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>in the form of an attractive woman
You watched because the actress Silvia Pinal died 2 or 3 days ago, right? RIP Coast Queen ;_;
>literally died about 5 days ago!
You got a coincidence, happened to me very often.
It was supposed to be 3 films about religion by 3 directors but all bailed on Buñuel and he released only that one. Supposedly he's Simeon's son who wanted to one-up his ancestor, it's a critique on the saint's personality and his few actions having consequences, particularly as the few people close to him suffer often from his antics like his mom being desolate, monks getting punished for trivial actions and even leading to one abandoning his habit.
>I took it completely seriously
I did too but it was hard, the conclusion of the first scene is comedy: The town prays to Simon to make a dude grow his hands again, when the request is granted, and he grows the hands, he leaves unceremoniously and the first thing he does is slap his own daughter in irritation after she wanted to see them; the possessed monk condemning the religious dogmas and monks defending their position despite few of them knowing what the hell they meant, the line of "i conjure in the name of Christ to leave alone this just and decent person alone" after getting knocked out, the whole interaction with the young monk and the midget goat herder, which is a micro story by itself. The comedy is done deadpan but it is there, pretty usual from the catalunyan.
>seems most don't know what to make of it
If you look for fruit you will find one but while some see apples others see oranges. I recall one of my viewings of it was in a local college cinema club named after the movie itself so everyone was just navel gazing, which i don't mind as the movie is cherished here and i was amused by one of the explanations: Considering Buñuel wasn't very fond of the bourgeois his work had identified with names, and surnames sometimes included, some of the "bad guys" like the superstitious, ritualistic freemasons mixed with jews in Exterminating Angel, as multiple factors which include even genes in The Young & Damned but mostly lack of social values, as trustfund kids in Criminal Life of Archivaldo de la Cruz which was a parody of an actual dude the social circles knew but under the narrative of a previously done book and in this one as who knows, a seemingly well-versed dude's explanation in the club was that the bad guy/bourgeois/spook here is pride and "the incoming hordes of the antichrist", the antichrist in the post-roman/Nero meaning being the pharisee/zionist messiah and the muslim conquest.
Why? some wondered, he said the devil in his futa form took Simon on his last day (he died let's say) to Hell, but as said by some hell is personal and customized, so Simon's hell was modernity (back in the 60's) in a packed night club on what the guy said was the most jewish city on Earth back then, New York. At this point i was laughing but he continued, the man who never spend time with many people and was ultra prude was suddenly inside this place dancing the twist closely while drinking and smoking with the devil, with even the monk who was worried about the hordes of the anti-christ and liked to check on chicks dancing around like a mad man.
In here at one point Simon wonders what's this dance called, the one where everyone tweaks like possessed and look like convulsing, the devil replies Radioactive Flesh, which obviously references the aftermath of a nuclear incident on humans: It is the final dance, the ending piece. As the blonde fury gets to dance Simon excuses himself and announces he's going back home, the devil then warns him that he has news for him buddy, his home is now occupied by someone else, he will have to withstand and wait with him until the end, the very end.
OK we said, we got that part but what about it? occupied? the guy then blankly stated that Simon Estilitas was from what is now Northern Syria, around the old city of Aleppo, and that back when the movie was made and came out (mid-60's) the region was dealing with the entire ordeal of jews invading and doing shit around with muslims going extremist and taking pan-arab ideals seriously, which would later boil in the 6 Days War, the PLO vs. IDF, USS Liberty incident, widely-seen Maryan apparitions like The Lady of El-Zeitoun, so on and so forth with the fear of Israel having or not nuclear capabilities after Kennedy got killed and replaced by LBJ who fast-tracked nuclear weapons and programs to Israel for deterrence.
Buñuel, being well-read on conflict and not being shy on shitting on the powers (hence being persecuted and expelled from Mexico and Spain a couple of times with collaborators also getting killed) lead to that guy supposing the director made a movie about the "proud humility" conflict of a saint as a satire on Christianity's actors with the sub-text of identifying the antichrist (a) and the characteristics of its actions (b), being a) Antichrist (and its hordes) occupying current day Highland Aleppo/Antioch church-ruled areas, which would suppose the Jews in the coast and Muslims in the mountains, while b) an obvious slang for acute radiation syndrome, supposing an aftermath of a notorious nuclear incident, widely thought to come as nuclear detonations. So juxtaposing all of these, current day Syria and surrounding areas getting nuked after jews vs. muslim (and christian minorities) conflict, with him saying one of them being clearly in the wrong, the jews. While i added some extra content here for context that dude's explanation was practically this, i was surprised, it makes sense but perhaps i want it to make sense.
Moderator's reply to the man was IIRC an annoyed "so, your opinion".