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What does /film/ think of AI video? Talk the future of it or lack thereof, filmmakers' perspectives, aesthetic criticism, etc.
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The other day I saw an AI trailer for a hypothetical remake of The Fifth Element with '50s aesthetics.  Looked great; I didn't realize immediately that it was generated.  But then you notice the faces melting when they're supposed to be talking, the narrator being TTS, and realize how limited it actually is.

I'd still like to use it for memes.  Earlier I was talking with some people about how the original Legend of Zelda and Super Mario 3 had the same flute tune.

>Imagine Lou Albano playing the flute

We don't necessarily need to imagine now.  You can just have an absurdly shitty representation of whatever, given enough compute.

Probably there'll be a practice of immediately cranking out bespoke films relating to Current Thing.  Slap a comedian's name on it as having written the prompt and there'll be a market for it.
Replies: >>3333
as stand alone work, it's all lacking (for example i've never seen anything beautiful generated by it). the most mainstream filmmaker I've seen embrace it so far and have his movie get released is Harmony Korine with Aggro Dr1ft, which was genuinely terrible imo, but for many reasons, not really the ai animations. (btw, does anyone know what software he used for it, stable diffusion? edglrd has very similar videos with skateboarders that has been posted on other websites.)
back to my first point, it seems like a very good reference tool for artists, but as a stand alone art making tool it doesn't seem extremely valuable. it has a lot more value for optics, social engineering, international geopolitics, and so forth. this will likely change but i still don't see it creating anything truly 'good.'
my eyes can spot it right away tbh but this will change with time. 
>We don't necessarily need to imagine now
and so we will be completely inundated with shit, even worse than it is now. and lazier and lazier.
>Probably there'll be a practice of immediately cranking out bespoke films relating to Current Thing. 
exactly. and none of it will be good.

as far as film is concerned it will probably have a similar effect to all media becoming digital and video stores and theater
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Subtlety and restraint are needed for successful integration of powerful new techniques like this. 

When CGI became popular many filmmakers thought they could do anything with it. Films taking that approach have aged terribly. I don't know if they even looked good originally.

I'm thinking of Contact, which has a few cool shots, but more often they did things like clumsily pasting Bill Clinton into scenes in a way that destroyed any of the authenticity they wanted to create.
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Remember hearing about a sci-fi horror flick called "Space Necronomicon" mentioned elsewhere on this board, its supposed to have some sequences featuring AI images.


>The AI art takes about 10%-20% of the screen time. Most of the film shows elegantly-dressed young girls doing magical rituals.
>Although it’s pretty, we’ve already seen this countless times in Cosmotropia de Xam’s other films (especially that skull). 
>The AI art sequences act as a counterweight balancing this with cosmic sci-fi horror.
>For an extended training process, you needed to feed the machine with images, prompts, descriptions and re-imaging — quite complex and experimental, like discovering new sounds out of old ones.
>AI was mainly used to generate a stock of thousands of images and variants, not to animate. Animation was made by hand. You often see these days a morphing effect within AI video art — this will soon look very cheap and primitive when AI animation looks better in 1 or 2 years. So I decided to use mainly frame-by-frame animation like they did in the 70's, also for authentici
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Replies: >>3360
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I was aware of Space Necronomicon but passed on downloading it. That person's youtube channel has a mildly interesting aesthetic but lacks anything further. Maybe this content works best as Halloween wallpaper. I like the eerie krautrock music a bit more than the videos.

The AI element I saw were creepy images that anyone could make, not even as weird as random things I've encoutered in the wild.

But who is Cosmotropia de Xam? This person was online way back in 2008 on blogspot, but the name is too tryhard for me to repeat without feeling retarded.

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Questions/Comments that don't deserve their own thread.

>Previous thread bumplocked >>34

Is Hawkmenblues completely gone? Don't want to scroll through his twitter account. hawkmenblues.net is no more.
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Plein soleil is one of my favorite films. It wasn't so long ago when it was not even available on DVD with English subtitles so it was like discovering something special when you managed to see it.
Replies: >>3351
Someone needs to make a fanedit of this movie where Delon's character got away with his crime in the end.
>full of dirt thrown over him
He has had a very, very rocky background in terms of personal life due to being kinda the parisian version of Epstein in terms of cool parties full of hidden devices to record stuff and use as blackmail material later, P. Diddy would be a more apt comparison but AFAIK Alain wasn't full gay and liked slim and short girls if you get my drift.
In terms of acting i think he went for money roles only after the mid 70's but there's very little to point out negatively about his screen work before, he achieved in plenty of forms including comedy and supposedly wasn't hard to work with either if we want to go with the controversial (for us spectators) tie breaking point of an actor being a diva or not.
He pulled stuff in 10 years (1959-1969) that the majority can't in their entire careers even if they have the entire system behind them, which is international critical acclaim along with aesthetic status and a successful private venture which was the early phase of his accessory line... also spying for an unknown entity but that doesn't influence that much his personal skills although maybe in his private activities.

The only thing i can throw dirt at him is dumping Nathalie Delon but reading here it seems she was a druggie roasty, also she died 3 years ago wtf, didn't remember that one.
Replies: >>3353
The amount of "le far right woman-beater boomer" complainers in the thread was higher than my expectation. Wokeism has infested everywhere.
To be honest it kinda irks me when people dismiss his acting ability just because he had good looks, saying the films were great just because of the directors, not him etc., making me question my judgment. I always find him enjoyable to watch, even if the movie is mediocre. He had screen presence, sensitivity, and that dark edge which piques my curiosity. Many actors had a nice face but they're rather plain and superficial. If Delon had had an easy life in a privileged family, he wouldn't have been as fascinating on the screen. His choice of crime and offbeat movies was also very interesting, he's one of the actors who I can just binge their whole filmography.

I have just revisited his works recently, also watched a few documentaries about his time and was sad that almost all of his generation had been dead, he must've been so depressed seeing them pass away one by one. And now he's going to meet them. Still quite a surreal feeling. A time, a generation has gone. I still don't who of this zoomer film generation that I could feel sad for when they pass away, oh wait... I'm older than them, so I might not be able to see that happen.

Sorry for the incoherent ramblings, it's sad seeing an icon of a time vanishing. This is one of the reason I get sad sometimes when wa
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Replies: >>3358
>it's sad seeing an icon of a time vanishing
It is sad, for me it is odd seeing highly talented people die and see they became destitute despite their background showing them being disciplined and not filled with vice, or vice versa with party fiends who died peacefully.
>Wokeism has infested everywhere
Depends on which part of the internet you are, IRL i seem to find half and half except the laws of the realm force one of those sides to voice their ideas only in private. If anything now i am seeing more extreme stances that i did not see before, college included... women are an exception but it's women after all, historically-speaking they are usually in the wrong side of how things work.

Delon was pretty good in my opinion, mostly due to his naturalness, maybe gets a bit of shade due to his deadpan characters like in the Melville movies or frankly half his shit in his latter career but his screen persona was extremely obvious, also somewhat varied but most normalfags only watch Le Samourai, Le Cercle Rouge if they get curious and maybe Un Flic if they don't get distracted. His other famous work is fashion accessories and being a model hence their bent idea of his work.

>almost all of his generation had been dead
Many dolls are still alive but the old school of the New French Wave is mostly in th
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Welcome to the new board
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I'm also here but I stopped watching films a few years ago so I have nothing to post
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>I'm not film-educated enough to write a long review of any film
A couple who used the board 10 years ago weren't either, as long as you are sincere i don't think anyone will bat an eye, anything that expands our view is good.

I am starting to get an idea to device a small post format so anyone can very quickly report back anything they've seen/read related to us, like a data sheet/bok report form, but kinda makes things a bit more mechanized/dumbed down which is against the whole idea... still i think it can also wake a bit more curiosity from some of us as long as we don't replace or force our actual long-winded ideas within that.
Replies: >>3348 >>3349
I think it could be a good idea, having a sort of form for interesting points to note from a film. Of course people can always elaborate more in the post if they want. If a film is not interesting enough they could just talk without filling the "form".
Replies: >>3357
>A couple who used the board 10 years ago weren't either
Care to share? You piqued my curiosity. 

What movie is that screenshot from?
Replies: >>3357
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>If a film is not interesting enough they could just talk without filling the "form".
I mean if someone doesn't want to talk extensively about something they didn't like that much or don't have the time they can just fill a quick form about the thing they saw, on the contrary if they liked it i suppose they can always elaborate more as you mentioned.
The form is like those small card synopsis one saw in libraries to very quickly check the inventory without having to see book by book.
Am i old enough to say i visited libraries with old school systems? it wasn't that long ago i swear

>Care to share?
I suppose it can be seen in some threads from one of the /film/ shelters that migrated old stuff, i think we still have one of those around. Checking a bit there's the first "comment on last film seen" thread post-4cham located in the mummy of the old site, may allah forgive me for daring to utter this name, 8kun. 
Saying they weren't educated enough is being unfair, anons probably are better back then than me today, their brevity and straight to the point emphasis is notable hence my intention to say you don't need long-winded texts if you don't want to do them, discovering new things and feedback is the intention.

>What movie is that screenshot from?
Just a silly idiosyncratic music video, 1984's Hyperactive by Thomas Dolby and Daniel Kleinman aka CGI director for James Bond intros.
Started seeing/listening again to Dolby recently because he's being blacklisted for wrongthink again and i remembered he had some really interesting ideas behind his bitching tracks. 
I like that his cultivated image by the media of being a real nerd pop star got trashed and forgotten the day he started voicing scientists/researchers were overly dogmatic and not open-minded enough for research work to begin with. I don't know why he got so much heat, after all his most famous song shows scientists as either conmen, deranged or lobotomized by their peers.
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The Russians are great at art. This is a thread for their crafts, mainly films/tv, but other interesting forms of art are welcome too.
The Criterion's restoration of War and Peace is simply gorgeous.
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I love Aleksandr Petrov's works.
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The only part of Days of Eclipse that worked for me was the transcendental final 15 minutes or so. Other that it was a frustrating film, the most tedious Strugatsky adaptation, yet it seems to be a well-regarded effort from Sokurov with a fair amount of glowing reviews.
I'm open to other Sokurov recs. I've seen Russian Ark obviously but nothing else.
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Watched this recently. Good Russian war movie with a very small bit of the supernatural mixed in.
Replies: >>3318
I love this one
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This crazy monologue when your girl denies you sex.
Man, I love Russian movies.

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What was the last thing you watched, and what did you think of it?
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i've downloaded tons of stuff from private trackers and public trackers using a mix of vpns and seedboxes for private film trackers over the years and then I downloaded two video games from rarbg or something a few months back and got hit twice with notices, one for each. since then I became very cautious of public trackers. this is the only reason i ask. i've continued to download obscure shit from public trackers but i have not downloaded anything lately that could cause any further issues.
>what's the best way to torrent on public trackers without getting hit?
Downloading stuff no one cares about, some trackers specify things made from 10 years ago and before, some others mention anything not promoted right in that moment by big publishers and some others mention mainstream stuff of any kind.
For example a movie made in 1995 passes the first mention but if it got a very recent BR release then it doesn't pass the second or even the third one, a random video release in Japan from the mid 2010s might pass the latter rulings but not the first one. It is a mystery but you will certainly not get hit if you go for all 3 unless a very exceptional case happens, aka a director on a personal crusade trying to strike people but that usually goes for the uploader and not the downloaders/peers.
>doesn't downloading from private trackers immediately negate the risk 
Not really, hence why they are the ones pushing hard for those rulings i mentioned.
>are you not a member on any private trackers?
I am/was until i got a very extended hiatus that got me kicked for inactivity in a couple. I haven't got a notice from any of those sites but then again i download very little because seeding is hard if you want to spree a catalogue of anything.
If you are in a "first world" country then watch old stuff, if you are not then download away. Then again if you are inside the first world a VPN subscription is usually dirt cheap for all the things it brings unless you have many expenses or you really are short on cash. 
The only plausible way that thing is seen as expensive for a non-NEET is if you are in a "shitty" country which means total liberty to download anything anyways.

>is this why gen z is scared of torrents?
In the cool first wurld it is a big reason along with many kids being illiterate in most internet things, social stigma towards knowing how to do things is also a factor, ironically enough with nerd culture being popular it is much more suspicious nowadays to download stuff and save it in a hard drive for you to enjoy, back then it was logical and a luxury, nowadays with Spotify and Netflix it's seen as trademark for someone with potential of being a lone shooter or a perv.
Gen Z in advanced countries is full of not doing things to avoid being seen as a bad thing, it's like a communist society but with the coolest tech market.
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I saw Gonin (1995) last week.  Japanese crime movie about a club owner who tries to settle his debts with the Yakuza... by robbing the Yakuza.  The title means "five people" or "the five" if you prefer.

I found it a mixed bag.  It's violent to the point of monotony: two dudes lock eyes and you know one is going to punch the other for one reason or another.  It's self-consciously violent, kind of like Hotline Miami or Gantz where people kill partly for the thrill, without considering the consequences.  I reckon that's the main thing the film wants to talk about, along with greed, desperation, and futility.

The protagonist is a man named Bandai, a businessman with a debt to the Yakuza.  In a dream, he recalls an encounter with a flamboyant yakuza, kind of like Goro Majima.  Bandai overhears voices in the back alley, and there's great suspense as Bandai draws closer to the source of the sound.  The rhythmic pinging.  You know what that sound is.  Not-Majima is working a dude over with an aluminum bat.  He notices the interloper, and does what you expect: tries to stab Bandai in the eye with a switchblade.

I forget some of the details of the first hour, but Bandai recruits four dudes to carry out a heist:

Ogiwara, a dorky salaryman who turns out to be batshit insane.  Having lost his financial prospects, he murdered his wife and kids and now lives with their corpses while hallucinating that they're still alive.

Jimmy, a semi-retarded lowlife and perhaps the only one whose motivation is basically noble: he works a shit job and wants money to send his SEAsian hooker GF back home, where he thinks she'll be happy.  She has a weird, animalistic attitude toward life.  Also, you see her handbag at one point— I can't remember, but if it was a luxury item, that says something rather profound about her character.

Hiza, semi-reformed criminal with an estranged wife and daughter who he still cares for.  His tenacity and savoir-faire almost mark him as the hero of the story.  There is no "hero" in this story.

Mitsuya, I.E., not-Majima a Yak.  I've forgotten what his motivations were supposed to be; I wasn't paying close attention for the first hour.
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Just finished Ride With the Devil. It's definitely one of the better Civil War movies I've seen. It doesn't resort to the usual Hollywood cliches, rigid morality, or simplistic viewpoints, unlike many movies covering the conflict. Part of that comes down to its focus on the Bushwhackers and Jayhawkers. It's loosely plotted and pretty long, but I found it well worth the time.
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Beautiful film. I was preparing for a "le strong controlling psycho woman" ending à la American style (which would prompt me to hate the film) but the ending was sensible and consistent with the whole film's course.
One of the reason for my disdain of current movies is the persistence to stick to some formulated (and politically motivated) ideals that make movies so frustrating and predictable.

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Hello anons, what were your top flicks of the year 2022?
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I attached the images for the only ones I couldn't find. If that anon shows up could they kindly enlighten us to what the remaining films are? I've given up on searching for these. 

Here is the fully revised list, only ten titles are missing:
| The Shadowless Tower dir. Zhang | Eureka dir. Alonso | Samsara dir. Patino |
| Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell dir. Pham | Aggro Dr1ft dir. Korine | Shadow of Fire dir. Tsukamoto |
| Space Necronomicon dir. Cosmotropia de Xam | Only the River Flows dir. Shujun | Nitrate: To the Ghosts of the 75 Lost Philippine Silent Films (1912-1933) dir. Khavn |
| Dwelling by the West Lake dir. Xiaogang | Caviar dir. King | Gasoline Rainbow dir. Ross Brothers |
| Man in Black dir. Bing | Youth (Spring) dir. Bing | [?] |
| The Plough dir. Garrel | A Prince dir. Creton | She Is Conann dir. Mandico |
| Menus-Plaisirs - Les Troisgros dir. Wiseman | Disco Boy dir. Abbruzzse | Circus Maximus dir. Scott |

| Mariupolis 2 dir. Kvedaravicius | Eniaios dir. Markopoulos at The Temenos 2022 | Super Natural dir. Jácome |
| Safe Place dir. Lerotić | Homes dir. Pakalniņa | EO dir. Skolimowski |
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Replies: >>3310 >>3331
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Replies: >>3331
I don't think so (but I'm not on there much myself)
2023 r5 c3 is Lubo (Giorgio Diritti)
Replies: >>3332
thank you.

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We can all agree they're reddit right?
Had two normalfags in class bring it up in their project, Part of me even wanted to step out of my comfort zone and go "Haha EPIC I too have seen films that are part of the Criterion Collection!" but thankfully didn't. 
In addition to the fact that towards the end of 2020 when they dropped a physical release bomb or something dozens of people made exposure videos that all got hundreds of thousands of views, we can all agree that as of 2020, they are officially Reddit right? Maybe in the 2010's they were obscure enough to be relegated to only cuckchan tier but now that normalfags jump up in excitement at the name, we can just confirm that it's reddit right?
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Criterion is now showcasing the finest in dollar bin DVDs?
Most of their promotion focuses on the fact that a nonwhite woman directed it
Thanks for the bump 2 years later fagola.
Unironically Kino Lober is still good but it and Janus are probably just gonna go the way of Criterion soon too before 2030/by 2030 if we're lucky.
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June releases, along with the usual shit, includes the Mexinoir Victims of Sin which was previously available in poor quality dvd or a cropped widescreen web-dl.
Replies: >>3279
There's plenty of decent mex shit that needs re-release and they go with Emilio Fernandez again, Criterion just loves their commies but even so there's pro-Insurgency/anti-gov stuff around that deserves some treatment if they want to scratch that itch
Looks like they're finally giving Happiness an HD release. Crazy it took this long for something better than an old non-anamorphic DVD to come out. I just hope they don't fuck it up somehow.

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[JW09 ~ 10/27/2019]
I saw this short by chance last night and really enjoyed it. Well-executed concept with a distinctive visual style. 
>Dir: Matthias Hoegg / UK / 2010


<An everyday love story set in the not so distant future sees blackbirds battling with technology, automatic palm readers and power cuts.

I looked for more content from Matthias Hoegg, but found that he's chosen a more profitable career as animator for hire. Still he's done interesting work for various corporate and non-profit clients.
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Plague Dogs looks like a good example of an gritty cartoon for older audiences in the mold of Watership Down, but the viewing choices are a poor-quality fullscreen version or a cropped widescreen bluray
Replies: >>3199 >>3200 >>3277
I love this movie, the saddest dog movie of the universe.
Replies: >>3200
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Sadder than Old Yeller?
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I watched these fine pieces of quinoa recently. Anyone know of similar "edgy" adult-oriented Western animation  from no later than the early '90s? I feel like it's kind of a specific niche. I plan on seeing Son of the White Mare and The Time Masters eventually, but I'm looking for something more gritty than those and Gandahar,
I've always felt like Karel Zeman provided the example for how fantasy movies should be presented. Unfortunately, they opted to pile on the naturalism instead.
>Когда-то давно
I was always curious about this film since I saw it like 5 years ago. I appreciate the mix of futuristic and traditional elements in its look and how visual the storytelling is.
>I haven't seen it since I was in elementary school, but I recall it being really enjoyable.
Update: I saw it again not that long ago, and I didn't think it was very good this time.
This one's on my radar.
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>EXORDIUM - a rotoscoped fantasy epic by Gorgonaut

Apparently they made a feature length sequel to this called "Spine of the Night". Was that one any good? Because I'm honestly not impressed with the writing or visuals in this short, it looks like it was made in MS Paint lol.

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Who are your favorite film composers and which film has the best score in your opinion?
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Turns out it was Trovajoli :D
 I was wondering where it had went - I thought you took it down yourself! Damn copyright is crazy nowadays, If you reupload it will it be on the same channel or a different one?
Replies: >>2925
I'll probably upload an enhanced version since I found better footage of some of the live sequences, but to avoid copyright I'll upload the whole thing elsewhere
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Any good OSTs from the past year or two?
Here's what I found

Augustus Muller - My Animal

Johnny Jewel - Holly

Amon Tobin - Hole in the Ground
Replies: >>3285
I've watched some Serbian movies recently and found this composer Aleksandar Ranđelović. I like his soundtracks, they sound very Balkan and interesting:
The latter one might sound more modern, but I like the incorporation of folk sounds in it

Also, some Japanese soundtracks I've been enjoying:
Goro Yasukawa - The Blood of Wolves OST (I love the 2 movies as well!)

Masamichi Shigeno - Snakes and Earrings

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Because cinema needs this type of character. All suggestions are welcome.
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Replies: >>3240 + 1 earlier
I decided to watch The Blood of Heroes because of your post. Sadly, it was pretty shit. Are the other ones any better?
>>1831 (OP) 
I've yet to get into noir detective movies.  The Big Combo is supposedly the entry-level selection.  Being from the '50s you reckon the protags would be mostly white guys, and that given the genre they'd be "mysterious" in a more or less Bondian sort of way.
Replies: >>3241 >>3282
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Right, I don't recall details about the central character in The Big Combo (though it's certainly worth watching) but This Gun for Hire is said to be an inspiration for Le samurai and probably other hitman movies for that matter
Replies: >>3282
Imagine if cinema was invented today o_0
Thanks for the recs, guys. I actually have seen both. Film noir is not really my type because they tend to be too "by the book", and the one that wins/dominates is actually the female fatale.

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