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A thread for Nordic cinema.
Woke shit not welcome.
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The modern Scandinavian countries are the worst liberal shithole ever, so I avoid most of their new stuff. I like the scenery and atmosphere of the place, which could be a great setting or background for films. Could you recommend some brooding, atmospheric films from this region?

On a not very related note, does anyone find viking stuff in current pop culture so fucking gay? Everything about vikings from Hollywood and their allies, even a fucking Japanese comic (Vinland Saga) also features a tranny character in the Middle Ages. Is it because they're trying to feminize masculine characters into emotionally driven, bumbling idiots who submit at the will of women?
On the other hand, I'm watching the Raven trilogy by Hrafn Gunnlaugsson and really enjoy them. Classic "Spaghetti Western" in Iceland and with Vikings. I've completed the first one, When the Raven Flies, which is said to be based on Yojimbo. There's something charming about the type of hero that sets a goal and follow it with determination and competence (at first). It's fun to follow them on their journey and look for their next success, or failure. The music imitates western films but is played on synthesizer, sounds hilarious but also... charming. I guess I like western as a genre and reinventing it in an exotic setting is very enjoyable.
Replies: >>2489 >>3046
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In the Shadow of the Raven (1988), second movie of the Raven trilogy.
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>does anyone find viking stuff in current pop culture so fucking gay?
Yes.  It's token and watered-down "right-wing/trad" media to give white men a bone to chew on and idolize (and get income off of), and has been pop-cultured, subverted, appropriated, and marginalized to death only 2nd to Hawaiian culture to where I wonder if non-Nordic understanding of it is as good as theirs.
>Is it because they're trying to feminize masculine characters into emotionally driven, bumbling idiots
I can attest it is so for Vinland Saga as the preface message in the early volumes by the mangaka stated that he is a cowardly man who wonders why he'd make such a comic, that men are stupid for wasting their mother's love to die on a battlefield, and generally the sickeningly preachy shoehorned ideal that post-war Japanese have to stride towards peace and liberalism.
>Raven trilogy by Hrafn Gunnlaugsson
Thanks, I'll be sure to watch them. I avoid their films because of the same reasons, so it's nice to have some curated recommendations.
Replies: >>3067
update: the second one was kinda bad, but the other ones were great (especially the first one)
There was this film I saw years ago about these wanderers somewhere in the nordic realms long, long ago. The struggles for their survival under harsh conditions against all odds was the primary scenario of the film. What struck me then and has stuck with me since was the final scene where the 5 remants made it alive, and then each of them had some kind of legendary symbol float up above them towards the overhead camera shot -- it was apparently that these 5 individuals were the core of some following nordic myth or legend.

Unfortunately I've forgotten what the name of the movie was, or even which language it was in. I've tried to locate it since, but to no avail. My guess is it was filmed in the 70's or 80's. I wish I could find it again.

Ring any bells, /film/?
any more recommendations, anons?
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You don't expect to see a whodunit parlor mystery selected as a nation's top film, but that's what critics did in Finland. Inspector Palmu's Mistake is certainly an essential entry in the genre, smartly written with a coterie of compelling characters. But I'm not quite sure what the inspector's mistake was -- his one slip-up was being temporarily distracted after getting drunk during lunch.

SISU is ok with everyone?
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