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What was the last thing you watched, and what did you think of it?
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You're welcome!  I enjoy writing these sorts of things, even without much expectation that anyone will enjoy reading them.
>I see the reformed Piccolo Jr. much more in the Kyuzo role
Very apt observations.  I grabbed the example that would be most familiar.
>Highly controversial opinion
That's rather surprising to hear!
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I've seen a handful of HK Cat III films, but this was craziest by far. Gory, over the top sex, and the most I've ever laughed at a violent rape scene. Looking forward to watching the sequel next.
Also any recs for other good Cat III stuff?
Replies: >>3315
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>Also any recs for other good Cat III stuff?
I was going to do a download spree but my american internet provider hit a dumbass roomie with a copyright strike so i never did it.
Heard The Blue Jean Monster was worth a watch due to its uniqueness despite its hipster/ironic value by certain kinds of viewers, Men Behind the Sun i think is the OG that forced the gov to invent the category in the first place so that might also be worth it, the director of that so far from what i've seen want to post an overview of his stuff soon aka this year has proven after seeing 3 of his movies to be very competent in context of HK industry and definitely a unique fellow due to his very dark humour and Miike-tier antics in an otherwise morally prude scene. Shame his intended thematic trilogy only has one movie left to be seen nowadays with the last one being butchered both in production and editing, first one has been in reel hell with no VHS, DVD or BR release.

Now that i think of it the second and only available movie, 1980's Lost Souls, can be considered borderline Cat III despite said category not existing back then. It is a massive comedy to me due to seeing so many familiar kung fu faces in otherwise dark roles as human traffickers or yellow cattle.
Replies: >>3316
im broke as shit and dont want to pay for a seedbox or vpn subscription. what's the best way to torrent on public trackers without getting hit? anyone use a debrid website?

doesn't downloading from private trackers immediately negate the risk of ip finding out that you're downloading copyrighted material? are you not a member on any private trackers?
Replies: >>3317
I don't use a VPN or seedbox, but exclusively use private trackers. Never been hit with a copyright strike.

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Hello anons, what were your top flicks of the year 2022?
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Nice work. I'm completely tuned out of new films and I doubt I could find interesting releases if I wanted to. Many synopses I encounter just sound like "bedtime stories for adults" in a foreign language.
Does this user have a Letterboxd account?
Replies: >>3314
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I attached the images for the only ones I couldn't find. If that anon shows up could they kindly enlighten us to what the remaining films are? I've given up on searching for these. 

Here is the fully revised list, only ten titles are missing:
| The Shadowless Tower dir. Zhang | Eureka dir. Alonso | Samsara dir. Patino |
| Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell dir. Pham | Aggro Dr1ft dir. Korine | Shadow of Fire dir. Tsukamoto |
| Space Necronomicon dir. Cosmotropia de Xam | Only the River Flows dir. Shujun | Nitrate: To the Ghosts of the 75 Lost Philippine Silent Films (1912-1933) dir. Khavn |
| Dwelling by the West Lake dir. Xiaogang | Caviar dir. King | Gasoline Rainbow dir. Ross Brothers |
| Man in Black dir. Bing | Youth (Spring) dir. Bing | [?] |
| The Plough dir. Garrel | A Prince dir. Creton | She Is Conann dir. Mandico |
| Menus-Plaisirs - Les Troisgros dir. Wiseman | Disco Boy dir. Abbruzzse | Circus Maximus dir. Scott |

| Mariupolis 2 dir. Kvedaravicius | Eniaios dir. Markopoulos at The Temenos 2022 | Super Natural dir. Jácome |
| Safe Place dir. Lerotić | Homes dir. Pakalniņa | EO dir. Skolimowski |
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Replies: >>3310
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I don't think so (but I'm not on there much myself)

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The Russians are great at art. This is a thread for their crafts, mainly films/tv, but other interesting forms of art are welcome too.
The Criterion's restoration of War and Peace is simply gorgeous.
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I like T-34 aka Iron Fury about a tank crew escaping a Nazi prison in a tank,
Aleksandr Petrov
Dmitri Petrov
Does this count as Russian?
Replies: >>3283
I love Aleksandr Petrov's works.
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The only part of Days of Eclipse that worked for me was the transcendental final 15 minutes or so. Other that it was a frustrating film, the most tedious Strugatsky adaptation, yet it seems to be a well-regarded effort from Sokurov with a fair amount of glowing reviews.
I'm open to other Sokurov recs. I've seen Russian Ark obviously but nothing else.
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Watched this recently. Good Russian war movie with a very small bit of the supernatural mixed in.

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We can all agree they're reddit right?
Had two normalfags in class bring it up in their project, Part of me even wanted to step out of my comfort zone and go "Haha EPIC I too have seen films that are part of the Criterion Collection!" but thankfully didn't. 
In addition to the fact that towards the end of 2020 when they dropped a physical release bomb or something dozens of people made exposure videos that all got hundreds of thousands of views, we can all agree that as of 2020, they are officially Reddit right? Maybe in the 2010's they were obscure enough to be relegated to only cuckchan tier but now that normalfags jump up in excitement at the name, we can just confirm that it's reddit right?
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Criterion is now showcasing the finest in dollar bin DVDs?
Most of their promotion focuses on the fact that a nonwhite woman directed it
Thanks for the bump 2 years later fagola.
Unironically Kino Lober is still good but it and Janus are probably just gonna go the way of Criterion soon too before 2030/by 2030 if we're lucky.
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June releases, along with the usual shit, includes the Mexinoir Victims of Sin which was previously available in poor quality dvd or a cropped widescreen web-dl.
Replies: >>3279
There's plenty of decent mex shit that needs re-release and they go with Emilio Fernandez again, Criterion just loves their commies but even so there's pro-Insurgency/anti-gov stuff around that deserves some treatment if they want to scratch that itch
Looks like they're finally giving Happiness an HD release. Crazy it took this long for something better than an old non-anamorphic DVD to come out. I just hope they don't fuck it up somehow.

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[JW09 ~ 10/27/2019]
I saw this short by chance last night and really enjoyed it. Well-executed concept with a distinctive visual style. 
>Dir: Matthias Hoegg / UK / 2010


<An everyday love story set in the not so distant future sees blackbirds battling with technology, automatic palm readers and power cuts.

I looked for more content from Matthias Hoegg, but found that he's chosen a more profitable career as animator for hire. Still he's done interesting work for various corporate and non-profit clients.
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Plague Dogs looks like a good example of an gritty cartoon for older audiences in the mold of Watership Down, but the viewing choices are a poor-quality fullscreen version or a cropped widescreen bluray
Replies: >>3199 >>3200 >>3277
I love this movie, the saddest dog movie of the universe.
Replies: >>3200
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Sadder than Old Yeller?
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I watched these fine pieces of quinoa recently. Anyone know of similar "edgy" adult-oriented Western animation  from no later than the early '90s? I feel like it's kind of a specific niche. I plan on seeing Son of the White Mare and The Time Masters eventually, but I'm looking for something more gritty than those and Gandahar,
I've always felt like Karel Zeman provided the example for how fantasy movies should be presented. Unfortunately, they opted to pile on the naturalism instead.
>Когда-то давно
I was always curious about this film since I saw it like 5 years ago. I appreciate the mix of futuristic and traditional elements in its look and how visual the storytelling is.
>I haven't seen it since I was in elementary school, but I recall it being really enjoyable.
Update: I saw it again not that long ago, and I didn't think it was very good this time.
This one's on my radar.
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>EXORDIUM - a rotoscoped fantasy epic by Gorgonaut

Apparently they made a feature length sequel to this called "Spine of the Night". Was that one any good? Because I'm honestly not impressed with the writing or visuals in this short, it looks like it was made in MS Paint lol.

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Questions/Comments that don't deserve their own thread.

>Previous thread bumplocked >>34

Is Hawkmenblues completely gone? Don't want to scroll through his twitter account. hawkmenblues.net is no more.
Last edited by 11811
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I’m at work rn but tagist is indeed the user you are talking about and I believe they deleted their account. Look in the description of this list:
I’d love to know of some of the films that he logged.
Replies: >>3299 >>3300
I stopped using my letterboxd before he deleted, so I have saved some of his tags but not many, mostly from 2017 to 2020 I would guess. I'll list them in the next post.
Replies: >>3300
Here, I wouldn't want to miss any and my watchlist is only 4 pages long. The 4th page doesn't have any 'tagist' saves and you'll probably be able to figure out which ones I pulled from their recommendations. https://letterboxd.com/rusemode/watchlist/
Replies: >>3302
Was tagist the guy who talked about watching Wavelength over and over?
Checked. Do you mean that certain films from his profile are only included on the first three pages of your watchlist?

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Who are your favorite film composers and which film has the best score in your opinion?
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Turns out it was Trovajoli :D
 I was wondering where it had went - I thought you took it down yourself! Damn copyright is crazy nowadays, If you reupload it will it be on the same channel or a different one?
Replies: >>2925
I'll probably upload an enhanced version since I found better footage of some of the live sequences, but to avoid copyright I'll upload the whole thing elsewhere
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Any good OSTs from the past year or two?
Here's what I found

Augustus Muller - My Animal

Johnny Jewel - Holly

Amon Tobin - Hole in the Ground
Replies: >>3285
I've watched some Serbian movies recently and found this composer Aleksandar Ranđelović. I like his soundtracks, they sound very Balkan and interesting:
The latter one might sound more modern, but I like the incorporation of folk sounds in it

Also, some Japanese soundtracks I've been enjoying:
Goro Yasukawa - The Blood of Wolves OST (I love the 2 movies as well!)

Masamichi Shigeno - Snakes and Earrings

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Because cinema needs this type of character. All suggestions are welcome.
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Replies: >>3240 + 1 earlier
I decided to watch The Blood of Heroes because of your post. Sadly, it was pretty shit. Are the other ones any better?
>>1831 (OP) 
I've yet to get into noir detective movies.  The Big Combo is supposedly the entry-level selection.  Being from the '50s you reckon the protags would be mostly white guys, and that given the genre they'd be "mysterious" in a more or less Bondian sort of way.
Replies: >>3241 >>3282
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Right, I don't recall details about the central character in The Big Combo (though it's certainly worth watching) but This Gun for Hire is said to be an inspiration for Le samurai and probably other hitman movies for that matter
Replies: >>3282
Imagine if cinema was invented today o_0
Thanks for the recs, guys. I actually have seen both. Film noir is not really my type because they tend to be too "by the book", and the one that wins/dominates is actually the female fatale.

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Figured it would be good for others, I've been scratching my brain for hours (unhealthy?) trying to remember where the he'll I saw this scene: A man wearing a hat steps outside to smoke a cigarette, when a phantasmagorical hand appears from thin air and seems to bother his psyche...
The weirdest thing about this is that it felt like a silent film, but the elements like the man and his hat felt very noir-ish... And this might be the years of substance abuse catching up to me but I even remember the scene being purple tinted and the floating hand yellow tinted... Or was it the other way round! Am I losing it!
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Replies: >>3228 + 2 earlier
>>2381 (OP) 
Could it be...? Is it really possible that I only DREAMT this film? It seems more likely as the daze go by
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Posted about this in the previous open thread on Anon Cafe. I am looking for a monster movie from the fifties or sixties called Cicada Men on the Moon starring an actress called Anna Dio. I've been able to find no information online, the only reason I know it exists is some guy's blog from 2011 where I got the pic (https://johnrozum.blogspot.com/2011/10/31-days-of-halloween-day-25.html) and the pic itself which isn't very informative on its own. 

I'm starting to wonder if the movie even exists in the first place and the pic isn't from somewhere else and misattributed to a nonexistent source.
Replies: >>3231
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZjbn0loLWc 3:38
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Sci-fi movies with a zooming shot of a blonde women with chip implanted in the back of her neck standing in front of metallic double doors with a desert landscape beholding it with androids or robots.
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Any idea what softcore this is? I drunkenly drew over one of the only three screenshots I took of it

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Film ist a Girl & a Gun

Let's focus a bit on the first part
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Here is Johnny Depp's wife in Noce blanche

I don't know the other one offhand
Replies: >>3274
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>I don't know the other one offhand
Betty Blue.

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