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This board is a the new home to the /icup/ and /8cc/ boards over (and the /icup/ board over
Our objective at /icup/ is to provide sports oriented competitions for all boards of the Webring (as well as any other IB who's willing to pitch in) of various sports. Our most well known tournament is of course the 8chan Cup or Inter-Board Cup, hosted...sometimes by our tireless rigger SKF. For more information about the 8chan Cup/Inter-board Cup and all teams competing in it you can visit [Account required to edit]

1. Global rules apply (don't post illegal stuff) 
2. Threads should be about creating new teams for the upcoming Inter-board Cups, as well as discussing new formats (Racing Wars, Handegg, Majoritycrimerateball, Wrestling in collab with 8chanmania) and suggesting new tools to mod and host better tournaments 
3. Organizing sponsored a
Last edited by oneanon
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How's it.

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Since the site is going to be shut down it's time to quickly explain the situation so far:
Infinity Cup 8 is not happening any time soon. The last person to work on it stopped a long time ago and I don't know if he just gave up or is busy with real life.
Similarly, this is the reason I haven't been able to check on this board. I'm sorry about that.

With that being said, I don't want to let this board die so I'm thinking of moving to a different site on the webring (no idea which one).
I know someone a while back made a bunker on 8moe but I doubt many anons want to go there and I have no idea who made that board.
In the meantime, if anyone wants to suggest a possible place to move please feel free to do so.

Update: We're moving to Trashchan.
Last edited by ronaldinho
Replies: >>5105 >>5108 >>5109
>>5104 (OP) 
Please come help us solve this together, /icup/ :

Please stay encouraged! This will work out if we just don't quit. Cheers.  :)
We have discussion for /icup/ and future interboard games like 8chanmania at 8moe /icup/:
>>5104 (OP) 
Maybe zzz or PLW would accept the iCUP? It seems like something is getting started with an inter-board Soul Caliber AI-only tournament on Markchan, but I'd prefer the iCUP to stay on the webring.
>>5104 (OP) 
Just wanted to mention, the board has been completely archived on

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when is the next icup? will there be another icup?
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Good to have you guys again. Looking forward to big Chino and Cocoa playing on the field again.
Speaking of, where did the supposed host go? Is he still working on this cup?
Replies: >>5096
Anon, whether there's a cup or not lies in the boards invited making the teams, and as far as I've seen there's no one here who gives enough a shit to make teams in any of the boards invited.
What are we going to organize? I was working on some aesthetics for /v/ and a ahitty ball on /tg/ who presumably was going to join, but given the webring's absolute state and how time consuming this shit is I'm too demoralized to make any progress.
/a/ here. I'm not a meido, but I'd watch it if it happened. However, I still don't know anything about football and thus wouldn't be able to change or add to the team in any meaningful way.
Replies: >>5098
You're from /a/? Nice, at least someone is interested.
>wouldn't be able to change or add to the team in any meaningful way.
It's okay, if you want to keep using the same team as before you can.
Replies: >>5099
Unless anyone else from /a/ says otherwise, keep the team the same.

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/yuri/ slowly and dramatically reporting in!
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Before I make the player change in your wiki page I need to know if you want to keep Cocaine Ninja's position and/or shirt number, just to be sure.
Replies: >>5076
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It's just a name change to re-include a player we had taken out. Before I sperg out about the reasons, it should just look like this:
Player name <<Sword>>
Shirt number 17
That portrait pic up there.
Position RB
Same style and skills that Cocaine Ninja has now. Cocaine Ninja is retired as a player.

Our current stadium is a modded default stadium, can't remember what other teams used it but it's not our own, the stadium I asked for is also another default stadium that's already made and included. Of course we'd like to mod it at some point in the future but shit's hard yo', that can wait for another tournament.

Those shirt kits were already made, adapted, and tested by a previous BO; I just decided to use them right now. Unfortunately that was more than 2 years ago and I'm not sure he can be reached or if somehow he still has the files at hand. I'll try to contact him and get them ready, before I ask for further help with them in case I fail.
Replies: >>5077 >>5082
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Change is done on your wiki page.
Speaking of which I see you don't have a roster page. I don't know if you want to create it or not.
For the kits I could skim through older ICUP exports to find the ones on your pic. Do you remember at least the last cup that had those kits?
Replies: >>5083
>I could skim through older ICUP
They aren't, I've already looked through their exports ICUP4-7 and those kits have never been used. Some older /yuri/ manager aparently made those kits long time ago and the only thing remaining are those previews Hopefully /yuri/fag here has some way to contact the previous guy and retrieve those textures right?.

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This will serve as /fit/'s hub for the upcoming 2023 ICUP 8, which will absolutely 100% happen because I believe it will.
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I think that shaders and normals look the best. Is there any way you can shrink her hips/butt any more? It looks quite wide in that last pic. If not I don't mind, it's only going to be a few pixels on a crusty JPEG stream anyways. If you have a video of her in-game that'd be great as well. Also at the risk of giving you an aneurysm, do facial animations work?
>That would require me to set up a crypto wallet beforehand and I'm not too knowledgeable on that topic.
I use Electrum, it's pretty straightforward.
Replies: >>4908
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>I think that shaders and normals look the best
I remember she did look shadeless on her own game though I too prefer the normals and shaders combination for PES.
>Is there any way you can shrink her hips/butt any more?
I take it that's the fitness fad among women nowadays.
Either way, the junk in the trunk was there in the model itself, I didn't make it any larger. If you explicitly want me to crop her ass you can ask me to but I think it's a non-problem.
>do facial animations work?
No. Not even the mega autists in the cuckchan cup have achieved it.
I'll try to post the vid in the models thread. In the meantime gib moneys to this address. Hopefully I didn't fuck it up:
Replies: >>4910
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Watching that video in the other thread, her thighs/butt/hips are way WAY too fat. if you look at WFT in her game her physique is nowhere near that thick. If it's not too difficult I'd like for her lower region to be shrunk down to realistic proportions.
Replies: >>4911
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What do you know, perhaps she made up her mind about her career in teaching yoga and decided to become a powerlifter. She needs those legs, you know.
Updated the model on MEGA. Hopefully that's all that I need to change from her.

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Hello, friends of /icup/, we're currently trying to get the Winter version of the Infinity Cup up and running, but we sorely need your help to make it happen.
Currently we're looking for a host, a co-commentator and some 3D assets/someone capable of making some. Even just cleaning up a bit of the wiki would help us out immensely.
Stay tuned for more and keep us posted on
Replies: >>4962
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I chuckled.
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>>4960 (OP) 
Kekkerino soccerino
Though I really wish we had an /icup/ team to pit against the winning team of a cup.
Hey Erisbro, can you type QUE MIRAS Bono in the board announcement? Argies just won the World cup.
Replies: >>4973
what does that mean
Replies: >>5070
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"¿Qué mirás bobo? Andá pa'yá" (roughly translated: "What are you looking at, you dumb? Go over there!") is an EXTREMELY mild insult uttered to a rival player by Lionel Messi during an interview after the World Cup 2022 match against the Netherlands. The tough instance coupled with some incidents made the anti-climatic response -and how fitting it is for the Argentine captain's usually mild and professional demeanor- into the highlighted meme of the Qatar competition, further exacerbated after Argentina went on to win the whole tournament. This is not an AI post, it was made by me, an Argie.

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In order to start breathing some life into this board, I'll start posting updates from my efforts at editing the wiki. This will also serve as a thread to handle any suggestions/complaints/requests regarding the wiki.
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What what I can tell, the top rank of a wiki is a Bureaucrat (still SKF), not Administrator. I can't add other administrators, best I can do is give someone permissions to rollback vandalism edits.
If they want to apply on the Miraheze's meta site for admin and/or bureaucrat roles, I am happy to vouch for them as an administrator.
Replies: >>5024
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Done. If you want to vouch for me in my request please do.
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Whatever happened to the chat recordings here: >>4968
Were they archived somewhere else? Are they lost in time again?
Replies: >>5055
I still have the chat archives laying around. Give me a couple days to upload them again.
Any place you have in mind to upload them?
Replies: >>5061
Good to know they still exist somewhere. They aren't linked on the wiki are they?
>Any place you have in mind to upload them?
Does no one here have access to the icuparchive on That'd be my go-to option.

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We still have no information on the whereabouts of /eris/-fag, which I assume is completely intentional given the kind of religion they follow, but I thought it would be a nice idea to at the very least start a new thread detailing the organization of the next (winter?) cup. As usual:
32 TEAMS LIMIT (may vary)
Only teams allowed are those representing a board/imageboard OR those that are historic within the cup (i.e. /test/, /bane/ etc.)'

For the time being, I'll shamelessly self plug the team I root for: /animu/
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I forgot the account name for /v/'s manager but he and Icupanon are the ones who come to mind.
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This post is to notify that I am transferring ownership of this to board staff member OneAnon.
They have been (by far) the most active staff to assist me during ICUP 7, especially with the wiki, and the previous cup may not have even run without them. All I ask from anyone reading this is  to not expect one person to do all the work. That's how you get burnout and no cup. Ask what you can do, and do what you can.
Replies: >>5014
Will you still be around, eris anon?
Replies: >>5016 >>5025
I imagine he will be.
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I just started using an RSS feed reader again so I'll keep an eye out for the cup and tune in when it comes along.

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I want to make a compilation of all the best moments of this (and all the other) /icup/ competitions, including the winning goals of the finals and sort of pay tribute to the hard work of the people behind it.
Anyone got any suggestions for good moments worth saving? I recall /sp/'s crestfallen goalkeeper being probably the highlight of the cup.
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Replies: >>4994
Be it at the last minute or not, St. John was clearly due to a red card. The guy slidetackled one of CIA's friends into the ground headfirst. Still funny as fuck considering /christian/ was about to lose the game.
Replies: >>5011
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Replies: >>5001
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You are a godsend for these webms.
Nice little digits too.
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Yeah, in the laws of the game that's a highly reckless, late tackle from behind, not even close to the ball. Easy red.

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yeah bro go ahead and put /tv/ in the cup tbh
Does /tv/ really have a team? I have never seen them play.
Replies: >>4986
you could have just checked the wiki
they haven't played since the 5th tournament. i don't think they care either

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