/film/ - FILM

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Is there an m3u8 out there where kino is streamed? I see there are plenty of mainstream tv/movies that have a 24/7 stream out there. There are even the shoutfactory streams for CG-type content.

Is there one for KG-adjacent movies? Or would any generous soul be interested in making one?

>inb4 just download and watch
I'm just hoping for the /comfy/ feeling of tuning in and discovering something new.
Maybe there isn't one. Streamers usually become spammers and I don't remember any spam.

I watched Stalker on a stream and it wasn't very enjoyable. The chat amounts to everyone in the audience constantly texting during the movie.
Replies: >>3262
>The chat amounts to everyone in the audience constantly texting during the movie.

Yeah. I hate those twitch-type zoomer streams too. The kind i meant is where there's only a .m3u file and you gotta open it with VLC/mpv. No chat, no bloated js.

In the chan-ring, i only know of 7ch having a (video) stream of this sort. lain has audio-only music streams.
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What does it take to make one? My connection isn't good enough to do much uploading.
Replies: >>3264
Good comprehensive guide on setting up a live streaming server:

With ffmpeg, you can hardcode subtitles using a parameter so that the stream has subs.
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I would really recommend 'Two Headed Spy', a film about Major Scotland, a British spy planted in the German army after WWI, who rose to become Lieutenant General of Logistics under Hitler.  Despite what's in the movie, he had a radio, not a contact, according to the book, and made sure the Germans:

- didn't have invasion barges after Dunkirk;
- didn't have winter furs for the Russia campaign;
- didn't have enough fuel for the Battle of the Bulge, and;
- told the allies where the German supply dumps were after the Normandy landings, so they bombed them.  Without supplies the Germans couldn't hold the line.
That well placed spy achieved so much.

It used to be available here:  


But archive.org is down.  If you can find it I recommend the book.
Replies: >>3397
>That well placed spy achieved so much.
Changed the world although one of those changes we don't know if it was for the good or for the worse
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