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I just remembered that we were invited. No idea how it's supposed to work but I think we just need some names and uniform templates?

WIP Roster:
dolphin_bat.png gk
Kimeemaru cf (captain)
GETmelon dmf
Marisa Kirisame cb (bronze)
Komachi Onizuka cb (bronze)
sokunigger cmf
Bane amf (silver)
Wreckage Brother ss
ohayou cb
Raymoo ss

((( Sanae Kochiya )))
Replies: >>664
>Komachi Onizuka
Other bench names:
Seiga Kaku
Hatate Himekaidou
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I don't think you can have players that other teams already have.
Replies: >>531
Which other teams are stealing our players? www
Replies: >>532 >>549
Wreckage Brother and Bane are already on /bane/ afaik.
Replies: >>534 >>549
I own that board, we are friends.
Replies: >>535 >>549
Good to know.
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Is there any way to load a preview of kits for testing purposes?
Replies: >>586 >>611
Regardless of good relations with /bane/, teams can't share players. You'll have to come up with two new ones to replace them
Replies: >>550
That's pretty rulecucked. Oh jesus fucking christ I just saw . I ain't reading all that shit I'm outta here.
Replies: >>552 >>585
It seems complicated but it just boils down to having at least 18 players in a team, having 1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze, GK's can't be a one of the former and a player can only be in 1 team 
Also you might own the /bane/ board but I manage the team so purhaps we can make a combined /bane/ and /weeaboo/ team
Replies: >>557 >>582 >>585
I mean, that's what I was trying to do. Didn't know there was 1 lad trying to keep his own team for /bane/.
Replies: >>582
If you guys are willing to work together on /bane/ go for it. I'd rather have one, solidly worked-on team rather than two half baked ones.
Replies: >>589
The rules are just there to solve disputes like when /leftypol/ cheated.
The gist of it is what >>552 said, just make a roster of characters, assign four medals to them and a captain role and make at least one kit. It's pretty easy, any other addition is on you.
I think there used to be a tool for previews but  I forgot its name. SKF you know it?
Replies: >>611
There shall be peace in our time. Swap out a few /bane/ players for /2hu/ & /jp/ ones and it'll be a lot more representative of the current political state of the boards. Maybe rework or swap out a kit and logo too. Key players we have are GETmelon, Kimeemaru, dolphin_bat.png, sokunigger, and Kiguposter.
Replies: >>611
I don't remember there being a specific kit previewer, where you can upload already-done kits and see how they look. Maybe it exists somewhere out there but I don't know of it.
/2hu/ has a team with a rep as well, not sure how you want to work this Voltron-team but I'm sure you guys will come up with something. I'll go slap the 2hu rep in the meantime so he finally makes the thread on this board
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Well I think that's it, I stripped the logos for the away kit.
Replies: >>657
If we have to go our own way heh I propose the stadium be named "Mister Easy Place". To resolve /bane/ stealing my Fire I would have Wreckage Brother be replaced with The Wreckage and Bane with Big Guy. To settle any other copywrong conflicts, replace Marisa with Melissa McDonalds, and Seiga Kaku with Abyuse. The logo can be the flag in the OP unless I can get off my ass and draw something else. The team captain should also have the gold medal if that wasn't clear. Can you edit the OP to reflect this new info SKF? Fuck it, add ZUN, Arino, Hamada, and Matsumoto to the bench as well.
Replies: >>660
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tbh if you're going to take my kit for the away kit can you at least use the CIA kit instead of the bane kit for it
Replies: >>661
Okay, so if I'm reading this right you're going to stay split from /bane/ and run your own roster which looks like the following:

dolphin_bat.png gk
Melissa McDonald's cb (bronze) 
Komachi Onozuka cb (bronze) 
ohayou cb 
GETmelon dmf 
sokunigger cmf 
Big Guy amf (silver) 
The Wreckage ss 
Raymoo ss 
Kimeemaru cf (gold) (captain) 

((( Sanae Kochiya ))) 
Hatate Himekaidou
Tenko Eating a Corndog

Seriously this is mostly /2hu/ with a splash of /bane/, why not just throw your support behind one or both those teams instead?
Last edited by SKF
Replies: >>661
The bane kit makes more sense simply because we crash planes when away.

They are taking too long to respond and I'm lazy. I don't mind if they come back and try to work something out I just wanted to be prepared in case they go and stay go. That reminds me to add a couple more /jp/ names: JBCS, Hoopdog, tenko eating a corndog. You fucked up copy pasting so to make sure you get everything right: Hatate Himekaidou is one person, Seiga = Abyuse, MITONeiga is just MITON, and drop Awooji. I think that'll take us up to the cap of 23?
Replies: >>662
"They" in this case being /2hu/ or /bane/?

Duly noted for the other names, I'll edit the post. You also don't need to fix Seiga because she's not on /2hu/'s roster so I left her the same.
Replies: >>663
Seiga is on /animu/ I think, because she is the PLW mascot.
Replies: >>665
>>525 (OP) 
>dolphin_bat.png gk
not that your business is any of my affair, but just pointing out that the term 'dolphin' has pretty much been poisoned now by that autistic glownigger that was trying to destroy the webring.
Replies: >>672
fuck me you're right
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That's the whole point.
Replies: >>675
oh,that kind of bat kek. tbh the other kind came to mind first. guess i've been lurking /monster/ too long heh.
The /japan/ese playbook has been submitted.
Goal Horn[Embed]
wiki page up
Here are all the mmds I found for the team so far:
Replies: >>1224
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placeholder banner until someone comes up with something better
So have these already been imported?
Replies: >>1239
Doubt it, the guy I asked to work on shit said it was more autistic than he realized it would be. Apparently they'll be done next week.
/kind/ BTFO
submitted an updated playbook for next week
Please correct the starting lineup too. Sanny is supposed to be an optional sub not the starter.
Replies: >>1428
We still have no models and they've been linked for ages, wew. Summoning rigger to help with some last minute imports.
Replies: >>1429
Someone in the other thread the firey link didn't work and this is more clear for which players which model belongs to.
head model i need imported.
I got the firey to work (blocked my normal vpn).
Sanae and Marisa are finished.
GETmelon and Komachi are being finished (the dresses are a pain, it won't be perfect because I've got another 10 models to do after this)
Head over to the link I gave quickly if your board has shit taste in which version of Raymoo and Kimeemaru to pick.
We can still make it.
wew, use the updated playbook holy shit
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FUCK /v/
Replies: >>1699
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Artist sketch of tengufag after /japan/ lost
The irony of this image after what happened to (you) faggots is hilarious.
>site died in less than a month
>got bullied off of prokikewoah because owner got doxxxxxed
>got bullied off of kissu
>got their own board on deleted
now janny my post (you) cowardly pedophile
Replies: >>1761
Sorry if it took me some time to get around  to this post.
For the next cup, we'll probably keep everything the same unless someone gets off their lazy ass and updates the kits.  We should also rep Japan because /librejp/ is kind of hard to communicate with. I don't think they care too much about the cup anyways.
Replies: >>1922
The /librejp/ guys made some art about the cup so I think they care
Replies: >>1923 >>1941
That's more than about half the other boards to be honest.
Replies: >>1941
Might be worth it to have some kind of dedicated OC  thread on here for stuff like that.
Replies: >>1942
We do. >>20
Replies: >>1964
Maybe that should be stickied.
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we need to secure the new bird before another team does
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Alright yeah I'd like to replace the Wreckage with Iizunamaru Megumu, same stats and everything. As for the top secret playbook I could use suggestions from  the bros on how to improve it since managing everything myself has proven to be a pain in the ass. It will be declassified for these purposes and to increase accountability ;^)

P L A Y E R  C A R D S  &  S T Y L E S
All non GKs get Fighting Spirit henceforth known as 「Shitposting Damashii」 and Acrobatic Finishing
Everyone on the bench has 「Shitposting Damashii」 and Super Sub instead
Style: Target Man
COM Playing Style: Trickster (use this if it overrides the one above idk how to play game)
Heel Trick
Man Marking
Style: Dummy Runner
Man Marking
Style: Box-to-Box
Man Marking
see above

T E N G O O  S T R A T S
Formation: 4-2-1-3

Attacking Instructions:
        Attacking Styles: 	Possession Game
        Build Up: 		Short Pass
        Attacking Area: 	Center
        Positioning: 		Maintain Formation
        Support Range: 		3
Defensive Instructions:
        Defensive Styles: 	All-Out Defence
        Containment Area: 	Middle
        Pressuring: 		Conservative
        Defensive Line: 	1
        Compactness: 	8
Advanced Instructions:
        Attack 1: 		Centring Targets
        Attack 2: 		Tiki-Taka (only turn on when winning)
        Defence 1: 		Counter Target (use on best player with least stamina)
        Defence 2: 		Gegenpress (only turn on when trailing in 2nd half)

Player Settings:
up to you man idk what the fuck these meme, just don't give me something bad ;^)

Substitution Strategies:
Sub off both SS and most tired non-medal defensives after half

From our past games I've seen we are pretty good at scoring if we can get the ball, but have poor possession leading to many attempts on our net. dolphin_bat.png has easily been the mvp for managing to hold the line as much as she has.
Replies: >>2640 >>3442 >>3569
Sorry about the lock, old chum, preemptive anti-spam
These changes have been made.
Note that Box-to-Box will have no effect on the CB bronze players.
I assume Counter Target should be enabled at the start. Be advised, medal players and high-form players, due to their stats, have better stamina.
Replies: >>3564
updated the roster page
now it actually has stuff

replace box to box with the instigator then
on both of them
Replies: >>3566 >>3569
Roster is looking great, thanks!
Tactical change has been added.
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I see the roster page has The Wreckage as a player, but according to >>2639 it was planned to be switched to Iizunamaru Megumu. Do you guys want to make this change still or are you leaving The Wreckage as a player then?
Replies: >>3572
idk dude it was like 3 years ago ive been up 36h figure it out
Replies: >>3599
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I'll take it as a "no changes" then.
owned those teens
I fixed the roster again please list all the players without models and i will try to find thxx
Replies: >>4285
replace target man with fox in the box thank you
and pls don't fuck up the starters next time
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scaled the portraits so they can be added ingame
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new banner
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new home kit
((( Sanae ))), Hatate, Megumu, Ohayou as custom models
ZUN, Hamada, and Matsumoto can be done with facemasks
Tenko and Arino can be stealed from the 4CC
Replies: >>4286
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has any of the new content been officially added?

Replies: >>4400
why didn't you do it yourself. it isn't that hard
Replies: >>4401
not my problem
Replies: >>4409
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>not my problem
it's your problem
Replies: >>4416
nah i was told to get them not install the game and import them by adding bones and shit
i might as well be streaming myself if i do that
Replies: >>4424
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you could have stopped by in July, not one day after the 1st set of matches.
besides, plenty of others already kept the rigger busy with plenty other shit. it's a first come first serve thing.
rigger is a lenient bitch but even he does have his limits
Replies: >>4426
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did i ask
Replies: >>4431
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that's why you get no models
Replies: >>4433
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so be it
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today i will remind them
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scored some fakkin goals today
hehe football
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revised playbook for next time

P L A Y E R  C A R D S  &  S T Y L E S
All non GKs get Fighting Spirit henceforth known as 「Shitposting Damashii」 and Acrobatic Finishing
Everyone on the bench has 「Shitposting Damashii」 and Super Sub instead
Style: Fox in the Box
COM Playing Style: Trickster (use this if it overrides the one above idk how to play game)
Heel Trick
Man Marking
add random cards affected by trickster if I have extra slots
Style: Dummy Runner
Man Marking
Style: The Instigator
Man Marking
see above

T E N G O O  S T R A T S
Formation: 4-2-1-3

Attacking Instructions:
        Attacking Styles: 	Possession Game
        Build Up: 		Short Pass
        Attacking Area: 	Center
        Positioning: 		Maintain Formation
        Support Range: 		3
Defensive Instructions:
        Defensive Styles: 	All-Out Defence
        Containment Area: 	Middle
        Pressuring: 		Conservative
        Defensive Line: 	1
        Compactness: 		8
Advanced Instructions:
        Attack 1: 		Centering Targets
        Attack 2: 		Tiki-Taka (only turn on when winning)
        Defence 1: 		Counter Target (at start; use on SS and apply to new SS when you sub off)
        Defence 2: 		Gegenpress (only turn on when trailing or tied in 2nd half)

Player Settings:
up to you man idk what the fuck these meme, just don't give me something bad ;^)

Substitution Strategies:
Sub off both SS and most tired non-medal defensive after half
If there's extra time sub off another tired non-medal defensive
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