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A thread to discuss and share books about films. 

Pic related is "The Film Book" by DK Publishing. I love picture books from DK when I was small, and now being an adult, I bought a physical copy of this. It consists of general knowledge about the history of cinema, how a film is made, and the large part of the book is about genres, cinema from different countries, top 100 directors and top 100 films.
The book is not too in-depth and doesn't feature anything too obscure. It works well as a beginner guide for film enthusiasts. A lot of non-Hollywood films and directors are featured so it's a plus. The book is contained in a tin box and presented really nicely (like all DK products).
Anyway, I saw this laughable 1-star rating on Goodreads:
"...no Tarantino in the list of directors?! REALLY!?! And no Pulp Fiction in the list of best movies?! REALLY!?!"

Hope this thread will help us find more reading materials and more films/directors to watch.
Dudley Andrew's books on Andre Bazin and Deleuze's books on cinema
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I just started reading this book on Raul Ruiz. I'd never looked into his personal history before but it's interesting to see how his style developed. One thing I'd like to read about is his choice of anachronistic, melodramatic music cues that add to the disorienting nature of his films.
Fucking hell i never remade the film resource thread, thanks for making it i forgot about it.
Guess i'll dump some books from the old place sometime later.
Replies: >>986
Thanks for your contribution. I'd love to see more books about horror films too.
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Any good books about film making? I've already read pic related, looking for something similar. Preferably by people outside of Hollywood.
I've been reading introduction to a true history of cinema and television (caboose english version) while trying to watch godard chronologically. also reading harocki's godard book, speaking about godard. i'm at la chinoise now. any recs on other good books on godard?
Replies: >>2171
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Does somebody know of a decent uploading service? i used AnonFiles but they pulled a good one on me and deleted 10+gb despite being under a user due to i suppose lack of downloads, so there goes using it as an official library.
I want to give Mega a try due to not taking down anything from me, or that anon who posted that one controversial german girl robot movie, but i think they check your IP for amount of accounts linked there but i could be wrong. 
I have a hand grenade of a couple hundred books ranging some of the technical sides of movies (filmmaking) and i know if i don't do it soon i won't until much later.

>any recs
You could try staying sane and not watching him but there's a widely circulated PDF called The Films of Jean-Luc Godard: Seeing the Invisible. 
Can't say if it is good but if there's something about Godard fans is that they know very well how to spin his work into seeming mostly interesting rather than okayish.
Replies: >>2174
thanks for the rec. 
not sure if mega tracks IP, i always use it for uploading stuff for people. I must have tens of accounts by now
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