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In order to start breathing some life into this board, I'll start posting updates from my efforts at editing the wiki. This will also serve as a thread to handle any suggestions/complaints/requests regarding the wiki.
Replies: >>119 >>1901 >>4987
The page for the most recent cup can be found here: 
Currently, half of the teams that participated in the latest Cup (from /2hu/ to /kind/) have had their team pages updated to account for stats accrued in the 5th Infinity Cup.
Replies: >>119
>>3 (OP) 
As a quick update, all teams who participated in the 2019 Summer Cup/Infinity Cup 5 have had their team pages properly updated. This was completed a while back, so I've moved on to QoL and next cup edits as well.
Replies: >>120
Thanks lad, you're a life saver
I saw how diligently you put together the wiki over time, it was some inspirational stuff
Awesome, thank you OP.
I think an equivalent to this page would be useful for teams on the edge of whether to participate:
[note to readers: that's the 4CC wiki, not our one!]
Replies: >>153
You can look here It's not been updated for the next Cup, but the medal rules and roster rules are staying the same.
Bumping this thread up to the top because there's been a lot of posts about things on the wiki being unclear, needing a polish, or even straight up not being there. Reply to this post with what needs adding/changing/improving and either myself, or someone who can volunteer their time, will be able to at least have a list to work off of.
Replies: >>484 >>495
What's missing is the History section on most teams, I know most of the lore must have been lost to the ages by now but it'd be great if someone could still fill some of it in.
Replies: >>485 >>489 >>635
From a storytelling standpoint, yes you're right, we're gonna be lacking there. We do have the match results though, so we can still at least do a surface level retelling of what happened.
Replies: >>494
I'd rather see descriptions for all the in-jokes to be honest
Replies: >>491 >>492
All the 4CC teams had a roster page explaining (or exemplifying) what player names referenced. I noticed little to none of of that here.
I can do my own team and little bits of others.
(Or are you talking more about PES in-jokes? implyingrigged has a fun glossary for those)
Replies: >>492
I'll be asking teams to fill in their roster pages in the lead up to the Cup. It makes the commentators' jobs easier.
Replies: >>493
Just did some work on /otter/, can't really do it for the other teams though.
We should at least have some introductory text for each team I think. Looking at numbers is boring.
I think inactive teams should have their own separate section on the homepage.
Replies: >>497
There's different team categories already.
Replies: >>575
I'm thinking of the Teams box on

It could be split vertically into two sections, with current teams in the first section and legacy teams below.
I added all I could for /ausneets/ if that helps
Updated the Cup page with the 28 teams that will play for the Cup:
Replies: >>898
when's the logo gonna be revealed?
Replies: >>900
I'm planning a small update stream in about two weeks, I'll reveal it then. It'll be a test stream with a few friendlies, also to see the viability of other streaming sites in case Cytube and Twitch don't hold hands and make up.
>>3 (OP) 
Who exactly owns/runs the wiki?
Replies: >>1904
It's hosted on shoutwiki, and I'm an admin of it. The first admin, shoutwikinamefag I think still has privileges as he's the one who created it.
Replies: >>1906
Will there be any plans to migrate the wiki to Miraheze?
Replies: >>1909
Winter cup? What is this?
Replies: >>1908
I'll be doing something in the form of a Cup during Winter. Likely aiming for January/February, but details are still foggy.
Currently reading up on migrating a wiki. Miraheze seems viable.
Alright here's the update on the wiki like i promised. I tested pulling pages using my admin role over the wiki, which ended up being insanely easy and can be done over and over with minimal fuss. As for the images, that's a problem. I'll need to contact an admin of Shoutwiki itself to get access to everything, and I do want EVERYTHING. The history of things is tracked through the images so I'd prefer to have everything in front of me to reupload to Miraheze rather than the now-more-probable process of running scripts to grab everything and reuploading it to the new wiki. So the images are the current hang up since no one at Shoutwiki is getting back to me. And since I'm a moron, I must take the time to learn how to pull shit via a script, or bug someone who knows how to already. So that's the current status of the wiki. Oh there's also been requests to put OC and shit onto the booru, so I've somewhat started to do that as well.
Miraheze has declined my request to create a wiki there in the preliminary. They're requesting more details, like scope and purpose of the wiki before granting it. They're also requesting a link to the current iteration of the wiki. If I provide those things, then they will reconsider. 

I can only forsee this going badly.
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I can see that edit on /otter/'s page on the wiki. I still read and edit it dammit. Shoutwiki a shit
Replies: >>2219
Replies: >>2226
Someone edited in "Does anyone read this?" on /otter/'s page.
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Update: Most team logos are transferred over, missing a few historic logos and one-off teams. I was also able to solve the issue of /late/ & /comfy/'s name. They will properly show now, instead of their previous workaround of /latecomfy/. Only thing I'm going back and forth on for the moment is handling old /pol/ and new /pol/ and keeping them separate. Not sure whether to go with some capitalization or the name squatting with the I instead of the l like before.
Name squatting + different colors and logos seems good enough.
Replies: >>2533
The logos and colors are certainly enough to differentiate. It's the presentation of the text that ends up being the problem. I'll go name squatting because the more I look at it, the more the capital letters look out of place.
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I agree, typosquatting looks much better, even if technically incorrect.
I'd add a sneaky 'hatnote' for Not to be confused with /poI/ - Poetry and Lyrics / ''Not to be confused with /pol/ - Politically Incorrect', just for fun.
Replies: >>2538
political /pol/ came first as a team, so I think they get dibs on the wiki name
on the other hand poetry pol was the one to participate in the last cup, while the political one sat out
I think we should let the people decide on that
Replies: >>2538
Hello, I'd like to create a new team for /interracial/ from 8chan moe. However I noticed that there seems to be some sort of vetting process to get a new team in. What should I do to get it added?
Replies: >>2537
Well, you need a board culture first.
You can't just have seven players called WN cuck or /pol/ and five players named extinction hypno.

(srsly though, this is the wiki thread. look at the threads where teams have proposed themselves like >>2407 and copy their template into a new thread. you need player names and uniforms at least. uniform template is >>2325 , image above has labels. then await comments by the committee)
Typosquat wins out. Old pol has claim to the old name, but you wouldn't even notice if I didn't tell you.
Replies: >>2539
No, I knew of it from the thread where they insisted they deserved the /pol/ monicker.
Replies: >>2540
what thread is that?
Replies: >>2541
You know what, I was SURE I had that thread in mind but now I can't find it anymore. Huh. Goes to show that hearsay is just not a valid way to raise a complaint.

Regardless, if /pol/ proper wants to join and they end up bringing people over, I'd prefer it over /poetry/, but as long as they don't care or don't put nearly as much effort as /poetry/ I think that we can let them have it and just I dunno call the political one /POL/ on the wiki who cares.
Replies: >>2542 >>2543
but we already have a solution with calling one /pol/ and the other /poI/.
It's not like I won't audibly call them "pol" during games and such, it's just making it fit in with the structure of the wiki and making sure you know where to go. Everything is well linked, you'll never be in a situation where you click on /pol/ and end up on the wrong team.
First tutorial page is ready in a basic form. The two images required to start designing your kit are on the page. The more advanced instructions are mostly for the rigger, so it's not urgent that they aren't there.
At SKF: I took over ownership of the wiki once you had left it dormant, but apparently I still lack administrative rights. Could you confirm for me whether you are still the admin, and if so of which version of the wiki?
Replies: >>3253
Based on what I can tell, I'm the highest rank on the wiki. I may have taken those admin privileges back from you when I logged back into  the wiki a few weeks ago. This is on the Miraheze one by the way, that'll be the official one moving forward.
I wanna help moving the teams pages to the new wiki, how can I do that?
Replies: >>3378
1) have miraheze account
2) click on View Source for a shoutwiki page
3) copypasta!
4) upload any missing images, make sure you get the Original image and not the small preview on the image's page.
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Is there a reason why there's two wikis?
Also, why is the latter one the official wiki while the former has a much better formatting and more pages?
Replies: >>3617
The shoutwiki one has been used for years, but shoutwiki can't figure out simple HTTPS certs and filss it with ads, so we're in the middle of manually migrating pages to Miraheze, which is just plain better.
SKF, ICUP 6 host who is AWOL this cup due to IRL business, is the owner and hasn't been on it for months, so the front page and site-wide theming can't be edited just yet. We can probably ask the Miraheze crew to transfer ownership just to fix up the front page.

Use Miraheze, resort to shoutwiki if a page is missing.
Replies: >>3622 >>3633
One other issue with ShoutWiki is the fact that sometimes threw you a 403 whenever you wanted to visit it.
>Use Miraheze, resort to shoutwiki if a page is missing.
Question: I'm trying to copy and paste pages from the original wiki to mirahaze, but for some reason the "BoardInfobox" template seems to be malfunctioning. I don't get it though, if an option does not exist in either element it should just not show, no?
Replies: >>3648 >>3652
I'm not the anon migrating pages but it looks like infobox now has a lowercase i, not I.
Replies: >>3654
It's just as anon said, the template in Miraheze is "Boardinfobox" (without quotes).
Replies: >>3654
Thanks anons that did the trick!
Is there no embedded youtube functionality either? According to some articles it looks like there's plugins but no native one.
Replies: >>3658 >>3717
I haven't investigated it but is there a need for it? Most of those are for the anthems and goalhorns, and even then qe mostly need just the audio.
Replies: >>3704
It was mostly for the joke page for /todd/ but it doesn't really matter all that much
There is a YouTube extension but the only one who can install it is the owner of the wiki (which is SKF), so unless he transfers it to the /eris/ guy or he requests the staff ownership transfer the page will stay like that.
This thing isn't working
Replies: >>3874 >>3875 >>3943
Pages updated:
Some more work's been done on the wiki.
Replies: >>3824
Why is /late/&/comfy/ in the wiki twice?
Replies: >>3831
I think it was imported the first time as /latecomfy/ as the old wiki had it, if all the templates are able to handle the proper name (/late/ & /comfy/) then that's preferred and the other can redirect.
Keeps 503ing for me.
Replies: >>3875 >>3943
I can access it just fine
Replies: >>3876 >>3943
You can now
Replies: >>3943
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In case any of you still can't access it or it's going slow, here's the reason.
Replies: >>3948
Access to the wiki should definitely be stable now since they announced that the migration is over.
Replies: >>3963
Nope, still getting 503s.
Replies: >>4025
Check again
Let's help out the commentators a bit

No roster pages
/ac/ (no page at all)
/frenschan/ (no page at all)
/film/ (no page at all)

Bad roster pages
No images, no descriptions. What's the point? (only put player cards in there) (Only Cirno)

Okay roster pages
Only images or descriptions. (Mostly missing files) (Mostly missing files)

Good roster pages
Images and descriptions.
Just did some work on /pro/, and added some missing /late/&/comfy/ pics. Not sure what to do about descriptions on that page, most of the players don't really need one I think?
The main page is also a barren wasteland, can something be done about that?
Replies: >>4155
Lad can you post this on /ac/?
Replies: >>4154
Uh sure, but why? This is just for whoever wants to edit
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The only thing I see wrong is missing the archive link but only the admin can change it.
Replies: >>4156 >>4157
I was just saying it's a bit empty, compared with the old one
Are we limited to a single admin? Can't we have multiple ones?
I'm not able to do it this week, but you can copy ours from
Only difference would be medal players and positions of the mids/forwards.
Did something here.
Replies: >>4180
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here's an image for zzz/v/ if someone wants do do something with it
Replies: >>4188
Please get your team on this list
Replies: >>4193
That's a high quality cardboard box model
See also for a list of crummy pages.
Update has added descriptions has added images has added some images has added some images and a description

New list as follows:
No roster pages
/ac/ (no page at all)
/frenschan/ (no page at all)
/film/ (no page at all)

Bad roster pages
No images, no descriptions. What's the point? (only put player cards in there) (Only Cirno)

Okay roster pages
Only images or descriptions. (Mostly missing files) (Some missing files on bench players, only one description)

Good roster pages
Images and descriptions.
Replies: >>4199
Oh, also, is good. Forgot about that.
I'm trying to think of how to sort out all these redundant, outdated categories. Any good ideas? Just having one category for inactive teams would be better than this, in my opinion.
Replies: >>4209 >>4217
Dormant teams and dead teams are basically the same idea, a team whose board is dead or have no interest in participating
Prospective team is kind of useless, every board is a prospective team, same with waiting to be added
IMO if I were you I'd probably catalogue teams by site(s) of ownership (if any) or by shitpost/meme origin
Replies: >>4210
Yeah, my idea was to put dead teams and dormant teams into one category, and get rid of the prospective teams thing. Someone once tried to categorize all teams by site, but that's difficult when boards move around all the time and there's multiple single-board sites, so that was also never completed.
Replies: >>4217 >>4220
Not the autist btw, I just like sorting things
Replies: >>4218
hmmm... thats what the autist WOULD say...
Replies: >>4219 >>4220
The Autist is immunized against all dangers. One may call him an idiot, a shitstirrer or an imposter, it all runs off like water on a raincoat. But call him an Autist and you will be astonished at how quickly he recoils, how injured his prostate football is, how he suddenly srhink back: "I've been found out"
Replies: >>4220
Stick to the Dead Teams category for those boards that are genuinely gone and get rid of the other three.
>all teams by site
Yes, someone made a category for it and also put a link to the board in the box back in the old wiki, but I definitely agree with you that it can get difficult. That's why the pages were transferred with that info deleted.

Please don't start witch hunts.
Replies: >>4221 >>4226

Also, this category here should give an overview of what to prioritize after the roster pages. The majority of team pages are unfortunately outdated or have bits missing.
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What is all this
Replies: >>4223
Oh, it's /bmn/. Nevermind.
I can handle the teams by site bit
I'll even do you an extra and add all bunkers relative to that site (I.e. an addendum with 8/v/ and /valis/ to the z/v/ page)
Replies: >>4232
Finished the toehoe pictures
Replies: >>4229 >>4233
If at all possible, could these be used for the in-game icons as well?
Replies: >>4232
>an addendum with 8/v/ and /valis/ to the z/v/ page
How exactly? Like adding a footnote or doing it like the old wiki does?
Also /valis/ is apparently the bunker for 8/vg/ and don't like being associated with /v/, even less so with zzz/v/
Someone already posted the in-game icons for the team a while ago.
Replies: >>4237
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wrong one m8
>yukkuri abuse
use this comic
Replies: >>4237
okie dokie
>Someone already posted the in-game icons for the team a while ago.
Can you repost them here?
Replies: >>4243
If it's to replace the ones from the Roster page it's not necessary, your pics work too.
Update added images added images added images added images and descriptions added descriptions
anything I missed?

New list as follows:
No roster pages
/ac/ (no page at all)
/frenschan/ (no page at all)
/film/ (no page at all)
/leftypol/ (have their roster page on the 4cup wiki)

Bad roster pages
No images, no descriptions. What's the point?

Okay roster pages
Only images or descriptions. (Mostly missing files) (Some missing files on bench players, only one description)

Good roster pages
Images and descriptions.
I've added some images to /a/'s roster page based on what they posted on their thread.
In regards to /leftypol/, one of them said that he could copy the roster page from the 4CC wiki and put it on ours.
For the sake of the wiki editors please don't skip the match events screen at the end of the match.
Completing /film/...
Replies: >>4348
Finished the page!
/monarchy/ finished
Good to see all the work on the roster pages, it'll be easier to learn about the teams now.
What's a Keeper Coefficient and how do you calculate it? Trying to update some stats.
Replies: >>4396
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>no roster pages
Replies: >>4394
Oh, I thought /poI/ was gonna be a friendly team. Guess you can ignore that.
I think it's how many saves he had divided by shots on target
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>no roster pages
>frogshitter themed honeypot that installs malware in your pc
I don't see the problem
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>played on PES18
is it true? the raws say otherwise (PES17)
Replies: >>4558
Wiki article was probably written before the actual cup started. It was surely 17.
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I think this is wrong. /v/ scored 3-1.
Replies: >>4635 >>4636
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forgot to mention this was on the infinity cup 7 page
Replies: >>4636
Will get to it when I get to your group or you could always do it yourself
Replies: >>4638
Can anyone edit the front page?
Replies: >>4731
The problem is that SKF set the editing permissions to Admins only. If grassstains can take over the ownership then he should be able to.
Someone made this
Prostate football is taken already
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been taking a gander at the /v/ page. you can't edit the header as a regular user, right?
about the roster page, can you add both the .dds portrait image and a PES view of the model in an entry? in spite of preferring the portraits I still want to show off the models kind of like does
Replies: >>4760 >>4767
It's possible to do. Click on the Edit tab and you'll be able to change it.
>can you add both the .dds portrait image and a PES view of the model in an entry?
If you want to do like in your link then go into the Edit mode in PES and take a screenshot of your models.
Do what the italians did, put it on anonfiles or catbox and add a link to them. Maybe a screenshot too since they're so cool.
Replies: >>4769
For what purpose? Just upload it to the wiki.
Apparently the panchitos have made their home in the wiki.
Are these guys invited? Seems too early to let in a fringe board full of illegals when we have no idea of the continuity of most teams that are already in the cup.
Replies: >>4771
I decided to check their thread, and from what I'm seeing I don't see any trace of the Autist. There's also something in the OP about the post that the Erisian has about not letting new teams for now saying that even mods don't follow it
Wiki is at risk of being closed. I tried making minor edits, but the message still seems to be there.
Replies: >>4851 >>4852
I once obtained some sort of modding powers on the wiki, I'll see what I can do. In the mean time if anyone could contact Grassroots I'd greatly appreciate it.
Replies: >>4854
I've also made some small edits on the wiki to see if it would disappear. I believe I'd take some time for the header to update though. Same thing as with files uploaded to the wiki, they only update well after they're submitted to the wiki.
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>This wiki has had no edits or log actions made within the last 45 days
surely you jestin
I can message him but he's not the owner of the wiki, maybe he can try and claim it.
Replies: >>4855
I received a reply from him, says he could do it but he prefers Icupanon to claim it himself.
Replies: >>4856
How is the wiki claimed either way? Do we need SKF to return from the dead for the ownership to be effective?
Replies: >>4857
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The message header says it in there as much but I'll answer either way:
>How is the wiki claimed either way?
When the wiki is considered inactive any user from there can go to a page where he can request the ownership to be transfered to him.
>Do we need SKF to return from the dead for the ownership to be effective?
Not necessary but it could be more effective and faster because all he has to do is just uncheck one thing and done.
For now I'll continue working on it (I need to update the match details for the group stages and same for the knockouts as well as upload some matches remaining to the archive and probably update the video links from previous cups).
I've been looking at the recent changes and I want to ask: do you have any particular method of updating the match details of the group stages? It seems like quite a lot of menial work to check what's said on the wiki, double check with the archive's video then type them on the template.
How did you figure this one out? Is there an archive for the cytube as well?
Replies: >>4860
The way I do it for the match details is to use the beginning of the video for the main eleven and then skip to the last minute or so for the match stats and the events. For stuff like substitutions I'll skim to a point where substitutions happen (this also helps with the player arrows and their positions). It's a bit of menial work but it's the best way I can do it.
I actually got those from Grassstains himself (and only those three matches AFAIA) but I imagine it's based on how many people are in the room at the moment.
Replies: >>4861
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I remember the dude managing the stream said he was recording over the chat window with FFMPEG.
Did you have any idea of this? Note that I don't know whether he has archived it or not.
Replies: >>4862 >>4863
>I remember the dude managing the stream said he was recording over the chat window with FFMPEG. Did you have any idea of this?
I hadn't, actually. Let me ask Grassstains if he has any way to get in touch with him.
Replies: >>4863
I have that guy's email now so I'll ask for the links.
Replies: >>4963
Have all matches been archived somewhere?
Replies: >>4874 >>4875
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All of the matches that are counted as official are archived here:
If you were to check the uploader's account you can also see most of the previous cups were archived too. From memory, both ICUP 4-7 and the very first one are available on the archive.
There's also this link that's been worked on that contains individual matches instead of the entire day's worth of stream:
As for the entire raws, the entirety of the stream was not archived. Extra matches and this cup's friendlies were not archived and can't be retrieved.
This last part I figured out while I was trying to check out that soyjak vs whatever shitfest out of curiosity. Made me chuckle.
Replies: >>4875
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As >>4874 pointed out, most of the cups are available in the user page:
The only exception (at least to my knowledge) being ICUP2 because, according to SKF, there wasn't any archives and the closest thing to it are cached images of the after-match results.
>Extra matches and this cup's friendlies were not archived
But that's not true, the /lego/ v /lang/ was in there as well as the shit extra match that I didn't bother with because fuck those two sites appear in the raws.
Replies: >>4878
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>The only exception being ICUP2
I don't think The 8chan Cup was archived either, or at least it doesn't show up on the archive.
/eris/fag please come to the models thread and lend me a hand with the transparencies >>4780
Replies: >>4879
Unfortunately you're right, that one is not archived either. I don't know if SKF or TNAanon still have the raws.
Replies: >>4887
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Speaking of, Infinity Cup 5's friendlies were not archived, right?
Is this lost forever in time?
Replies: >>4902
Unless someone still has the WEBM for it then that's gone too.
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Did you get the links?
Replies: >>4964
Not yet. Let me try again and (hopefully) he sees this thread too.
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A few days ago I decided to open a request for the staff to give me ownership of the wiki and apparently the reason for the message appearing still is a bug (according to this person at least).
Replies: >>4966
I thought about as much about the notice, that it needn't display anymore. How about the ownership? Will they concede it without the previous owner's permission?
Replies: >>4967
It's still "In Progress".
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Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
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Thanks for that, anon. Now I can relive how subpar a chat window is as a means of communication.
Didn't know emotes could be that annoying.
Makes typing out actual messages meaningless when they can be drowned in an instant by pointless reaction images.
Replies: >>4975
To be fair, the recording quality is not that good due to the settings and the fact that my internet kept sometimes shitting itself which is why there are cuts in some of them.
Replies: >>4976
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Don't think the quality is an issue here, the webms look great.
Good job recording the chat window too. The attendance data might come in handy in order to complete wiki entries.
Amazing, comrade
I wish we could reup this shit on youtube though at some point, no matter if unlisted or otherwise
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The notice is gone.
Replies: >>4983
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Might as well have given administrator rights to the guy that's actively editing the site and will notice right away if the wiki's marked as inactive.
Specially bizarre considering that Ass the Poopstains wanted a long break form having to babysit the entire event.
Replies: >>4984
Icupanon here
I don't mind either way, having pseudo mod powers would allow me to occasionally log in and dispel those stupid messages about inactivity, but as long as someone else does it I guess it still works. I don't write much as of late because very little action has been taking place lately.

If I may, could anyone with mod powers change the home page to be a little more in line with what we had on the other wiki?
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>>3 (OP) 
Took me a while but I've finally got around to updating all the teams on the wiki with the correct (or as correct as possible) board they're meant to represent, minus obvious joke or dead boards.

Please do help out with adding a bit of flair to the wiki by adding pictures of the players if you're from one of the boards that could potentially play.
Replies: >>4989
Jast day I was trying to figure out where /ausneets/ was meant to be. Only by chance did I remember endchan exists, so clever move.
Updating /soy/ as a team that might participate again is quite a stretch.
Replies: >>4990
They've proven to be pretty steadfast in model making, but even if they won't play my ocd forces me to categorize everything.
At some point in the next few days I'll upload all the audio to a non files
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The pages for ICUP 6 and 7 have now all the links to the individual matches. Same for the GCup, except for the Finals because that recording is missing from the archive.
Replies: >>5017
Any other specific matches you need uploaded? I can get back into cutting those up and posting them to Archive, since I still have all of the raw recordings. Just let me know the most important ones to focus on first.
Replies: >>5018
I'm only missing the last match of the Gcup. Outside of that, feel free to work on the other matches as you see fit.
Replies: >>5019
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Ayy, we're approved. No more getting shut down every 60 days.
Replies: >>5022
Good, hopefully this means we don't get that situation ever again.
Speaking of, have you put Icupanon and/or the /v/ manager as admins of the wiki or is it not necessary?
Replies: >>5023
What what I can tell, the top rank of a wiki is a Bureaucrat (still SKF), not Administrator. I can't add other administrators, best I can do is give someone permissions to rollback vandalism edits.
If they want to apply on the Miraheze's meta site for admin and/or bureaucrat roles, I am happy to vouch for them as an administrator.
Replies: >>5024
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Done. If you want to vouch for me in my request please do.
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Whatever happened to the chat recordings here: >>4968
Were they archived somewhere else? Are they lost in time again?
Replies: >>5055
I still have the chat archives laying around. Give me a couple days to upload them again.
Any place you have in mind to upload them?
Replies: >>5061
Good to know they still exist somewhere. They aren't linked on the wiki are they?
>Any place you have in mind to upload them?
Does no one here have access to the icuparchive on That'd be my go-to option.
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