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[JW07 ~ 05/30/2020]
What's the consensus on fan re-edits? Like the Dune edit, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94d77kdmOvU

I've been wanting to put my hands on Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, maybe trim down the running time and move around some awkwardly placed T.V./Movies scenes? But I don't know if it's worth the time so,
If you've seen the film before, let me know what you think, maybe share some things you would've liked to change/see in an edit?
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Replies: >>424 + 1 earlier
The only real use of fan edits is editing adaptations closer to the source material.
Replies: >>425
>>417 (OP) 
>Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, maybe trim down the running time and move around some awkwardly placed T.V./Movies scenes

Interesting. I was checking the fanedits on myspleen and someone made a 3+ hour version of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. He adds an overture and intermission to made it a roadshow cut. I doubt I'd ever watch this, but here are his comments.

<Well after my take on the extended cut of the Hateful 8 available here I decided to get the web download of Tarrantino’s new Once Upon a Time in Hollywood plus the separate special features/extra’s that are available to buy and try and duplicate a form of Roadshow/Extended Cut to mirror my Hateful 8 Extended Cut.
<This is not a straight forward duplicate of the standard theatrical cut, as in the standard cut is 2hrs 41mins and this version is 3hrs 7mins around 26mins longer.
<How did I achieve this fan edit, well I inserted all the available deleted scenes back into the movie as well as inserting a Overture, an Intermission and 2 of the 60’s made tv commercials that Tarrantino made but didn’t make the final cut.
<The run of the movie is an overture followed by a Red Apple advertisement before the movie kicks in, the overture title card I created and tried to make it look bas
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Replies: >>425
That's the part I was missing, I knew composites were fine, I just felt a bit assblasted by QT.

I was trying to find a movie (this is an understatement, I am going insane trying to find this) from the early 2000's and ended up looking through the entire wikipedia list of movies released by year, then ended up in Independent lists, at least 1/4th of every Indie movie released between 2002 and 2007 is Star Wars, I was surprised.  
Fuck it, can I make a "name this film" thread? I've posted in every other site, no one knows about the one I'm looking for, maybe /film/ will lend a  hand?
Replies: >>426
>can I make a "name this film" thread
Go ahead, not much else going on in this board
[End of Dump JW07 ~  06/04/2020]

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[JW01 ~ 08/24/2019]

There aren't many people here, but this bunker needs more content. Post something interesting that doesn't fit into other threads.
Last edited by 11811
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>alternate title 
Maybe. Do you know of any other monster movies featuring giant cicadas? I'm also wondering if it wasn't originally released in English especially since Dio sounds like a Spanish name. I think it would be "Hombres cigarras de la luna"?
Replies: >>3030
>Do you know of any other monster movies featuring giant cicadas?
Not anything that seem close to Cicada Men from the Moon. I found a few modern ones, Cicada! and The Attack of the Giant Cicada from Outer Space, which clearly aren't it.  There's also The Beast Within from 1982, which seems to feature a cicada monster, but that's definitely not it either.
>I'm also wondering if it wasn't originally released in English especially since Dio sounds like a Spanish name.
I was thinking it might be an Italian movie. I knew there was the goombah gangster Johnny DIo, although I just looked it up and his real surname was actually "Dioguardi." It doesn't seem like "Dio" is a very common last name. 

I wonder if anyone at the Classic Horror Film Board would know anything about the movie. A lot of those people seem have encyclopedic knowledge of those kind of movies. You'd think there would at least be some search engine results from the site bringing up a mention of it if that were the case though.

Maybe it's not a real movie, but the picture sure could pass as a real VHS screenshot of a '60s B-movie. It's not detailed, so it's also hard to tell where it was shot. With that arid-looking environment it could have been in Western U.S. or Southern Europe.

This whole thing is strange.
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>(I wasn't impressed by this film)
It was one of the first i saw when i started my film journey and i agree that it wasn't impressive at all other than the car chase which actually felt underwhelming initially after being hyped as the best thing. Later on i have to say the cinematography is pretty decent, the use of natural light and cool chiaroscuro in gloomy settings did stuck but i didn't appreciate it that much back then.
But the acting and story weren't that great, who knows how it got an Oscar in one of the most competitive eras of Hollywood, i dare to say the other Friedkin movies were more compelling.
>Nigger censored
Honestly the "Americans Worship..." copypasta is becoming less of a hyperbole satire and more of a reality, shame on Criterion but i am not surprised seeing how they got co-opt by the mental minority-appeasing tactics
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