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Won the most African cups in the world btw. Thanks for the invitation.

Victory theme:[Embed]
Default goalhorn:[Embed]
Sisi's goalhorn:[Embed]
5th settlement roastie's goalhorn:[Embed]
Amr Warda's goalhorn:

Formation: 4-2-3-1

Starting 11
GK: High dam [bronze]
CB: Pedo
CB: Abdelnasser
LB: Coptic genocide
RB: Syrian refugee
DMF: Big tiddy catgoddess
DMF: Incest thread
LMF: Sarah Hegazi (subbed out at half time)
AMF: 5th settlement roastie [bronze]
RMF: Amr Warda [silver]
CF: Sisi [gold]

GK: Sakara pyramid
CB: Abdelaty Kofta
CB: TE Data
LB: Egy chan
RB: Falah (peasant)
DMF: Health waifu
DMF: Bashmohandes (Eng. btw)
LMF: Mortada Mansour
AMF: Sarsagy
RMF: Sharmoota (Haram St.)
CF: Fuad II
كويس انك حاططني دفاع عشان انيك البنات الصغيرة ورا الشبكة
Replies: >>2415
>>2407 (OP) 
When were you invited, is this the work of the Invitefag
Scared and confused by your artistic choices but then again we allowed /dup/ and they had fucking bugers
>>2407 (OP) 
Also you can't give medals to goalies, pick another player
Replies: >>2414
>>2407 (OP) 
I can help you with setting up another kit for the goalkeeper if you want
Replies: >>2414
>> 2409
Thread was posted 19 days ago on /egy/

Give the bronze to big tiddy catgoddess instead

I'll submit a kit for the goalkeeper sometime tomorrow, is there another template for it?

Anything else we're missing or deadlines we should be aware of?
Replies: >>2418
أصلي عارف انك مش هتخاف تقفش فبنات الانمي بتوع البوردز التانية
>Give the bronze to big tiddy catgoddess instead
okie dokie
>I'll submit a kit for the goalkeeper sometime tomorrow, is there another template for it?
It's the same template for all kits, the one you used to create that masterpiece
>Anything else we're missing or deadlines we should be aware of?
There's no current deadline because the next official cup is in the Summer and PROBABLY something will be played in between cups.
The only thing you're missing is player cards (optionally roles), you can assign:
1 card to the GKs (and it can only be GK Long Throw)
6 cards to your Gold player (+1 extra free Captaincy card)
4 cards to your Silver player
3 cards to your Bronze players
Although it's best if you submit cards, you don't really have to put too much thought into it, I mean, /dup/ won by having practically the same cards on every player.
Replies: >>2419
*2 cards for all other players
>>2407 (OP) 
That anthem had me in tears, here's your wiki article,
add details as needed
Replies: >>2421
Thanks for adding our page to the wiki. I've made some edits and created a roster page for our team. 

Currently trying to figure out how to create the kit and models and how to put them ingame but it seems like a lot of file fuckery and bachelors of computer
Replies: >>2422
Yeah, to this day I have no fucking clue how to add them in without fucking up when I test them for newer PES versions, let alone the old ones.
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I was going to talk shit about this being an 8kun team, but you've actually put effort into filling out the roster properly so you're alright with me, /egy/ptians! I hope to see you when the next cup starts :)
Replies: >>2425 >>2441
Kit turned out better than expected, thanks for the preview. Hopefully I could recruit some blender autists and get some models going or god-forbid I'd have to make them myself and everyone else would be subjected to the horrors that are to be birthed.

If anyone has any suggestions other than those already in the wiki for models, etc. in PES please let me know.
Replies: >>2426
My understanding is that there are either one or two blender autists here (me being one). Most of it is taking 3D models that are already made and importing them (so if you see one for free on a site like sketchfab, we can import it, or if the 4chan Cup has that player we can steal them). We simply don't have the time and skill to make players ourselves for all the teams.
However, since lots of your team are humans, you could recreate their faces either in PES player editing, or with a Blender face mask from a photo. I've done this for a few players on my team named after real people.

>or god-forbid I'd have to make them myself and everyone else would be subjected to the horrors that are to be birthed.
Have you seen Eris's model yet? You have nothing to worry about!

>those already in the wiki for models
Have you also seen the wiki? (for the 4chan Cup, useful for modding resources)
You might be able to find Bastet models and a famous mother anime character for the incest thread. You could also find a properly-clothed model for Syrian Refugee, or glasses for Sisi.
Don't worry if you can't get them all; most teams have between 0 to 3 models at this time.
Replies: >>2427
I'm planning on stealing borrowing any models I can. I'm not sure how they're going to be rigged for animations though.

>since lots of your team are humans, you could recreate their faces either in PES player editing
I tried it but it's very lacking. We'll probably use it for now until we could manage better.

>with a Blender face mask from a photo. I've done this for a few players on my team named after real people.
I wasn't aware of that feature, I'll definitely give it a go though I have exactly 3 minutes of blender experience and none with any other 3D modeling software. Luckily I have 0 concern for quality as you could see from our kit.

>Have you also seen the wiki?
I'm familiar. I haven't looked at their modding section though, I'll see what I can find.

>Don't worry if you can't get them all; most teams have between 0 to 3 models at this time.
We're a new team with big expectations and bigger autism, we're here to raise the bar
Replies: >>2429
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Speaking of quality, our 10 pixel logo wasn't cutting it so I recreated it and made some variants. 
Feel free to vote, offer suggestions or make something else entirely.
This goes for /egy/ denizens as well as members from any other boards who want to contribute.
صباحكم فل
Replies: >>2430 >>2432
>I'm not sure how they're going to be rigged for animations though.
PES does the animation rigging with vertex weights, not bones/skeletons, so don't worry if your models aren't rigged.
Basically (assuming it's human-shaped), the model is put into the correct pose, then we get Blender to automatically copy over the vertex weights from a normal PES model (see >>2285 ), then we manually fix up any obvious mistakes (like this, where a cape and skirt is mistaken for a leg >>2351 ).
There's a video tutorial for it.

>little Blender experience
The tutorials don't assume much experience so that's fine. Make sure you downloaded the outdated version they recommend (2.78 or 2.79) and install the import/export scripts.

>I'll definitely give it a go though
Excellent! That's how I first started too (for Emperor Norton's head).
The supporting files and video tutorial is here:

I'm happy to help with any questions. Hopefully you don't get the scary face (if the face is so broken it doesn't even load, the eyeballs and teeth still render).

>We're a new team with big expectations and bigger autism, we're here to raise the bar
That was me a year ago, and now we are the bar! Good luck.
Replies: >>2435
I like the sixth one the best, it has a certain charm to it.
Replies: >>2434
(non /egy/)
I agree that the sixth is the best, the black ribbon doesn't get the 3D shading it needs. The sixth has the /edy/ colors and depth.
My second favorite is the second one, but I think the sixth suits your board theme more.
Replies: >>2434
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I took your suggestions regarding the banner/ribbon colour as well as the Egyptian flag colourscheme and made a new concept.
For those who haven't already noticed, the logo looks the way it does because it's stolen based on the Sakara logo (egyptian beer)
Thanks for the info regarding the modeling/animations. I'll try to forward these to the rest of the /egy/ptians and hope one of those lazy fucks actually does something for once.

>That was me a year ago, and now we are the bar! Good luck.
Good to hear. Hopefully the other teams will follow suit once they see the renewed interest.
I am top 1 8channer on egy 
called the pedo anon(lolicon) 
ect so I am wondering Can I make my model player a pedo bear or a loli ?
if no then Can I make the model muhammed peace be upon him ?
هنخربها يا ولاد الاحبة 
بس انا مبعرفش العب بيس  الا لو ماسك دفاع زي ما الانون حاطني كدا
Replies: >>2440 >>2441
>ect so I am wondering Can I make my model player a pedo bear or a loli ?
find a free pedobear 3d model and play around with the settings on PES
like, pick this one and see if it works
I've been reading the wiki but I'm still not quite sure how to add this kit ingame. Do I need to create or generate these normal maps and whathaveyou from the PNG I posted? I've downloaded the game and I want to test out these things ingame as well but it's not very clear. (also the wiki appears to be down atm)

It's not you, it's the guy who was recently caught. Pic in roster page.
Replies: >>2444
So you have PES 2017 installed and running. Have you installed the ICUP 6 DLC and EDIT files? (contains all the changes we made for the last full tournament). First you should get those working in PES by pitting them in the correct folders as instructed and using Boris's DPFileList tool to make PES load them in.
To edit the DLC, use a CPK extractor (there's some on the wiki, can't hurt to virus test on to unzip the file structure. Some files are encrypted with zlib (more decrypted on the wiki, but check for dodgy ones!! If you're fine with CLI there's a clean one the 4CC made) but the kits should be fine. implyingrigged has a page on it, basically you find the folder full of kit textures, find the ID of the one you want to replace (I think we're restructuring IDs soon so just pick one high on the list like /2hu/) and replace the .dds texture. I use GIMP to open a .png and save it as a .dds, the wiki tells you the export settings. The other texture handles things like shinyness (for that sticker material) so probably just leave it all that exact green. Then use the CPK tool to repackae that filesystem, put it in the DLC folder and re-run the DPFileList tool to load it into PES.
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