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Yes, we are doing it.

Formation 4-2-2-2

GK Emir Abdelkader
LB Imam Malik
CB Imam Hanbal
CB Imam Shafi'i
RB Imam Abu Hanifa
DMF Nur ad-Din Zengi
DMF Saif ad-Din Qutuz 
AMF Mehmed the Conqueror (b)
AMF Suleiman the Magnificent (b)
CF Tariq Ibn Ziyad (s)
CF Saladin (g)

GK Tugrul Beg
LB Imam Bukhari
CB Imam Muslim
CB Imam Tirmidhi
RB Imam Nawawi
RB Imam Abu Dawud
DMF Qalawun
DMF Baibars
AMF Dragut
AMF Babur
CF Aurangzeb
CF Timur
Replies: >>1542
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Goal horn
Replies: >>2037
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>>1536 (OP) 
Can I please suggest you take Assad as one of your players
Replies: >>1543 >>1575
Hmm, nah
Replies: >>1546
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Can we make players look like this?
Replies: >>1547 >>1562
ok, then add the Hamoud Baby
Replies: >>1575
if you are good at modeling, or just take 3d models as I'm pretty sure plenty exist for Islamic Raiders
/islam/ Strategy Guide

Attacking Instructions
Attacking Styles:	 	Possession Game
Build Up:		 	Short-Pass
Attacking Area: 	 	Wide
Positioning: 	 	 	Maintain Formation
Support Range:	 	8
Defensive Instructions
Defensive Styles:  	Frontline Pressure
Containment Area: 	Wide
Pressuring: 	 	 	Aggressive
Defensive Line: 	 	3
Compactness:	 	6
Advanced Instructions:
Attack 1: 		 	Wing Rotation
Attack 2: 		 	Off
Defence 1: 	 	 	Tight Marking
Defence 2: 	 	 	Gegenpress

Substitution Strategies: Sub off most tired non medals at 75'
Replies: >>1569 >>1597 >>2256
Cards / Styles
GK Emir Abdelkader: Offensive Goalkeeper
>GK Long Throw
LB Imam Malik: Offensive Fullback 
>Fighting Spirit, Low Lofted Pass
CB Imam Hanbal Extra Frontman
>Acrobatic Clear, Man Marking
CB Imam Shafi'i: The Instigator
>Man Marking, Heading
RB Imam Abu Hanifa: Offensive Fullback 
>Fighting Spirit, Pinpoint Crossing
DMF Nur ad-Din Zengi: The Destroyer
>Speeding Bullet, Track Back
DMF Saif ad-Din Qutuz: The Destroyer
>Speeding Bullet, Track Back
AMF Mehmed the Conqueror (b): Hole Player
>Low Punt Trajectory, Long Ranger, First Time Shot
AMF Suleiman the Magnificent (b): Box-to-Box
>Fighting Spirit, Track Back, Weighted Pass
SS Tariq Ibn Ziyad (s): Creative Playmaker
>Fighting Spirit, Acrobatic Finishing, First Time Shot, Heading
CF Saladin (g): Target Man
>Captaincy, Mazing Run, Acrobatic Finishing, First Time Shot, Knuckle Shot, Track Back, Heading

GK Tugrul Beg: Offensive Goalkeeper
>GK Long Throw
LB Imam Bukhari: Offensive Fullback 
>Fighting Spirit, Low Lofted Pass
CB Imam Muslim: Extra Frontman
>Acrobatic Clear, Man Marking
CB Imam Tirmidhi: The Instigator
>Man Marking, Heading
RB Imam Nawawi: Offensive Fullback 
>Fighting Spirit, Pinpoint Crossing
RB Imam Abu Dawud: Offensive Fullback 
>Fighting Spirit, Pinpoint Crossing
DMF Qalawun: The Destroyer
>Speeding Bullet, Track Back
DMF Baibars: The Destroyer
>Speeding Bullet, Track Back
AMF Dragut: Box-to-Box
>Fighting Spirit, Track Back
AMF Babur: Hole Player
>Low Punt Trajectory, Long Ranger
SS Aurangzeb: Creative Playmaker
>First Time Shot, Acrobatic Finishing
CF Timur: Target Man
>Mazing Run, Acrobatic Finishing
Replies: >>2256
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Welcome aboard, brothers.
How about using models from Total War Medieval 2? I think they'd look pretty good.
Replies: >>1564
By the way, I need to know this for the sake of the wiki: is the board you're representing the one on or the one on 8kun or any other imageboard?
Replies: >>1564
Maybe, if somebody can extract them.

That'll be the one in this cafe.
Replies: >>1568
Thank you.
Also it's definitely doable, if is to be believed. Probably would need some format change for their models but it's doable.
Replies: >>1642
>numbers in defence: many
>numbers in attack: many
Replies: >>1571
Not only based, but also Golden Horde pilled
DISCLAIMER: Any virtual soccer match result of this team vs. /christian/ does not determine which religion is better.
Replies: >>1573 >>1574
What do you mean, it obviously will
And we already know that /lang/ won
Too secular
Not relevant enough
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Why does your team have no houris on it?
Replies: >>1585 >>1586
>serve the goddess of love
>posting shirk in the /islam/ thread
wew lad
لا اله الا الله
> Support Range: 8
Hmmm, make that 5 instead.
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What should our stadium/pitch look like? Also can somebody test out this strategy? I'd be curious to see if it works.
Replies: >>1643
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If that doesn't work here's kits.
Replies: >>1644
I tested it and seeing players pile up in heaps of spaghetti from all that aggressive pressing is very entertaining.
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1st one looks a bit close to the /unna/ one, so here's a different one
Can we add our own chants?[Embed]
Replies: >>1724 >>1831
Also, please let us hear the ADHAN instead of the normal stadium music.[Embed]
Replies: >>1729
If we don't have commentary, sure.
I was mulling on whether to keep a bunch of music in the background anyhow.
Replies: >>1834
The four Imams in the back line need to have orbs of light for heads.
Replies: >>1936 >>2200
Add this one too[Embed]
Hmm, I was wondering whether to we should take the Faatiha as our "anthem", but I'm worried they might cut it off or talk over it. But the Qur'an is more beautiful and beneficial than any nasheed.
Made a model for it: We definitely should do this. I don't want to show them as images. If this is possible I'm looking forward to the games.
Replies: >>2200
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An adboard.
Replies: >>1987 >>1989
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Made some more
Replies: >>1989 >>1990
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forgot to resize the first one
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this would be better i think
Replies: >>2038
or this[Embed]
also important:
>Goal celebration 1: 106
>Goal celebration 2: 42
has this been implemented yet?
Replies: >>2203 >>2213
I have made a player model for this but cannot upload a preview yet. Hopefully I can show it soon.
Replies: >>2204
in sha Allah
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PES doesn't allow custom materials so I faked it with some gradient textures. How does this look?
(I tested on another team so don't worry about the different names and uniforms)
Replies: >>2229
Very nice. 
Is there a shorts model that goes past the knees? If so we'd like to use that one.
Replies: >>2238
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I do not think there is, only undershorts which barely cover the knees. However, there is an option for long socks which cover all the skin below the waist.
Replies: >>2240
 الحمد لله
We'll take it.
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I have made a few tactical revisions to the team:

Team Strategy:
Formation: 4-3-3

Attacking Instructions
Attacking Styles:	 	Counter Attack
Build Up:		 	Short-Pass
Attacking Area: 	 	Wide
Positioning: 	 	 	Maintain Formation
Support Range:	 	3
Defensive Instructions 
Defensive Styles:  	All-out Defence
Containment Area: 	Wide
Pressuring: 	 	 	Conservative
Defensive Line: 	 	3
Compactness:	 	3

Advanced Instructions:
Attack 1: 		 	Wing Rotation
Defence 1: 	 	 	Tight Marking

Players, styles, cards:
Emir Abdelkader
Position: 	GK
Style: 		Offensive Goalkeeper
Cards: 		GK Long Throw

Imam Malik
Position: 	LB
Style: 		Offensive Fullback
Cards: 		Weighted Pass, Pinpoint Crossing

Imam Abu Hanifa
Position: 	RB
Style: 		Offensive Fullback
Cards: 		Weighted Pass, Pinpoint Crossing

Imam Shafi'i
Position: 	CB
Style: 		The Instigator
Cards: 		Heading, Acrobatic Clear
Height: 		189

Imam Hanbal
Position: 	CB
Style:		The Instigator
Cards:		Heading, Acrobatic Clear
Height: 		189

Saif ad Din Qutuz
Position: 	DMF
Style:		Anchor Man
Cards: 		Man Marking, Acrobatic Clear

Mehmed the Conqueror (*)
Position: 	DMF
Style: 		The Destroyer
Cards:		Man Marking, Track Back, Fighting Spirit
Height: 		195

Nur ad-Din Zengi
Position: 	CMF
Style: 		Box-to-Box
Cards: 		Fighting Spirit, Weighted Pass

Suleiman the Magnificent (*)
Position: 	LWF
Style: 		Creative Playmaker
Cards: 		Pinpoint Crossing, Weighted Pass, Low Lofted Pass

Tariq Ibn Ziyad ()
Position: 	RWF
Style: 		Prolific Winger
Cards: 		Low Punt Trajectory, Track Back, Long Range Drive, First Time Shot

Saladin (*)
Position:		CF
Style:		Goal Poacher
Cards: 		Heading, First Time Shot, Knuckle Shot, Acrobatic Finishing, Outside Curler, Track Back, Captaincy
It really doesn't matter if we win, we just have to deliver the message
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A few stadium ideas
I found a few nice free models. We could make our own stadium with Islamic architecture. If somebody knows Blender maybe could put something together?
Replies: >>2709 >>3053
We're currently using only historic figures on our team... Maybe we can have some players to represent Islamic virtues and values?

>God is One
>Follow the Messenger
>Hope and Fear
Replies: >>2999
new anthem[Embed]
new goalhorn
Replies: >>3880
I gotta say, even though I'm a christian, some of these Mosques are breath taking. I think there was one in Morocco where it's all colored glass mosaics using natural light to shine symbols on the ground.
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What do you think of these changes?
New logo that's a bit more pleasant I think
Victory anthem[Embed] (Yes the full two hours)

>>2707 Changed the roster up a bit (with strategy etc all staying the same)
GK Fortress of the Muslim
LB Imam Malik
CB Imam Hanbal
CB Imam Shafi'i
RB Imam Abu Hanifa
DMF give to the poor
DMF be nice to mum
AMF stop swearing 
AMF fear God
CF Saladin (s)
CF Khalid ibn Walid (g)

GK al-Adab al-Mufrad
LB Imam Bukhari
CB Imam Muslim
CB Imam Tirmidhi
RB Imam Nawawi
RB Imam Abu Dawud
DMF Purity
DMF Kindness
AMF Patience
AMF Charity
CF Tariq Ibn Ziyad
CF Mehmed the Conqueror
Replies: >>3014 >>3426 >>3880
The original logo fit just nice, but if you want to change it more power to you, update the wiki with it (maybe leave the original like in a trivia section or something)
Replies: >>3451
Speaking of, where are you guys right now? I never see anyone on the cafe's /islam/ board. Is it on 8kun now?
Replies: >>3017
still here >>>/islam/
Just doesn't get very many posts
Are there good models, even just for faces, for some of these characters?
The player positions in these two contradict (one is the updated 4-3-3, the other uses the old 4-2-2-2 at the top). Could you please update either the positions of the new players or the strategy?
I am assuming Khalid ibn Walid is the captain.
Replies: >>3451
Yeah, it should use 4-3-3 still, make "fear God" left winger, Saladin right winger, the DMFs should be CMF and the remaining AMF should be DMF. Same thing in the subs of course. 

I agree keeping the original logo is fine, that one was just an idea.
Replies: >>3452
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Alright, so switching to 2 CMFs and a DMF (instead of that image of 2 DMFs and a CMF). I flipped the midfield formation like this to match it.
The DMF has the stats of Mehmed the Conqueror (Bronze,195 TheDestroyer, ManMark,TrackBack,FightingSpirit), both CMFs are now Box-to-Box, Fighting Spirit, Weighted Pass. Sub midfields remained 2 DMF, 2 CMF.
Let me know if that isn't what you want, because I did make some assumptions.

As for the logo, they both look nice. You pick.
Replies: >>3456
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Ah, two DMFs would be better I think. We could use an anchor man, so maybe move stop swearing to DMF too and make give to the poor our CMF, keeping all the original tactics in >>2256. 
I decided to combine the two logos, I think it looks good this way.
Replies: >>3458 >>3766
I like that too. Square logos aren't bad, a couple of other teams use them, but they kind of ruin the flow.
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I made some kits to fit the aesthetic. The green one should be for the goalkeeper. What would be really cool is if our team could have players of every race; Europeans, Arabs, Africans, Asians, Indians, etc. to reflect the reality of the Muslim world. 

I would turn wing rotation off; from what I've gathered, the PES AI is not great at taking advantage of it. Instead I would request that Gegenpress be turned on in case the team is not in the lead in the second half.
Replies: >>3767 >>3769
>What would be really cool is if our team could have players of every race; Europeans, Arabs, Africans, Asians, Indians, etc. to reflect the reality of the Muslim world
We should have at least one blonde blue eyed player.
And since it's become an issue, replace Tariq Ibn Ziyad's Low Punt Trajectory card with Long Ranger.
I did have a light-skinned European and someone looking tropical Asian but the other 12 with faces all look Arabic or African (some due to making a few look like who they're named after... somewhat, and the others out of laziness). I'll add a splash of more variety.

>the PES AI is not great at taking advantage of it
Yeah, there are a few disappointments with the version/patch we use, but we'll be sticking with it until we have the manpower to port all the models to a new version. Tactical changes and kits done (nice and pretty!).
Replies: >>3782
I wanna make some more changes to the cards, posting this so I don't forget
Okay, some changes.
Advanced Attack 1: OFF
Advanced Defence 1: Tight marking on opponent's best forward
Advanced Defence 2: Gegenpress IF trailing in second half

Changes in bold, keep the same otherwise: 
Imam Malik
Position: 	LB
Style: 		Defensive Fullback
Cards: 		Man Marking, Acrobatic Clear

Imam Abu Hanifa
Position: 	RB
Style: 		Offensive Fullback
Cards: 		Man Marking, Pinpoint Crossing

Imam Hanbal
Position: 	CB
Style:		Extra Frontman
Cards:		Heading, Acrobatic Clear
Height: 		189

give to the poor
Position: 	CMF
Style: 		Classic No. 10
Cards: 		Weighted Pass, Track Back

Saladin (**)
Position: 	RWF
Style: 		Prolific Winger
Cards: 		Low Lofted Pass, Track Back, Long Range Drive, First Time Shot

Goal celebrations: 106, 42 on all forwards

As for bench players:
Imam Bukhari
Position: 	LB
Style: 		Defensive Fullback
Cards: 		Man Marking, Acrobatic Clear

Imam Nawawi
Position: 	RB
Style: 		Offensive Fullback
Cards: 		Man Marking, Pinpoint Crossing

Imam Abu Dawud
Position: 	RB
Style: 		Offensive Fullback
Cards: 		Man Marking, Pinpoint Crossing

Position:	DMF
Style:		Anchor Man
Cards: 		Man Marking, Acrobatic Clear

Position:	DMF
Style:		Anchor Man
Cards: 		Man Marking, Acrobatic Clear

Position:	DMF
Style:		Anchor Man
Cards: 		Man Marking, Acrobatic Clear

Position:	CMF
Style: 		Classic No. 10
Cards: 		Weighted Pass, Track Back

Tariq ibn Ziyad
Position:	CMF
Style: 		Classic No. 10
Cards: 		Weighted Pass, Track Back

Mehmed the Conqueror
Position:	CMF
Style: 		Classic No. 10
Cards: 		Weighted Pass, Track Back
Replies: >>3857
>Goal celebrations: 106, 42 on all forwards
An excellent choice.
Replies: >>3880
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This anthem is good, let's use it.

>Victory anthem 
Let it be al Qur'an, it must be heard. Even just a short clip. The Salawat could be a good goalhorn instead.

Replies: >>3916 >>3929
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And here's our formation, aren't shape tools great
Replies: >>3892
You could use a formation maker online
Replies: >>3909 >>3912
Honestly I should you make a template with the same dimensions as PES to remove ambiguity, many tools have different dimension pitches (fun fact: IIRC the 'laws of the game' don't specify exact field dimensions, only a range)
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alright, that works too
Replies: >>3917
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If we are going with Ghurabaa2 then I would prefer this version (from 1:11), as it fits in the 40 seconds as well.
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With names of course
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I see we can use specific themes for each player too.
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