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Does any visitors of /film/ know of good lolita /film/s?

Discuss films that generated controversy, art and cultural taboos, censorship and legality, the search for youth and beauty, and any other thoughts you have on this topic
Last edited by 11811
Replies: >>1012 >>3245
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Pretty Baby (1978)
Replies: >>893
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Le Sauveur (1971)
Replies: >>893
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Blue Lagoon I hear is peak /hebe/ kino.
Replies: >>893
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Replies: >>2640
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Beau-père (1981)
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>>881 (OP) 
Replies: >>1015 >>1041
I still haven't been able to locate a copy of The Trouble with Being Born (2020). Any help /film/ ? I'm more interested in the robotics/AI aspect honestly, but the muh_pedo hysteria has apparently made the thing hard to locate.
Replies: >>1017
decode with base 64
Replies: >>1018 >>1024
Thanks fam. But any chance you might put it on anonfiles or somewhere open? I don't have an account on mega and the size forces me to have one to access it.
Replies: >>1019 >>1023
Just create an account lol
Replies: >>1020
No thanks. Just in case you weren't aware of if Mega got glowniggered a while back.
Replies: >>1021
Oh, I'm unaware
Replies: >>1022
Sorry I don't remember the details. It was 4 maybe 5 years back when they got raided/borg'd.
use Megabasterd to get around the download limit and the need for an account
Haven't seen a file so restricted by Mega, no IP allows download of it and even with an account the process of importing and backing it in your own folder requests billing.
Whoever put the real name of the movie as the file name needs to be given warm flat soda as a reward. Thanks for code tho, appreciate it.
Replies: >>1025
really? I renamed it now. try this one
if this doesn't work I'll reup to anonfiles tomorrow
Replies: >>1027 >>1030
>if this doesn't work I'll reup to anonfiles tomorrow
Yes thanks, pls do. Mega has killed my DL 2/3rds though 4 times now.
Replies: >>1033
Thank you so much. Much-awaited and appreciated mate.
Replies: >>1033
I tried uploading the raw video file and a zipped version to anonfiles, but I keep getting a "Server responded with 0 code." any other ideas?
Replies: >>1034
Perhaps it means it got coded the hell out of most sites, same with famous cheese pizza files, most hosting servers have code or the file itself as reference to catch anyone uploading them. No kidding most surveillance agencies are the biggest archivists of that kind of thing.
I would probably add some filler files, zip it with the "create solid archive" and split it in volumes although i think that's quite some activity for the goodwill, maybe your IP was blocked temporarily so have you tried uploading anything else no matter how tiny? maybe it's that too. I can try figuring something but i would need the file itself, did you get it in a particular place or did you download it when you still could? we can also try a one-time man-to-man peer-2-peer torrent so you won't get in more potential trouble, i would be sweating if i realized i couldn't upload anything in any site.
Replies: >>1035
I downloaded it yesterday from the mega link I shared. It was just sitting in my mega folder before that. I was just able to upload a picture to anonfiles, so I don't think it's my IP. I'll try to split it up or something when I get the time
Replies: >>1239
Why is this blatant pedoshit allowed here BO?  This image >>1012 is straight from cuckchan for example.
Replies: >>1043 >>1044
It's rather creepy when someone actively seeks films with underage girls to watch.
Though, young girl old man relationship seems to be a recurrent theme in many films so a thread about it could be fine imo.
Replies: >>1043 >>1044
>blatant pedoshit
Did you guys just blow in from pleb town? it's just an everyday taboo topic portrayed in an interesting way like most other movies try to do, no one is getting railed in any of the previews and i doubt any of these contain an explicit scene. 
Might as well cast a doubt on gory action movies and their watchers.
Replies: >>1045
Go back to cuckchan
Meta horseshit intermezzo >>1057
Keep in mind this is /film/ and not /hebe/
Last edited by 11811
thread unlocked?
Noice, we’re back
Replies: >>1085 >>1092
Great, more of this  shitty thread.
Replies: >>1092
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We are indeed, having seen that oddly-named chart (i suppose it's a halfchan thing) i'm surprised to realize i have not seen many of Peter Weir's work, ashamed to admit i have only seen Dead Poets Society and it's only because one of my stinking commie female friends recommended it to me and i don't recall much of it.
Is Picnic a good start? his first one is a low-budget horror movie which is either hated or loved so the other one seems like a decent choice.
Eat our shorts, pal
Replies: >>1117
For a secondary reference to this topic, The Trial of Mike Diana is an intriguing but deeply flawed documentary that covers topics such as the difference between art and pornography.
I think the documentary failed partially because Diana was absolutely a pervert. In interviews, exclusively conducted within the loose '90s scene that he was involved with, he basically talked about how he knew his drawing would work for his audience if it made him hard while he was sketching. 
I think that the only reason he was taken note of was because the majority of his drawings involved kids.
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>Is Picnic a good start?
I love it. I can't think of a better film to convey elusive, ethereal beauty.

I watched a few other Peter Weir films hoping they'd have the same magic as Picnic at Hanging Rock. The films are decent but simply not on the same level. The Last Wave and The Plumber both have themes of "civilized" bougies clashing with brutes, the former with mystical Abbos and the latter with a malevolent tradesman.
What a disgusting thread. Consider suicide, pedophiles.
Replies: >>1119 >>1120
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>What a disgusting thread. Consider suicide, pedophiles.
What's your point
Replies: >>1121
>being this new
Replies: >>1122
Are you okay there? are you a bot?
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I’m gonna have to watch some /lolicore/ over Christmas just to know that some Redditors are seething over the kino I will be absorbing
Have you had a chance to watch it?
This is a rare movie where I at first did not care for it but as I thought more about it, I appreciated it a lot. I'm sure many will compare it to AI, and while there are striking similarities (lonely, affluent people living in ugly, mundane smart-houses who choose to buy children androids) this movie goes into territory that resonates with me a lot more. While AI was very focused on David and his selfish wish fulfillment, this movie has an ultimately far more hopeful conclusion. In an ironic image, the android girl wears an oversized sweater that says "Nature is the Future" I think that this movie ultimately is concluding that the android relationship cannot and will never be an adequate surrogate for human interaction. I think this is also why the father ends up having sexual relations with the android, because of his extreme dissatisfaction with the relationship, he ends up exploring more perverted and unnatural outlets with it in order to find fulfillment. But of course, he will never find replacement for his real daughter who died ten years prior to the film's events. Basically, this movie is very critical of synthetic proxies unlike AI, which could be construed either way. I think it's worth a viewing, even with its rocky faults.
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A few more that fit OP request. 

L'amant AKA The Lover (1992) directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, novel by Marguerite Duras. Probably the best film of the bunch because of the quality production and period location of French Indochina. I watched half of it years ago before I knew anything about Duras. I'm interested to revisit because I think her films can be too wordy.

Maid in Sweden (1971) with Christina Lindberg. Amazing tits, mediocre film.

Bilitis (1977 ) David Hamilton's most well-known film. I'm surprised it's not on the infamous chart? You could add A Summer in St. Tropez too. That one is essentially a dreamy music video with no plot (only available in shitty VHS quality).

Twinky (1970) directed by Richard Donner, with Charles Bronson and Susan George. I only know this one from the extremely catchy theme tune - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7jRgV9lP-o[Embed] Reminds me when you date a younger girl you have to put up with her juvenile bullshit.

Le farò da padre (1974) with Theresa Ann Savoy. No english subtitles. I haven't seen it but noticed it while browsing Italian exploitation films and remembered this thread.
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As no one mentioned Jean Séria's movies.
I think it was some hype at this time (around 70's) in France treating subject like this.
Don't deliver us from evil seems quite an enjoyable movie tho.
Daniel Cohn-Bendit will approve.
Replies: >>2911 >>3048
>Jean Séria
She married the director? Kek
She was actually pretty old when filming those movies.
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>>881 (OP) 
Replies: >>3246
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