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So I'm a big fan of the genre, trying to gather the best examples.

Indiana Jones trilogy as well as Young Indiana Jones chronicles – goes without saying these are the best.

The Mummy 1, 2 – probably the next best thing. Just all around well made wholesome entertainment.

Armor of God 2 – so Jackie Chan wanted to make his version of Indiana Jones and I have to say he succeeded.  It's great both as a Jackie film and a treasure seeking film. The first Armor of God is also alright but it's always been a bit too dry and boring for me, especially in comparison to the sequel.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – I was actually surprised how decent this was for what it is. Surprisingly well-made. Peak Jolie too. The sequel is kinda crap and what you'd actually expect from something like this, and the NuBoot should be avoided like plague.

The Adventures of Tintin – despite being obnoxious in-your-face 3D, it eventually grows on you and definitely scratches that globe-trotting treasure-hunting itch real good. I wish this was made earlier when Spilerberg was still a real director.

National treasure – it's kinda silly and derivative, being a Yidsney movie for younger audiences, but the first film just about passes as enjoyable and well enough made which was still a thing in 2004.
Replies: >>1919 >>2322
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>>1918 (OP) 
>The first Armor of God is also alright but it's always been a bit too dry and boring for me
Jack Chan almost died in the first days and had to keep recording later on with a wine cork up in his head, they didn't make it like they wanted to AFAIK because they had to let go of some actors too, Cynthia Rothrock for example.
>Jewish Power Fantasies
>these are the best.
Come on buddy, first Mummy cleans the floor with some of them. The others i can't say but the first Tomb Raider i saw in theaters and was deeply disappointed at it, just like with that Inspector Gadget movie with the horrible Mattjew Broderick.
Angelina was indeed in her prime but i still prefer the original Lara, and the Gen 7 3D model? my goodness...

Also maybe not treasure-hunting nor that globe-trotting but Lawrence of Arabia is always a good option to see in this genre.
Replies: >>1920
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>Jack Chan almost died in the first days and had to keep recording later on with a wine cork up in his head
Yeah I know its history. I think even if they made it the way they wanted to it still would have been too dry. At least for my taste. It just doesn't have that great adventure feel of part 2. It does however have the best theme song performed by Jackie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM-25uUQqRw
>Come on buddy, first Mummy cleans the floor with some of them
It's not a contest anon. There would be no Mummy without Indy.
>The others i can't say but the first Tomb Raider i saw in theaters and was deeply disappointed at it
You need to rewatch it then. Like I said I was surprised how decent it was. It's photographed and directed really well and is pretty fun. By todays standards it's an actual film.
>Angelina was indeed in her prime but i still prefer the original Lara
I mean, nobody was comparing them. Jolie was a good choice for the part out of major stars of the day.
>the Gen 7 3D model
You mean the PS3 one? I prefer the PS2 one.
>Lawrence of Arabia
It's great but doesn't really fit here.
Replies: >>1928
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The Phantom fits right in. It was written by one of the Indiana Jones writers so it's only natural. A great adventure film with excellent cinematography, stunts and score.
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>There would be no Mummy without Indy.
Highly debatable, sir, while the influences were there we cannot know how a remake using old school influences would've turned out. Lawrence of Arabia is enough source in terms of technical feats to create the good movie Mummy '99 was.
>By todays standards it's an actual film.
I can agree with that but i can't see it being considered good for my own tastes, who are jaded considering i played the first games.
>You mean the PS3 one? 
Didn't recall those for some reason, i meant the Legend model which was Xbox 360 but also OG Xbox, which sure enough are much more similar to the PS2 ones. Oh lawdy.
>It's great but doesn't really fit here.
Cannot argue with that fact, just mentioned it for quality reasons.
Replies: >>1930
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>Lawrence of Arabia is enough source in terms of technical feats to create the good movie Mummy '99 was.
You're looking at it retroactively, like they would for some reason use Lawrence of Arabia as an standalone inspiration for a Mummy remake because now It comes to mind due to large scope scenes set in the desert. But it is that way only because they wanted to make it a fun mythology action adventure clearly inspired by Indiana Jones. If somebody didn't have the bright idea to turn it into a "swashbuckling" thrill ride a-la Indy it would have likely been a late '90s horror shitflick set in modern times starring Xzibit.
>but i can't see it being considered good for my own tastes, who are jaded considering i played the first games.
I don't see why playing the games would make the film bad. I'm a big fan of the franchise and I liked it, it's pretty decent regardless of whether you played the games or not.
>Didn't recall those for some reason
It's similar but for some reason not as good. But maybe I'm just projecting the game over it, or maybe my pp is just too fond of the night dress.
>i meant the Legend model which was Xbox 360 but also OG Xbox, which sure enough are much more similar to the PS2 ones
It's the same model, Legend came out on PS2 and everything else under the sun.
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There was a detailed shot-by-shot comparison of Indiana Jones with old adventure films/serials that I can't find right now.

Here's a shorter comparison in the same vein

Of course Temple of Doom is a total ripoff of Gunga Din
Replies: >>1932 >>1935
Wasn't that Zorro one from the '30s done years before that? I know Yakima Canutt started off in the silent days.
Replies: >>1933
Dunno, I haven't seen any silent westerns besides Great Train Robbery
Replies: >>1934
I'm going off what I saw in the Hollywood miniseries. I don't have any real interest in Westerns.
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>total rip off
You mean inspired by and clearly trying to evoke the feel and look? That was always blatant and stated openly by the creators. Lucas called Indiana Jones "B movies done with A movie budget".
When you start comparing scenes out of context you can create the narrative of a rip off virtually for everything. Not to mention those old adventure films and serials were "ripping" each other off all the time as well.
DaVinci code
Replies: >>2015
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Replies: >>2134
I always thought it was an interesting concept, but I just associate the name with things white suburban moms like so I never read it or watched the movie. Are either actually good?
Replies: >>2016
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Eh, it's alright. Tom Hanks carries the entire thing as a likeable and believable nerdman. Without him it would be super bland, like countless films exactly like it but shit.
that's supposed to be sharon stone?
Replies: >>2135
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She had different hair in the 80s
But when is the story set, the 1880s?
Replies: >>2137
Still looks nothing like her. I guess she was an unknown to a point that her features weren't recognizable and iconic yet.
>But when is the story set, the 1880s?
Not many planes in 1880s, anon.
Replies: >>2138
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sounds like it's not a faithful adaptation
Replies: >>2139
Naturally. It was made to capitalize on the Indy hype. The original novel is 100% nigger-based.
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One of the primary inspirations for Raiders of the Lost Ark was Otto Rahn, a folklorist author turned SS officer who believed he could find the Holy Grail


Richard Stanley made a documentary on Otto Rahn entitled The Secret Glory

Replies: >>2278
TL;DR on this?
Replies: >>2323
>>1918 (OP) 

Agreed, it's very wholesome and soulful, poggers!
Literature should be mandatory for film buffs.
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