/p/ - Photography

Resources & discussion regarding the heliographic practice

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A place for all things meta regarding our small dark room. Suggestions, banners, board exposure plans, they go here. 
Be not afraid to comment.
Replies: >>5
>>2 (OP) 
Maybe to get the word out, we should try posting on other arts-related boards, but some could see that as disrupting the discussion there. Maybe try the /comfy/ board, I feel like photography could be popular there. I just discovered this board, but I saw that there was an older /p/ board, do people know that this new one is up? By the way, I really like the design of this board, it's really dark and peaceful. Keep doing good work BO, I really want this board to grow!
Replies: >>6 >>21
Yes, i've been wanting to post a notice in the old 8/p/ but first i wanted to talk to their BO, which i found to be pretty good when i posted there. But so far no reply, by this point i might as well just do it.
>but I saw that there was an older /p/ board, do people know that this new one is up?
Julay's? it only had one poster: A one-time touhou fellow. Gonna delete it anyway now that we have this shack.
If you mean 8c's then they probably don't know but there has only been 3 or 4 posts this year. I think there's a small enclave in TVch but i'm wary about stirring waters there
>Maybe try the /comfy/ board
We could try a sampler of our work to kindly invite them. Instead of the critique board like the halfchan version is i would like this iteration to be kinda didactic, photography is a relatively easy venture and we can learn along the way. Problem is the costs of technology, but in step by step we can pull through.
The theme needs a little tinkering, i just noticed the (you) is pretty dark and the captcha is untouched, also thank you for the feedback man.
Replies: >>7
>We could try a sampler of our work to kindly invite them.
That sounds like a really good idea, I have a bunch of my photos on some SD cards that I think are comfy.  If some other anons find this board and have photos they'd like to contribute, that would help a lot too. I've got the "Your Pictures Thread" so if more people find this board, their photos could be used for the sampler, or maybe it could be in a separate thread. 
>also thank you for the feedback man
no worries man, I love photography and I'd love to see this board take off, so I'm willing to help in anyway I can.
Replies: >>10
also, for banners, what are the guidelines for them?
Replies: >>10
It's a cool thread, it serves as an introduction to anyone visiting which is perfect. 
>or maybe it could be in a separate thread
I had something lingering in my mind but it's way more ambitious, so right now i think the sampler can be made in the same thread there.
>for banners, what are the guidelines for them?
Any reasonable dimensions but i used a standard of 350x350 or 350x150, with a very optional black or white meme frame of 5px each side. Max size is 500kb, also it seems the limit is 16 banners for some reason, right now there's 13 but i can bump off any of them to make space so no problem.
Replies: >>12 >>27
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I love photography but there's never anywhere decent to show it to people. I'm happy to see this place.

Pic related is one of mine I pulled out.
Replies: >>12 >>20
>i think the sampler can be made in the same thread there.
That sounds good to keep the board from getting a bit too cluttered, How big would you want the sampler? 5 images? 
Nice photo, I really like how its framed and its composition. 
>I'm happy to see this place.
Yeah, me too, here's to hoping that this board grows.
That's pretty cool, i take it was with a cellphone?
Throw us some more in the picture thread
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>Posted notice on 8k/p/
>Gets deleted within 2 days
>In a board with a reply every 2 months
Even when it's 8k i'm still surprised, it was in spoiler and with name replaced.
Our journey continues.
Replies: >>22 >>23
>Gets deleted within 2 days
Goddamn, I guess they're trying as much as possible to keep anons on 8kun, maybe they're just deleting all mentions of any sites on the webring. I'll post some pictures for the sampler later today if anything. It seems like more and more anons are finding their way to this board so that's good.
Replies: >>23
They’re eternally butthurt about boards leaving the pigtopia. Didn’t realise it had got so bad that globals would delete links from board owners.
Replies: >>24
Yeah, I didn't realize it was that bad either, but people must be leaving the sites in droves if they're willing to go so far as to delete webring links.
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Here's my contribution to the sampler. You can pick and choose between the pictures.  sorry it took me so long to get these to you.
Replies: >>28 >>34
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I got a thing coming and won't be actively around until next week, but i'll keep tabs everyday if something weird happens, as it has happened in other parts of the webring.
I'm also uploading some stuff for an upcoming thread so hold onto your butts, it's going to get ND1000 dense.

Hey there, no prob and also sorry for the late reply.
Thanks for those, also can i modify them a little? i mean framing and color toning, nothing extreme.
Replies: >>34 >>35
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Due to some ((( technical issues ))) you might know happened recently i will post these as custom CSS resources.
Last edited by Lensman
Replies: >>35
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There we go, i screwed everything i had to do in my student life but at least i'm still alive and well.
In a little spare time i had i clowned myself into some photos for our sampler, i had way too much fun with the 4th pic >>27 and tried to think of something with the 5th but still escapes me. Is it okay or do we pick others?
Also added some stuff into the CSS and got some books organized and uploaded, so i guess it's time for a crucial thread.
Replies: >>35
>also can i modify them a little? i mean framing and color toning, nothing extreme.

Of course you can modify them a bit! I'm happy to help in any way I can, sorry to get back to you so late, been busy for the past week, but things should be calmed down by now.

I like the new theme a lot, thanks for contributing it!

Nice pictures man, I really like the lighting.
Rabbit rabbit November 1st, hey there, been kinda busy with studies lately and it's been messing with my lurking and reading due to the bizarre timings due to pandemic reschedules and phantom workplace pressure, hence not so much posting from my part.
Also developed a mild imageboard addiction after trying to post more than usual in all boards to keep things alive, and mixed with everything else, all my times and projects went haywire and haven't really posted anything of much value in the last couple months either here or on /film/-/loomis/. 
Some days ago i fell pretty ill and hallucinated for a bit, got a small existential crisis and decided to stop posting for a while until i get all my shit together, so there's that if you see this place more abandoned than usual.

Will return from time to time to the account to see if there's any reports for bad content but other than that i'll see you again in 45-50 days.
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Lots of drama going around but so far all quiet in this front.
I will see how to fix this new CSS format and post cool stuff.
I just stopped in to say that I really like the CSS you guys use.
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Can we have a banner featuring this guy?
>I have photos, don't worry.
I made a thread about him on 4cuck and predictably it got jannied, IDK if I was banned or not because I changed IPs before that.
Replies: >>278
Sure, followed the trial at the tv place so his contribution to the realm is noted lol, will make it soon enough.
Can't seem to find his name tho, guess i'll do with that cap which is pretty perfect anyways.
Replies: >>280
Nathan Debruin is his name.
Replies: >>291
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Done, found this one with a more illustrative example, no smirk tho which is a shame but can always go with the other one.
Also lmao at this story from the prosecution, i missed it from the threads. 
The jews really screwed the dog with these silly lawyers in an already hard case, guess they jewed out of getting better ones.
Replies: >>292
>failed wedding photographer
Top fucking kek, that exchange is imageboard tier.
Rekieta had De Bruin on his show today and he commented on other shady stuff that went on.
Also apparently what set Kraus off was the Matthewson during the break, he went into the court trying to get back at him by being hostile to Nathan. 
It was also revealed he's been on unpaid leave since that same day a couple went to his workplace and got into his face yelling that he supported a murderer. He hadn't mentioned it until another lawyer on the show asked him about the good and bad things that came after the trial. Rekieta will be donating the entirety of today's superchats to Nathan. Besides the unpaid leave thing he's undergoing therapy for both trying to better deal with the random hostile people who walk up to him and the traumatic events during the shooting itself.
Happy 2022, BO and whoever else may read this! Did some threads get pruned or was the catalog always this small? I have this weird perception that we used to have more threads, hopefully it wasn't something admin related.
Replies: >>304
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Hallo there, "happy" 2022, i am having a really rough time due to new lockdowns shitting everything but at least i am still in the game of life. Taking pictures too but some stuff got in my way from taking many more i planned.
>was the catalog always this small?
I am seeing all the threads i recall, some have lots of different content so maybe you recall a specific part of them, also there has been some good conversations in the webring about photography so maybe also a memory from some of those came around. 

I still wonder where some of the cool photogs went, webring died a bit in these holidays and if some are having the same problems then no wonder, the game scaled in difficulty lately, i feel this sense i haven't felt in a long time that shit is going to get nasty soon-ish in terms of traditional social functioning and flow.
But hey, as long as we can take pictures of it!
Replies: >>308
Are those pics yours? Loving the second one.

>also there has been some good conversations in the webring about photography so maybe also a memory from some of those came around. 
That could well be it.

>I still wonder where some of the cool photogs went, webring died a bit in these holidays and if some are having the same problems then no wonder, the game scaled in difficulty lately, i feel this sense i haven't felt in a long time that shit is going to get nasty soon-ish in terms of traditional social functioning and flow.
Even on 4cuck things aren't as active as they once were. At least here we have some quality lol.
Replies: >>312
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>Are those pics yours? 
Yep, that second one was practically a bargain bin shot but after learning some tricks about erasing reflections from windows (had to due to shooting so many moving vehicle co-pilot pics) i managed to salvage it, the shadow play ended up being pretty dramatic which cannot be seen that much in the color version. 12 years ago too, been cleaning old stuff before delving into purely recent images, have to cut the teeth with the backlog.

>Even on 4cuck things aren't as active as they once were
Can happily say i haven't checked them in almost two months but i do wonder what they are up to, some people there are worth the hassle but they visit every long while. Hell, now that i think of it i haven't talked to any of the IG folks i added from there, might even invite some over here but let's see, i don't doubt they only posted there to get dem numbers so i guess i will look if some post their stuff in threads to then make a sensible suggestion.

Here's others to get pics going on, this time some digishit antics.
Replies: >>314
Glad to see this board's still around.
>Yep, that second one was practically a bargain bin shot but after learning some tricks about erasing reflections from windows (had to due to shooting so many moving vehicle co-pilot pics) i managed to salvage it, the shadow play ended up being pretty dramatic which cannot be seen that much in the color version. 12 years ago too, been cleaning old stuff before delving into purely recent images, have to cut the teeth with the backlog.
Hey that's nice!

>Here's others to get pics going on, this time some digishit antics.
I like that the second one kind of has that instant camera aesthetic going on but I guess I also prefer your more traditional ones. You do you, though.
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!
Any plans for a migration?
Replies: >>1908
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Yes, I've been out of action in the rural zones for a while but a week or so ago I saw this situation and have been reading some posts about possible places.
My internet connection is funky at best because i need to use cellphone tethering but yeah, the entire place will be up somewhere else but i haven't explored the options. 

The only sure things are:
- This ride won't go to 8moe because i don't trust them
- It will hopefully be restored fully even if i have to repost everything one by one except the horny/random pic threads as they are probably personal archives of some rowdy anon, will let this place live until he backs that up again
- And that my personal mission is to read and post shit i've been checking since the scamdemic happened so it gets some posts at least every two weeks, that includes photographers and OC although that will take a while because of my current predicament, still it will be more active than before as i just got intraweb credits this month... didn't think my first go at it again would be to migrate this.
Replies: >>1920 >>1926
I recommend Trashchan, BO. They have a simple application process that requires little time or bandwidth, just provide some evidence you are the legitimate BO. It's a good site, and the Admin there will do all the work for you.

Please don't wait too long Anon, time is running short for you.
Replies: >>1922 >>1926 >>1936
Replies: >>1926
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Bamping for intredast. Pls let us know something, BO.
so, has it been finalized?
trxshchan here we cometh???
Replies: >>1937 >>1938
No, not unless the BO (or new BO) steps up in the next 24hrs. Otherwise, /p/ is dead.
Replies: >>1938 >>1939
Tourist passing by, here.
Just make one, anyway?
It's a dark day when we lose ANY imageboard culture.
Good luck.
Replies: >>1939
The BO actually just showed up on Trashchan to migrate the board. I encouraged him to send the admin an email to make it official.
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When everything settles down hopefully It can be figured out how to return the look of this board to its original form. The CSS is here but it doesn't quite apply correctly to jschan without some tweeks or modifications that I don't really understand to be honest.

I've got all the banners I could find migrated and installed except this one because it exceeds the current allowable size.

The /p/ logo is in the assets but it's not coming through for whatever reason. CSS needs a tweek I guess.
Replies: >>1945
Glad you guys made it!
The theme looks like it could use a little freshening up for readability
Replies: >>1944
Yes I know. I've been exhausted after migration day and I ended up not having much time this weekend either. 
However I think I know how to fix the theme and return it back to it's original state. The Admin gave me a little bit of CSS help and I think I understand what's been going wrong. I should have it fixed in the early part of the week.
Then all it's left to do is sort this out:
css p#labelName 
{ background-image: url("/asset/p/868e439b0147bd56825abe851946694e4f92dc3f97826a10af4c7d564be76ba4.png");
  color: transparent;
  background-position: 50%;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  padding: 30px; }
I know something about it must be wrong but I haven't the clue what that might be.

There's suppose to be a gradient on the navbar. Any ideas how to make that work?
Last edited by blockanon
Replies: >>1951
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Finally after 100~ days the mentally ill technicians have reached my trailer park and somehow installed the antenna, bic gelated.
Thank you kind anonymous sir for saving this shack and thank you Admin for allowing it, i didn't really expect a couple of variants (one which was my own dumb fault) and also got cocky with internet-sharing cellphones which have proven to be a gimmick when the signal isn't that good to begin with, finally no more shady phone borrowing to visit imageboards.
I will try my hand with the CSS, probably on wednesday and see what happens, i recall the original place which isn't really far off from what i am seeing here although without checking every corner, i do feel the text and post boxes are bigger but i guess that might be a good thing for readability.

I still have all the banners, 26 in total without counting that mad janny one, if the place needs it i can upload it somewhere.
Replies: >>1946
Oh hey original BO! Glad to see you back!
>I will try my hand with the CSS, probably on wednesday and see what happens, i recall the original place which isn't really far off from what i am seeing here although without checking every corner, i do feel the text and post boxes are bigger but i guess that might be a good thing for readability.
I tried to piece it back together in look if not in exact code. There's probably a few things that I missed.
The /℗/ logo is the only thing I really can't figure out how to reapply but it is in the board assets so it's ready to go as soon as you can figure out the element.

That's great. I spent the night trying to get them all but I'm still not sure if I did.

So do you want to do a handover of board ownership this week? If you're not ready immediately that's OK too. I can hold the board for how ever long you like or I can transfer it whenever you're ready. I'm not 100% sure how to do that I'm kind of new to all this. I'm sure Admin will help.
Last edited by blockanon
Replies: >>1947
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>So do you want to do a handover of board ownership this week?
Well as far as i know you are and should be the BO because you saved the board, if you are a bit too busy then sure i can take it but i have no problem being a normal user, still even if i get it you should be a vol so the admins know a trusted someone if something bad happens again with me.
I am seeing some examples in the site and haven't wrapped my head around how to do the past quirks but tomorrow (aka 2 days ago) i'll check other JSChan boards, in theory it shouldn't be hard but i got distracted by work drama... guess i should do that now
That one i suspect how to do it

Screw larping as a poorfag grown-up, i can't feel this modern religion rural wageslave degenerate lifestyle, i need to vent dammit especially when the job/work environment prohibits having any sort of camera around so very few data to work with in these last months other than the shitload of backlog to process
Replies: >>1948
It was never my intent to take the board from you. I just wanted to make sure /p/ survived, especially since you were still active and just weren't able to do the transfer yourself due to internet issues. 
If you want me to manage the board for awhile I can do that but you should definitely get yourself setup with an account here so you can become a vol on /p/. One or the other of us should be vols for redundancy reasons I should think.
Yeah it's a little weird here. It took awhile for me to figure out as much as I did.
>other than the shitload of backlog to process
I hope you get to post it soon. Good luck.
Yeah it seems things are named differently, some things ceased to exist (to be fair since Julay but somehow still there) and others are appearing now like Tegaki.
So far i think the transition was pretty damn good, only minor details arise and other stuff which might prove controversial to change, i personally like font size a bit smaller but that's personal and can be changed locally.

When desperation strikes there's always ripping off someone else's code and here comes our good friends at /film/, regarding the logo and navigation bar:

a.no-decoration h1.board-title {
  background-image: url('https://trashchan.xyz/file/b185ffbeed2dc987367b1357bcc05efc89f3fea00f6baef6a81845f93e7c6a6d.png');
  color: transparent !important;
  background-position: %;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  padding: 50px 20px;
  opacity: 0.7; }

.navbar {
  background: #050525;
  box-shadow: 0 0 15px 1px var(--darken);
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  z-index: 2;
  top: 0;
  opacity: 0.8;
  font-size: 100%;
  border-bottom: 0px solid #000; 

Some of that along with lots of lines are now fluff, one day it might be cleaned... but today it seems those changes work a bit i also forgot exactly how the old place looked like
Replies: >>1952 >>1953
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>i also forgot exactly how the old place looked like
Replies: >>1955
I was having problems adding the CSS snippet and then I suddenly realized that the custom CSS has a surprisingly strict character limit.

I think I need to prune some redundant or inactive code but I'm not even sure where to start.

:root {
  --font-color: #666699;
  --background-top: #050525;
  --background-rest: #050525;
  --post-color: #101025;
  --post-outline-color: #333366;

scrollbar-color: #333366 #101025;

a.no-decoration h1.board-title {
  background-image: url('/asset/p/868e439b0147bd56825abe851946694e4f92dc3f97826a10af4c7d564be76ba4.png');
  color: transparent !important;
  background-position: %;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  padding: 30px 0px;
  opacity: 0.7; }

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  background: #040412;
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 100%;
  margin: 0px;
  background-image: url("/asset/p/ffbc22acd4f4f5a09d07c95671fa082ab421e9e15f833edfbe0969335431050d.png");
  background-position: left;
  background-repeat: repeat;
  background-attachment: scroll; }

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  font-weight: bold;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 2rem;
  margin: 3rem; }

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  height: 2rem;
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  background-color: #050525;
  border-bottom: 0px solid #000;
  font-size: 125%;
  text-align: center;
  z-index: 2;
  opacity: 0.7; }

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#postform {
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box-shadow: 0 0 40px #4747A7;

.modal {
box-shadow: 0 0 40px #4747A7;

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  color: transparent;
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#watchedMenu div:nth-child(2n) .watchedCell 
{ background-color: #050525; }

#quick-reply span.handle 
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quick-reply .handle 
{ background-color: #151525;
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{ background-color: #151525; }

{ margin-left: 25px; }

.topBoards a, #divLatestImages img, #divLatestPosts .latestPostCell,
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{ border: 0px solid #000000;
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{ transition: 0.75s ; }

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{ position: absolute;
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.quoteTooltip .innerPost 
{ border: 1px #666699;
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.extraMenu div, .hideMenu div 
{ margin: 0 0.5rem;
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.extraMenu div:hover, .hideMenu div:hover 
{ color: #D22522; 
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{ margin: 0.9rem 0; }

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{ color: #CCCCCC; 
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#selectedTab {
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{ margin: 1rem 0.5rem; }

.divMessage a 
{ color: #4747A7; 
  transition: 2s; }

{ color: #2020E2; 
  transition: 1.5s; }

{ color: #4747A7; 
  transition: 1.5s; }

{ color: #2020E2; 
  transition: 1.5s; }

{ color: #d22522;
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{ color: #FF0000; 
  transition: 2s; }

{ color: #4747A7;
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.linkSelf, .linkQuote
{ color: #D22522; 
  transition: 2s; }

{ font-size: 85%;
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.quoteLink.you:after { content: " (You)"; }
.quoteLink.op:after { content: " (O.P.)"; }
.quoteLink.op.you:after { content: " (O.P.) (You)"; }

{ font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 2rem;
  color: #DB3838;
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{ margin-left: 0.8rem;
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.panelBacklinks a 
{ font-size: 80%;
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  margin: 0 0.25rem; }

{ background: white;
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{ content: attr(data-value);
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  display: inline-block;
  height: 2.5rem;
  padding: .5rem;
  font-size: 2.3rem;
  font-weight: bolder;
  text-shadow: 0 0 20px gold;
  color: #0000;
  background-image: url("/.static/david.gif");
  background-size: contain;
  background-position: center;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  opacity: 0;
  top: 0;
  transition: 3s ease;
  transition-property: top, opacity;
  pointer-events: none; }

{ content: "Name successfully logged into Ben Garrison's hit list.";
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  width: 10rem;
  font-size: 0.9rem;
  text-align: center;
  color: #666699;
  background: #050525;
  top: 0;
  opacity: 0;
  transition: 3s ease;
  transition-property: top, opacity;
  pointer-events: none; }

{ margin-bottom:2em;
  margin:0 auto;
  transition: 1s; }
{ opacity: 1; }
.opCell[id="4"] hr
{ display: none; }
Replies: >>1955
>custom CSS has a surprisingly strict character limit
That i didn't expect, i remember some custom ones being longer than ours
>I'm not even sure where to start
I can do it soon-ish, have all the CSS versions in Notepads and i somewhat remember what they used to do, just need to delete shit until i see what sticks normally. From then we can start adding stuff.

For example we have a colour palette in the very end, that can be reserved for the .txt file before a copy is converted to .css. Then there's the Julay code (span.detected), then there's the redundancies like "text-align: center" which doesn't apply or cannot be used correctly anymore.

Sigh, so purty, the navbar is kill (perhaps Webring colours being the Adams Zone System not really) but the rest can be somewhat applied the same, forgot how to change the font because i wasn't able to IIRC although i liked the default one in A.C.
Replies: >>1956
>Sigh, so purty, the navbar is kill
You could probably just use a semi transparent gradient gif and achieve the same effect.

Also I had to delete this at the bottom to get the logo in and I think it would be good to have it around as documentation for the future.

151525 COOL GRAY



333366 OLD BLU
4444ff NEON BLU

D22522 BLOOD

Thanks for the CSS reference, /film/ & /make/!
Replies: >>1960
Yes, that's the colour palette, it is in the notepads so it can be deleted with no problems in the official file although regarding the final line we did use those boards as reference so i think that comment should hang around as a polite reminder, the link not so much as it would be outdated info.
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