I agree that it looks like the same video upscaled (or re-encoded)
But since you bring up logo removal, I know people have had good results with InpaintDelogo
Here is the short guide posted at karagarga
0) Read help/manual(in script) about parameters mentioned below.
1) Run this function to get "Loc" values: InpaintLoc(Loc="100,100,-100,-100"). Adjust "Loc" crop parameters around logo (aka "Left,Top,-Right,-Bottom"). Use even(mod2) numbers.
2) Prepare the "mask" manually, or start InpaintDelogo with "Automask=1" and "Analyze=2", automask result can be adjusted with"aMix".
Some basic delogo parameters for non-transparent logo:
InpaintDelogo( mask="D:\mask.bmp", Automask=0, aMix=0, Loc="100,100,-100,-100", Mode="Inpaint")
Subtitle extractor parameters:
SubsMask2Img( ImgDir="", CorrTh=0.8, SubTune=235, SubMinDur=12, SubSuspect=0, ImgType="png", ImgInflate=0, ImgInvert=0, ImgSize=1 )