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What are some essential religious/spiritual /film/s? Doesn't have to be Christianity.
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How did based Mel get away with this?
Replies: >>1666
I don't think he did, actually (at least insofar as HollyJew is concerned). Blackballed for life. OTOH, he laughed all the way to the Boxoffice bank, and since he funded basically by himself, it's a big payday. In spite of all the attacks directed against him, he's still kicking, is now a literal hero to millions & millions (including me), and is reportedly working on the sequel. Obviously this is needed and would be welcomed/hated by the same two groups.

Marxism won't actually win in the end, even if it looks pretty bad for the voices of freedom atm. Based Mel is an icon of such voices ofc.
Replies: >>1667 >>1669
>Blackballed for life
He certainly was blackballed but he dropped his pants recently to get into Hollywood again so no hero for me, i will always respect his directing philosophy but doing crap like Hacksaw Ridge or producing that one movie about Leonard Cohen plus starring in silly stuff like Dragged Across Concrete doesn't ring good bells to me.
Still, The Passion of The Christ is an undoubtedly high point.
>>1666 (checked satan)
He certainly did get away with the film during its time, going on to make another blockbuster right after.
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The Russians have made quite a few nice films about Eastern Orthodoxy. You can watch "The Monk and the Demon" (2016) on YouTube, it poked fun at people in Jerusalem selling God for money, heh
Replies: >>1756
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Az ember tragédiája/The Tragedy of Man is a fantastic film that I've never seen discussed. It's based on the 1861 play of the same name – regarded as one of the greatest works of Hungarian literature – and follows Adam, guided by Lucifer, as he journeys through history, from humanity's inception in the Garden of Eden till its wretched end.

Although the film began production in 1988, it wasn't released until 2011. After the collapse of Hungary's communist government, director Marcell Jankovics had to finance each of the film's fifteen segments individually, some of which were screened at film festivals or on Hungarian TV over the years. In fact, the end product had to be re-dubbed since the original voice actors were too old by the time the animation was complete. 

Jankovics actually believed that the play was better suited to the animation medium rather than the stage, which I agree with. Animation really unfetters the story and leaves it free to express itself on a grander scale, with each historical period being represented by the artstyle of the time. For example, the segment that takes place in Ancient Greece takes the form of engraved pottery, whereas the far future segment is all bold lines and part-monochrome to reflect the sterile and mechanical world. My personal favourite is the cross-hatched style in the Prague scene – aesthetics aside, it also visually represents the restricted thinking of the era, in contrast to the clean, fluid animation of the following French Revolution, reverting back to cross-hatching when said revolution fails.

The film begins with the creation of the universe and the Fall of Man soon after. Having been cast out of Paradise, a prideful Adam is determined to pursue personal glory. In response, Lucifer whisks him away to Ancient Egypt – where Adam the pharaoh, having built a magnificent pyramid, has realised his desires at the cost of countless slave lives. He then reasons that equality between men is the true road to happiness, and is transported to a democratic Greece in chaos. The rest of the film follows this formula, with each of Adam's dreams being exposed as futile, and Adam himself growing older and wearier with each ensuing cycle.
Eve also appears in each cycle of Adam's journey, providing him with the hope to strive on for a better outcome. In this way, she is ultimately his downfall.

The ending is what really sets "Az ember tragédiája" apart, IMO. God is unfathomable, his intentions impossible to comprehend. Whether he truly has an unknowable plan for mankind, or is simply a callous creator, is left up to the viewer.
>Man, I have spoken: Struggle and have faith!
<The end is death; life is a struggle. And man's end is the struggle itself.
And so, Adam resigns humanity to pushing the boulder up the hill until the last man's cold, miserable death.

Overall, I think it's a beautiful film and I'm thankful to have seen it. Apparently the director felt the same way as he was in his 70s by the time his movie was finally released, lol.

I highly recommend you check this one out.
Replies: >>1696 >>2734
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I love it and became very interested in the original play after watching the epic animated film. There are a couple live-action adaptations too but It's hard to imagine anything surpassing the effort by Marcell Jankovics.
I vaguely remember watching a Russian movie about Orthodox monks being held hostage by the Mongols. I think it was called 'the Horde' or something.
Replies: >>1759
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Indeed. 'Orda' in Russian, came out in 2012.
Anonymous, thank you so much for this recommendation.
It sparkled a interest in animation again in a former anime fan.
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Ive actually been meaning to watch classic Christian themed cinema while diving back into medieval philosophy and Christian related literature. Im going to check out some of the stuff here, but are there any charts related to christian film? I love charts and lists. Thanks anons.
Replies: >>3235
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Most "Christian" film lists are far too broad because they simply praise the spiritual aspect of films that everyone already knows about. That said, one resource is Steven Greydanus who reviews for the National Catholic Register.

I can't come up with a list of 100 but here are some more titles for consideration

Atti degli apostoli AKA The Acts of the Apostles (1969)
Legenda o knyagine Olge AKA The Legend of Princess Olga (1984)
Les camisards AKA The French Calvinists (1972)
Maestà (2015)
Luther and his Legacy (2017)
Inokinya AKA The Nun (2010)
Replies: >>3237
Thanks so much, anon. The reference to the Vatican film list reminded me of finding it from an anon years ago! Both of these lists, vatican and the one you've shown me films i'll definitely check out!
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