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Vague enough title to hopefully allow for a broader discussion, which films made you sit and think, either about the content or the commentary that it creates?

Pic related elephant man, ie Joseph Merrick sparked my interest in historical treatment of "freaks" that are suffering medical conditions, it is a difficult one because his finances relied upon people coming to see him to fulfil their curiosities but when Britain became too sensitive for that he had to travel abroad to find work and suffered for it
all about lily chou chou. an amazing film that probably changed my life
Replies: >>757 >>794
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Is there anything like nobodytm or randy prozac now? Absurdist videos that are critical of modernity rather than worshiping it? I really liked some of nobody's work in particular.
Burden didn't do it for me.
good share. straight from the ether
Well, if i may meddle, for me the films that made me think and change permanently were Miike's Ichi the Killer and KWWong's Ashes of Time.
Not because of their plot, ideas or content but because they bend and invent their own rules in terms of cinematography and visuals. In this case it's more of a meta thing that made me thunk.
Miike is a mixture of knowledge in unorthodox photography and wing-it on-the-fly attitude in solutions to his busy filming schedule, while Wong uses many sequences based on old ideas and even ripped off at times (moving backgrounds, dynamic lighting, spinning cage from Macario) but teaming up with a sophisticated character like Mark Lee or a maverick savant like Christopher Doyle really potentiated said ideas into overdrive. 
Ichi was my first exposure to this kind of camera work while Ashes was a heavily-condensed single dose of it.
Replies: >>3174
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