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As far as I know the only new team that wants to participate in the 2020 Cup.
Replies: >>146
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Kits and models
Replies: >>39 >>834[Embed][Embed][Embed][Embed]
Which goal horn is better?
Replies: >>31 >>438
We'll go with the second one
I hope to hear it many times :^)
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made another kit
Replies: >>40
Good job, is this for the goalie?
Replies: >>41
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Could be, I was thinking we'll use the otter model for the goalie so it'll probably just be a third kit.

Btw, is still valid? I can send you our stuff.
Replies: >>42 >>1465 >>3472
You should rather talk to SKF about that. I still have to mod him back, I'm kind of busy with work right now. I'll update this thread by tomorrow.
In the meantime, go to the wiki and see if you can contact him directly.
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Are custom adboards still a thing? I made a few.
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Also our home stadium is gonna be Urbano Caldeira since it's cozy and nice.
Replies: >>64
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And a few more
Replies: >>64
I suppose we can add them, I'll have to ask the head rigger
Replies: >>64
Custom adboards exist. I took a bunch of board banners last time and tweaked them a bit to fit PES's required dimensions. I'm fine with the boards submitting their own as well.

Consider it noted. I can edit some of the textures and crowd flags so that it feels a little more /otter/-y.
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leaked footage from ICUP 6
Replies: >>87 >>125 >>2721
That is absolutely way too cute.
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Heres a thing
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>>5 (OP) 
Replies: >>148 >>325
We need more ottist OC like this. We're gonna win, I can already feel it.
Aw man, we should definitely play this in our adspace.
Why are otters so cute??? They're basically sea cats.
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Forgot to post this when I had finished the re-color yesterday. It's the Urbano Caldeira in /otter/ colors.
Replies: >>319
kek. otters could win big this time!
Replies: >>327
Thanks, it looks amazing! What should our stadium be called? Also, could we put some pro-otter slogans/ads in there or something?
Replies: >>324
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Replies: >>322 >>326
Any chance some artfriend can stencil this into an exploitable?
Replies: >>323
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Like so?
Replies: >>325
>What should our stadium be called?
How about "The Semi-Aquarium"
Great. In the same spirit as >>146, it would look awesome if some Anon put him out on the field in the middle of play! ;-D
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Made another one like this
Replies: >>330 >>3940
Otters will live, and therefore otters will win
Replies: >>331
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Replies: >>331
Cute. But what is that in the sea-cat's hands anon? Some kind of softball or no?
Replies: >>332

that great heh.
Please do not call them sea cats, they are otters and can't be compared with any other animal.
i claim this digits for otters
Replies: >>342 >>343
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Otters are unstoppable
Replies: >>344
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Replies: >>345 >>1021
are gifs still broken?
Replies: >>346
Only that one
Replies: >>349
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How about this one?
Replies: >>451
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And a 4th kit just for fun.
Replies: >>411
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Actually, this logo probably looks better
Replies: >>424
das cute
>goal horn
Has to be this[Embed]
I literally just read the headline, guffaw
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Alright, here's are strategy

Formation: 4-2-3-1

Attacking Instructions
        Attacking Styles:	Possession Game
        Build Up: 		Long Pass
        Attacking Area: 	Wide
        Positioning: 		Maintain Position
        Support Range: 	5
Defensive Instructions
        Defensive Styles: 	Frontline Pressure
        Containment: 	Middle
        Pressuring: 		Aggressive
        Defensive Line: 	5
        Compactness: 	7
Advanced Instructions:
        Attack 1: 		Centring Targets
        Attack 2: 		OFF
        Defence 1: 		Counter Target (CF)	
        Defence 2: 		Counter Target (AMF)

Player Settings:
Select Captain: Bishan Dad
Long Free Kick Taker: Bishan Dad
Short FK Taker: St. Cuthbert
FK Taker 2: Otter von Bismarck
Left Corner Kick Taker: Nuria
Right CK Taker: St. Cuthbert
Penalty Kick Taker: Small-clawed Otter
Players to Join Attack: Nuria, Bishan Dad, St. Cuthbert

Substitution Strategies:
Sub off most tired attacker at 70'
Sub off 2 most tired defenders at 80'
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hey SKF, if you're there pls email me. Also here's another kit.
Replies: >>468
I thought Emmet Otter was Emmitt Otterton
Replies: >>1020
how's the team looking?
Replies: >>786
It's gonna be beautiful. Can't wait for the cup, I hope we will win.
How do the models look in game?
Replies: >>1040
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More adboards as per request.
Replies: >>1023 >>1025 >>1040
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This is Emmet Otter. Enjoy.
That's a mink though
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have a BRRRRing otter
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I'm not aware of an upper limit to these.
Replies: >>1025 >>1040
so are they stadium specific, or are they used across the whole tournament?
Replies: >>1040
We'll cycle through all of them in-game. 
Workin' on it.
Replies: >>1043
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That's cool.
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Replies: >>1063
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Okay, I think now we really have enough.
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>tfw all the adboards are gonna be otters
If our arms weren't so short we could pat ourselves on the back.
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Btw riggers, if we have too many ads, just use these 5.
Replies: >>1063
Even though ottershop, IEB and grupo nutria are charities, I'm against literally advertising outside services.
Luckily there's plenty of otter banners without those three.
I see nothing wrong with shilling for charities, other boards do that too. It's not like anyone looks at the adboards anyways.
Replies: >>1073
Then we'd have to change our kits too. As long as they're relevant to the board, what's the problem?
Replies: >>1073
A commentator here, I personally have no issue with it. It's not selfish abuse of the cup, it's one-off mentions of non-controversial charities for no personal gain. Also hardly anyone reads them. Also have you seen /liberty/'s McStadium™?
Replies: >>1069 >>1073
>/liberty/'s McStadium™
Why the fuck wasn't I clever enough to just write that in as the name when I was making it? Fuck!
Replies: >>1071
why isn't /liberty/ in the cup, anyways?
Replies: >>1075
otters are an outside service
>other boards do that too
I wasn't trying to single out /otter/. It's just the first one I noticed. And I got all worked up because ottershop looks like a regular shop at a glance.

My bad, I didn't know this stance was doomed from the start. Carry on.
Replies: >>1075
This is why: no interest.

I mean it's a fair concern if it feels like people are shilling and that's ruining the experience.
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For the record, this is what our players should be.
Btw this is what Zarathustra was meant to look like
If we're joining again, got some changes to be made to the team. We don't want to bite the watermelon again 
Replies: >>2189 >>2208 >>2210
Alrighty, are cards
same as before
One Touch Pass
Weighted Pass
Pinpoint Crossing
Early Cross
Incisive Run
First Time Shot
Track Back
Fighting Spirit
>LB, RB:
Fighting Spirit
Speeding Bullet
Pinpoint Crossing
Speeding Bullet
Acrobatic Clear
also keep stats the same except for
Advanced Instructions:
        Attack 1: 		Centring Targets
        Attack 2: 		Attacking Fullbacks
        Defence 1: 		Counter Target (CF)	
        Defence 2: 		OFF
Replies: >>2243
Can we use some alternate kits this time? I wanna see how they look.
Replies: >>2196
Yeah, I'm thinking we should use the "Otters Crossing" kit for this one
Hold on, I think we'll need to turn Nuria and St. Cuthbert into proper wingers to make this work, otterwise they're gonna drop back when the wingbacks come forward (we don't want that)
So it's gonna be LWF, RWF (Prolific Winger; Incisive Run, First Time Shot), th,at's gonna change our formation to a 4-2-1-3 basically
Replies: >>2209 >>2220
We can probably just have them right at the edge between winger/midfielder so our formation will look mostly the same
Replies: >>3463
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We either just saved our team or totally messed it up. Let's find out.
Replies: >>2248
we should also change our sub strategy accordingly
>Sub off 2 most tired attackers at 70'
Sub off most tired defender at 80'
Apparently the tactic works even for left/right midfielders, but i prefer doing it this way anyway.
Should we have tactics to use in case we're losing? I'd suggest switching to counter attack and turning on gegenpress.
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/otter/ get
switch counter target to AMF since he's the passing guy now
Formation: 4-2-3-1

Attacking Instructions
        Attacking Styles:	Possession Game
        Build Up: 		Long Pass
        Attacking Area: 	Wide
        Positioning: 		Maintain Position
        Support Range: 	5
Defensive Instructions
        Defensive Styles: 	Frontline Pressure
        Containment: 	Middle
        Pressuring: 		Aggressive
        Defensive Line: 	5
        Compactness: 	7
Advanced Instructions:
        Attack 1: 		Centring Targets
        Attack 2: 		Attacking Fullbacks
        Defence 1: 		Counter Target (AMF)	
        Defence 2: 		OFF

Player Settings:
Select Captain: Bishan Dad
Long Free Kick Taker: Bishan Dad
Short FK Taker: St. Cuthbert
FK Taker 2: Otter von Bismarck
Left Corner Kick Taker: Emmet
Right CK Taker: *schlopschlopschlopschlopschlop
Penalty Kick Taker: Small-clawed Otter
Players to Join Attack: none

Substitution Strategies:
Sub off 2 most tired attackers at 65'
Sub off most tired defender at 75'

I'm putting subs in a little earlier so players don't die of exhaustion
oh wait, is left corner our left or their left? Anyways, just put them on whatever side they're on
Replies: >>2254
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This all works perfectly in my head
Okay, final change to the final strategy: make containment wide and compactness 4. Now it's good. I hope.
Replies: >>2250 >>3463
ah, and put Zarathustra as Long FK taker.
Replies: >>3463
>just found out COM playing styles don't even change player abilities
Pls replace speeding bullet with track back on defence.
Replies: >>2257
Yeah, it's your left. Top left corner on that picture of your player formation, so a right-footed kicker will curl the ball in towards the goal and a left-footed kicker will curl outwards. (I honestly don't know if one strategy is any more advantageous since I've seen goals off either technique, but my current strategy is curling in on both corners.)
Track back might work on fullbacks if they're playing offensively, but on centerbacks it's a poor choice since it's meant mainly for the opposing half. I'd use a different card for those.
Replies: >>2262 >>3463
Hmm, just give CBs man marking instead then.
Replies: >>3463
Replies: >>2301
I've found some free downloadable models here, which would you like?
I can do basic changes like making one more round or basic color changes. I like the one with pink spikes (although if you want I could make it more purple and textured to be less cartoony).
Replies: >>2302
This one here looks pretty lifelike
Replies: >>2303
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Replies: >>2304
Thanks, that looks delicious
New otter icup thread
Replies: >>2321
You guys moved?
Replies: >>2322
Sub strategies should be
>Sub off Nuria for Chungungo at 65
>Sub off St. Cuthbert for AAAAAAAAAA at 65
>Sub off most tired defender at 75
Replies: >>2528
Replies: >>2529
It's right there.
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which ICUP match is this from?
Replies: >>2728 >>2733
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I'm dying, SKF, please put this on the intermission page when we stream
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Also, memes
Replies: >>2837
/otter/ vs >>>/pro/ showdown when?
Replies: >>2743 >>2878
Cease this rat vs rat D&C immediately
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>manlet mania
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Who would win???
Just coming here to say to anyone that might need to know that Otterchan has moved to, so if we need to be contacted about icup developments, that's where to go
Replies: >>2896 >>2898 >>3030
We're not in the ring anymore, otterbro.
Replies: >>2897
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Does that prevent us from participating? I know that riggers still gave updates when we first left the webring
Replies: >>2899
I don't think the 'ring rule matters that much anymore. Basically unless you're a bad actor or /leftypol/ you can probably participate.
My issue is that we need to find SKF or a good host in his stead.
I mean not just in a technical sense, Otterchat isn't aligned with the webring. It wouldn't be fair nor appropriate to still participate
Replies: >>2916
So what? /otter/ is one of the funnest teams and worthy of a place in the cup.
Replies: >>2923
"/otter/" implies an anonymous imageboard. Not sure if the admin of otterchat will keep those two traits after revamping the site.
- if it doesn't, it fits just as badly as a runescape discord or your mom's facebook group.
- if it does, I see no problem with allowing /otter/, regardless of whether otterchat is part of the webring and regardless of whether the admin supports the team. Even if the admin is the >normies get out reee type, there are otters (heh) who want to manage the icup team. And everyone could use a bit of cross-pollination across these absolute niches.
Replies: >>2991
Who cares, the cup is a designated otter safe space, I want /otter/ in
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Why is every single alt chan so damn dead?
Replies: >>3033 >>3379
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We are  the last of a dying breed.
Also go otters wooooo I only posted there once and have no idea what shenanigans went down but it doesn't exist anymore but /otter/ will forever live in my heart.
Replies: >>3038
Otterchat is their new board but there's barely any activity
Replies: >>3042
That's always been the way it is
Because you, yes you, don't post more often.
Replies: >>3380
this, I use zzzchan all the time and it's only marginally less dead because of that, be the change you want to see in the world but for the love of god don't invite redditors
>>2249 & >>2250
Note that *schlopschlopschlop* is a Defensive Fullback with track back. ( >>2257 )
Note that there is one spare placeholder slot for a sub player.
Is the anon who made this still here? I can't quite get the face right.
Replies: >>3694
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Since we are apparently joining, here are some updates to the roster that had been requested.

Maximum chin and jaw are what's important.
Replies: >>3703
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Done. Can Otter Physics and CODCT have a portrait?
Replies: >>3713 >>3765
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Can do. There's many examples of otters doing cute things, but I'm gonna pick this otter enjoying every otter's two favorite things: buckets and leaves.
Replies: >>3714
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Transparent version, of course
The amount of beard that PES allows is disappointing, isn't it
Replies: >>3770
For sure, they're all basically flat and the colour selections are crappy unless you make your own.
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I noticed the Low Punt Trajectory card thing, you can replace it with Long Range Drive for Zarathustra. Btw, would it be possible for Bishan Dad to have a more Southeast Asian appearance? He's meant to be from there after all.
Replies: >>3908
Sure thing, same with Mum too?
Replies: >>3911
Sure, even though she's rarely seen
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Hey, if you could make our CK takers to be curling in, that'd be neato. Everything looks fine otherwise.

And a couple of banner texts:
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