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Is there an m3u8 out there where kino is streamed? I see there are plenty of mainstream tv/movies that have a 24/7 stream out there. There are even the shoutfactory streams for CG-type content.

Is there one for KG-adjacent movies? Or would any generous soul be interested in making one?

>inb4 just download and watch
I'm just hoping for the /comfy/ feeling of tuning in and discovering something new.
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>The chat amounts to everyone in the audience constantly texting during the movie.

Yeah. I hate those twitch-type zoomer streams too. The kind i meant is where there's only a .m3u file and you gotta open it with VLC/mpv. No chat, no bloated js.

In the chan-ring, i only know of 7ch having a (video) stream of this sort. lain has audio-only music streams.
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What does it take to make one? My connection isn't good enough to do much uploading.
Replies: >>3264
Good comprehensive guide on setting up a live streaming server:

With ffmpeg, you can hardcode subtitles using a parameter so that the stream has subs.
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I would really recommend 'Two Headed Spy', a film about Major Scotland, a British spy planted in the German army after WWI, who rose to become Lieutenant General of Logistics under Hitler.  Despite what's in the movie, he had a radio, not a contact, according to the book, and made sure the Germans:

- didn't have invasion barges after Dunkirk;
- didn't have winter furs for the Russia campaign;
- didn't have enough fuel for the Battle of the Bulge, and;
- told the allies where the German supply dumps were after the Normandy landings, so they bombed them.  Without supplies the Germans couldn't hold the line.
That well placed spy achieved so much.

It used to be available here:  


But archive.org is down.  If you can find it I recommend the book.
Replies: >>3397
>That well placed spy achieved so much.
Changed the world although one of those changes we don't know if it was for the good or for the worse

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What does /film/ think of AI video? Talk the future of it or lack thereof, filmmakers' perspectives, aesthetic criticism, etc.
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What is this referencing? Gay Cowboys from the Outer Range?
Replies: >>3386
It's an attempt to create a scene from a still from Tears of the Black Tiger - not a good video but I don't have a lot of Runway credits to burn
I'm stopped using Hailou since they required a google login but the results are so much better I'm going to have to bite the bullet and find a way to use it
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Real or fake?

You can't tell without checking
>The Fifth Element with '50s aesthetics
Please tell us you've got a link to this trailer.

>The value of art is not how much it costs and how little effort it requires, it’s how much would you risk to be in its presence.
IOW only risky art is valuable? What is his point?
Replies: >>3396
The first half of his statement makes sense but the rest sounds silly

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Almost everything has a slant, a bias, a nauseating moral tale behind that makes the act of watching unbearable once you're old and receptive. Terrible characters with terrible motivations, fake love stories, manichean villains, clumsy writing… the dreaded sense of being preached for 2 hours. I would go to the church or read the news if I wanted that.

To me the only good films are those where all pretense is abandoned like a whore on the side of the road; films where the director embarks it almost like a scientific experiment, deprived of tropes, where the characters have their own motivation and not those of the director/writer/politics of the time. Abstraction, simplification; expression limited to stylistic & narrative choices. Nonexistent psychological studies; characters should be like microbes under the microscope of the filmmaker -absolute objectivity in the writing aspect.

Something like Un Flic by Jean Pierre Melville is the perfect example of a film deprived of all the ills that plague the medium. Only films like these are the ones I can watch without feeling repulsive afterwards.
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Replies: >>2399 >>3395 + 3 earlier
I'm going to say that there isn't despite hating them because it is sure to upset you.
>>1710 (OP) 
It seems you have problems with moralization? At least partially. 

I think part of this is, the "will of power" of artists to change reality according to their beliefs and values. Even popular film reviewers seem to want to make films "more moral". As in; "I want to create a society that is more beneficial to what I perceive my best interests to be."
Why Modern Movies Suck - They Teach Us Awful Lessons
The Critical Drinker 

Another rather similar thought is; what I think is, the honest belief amongst people that others thinking for themselves is dangerous to them or what they value in some way, and must be destroyed. 

Also: https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Moralfag
Replies: >>2400 >>2401
*will to power
>films "more moral". As in; "I want to create a society that is more beneficial to what I perceive my best interests to be."
Ironically that's the artist's personal reflection on his work, many like to put their values into their work, others prefer to showcase things as is ("realism") but problem is how to do such things. 
It's the case of doctrines around the "show don't tell" and "character/context consistency" a director and the writer have to do, in modern mainstream films for cattle these aspects are done poorly with many "lessons" being done telling but not showing but when they do show it the context the film was building itself around bends or stop existing to cater to said consequential actions that don't seem like consequences but inventions made out of thin air and annexed.

Capeshit, to use a popular example, is chuck filled with this kind of antics but the nigger cattle ignores it for the sake of the romanticized ending, an example would be Spiderman 2, considered a classic in the genre but with a frankly horrible ending not even kids with consciousness could eat back in the day. The other popular examples of this do the other way, they "subvert" or create an anti-thesis of said effect but end up being as horrible because they do not build anything to create the necessary context to show it, they merely do the same but in the ending they
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Going at this three years later since I can feel what OP was going for.
>>1710 (OP) 
You are facing a huge problem. Movies are a cultural medium and very often used in a controlling way to wedge an overall message. They easily tend to be preachy. It has only gotten worse while there was much less of that when the world was more free and the cinema still ventured in odd directions.
Watching movies of characters and their slice of life, doing their thing throughout the movie and sticking to what they are, good or wrong, without even looking like the screenwriter and director cared at all about how people would react to their movies, that's the way to go. So you have to look at independent movies from non-American markets. American movies LOVE having a moral message, they're always lecturing the audience like little kids. The crime and noir genres are obviously going to allow characters be on the rim of a society and just live their lives without caring much about judgemental opinions of the rest of society and thus in a meta way, of how the movie would be perceived by the real world people.  It also has two other advantages, that of being exotic because most people don't live in the crime world, and being realistic too because it involves real people, not monsters or ethereal phenomena or even futuristic themes. Horror movies could also be like that sometimes because they often focused on stupid exc
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Vague enough title to hopefully allow for a broader discussion, which films made you sit and think, either about the content or the commentary that it creates?

Pic related elephant man, ie Joseph Merrick sparked my interest in historical treatment of "freaks" that are suffering medical conditions, it is a difficult one because his finances relied upon people coming to see him to fulfil their curiosities but when Britain became too sensitive for that he had to travel abroad to find work and suffered for it
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Is there anything like nobodytm or randy prozac now? Absurdist videos that are critical of modernity rather than worshiping it? I really liked some of nobody's work in particular.
Burden didn't do it for me.
good share. straight from the ether
Well, if i may meddle, for me the films that made me think and change permanently were Miike's Ichi the Killer and KWWong's Ashes of Time.
Not because of their plot, ideas or content but because they bend and invent their own rules in terms of cinematography and visuals. In this case it's more of a meta thing that made me thunk.
Miike is a mixture of knowledge in unorthodox photography and wing-it on-the-fly attitude in solutions to his busy filming schedule, while Wong uses many sequences based on old ideas and even ripped off at times (moving backgrounds, dynamic lighting, spinning cage from Macario) but teaming up with a sophisticated character like Mark Lee or a maverick savant like Christopher Doyle really potentiated said ideas into overdrive. 
Ichi was my first exposure to this kind of camera work while Ashes was a heavily-condensed single dose of it.
Replies: >>3174
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Pandorum, especially the ending

the bit about the stars having died off hit me because I struggle with keeping track of time and I hate being taken off guard, so when I imagined sleeping untill the universe went cold and dark felt a bit lonely

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[JW02 ~ 04/16/2020]
A thread to post and request good documentaries on the variety of subjects.

I'll start with some choice docus on ancient Egypt. All are selected for quality of presentation, study of subject as well as absence of current year agendas, we wuz kangz niggers etc.

Romer's Egypt (3 episodes; 1982) and Ancient Lives (4 episodes; 1984) – the finest and quintessential ancient Egypt presentation; a soothing, in-depth look into ancient Egypt’s life and culture. It has that unmistakable classy 80s look that elevates it above the rest.

Egypt: Beyond the Pyramids (4 episodes; 2001) – somewhat similar to Romer’s; not as in-depth or classy but still an enjoyable watch.

The Robot, The Dentist and the Pyramid (1 episode; 2020) – an excellent amateur documentary about the latest attempt to explore the shaft of the Great Pyramid.
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Glorious. Thanks Anon!
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I watched Paul Verhoeven's TV documentary on Anton Mussert, the Dutch fascist leader nominally in charge of the Netherlands under WWII German occupation. Though Mussert is referenced in dictionary definitions of words like "traitor",  Verhoeven gives the man a sympathetic hearing, interviewing plenty of devoted supporters in their old age interspersed with mild criticism.

Mussert was an interesting figure, a civil engineer turned political activist. An admirer of Italian fascism's ability to create order out of societal chaos, he mimicked that movement in the Netherlands with marginal popularity. He saw Hitler as transformational figure sent by God, but the Nazi invasion that elevated Mussert into national office was monkey's paw wish fulfillment. The Netherlands gained virtually nothing but hardship under the NSDAP. Dutch soldiers gave an oath of absolute loyalty to Hitler before going to fight the Soviets on the brutal Eastern Front. Mussert functioned as little more than a figurehead, clashing with Himmler's subservient view of his nation, and his advocacy for Dutch interests was ignored by the Germans. Even worse, after the war Mussert was arrested and executed for his collaboration, the tragic end of an idealist thrust into a hopeless situation.

Replies: >>3176
Sounds like it could be worth a watch.
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Exactly as I do!

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Because cinema needs this type of character. All suggestions are welcome.
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>he's part spanish i think 
Might as well count half latin america in that case. He's a pretty decent actor but his roles are very usually immersed in stories which are retarded given the known context, particularly Sicario which is dumb as rocks, a canadian director trying to tell a story about seasoned american operatives vs. paramilitary cartel members roaming a compact city unknown to the former party in which everything unfolds nothing like logic and history would suppose.
Traffic is also retarded, Del Toro is usually one of the high points in the stuff he appears tho, no doubt about it.
>anyone who disagrees with my retardation must be a kike
Replies: >>3387
>my retardation
nobody considers kikes to be white wake up from your foreskin blood inebriation moshe
Replies: >>3388
Clear case of the pot calling the kettle a nigger considering kikes have elevated rates of mental illness.
This thread is a firm example of how /pol/ ruins everything it touches.

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The Russians are great at art. This is a thread for their crafts, mainly films/tv, but other interesting forms of art are welcome too.
The Criterion's restoration of War and Peace is simply gorgeous.
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The only part of Days of Eclipse that worked for me was the transcendental final 15 minutes or so. Other that it was a frustrating film, the most tedious Strugatsky adaptation, yet it seems to be a well-regarded effort from Sokurov with a fair amount of glowing reviews.
I'm open to other Sokurov recs. I've seen Russian Ark obviously but nothing else.
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Watched this recently. Good Russian war movie with a very small bit of the supernatural mixed in.
Replies: >>3318
I love this one
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This crazy monologue when your girl denies you sex.
Man, I love Russian movies.
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 THE FALL OF OTRAR new restoration premieres Oct 12 at NYFF

>Ardak Amirkulov’s staggering historical epic (co-written by Aleksei German) concerns the intrigues and turmoil preceding Genghis Khan’s systematic destruction of the lost East Asian civilization of Otrar. The movie that spurred the extraordinary wave of great Kazakh films in the 1990s, The Fall of Otrar is hallucinatory, visually resplendent, and ferociously energetic, packed with eye-catching (and gouging) detail and traversing an endless variety of parched, epic landscapes and ornate palaces. But this is also one of the most astute historical films ever made, its high quotient of gore grounded in the bedrock realities of realpolitik: when the Kharkhan of Otrar is finally brought before the Ruler of the World, he could be facing Stalin or, for that matter, any number of latter-day CEOs. A movie that has everything, from state-of-the-art 13th-century warfare to perfumed sex, The Fall of Otrar is truly a one-of-a-kind experience.

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Hello anons, what were your top flicks of the year 2022?
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Replies: >>3331
I don't think so (but I'm not on there much myself)
2023 r5 c3 is Lubo (Giorgio Diritti)
Replies: >>3332
thank you.
2018 C1 R5 is 13 Summers Underwater (Wiktoria Szymańska)

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Welcome to the new board
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I'm also here but I stopped watching films a few years ago so I have nothing to post
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>I'm not film-educated enough to write a long review of any film
A couple who used the board 10 years ago weren't either, as long as you are sincere i don't think anyone will bat an eye, anything that expands our view is good.

I am starting to get an idea to device a small post format so anyone can very quickly report back anything they've seen/read related to us, like a data sheet/bok report form, but kinda makes things a bit more mechanized/dumbed down which is against the whole idea... still i think it can also wake a bit more curiosity from some of us as long as we don't replace or force our actual long-winded ideas within that.
Replies: >>3348 >>3349
I think it could be a good idea, having a sort of form for interesting points to note from a film. Of course people can always elaborate more in the post if they want. If a film is not interesting enough they could just talk without filling the "form".
Replies: >>3357
>A couple who used the board 10 years ago weren't either
Care to share? You piqued my curiosity. 

What movie is that screenshot from?
Replies: >>3357
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>If a film is not interesting enough they could just talk without filling the "form".
I mean if someone doesn't want to talk extensively about something they didn't like that much or don't have the time they can just fill a quick form about the thing they saw, on the contrary if they liked it i suppose they can always elaborate more as you mentioned.
The form is like those small card synopsis one saw in libraries to very quickly check the inventory without having to see book by book.
Am i old enough to say i visited libraries with old school systems? it wasn't that long ago i swear

>Care to share?
I suppose it can be seen in some threads from one of the /film/ shelters that migrated old stuff, i think we still have one of those around. Checking a bit there's the first "comment on last film seen" thread post-4cham located in the mummy of the old site, may allah forgive me for daring to utter this name, 8kun. 
Saying they weren't educated enough is being unfair, anons probably are better back then than me today, their brevity and straight to the point emphasis is notable hence my intention to say you don't need long-winded texts if you don't want to do them, discovering new things and feedback is the intention.

>What movie is that screenshot from?
Just a silly idiosyncratic music video, 1984's Hyperactive by Thomas Dolby and Daniel Kleinman aka CGI director for James Bond intros.
Started seeing/listening again to Dolby recently because he's being blacklisted for wrongthink again and i remembered he had some really interesting ideas behind his bitching tracks. 
I like that his cultivated image by the media of being a real nerd pop star got trashed and forgotten the day he started voicing scientists/researchers were overly dogmatic and not open-minded enough for research work to begin with. I don't know why he got so much heat, after all his most famous song shows scientists as either conmen, deranged or lobotomized by their peers.
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We can all agree they're reddit right?
Had two normalfags in class bring it up in their project, Part of me even wanted to step out of my comfort zone and go "Haha EPIC I too have seen films that are part of the Criterion Collection!" but thankfully didn't. 
In addition to the fact that towards the end of 2020 when they dropped a physical release bomb or something dozens of people made exposure videos that all got hundreds of thousands of views, we can all agree that as of 2020, they are officially Reddit right? Maybe in the 2010's they were obscure enough to be relegated to only cuckchan tier but now that normalfags jump up in excitement at the name, we can just confirm that it's reddit right?
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Criterion is now showcasing the finest in dollar bin DVDs?
Most of their promotion focuses on the fact that a nonwhite woman directed it
Thanks for the bump 2 years later fagola.
Unironically Kino Lober is still good but it and Janus are probably just gonna go the way of Criterion soon too before 2030/by 2030 if we're lucky.
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June releases, along with the usual shit, includes the Mexinoir Victims of Sin which was previously available in poor quality dvd or a cropped widescreen web-dl.
Replies: >>3279
There's plenty of decent mex shit that needs re-release and they go with Emilio Fernandez again, Criterion just loves their commies but even so there's pro-Insurgency/anti-gov stuff around that deserves some treatment if they want to scratch that itch
Looks like they're finally giving Happiness an HD release. Crazy it took this long for something better than an old non-anamorphic DVD to come out. I just hope they don't fuck it up somehow.

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