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In order to clean up the catalog a bit, you can use this thread to talk about the new teams you want to add to the cup and general management of the rosters.

>A link to the board for which you want to submit a team
>16 (max. 23) Player Names (the first 11 shall be the starting lineup)
>Player positions (see second picture), with at least one Goalkeeper
>Player medals, which are used to determine which players should be the strongest in the team (1 Gold player, 1 Silver player, 2 Bronze players)
>Among the starting 11, you must select one to be the Captain (they get a bonus to their stats)
>A team logo (just use gimp or photoshop or
>A minimum of two Kits, which are the shirts that your main players and your goalkeepers will use (if you're feeling really lazy, you can just make a recolor of the main kit and call it the goalie's), we would also appreciate a third one for the Away games; use the third pic as a base
Used to be necessary, but if you got any problems you can just let us rig it:
>Player cards and roles, refer to
>A Team Strategy, refer to
>A set of player heights, refer to the rules
>3D models of your players, or at least face edits / photos:

Rules for the matches:
Stay tuned for cup info
>>2945 (OP) 
Are there some sort of sites or resources to host games? I know OBS can be used for streaming but not much else.
Replies: >>2950
I know the last one was hosted on a now dead site called Bitwave. And there's also another site I saw mentioned around:
Replies: >>2951 >>2953
I remember when we used Bitwave to stream, it used to be kind of meh.
I was hit with like three streams of people creating realistic loli drawings, I am unsure if I'm on a list now, but thanks for the offer
Replies: >>2954
Sorry about that, but I also remembered just now that there are some PeerTube instances that allow streaming (at least from what I saw on sleepy/v/).
I want to say maybe 8moe's stream system but I don't know if you're willing to go there.
Replies: >>2961 >>2965 >>2979
Anons hate 8chan so much but to this day I have still no idea why, and even if they were still culprit of some sort of internet-crime, I don't see why anons wouldn't want to just abuse their platform for their own personal gain.
Musical DMCA aside, what's the issue with streaming on twitch exactly?
Replies: >>2976 >>2979 >>2982
I personally don't have a problem with it, but I think it should be used as a last resort.
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Do you need to download peertube to watch streams over it? Sorry if I'm retarded.
Probably gets too much unwanted attention.
Replies: >>2982
>Do you need to download peertube to watch streams over it?
Nah, PeerTube is just the server software, just like this imageboard uses LynxChan. You just bring your web browser (or other client, like youtube-dl or a mobile app). It's kind of like a self-hosted YouTube, for a shallow analogy.
Fair warning: by default it uses peer-to-peer streaming to take the load off of small servers if something gets wildly popular, so if you aren't using a VPN and are worried about the zero other people watching being able to see your IP address (strange combo but whatever), click 'My Settings' and turn 'Help share videos being played' off (you don't need to be logged in).
Here's one of the many instances (this is the official demonstration one, closed off to new user registration):
And an example of one with user registration:

>Musical DMCA aside, what's the issue with streaming on twitch exactly?
I won't get too autistic if we need to use it, but basically supporting a closed-source, corporate, user-abusive service isn't something I enjoy doing. Imageboard users have an increased tenancy to reject mainstream social media and things like Discord; in fact privacy concerns are a reason why many people move to anonymous imageboards in the first place.
Replies: >>3011
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It's the team for /pro/.
Logo: pic related
Goal horn:
Formation: 3-4-4

GK Grabby Hands
LB Weird looking dog
RB Coati
CB a night out with the boys (silver)
DMF Round raccoon
DMF Masked bandit
DMF Rabies superspreader
DMF Rocket Raccoon
LWF Constable Raccoon (bronze)
RWF 3 raccoons in a trenchcoat (bronze)
CF Detective Raccoon (gold)
SS Embrace pestery

GK where did my candy go?
LB Mr Legs
RB big sniffer
CB troublemaker
CB James Blackwood
DMF Ringtail
DMF Kinkajou
DMF Cacomistle
DMF Olingo
LWF Trash panda
RWF Employee of the month
CF Angry coon
SS ACAB (all coons aren't bright)

Strategy haven't thought much about it yet, I think we should just load them up with trick cards because coons are a bunch of little pranksters. Still need kits, models etc too
woops I added one too many, move SS to the bench and change to CF
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a kit, made with love
Replies: >>3009 >>3049
Nice to see a new face, but the logo is kinda bloated. Won't look very good on the shirts, maybe you could create a cutout of it and use the picture proper as part of the kit?
Replies: >>3016
Disregard that I suck cocks
Still the logo needs to be smaller, but I don't think it's necessary
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>>2945 (OP) 
/k/ here, reporting for duty
Do we even have a team?
Replies: >>3020 >>3061
Thanks for the warning, though I doubt the federal agencies are interested in a divegrass tournament, even one with /fascist/s in it
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goalkeeper kit

No deal with it
Replies: >>3039
does anyone have good raccoon models?
Replies: >>3045 >>3047
Your thread on /icup/ is here >>56
And here's an archive for the ICUP thread on /k/

hat trick goal horn[Embed]
Didn't mean to come out as rude, I was just trying to give you a suggestion
Replies: >>3044
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>Trash panda
>Angry coon

>Feral Agent
>PES control
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Replies: >>3299 >>3303 >>3735
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Replies: >>3299
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I couldn't find an actual model of 3 raccoons in a trench coat, but there's this
Replies: >>3299
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Don't know if there's even a point making this team but
>Counter Attack
>Short Pass
>Support range 2
>Frontline Pressure
>Defensive line 2
>Compactness 8
>Wing Rotation
>False fullbacks
>Man Marking
>Swarm the Box
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away kit
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>>2945 (OP) 
Voting for /britfeel/ to join
Did the anon with the K-On models ever finish his job?
Replies: >>3058 >>3061
I don't think he ever did
>>2945 (OP) 
I would also like to add /film/ to the group of participating teams. We still don't have much but I wanted to be there, as we were planning some pre-tournament movie streams.
Replies: >>3061
So to set up a tentative, finalized group stage, we would have the following boards:

>>3003 /pro/
>>3010 /k/
>>3055 /britfeel/
>>3060 /film/
>>3051 /yuri/
>>3025 /bmn/
>>2991 /otter/
>>2990 /eris/ (though no thread exists I've seen the logo enough times to assume they want to play)
>>2999 /islam/
>>2963 /fascist/

For a total of 10 teams. Ideally, it'd be better if the number of participating teams was divisible by 4 as it would make it easier to organize a group stage, also if we lack just one team we can always add the /test/ meme team to the mix. What do you guys think so far?
Replies: >>3063 >>3077
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Maybe ask /a/, /2hu/, etc.? The teams that had a decent presence in the last cup. Not saying you should spam or announce anything, but if they even had some fans last time then asking in their designated threads should do no harm. Fuck it, I'm dropping the list of boards you didn't mention but I remember having anons from them in the cup's chat. Keep in mind I didn't join the gcup.
/2hu/ (currently the team with the most 3D models available)
/japan/ (not me, but some anons may think this is another troublesome board)
This is just an idea, but I'd like to see some of those teams, particularly the ones with more active boards or that got really involved that time. I don't think they've lost all interest, it's just that this board and the tournament have been dormant for very long, even I just checked it by chance and I'm a team rep.
Replies: >>3067
we played for the endchan board /fscchan/ in G-Cup
can we play again?
/icup/ has always been a "first come, first serve" kind of tournament
If you manage to get the word out, I would also like to have them play, but we need proof they care (for example I was met with apathy or anger when I tried to ask 8/v/ and 8/co/ if they wanted to play with us again)
Put up the new boards that joined:
Add /server/ to the list.
Replies: >>3080
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we also made our team
GK /miku/ & /teto/ - Vocaloids
 LB /fringe/ - Esoteric 
CB /css/ - Style Sheets [SILVER]
CB /electronica/ - Synth 
RB /caffe/ - Coffee Lounge [BRONZE] 
LMF /v/ - Viverridae 
CMF /bun/ - Bunnies 
RMF /musicprod/ - Music Production 
LWF /rocks/ - Minerals and Fossils [BRONZE] 
CF /meta/ - Maintenance [GOLD][C] 
RWF /heavy/ - Metal 

GK /t/ - Torrents and filesharing 
GK /lax/ - Relaxing Scenery 
LB /hover/ - Hovercrafts 
CB /bonsai/ - Bonsai Tree's 
CB /fusion/ - Jazz 
LMF /mc/ - Minecraft 
LMF /pol/ - Poetry and Lyrics 
CMF /space/ - Frontier 
CMF /x/ - Paranormal 
RMF /cyber/ - Cyberpunk 
LWF /cv/ - Coronavirus 
RWF /dir/ - Board Directory
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Home and away kits
Replies: >>3083
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Goalkeeper version too
Replies: >>3083
Actually I changed my mind, switch goalie and home kits with each other
Can we do kits for invidivual players too?
Replies: >>3085
Theoretically, yes, but to do that you need to create a custom 3d model for each player. /lego/ did something like that for their team.
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Hi guys, I'd like to nominated /ac/, which is a hispanic board for comics and animation:
They participated on the christmas mega event so they might be interested on this. I think we could make an invitation thread over there too.
Replies: >>3143
I see no problem with this, just provide the kits and teams and maybe a strategy and you would be good to go.
Replies: >>3144
Put in /pro/ too. It'll be funny.
Replies: >>3168 >>3268
But /pro/ already have a team...
Replies: >>3180 >>3268
>>>/f/2198 Realistically, could a 4chan Cup team be ported over to this new one? I mean, /f/ would probably participate in the event if that were the case.
Replies: >>3177
They can, and if there are cups they played on PES 2017 that have models you want, they can be ported easily. Later ones can probably be done but might take a bit more manual work.
But why would you want the exact same team? Hopefully your board has its own unique culture.
Replies: >>3179
>But why would you want the exact same team? Hopefully your board has its own unique culture.
That's the issue, we're mostly a few refugees from 4/f/. I thought the cup would help give the board a bit more publicity.
Replies: >>3182
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Well, I guess being a /f/lash board it's inherently stuck in a time cube.
pic related was their 2017 roster, which we should be able to import quite easily, only about a third of the team has changed since.
Replies: >>3183
Yeah, that would be great. Thank you so much, kind anon.
We have finalized the team for /film:
 GK Andrei Tarkovsky 
LB Toshirô Mifune [Gold] [C] 
CB Jean Gabin [Bronze] 
RB Franco Nero [Bronze] 
LMF Zinedine Zidane (the actor)
CMF Johnny Weissmuller [Silver] 
RMF White French Chinese (or The Burning of Yuan Ming Yuan) 
LWF Jan Švankmajer (or Virile Games) 
SS Sterling Hayden
RWF Movie Night Enjoyer 
CF Abbas Kiarostami

~ subs ~ 
GK B-Movie Sleaze 
GK Giuseppe Rotunno 
CB Piero Piccioni 
LMF Nobuhiko Obayashi 
LMF Ennio Morricone 
RMF Letterboxd 
LWF Hollywoodian Jinkling Keychain 
SS Michael Sicinski 
SS Joe Hisaishi 
RWF Lillian Gish 
RWF Wakaliwood 
CF Jean-Jacques Annaud (or Coup de Tete)
Replies: >>3209
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One of our kits
Replies: >>3210
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away kit
Replies: >>3211
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also the home kit
/ac/ here. I'm not sure if this is the correct thread to make questions but we made these head models, do they work?
Sorry if it's a dumb question.
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I made this. Could anyone please show me how does it look inside the game's character? it's supposed to look like a kitchen apron and the ribbon should match with the front. I'm not sure if I have done it correctly.
Replies: >>3215
What team is this for? /ac/ or /film/?
Replies: >>3216
I'm assuming it's /ac/
Replies: >>3217
Yeah, it's /ac/
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>>2945 (OP) 
Here's our logo!
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Our new /monarchy/ logo.
Replies: >>3235
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Here's our home kit...
Replies: >>3236
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And the away one, pardon the eye gauging background but it wouldn't have stood out
I should note, there's a better template contained on this page here:

There's the clean template as well as the guide that shows you what parts of the uniform are where.
The guys from plus4chan might be interested on the event:
Replies: >>3239 >>3241 >>3251
Replies: >>3244
Never heard about it but might be cool
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Don't let the name misslead you, they aren't really related to 4chan, the board started as a bunker for 4/co/ people back in 2008 but it evolved to its own thing. Eventhough it's slow it has a loyal usebase that keeps it alive, so quite similar to a lot of boards on the webring. Moreover they have a board dedicaded to tournaments:
So you guys can ask there or on their /baw/ (gneral) board.
Replies: >>3245
My question is whether you are from there and wanted to join up, or if it was just a suggestion to find more IBs willing to join.
Eitherway I had made a thread on thatparticular tournament board and it appears the mods have deleted it, so I hope you have got a way to get them interested in the competition.
Replies: >>3251
I generally just lurk there, but I would also really like to see Smug/a/ play, I remember having a lot of fun shitposting on the cytube.
Replies: >>3250
Can you prove you're an anon from /a/?
Replies: >>3251
NTA even if that is my reaction image but I can ask in the de facto meta thread why the admin removed it.

Honestly, why does it matter?
Replies: >>3252
>Honestly, why does it matter?
Because it wont be included until one of them cares.
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/ac/ here, presenting our stuff
Logo: pic related
Goal Horn:[Embed]
Formation: 4-3-3

>10 Pos-GK.png Ben 10 (portero) gold
>12 Pos-LB.png Luz (Lateral izquierdo por zurdita)
>66 Pos-LCB.png Blackhat (defensa central izquierdo)
>00 Pos_RCB.png John Eggbert (defensa central derecho)
>5 Pos_RB Hilda (Lateral derecha) silver
>6 Pos_CDM.png Rex Salazar (Medio campo defensivo) bronze
>8 Pos_LCM.png Anne (Medio campo izquierdo)
>3 Pos_RCM.png Bruce Wayne (Medio campo derecho)
>69 Pos_LW.png Claire (delantero extremo izquierdo)
>9 Pos_ST.png Emmy (delantero centro) bronze
>2 Pos_RW.png Frollie (delantero extremo derecho)

player kit: second pic
goalkeeper kit: third pic
away kit: fourth pic
Replies: >>3260 >>3347
We also made some models for our players. I hope they work, since I'm not the guy who worked on these models I can't do anything if they don't work.
We also made some banners:
do it
Replies: >>3273
Still waiting on the last 3 teams

page is up.
Replies: >>3287
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Is it supposed to look like this?
Replies: >>3288 >>3289 >>3292
what's wrong with it?
Replies: >>3289
Judging by the edit log, the duplication and scaling were added in later edits, so I'm guessing they were intentional? (If not, well it just makes it look broken.)
Replies: >>3291
How do you think it should look?
Replies: >>3293
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This is a good start, but you should also look at the other teams' pages.
We've mostly finished cleaning up the games files and setting up the old teams, so I now have some time to focus on adding the aesthetics for the new teams:
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[I can't post on hispachan, so it would be great if someone could post/transcribe this in ]
Great work! The gofile link is down but I assume it is only the files in your /ac/ thread? I can grab those.
It will take some time but those head models should be alright. I am not sure which player to put some of them on: I don't see a Spinel player, does Star Butterfly go on Marco? Remember you can (and should) have 23 players.
Also, with Star, there is a full-body 3D model of Star with outfits I found for /cuckquean/. If you want to use one of them, tell me.
>>Ace (Ballmastrz 9009)
haha I would have assumed Ace (Powerpuff Girls)
Replies: >>3302 >>3304
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Logos in-game have to be square, and I've added a white background for clarity on dark menu screens. Let me know if you don't want it like that.
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Good kits, although you still need a GK outfit. (and a team of players)
Replies: >>3314 >>3325
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Logos in-game have to be square, so I've made these to keep them from being illegible. If you don't like them, upload replacements (128x128,256x256,512x512).
>>3045 I should be able to add this, which player/s do you want it for?
>>3046 I am unable to download this
>>3047 This download link looks dodgy, but I should be able to find a similar trenchcoat and stick a raccoon head in it.
Replies: >>3303 >>3415
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Looks good, no complains. It looks like the insides of the pants are blue, let me know if that's an issue.
Doing God's work anon
Thanks a lot, dude. I was worry about the goal keeper uniform but it looks far better than I expected. Most of the models from the hispachan's thread are from the last PES tournament we organized like one year ago. 
> I don't see a Spinel player
Sadly the blenderfag that was working on our models died, so we couldn't finish all the custom models for our roster.
> Remember you can (and should) have 23 players.
I totally forgot about that, I'll add the players of the models that we already have ASAP. 
Here are both the files and cgi models, I upload it to mega so it won't be taken down soon
>>>3045 I should be able to add this, which player/s do you want it for?
Let's put it on Constable Raccoon and Detective Raccoon
By the way, could you please show us how the Hilda model looks like in-game?
Replies: >>3305 >>3306
I will try and add her tomorrow. I am worried about the height, because PES 2017 animations assume the player is adult size. I can try and do something similar to the /lego/ player where the arm/leg movements are very simple and  straight, or not-moving arms like Eris (her small torso and large legs+head put the arms in the wrong place for animating), but otherwise Hilda would have to be too tall and look strange.
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This is an early test, I might be able to improve the animation and colors later. The main points I want to make are:
- straight limbs will probably be necessary
- there are two main shading options
One of them is completely unshaded, if you want we can draw something or bake a shadow to make the nose visible. The other has shading, I can just fix the colors. It is possible to make some parts shaded and other not parts, but it may look weird.
Replies: >>3309 >>3311
Thanks a lot, man, didn't expect you would this much effort on animating the model. Looks awesome I'm looking forward to the official matches.
Any words on /a/ membership?
Replies: >>3313
Now this is just spot on
No word from them. Assuming you're not the autist
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Here is the emergency /monarchy/ GK kit
The anon helping with our kits disappeared.

>(and a team of players)
What are the best positions so I can put notable names for those positions? We have a list of players, but I might revise it a little. If it isn't too late.

I'm going to take a nap.
Replies: >>3315 >>3327 >>3454
We already had a team composition, check the thread on /monarchy/
Replies: >>3316
We might discuss that a little more.
Were you the one who helped with team composition?
Replies: >>3318
>Were you the one who helped with team composition?
I can't cross reference it form here but I made post #3857 and someone else asked me to change some players around
Replies: >>3319
*on /monarchy/
Grace Chan is gold
/monarchy/ team:

gk Leviathan
lb Leopold II of Belgium
cb Charles V
cb Philip the Fair
rb King James I
lmf Caligula
cmf Grace Chan GOLD CAPTAIN
cmf Louis XIV SILVER
cmf Charles II of Spain BRONZE
cf Tsar Nicholas II
gk Hoppesama
gk Ramses II
lb Huey Long
lb Tsar Alexander I
cb King Edward III
cb Mansa Musa
cb Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud 
cb Nero
rb Qin Shi Huang
rb Prince Charles
imf Kaiser Wilhelm II
cf Victoria II
Replies: >>3326 >>3327
changed Grace Chan to gold
Great, adding this.

Is there another color that might work? It's pretty similar to the main home kit, especially when they're standing side-on to the camera.
Replies: >>3338 >>3454
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There's only so far you can go with the in-game tools.
Replies: >>3330 >>3331 >>3894
I immediately thought it looked like Charles II.
Another color could be added.
Is this the last thing before /monarchy/ is ready to join /icup/?
Replies: >>3340
I'm not the host technically, but yes. It would be very preferable to add tactics later (I'll do a shout-out to all the teams for that) but you've got everything you need to be in the cup!
Replies: >>3341
Speaking of hosts, we should probably still look for one. Maybe it'd be a good idea to do what the Erisian said and ask if anyone is able to in each thread.
Replies: >>3342
I'd add, on each participating board too
Replies: >>3344
Yeah, I forgot to add that. The question now is when we start asking for it.
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Alright, we now have a possum, two otters and two raccoons in the league.
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Adding the other faces now. Please add some more player names (you have 11 but need substitutes, preferably 23 total players, even if they are just names).
Is Frolie put as 'Frollie' on purpose? Same with Egbert as 'Eggbert'?

Also, a GK cannot be a gold player.
Replies: >>3350 >>3351
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According to their thread seems like "Frollie" was a typo and it's actually Frolie. No idea about the other one though.
For the record, it is possible to post in there by using an American VPN. I've been doing so to get in touch with them.
Replies: >>3351
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Frolie is a character from an unaired cartoon pilot named Very Important House. /ac/ anons like this cartoon a lot. 
john egbert is the homestuck character, we misspelled his name.
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Here is the current /leftypol/ roster: ( Use the USSC logo on the Infinity Cup wiki until further notice.

50	GK	Socialism by 2050
0	CB	Dickblast
8	CB	Big Dick Wolff
13	CB	Mudpies
80	LB	An Infantile Disorder
455 CMF Critical Support
365 CMF TYBNA (Bronze)
83	AMF Alunya (Gold)
999 RWF Porky
4	SS	Trotsky (Bronze)
18	CF	Stalin (Captain, Silver)		

86	CMF Spooks
23	CMF Posadism
20	LB	Pushing the train to work
9	CB	>AI
18	CB	Anti-Glasses Angkar
89	RB	Tiananmen Square 1989
888 GK	Lifetime Bitch
14	GK	post chin
Replies: >>3369
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Wasn't your main kit different? Like a very minimalist but really aesthetically pleasing replica of the USSR FC shirt?
Not that I'm complaining mind you
Replies: >>3371
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I'm not sure, I just posted those ones to confirm we had the means to qualify instead of being in limbo. I couldn't find any previous kit files in the old DLCs on the wiki.
I could only find this kit from ICUP 1, and ICUP2 footage is missing, but I've made a thread to see if the site can come up with something that looks nice or at least embraces some relevant art movements.
Replies: >>3372
aight it checks out
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cCan we just use transparency to make them square?
Replies: >>3416
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You absolutely can, it's a good idea for the large ones, but be advised that the small icon at the bottom during gameplay will be this about big when fullscreen, and this is without the compression you get in a stream.
If you reply confirming you are ok with that, I will add the images you posted to your team aesthetics.
Replies: >>3417 >>3418
Yes that's lovely
to be honest I'd find it funny if the Flag for /pro/ was extremely large even on this board
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I changed it to orange.
Replies: >>3455
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If the new orange gk /monarchy/ kit is okay.
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This is the team for /soy/, we received an invitation and we would like to participate

Logo: 1st pic
Goal horn:[Embed]
Formation: 4-2-2-2

Home kit: 2nd pic
Away kit: 3rd pic
Goalkeeper kit: 4th pic

>34  GK Swede
>41  CB Tranny
>83  CB Colorjak
>21  RB Soot (Captain, Silver)
>88  LB Chud
>56  RMF Wholesomejak (Bronze)
>28  CMF Markiplier (Bronze)
>69  CF Cobson
>1   CF Soyak (Gold)

>32  GK Fruitjak
>12  GK Thougher
>14  CB 14Nate_Higgers88
>55  RB Selfish Little Fuck
>666 LB The New Normal
>73  RMF El Perro Rabioso
>77  LMF Soytan
>98  CMF Tony Soprano
>24  CF A24
Replies: >>3521 >>3522 >>3545
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The 'mation
forgot to link site
are you also making custom models for the players?
Replies: >>3549
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Yeah theres this one and possibly others.
Replies: >>3550
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i'm already imagining that thing running aorund the fields
weird shape around the maxilla though, go change that
Replies: >>3551
It can just be a head replacement of course.
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I posted potential faces for /a/'s roster in its support thread.
Replies: >>3598
Great! Tomorrow I'll put them into the game and show you how well they scale down. I think they will be fine.
Replies: >>3686
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Sorry to be late, but here's frenschans team if you have any games for us to play:

14  CF Stu Pidasso (Captain, Gold)
88  GK Hizzy (Silver)
10  AM Schizo (Bronze)
19  AM Dreadnought (Bronze)
15  CM Gabe
25  CM GemmyGemson
11  CM Shekkelstein
9   LB J3FF
2   RB _e
13  CB Void
8   CB Amon Goeth

1   CF Electroshocks
3   GK Aryan
22  AM H
6   CM Dark Eclipse
17  CM Robofrog
4   LB Superbia
5   RB Oscar J Weiner
7   CB Ace

I also apologize for only doing the bare minimum of what's required, it's been busy lately. For our player descriptions, we're leaving it open but seeing how it's /pol/, give our players a Nordic Aryan phenotype :)
Replies: >>3606
Also, I don't know if ended up making it into the 32 teams in the Infinity Cup, but if they didn't, can we play against each other during those "invitational games" thing? We have this friendly rivalry going on so I think it would be fun for both sides.
Replies: >>3608
They didn't make it because whoever invited them did way after the roster had completed, but sure you could play against them. I'll see if head rigger agrees with this.
Replies: >>3609
Thanks :D
Is there a template for the faces of PES players? I'd like to create a couple of textures, but I'd like to have a base one to work with.
Replies: >>3650
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Kind of. Pics attached is an example of the PES face texture given in the 4CC face mask template.
Do you have/can you install Blender? If you can, you can just open up the actual 3D custom face model and test the texture (or warp the facial features to be more accurate, so long as the edges don't get moved). It's useful for trial-and-error and will give better results, especially when you realize how different people can look with the facial features in different proportions.
Replies: >>3653
Eh, my toaster can't run it but I'll try borrowing another Laptop, thanks anon
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Representative for sleepy/v/ here, we I intend to make a team for a cup, but since players are as stale as you get, I intend to prune as many as I can with actual characters.
Since I have a large chunk of players, I'd be interested in trying them in game. Can you please upload the last /v/ team used in the cup or any /v/ team really to use as a template?
Replies: >>3683 >>3705
In this page you can get PES 2017, the save file and the aesthetics.
You might wanna use ICUP 6 because the GCUP one is a bit of a mess.
Do they look good scaled down?
I'd be glad to have /v/ in place of fringe boards that haven't contributed much.
Speaking of, would you consider changing your anthem to something like ronnie lamm's video games?
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This should be everything.
Replies: >>3900 >>4017
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Found some more cool models, can they be added in? for Coati, weird looking dog and big sniffer for Masked Bandit, Feral Agent, Detective Raccoon, Employee of the Month and Constable Raccoon
Couldn't find a good ringtail, kinkajou or olingo model sadly
where'd you get the three dee models
Replies: >>3731
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Of course the coati must have his tail up as this is how coatis operate. Btw, can the raccoon get different uniforms based on his roles or is that too much rigging to be done? 

I'll give it a shot. I assume you saw how the otters went so you know what to expect.
As for the uniforms, yeah for now that would be too much, maybe next cup. It would just hit that supersized backlog of 'it would be kinda cool but 20 teams still all have the same face on every player'. I'd make a note of it in your own thread just so we can remember it in a few months time.
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Constable and Detective already have this model in-game ( >>3045 ), do you want them kept the same?
Replies: >>3742
Ah, having a rigged model would look better wouldn't it? Though if you already put a model in then you don't have to change it
Replies: >>3743
We can't use the rigging those come with, PES uses weight painting for full-scale human bones. I suspect the latter versions could be different but we won't be moving to those for a long time (or until I have more than a couple of helpers).
I've put your two new models in too, so however you want to use all 3 is fine by me. The bipedal ones are megacute.
Replies: >>3745
Ohh alright
>The bipedal ones are megacute
What do they look like?
Replies: >>3746
Spoiler File
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It's not the same with the low framerate recording but enjoy a serial pest.
Replies: >>3747 >>3748
Does the team play good btw?
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This ball for soy
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Is the blenderanon here? I'd like to ask him something: I've been organizing our teams on /ac/ and looks like most of the stuff is done, however there are two characters from our may 11 who doesn't have models:
>Frolie (from Very Important House)
>John Egbert (from Homestuck)
And they can't be found nowhere on the internet. John has some GMOD models, but the blenderanon said he can't work with that. I was wondering if he's available to make some blender models from scratch of these characters. If not, that's totally okay, I'm going to ask to some friends on other boards if they can't lend me a hand with these characters.

Also, we found some other models from our characters, It would be really cool if you added them to the PES game:
Replies: >>3789
How about getting some models in? (If fitting ones can be found)
>/miku/ & /teto/
Miku or teto (or both?)
Merlin the wizard
Rock raider monster from Lego
Hard hat
A bonsai tree for a head
Minecraft playermodel
The old /pol/ kit
Its possible to do simple 2D cutouts, like that transparent image you posted  but modeling takes time that I don't think I will have until next cup.
Replies: >>3792
>Its possible to do simple 2D cutouts
Could you please try that and show me how it looks ingame? I will ask some other guys if they can lend me a hand with the blender models.
Replies: >>3816
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here's mine
it's relatively easy to do, just download the template from the bottom of this page:
and then replace the content in your .dds file with your image.
remember to keep the image's size as multiples of 2 (512x512, 1024x1024, etc)
Replies: >>3817
>quiet sobbing
Are you ok anon?
Replies: >>3822 >>3829
>quiet sobbing
*quiet chuckling
I forgot I had the microphone on
Quiet sobbing is an appropriate response to PES modding sometimes.
Do we have the Charles II character ready?
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/soy/ made banners.
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Bit of a tweak to the formation
Replies: >>3996
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fucking zzz/v/ or something. this logo is ugly as shit.
copy the tactics shown on the 2nd picture. note that this is a preliminary version of the team and there are three players I haven't made a model for yet and others that do not display as intended.
team specifics may also change or be defined later.

42 LCF Onani-san (temptative)
10 RCF Hitler - the Videogame
33 AMF Honey's tight ass (temptative)
01 LMF MC McHunter Dick
03 RMF Todd Howard
06 DMF Yoshimitsu
08 LB Nethack guy
02 RB Hackeo Kojimbo
04 CB John Carmack
09 GK Shambler

15 LB Hideous Kojimbo
14 CB Sundowner
18 RB Ayy lmao
44 LMF Bob Page (temptative)
17 RMF Bug Lady
13 GK Expand Dong
23 DMF ?̕͝҉̦̣̩̲̦̙̦̺͕̖̜̞̫͓͟ͅͅ?͚̥̭̦̯̭̟̤̀͝?҉̷̛̰̹̗̟͙̰̹͙̹͜͡ͅ?̸̧̢̛̮͈̣͚̜̬̪̹͘?̕҉̸̡̪̙̝̯̣̖̦̬͉̼͚̮͍͖́ͅͅͅ?̕͝҉̦̣̩̲̦̙̦̺͕̖̜̞̫͓͟ͅͅ?͚̥̭̦̯̭̟̤̀͝?҉̷̛̰̹̗̟͙̰̹͙̹͜͡ͅ?̸̧̢̛̮͈̣͚̜̬̪̹͘?̕҉̸̡̪̙̝̯̣̖̦̬͉̼͚̮͍͖́ͅͅͅ Kojimbo

this should do at least 19 players that's past the bare minimum. changes will apply later, like cards for example
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Alright fine, I made a good logo. Use this one instead plx.
Replies: >>3958
(that should come with proper colors of course ( >>>/pro/591 )...)
Replies: >>4001
>copying tactics
That's kind of lame tbh, why don't you play the video game yourself?
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Tactics and the faces I've ported so far. Tactics probably won't change.
Let me know if a team export file isn't alright. Also I recall you saying you were using Rigdio now? I can upload our music export, I'll just need to change some team-specific anthems (like make our vs./britpol/ anthem play for /britfeel/ and our vs./esp/ play for /ac/)
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Is this what you want?
Replies: >>4001 >>4002
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That's it right there

It's gonna be this one >>>/pro/592
Replies: >>4027
king dog
Replies: >>4003
Thought /monarchy/ had that already
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>play a test match
>lose 1-4
>switch positioning to Maintain Formation
>win 2-0
>switch back to Flexible
>lose 0-4
Yeah I think we'll have that changed please, thanks.
Replies: >>4022 >>4027 >>4136
Also, can we get goal celebration 83 on Detective Raccoon and 73 on 3 raccoons in a trenchcoat?
Replies: >>4027
Added. Lookin' good.

I swear I've had games where I had a 5-1 then a 0-3 back to back.
For the record, you're playing coach mode for both teams? (I use a virtual controller for team 2)

Replies: >>4033
Gonna need the captain name. I'd focus on tactics because of the upcoming deadline, player models can be done whenever (even mid-cup if necessary).
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Additionally, zalgotext won't render in game, and makes the face folder name too long to extract.
Thanks! Yeah I used a virtual controller, I know it might have just been a fluke but there was noticeable improvement in my opinion.
Replies: >>4047
You're probably right, there are configurations that generally make things work better or worse overall. Just keep in mind not to get obsessive about testing: the game and the opposing teams are complex and random enough that there will always be games you win and lose, merely due to the butterfly effect. Testing should just give an idea of making sure there are no big issues.
I spent weeks or months testing /eris/ for ICUP 6 and we ended up not winning a single game haha.

Oh, and make sure you run an antivirus (or better yet upload to on the installer of your vcontroller stuff, because there's a big chance it has admin. I downloaded vJoy the one week that someone managed to hack the creator's sourceforge account and add malware in. The only reason I didn't get pwnt was because my Powershell version was so insanely outdated it broke the malware payload extraction script
Replies: >>4067
Thanks for the warning; I already learned you need to install lots of totally not viruses if you want to do any kind of rigging with PES. Sacrifices must be made I guess.
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Follow up to this, we got a new outfield kit. I was told to zip it up post it here so, here it is I hadn't a clue where to put it so it's just sitting in the root folder. There are 4 versions but for now just default to the one called white w smiley.png. We haven't really decided what it's gonna replace. Also pic related is a tentative replacement for the logo.
You can find the discussion here
Replies: >>4072
we two did as much as we could.
here are some changes to the roster:
>onani-san is now kaedocum, his model is somewhere in the folder
>honey changes positions with bob page, since she has no model
>todd howard is team captain, gold
>kaedocum is silver
>FOE and john carmack are bronze
team kits should be inside the zip
white pants kit w/o pin is outfielder, blue pants kit with pin is goalie
Does /server/ have a strategy yet? It has to be submitted until tomorrow, right?
Replies: >>4126 >>4129
No idea if they have done that, but they should do it really soon. Same with /film/.
Replies: >>4130
I thought we had posted it already?
If that's not the case do the following :

Attacking style, counter attack
Build up, long pass
Attacking area, center 
Positioning, maintain formation 
Support range, 6

Defensive style, Frontline pressure
Containment area, middle
Pressuring, conservative
Defensive line, 1
Compactness, 10

Special tactics :
Attack : false fullbacks
Defense : tight marking on opposing cf
Replies: >>4130
If /film/ are sleeping and don't have one by tomorrow, I will be glad to make one up for them. Should hurry if they don't want that

What will the formation be?
Replies: >>4132 >>4135
/server/ has a 4-3-3 with slightly raised LB/RB
Looks like /film/ finally has a strategy and formation >>>/film/2664
Really, considering each player is only useful in his own registered position, and the PES AI is stupid... does flexible formation ever make sense at all?
Replies: >>4138
It's crucial for one-twos and is a hard counter to the Tight Marking strategy. Even if the stats are lowered a bit, an average player with an open field in front of him is much more threatening than a golden player who is being obstructed.
Replies: >>4139
Hmm, I think I get it... But why is it necessary for one-two passes? If you just have two forwards it should work, right?
Replies: >>4144
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/film/ Strategy Guide

Formation: 3-3-4

Attacking Instructions
        Attacking Styles:  Counter Attack
        Build Up:  Long Pass	
        Attacking Area:  Wide
        Positioning:   Flexible
        Support Range:  6
Defensive Instructions
        Defensive Styles:  Frontline Pressure
        Containment:  Middle 		
        Pressuring:  Conservative 		
        Defensive Line:  6
        Compactness:  5	
Advanced Instructions:
        Attack 1:  Centring Targets
        Attack 2:  False Fullbacks (when trailing)	
        Defence 1:  Counter Target		
        Defence 2:  Gegenpress (if trailing in the second half)

Substitution Strategies:
Sub off most tired defender at 60'
Sub off two most tired non-medals at 75'
Sub off two most tired players at beginning of extra time
Replies: >>4170
It's not necessary, it just makes things easier
Basically when you allow for a flexible formation what happens is that if a player for whatever reason is not in his own position, the one closest to that position will fill him in. This allows players to rush anywhere on the field knowing that in case possession is lost or there's an opening, the formation will still hold and someone will be able to toss them the ball. In a one-two scenario, the player initiating the first pass will move out of his position, the one closest to that will fill it in and at the same time any player that is on his path will make space for him. Defensively, it keeps the team from collapsing on failed attempts and offensively it creates situations where there's more players in the box.
However some other tactics theoretically wreck it because flexible formation disrupts your original one, so if your players go too deep and the opposing team uses long passes for build up you're very likely to lose on counters. Plus if the opponent is defending by zone rather than with tight marking they'll be unaffected by the players moving in and out of the box.

Again this is all theoretical though because in PES your strategy must also take into account the stats and stamina of all of your players and the opposing ones, the formations, the special attributes like cards or AI/Playing Styles, the mood of the player and even physics randomness. Some people just call PES CPU matches with extra steps and sometimes that's true, but you can still influence how the match is gonna go down by having a strategy that has soft or hard counters to the opponent. I'd say luck is 60% and the rest is 40% of the final result, so you might as well and try making that 40% count.
Replies: >>4145
I see, so it only works against some teams some of the time. Like any strategy, really.
Another question, do trick cards actually do anything? I remember that one of the friendly matches in the GCUP every player had a bunch of trick cards, but there were still hardly any tricks. I'd love to see some cool tricks on the ball, but maybe the AI can't really do it.
Replies: >>4147 >>4170
>I see, so it only works against some teams some of the time. Like any strategy, really.
Yeah each single tactic has at least a few niche uses, you just gotta mix and match until you find one that works with your players most of the time
>Another question, do trick cards actually do anything?
Trick cards allow players to use special moves, but they are really dependent on their technique stats and if they have enough space to perform them. They are really situational and generally speaking medal players are more apt at using them. I am not sure if tactics having low support can convince players to use them more, but they ought to. I should really make videos cataloging the strats.
Can players have animated gifs on their faces?
Replies: >>4169 >>4170
There's such a thing as animated textures, so it should technically be possible, though I don't know if that works in PES
>Defense 1:  Counter Target	
Which player on your team is this for?

I can vouch for Rabona being used in ICUP-style games frequently enough that I consider it, especially for wingers trying to cross a ball in. The others appear rare, like you said. I want to say I've seen a Sombrero or two in ICUP.
I also think that Trickster COM style increases the chance that a player would use those skills.

No (as far as I know).
Replies: >>4269
here's the improved team export for /v/, all that's missing now is a proper resumee of the team tactics
here's the specs on the team just so you don't mess up the aesthetics
(keep your improved versions of todd, hideous and hackeo, resort to the new ones in the export for everyone else)

10 LCF Kaedocum (FBM)
11 RCF Hitler - the Videogame (FBM)
05 AMF MC McHunter Dick (FBM)
08 LMF Bob Page (facemask, Light skin)
03 RMF Todd Howard (facemask, Light skin)
09 DMF Yoshimitsu (not FBM, transparent skin, Left collar, short socks, keep boots, 178 cm height, +7 shoulder width)
06 LB Nethack Guy (Not FBM, transparent skin, Left collar, short socks, keep boots)
02 RB Hackeo Kojimbo (Medium skin)
07 CB FOE (head replacement, transparent skin, left collar, standard socks)
01 CB John Carmack (FBM)
04 GK Shambler (Not FMB, transparent skin, Left collar, short socks, no boots, 188 cm height, +7 cm arm length)
13 LB Hideous Kojimbo (facemask, medium skin)
15 RMF Sundowner (FBM)
17 RB Ayy (transparent skin, left collar)
19 CB Teagan (FBM)
12 AMF Wing Diver (FBM)
13 GK Expand Dong (FBM)
20 DMF [REDACTED] Kojimbo (facemask, medium skin)
18 LMF Cultist (FBM)

here's the export:
Replies: >>4178 >>4185 >>4230
actually revert carmack's name to 'Jhon Carmack'. that's staying in.
Replies: >>4184
slightly modified model for carmack here, use this one
Replies: >>4185
and another slightly modified model for mchunter
the hands are apparently missalligned but I can't bother to open up blender again
Replies: >>4191
ditch that one, use this one instead:
ditched the beard since it didn't worked, reworked the weight painting
now he should be good.
Replies: >>4192
make mchunter 175cm tall to make up for the new pose
made the entire export again just so you don't stick your peen in the drawer
when are you going to review the teams and apply all changes?
Replies: >>4231 >>4242
He said he'd do it either today or tomorrow, I think.
Replies: >>4242
Thanks for that!

Yeah, I am over 100 kilometers away from the desktop and our group had an unavoidable delay, but chances are I will be able to make the changes and host it on-time.
>Which player on your team is this for?
what are the odds of submitting team tactics as of now? technically /v/ has never had tactics, so perhaps you could add them into the team if I sent you a draft on how they should play out? it's arguably a broken team
Replies: >>4341
I just ran an audit ( see >>4340  ) and have considered your team and therefore game invalid due to a broken, disadvantageous strategy due to my mismanagement. Since you have not yet played a game, I will let you submit a basic strategy to fix the team. I believe this does not provide any unfair advantage.
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here's the final /v/ export with its matching lineup. DO NOT attempt to change the player placement unless I tell you otherwise in chat.
I may request you sub a few players before the match, just so all of them get at least some screentime during the tournament.

10 CF Kaedocum (Silver) (FBM)
02 LWF Teagan (FBM)
11 RWF Hitler - the Videogame (FBM)
01 SS Jhon Carmack (Gold, Captain)(FBM)
05 LMF MC McHunter Dick (Bronze) (FBM)
07 RMF FOE (Bronze) (head replacement, transparent skin, left collar, standard socks)
03 CB Todd Howard (facemask, Light skin)
06 CB Nethack Guy (Not FBM, transparent skin, Left collar, short socks, keep boots)
08 LB Bob Page (facemask, Light skin)
09 RB Yoshimitsu (not FBM, transparent skin, Left collar, short socks, keep boots, 178 cm height, +7 shoulder width)
04 GK Shambler (Not FMB, transparent skin, Left collar, short socks, no boots, 188 cm height, +7 cm arm length)

12 LWF Wing Diver (FBM)
13 CB Ayy (transparent skin, left collar)
14 CB Cultist (FBM)
15 GK Hackeo Kojimbo (Medium skin)
16 LB Hideous Kojimbo (facemask, medium skin)
17 RB Heinous Kojimbo (facemask, medium skin)

18 LB Honey (FBM)
19 RB Honey (FBM)
20 CB Honey (FBM)
21 CB Honey (FBM)
22 LWB Honey (FBM)
23 RWF Honey (FBM)

Player Cards
Left/Right Back:
<COM playing style: Long ball expert
>Long throw
>Pinpoint crossing
Center Back:
<COM playing style: Early cross
>One touch pass
>Man marking
Center fielders
Left/Right Midfielders (Bronze:
<COM playing style: Long ball expert
>Fighting Spirit
>Low lifted pass
Second Striker (Gold, Captain):
<COM playing style: Speeding bullet
>Weighted Pass
>Fighting Spirit
>Low lifted pass
>Low punt trajectory
Wing fielders
Left/Right Fielders:
<COM playing style: Early cross
>Low lofted pass
>Pinpoint crossing
Center Fielder (Silver):
<COM playing style: Incisive run
>Acrobatic finishing
>First time shot
>Knuckle shot
>Low punt trajectory

Honey Cards (cards to use with the Honey players):
Left/Right Back:
<COM playing style: Long ball expert
>Super sub
>Pinpoint crossing
Center Back:
<COM playing style: Early cross
>Super sub
>Man marking
Left/Right Fielders:
<COM playing style: Early cross
>Low lofted pass
>Super sub

'Attacking styles':
>Counter attack
>Long pass
>Maintain formation
>Support range: 5
'Defensive styles':
>Frontline pressure
>Containment: wide
>Defensive line: 4
>Compactness: 8

'Advanced instructions':
>Hug the touchline
>Centring targets
<Deep defensive line

'Sub strategies':
Sub off three most tired non-medal players with Honeys at 60'.
some anon fixed a portrait for the team. here's the final final export you should use:
note that I cleary meant Midfielders with the Center fielders category
change the main attack advanced instruction with
>tiki taka
make the 2nd one
>centring targets
how do these come to play? do I need to specify any specific time you have to change them?
Replies: >>4380
I enable them at the start unless you say otherwise.
can you test if all portraits work in-game, please?
>DO NOT attempt to change the player placement unless I tell you otherwise in chat.
We don't do live management. It's considered unfair to approximately every single other team.
I recommend you put details in your substitution strategy if you havespecial  pre-game instructions (e.g. sub on top form players before match, don't sub off medal players, etc.).

This is just lazy boring filler, especially when there are already players like Sundowner available. The Kojimbos are variants, that's fine. Adding the same player six times, however, is just not worth my time.
I don't even care if the other five replacements don't have models or are flat images, I'm not putting the same player in a team multiple times just out of laziness. Chuck some more names over or they're staying as the old /v/ player names.
Replies: >>4408
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>This is just lazy boring filler
No. You see, this is my artistic vision. During the half-time, 3 players get replaced by a small platoon of EASSS, powered by the
>super sub
card. It's not the same player, hence why each of them has a different portrait.
>Chuck some more names over
I understand you may not want to see the same player repeated three gorillion times. Do note these 6 players behave like a hivemind, so any kind of differentiation amongst them would ruin the ass experience.
As a reference, imagine we had a team that played like a hivemind, similar to the Zerg faction in Starcraft. Wouldn't it make sense to place the same player 11 times on the team? What would the result be if we had to make each player sPecIAl aNd UniQuE? Wouldn't that ruin the identity of the team as a whole?
Come on man, this was absolutely intentional and not an act of laziness. Whether it has 6 times  it will be much better than blank slate players and 8moe placeholders. Keep the formation as is and don't ruin the funny please.
Replies: >>4412
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fixed a little weight problem with the honey mdel, now the export should be alright
run it into PES as is and don't complain. this isn't your team bitch
Replies: >>4412 >>4420
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>Come on man, this was absolutely intentional and not an act of laziness.
Alright, fuck it, I'll run the honeys. I didn't notice the portraits and confused vision for laziness. Your team will be good to go.

>don't complain
I'll bitch all I want.
Replies: >>4413
can you show me if all portraits work and how they look in game? might repost in the sleepy bread
Replies: >>4414
Yep, the names won't be right yet (updating the roster will take about and hour due to eating) but I'll chuck the pictures in
Replies: >>4415
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ye no need to hurry
when will the /sw/ vs /v/ match be played though? I don't mind if you keep the old schedule though I won't be able to watch it live
Replies: >>4417
I wasn't thinking about it at the time, you're right, many timezones will start to not be able to watch that. It's just better to move it, for everyone.
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lmao forgot to take them out of the folders. let me try again
Replies: >>4420
didn't know you had to take them out of the folders. hopefully you are using the >>4411 export
Replies: >>4421 >>4422
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Yep, I am. Apart from the Todd and Kojimbo faces I took the seam out of, everything else is that new export.
(again, ignore the blatantly wrong names and positions. that will be fixed next)
Replies: >>4423
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actually got it myself to work, so there's no need send me anything really.
try to update the team for the next set of matches at the very least
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thanks dude
you truly are my greatest ally
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was looking at the /japan/ thread and there seems to be some butthurt brewing
can you convert the jpg named hair_col_parts into a DDS and then use some skin colored hue to fill out the face DDS?
I would do it myself, but GIMP is currently sucking dicks
I'm afraid John will throw a shitfit on stream if no one pays him any attention
I think there has to be a player named GETmelon or Suika in their team, go check it out
Just realized, you've got COM playing styles instead of normal playing styles. COM ones cost a skill point, normal ones don't.
Until further notice, I've ignored them (except defensive GKs as instructed)
Replies: >>4428 >>4430
*oh, and Low Punt is a GK skill (yes it's a misleading name) so I recommend changing that
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and dickhunter has an issue in the arm
Replies: >>4430
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>you've got COM playing styles
does that mean I have to change them all for normal player styles?
If I've understood correctly, you can overridde the necessity for the early pass card with an early cross playstyle, right?
>Low Punt is a GK skill
didn't say so in the old wiki. so it's either long throw or low punt the card that stays I suppose
that player is a huge asshole, I've had to fix him 20 times and still he has one last thing to say
here he is, should be good now.
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>COM ones cost a skill point
you get two of those for each regular player right?
what does it mean to not have a playstyle, does it make the player more unlikely to pass as he's said with the COM playstyle?
does this mean, if I were to remove the playstyle from a player, he won't be doing short passes as often?
I had set that up earlier so now I have no idea what to do
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I think I've finally understood the spaghetti I had made before.
Here are all changes in terms of player cards:
>remove long throw, keep COM
>playing style: defensive fullback
>remove COM early cross
>playing style: instigator
>remove low lofted pass
>playing style: box to box
>remove low punt
>playing style: creative playmaker
>remove low lofted pass
>playing style: prolific winger
>remove low punt
>playing style: fox in the box
>remove pinpoint crossing
>remove COM early cross
>remove low lofted pass
Replies: >>4435
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forgot to add:
>playstyles for the regular players apply for the Honeys too
>all players that aren't Honey share the same cards as the regular entry for their position
Replies: >>4436
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should add:
>remove tiki taka
>place hug the touch line in its place
>centring targets is the secondary strategy
Replies: >>4437
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should add, again:
>replace CF's knuckle shot with heading
Replies: >>4454
here is a minor graphical fix on kaedocum i expect to come in effect next week
and here's mchunter's model in case you missed it
have you done anything on /v/'s tactics?
Replies: >>4454
The tactics are updated with the changes up to and including >>4437 since they are not meant to change after your first (valid) game.
Replies: >>4457
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>yoshi hasn't got transparent skin
I think I saw something through Shambler's model too
fix pl0x
Replies: >>4494
Can you send a pic of what Shambler is supposed to looks like? I've got wrist taping left, arms enabled (it's the glasses setting on GKs), no boots, and no FBM.
Maybe it was that I had gloves not disabled?
Replies: >>4496 >>4497
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here's a resume on what needs to be corrected in terms on settings:
>wing diver has to be 155cm tall
>yoshimitsu and shambler need transparent skin
other than that it's good
I don't want to jump the gun in terms of posts in case I want to send some updated models, most specifically carmack, who was the first model I made and thus is a mess
Replies: >>4497 >>4501
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alright here's a condensed post with everything you need to change.
this is the only post you need to pay attention to:
>update carmack's model:
>update kaedocum's model:
>change shambler and yoshimitsu's skin to transparent
>make wing diver 155cm tall
make sure to double check the shambler and yoshimitsu
Replies: >>4501
Heights can't be adjusted that way, there are competition rules due to it impacting the gameplay. She's already the lowest available height (175cm)
The rest I can do before the match.
Replies: >>4520
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and please, for the love of God, make both wing fielder honey's celebration number 31. both celebration slots may I add
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Prince Charles will now be King Charles III
At the request of /monarchy/.
Replies: >>4614
F in chat
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God Save the King 
to be played at the knockout.
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Hello, this is our entry for a team for the /mex/ican board on 8chan

GK El Grande Padre
LB Sureño (captain, silver)
CB Pepe Paisa
CB Baños Públicos Aztekos 
RB Norteño  (golden)
LMF Azteca Culona (bronze)
CMF chicanos OUT
RMF El Chavo del Ocho (bronze)
AMF Taqueria Goku
AMF Quetzalcoatl (from Fate series)
CF Torta de tamal

GK Gringo
GK chinga a tu madre
CB El estado deprimente de la Lucha Libre
CB El castizo jalisciense (Canelo Álvarez)
CB "Mariachi es cultura"
CB hebe indigena
CMF >vota por el PRI 
RMF Latinx [put him in only if El Chavo has a completely low morale, that arrow that points down]
AMF mamá luchona
AMF Loan (lolcow)
AMF Narcocultura
CF Puto

give all players on the main team (the ones in picture) Knuckle Shot and First Time Shot as skills, give all players on the subs the Pinpoint Crossing and Acrobatic Clear skills
Sureño has Knuckle Shot, First Time Shot, Pinpoint Crossing, Acrobatic Clear and Captaincy
Norteño has Knuckle Shot, First Time Shot, Pinpoint Crossing, Acrobatic Clear, One Touch Pass and Heel Trick
Azteca Culona has Knuckle Shot, First Time Shot and Pinpoint Crossing
El Chavo del Ocho has Knuckle Shot, First Time Shot and Acrobatic Clear
give Narcocultura the Classic No. 10 card
give Canelo Álvarez the Extra Frontman card
Make Quetzalcoatl  really tall and El Chavo del Ocho short

for the tactics: 
Possession Game, Short-Pass, Flexible
Frontline Pressure, Middle, Aggressive
Support Range = 9
Defensive Line = 2
Compactness = 5

also Deep Defensive Line and Swarm the Box
Replies: >>4765 >>4766
replace all those names with taco bell menu items and you got a deal
Replies: >>4766
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I have no idea where the cup is heading with these teams.
Soon Spanish will be the main spoken language in chat.
Replies: >>4802
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/mex/ intro theme
/mex/ goal scored

+ kits
Replies: >>4803
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I believe you have replied to the wrong post, amigo.
Next cup when?
Replies: >>4844
Starts on Sunday
Replies: >>4845
Where's the announcement
Replies: >>4846
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Come on, he's taking the piss, can you not tell.
Replies: >>4849
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