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Should also note, if you want to download PES and dick around with team strategies and whatnot, the game, the "DLC", and the save file can be found here

Download DP File List Generator at the bottom of here: Then follow the instructions in the last paragraph of this page: . That should get PES to load in the files.

note: I will edit that last paragraph and the wiki to explain the AET system we've moved to. See >>3593 
Last edited by ronaldinho
Replies: >>2324 >>3054


PES15 1.03 torrent: magnet:?


PES15 1.03 official DLC:!yRkwjLbY!

key: 4ZqVRd8iq86NVexbyxwSVlMN_NezruqDHG_ZNGirEk0

Adding this info from the older threads, in the event whoever wants to host the cup lacks the computational resources for more modern versions of the game.
Does this guide still apply for full customizations?
Replies: >>158 >>189
Yes it does. I don't see much reason for using newer versions of the game since they do not add much of interest.
Replies: >>189
That link helps, but I think most of the useful info is located on their PES 2016 page. 

I'm getting in touch with my one blenderfag from last Cup, and I have another that seems to be onboard as well. I'll see if I can get them to post in here. This will be the default player model thread for now.
Replies: >>193
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If they've got some good tutorials or tips they can share, it would definitely help get several teams back on track for their own customization.

Speaking of which, what are the referees gonna look like?
Replies: >>195 >>206
Actually, that picture gave me an idea:

We could use robed figures as referees, someone could also mod the yellow card to be a 3d flat colored yellow or red loli just to reflect on how silly it has all become.
Replies: >>206
Referees are a bit of a problem actually. They're not stored like player models are, and I've yet to figure out how they get fixed. As of now, the customizations that allow us to remove player models affects the referees by showing them with no midsection. Now normally on a player, this is fixed with one switch on a certain setting, but since the referees are customized differently, it's not that easy as of now. What they do have though is custom ref kits. I have a janny kit, an "I want 2 shitpost" kit, a regular kit with visible bribe money tucked into the front pocket and the classic red anon suit.
Replies: >>216
Remove referees, rules make games worse!
It does not necessarily have to be a new model, could just be a retextured face with a void inside.
Replies: >>217
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>[referee] could just be a retextured face with a void inside.
I didn't come here to feel.
Replies: >>220
It's in honor of the friends we lost along the way
Replies: >>221
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>icup reffed by the ghosts of anons we've lost
I like it but it's a heavy feel.
Creative director/tester for a board here.
I got the game set up (works perfectly with wine and firejail on Linux, no steam. As a very casual gamer, I'm amazed by this timeline)
For idiots like me wondering how to start an AI only match because the damn controller won't go in the middle, you Play Match, start an Exhibition Match, select the teams and then when the pre-match settings show up, click (Y) for Coach mode (the 'w' key on my keyboard) and a manager's icon appears. This will give you control over your team's formations and subs but the AI play each other on their own.
If this is improper advice, please correct me.
Replies: >>236
No you have it right, that's how to do it. It is usually better to have two Coach Mode teams playing though, since the AI tends to behave like an actual soccer team, turning its strats on and off throughout the match as it sees fit.
Replies: >>239
>It is usually better to have two Coach Mode teams playing though, since the AI tends to behave like an actual soccer team, turning its strats on and off throughout the match as it sees fit.
Yeah, I started noticing that. Except it messes up in my tests and put our SS (right forward) into back left corner and messed up the rest.
I haven't been able to figure out how to add or fake a second controller (keyboard only)
Replies: >>248
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Update no-one asked for but one person may find useful:
I'm about to wake up soon. I spent upwards of 6 hours trying to hack together a frankensteinian horror of old .exe's, Wine and xbox controller drivers, but then I was told there's an easy way to fake extra controllers in Linux.
It's an interactive SNES controller. You can host the server locally (just a javascript web-app) and connect with your browser on localhost:80. If you don't have a touchscreen, open ./public/js/virtual_gamepad_client.js and replace all three 'touchstart' with 'mousedown' and 'touchend' with 'mouseup'.
Just to be certain,  are modders waiting for a new ICUP6 save file and DLC?
Replies: >>266
No, the save file and final aesthetics come out after the tournament. You can play around with PES in its raw form or with the last Cup's DLC. Anything you build/model/create will end up in the same file structure as the previous DLCs since we're running on PES 17 again.
Replies: >>267
What about new teams? Should we just start editing:
/otter/ = Placeholder 1
/eris/ = Placeholder 2
/mecha/ = Placeholder 3
/comfy/+/late/ = Placeholder 4

Do we only need to download the 2019 Summer files for a proper setup?
Replies: >>268
I managed to fix my install. The 2019 file didn't give me a DpFileList.bin file so it needed to be built (use Baris's generator at the bottom of ).
Only the 2019 Summer Save and 2019 Summer DLC are needed.

Placeholders 1 and 2 are taken already, so in that last post just add 2 to those suggestions.
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this is my  PES OC (donot steal) their name is Sticky.
they like playing divegrass and scoring goals. Sticky is invincible like superman but without the kryptonite and faster  than sonic the hegehog. all their stats are 99 and they have all the skills.
Replies: >>276
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We could use some of them for the post tournament match
Think SEGA FC from the Virtua Strikers series, with the devs' self inserts as the final boss
How do I get PES to save after I edit stuff?
Replies: >>478
Depends. What are you editing and how are you editing it?
Replies: >>480
I'm trying to edit my player's faces using the built-in editor. I tried doing it with ejogs3742642's editor too but that just creates some white abomination for some reason.
Replies: >>481
So finish the edit, head back to the top editing menu and make sure you manually save it. Do not trust PES's autosave feature. It does not work.
Replies: >>483
I did, it's still not saving
Replies: >>486
Have you tried resetting the player's face before editing it? I also believe there's something in-game to stop you from editing licensed players, so if you're trying to edit a Messi, a Ronaldo, what have you, the game might not let you use the in-game editor to do this.
Replies: >>487 >>488
> Have you tried resetting the player's face before editing it?
Yeah I did, it just resets it again afterwards. Oh well, weird stuff.
Replies: >>490
Thanks for the help anyway.
Silly question, but have you tried editing different players or teams?
I know editing ones with certain custom changes (e.g. APC) has turned them into white heads for me.

Worst case, you can upload a list of the face settings you want and someone running the cup can probably use a save editor to apply it.
Replies: >>499
Yeah, never try editing a player who has a custom model in-game. It janks up the Blender model that was set up for them. You can always fix it by resetting the player model in-game, just make sure to adjust the player height afterwards as well.
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Consider using this website to visualize your formation.
Has anyone been able to use a one-sided unlit ("Anime-style") shader? I've been trying for a while now.

Useful templates:
The card head templates combined with the Pony shader (instead of Basic_CNS) just doesn't seem to work with twosided=0. It could be an issue on my end though.
Replies: >>596 >>756
>>595 (Me)
Alright, I think it works fine in matches but not in the edit mode. Wow.
I'm just glad it's not the other way around.
I've been putting a few hours of work into modifying my copy of the 2019 edit file (roster, appearance, team attributes, uniform colors). You can simply export/import all of my teams changes into the master file, right?
Replies: >>628
I believe that's how it works
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Is there a way to preview kits without installing the game?
Replies: >>745 >>757
I don't think so, but you might be able to ask someone who has the game to test it for you.
The pony shader is 4cc custom made, it won’t work without their DLC
Replies: >>757
Not as far as I know. Unless you use a kit creator online that comes with a preview feature. 

It's included in the portion of the DLC that makes players disappear. I have it.
Replies: >>763
afaik that portion of the DLC also includes their modified EDIT database. 
>I have it. 
Will it be used for the cup proper? So full body models will be possible?
Replies: >>772
Full body models already were possible. We had players completely replaced by MMD models last Cup.
Replies: >>773
>We had players completely replaced by MMD models last Cup.
We’re they still able to wear the kits? If so, this is a very encouraging piece of news.
Replies: >>784
It is possible, we just didn't do it. The main two that immediately came to mind were Miku, who was on the pitch in her usual outfit, and Aniki, who had a face clearly only meant to be seen from certain angles. Oh and he was wearing a loincloth.
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So... how do I edit this?
Replies: >>922 >>925
Honestly, I wouldn't touch it. This is why I'm asking for tactics listed as a text file, that way I can put in advanced instructions like that manually.
If you want to know for testing, you can mod it easily in-game by selecting edit->team->game plan->advanced instructions
It can also be temporarily changed during a game.
Should we sticky this?
Replies: >>1999
I'll remind myself later to sticky the thread.
I am making a stadium.

Which stadiums may I choose from?
Is everything played at night with fine weather?
Replies: >>2023
Night with fine weather, yes. As for slots available, you can use st017. I have no one in that slot other than a failed attempt at a /lego/ stadium.
How do I add player images in the wiki?
Replies: >>2045
What do you mean?
Replies: >>2048
like in here. I want to add player's images but my team's roster page doesn't exists
Replies: >>2049
Create the page then. If it ends up being off slightly, it can be corrected. Links and everything can be fixed as well.
For any teams that change formation mid-game (like /fascist/), it may save time to use the Preset option to define the registered positions and locations before and after, and manually switch it during the sub. Just make sure fluid positions and automatic switching or whatever is off so it doesn't change automatically.
Replies: >>2088
That feels like a thing I would fuck up constantly. I'll look into it to see how easy it is though.
Replies: >>2090
I think it's more like, set it up once (per team), then change one hard-to-accidentally-change, easily-noticable-when-you-change option, which is reversible if you do it by accident. Try it out, for sure.
If possible, I would like to replace one of the selectable player goal celebrations with a special corner flag goal animation (I didn't realize they existed until today, that's how rarely the AI uses them) so that my players can use it.
I have successfully done this in my game with a DLC (just overwrites the celebration's animation files and camera angle files with the corner flag celebration's files).
Replies: >>2166
If it doesn't break anything else, I'm for it. Send it along.
I am getting back into this again and working off of this page's Full-Body Models tutorial:

And the tutorial video:

And this text tutorial:

The only question I have right now is about the texture format for the models. I know that it is a .dds format and that it needs to have specific parameters and dimensions but I don't know exactly what they are, beyond 512 x 512 (I think) being an acceptable dimension and it being necessary to pack all textures into one file. I can transfer weights and bones just fine, that is not an issue.
Replies: >>2286
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Working with the first lady of T poses for practice.
I can talk more later, the textures for the typical shaders you'll be using (such as Basic CNS or Pony) should be compressed with DTX5 compression and have mipmaps generated. I use GIMP, I can show you the exact export options I use later but this should be enough.
One common issue is that GIMP only exports the current layer for DDS (so you need to merge the layers first) and this can accidentally increase the export size to larger then the canvas. It doesn't have to be exactly 512x512, the length and width just have to be powers of two (so 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x4096, 16x128 are all valid. Just stick with 512 square for starters though.)
>packing textures into one file
I don't know if the exporter allowed multiple materials per .model file. I know its possible but I haven't tried with the mod tools.
However a player can have multiple .model files. Take Gondolina as an example, the pants are a separate .model file that have a special Uniform shader. However, for ease, I usually just do one model and one texture for the anime girls.
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I used GIMP to export a .dds, one of the attached pictures shows what I picked for export. Another is a cap of the options for when starting a new project in GIMP. I don't know if I need to mess with them, I just left them all at default.  If you'd like a copy of the .dds I can upload it.
Replies: >>2300
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Yeah, those export settings are perfect. You don't need to mess with the new image settings, sometimes I'm just opening an existing pre-made texture .png and just exporting as a DXT5 .dds with mipmaps so PES can use it.
No need to upload the .dds, it should be fine, but definitely upload the player model folder if you have any issues, since the issue can be the .model/s, the XML, the MTLs or the texture.

Protip: Always save the model in Blender before exporting. It can crash and it can ruin the UV. I've noticed an issue where if there are multiple islands (I think that is the right term) of faces on the UV map (so one point of the mesh is part of two unconnected faces in the texture, see pic one with head highlighted) the exporter mistakenly distorts one of those faces to stitch them together, to get pic 2. You can see the body pattern mess up in those UV faces that stretch across the entire texture.
Here is a script I run in the console to properly separate the faces.

Also, I've noticed you are using a newer Blender version, I'm not sure if the PES tools work on those! If not, you can just export and import it into and older version as a .dae or something.
Replies: >>2315
I have noticed the 'island' issue working with Rumia. I assumed that it was from her having unnecessary/conflicting vertices. I was working on a newer version of Blender, will keep in mind to stick to the older edition.
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>>15 (OP) 
Replies: >>2325
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Here's a better one to use. I think that picture is from the 15/16 era of PES and they tweaked things slightly for 17. I managed generate this by fudging the kit creator a bit so you can clearly see where the individual parts of the kit begin and end.
Replies: >>2327
Perfect, how swell. Thanks.
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I got Darth Vader's textures migrated into a single DDS, and I got the model weighed, but I noticed an issue with his cape when I did not move it far away enough during weight transfer. Curious how I should proceed. Should the cape be only slightly weighted to the body by location, or should I weigh the cape to one body part, or some other solution?
Replies: >>2364
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His skirt has a similiar issue.
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With another model was wondering about the neck, head and hands.
Made a .model export of Vader and Ammit. Vader's model is not looking great from getting below 15k triangles and Ammit is still nude but I'd like to know if they work as-is or not before I put on finishing touches.
Replies: >>2364 >>2370
>>2351 - >>2355
Sorry for no response, was AFK for a week.
I sometimes have a play around with the weights if I have time to trial-and-error, otherwise if there's not enough time I leave them as pure hip-bone as it isn't prone to glitches and moves alright, even if it looks strangely static. Adding touches of left and right leg movement to a dress, for example, will make it move a bit with the legs as they run, but you need to be sure not to add too much so that it isn't wrapped to their legs like pants. I'd treat the cape and skirt similarly.
Capes and long hair can look a bit stranger if they flow over many sections of the body (since they can move independently, looking over your shoulder moves the head bone but not the hip). I usually just manually paint parts of them to the closest major body section (head<->chest<->hip) making sure they flow into each other, not abruptly change to another bone.
I'm guessing you don't have PES set up yet, so if you see any model in the cup (or even the 4chan cups) that you think has a similar part like a cape and moves well, I can send it to you and you can load it in and see how it's painted.

When it comes to the weight painting, a good idea is tho think about how that part of your body moves, how much and when. The head and helmet should be 100% head (as it is attached to a head and moves with it)

I will try loading these in tomorrow.
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Alright, there are a couple of small export issues. It's far better than my first attempt though; you didn't crash PES!

1) I couldn't find the Arms_0_rig or vertex groups in the Ammit Blender file, only in the Vader file. I can tell you painted them on from the picture you sent. (It only ran in Blender 2.8+ so I'm guessing it was the wrong file)

2) I think you prepared the model for a different export tool than the one we need to use for players. If it nagged you about making that EXPORT parent, that's for a tool that only does simple static objects (like stadium parts), we don't need to do that. My guess is that the unexpected preparation (like EXPORT object and unexpected UVMap names) confused the exporter because the .model file had only one vertex group and was oversized.
As a result of this, I could get it straight into the game as pic related lol.

I've been able to fix this by reimporting the original medical_staff.model into a blank project, removing all its vertex groups (you've already painted them, so we can just replace the originals) and joining Vader's mesh into it just like you had done before. I got a strange export error which went away by going into the weight paint and normalizing all (not even sure if that was the issue, but a good troubleshooting habit).

Now Vader looks like vid related! (ignore the red boots)

Like I said, the cape will be hard. It's a trial and error thing, maybe not a good idea to worry about without having PES to test with, I honestly wouldn't bother. At the end of the day though, close-ups are rare. Perfection is a bit of a waste here and there are things that will never sit right. Plus glitches are half the fun!
The helmet is surprisingly fine, although I would weight it 100% head anyway just to be safe.
Replies: >>2413
The video doesn't load.
Replies: >>2416
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The upload was interrupted the first time so I doubleposted, but the mod deletion was evidently botched.
Vader's looking alright :)
Replies: >>2417
>but the mod deletion was evidently botched
Please be patient I have autism
Does PES support jigglebones?
Replies: >>2584 >>2585 >>2598
No. PES was designed with male characters in mind only, who don't really get the jiggle treatment, but even if there were women PES still wouldn't have bothered to add that detail. Do you expect to notice from the far camera?

The only option is adding weight from another bone to fake it, like adding 10% thigh bone or something ridiculous that would take so much trial and error I'd rather just not even try.
Disregard the above response, I confused it with jjggle physics. The answer is similar though, no they don't have any bone customization. There are only the ones they have for a standard player. You maybe able to find something like an arm bone that moves kind of close to the movement a jigglebone would but it wouldn't be the same.
You can mod booba onto a character but they don't jiggle. Far as I know anyway.
Replies: >>2618
show booba
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>>15 (OP) 
Are there any good fucking websites with free 3d models? All I find is some shitty 300+ dollarydoos offers for bad blender tutorials.
Actually, is there a way to download these paid models without having to pay for them or something?
Replies: >>3059 >>3069 >>3076
What exactly are you looking for?
Replies: >>3076
Check these pages
Replies: >>3072 >>3076
Much obliged. Though
>google it
Is kinda what I've been doing already. Wish it was easier to actually grab the paid stuff, somehow.
What about the Steam workshop? Does the gmod or vrchat ones have downloadable models? As in, stuff that could be rigged to PES?
Replies: >>3078 >>3233
Not a Blenderfag, but I imagine those could be rigged to work in PES.
What format are the downloads? If you can import it into Blender, it should be fine.
Replies: >>3240 >>3242
I think those should be able to be imported into Blender.
Replies: >>3242
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i'm genuinely surprised no decent /v/ team has come about yet, as you could rip any model you want to use as a field player
the gmod workshop could be one step to go through game models; there's this specific tool that allows you to convert them to blender i believe:
github com/ZeqMacaw/Crowbar/releases
and other sites host models, i think i've seen p3dm (dot) ru mentioned here that has a ripped model of xana from DMoM&M on the front page,  models-resource (dot) com has something too, etc.
what vg models would you see fit to be ripped and uploaded as players?
Replies: >>3554
It's because we don't have a consensus between /v/s on which should participate. Sleepychan's is the only one that feels like having an actual involvement but even then it's a really minute part of the board.
Replies: >>3555
ye, sleepy/v/ is the only one that at the very least seems to try, albeit it's that one drawfag who's only consistently doing anything
either way, what would you see as a player for a /v/ team? other than terrible OC, perhaps some characters from something in particular?
Replies: >>3557
Mmh, ideally guys that could fit with both a retro and a modern gaming culture
Some TF2 or CS:GO rep for example would be real nice.
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are we doing PES 15 or 17, again?
Replies: >>3559 >>3561
Yep, PES 17, exact patch and DLC we're using is on the wiki. I recall there was a dead pastebin link, if so add to the front until it's fixed. Let me know if you need help with anything.
Basically, there isn't enough time or volunteer to move to a different PES so it will probably be 17 for at least the rest of this year.
are there any team file exports to test out inside the game? say any of the boards have uploaded their teams elsewhere so I can try them out
the 4cup wiki includes team files that don't seem to match PES17's team file settings, and I believe the 8cup icup wiki has none of them.
Replies: >>3580
It's good that you've asked, I've just done an overhaul of the ICUP save/DLC so that it's less hacky and easier to maintain, and didn't expect people to be this involved so I never publicly posted it.
Checking and uploading. I'll post a link in about an hour or less.
(The wiki actually does have ICUP6 and GCUP on the PES Info page, but don't use them!)
Since these are temporary work-in-progress uploads, the links are only valid for a month.

Let me know what you intend to do with these. If you are just testing tactical stuff or in-game team/player editing, there shouldn't be a problem, but if you want to edit the DLC aesthetics, I can upload the AET folder for your team, which is far far easier to edit than the packed .cpk DLC.
This contains base files, interface edits (mostly same as ICUP6 so far), competitions, ICUP6 adboards, ICUP6 transition wipes, stadiums, ICUP/GCUP balls (past winners, the diamond and the spikey meatball) and the team aesthetics.
You may also notice some changes still in progress, such as most teams having all players with the same face. Check the TODO wiki page for known issues and feel free to ask about any others.
Play UEFA Champions League, Exhibition Match, not the regular Play Match. Settings for matches are section 2 of

EDIT00000000 :
download folder :
Last edited by grassstains
Replies: >>3664
I like what you did with the CSS!
Ah yes by the way the board is under new management but nothing will likely change, thanks for all the laughs, anons.
Replies: >>3596
Thanks for all the work you've done here.
those uploads (the download folder) are not working. could you please upload them again?
Replies: >>3668
Yeah, doing it now. I picked that site because it said 30 days but it turns out that's only for small files, so bye bye to them.
Replies: >>3669
Use mega but keep a backup on
Replies: >>3670
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I've up'd it to, post edited and added to the wiki (for practice). You're free to use mega but I don't feel like making an account on two sites when that's the one I trust and understand the least of the two. Redundancy can take a hike!
Replies: >>3672
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>Unable to load because data is from a different version
I'm getting this on trying to load the ICUP7 save. I installed PES17 1.02 according to the wiki.
Replies: >>3762
Did you also install the ICUP7 DLC into the /download folder? (next to Data, create it if it doesn't exist)

If so, tell me what you did, step-by-step, so I can see what you missed.
Replies: >>3785
Works now, thanks
But the models only seem to appear on close up camera angles, is there a way to fix that?
Replies: >>3790
Put this in the DLC, it's a gift for you
Replies: >>3791 >>3854
My guess is go into Settings.exe in the PES folder and set to High quality
[I'm afk for a few days so now I have something to look forward to :D ]
two questions:
1. I can't make the pants disappear yet have the entire shirt visible, right?
2. what tool should I use to extract other face models from PES?
Replies: >>3832 >>3848
>2. what tool should I use to extract other face models from PES?
Which ones? Like the original real players that Konami made?
You'll want that CPK file system tool on the wiki somewhere, let me know if you can't find it.
>1. I can't make the pants disappear yet have the entire shirt visible, right?
Yeah, unless you go through the game files and copy over the missing part of the shirt. (I don't have time to do that)
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Thank you, the default music was driving me insane.
I just found out clicking "Nationality" in the player edit menu crashes the game, isn't that funny hahahahahahahahahahaha
Replies: >>3865
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Replies: >>3868
look at this fackin poofta
All of the players are hollow, there's nothing in them. The refs too and even the audience, they're hollow too. The commentators don't even have bodies. The grass also isn't real and neither is the sunlight.
Replies: >>3871
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>The commentators don't even have bodies.
leaked photo of Solo
Replies: >>4056
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>leaked photo of Solo
I found a million billion models here.
Replies: >>4236 >>4240
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Oh, that's cool. I've had a thought, do you think we could mod PES and replace a few of the player models with custom ones? I mean Idk, you probably have to know a bit about 3d modelling, but the guys on 4chan are doing it and i'd find it cool if we could do that too.
had been working on a model, it's glitchy as hell and I can't do anything bout it.
hopefully the /eris/ guy can sort this out. blender file is in the root folder. texture is in the template folder
Replies: >>4327
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finally fixed it earlier tody
stop nagging yourself about it, I know you wanted to spend its time fixing it yourself
Replies: >>4383
Cool, send over the face folder when you're ready.
Replies: >>4385
the entire /v/ export is at >>4357
Replies: >>4388
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can you make sure the goalkeeper is set as "defensive"?
the two goals /soywars/ scored against us were granted by the goalie being everywhere but where he should be
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just making sure you don't forget these models that were laying around in a sea of posts
there are two /ita/ players and one /japan/ player in here
Replies: >>4559
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>and one /japan/ player in here
I think that was already included in this pack:
But as far as I know nobody is willing to add our new models/kit/banner/portraits for us while the cup is running. They got the new music at least.
Replies: >>4564
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it's a /japan/ model I have formated to be used in the cup as an act of charity. it's the melonGET model.
the problem about adding in full body models is that you have to spent a moderate amount of time merging textures, rigging and weight painting the model.
i tried to fiddle w three of the MMD models, and as it stands most of the model's textures weren't converted properly into blender 2.79. moreover I would need to use the models' skeleton which I don't know how to operate to put the model into shape
I'm a bit new to this and I believe a bubblehead model like the ones you posted would be a nightmare to operate.
>nobody is willing to add our new portraits
convert your images into 128x128 and I'll convert them into .dds
>our new kit
where did you post it?
other than the modes I believe the issue w the kits/portraits has more to do w a lack of communication than the riggers themselves
Replies: >>4565
>convert your images into 128x128 and I'll convert them into .dds
I did they are in the thread.
>where did you post it?
see above
Replies: >>4568
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i think I've finally found the home kit.
should take a gander at the portraits
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Here are some portraits, kits and models that were scattered around some threads
this compiles all my latest posts in this thread
note you still need to rename the files depending on each team
and you stop littering this thread john, lest the rigger may not notice
Replies: >>4576
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doing some favor to the /comfy/ guys, finally got the upper body to look nice but can't make the lower half to work.
i don't know how to weight paint these longer dresses. help me rigger-sama, how did you manage the capuccino model?
Replies: >>4576
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TO THE RIGGER (again):
Here are some portraits, kits and models that were scattered around some threads
this compiles all my latest posts in this thread, even these ones: >>4568 >>4574
note you STILL need to rename the files depending on each team
Replies: >>4591
I was wondering... Could any intrepid anon jot down and catalogue all custom 3d models/faces currently in use?
Would be useful to help with making 3d models for teams with few riggers.
Replies: >>4591
I saw a notch of her dress going silly in edit mode I'm sorry. You know the drill, ignore the posts.
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Imported a Terry Davis model to use as a referee. If you can't import it as a referee, I'll begrudgingly accept him as a player for /christian/.
Do not forget these ones:  >>4576
That would be pretty easy if you had the entire AET at hand. That is, if the rigger were to publicly post it here.
Replies: >>4592 >>4598
Huh why is Terry a referee?
Replies: >>4593
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It's a preference thing. I don't see him as a player neither do I see any referees using custom models.
Replies: >>4594 >>4598
I thought we wanted Wide Putin and the duck.
Replies: >>4597
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>I thought we wanted Wide Putin and the duck
who will this be for, the /reddit/ team?
The thing with custom referees is that they have a different configuration from custom players (at least from what I've read). If they're not that different from those then it could be done easily.
Start from this post >>2807. It also has ideas in regards to custom referees if those can be done.
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touched up the terry model a bit more.
TO THE RIGGER: last time I promise
Here are some portraits, kits and models that were scattered around some threads.
This is the final one that contains everything I've done in between this week.
You can safely ignore every other post with catbox links in this thread.
I don't know why it has escaped me to copy down every password for my posts to avoid duplicates
Replies: >>4617
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these submissions have been properly converted and tested in-game. think of them like the /v/ submissions.
have you considered adding them? the only work you'll need on them is renaming the portraits and copy+pasting the rest where they belong on the AET
Replies: >>4620
Just dropping in now to say yes, added and tested! Thanks a bunch for that.
Replies: >>4622
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i was awaiting the confirmation, so thanks for that.
whatever happened to terry? is he a referee or a regular?
Please lift the rigging mood by uploading the new save/DLC to the wiki soon.
Replies: >>4733
oh shit that was a week ago.
IRL stuff with a touch of burnout kept me from doing anything but the video uploads, I'll pack this up today and put it up.
Replies: >>4742
I'll put it on the wiki soon but here are the files:
Replies: >>4743
Could you edit the OP with the latest patch, for newcomers who don't want to comb through all the threads?
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any idea on what game we will play on? PES17 or PES18?
Replies: >>4745
Rigger wants to move to PES18.
Replies: >>4746
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I want the word from the rigger himself.
He can't leave us hanging like this.
Replies: >>4747 >>4748 >>4749
He mentioned it in the last match but gave very little explanation as of why. My guess is that the modding tools on implyingrigged are best suited for the newer versions of PES.
Replies: >>4748
From the To-do on the wiki:
>This would enable some graphical improvements and newer gameplay patches
I think it needs a proper discussion before I can create a concrete announcement. I'm still quite burned out and have 10 other projects that need attention, so the first few weeks of the off-season are a great time to discuss this.

The main challenge is that PES 2018 and above (so, for example, PES 2021) uses a different graphics engine to PES 2017. That means we need to re-port models and stadiums.
Last cup had about 120 models, so that's not a grind I'm able to do on my own. I suppose if I create super accessible templates for facemasks (simple image texture on face) and flat 2D players, we could get some participation from team organizers and have less boring plain-face players.
Additionally, a 4CC organizer (MarcoZ) who visited here last month said it might be possible for one of their aesthetics squad to help port a few models and have small friendly cup (e.g. our favourite 8 teams) against some 4CC teams in PES 2021. I think this is not only fun and novel, but a good demo opportunity. Unless I hear a disagreement, I will hold a vote to see who the popular teams are, and get in touch with 4CC to sort things like resolving rule incompatibilities.

I think the main benefits are graphics/rigging improvements, and tactical improvements: you may hear me whining about PES being a bit predictable and not using certain skills. My understanding from watching some games is that this is much improved. I'm going to try and make contact with their chatroom (without giving Discord my damn phone number) so I can get more details on this.

So, there are many ways we can go from here. We could even do a transition period where we have two small knockout invitationals (e.g. 16 teams on 2017 in 'winter', other 16 teams on 2021 in 'spring') which prevent us getting burned out by 4 weeks of 6 hour games. But ultimately, I think the benefits of the new versions are worth some effort.
Replies: >>4751 >>4752
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speaking for myself I don't believe there is a real graphical improvement in between PES17's internal engine and PES18's Fox Engine. the lightning's a shit, stadiums look unnatural and players look like they're made out of wax. upgrading to the newer version would conflict with the B-side look the ICUP provides compared to the overdone 4cc players and stadium with three gorillion wojaks and frogs where you can't tell head from tails of anything the /n/ team is incredible though
in regards to the improved divegrass simulation I genuinely don't know how much entertaining the playstyles will be, but then again we're talking about football here, no one on imageboards gives a shit about football or else they would have been normalfags with a career or at least a family
lastly the idea of collaborating with 4chan leaves me a very sour taste in my mouth. i know the spirit of old 8chan would be spinning in its grave from the mere thought of it.
PS if you truly want to update to PES18 you'd have to sweettalk all of the two blenderfags here and really sell how much of an improvement upgrading to newer PESes and being in bed with 4chan is.
t. /v/ rigger
Replies: >>4927
personally I like the idea of switching to a new game for a change since we've been playing 17 for a while but i have no idea what the newer versions of pes are like
id try and help with the aesthetics at least for my own team
i dont like the idea of mercing our aesthetics more than necessary/we already do
i dont have as much of a problem in playing a "friendly" cup with 4cc 
the only problem i have is the 4cc teams would probably wallop us
Replies: >>4753
on the topic of newer versions of PES do all of them feature that awful "cinematic" motion blur on all ingame cutscenes? I know it appears on PES21 from footage I've seen from the newest 4chan cup's finals.
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What would be the way to obtain the body model for a PES player?
I need to repurpose the in the "Custom Skin" folder with a texture from another game and I would like to obtain the UV map to double check how the arms are rendered.
Replies: >>4927 >>4928
One of the import features will let you open the models. There's one import feature that basically loads anything but can't save it, so try that if needed, but I think there are special working ones for things like arms.
The models are in the game data files (use a .cpk extractor from the wiki to open them, I forget which so you may have to try all of them until you find the arms and legs models, but the folder structure or a filename search for body/arms/feet/hands should make it easier)

>PS if you truly want to update to PES18 you'd have to sweettalk all of the two blenderfags here and really sell how much of an improvement upgrading to newer PESes and being in bed with 4chan is.
Exactly, and I'm not going to do that. A waste of time and effort considering our conditions. PES18 was a bit of shiny new thing syndrome, and me thinking it would make rigging better. But in our case, we can't really make it 'worth it' even if it was fully totally better, which as you point out it isn't.
I didn't come to 8chan from any of the exile/clone boards (/v/ ,GG ,/pol/) so I don't have the same deep-seated integral animosity of 4chan that many post-8chan boards have, more just a general animosity towards the site becoming the antithesis of its pre-2012 self and it becoming monotonous and pathetic. It's a disappointment but it doesn't live rent-free in my head. I wouldn't see games against them as anything but fun competition, like that silly 4chan vs reddit Tribes Ascend match.
Replies: >>4930
Actually, some of the player models already add the arms and legs manually, to do something similar to what you're doing, so you can use those.
For example, the Erisian Magazine model has fake arms which were copied from the real models, just with the animation removed, so the UV maps would be the same.
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It seems there's a folder in the ICUP6 export that contains those parts you were mentioning. This folder: ICUP6/8ccPlayerRemove/common/character1/model/character contains torsos, legs, arms and other bits of player. However, I've been unable to locate a pair of hands. Is this the correct location?
In any case, let's say I do find a pair of hands to use and pose and I add their respective .mtl file into the Faces folder; who's to say the game won't spawn two pairs of hands, rendering some sort of demonic Goro-human miscegenation?
How does the game keep track of what hands to use, and which not to? The save file editor doesn't specify anything about deleting other than the entire body.
On the Erisian Magazine guy, I take it he has had both the arms model and the uniform model posed, because the torso contains the sleeves and the arms are, precisely, only the arms; all of this weight painted so it stays at the height of the head I assume.

However, if anything I'd like to get this one issue that's been aching me forever porting models.
Don't you remember there being a bizarre halo around some facemask models' hair as they were ported? >>4057. Something similar occurs with other models that use an alpha channel to render transparencies: >>4780 >>4921
This issue already has its roots on Blender, and however this is displayed on the game depends on how the player was ported in Blender. Why does this occur I've no idea.
There has to be a workaround, right? Some other models that feature alpha transparencies were ported just fine to the game, though those were exceptions rather than the rule.

Anyways, thanks a bunch for showing up from time to time. Hopefully some more anons pick up on these posts so that, if when the time comes there's someone to help you out.
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