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[JW22 ~ 09/03/2019]
>Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein was a Soviet film director and film theorist, a pioneer in the theory and practice of montage. The son of an affluent architect, Eisenstein attended the Institute of Civil Engineering in Petrograd as a young man. With the fall of the tsar in 1917, he worked as an engineer for the Red Army. In the following years, Eisenstein joined up with the Moscow Proletkult Theater as a set designer and then director. The Proletkult's director, Vsevolod Meyerhold, became a big influence on Eisenstein, introducing him to the concept of biomechanics, or conditioned spontaneity. Eisenstein furthered Meyerhold's theory with his own "montage of attractions"--a sequence of pictures whose total emotion effect is greater than the sum of its parts. He later theorized that this style of editing worked in a similar fashion to Marx's dialectic. Though Eisenstein wanted to make films for the common man, his intense use of symbolism and metaphor in what he called "intellectual montage" sometimes lost his audience. Though he made only seven films in his career, he and his theoretical writings demonstrated how film could move beyond its nineteenth-century predecessor--Victorian theatre-- to create abstract concepts with concrete images.

Eisenstein's completed feature films include:
Strike (1925)
Battleship Potemkin (1925)
October: Ten Days That Shook the World (1928)
The General Line (1929)
Alexander Nevsky (1938)
Ivan the Terrible, Part I (1944)
Ivan the Terrible, Part II (1945)

Incompleted films:
¡Que viva México! (A version was completed, edited, and released in 1979 by Eisenstein's co-director Grigori Aleksandrov)
Bezhin Meadow (lost, only exists as a slideshow now)
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here: www.fedy-diary(.)ru/html/052012/16052012-03a(.)html

and yes the english and german is from Eisenstein himself
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Is this board still alive?

Anyway, I too love history, kabuki theatre, Mei Lanfang, Mikhail Kuznetsovs face, and cross dressing dudes
So what are some other things he found interesting?
Replies: >>1493
I guess its still alive but if three years ago the unique visitors
were in the hundreds, now its definitely in the tens
Replies: >>1494
time to shill again
Replies: >>1495
A dangerous game but might as well now that we are on the verge.
Where do you plan on doing that? just curious not that i will belittle you or anything.

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Discussion of films/TVs about WWII from the German perspective. Allies movies with comical over-the-top natsee villains not welcome.
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In what films is this notable?  Great Patriotic War films have their share of being Hollywood-tier while Germans always make theirs neutral and about the clean Wehrmacht.
well, the NSDAP were liberators, not conquerors despite the lies we’ve been told by marxists. most russians on the eastern front welcomed the germans because they experienced decades of oppression at the hands of jewish bolsheviks; the same bolsheviks that raped and murdered the russian monarchy in 1910 and then installed communism.
this term is inaccurate and was created by a jewish man with the sole purpose of slandering the NSDAP
>war crimes
german leaders were tortured into giving false confessions and according to the procedural rules of the nuremburg trials, there was literally a rule (i forget which one exactly but it should not be too hard to find) that stated that “no evidence is required” for those precedings. you should be able to find it here: https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ with a source included. those trials were literally kangaroo courts and the germans unironically did nothing wrong
Cross of Iron (1977) is alright, except for the annoyance that amerimutts are cast as Germans.
Is there any blackwashing in this? For some reason a kike decided to write it.
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You can witness pieces of the German WWII experience firsthand  through Eva Braun's personal 8mm film reels, hosted by the National Archives. The reels contain some genuine moments of beauty with families vacationing at a mountain lake for example. It's interesting to see how real people lived in the past, and I can't think of an earlier collection of home movies of this quality. The historical/political aspect is not my primary focus, but the occasional presence of the Nazi inner circle keeps the viewing experience from getting too dull.


Comprehensive scene breakdown

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This board is so dead. Does anyone else hate film students?
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Replies: >>1289 + 3 earlier
We are extremely far from that problem and don't forget this is an imageboard not an encyclopedia.
Replies: >>1334
>>905 (OP) 
I did a term of film studies.
Hated it, hated the people, hated the lack of technical information.
Shoulda read the pamphlet.
Now I'm an honourary faggot.
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They seem pretty alright, I don't really expect to meet anyone in my lifetime with the same interests as me anyways. so, although they are barely above normalfag tier taste wise, they are usually open minded to new stuff. which is cool i guess
>imageboard not an encyclopedia.
fucking wrong newfag
Replies: >>1335
Then let's stop posting and just archive the board.

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im watching the third season of twin peaks and goddamn, it fucking sucks. i never realized just how overrated Lynch is untill now. its postmodern jew trash, just like naked lunch
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it was a long time ago when i read it and it was most likly the biography (not an autobiography, my bad) written by barry miles. i would never read such trash today, but in my younger years i read lots of marxist garbage not really knowing what i was reading. if its the same book, then there are lots passages taken directly from ginsberg’s own diary/memoirs. i remember the book containing lots of first person accounts from ginsberg’s life, written by him and i remember getting about 2/3’s of the way through the book and getting disgusted when ginsberg started talking about his “relationships” with young Indian boys on his trips to India. i put that shit down and never finished it. pretty sure i eventually threw it in the recycling bin with the hope that it might become something useful, instead of pedo, homo erotic filth celebrating gay sex with young boys.
>If he can be accused of anything it's being a hack 
Since you are defending his work, what about it is weak enough that makes you think he could be called a hack?
Replies: >>1244
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>I haven't seen anything that stood out to me as particularly degenerate
Maybe you haven't seen enough of his work?
I think that Miles Mathis is hit or miss and his existence is dubious to begin with, but this came out just today. It's not written by him but he has some funny things to say at the end (pdf).
Replies: >>1227
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The same unchanged themes and style in his auteur works not that I really mind.

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How does this board compare to /film/ on 4chan.org/tv? I can't stand the lack of actual discussion on a topic and there's only arguments about taste and whatnot. Feels like elitism to me.
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Replies: >>974 + 1 earlier
>>967 (OP) 
Fuck off back to cuckchan, faggot.
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Did this board get spammed on 4chan?
We have had waves of new people in the past but they gradually drift away because of the slow pace
Replies: >>980
But if you don't like Godard maybe you're in the right place
You're fine, I welcome more people as long as they're not just shitposters
It does make sense, we've had more activity in the last week than in some months and some comments seem odd in contrast to our normal demeanor in the usually purist imageboard culture, someone probably did mention the board somewhere.
I don't want to behave like a hard boiled outsider here like i do in other boards, so i hope they at least know the basic rule of lurking and homogenizing a bit before brashly posting.

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[JW19 ~ 02/18/2020]
I guess it's kinda off-topic but given the board is slow, I figured out you won't mind my asking.
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I can't stand other non-imageboard communities anymore. Too many faggots who act like they're on Reddit. tfw you'll never have a small group of friends who are really into /film/ and regularly have movie nights
they will learn their lesson the hard way
I tried to mingle around every other site but I ended up on CG and KG forums, which seem like the most "fun", it's nice to have an actual place to discuss and share, specially for me since just moved into southern Italy and film here seems to be dead forgotten. I tried to get a production company based in my town to help my projects but I knocked on their door at their small office and they never opened lol
Guess I need to go guerrilla style from now on
Replies: >>647
>but because they are unorthodox for the board's theme (aka not really classy stuff, Shaw Bros iron flag related)
My current tastes (American classics and ultra-low budget trash) don't really seem like appropriate discussion material. And yeah, I don't have much to say. 

It's fine lurking and just reading other posts every now and then. 
In terms of other sites, no I don't really visit any except a couple private trackers, IMDB and I still sometimes scroll through Letterboxd lists even though I don't have an account.

You should keep pursuing other companies. The world always needs more archivists. It's a bummer when I watch a great film that hasn't seen any other release other than some shit VHS.
[End of Dump JW19 ~ 02/20/2020]

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[JW07 ~ 05/30/2020]
What's the consensus on fan re-edits? Like the Dune edit, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94d77kdmOvU

I've been wanting to put my hands on Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, maybe trim down the running time and move around some awkwardly placed T.V./Movies scenes? But I don't know if it's worth the time so,
If you've seen the film before, let me know what you think, maybe share some things you would've liked to change/see in an edit?
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Replies: >>424 + 1 earlier
The only real use of fan edits is editing adaptations closer to the source material.
Replies: >>425
>>417 (OP) 
>Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, maybe trim down the running time and move around some awkwardly placed T.V./Movies scenes

Interesting. I was checking the fanedits on myspleen and someone made a 3+ hour version of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. He adds an overture and intermission to made it a roadshow cut. I doubt I'd ever watch this, but here are his comments.

<Well after my take on the extended cut of the Hateful 8 available here I decided to get the web download of Tarrantino’s new Once Upon a Time in Hollywood plus the separate special features/extra’s that are available to buy and try and duplicate a form of Roadshow/Extended Cut to mirror my Hateful 8 Extended Cut.
<This is not a straight forward duplicate of the standard theatrical cut, as in the standard cut is 2hrs 41mins and this version is 3hrs 7mins around 26mins longer.
<How did I achieve this fan edit, well I inserted all the available deleted scenes back into the movie as well as inserting a Overture, an Intermission and 2 of the 60’s made tv commercials that Tarrantino made but didn’t make the final cut.
<The run of the movie is an overture followed by a Red Apple advertisement before the movie kicks in, the overture title card I created and tried to make it look bas
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Replies: >>425
That's the part I was missing, I knew composites were fine, I just felt a bit assblasted by QT.

I was trying to find a movie (this is an understatement, I am going insane trying to find this) from the early 2000's and ended up looking through the entire wikipedia list of movies released by year, then ended up in Independent lists, at least 1/4th of every Indie movie released between 2002 and 2007 is Star Wars, I was surprised.  
Fuck it, can I make a "name this film" thread? I've posted in every other site, no one knows about the one I'm looking for, maybe /film/ will lend a  hand?
Replies: >>426
>can I make a "name this film" thread
Go ahead, not much else going on in this board
[End of Dump JW07 ~  06/04/2020]

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[JW01 ~ 08/24/2019]

There aren't many people here, but this bunker needs more content. Post something interesting that doesn't fit into other threads.
Last edited by 11811
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>alternate title 
Maybe. Do you know of any other monster movies featuring giant cicadas? I'm also wondering if it wasn't originally released in English especially since Dio sounds like a Spanish name. I think it would be "Hombres cigarras de la luna"?
Replies: >>3030
>Do you know of any other monster movies featuring giant cicadas?
Not anything that seem close to Cicada Men from the Moon. I found a few modern ones, Cicada! and The Attack of the Giant Cicada from Outer Space, which clearly aren't it.  There's also The Beast Within from 1982, which seems to feature a cicada monster, but that's definitely not it either.
>I'm also wondering if it wasn't originally released in English especially since Dio sounds like a Spanish name.
I was thinking it might be an Italian movie. I knew there was the goombah gangster Johnny DIo, although I just looked it up and his real surname was actually "Dioguardi." It doesn't seem like "Dio" is a very common last name. 

I wonder if anyone at the Classic Horror Film Board would know anything about the movie. A lot of those people seem have encyclopedic knowledge of those kind of movies. You'd think there would at least be some search engine results from the site bringing up a mention of it if that were the case though.

Maybe it's not a real movie, but the picture sure could pass as a real VHS screenshot of a '60s B-movie. It's not detailed, so it's also hard to tell where it was shot. With that arid-looking environment it could have been in Western U.S. or Southern Europe.

This whole thing is strange.
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>(I wasn't impressed by this film)
It was one of the first i saw when i started my film journey and i agree that it wasn't impressive at all other than the car chase which actually felt underwhelming initially after being hyped as the best thing. Later on i have to say the cinematography is pretty decent, the use of natural light and cool chiaroscuro in gloomy settings did stuck but i didn't appreciate it that much back then.
But the acting and story weren't that great, who knows how it got an Oscar in one of the most competitive eras of Hollywood, i dare to say the other Friedkin movies were more compelling.
>Nigger censored
Honestly the "Americans Worship..." copypasta is becoming less of a hyperbole satire and more of a reality, shame on Criterion but i am not surprised seeing how they got co-opt by the mental minority-appeasing tactics
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Interesting comments
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