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Is there an m3u8 out there where kino is streamed? I see there are plenty of mainstream tv/movies that have a 24/7 stream out there. There are even the shoutfactory streams for CG-type content.

Is there one for KG-adjacent movies? Or would any generous soul be interested in making one?

>inb4 just download and watch
I'm just hoping for the /comfy/ feeling of tuning in and discovering something new.
Maybe there isn't one. Streamers usually become spammers and I don't remember any spam.

I watched Stalker on a stream and it wasn't very enjoyable. The chat amounts to everyone in the audience constantly texting during the movie.
Replies: >>3262
>The chat amounts to everyone in the audience constantly texting during the movie.

Yeah. I hate those twitch-type zoomer streams too. The kind i meant is where there's only a .m3u file and you gotta open it with VLC/mpv. No chat, no bloated js.

In the chan-ring, i only know of 7ch having a (video) stream of this sort. lain has audio-only music streams.
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What does it take to make one? My connection isn't good enough to do much uploading.
Replies: >>3264
Good comprehensive guide on setting up a live streaming server:

With ffmpeg, you can hardcode subtitles using a parameter so that the stream has subs.
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