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Hey all, what are some films similar to these two?
Replies: >>2870
Woah, Caden was not in a dead end life, Caden had every chance in that movie to make things work, twice, if not thrice. He had two daughters and still abandoned both, he had two potential partners and still rejected them. It's only after they both leave him that he regrets letting them go. The entire point of the movie is that outlook and decisions change things, you're not stuck in a dead end unless you think you are. It's almost antithetical to the genre you want.
Replies: >>2394
Are you forgetting about his (Caden's) mental illness(es)? Check this out:

>Repetition compulsion is a psychological phenomenon in which a person repeats an event or its circumstances over and over again. This includes re-enacting the event or putting oneself in situations where the event is likely to happen again. This "re-living" can also take the form of dreams in which memories and feelings of what happened are repeated, and even hallucinated.

>Repetition compulsion can also be used to cover the repetition of behaviour or life patterns more broadly: a "key component in Freud's understanding of mental life, 'repetition compulsion' ... describes the pattern whereby people endlessly repeat patterns of behaviour which were difficult or distressing in earlier life".

Motivational Growth - but it goes the "gf solves life crisis" route which ruins the movie. 
Replies: >>2533
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What an amazing and surprisingly obscure film! Thank you very much.
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>>2364 (OP) 
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Synecdoche, New York is not about someone on a dead end journey, it's the exact opposite. 
It's about a man's journey that leads toward the implementation of his shadow. Sammy is his shadow, most obviously when he jumps and then Caden stands over him saying that he didn't jump. This is the moment Caden realizes the difference between his true self and his shadow. The movie is mainly a metaphor for a Jungian journey through life. Implementing your shadow can get you out of a dead end life. Adaptation shares the same themes. Becoming your higher self can change your life. 
The film follows a trajectory of Plato's cave, out of the realm of shadows (or simply put, false ideas about the world) into enlightenment. Anyone who has been through this journey can relate the rebuilding of a city over and over again to the real world phenomenon of understanding one's life through many different angles and perspectives. If this is done correctly, the understanding of all the parts of one's life and then understanding life as a whole, which is the end, leads to self-liberation. This liberation is mostly freed from personal suffering and opens the gates for great creativity to flow.

For a movie that can truly induce existential dread about not moving forward watch Jeff, Who Lives at Home. He's basically trapped in the hamster wheel or the rebuilding of a city over and over because he's, by unfortunate chance, too stupid to escape it. He finds a false salvation in one event rather than in an implemented life path.
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