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[JW08 ~ 08/27/2019]
Recently started to dig up some "forgotten" films that need love in order to restore or redistribute them. Let me know if you want me to look up a specific film you're interested in, right now we just finished a second try restoration for Madness by Cesare Rau https://youtube.com/watch?v=PI_wY7EUU_M
...and next we want to move onto Cerco de Terror and Appuntamento a Dallas. (The first edition of Madness had a bit of color correction problems, it was too fucking dark at times)

On 8chan someone requested Gillo Pontecorvo's La Grande Strada Azzurra, so we're currently working on that too.
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>Also, the start of this movie is like an alternative dimension version of Xavier: Renegade Angel.
Replies: >>2979 >>2998
This, also interested as i don't recall that
Replies: >>2998
It looks like that was originally posted on julay so who knows...
Replies: >>2998

This might've been related to a Kurt Walker production from what I can gather from that dead link
Replies: >>2999
maybe this? http://kinet.media/movies/s01e03 but I guess we'll never really know...

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[JW05 ~ 05/10/2020]
Iranian cinema warrants its own thread as the style of them and their directors are distinct enough to stand out and level up with Europeans.  The 5 movies here are classics or well-known to start with.

The Death of Yazdgerd recalls the kangaroo court upon a family of accusing the refuging last shah of the Sassanian dynasty.

Where Is the Friend's Home details a child trying to give his friend his homework he took on accident lest his friend be expelled.

Atom Heart Mother is some paranormal mystery thriller during the recession I didn't have subtitles for it.

Ballad of Tara is about a women giving away her grandfather's possessions to her village as she can't keep them but finds no one who will accept his shamshir.

The Night Bus is about an Iranian prisoner convoy of Arab POWs in 1983 during the Iran-Iraq War.
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>it's very interesting to see so many of the films discussed here have Wind in their titles,

Yes I like how the word is used in those titles -- evocative of a mystical, unseen force
Several more examples. There's definitely something to it.

The Wind Will Carry Us
Walking with the Wind (book of poetry)
The Lovers Wind
Resting Against the Wind
Willow and Wind
Letters in the Wind
Dialogue with the Wind
Shouting at the Wind
The Wind Carpet
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Replies: >>2620
> in this case "wind" is part of religious ritual in the south

Upon further review, the religious ritual counteracts the "wind of jinn" which supposedly scatters people around the world via "many emigrations". I don't know how this odd phenomenon developed, but perhaps it all makes sense in the documentary.
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here's an upscale cause I couldn't find a better res out there
Replies: >>2975
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I finally watched Tall Shadows of the Wind. It's a real gut punch, even though I already knew the basic concept of the film.
The villagers aren't as superstitious as plot summaries make it sound, though. They're mostly reasonable until they're confronted by terrifying circumstances.
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[JW16 ~  01/06/2020]

/film/ Top 250

/film/ Favorite Shorts

I'm surprised this account hasn't been shadowbanned or deleted just yet. Will we continue adding films to the top 250?
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god, i haven't posted since the 8ch days either
i second something from SEL. i've watched a few from SEL. Sweetgrass, People's Park, Leviathan, Yumen, Manakamana, Single Stream, The Iron Ministry, Caniba. Really interested in the earlier ernst karel stuff, and also i heard they are working on a new film which has something to do with hospitals? not sure if it's out 
I recommend Leviathan out of the ones I've watched. It's the most well known but also i think the best
Replies: >>2153
Welcome back anon.
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Zoltan Fabri's Merry-Go-Round is a fine film but The Fifth Seal is objectively better. It's basically the difference between an 8/10 vs. the elusive 9/10. What was the justification for this choice? I suppose there are no wrong choices since favorites are entirely arbitrary, but I'm curious nonetheless.
Replies: >>2524
The Fifth Seal is a world cinema classic and deserves to be added. We could double up on other directors as well. There's ample room left. I was thinking Peter Greenaway - The Falls is a little different from most of his films so we could include one that represents his typical style.
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Ghost Dance (Ken McMullen, 1983)

Thanks to anon on the old board for recommending this free-spirited hidden gem that's composed of different segments riffing on the concept of ghosts. An early appearance by Derrida provides the film with philosophical inspiration as two actresses embark on a series of playful vignettes through dark corners of London and Paris.
While I'm not a huge fan of "interpretive dancing", the film's climax includes the best example of this form that I've seen, mostly because it utilizes both symmetry and reflection -- the performer stands on a thin surface of water while beams and columns of a tunnel span behind him.

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Share unknown artists and their posters/artwork found in films. Does anyone recognize this one? I'm not getting good results
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Replies: >>2762
Notice the signature on the second pic, any tips?
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Replies: >>2760
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Sadly, not even the paperback gives credits...
Replies: >>2761
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Turns out it's David Palladini, were you looking for the artist as well or just sharing a wonderful poster? Here's an alternate version
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>>2755 (OP) 

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I used to be a pretty big film buff but slowly ruined my ability to enjoy anything that was 'just good' by being insanely picky in what I would finish. If I were ever in a situation where I was with a girl and she wanted to watch a movie in bed I reckon I'd bottle it by shitting on the movie. How do you overcome disillusion?
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>>1614 (OP) 
Reposting criticism from another board.
I don't think people mind shit talk as long as it's funny. So yea, just make sure you make her laugh if you do.
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>>1614 (OP) 
Since this thread proves this board is shit, I will now ask:

What was the first "cold-hearted assassin trains qt 3.14 loli and grows attached" story? Gunslinger Girl and that one movie with Natalie Portman are the two that I remember off the top of my head, but what was the first? And to add to that, I guess there's also the "street urchin child gets put under the wing of a master criminal". For instance, in the earlier Total War games, your spy/assassin could get a child pickpocket ancillary.
Replies: >>1744
There's an Open Thread for random questions

>what was the first
The Kid (1921) has a version of this trope
>>1614 (OP) 
i cant offer you, but sounds like that should be a comedy.

Watch Silence though, it is a good movie.

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>Periodically attack the infinite backlog
>Consult the spirits
>They shit in my mouth

For some reason, this was in the back of my mind as a highly rated movie to watch at some point.
I read no review, no synopses, save maybe hearing it praised in passing some time around it's release.

I got up to the part where the venal harlot begins openly cucking the soy-boy puppet man with his hippie retard pseudo-tranny gf  and turned it off, because after being suckered in by the quirky aesthetic and the neat scene dressing like the tiny office, I found all the characters intensely detestable.
Not even in a way that was pleasant to watch.
Their personalities excite in me a deep gut-feeling of revulsion and hatred.
I'm not qualified to be a puritan, but
this is definitively a steaming degenerate Hollywood turd, and it has Jewish names all over it.

-1000000/10, I hope every name associated with this production is hunted down and fed feet first into an autoclave.
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Replies: >>2735 + 3 earlier
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I love Hank tho
Replies: >>1433
>tfw jews try to make whites detestable, and fail miserably because we're such kind people. 
yeah, i like Hank too.
>King of the Hill is also written in the same way.
I don't see it that way other than Hank who is legitimately a shitty person for grilling meat with gas, the rest are also flawed but have redeeming values at the end.
The injun is a societal scumbag but one that does support, morally speaking, anyone in his community for nothing in return. 
The chink/laos monkey is a total asshole of a person but a model citizen in all the technical stuff.
Boomhauer is an unintelligible guy who seemingly does nothing all day (until the ending showed his true profession) but is level-headed and pro-active in the betterment of society with small actions.
Granpa is also a shit dude, bordering the psychopath label, but one who risked his neck to help the country in need (for ZOG but he didn't knew that)
It's a balance and most characters were written that way, whoever thinks they were written to be hated are simply shallow.
>king of the hill
>It's one of those "avant garde" 90s pieces where you're supposed to hate the characters, and enjoy hating them.
I'm not sure, I see what you mean but I did not even grow up with this crap and I didn't really hate the characters kind of like a milder more boring version B&B, I didn't hate the characters there either, they're genuinely funny. 

It's just shallow eccentric ridicule humor for kicks, with a touch of what you said, but still it's broadly way more innocent than say family goy or american dad or simp-sons or other sewer trash the kikes pump out these days.
>>1288 (OP) 
yeah i dropped the movie really fast, it sucked so much I dont even know what it was about.

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Opinions on Hunter x Hunter (1999)?
Replies: >>786
One of the last of its kind in terms of drawing aesthetics and viewer reach, but other than that i cannot say for sure, we never got that in my region as we were too busy with Dragon Ball and the seasonal hit series like Digimon, Medabots and so on.
Did you know in some places Yu Yu Hakusho, one of the "mandatory" viewings, got beaten real good in popularity by the relatively obscure Shaman King? I never knew the former was that popular and also i didn't suspect so few watching the latter.
>>777 (OP) 
Go discuss shounenshit to /tv/.
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One of my favorite anime soundtracks.

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i've decided to go into a film class for the fall semester. i'm a bit embarrassed to admit that the reality just now hit me that it wouldn't just be discussing kinos the whole time. does anyone have advice on things i could prepare for or what to expect/learn in advance? thanks anons
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I just finished a class related to film and in the process of writing what i saw there to the resources thread. You might find some of the notes ok for an introduction to themes i surely hope you guys will see

>advice on things
Making a quick note on what i wanted to say later about my personal journey, and similar to other anons from what i've seen, is that i found myself with crippling anxiety when doing homework after years of tense studies in college. If you come from high school and you were decent/average enough in terms of discipline you will find yourself comfortable with the initial load but if you come already from some tough shit either in college or in some other thing like reform school or a forced, timed trade you might find that you simply can't start doing anything at all, you will always find an excuse and procrastinate indefinitely, due to this also advance very little.

This happened to me and thanks to this course i learned the medium hard way that it is a fear which comes unfounded when i do things nowadays after them college days, fucking hell i even suffered it when thinking about writing or posting around here. The trick is that when you do get a massive grip and start to work you will realize you are enjoying yourself and time goes fast working and learning, at least in the initial quick 
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Some people will say that you don't need film school and that you can learn everything you need online. That line of thinking ignores the fact that filmmaking is a cooperative effort.
Networking with other students in your area is an important part of film school, unless you're planning to do every future project solo.

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Hello anons, what were your top flicks of the year 2021?
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Replies: >>2630 + 2 earlier
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I'll give it a try. Thanks for the recommendation, just in time for me to snatch it from Arte before it expires. It's watermarked but perhaps that's less obtrusive than hardcoded subtitles on the gooz version.
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A quick glance at my letterboxd, pics related are the only things I gave a positive rating. It was a pretty shit year for film.
Replies: >>2235
>It was a pretty shit year for film
Based on those two films I am pretty confident to say that you both have trash taste and watch trash.
Replies: >>2236
I just didn't watch many new releases this year, and most of what I did wasn't impressive.
>>2219 (OP) 
I literally only recognise one of these stills (Titane). can you give me the names of the others?

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[JW13 ~ 04/07/2020]
I'm going to get things started here with the first of 3
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Just found this, sounds great:
>Cinetrain: Russian Winter (2013)
>A unique journey through winter Russia from Murmansk to the Baikal. 
Six awarded short films taking a fresh look at the most common stereotypes about Russia: Cold weather, Women, Vodka, Lada cars, Bears and the “Russian soul”… There’s always more to stereotypes than one may think. 
>Cinetrain is a documentary filmmaking experience. It’s a working method that is inspired by the work of Alexander Medvedkin and his Cinetrain in 1930’s Soviet Russia. 
For this project, in January 2013, a group of 21 filmmakers from 14 countries met for the first time in Moscow. On the next day they were sent on a trip to make films that would explore widespread stereotypes about Russia. Over the following month, they shot and edited the 6 short films that compose this almanach. They traveled 10 000 km by train to engage in a dialog with the Russian people and to understand the ideas the Russians have about themselves. 

Same style as the Norilsk documentary. Russia is such an extreme, yet beautiful and misunderstood place.
Today is in fact the last day of sunlight in Norilsk
Polar winter lasts until January 13
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What is the best method for saving private videos from Vimeo in 2022? I can locate the .json for the stream but I'm not able to download anything (with youtube-dl)

Replies: >>2485
try yt-dlp anon
Replies: >>2486
Thanks!  That's a better downloader and I managed to get it to work.

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