a bribe which is around 25 to 50 bucks, of course if they catch you which is not normal in a family car but if you are a dude traveling alone they do it all the time.
I am now realizing "charge" means both a criminal and a monetary thing, maybe some confusion happened there, there's no crime involved here, americans just use THAT'S AN EXTRA CHARGE, SIR as a very common language. It's like saying additional cost or special billing.

>maybe they suspect drug-related stuff happens but still don't get the charge lol
That also happens, recently mailing weed seeds is a controversial subject especially with some really strong canadian stuff and some young entrepreneurs here were once caught by customs' doggos, it's a market alright. With seeds you can get charged with distribution (if you have tools with you like PVC tubes, fertilizer, etc) or implied distribution rather than possession, which is still a bad time in the slammer unless you bribe via pesky lawyer. 500 bucks at the very minimum not including the lawyer's fee which might be another 500 for courier services.
It's just about charging you for doing stuff creatively, if you rent a P.O. Box there and the mail is with the name of someone else they also charge you penalty, happened to a friend using it for his workplace's tech stuff like graphics cards and such. The best way to save money is smuggling it or having a family member live there and bring it in open box, if a box is closed and they find it you are in for handing out money if it is worth more than 50 dollars. Limit was 250 (and if new) a couple of years ago but the commie bastard in charge lowered it and entered used goods as subject of taxes, but you can always say it was yours already in the latter case.

You can now guess why there's so many movies relating the events of cowboys smuggling shit in the wild west and 70's cartel members throwing cops' bodies in ditches or riddling people in highways just for a truck half-filled with normal TVs or whiskey bottles, everything is taxed double or triple.
Replies: >>297
>in my town people still shoot medium format with the little flash lamps and steel square on top to frame until the 70's
Pretty cool, are you sure they weren't large format press cameras? The steel square is what's called a "sports finder" and was common in those. The idea is you'd be able to see the scene before it happens and point the camera accordingly to be ready to release the shutter at the right moment. 

>The few lenses i've seen are Leica 
Yeah, those come with the Leica tax. And because L mount works on Leica too I presume a bit of the Leica tax transfers to the Panasonic glass too.

>I am now realizing "charge" means both a criminal and a monetary thing, maybe some confusion happened there, there's no crime involved here, americans just use THAT'S AN EXTRA CHARGE, SIR as a very common language. It's like saying additional cost or special billing.
I see lol, i thought your cousin had almost ended up in prison for bringing some goods across the border. 

>The best way to save money is smuggling it or having a family member live there and bring it in open box, if a box is closed and they find it you are in for handing out money if it is worth more than 50 dollars. Limit was 250 (and if new) a couple of years ago but the commie bastard in charge lowered it and entered used goods as subject of taxes, but you can always say it was yours already in the latter case.
Here the limit is 200, 3 times a year, no tax and you can buy used. After those 3 times you have to start paying 60% or get someone who hasn't used up his yearly shipments yet to order the stuff for you. It used to be 5 times a year but they keep restricting it. And if they were true to the agreement they signed they should simply have allowed 1k per year without dividing it into small parts.
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So here's a dump on the stuff i shot while visiting/working at a market, circa December of last year, using the 2014's Olympus Stylus 1 which is my "daily" carry carrying it daily didn't mean shooting everyday sadly in winter months when i can use bigger pockets, usually from my jackets.
This time i roamed said neighborhood market which had become over the time in the go-to marketplace in that sector of the city, it's a couple of arcades with corrugated metal locals on the sides and tons of metal nets and PTR tubes to hang or support both products or light roofing. Some food locals too here and there which are much more clean but also a bit smaller, plus a small chapel for workers who couldn't go to church on sundays due to working full shift.

I mostly shot in the middle part of a single corridor to keep an eye on spot, one time when i searched some stuff in another place at had the camera in hand and also once when i went home in a bus with custom lights inside. Not a lot of variety but perhaps later i will get some pics from the other places although people are not that open to candid antics, especially when almost all of us there like to play tough from time to time.
Replies: >>363
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The camera has very good build quality, the sides are metal and the top/bottom hard plastic which isn't the best thing but in the case of the top plate the buttons counter this as they are made out of metal and the back panel ones are even with a brushed metal look to send the point forward. Nice strudy panel with the photog's choice of tilting movement, sadly the flash part feels like plastic but at least it always pops fast without much problems but i rarely use it, i should because that's part of the cheap point n' shoot look i sometimes go for.

The EVF is borrowed from a mid-level mirrorless M4/3 model which was back then some of the top ones, this doesn't mean much as 8 years have passed and the quality feels like watching a mini screen with a cool hue. The AF module is also an early hybrid, it uses both phase and contrast detect but it pulses like hell, in an unlucky shot you might get slightly out of focus due to said pulse, at least the camera features a front ring around the lens that after a flick of a switch it transforms from aperture/shutter speed to a fluid manual focus ring, the EVF then augments the view to 3x or 5x to peek at the focus peak.
If you have 3 seconds to spare and you know what to do this camera  will deliver razor sharp pics as it also has a pretty good IBIS, some others might be quicker to shot but one cannot trust the AF of the small compacts that much.
Replies: >>363
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RAWs are also worked pretty decently, at least for someone who was used to work JPGs. In last pic related we can see a 100% zoom view with top being RAW and bottom a processed version using Photoshop camera RAW filter, smart sharpen and some shenanigans with a HSL colour panel and contrast tweaking at 3 levels (highlight, midtones, shadows)

For what it is nowadays (210 to 250 dollars, 150-180 if in luck) i don't see much flaws other than the pulsing reset AF, lack of a dedicated back focus button to circumvent this, dastardly CA in white sky backgrounds (to be expected) 28mm at its widest rather than a cool 24mm and some newer cameras surpassing its overall numbers, mainly in low-light performance and zoom capabilities... but the digital grain is not half bad and not "watercolory" like other brands who use aggressive denoisers, and the zoom length (28-300mm) is surely short against other 1.7 or even 1 cameras but the trick is the constant aperture of f2.8, at 200 to 300mm this becomes shallower in terms of DoF than most (if not all) 1'' sensor cameras at the same lengths but using f5.6 or f6.3. The closest i can think of is the RX100VII which has an equivalent 200mm at f4.5 (f12) while this puppy has a 300mm at f11 equiv.

So, a big palm-sized stabilized 28-300mm 12mp cannon at constant f2.8 with an equivalent DoF of f11, has side metal hinges too if you want to hang it from the neck and become an oldfag tourist... its original market focus group which seems didn't really bought the thing and instead opted for the big bridge cameras that were starting to be perfected back then. At least we ended up with a near perfected advanced compact before smartphones chopped that sector's legs.
Replies: >>363
This is a lot to unpack so I'll avoid the usual format where I reply to quotes and give some general feedback.
I didn't understand the point of  some of the pics at first (particularly the first ones in the first two posts), but they work wonderfully to give cohesion to your grid.
Really digging the framed sky ones. Also thank you for the review of the Stylus, definitely a machine to consider. The plastic flash thing happens in most brands, including Fuji which tries to appear premium despite their sensors. 
Daily carry without daily shooting is a given, better than snapping aimlessly and only ending up with a huge backlog of crap. Sometimes there just isn't anything worth shooting. 
The pic with the bicycle looks pretty cinematic, specially the thumbnail. Reminds me of vid related:
I think if you make the highlights bluer with split toning you would get an even more cinematic look. It's amazing how the thumbnail looks like artificial lighting but then you see the full picture and what appeared to be ceiling lights was actually the sky. Very interesting photo, it's almost like it's two in one. Seen small it's one thing and seen at full size it's quite another. Well done!
The bus pics are cool too, first one gets you wondering what you're looking at.  The custom lighting isn't too obvious though, maybe auto WB pulled a fast one on you there. But they do look cool (both figuratively and literally kek).
Replies: >>365
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Thanks bud.
>cohesion to your grid.
Been reading about photobooks and i love to get angry at them for putting useless images but i read some are to give spatial (and thus artistic) context to some pics, kinda like putting the viewer in a mental site, sharing motives and/or subjects between strong/main pictures and "supporting" ones used to give said thing.
In theory every pic should be main ones but to add spaces (in this case to post 5, 3 in the social media grid) i picked other ones, i have more but not really that much interesting either. Yet i still believe many pictures inside those photobooks suck, supporting pictures should not be the majority unless it's a documentary book archiving some event or scene.
>Fuji which tries to appear premium despite their sensors
rofl, i can see the dagger twisting there
>Reminds me of vid related
lol, accomplished eye, you have nailed one of the few cinematographers i have studied with any semblance of seriousness (C. Doyle and "Mark" Lee), including said movie but in that one "Andrew" Lau was also in it. Always liked blue & yellow combination the most (along with black & blue) but perhaps in more dark settings, that movie made me see some of the lighter settings, although my focused images were of the yellow clad woman criminal portrayed by Brigitte Lin. Still the entire thing itself has blue & yellow as its main motif along with the eponymous neighborhood. It's even in the anglo poster.
The bike image had the problem of the Mickey D's totem being there but at least the red light made it balance out, in B&W i burned it out but kinda makes me wish i erased it altogether.
>what appeared to be ceiling lights was actually the sky
I am a noob, i can't see that as explicit although it can maybe explain it, white sky bounces on a steeldeck roofing which then bounces again in a higher, inner steeldeck which acts as a softlight while the sky itself adds a bit of the harsh light, although said cloudy weather is itself a big softbox.
>The custom lighting isn't too obvious though
Oh, you will see it after i shot inside a normal lighting bus here, custom lighting is dark and blue but i upped the exposition in post, usually it's LED neutral but some drivers hate it so they add blue tint diffusive glass which makes things glow cooly.
Replies: >>367
>Been reading about photobooks and i love to get angry at them for putting useless images but i read some are to give spatial (and thus artistic) context to some pics, kinda like putting the viewer in a mental site, sharing motives and/or subjects between strong/main pictures and "supporting" ones used to give said thing.
>In theory every pic should be main ones but to add spaces (in this case to post 5, 3 in the social media grid) i picked other ones, i have more but not really that much interesting either. Yet i still believe many pictures inside those photobooks suck, supporting pictures should not be the majority unless it's a documentary book archiving some event or scene.
I don't disagree but it seems like a textbook case of the whole being more than the sum of its parts. Still in the case of photobooks pics tend to not be seen next to each other so there's less justification than on a grid,

>rofl, i can see the dagger twisting there
Can't let a chance to hate on Fuji go by, kek.

>lol, accomplished eye, you have nailed one of the few cinematographers i have studied with any semblance of seriousness (C. Doyle and "Mark" Lee), including said movie but in that one "Andrew" Lau was also in it. Always liked blue & yellow combination the most (along with black & blue) but perhaps in more dark settings, that movie made me see some of the lighter settings, although my focused images were of the yellow clad woman criminal portrayed by Brigitte Lin. Still the entire thing itself has blue & yellow as its main motif along with the eponymous neighborhood. It's even in the anglo poster.
Nice, I had seen that scene shilled by Mubi and other outlets but didn't imagine you were influenced by it. 

>The bike image had the problem of the Mickey D's totem being there but at least the red light made it balance out, in B&W i burned it out but kinda makes me wish i erased it altogether.
I honestly like the way it is.

>I am a noob, i can't see that as explicit although it can maybe explain it, white sky bounces on a steeldeck roofing which then bounces again in a higher, inner steeldeck which acts as a softlight while the sky itself adds a bit of the harsh light, although said cloudy weather is itself a big softbox.
In any case it looks awesome and deliberate even if it was luck, lol.

>Oh, you will see it after i shot inside a normal lighting bus here, custom lighting is dark and blue but i upped the exposition in post, usually it's LED neutral but some drivers hate it so they add blue tint diffusive glass which makes things glow cooly.
Oh I see what you mean now.
Replies: >>369
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>the whole being more than the sum of its parts
True, now i get what you mean
>in the case of photobooks pics tend to not be seen next to each other
wut, it does depend on the edition house, japs and Magnum used to mix it all around, some euros did too but often they put a single exposure in a single page or sometimes one every two pages ala New Topographics' germans.
But in theory they should be seen big in a single page so i do understand grids being another kind of monster.
>I had seen that scene shilled by Mubi and other outlets
Kar-Wai Wong's works are syrupy at times, often fall into the same themes but worth the watch for the cinematography alone. I often said his success was on his camera men but after using several of them i have to backdown and say he does have his own style and his title as graphic designer supports this. He even made a movie near your area although you won't like the subject a lot, or at all heh, that one i haven't watched yet.
Replies: >>371
>wut, it does depend on the edition house, japs and Magnum used to mix it all around, some euros did too but often they put a single exposure in a single page or sometimes one every two pages ala New Topographics' germans.
That's interesting, haven't seen it much but I'm not a big consumer of photobooks admittedly. 

>But in theory they should be seen big in a single page so i do understand grids being another kind of monster.
Yeah it's what happens most often I think.

>Kar-Wai Wong's works are syrupy at times, often fall into the same themes but worth the watch for the cinematography alone.
I must admit I haven't checked them out yet, and I'll blame my ever-growing backlog of movies. 

>I often said his success was on his camera men but after using several of them i have to backdown and say he does have his own style and his title as graphic designer supports this. He even made a movie near your area although you won't like the subject a lot, or at all heh, that one i haven't watched yet.
Crew matters but usually on set the cameraman is just a yes man (that has to be competent, nevertheless). Might be worth looking into his cinematographers and set designers, though. But if the man has a vision, it will show. And it seems he does.
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Real eclipse wasn't quite as beautiful but I applied my cinestill-like split toning to really bring out the cinematic feel :^). I used the ol' Cosina maxed out and a rubber band to keep it at 400mm. The edit accentuates the chromatic aberration but the colors are too pretty to not use it. And this way I feel I did more than point my camera and press the shutter.
Replies: >>377 >>380
Just a lurker, but that's a good-looking image IMO Anon. Any idea what that bright star is?
Replies: >>378
Thank you anon! I'm afraid I have no idea what that star is, not even after trying to check on Astrometry. It did pick up on other stars from the uncropped pic but not that one.
I agree, it's too pretty not to use the strong blue to contrast that saucy good red there. I saw the blood moon after work but didn't shoot, too tired to pull the camera out.
>a rubber band to keep it at 400mm
wat, is the Cosina giving you some slack now?
Replies: >>381
It was pointed upwards so there was some zoom creep. It always had some but if you're not carrying it vertically it's no issue for normal shooting.
Replies: >>382
I thought the push-pull stuff was mostly the creepers, being that the AF rubbergripped zooms of the mid 80s and early 90's always felt sticky and not uniform in their mechanisms i thought they did not creep.
Must've been a pain in the bitch to set, i really like the colours so it was a good choice.
Replies: >>383
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Oh, this one is a push-pull zoom, don't get me wrong.
I also got a 28-135mm Canon recently that regrettably creeps despite being sticky in the way you describe and not being push-pull, it was sort of disappointing but it's nice in other ways (namely the stabilization). I'll be reviewing it soonish. Unlike the Cosina, there's no easy rubber band hack to use precisely because it's not push-pull.
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I am compiling all the shots from my time at the ex-work and i realize i cannot find a specific session with a very specific shot i found to be probably essential to the end selection.
I have spent 6 hours checking every hard drive and USB i have for even the JPGs and no dice, because they were for a co-worker i think i cut+pasted the pictures rather than copying them only.
I feel like someone pissed in my tea and punched me in the stomach, posting now because i want to say for whoever might read this in the future:

Shot wasn't that good tho, here's an unrelated one i liked a bit better
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Checking some recent-ish photos i stumbled upon this blooper and there's just something endearing about it for me, don't know why
Also while pushing the B&W hard i found i accidentally put a reflection/self-portrait somehow despite me being far behind the camera
And there's another weird reflection by my side that was probably made by the blurred vegetation i hope, that or i rode with a jewish frog thing
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Replies: >>834
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Replies: >>834
Nice macro, liked the leaf one, has some digital look to it but don't know if it is a phone or a large zoom compact camera.
That squirrel is indeed quite close.
Anyone going to try and take photos of the eclipse tomorrow?
Replies: >>1958
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Well I answered my own question is seems. I didn't even plan for it or even consider doing it before the very last minute.
I had some light clouds at the time but that was fortunate because it let me snap some pics directly.
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Then the sun came out too bright and I had to get a little ghetto.
I got one "good" picture but I ended up with several with some interesting effects.
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