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Does the community on Cinematik or Cinemageddon actively discuss cinema ? I am on secret-cinema but I do not see them discussing , maybe their discussion forum thread is locked for higher class user, Moreover is Cinematik or Cinemageddon recruiting ?
In terms of the Tik, they do discuss it sometimes, i mostly remember the obituary or general recs but not that much activity at least a year ago.
Don't use it that much because it's tough as nails to maintain a good ratio without using outside tools like seedboxes or the such. Also it's mostly DVD9/BD integral rips so not much use unless you like the bonuses, which are a pain to encode anyways after downloading the entire thing.
Can't say i recommend waiting for that unless you personally know a mod/high-rank there.
Cinemageddon has more film discussion than Cinematik. There's not a huge amount of discussion on these sites because the userbase has been there a long time and the novelty has worn off. Invites are limited to avoid potential trouble from interlopers, but that also reduces the vibrancy of the forums.
KG seems like the perfect place then
Replies: >>2511
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...although they're overmoderating the comments more and more
how hard is ptp to get into? do you have to go through red? what about tik?
also, cg just distributed 5 invites to all superfans and up. 
also, rip thc
Replies: >>2789 >>2813
I suppose you can get into both eventually. Perhaps redacted is the way to go, but I'm not Elite so I can't speak to the current status of their invites section.
Cinematik needs more people tbh. Lately I've noticed a lot of longtime members banned for unknown reasons.
Replies: >>2790
i never see tik invites on sc, kg, or cg. might try red for ptp (I'm just not a huge music fan so I've been putting it off). thanks for the input
Replies: >>2791
it looks like interviews no longer exist for tik.
I wouldn't discuss in a tracker forum, you can make someone mad at get banned for nothing. The irc servers are safer but not risk free either.
Replies: >>2813
>do you have to go through red? 
Got banned for inactivity there, pretty tough to maintain myself there because it's hard to seed, uploading is easy enough if you know the basics of encoding but you upload once and every sucker with a sneedbox will dust your chances at building a good ratio so it's practically a one-time upload only.
Will try to appeal my ban (which was in an account already with a re-activation and this last ban was 3 months ago) but makes me wonder if it is worth it, the list of albums i wanted which were rare was a bit long to keep buying discs to upload, might as well buy the albums i want because practically costs the same.
If PtP is as hard to maintain as RED then it's not worth it, but as far as i know the former is much easier, once a time i thought it wasn't needed because Zooqle or Monova had everything (mainstream) but things are getting harder to find despite the mainstream nature of it, guess KG needs to relax a bit or some maniac to start doing the old P2P trickery of the old days or the russians to stop hardcoding their dubs over the audio.

I still maintain 'Tik is for DVD aficionados only, i don't see anything there that isn't on KG other than the BTS bonuses inside the discs, if someone is looking for something inside i can search can't guarantee my account works lol thank you again master inviter for the tickets
Also this >>2811 so much, commenting on private trackers is just risking getting the boot from a mentally ill/overly paranoid mod, every time. As long as one participates in the polls and other similar things the mods will know you are not a bot or some fed.
Replies: >>2818
It's easy enough to build ratio if you fill requests or upload high res albums.
Replies: >>2828
I hadn't used soulseek in a while, but it has many FLAC albums that aren't on RED
>if you fill requests
That takes money to do which i didn't have some months ago, nowadays i have 3 albums ripped and ready to upload but i lost my account due to lack of use.
It's my fault for not knowing where i got into but it's not like other sites where the freebie of the day gets you some megs to upload like KG or TV-Vault. Now that i think of it i might request my re-activation but i doubt they will take it, a shame because RuTracker is great but there's just some niche stuff in RED i cannot find everywhere aside from ironically YouTube, some top ruskie uploaders simply stopped after 2015.
Replies: >>2832
>That takes money to do
There are also requests for albums you can find on deezer or qobuz.
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Tik-bros, I heard they're shifting the tracker base to Unit3d. what are you doing about it? you are at least voicing your dissent, right? surely, the admin of tik would listen to valid complaints.
Replies: >>3012 >>3013
>"This account has been disabled"
Welp, now i know
I saw the thread but didn't have time to read much of it.  What other sites use Unit3D?
Replies: >>3016
many of the shit-tier ones go for it because it's incredibly easy to set up. But it's a bloated mess with close to zero improvement to UX over the gazelle ones - only offering a shiny netflix-esque interface. It's impossible to compare rips since every torrent has its own page and the search is genuinely shit.

Any site that uses it also becomes dead in terms of forums. Among the popular ones - BHD, BLU, Aither, Concertos, Asiancinema, TVCuk and a ton of shitrackers use it.
Replies: >>3033
it seems to be getting more and more popular. the age of comfy trackers is over
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I like they are allowing Asian uploads. I was disabled for inactivity from http://asiancinema.me/
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Did the site also change ownership? I assume the random user I never heard of  who "improved" the design to resemble a generic nu-tracker was also promoted to admin.

As a testament to this new direction, Cinematik has been offline for a few days following vague drama amongst the mods
Replies: >>3588
>random user I never heard of  who "improved" the design was also promoted to admin
Many such cases, i keep finding that hijacking projects is easier than making new ones. Should be obvious but the sheer shamelessness of it still strikes me, it's a lesson taken straight out of a subversion manual.
I didn't quite use it like i should've due to being somewhat hard to seed but it was a great site, particularly for hard to find DVD extras.
Replies: >>3591
>i keep finding that hijacking projects is easier than making new ones.
Most non-autotrophic organisms on Earth are parasites and that's not even counting viruses. Creation and sovereignty are generally selected against by genetics, it's not entirely surprising that human activity would reflect this. The difference between genes and memes is that we can control selective pressures in human culture, so there is still hope for a future where hijacking projects is a net negative for everyone involved.
The site is back without any discussion of what happened. There's more discussion of the situation at HDBits—but in a thread about Blutopia...
The details are still unclear, but it sounds like people with overlapping staffing responsibilities on these three sites had a personality clash.
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