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Questions/Comments that don't deserve their own thread.

>Previous thread bumplocked >>34

Is Hawkmenblues completely gone? Don't want to scroll through his twitter account. hawkmenblues.net is no more.
Last edited by 11811
Replies: >>3091
>>3090 (OP) 
Appears to be up at https://hawkmenbluesfilmoteca.blogspot.com/
Replies: >>3093
It hasn't been updated in nearly a year though.

Beyond the Sight & Sound Canon
A supplement to the 2022 Sight & Sound poll

Ballots must be received by no later than Sunday, December 31, 2023, to qualify.

Two days left. Here is my tentative list.

Koziyat rog AKA The Goat Horn (Metodi Andonov, 1972) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068814/
Az ember tragédiája AKA The Tragedy of Man (Marcell Jankovics, 2011) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0176694/
Ghost Dance (Ken McMullen, 1983) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085589/
Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü AKA The White Hell of Pitz Palu (Arnold Fanck, 1929) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0020570/
Der Rosenkönig AKA The Rose King (Werner Schroeter, 1986) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091871/
H-8...(Nikola Tanhofer, 1958) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0051693/
Taiga (Ulrike Ottinger, 1992) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105521/
Moeder Dao, de schildpadgelijkende AKA  Mother Dao, the Turtlelike (Vincent Monnikendam, 1995) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113840/
Údolí vcel AKA Valley of the Bees (Frantisek Vlácil, 1968) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0122770/
Himmel und Erde AKA Heaven and Earth (Michael Pilz, 1983) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084076/
Alone in the Wilderness (Dick Proenneke, 2004) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0437806/
Drowning by Numbers (Peter Greenaway, 1988) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092929/
Wax, or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees (David Blair, 1991) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105791/
The Atrocity Exhibition (Jonathan Weiss, 1998) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0197256/
Vigil (Vincent Ward, 1984) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088355/
Neotpravlennoe pismo AKA Letter Never Sent (Mikhail Kalatozov, 1960) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053106/
Diabel AKA The Devil (Andrzej Zulawski, 1972) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095012/
Susuz Yaz AKA Dry Summer (Metin Erksan, 1963) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062322/
Vavilon XX AKA Babylon XX (van Mikolaychuk, 1980) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080083/
Vechir na Ivana Kupala AKA The Eve of Ivan Kupala (Yuri Ilyenko, 1968) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0144187/
Zbehovia a pútnici AKA The Deserter and the Nomads (Juraj Jakubisko, 1968) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0171940/
Krustcels AKA Homelands (Juris Podnieks, 1990) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099788/
Krysar AKA The Pied Piper (Jirí Barta, 1986) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0174834/
'Hukkunud Alpinisti' hotell AKA Dead Mountaineer's Hotel (Grigori Kromanov, 1979) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0204526/
Desyat negrityat AKA Ten Little Niggers (Stanislav Govorukhin, 1987) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092879/
Silvestre (João César Monteiro, 1981) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083082/
Last Summer (Frank Perry, 1969) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064573/
A Casa AKA The House (Sharunas Bartas, 1997) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118823/
The Epic of Everest (J.B.L. Noel, 1924) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0219671/
Forest of Bliss (Robert Gardner, 1986) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093040/
Zert AKA The Joke (Jaromil Jires, 1969) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065241/
Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life (Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1925) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0015873/
Calle Mayor AKA Main Street (Juan Antonio Bardem, 1956) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049043
Fah talai jone AKA Tears of the Black Tiger (Wisit Sasanatieng, 2000) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0269217/
Tanczacy jastrzab AKA The Dancing Hawk (Grzegorz Królikiewicz, 1977) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076796/
Margie (Henry King, 1946) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038727/
Baron Prasil AKA The Fabulous Baron Munchausen (Karel Zeman, 1962) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054665/
Drak sa vracia AKA Return of Dragon (Eduard Grecner, 1968)  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0175581/
Guizi lai le AKA Devils on the Doorstep (Wen Jiang, 2000) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0245929/
La fille aux yeux d'or AKA The Girl with the Golden Eyes (Jean-Gabriel Albicocco, 1961) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054928/
Genevieve (Henry Cornelius, 1953) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045808/
La bête lumineuse AKA The Shimmering Beast (Pierre Perrault, 1982) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0129807/
Marg Yazdgerd AKA Death of Yazdgerd (Bahram Beyzaie, 1982) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084304/
Panelstory aneb Jak se rodí sídliste AKA Panelstory or Birth of a Community (Vera Chytilová, 1980) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079694/
Replies: >>3151 >>3276
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I submitted my list but the link is no longer on their front page so I hope they count it. It's still Dec 31 where I live.
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Karagarga freeleech ongoing icymi
Replies: >>3201
nice still, film?
Replies: >>3206
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The new list was posted and includes my choices, some of which I supplied the only vote. These one-vote films are classified as "Orphans".


Instead of ranking as a popularity contest they grouped the toplist chronologically. But sorting the spreadsheet reveals the top 25 votegetters:

L.A. Confidential
Uncut Gems
Pickup on South Street
The Big Heat
Reservoir Dogs
Safety Last!
Spring Breakers
To Live and Die in L.A.
Fallen Angels
The Princess Bride
Blade Runner 2049
My Winnipeg
My Man Godfrey
Prince of Darkness
The Naked Spur
Hot Fuzz
Canyon Passage
Replies: >>3278
You need some shuteye and more stuff to watch
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Status update for AI video capabilities: Here's a youtube channel creating retro trailers for popular films in the style of "1950's Super Panavision 70"


AI does very well imitating certain styles, but the main issue here is the consistency of elements. All details creepily morph over time, and elements are noticeably different from one shot to another. Still it's fun to observe this technology's rapid advance.

As an aside, when I do AI image generation the first result is usually 90% what I want. Then I spend ten minutes trying to close the gap only to get farther and farther away.
Replies: >>3281 >>3291
does anybody remember a sc user who posted tons of experimental films to sc that i don't think were on any other tracker? his profile picture was like the side of a modern looking building. someone shared a link to his profile on /film/ a few years back. if you know who im talking about, is he also on kg?
Replies: >>3293 >>3295
Neat! Amazing & fun stuff. Thanks, Anon!  :)
another question: a long time ago on /film/ someone shared a movie (forget what country it's from) that is categorized as science fiction. the poster is a dwarf in heavy clothing making an object levitate and he looks to be surrounded by black volcanic rocks. ring any bells?
Replies: >>3293
Spoiler File
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never mind. film is the distance and i found the user. i think that /film/ is officially dead, even though people have been declaring it for 7 years now, heh.
Replies: >>3296
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>tons of experimental films

What were some of the film, for example?
What's the user? i'm octolove on KG and SC if you want to pm instead. I've been trying to find a letterboxd user I used to follow back in 2017-2021, their account might be gone... They listed many, many experimental films with often extremely minimalist cover and/or strange titles. I'm 50% positive their account was "tagist"
Replies: >>3298
I’m at work rn but tagist is indeed the user you are talking about and I believe they deleted their account. Look in the description of this list:
I’d love to know of some of the films that he logged.
Replies: >>3299 >>3300
I stopped using my letterboxd before he deleted, so I have saved some of his tags but not many, mostly from 2017 to 2020 I would guess. I'll list them in the next post.
Replies: >>3300
Here, I wouldn't want to miss any and my watchlist is only 4 pages long. The 4th page doesn't have any 'tagist' saves and you'll probably be able to figure out which ones I pulled from their recommendations. https://letterboxd.com/rusemode/watchlist/
Replies: >>3302
Was tagist the guy who talked about watching Wavelength over and over?
Checked. Do you mean that certain films from his profile are only included on the first three pages of your watchlist?
RIP Alain Delon. The thread on halfchan is full of dirt thrown over him. I remember that place liked him years ago and was very respectful with Belmondo's death and the likes.
Replies: >>3352
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Plein soleil is one of my favorite films. It wasn't so long ago when it was not even available on DVD with English subtitles so it was like discovering something special when you managed to see it.
Replies: >>3351
Someone needs to make a fanedit of this movie where Delon's character got away with his crime in the end.
>full of dirt thrown over him
He has had a very, very rocky background in terms of personal life due to being kinda the parisian version of Epstein in terms of cool parties full of hidden devices to record stuff and use as blackmail material later, P. Diddy would be a more apt comparison but AFAIK Alain wasn't full gay and liked slim and short girls if you get my drift.
In terms of acting i think he went for money roles only after the mid 70's but there's very little to point out negatively about his screen work before, he achieved in plenty of forms including comedy and supposedly wasn't hard to work with either if we want to go with the controversial (for us spectators) tie breaking point of an actor being a diva or not.
He pulled stuff in 10 years (1959-1969) that the majority can't in their entire careers even if they have the entire system behind them, which is international critical acclaim along with aesthetic status and a successful private venture which was the early phase of his accessory line... also spying for an unknown entity but that doesn't influence that much his personal skills although maybe in his private activities.

The only thing i can throw dirt at him is dumping Nathalie Delon but reading here it seems she was a druggie roasty, also she died 3 years ago wtf, didn't remember that one.
Replies: >>3353
The amount of "le far right woman-beater boomer" complainers in the thread was higher than my expectation. Wokeism has infested everywhere.
To be honest it kinda irks me when people dismiss his acting ability just because he had good looks, saying the films were great just because of the directors, not him etc., making me question my judgment. I always find him enjoyable to watch, even if the movie is mediocre. He had screen presence, sensitivity, and that dark edge which piques my curiosity. Many actors had a nice face but they're rather plain and superficial. If Delon had had an easy life in a privileged family, he wouldn't have been as fascinating on the screen. His choice of crime and offbeat movies was also very interesting, he's one of the actors who I can just binge their whole filmography.

I have just revisited his works recently, also watched a few documentaries about his time and was sad that almost all of his generation had been dead, he must've been so depressed seeing them pass away one by one. And now he's going to meet them. Still quite a surreal feeling. A time, a generation has gone. I still don't who of this zoomer film generation that I could feel sad for when they pass away, oh wait... I'm older than them, so I might not be able to see that happen.

Sorry for the incoherent ramblings, it's sad seeing an icon of a time vanishing. This is one of the reason I get sad sometimes when watching old movies, knowing most people involved are not here anymore. Nevertheless I can't help watching them for enjoyment and escapism, because the current time, humans and cinema annoy me so much.
Replies: >>3358
>it's sad seeing an icon of a time vanishing
It is sad, for me it is odd seeing highly talented people die and see they became destitute despite their background showing them being disciplined and not filled with vice, or vice versa with party fiends who died peacefully.
>Wokeism has infested everywhere
Depends on which part of the internet you are, IRL i seem to find half and half except the laws of the realm force one of those sides to voice their ideas only in private. If anything now i am seeing more extreme stances that i did not see before, college included... women are an exception but it's women after all, historically-speaking they are usually in the wrong side of how things work.

Delon was pretty good in my opinion, mostly due to his naturalness, maybe gets a bit of shade due to his deadpan characters like in the Melville movies or frankly half his shit in his latter career but his screen persona was extremely obvious, also somewhat varied but most normalfags only watch Le Samourai, Le Cercle Rouge if they get curious and maybe Un Flic if they don't get distracted. His other famous work is fashion accessories and being a model hence their bent idea of his work.

>almost all of his generation had been dead
Many dolls are still alive but the old school of the New French Wave is mostly in the clouds
>I still don't who of this zoomer film generation that I could feel sad
The real sad part is there might be normal, really talented non-fag people in the 18-30 range yet they still haven't been able to show themselves enough as a considerable population because nowadays there's a new kind of spotlight chaser in the entertainment scene that back then had it harder to succeed: The system-approved Influencer, the individual who is famous (and heard) for the sole fact he's visible, their skill is knowing how to show themselves to as much people as possible.
Some mentally stable artists are skilled in this too but they tend to morph when they lose numbers, something a real influencer wouldn't care at all, their game is the exposure itself, not exposing their skills. Sympathy usually comes from truthfulness and gallantry, traits not often seen in the younger generations' stars.
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I'll read those cinematography books
I'll rewrite those script clinic classes
I'll post about Andrei Rublev
I'll translate a couple of movies
I'll post those director reviews
I'll watch them animation works and post the reviews
I'll make that action movie thread and fill it with examples

For sure now starting next week
Replies: >>3377
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Replies: >>3380
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No wait, tomorrow is still inside the next week claim, I CAN DO THIS
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Otto Preminger: "My Ten Favorite Pictures" circa 1938

This sort of list is an interesting snapshot of past preferences when cinema was quite new and people had limited access to films. I hadn't even heard of some of these titles so I'll probably seek them out.
Having said that, why is the Austrian Preminger favoring mediocre Hollywood dramas over the great works of Murnau and Lang?
Replies: >>3400
>why is the Austrian Preminger favoring mediocre Hollywood dramas over the great works of Murnau and Lang?
Taking into account Otto was an uberjew i think his knack for more fantastical farces and works done by his brethren take a much bigger importance than works critical of socio-economic factors influenced by his own people, particularly the rich, bloodthirsty eastern european Orlok or the extremely manipulative and greedy Dr. Mabuse
Replies: >>3401
I didn't want to point out the obvious but that seems to be the only explanation, especially for the Emile Zola tale of antisemitism which (as the producer states in the image) no American wants to watch
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Guess the film still


Fun to play if you have a few spare minutes. I preferred the version on surrealmoviez which was all on-topic films, but this is okay too.
I just found /film/ again. Before the board moved to this website, there was an anon with absolutely insane taste in schlock movies. He requested to join CG and someone invited him but then he deleted the list of his top 10 or 20 or something favorite bad movies, if you are still here I’d like to see that list again. Can’t find any record of it in my notes.
Replies: >>3551 >>3552
I kind of remember that. I bet he deleted it to protect his email address.
When did you lose track and how did you find it back
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Sounding more reactionary
Replies: >>3558
about as vanilla as you can get.

also a fucking trash filmmaker in every way. nosferatu was absolutely horrific, i'm quite sure that lighting techs and cinematographers completely forgot how to light films (LED ruined photography and cinema). i could only stand maybe 30 minutes of it before moving on. the casting was fucking terrible as well as the anachronistic dialogue that retards actually thought sounded authentic. make-up was horrendous. the whole movie looked fake and digital. there was literally nothing good about that piece of shit. willem dafoe is also such a bad actor. just bad, all around.
Replies: >>3559 >>3560 >>3562
A vampire movie should be an easy win. Bad news if he can't pull it off..I might get dragged to it in the next couple of weeks.
Replies: >>3560
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I don't think Dafoe is a bad actor at all, i just think he picks shitty scripts or directors don't know what to do with him. There's so much an actor can do if the things he has to say or do are dumb and the director doesn't want you to make things better.
I haven't checked on the Egg but i've been planning to soon enough, he's becoming a meme but maybe there's something good in his stuff, r-right?

The problem is picking a well-known name and icon to work on, he's already setting himself a limited realm by making concrete expectations. Doesn't help the marketing has been silly so far, many people discovered this project or are discussing it because the first piece of hype they got was Eggers praising Spongebob because it brought Nosferatu into the public eye.
What the fuck is that, the connotations from that statement can be interpreted in many ways and none make the director a particularly apt or wise person.
I don't know why anyone would even think about trying to remake Nosferatu anyway. You'd be going up against F. W. Murnau and Max Schreck's version  AND against Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski's version. That's a high bar to even try to compete against. And who is it even made for? People who want to watch the 1922 version but don't like silent B&W movies?
I really enjoyed The Order. It's a genre film done right.
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Replies: >>3589
Press F
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Is anyone using cracked software these days? I thought I was over it, but Davinci Resolve removed script features from their free version. My first reaction was "Fuck you, now I'm stealing it" but I couldn't bring myself to trust 8GB of Russian pirated software.
Replies: >>3598
>Is anyone using cracked software these days?
All the time, pal
>8GB of Russian pirated software
Ruskies nowadays are the go-to option for pirated stuff and have been for a bit more than a decade now. Perhaps they do fuck you over with some hidden stuff but personally i've never had problems with their packs although i also don't use credit cards or money-related stuff in the same computer.
I will use DaVinci one day but i am more focused on theory nowadays, do you want me to test it? i have to sooner or later
Replies: >>3599
I was hoping to find a keygen to use on the official download but that didn't work out. The best option is rutracker I suppose since the file is confirmed to be installed by other people.

For now I rolled back to version 19.0.3 before the script update. Aside from scripts, the Studio version has a few extra features which are nice to have but not so essential.
The program is pretty cool as there's vast capabilities and you can continuously learn new things, though color grading is not so intuitive for me.
Replies: >>3601
>For now I rolled back to version 19.0.3 
Good to know what version is the good one lol, newer features on programs are very good but i cannot ass myself to update windows, half the programs i use would be missing.
>though color grading is not so intuitive for me.
Node system is quite radical compared to the Layer system, i can't get used to it either but i practiced  on it very little and i think somewhat too advanced for my level which was Unreal Engine focused on furniture design.
We are all gonna make it tho, it's just about consistency.
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I am still in shock that the director of Un Prophete and Dheepan is the same guy who did the meme movie Emilia Perez.
From a dude who supposedly was serious enough to do on-field study for some of his projects, ranging from hard crime if a bit cliche and "serious" romance, to downright being in the middle of a PR catastrophe going to the point even the spaniards are defending latin americans now after him trying to defend and deflect from his LGBTBBQ+ crime drama musical.
Was he always marketing poison or did he take the crazy pills in his stay on Hollywood? perhaps am i remembering his past films too fondly to ignore he was always iffy? this is a Benigni's Pinocchio the first one again
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In retrospect, shutting down the IMDb forums before Indians found the internet was probably a good idea
>In retrospect, shutting down the IMDb forums before Indians found the internet was probably a good idea
Probably couldn't have hurt!  :D
>"...The feature was officially removed because the overwhelming neagtives at the Ghostbusters (2016) message boards."
<"...I didn't know it was because of that abomination of a remake though, another reason to hate it."

Haha. While I agree with that 2nd Anon, your pics-related are a far-stronger argument for it.
The problem with that discussion is the setting, not really the content
The forums were nipped way too early but perhaps it was for the good if we consider what's going on nowadays, then again everything big could be erased tomorrow and very few things of value would be lost.
Replies: >>3624
Saying what?
I was being hyperbolic, though I clicked on these profiles and these accounts are entirely dedicated to making horny comments on whatever actress they just saw in TV/movies. And there are so many of them.
I can deal with stupidity, trolling, flamewars but this is another animal...
Replies: >>3625 >>3626
>I can deal with stupidity, trolling, flamewars but this is another animal...
I think the term you may be looking for is "Rapejeet", Anon?
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>I was being hyperbolic
I do understand and even condone your statement, the problem for me is the vast quantity in one go, pajeetidal waves as some call it.
I sometimes go to MovieChat just to see the vast amount of banter, particularly Ellen Paige, but the trick there was the variety, 'jeets can only do the horny and that's it, jokes gets quick.
Replies: >>3627
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I always check filmboards after watching something, in this case The Day of the Jackal. I wasn't surprised by the thread until noticing it was entirely Indians. Somehow a dozen of them converged on a zombie imdb forum to make lewd comments about actresses with a few minutes of screen time. They have nothing else to say about the film.
Replies: >>3628
Excellent film from a memorable book, the stories and some decisions behind its filming are pretty interesting, Zinnemann was a big mind despite having the devil's gene. I swear i used that scene's framing sometime before in this board.
>I always check filmboards after watching something
Same here, always a sad feeling when i find nothing but at least i know i am not a hipster because, otherwise i would be joyous.
>They have nothing else to say about the film.
To be fair Olga Georges-Picot was smoking hot, a honorable mention to Delphine Seyrig too for her perky milk cannons.

Right now i am in one of my great droughts in terms of movie watching but next time i start i will use this tool to see if i find something in terms of opinions, perhaps they can be of use to you, they supposedly check message boards and forums:
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