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[JW02 ~ 04/16/2020]
A thread to post and request good documentaries on the variety of subjects.

I'll start with some choice docus on ancient Egypt. All are selected for quality of presentation, study of subject as well as absence of current year agendas, we wuz kangz niggers etc.

Romer's Egypt (3 episodes; 1982) and Ancient Lives (4 episodes; 1984) – the finest and quintessential ancient Egypt presentation; a soothing, in-depth look into ancient Egypt’s life and culture. It has that unmistakable classy 80s look that elevates it above the rest.

Egypt: Beyond the Pyramids (4 episodes; 2001) – somewhat similar to Romer’s; not as in-depth or classy but still an enjoyable watch.

The Robot, The Dentist and the Pyramid (1 episode; 2020) – an excellent amateur documentary about the latest attempt to explore the shaft of the Great Pyramid.
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I don't quite understand why certain stoics being fake affects anything today. Maybe I need to watch the video again, but what is the sinister purpose of inventing such a fraud? The lack of heroism and nobility in our current time is not due to an widespread devotion to stoicism. I'm curious who concocted this theory in the first place.
Glorious. Thanks Anon!
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I watched Paul Verhoeven's TV documentary on Anton Mussert, the Dutch fascist leader nominally in charge of the Netherlands under WWII German occupation. Though Mussert is referenced in dictionary definitions of words like "traitor",  Verhoeven gives the man a sympathetic hearing, interviewing plenty of devoted supporters in their old age interspersed with mild criticism.

Mussert was an interesting figure, a civil engineer turned political activist. An admirer of Italian fascism's ability to create order out of societal chaos, he mimicked that movement in the Netherlands with marginal popularity. He saw Hitler as transformational figure sent by God, but the Nazi invasion that elevated Mussert into national office was monkey's paw wish fulfillment. The Netherlands gained virtually nothing but hardship under the NSDAP. Dutch soldiers gave an oath of absolute loyalty to Hitler before going to fight the Soviets on the brutal Eastern Front. Mussert functioned as little more than a figurehead, clashing with Himmler's subservient view of his nation, and his advocacy for Dutch interests was ignored by the Germans. Even worse, after the war Mussert was arrested and executed for his collaboration, the tragic end of an idealist thrust into a hopeless situation.

Replies: >>3176
Sounds like it could be worth a watch.
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[JW21 ~ 01/12/2020]
Growing up I always enjoyed watching films, but when I got older I started studying film and it tainted my movie-going experience permanently. It used to be that movies had a magical, escapist quality to them for me. But now when I watch a movie I can't help but criticize and analyse it in my mind. I can't stop myself from being taken out of immersion. It's no longer a fun past time, but a chore.

It's very frustrating for me, because I just want to get absorbed into a story and forget about everything for 90 minutes, but I can't. Has anyone else here faced this problem?
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go back to cuckchan
Replies: >>1271
I was on cuckchan before you were born.
Happened to me, that's why i started posting on /film/ because i had very few friends in contact whom i could talk about it. Had the luck to have one that recommended me decent stuff at an early age but it wasn't until college that i could find likeminded people, they are still top-tier friends but even before this pandemic i rarely could talk about movies because they got sucked into work life, paying taxes and such.
And to make things worse i don't watch films anymore, i download them but never sit down to watch them due to my eternal college struggles and sidetracking with other hobbies. I did watch some low-brow stuff and somewhat got fond of it hence why i will start a thread about it in the near future to dump in some observations about certain aspects, peasant action cinema does have some redeemable qualities in its technical aspects along with unorthodox procedures to cut costs.
It really depends, if its a movie i want to take seriously and i will watch it alone, there are other movies though that aren't very good and the only enjoyment you'll get out of them is by sharing the experience.
Wine sounds pretty gay, in any case i do the same but with the devil's lettuce, fun times too.
Watch fan-films that take chances...
STAR TREK Fan Film "The Lost Starship" | Tales From The Neutral Zone

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[JW06 ~ 05/10/2020]
Post about movies that generated controversy. While I leave this thread open to controversial content such as graphic violence, sex, or political thought, I want to remind anons to consider controversial direction as well such as pic related.
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>It's on netflix
POZZING red alert

You should watch that axis miniseries about soldiers which is in german with subs, you'll have to look around I can't remember it. It was pretty damn good.
Replies: >>954
Is it "Generation War"?
Replies: >>962
Yeah that's the one, It had some retarded kike shit in it though but it was decent lol
Replies: >>964
I read through the plot on wiki. There is some retarded stuff indeed, and no lack of melodramatic situations. I'll check it out regardless, thanks.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

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Vague enough title to hopefully allow for a broader discussion, which films made you sit and think, either about the content or the commentary that it creates?

Pic related elephant man, ie Joseph Merrick sparked my interest in historical treatment of "freaks" that are suffering medical conditions, it is a difficult one because his finances relied upon people coming to see him to fulfil their curiosities but when Britain became too sensitive for that he had to travel abroad to find work and suffered for it
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Please tell us more
Is there anything like nobodytm or randy prozac now? Absurdist videos that are critical of modernity rather than worshiping it? I really liked some of nobody's work in particular.
Burden didn't do it for me.
good share. straight from the ether
Well, if i may meddle, for me the films that made me think and change permanently were Miike's Ichi the Killer and KWWong's Ashes of Time.
Not because of their plot, ideas or content but because they bend and invent their own rules in terms of cinematography and visuals. In this case it's more of a meta thing that made me thunk.
Miike is a mixture of knowledge in unorthodox photography and wing-it on-the-fly attitude in solutions to his busy filming schedule, while Wong uses many sequences based on old ideas and even ripped off at times (moving backgrounds, dynamic lighting, spinning cage from Macario) but teaming up with a sophisticated character like Mark Lee or a maverick savant like Christopher Doyle really potentiated said ideas into overdrive. 
Ichi was my first exposure to this kind of camera work while Ashes was a heavily-condensed single dose of it.
Replies: >>3174
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Hello anons, what were your top flicks of the year 2022?
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Replies: >>3152 + 1 earlier
you should take another look, especially at classic German films. you don't seem know much about it
>>2792 (OP) 
any chance we'll get a 2023 list?
Replies: >>3165
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Is Helene some kind of french berber?
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Replies: >>3173
Thanks, these are always the best starting place to review the past year

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The Unabomber Ted Kazinski just died. What are some films that feature the beauty of the natural world?
Replies: >>3136
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Stemple Pass is the obvious choice for a Ted K tribute
Replies: >>2996
Thanks Anon, I didn't know about that. Having a hard time finding a seeder.
Workingman’s Death doesn’t feature beauty of nature but it has similar themes to his work. It has a more realistic outlook than his mutterings.
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>>2993 (OP) 
Le tortorsky

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(You) are cordially invited to the second annual
Another curated selection of video game movies will be played for your amusement. Some of them good, most of them bad, a handful so-bad-it's-good.
WHERE: https://cytu.be/r/vidyamovies
WHEN: November 25 & 26, 2023
Times are approximate and may be rounded up/down for convenience. Please arrive 10 minutes before the actual listed showtime.


The fight to save the world is on!
6:00 AM PT / 9:00 AM ET / 2:00 PM GMT

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Now playing: The Wizard
Replies: >>3130
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Now playing: Alone in the Dark
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Now playing: Sin: The Movie (Encore)
Thanks to everyone who showed up! What was the best and worst movie shown this weekend?
I might do something around Christmas or New Year's for just one day, as the pool of good or even moderately enjoyable vidya movies has quickly thinned down. If you have any suggestions please make them here.
I don't go to stream events, but The Wizard is kino.

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and lightweight gifs
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Names of first three? I recognize Cranes are flying
Replies: >>2930
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Napoleon at the Tomb of Frederick the Great

painting vs film
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Have any of you guys seen this? I only found out about these two Ellis Island subversives recently. Now I see there's a movie about them (probably very sympathetic). Maybe the anti-communist scenes are good though.
Replies: >>3052
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The same director made a movie about the Italian invasion of Ethiopia starring Nicholas Cage! I don't know why I never heard of this before.

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Does the community on Cinematik or Cinemageddon actively discuss cinema ? I am on secret-cinema but I do not see them discussing , maybe their discussion forum thread is locked for higher class user, Moreover is Cinematik or Cinemageddon recruiting ?
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>"This account has been disabled"
Welp, now i know
I saw the thread but didn't have time to read much of it.  What other sites use Unit3D?
Replies: >>3016
many of the shit-tier ones go for it because it's incredibly easy to set up. But it's a bloated mess with close to zero improvement to UX over the gazelle ones - only offering a shiny netflix-esque interface. It's impossible to compare rips since every torrent has its own page and the search is genuinely shit.

Any site that uses it also becomes dead in terms of forums. Among the popular ones - BHD, BLU, Aither, Concertos, Asiancinema, TVCuk and a ton of shitrackers use it.
Replies: >>3033
it seems to be getting more and more popular. the age of comfy trackers is over
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I like they are allowing Asian uploads. I was disabled for inactivity from http://asiancinema.me/

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Hey all, what are some films similar to these two?
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Replies: >>2870
Are you forgetting about his (Caden's) mental illness(es)? Check this out:

>Repetition compulsion is a psychological phenomenon in which a person repeats an event or its circumstances over and over again. This includes re-enacting the event or putting oneself in situations where the event is likely to happen again. This "re-living" can also take the form of dreams in which memories and feelings of what happened are repeated, and even hallucinated.

>Repetition compulsion can also be used to cover the repetition of behaviour or life patterns more broadly: a "key component in Freud's understanding of mental life, 'repetition compulsion' ... describes the pattern whereby people endlessly repeat patterns of behaviour which were difficult or distressing in earlier life".

Motivational Growth - but it goes the "gf solves life crisis" route which ruins the movie. 
Replies: >>2533
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What an amazing and surprisingly obscure film! Thank you very much.
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>>2364 (OP) 
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Synecdoche, New York is not about someone on a dead end journey, it's the exact opposite. 
It's about a man's journey that leads toward the implementation of his shadow. Sammy is his shadow, most obviously when he jumps and then Caden stands over him saying that he didn't jump. This is the moment Caden realizes the difference between his true self and his shadow. The movie is mainly a metaphor for a Jungian journey through life. Implementing your shadow can get you out of a dead end life. Adaptation shares the same themes. Becoming your higher self can change your life. 
The film follows a trajectory of Plato's cave, out of the realm of shadows (or simply put, false ideas about the world) into enlightenment. Anyone who has been through this journey can relate the rebuilding of a city over and over again to the real world phenomenon of understanding one's life through many different angles and perspectives. If this is done correctly, the understanding of all the parts of one's life and then understanding life as a whole, which is the end, leads to self-liberation. This liberation is mostly freed from personal suffering and opens the gates for great creativity to flow.

For a movie that can truly induce existential dread about not moving forward watch Jeff, Who Lives at Home. He's basically trapped in the hamster wheel or the rebuilding of a city over and over because he's, by unfortunate chance, too stupid to escape it. He finds a false salvation in one event rather than in an
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